path: root/tests/examplefiles/type.lisp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/examplefiles/type.lisp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1218 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/type.lisp b/tests/examplefiles/type.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index c02c29df..00000000
--- a/tests/examplefiles/type.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1218 +0,0 @@
-;;;; TYPEP und Verwandtes
-;;;; Michael Stoll, 21. 10. 1988
-;;;; Bruno Haible, 10.6.1989
-;;;; Sam Steingold 2000-2005
-;;; Datenstrukturen für TYPEP:
-;;; - Ein Type-Specifier-Symbol hat auf seiner Propertyliste unter dem
-;;; Indikator SYS::TYPE-SYMBOL eine Funktion von einem Argument, die
-;;; testet, ob ein Objekt vom richtigen Typ ist.
-;;; - Ein Symbol, das eine Type-Specifier-Liste beginnen kann, hat auf seiner
-;;; Propertyliste unter dem Indikator SYS::TYPE-LIST eine Funktion von
-;;; einem Argument für das zu testende Objekt und zusätzlichen Argumenten
-;;; für die Listenelemente.
-;;; - Ein Symbol, das als Typmacro definiert wurde, hat auf seiner Property-
-;;; liste unter dem Indikator SYSTEM::DEFTYPE-EXPANDER den zugehörigen
-;;; Expander: eine Funktion, die den zu expandierenden Type-Specifier (eine
-;;; mindestens einelementige Liste) als Argument bekommt.
-(in-package "EXT")
-(export '(type-expand))
-(in-package "SYSTEM")
-; vorläufig, solange bis clos.lisp geladen wird:
-(eval-when (eval)
- (predefun clos::built-in-class-p (object) (declare (ignore object)) nil))
-(unless (fboundp 'clos::class-name)
- (defun clos::class-name (c) (declare (ignore c)) nil)
-(defun typespec-error (fun type)
- (error-of-type 'error
- (TEXT "~S: invalid type specification ~S")
- fun type
-) )
-;; ============================================================================
-;; return the CLOS class named by TYPESPEC or NIL
-(defun clos-class (typespec)
- (let ((cc (get typespec 'CLOS::CLOSCLASS)))
- (when (and cc (clos::defined-class-p cc) (eq (clos:class-name cc) typespec))
- cc)))
-;;; TYPEP, CLTL S. 72, S. 42-51
-(defun typep (x y &optional env &aux f) ; x = Objekt, y = Typ
- (declare (ignore env))
- (setq y (expand-deftype y))
- (cond
- ((symbolp y)
- (cond ((setq f (get y 'TYPE-SYMBOL)) (funcall f x))
- ((setq f (get y 'TYPE-LIST)) (funcall f x))
- ((setq f (get y 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION)) (ds-typep x y f))
- ((setq f (clos-class y))
- ; It's not worth handling structure classes specially here.
- (clos::typep-class x f))
- (t (typespec-error 'typep y))
- ) )
- ((and (consp y) (symbolp (first y)))
- (cond
- ((and (eq (first y) 'SATISFIES) (eql (length y) 2))
- (unless (symbolp (second y))
- (error-of-type 'error
- (TEXT "~S: argument to SATISFIES must be a symbol: ~S")
- 'typep (second y)
- ) )
- (if (funcall (symbol-function (second y)) x) t nil)
- )
- ((eq (first y) 'MEMBER)
- (if (member x (rest y)) t nil)
- )
- ((and (eq (first y) 'EQL) (eql (length y) 2))
- (eql x (second y))
- )
- ((and (eq (first y) 'NOT) (eql (length y) 2))
- (not (typep x (second y)))
- )
- ((eq (first y) 'AND)
- (dolist (type (rest y) t)
- (unless (typep x type) (return nil))
- ) )
- ((eq (first y) 'OR)
- (dolist (type (rest y) nil)
- (when (typep x type) (return t))
- ) )
- ((setq f (get (first y) 'TYPE-LIST)) (apply f x (rest y)))
- (t (typespec-error 'typep y))
- ) )
- ((clos::defined-class-p y) (clos::typep-class x y))
- ((clos::eql-specializer-p y) (eql x (clos::eql-specializer-singleton y)))
- ((encodingp y) (charset-typep x y))
- (t (typespec-error 'typep y))
-) )
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;; UPGRADED-ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE is a lattice homomorphism, see
-(defun upgraded-array-element-type (type &optional environment)
- (declare (ignore environment))
- ;; see array.d
- (case type
- ((BIT) 'BIT)
- ((T) 'T)
- ((NIL) 'NIL)
- (t (if (subtypep type 'NIL)
- 'NIL
- (multiple-value-bind (low high) (sys::subtype-integer type)
- ; Es gilt (or (null low) (subtypep type `(INTEGER ,low ,high)))
- (if (and (integerp low) (not (minusp low)) (integerp high))
- (let ((l (integer-length high)))
- ; Es gilt (subtypep type `(UNSIGNED-BYTE ,l))
- (cond ((<= l 1) 'BIT)
- ((<= l 2) '(UNSIGNED-BYTE 2))
- ((<= l 4) '(UNSIGNED-BYTE 4))
- ((<= l 8) '(UNSIGNED-BYTE 8))
- ((<= l 16) '(UNSIGNED-BYTE 16))
- ((<= l 32) '(UNSIGNED-BYTE 32))
- (t 'T)))
- (if (subtypep type 'CHARACTER)
- 'T)))))))
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;; UPGRADED-COMPLEX-PART-TYPE is a lattice homomorphism, see
-;; HyperSpec/Body/fun_complex.html and HyperSpec/Body/syscla_complex.html,
-;; and an idempotent. Therefore
-;; (subtypep (upgraded-complex-part-type T1) (upgraded-complex-part-type T2))
-;; is equivalent to
-;; (subtypep T1 (upgraded-complex-part-type T2))
-;; (Proof: Let U T be an abbreviation for (upgraded-complex-part-type T).
-;; If U T1 <= U T2, then T1 <= U T1 <= U T2.
-;; If T1 <= U T2, then by homomorphism U T1 <= U U T2 = U T2.)
-;; For _any_ CL implementation, you could define
-;; (defun upgraded-complex-part-type (type) 'REAL)
-;; Likewise for _any_ CL implementation, you could define
-;; (defun upgraded-complex-part-type (type) type)
-;; or - again for _any_ CL implementation:
-;; (defun upgraded-complex-part-type (type)
-;; (cond ((subtypep type 'NIL) 'NIL)
-;; ((subtypep type 'SHORT-FLOAT) 'SHORT-FLOAT)
-;; ((subtypep type 'SINGLE-FLOAT) 'SINGLE-FLOAT)
-;; ((subtypep type 'DOUBLE-FLOAT) 'DOUBLE-FLOAT)
-;; ((subtypep type 'LONG-FLOAT) 'LONG-FLOAT)
-;; ((subtypep type 'RATIONAL) 'RATIONAL)
-;; ((subtypep type 'REAL) 'REAL)
-;; (t (error ...))))
-;; The reason is that a complex number is immutable: no setters for the
-;; realpart and imagpart exist.
-;; We choose the second implementation because it allows the most precise
-;; type inference.
-(defun upgraded-complex-part-type (type &optional environment)
- (declare (ignore environment))
- (if (subtypep type 'REAL)
- type
- (error-of-type 'error
- (TEXT "~S: type ~S is not a subtype of ~S")
- 'upgraded-complex-part-type type 'real)))
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-;; Macros for defining the various built-in "atomic type specifier"s and
-;; "compound type specifier"s. The following macros add information for both
-;; the TYPEP function above and the c-TYPEP in the compiler.
-; Alist symbol -> funname, used by the compiler.
-(defparameter c-typep-alist1 '())
-; Alist symbol -> lambdabody, used by the compiler.
-(defparameter c-typep-alist2 '())
-; Alist symbol -> expander function, used by the compiler.
-(defparameter c-typep-alist3 '())
-; (def-atomic-type symbol function-name)
-; defines an atomic type. The function-name designates a function taking one
-; argument and returning a generalized boolean value. It can be either a
-; symbol or a lambda expression.
-(defmacro def-atomic-type (symbol funname)
- (let ((lambdap (and (consp funname) (eq (car funname) 'LAMBDA))))
- (SETF (GET ',symbol 'TYPE-SYMBOL)
- ,(if lambdap
- `(FUNCTION ,(concat-pnames "TYPE-SYMBOL-" symbol) ,funname)
- `(FUNCTION ,funname)
- )
- )
- ,(if lambdap
- (NCONC C-TYPEP-ALIST2 (LIST (CONS ',symbol ',(cdr funname))))
- )
- (NCONC C-TYPEP-ALIST1 (LIST (CONS ',symbol ',funname)))
- )
- )
- ',symbol
- )
-) )
-; (def-compound-type symbol lambda-list (x) check-form typep-form c-typep-form)
-; defines a compound type. The lambda-list is of the form (&optional ...)
-; where the arguments come from the CDR of the type specifier.
-; For typep-form, x is an object.
-; For c-typep-form, x is a multiply evaluatable form (actually a gensym).
-; check-form is a form performing error checking, may call `error'.
-; typep-form should return a generalized boolean value.
-; c-typep-form should produce a form returning a generalized boolean value.
-(defmacro def-compound-type (symbol lambdalist (var) check-form typep-form c-typep-form)
- (SETF (GET ',symbol 'TYPE-LIST)
- (FUNCTION ,(concat-pnames "TYPE-LIST-" symbol)
- (LAMBDA (,var ,@lambdalist)
- ,@(if check-form
- ))
- ,check-form
- ))
- )
- ,typep-form
- ) ) )
- (LIST (CONS ',symbol
- #'(LAMBDA (,var ,@lambdalist &REST ILLEGAL-ARGS)
- ,@(if check-form
- )) )
- ,check-form
- ))
- )
- ,c-typep-form
- )
- ) ) ) )
- ',symbol
- )
-; CLtL1 p. 43
-(def-atomic-type ARRAY arrayp)
-(def-atomic-type ATOM atom)
-(def-atomic-type BASE-CHAR
- characterp
- (lambda (x) (and (characterp x) (base-char-p x)))
-(def-atomic-type BASE-STRING
- (lambda (x)
- (and (stringp x)
- (eq (array-element-type x)
-) ) ) )
-(def-atomic-type BIGNUM
- (lambda (x) (and (integerp x) (not (fixnump x))))
-(def-atomic-type BIT
- (lambda (x) (or (eql x 0) (eql x 1)))
-(def-atomic-type BIT-VECTOR bit-vector-p)
-(def-atomic-type BOOLEAN
- (lambda (x) (or (eq x 'nil) (eq x 't)))
-(def-atomic-type CHARACTER characterp)
-(def-atomic-type COMPILED-FUNCTION compiled-function-p)
-(def-atomic-type COMPLEX complexp)
-(def-atomic-type CONS consp)
-(def-atomic-type DOUBLE-FLOAT double-float-p)
-(def-atomic-type ENCODING encodingp)
-(def-atomic-type EXTENDED-CHAR
- (lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) nil)
- (lambda (x) (and (characterp x) (not (base-char-p x))))
-(def-atomic-type FIXNUM fixnump)
-(def-atomic-type FLOAT floatp)
-(def-atomic-type FUNCTION functionp)
-(def-atomic-type HASH-TABLE hash-table-p)
-(def-atomic-type INTEGER integerp)
-(def-atomic-type KEYWORD keywordp)
-(def-atomic-type LIST listp)
-(def-atomic-type LOGICAL-PATHNAME logical-pathname-p)
-(def-atomic-type LONG-FLOAT long-float-p)
-(def-atomic-type NIL
- (lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) nil)
-(def-atomic-type NULL null)
-(def-atomic-type NUMBER numberp)
-(def-atomic-type PACKAGE packagep)
-(def-atomic-type PATHNAME pathnamep)
-(def-atomic-type RANDOM-STATE random-state-p)
-(def-atomic-type RATIO
- (lambda (x) (and (rationalp x) (not (integerp x))))
-(def-atomic-type RATIONAL rationalp)
-(def-atomic-type READTABLE readtablep)
-(def-atomic-type REAL realp)
-(def-atomic-type SEQUENCE sequencep)
-(def-atomic-type SHORT-FLOAT short-float-p)
-(def-atomic-type SIMPLE-ARRAY simple-array-p)
-(def-atomic-type SIMPLE-BASE-STRING
- (lambda (x)
- (and (simple-string-p x)
- (eq (array-element-type x)
-) ) ) )
-(def-atomic-type SIMPLE-BIT-VECTOR simple-bit-vector-p)
-(def-atomic-type SIMPLE-STRING simple-string-p)
-(def-atomic-type SIMPLE-VECTOR simple-vector-p)
-(def-atomic-type SINGLE-FLOAT single-float-p)
-(defun %standard-char-p (x) (and (characterp x) (standard-char-p x))) ; ABI
-(def-atomic-type STANDARD-CHAR %standard-char-p)
-(def-atomic-type CLOS:STANDARD-OBJECT clos::std-instance-p)
-(def-atomic-type STREAM streamp)
-(def-atomic-type FILE-STREAM file-stream-p)
-(def-atomic-type SYNONYM-STREAM synonym-stream-p)
-(def-atomic-type BROADCAST-STREAM broadcast-stream-p)
-(def-atomic-type CONCATENATED-STREAM concatenated-stream-p)
-(def-atomic-type TWO-WAY-STREAM two-way-stream-p)
-(def-atomic-type ECHO-STREAM echo-stream-p)
-(def-atomic-type STRING-STREAM string-stream-p)
-(def-atomic-type STRING stringp)
-(def-atomic-type STRING-CHAR characterp)
-(def-atomic-type CLOS:STRUCTURE-OBJECT clos::structure-object-p)
-(def-atomic-type SYMBOL symbolp)
-(def-atomic-type T (lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) t))
-;; foreign1.lisp is loaded after this file,
-;; so these symbols are not external yet
-(def-atomic-type ffi::foreign-function
- (lambda (x) (eq 'ffi::foreign-function (type-of x))))
-(def-atomic-type ffi::foreign-variable
- (lambda (x) (eq 'ffi::foreign-variable (type-of x))))
-(def-atomic-type ffi::foreign-address
- (lambda (x) (eq 'ffi::foreign-address (type-of x))))
-;; see lispbibl.d (#define FOREIGN) and predtype.d (TYPE-OF):
-#+(or unix ffi affi win32)
-(def-atomic-type foreign-pointer
- (lambda (x) (eq 'foreign-pointer (type-of x))))
-(def-atomic-type VECTOR vectorp)
-(def-atomic-type PLIST
- (lambda (x) (multiple-value-bind (length tail) (list-length-dotted x)
- (and (null tail) (evenp length)))))
-(defmacro ensure-dim (type dim)
- ;; make sure DIM is a valid dimension
- `(unless (or (eq ,dim '*) (typep ,dim `(INTEGER 0 (,ARRAY-DIMENSION-LIMIT))))
- (error (TEXT "~S: dimension ~S is invalid") ',type ,dim)))
-(defmacro ensure-rank (type rank)
- ;; make sure RANK is a valid rank
- `(unless (typep ,rank `(INTEGER 0 (,ARRAY-RANK-LIMIT)))
- (error (TEXT "~S: rank ~S is invalid") ',type ,rank)))
-; CLtL1 p. 46-50
-(defun c-typep-array (tester el-type dims x)
- `(AND (,tester ,x)
- ,@(if (eq el-type '*)
- '()
- `((EQUAL (ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE ,x) ',(upgraded-array-element-type el-type)))
- )
- ,@(if (eq dims '*)
- '()
- (if (numberp dims)
- `((EQL ,dims (ARRAY-RANK ,x)))
- `((EQL ,(length dims) (ARRAY-RANK ,x))
- ,@(let ((i 0))
- (mapcap #'(lambda (dim)
- (prog1
- (if (eq dim '*)
- '()
- `((EQL ',dim (ARRAY-DIMENSION ,x ,i)))
- )
- (incf i)
- ) )
- dims
- ) )
- )
- ) )
- )
-(defun c-typep-vector (tester size x)
- `(AND (,tester ,x)
- ,@(if (eq size '*)
- '()
- `((EQL ',size (ARRAY-DIMENSION ,x 0)))
- )
- )
-(defun typep-number-test (x low high test type)
- (and (funcall test x)
- (cond ((eq low '*))
- ((funcall test low) (<= low x))
- ((and (consp low) (null (rest low)) (funcall test (first low)))
- (< (first low) x)
- )
- (t (error-of-type 'error
- #1=(TEXT "~S: argument to ~S must be *, ~S or a list of ~S: ~S")
- 'typep type type type low
- ) ) )
- (cond ((eq high '*))
- ((funcall test high) (>= high x))
- ((and (consp high) (null (rest high)) (funcall test (first high)))
- (> (first high) x)
- )
- (t (error-of-type 'error
- #1# 'typep type type type high
-) ) ) ) )
-(defun c-typep-number (caller tester low high x)
- `(AND (,tester ,x)
- ,@(cond ((eq low '*) '())
- ((funcall tester low) `((<= ,low ,x)))
- ((and (consp low) (null (rest low)) (funcall tester (first low)))
- `((< ,(first low) ,x))
- )
- (t (c-warn #1=(TEXT "~S: argument to ~S must be *, ~S or a list of ~S: ~S")
- 'typep caller caller caller low
- )
- (throw 'c-TYPEP nil)
- ) )
- ,@(cond ((eq high '*) '())
- ((funcall tester high) `((>= ,high ,x)))
- ((and (consp high) (null (rest high)) (funcall tester (first high)))
- `((> ,(first high) ,x))
- )
- (t (c-warn #1# 'typep caller caller caller high)
- (throw 'c-TYPEP nil)
- ) )
- )
-(def-compound-type ARRAY (&optional (el-type '*) (dims '*)) (x)
- (unless (eq dims '*)
- (if (numberp dims)
- (ensure-rank ARRAY dims)
- (dolist (dim dims) (ensure-dim ARRAY dim))))
- (and (arrayp x)
- (or (eq el-type '*)
- (equal (array-element-type x) (upgraded-array-element-type el-type))
- )
- (or (eq dims '*)
- (if (numberp dims)
- (eql dims (array-rank x))
- (and (eql (length dims) (array-rank x))
- (every #'(lambda (a b) (or (eq a '*) (eql a b)))
- dims (array-dimensions x)
- ) ) ) ) )
- (c-typep-array 'ARRAYP el-type dims x)
-(def-compound-type SIMPLE-ARRAY (&optional (el-type '*) (dims '*)) (x)
- (unless (eq dims '*)
- (if (numberp dims)
- (ensure-rank SIMPLE-ARRAY dims)
- (dolist (dim dims) (ensure-dim SIMPLE-ARRAY dim))))
- (and (simple-array-p x)
- (or (eq el-type '*)
- (equal (array-element-type x) (upgraded-array-element-type el-type))
- )
- (or (eq dims '*)
- (if (numberp dims)
- (eql dims (array-rank x))
- (and (eql (length dims) (array-rank x))
- (every #'(lambda (a b) (or (eq a '*) (eql a b)))
- dims (array-dimensions x)
- ) ) ) ) )
- (c-typep-array 'SIMPLE-ARRAY-P el-type dims x)
-(def-compound-type VECTOR (&optional (el-type '*) (size '*)) (x)
- (ensure-dim VECTOR size)
- (and (vectorp x)
- (or (eq el-type '*)
- (equal (array-element-type x) (upgraded-array-element-type el-type))
- )
- (or (eq size '*) (eql (array-dimension x 0) size))
- )
- `(AND (VECTORP ,x)
- ,@(if (eq el-type '*)
- '()
- `((EQUAL (ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE ,x) ',(upgraded-array-element-type el-type)))
- )
- ,@(if (eq size '*)
- '()
- `((EQL (ARRAY-DIMENSION ,x 0) ',size))
- )
- )
-(def-compound-type SIMPLE-VECTOR (&optional (size '*)) (x)
- (ensure-dim SIMLPE-VECTOR size)
- (and (simple-vector-p x)
- (or (eq size '*) (eql size (array-dimension x 0)))
- )
- (c-typep-vector 'SIMPLE-VECTOR-P size x)
-(def-compound-type COMPLEX (&optional (rtype '*) (itype rtype)) (x)
- nil
- (and (complexp x)
- (or (eq rtype '*)
- (typep (realpart x) (upgraded-complex-part-type rtype)))
- (or (eq itype '*)
- (typep (imagpart x) (upgraded-complex-part-type itype))))
- ,@(if (eq rtype '*)
- '()
- `((TYPEP (REALPART ,x) ',(upgraded-complex-part-type rtype))))
- ,@(if (eq itype '*)
- '()
- `((TYPEP (IMAGPART ,x) ',(upgraded-complex-part-type itype))))))
-(def-compound-type INTEGER (&optional (low '*) (high '*)) (x)
- nil
- (typep-number-test x low high #'integerp 'INTEGER)
- (c-typep-number 'INTEGER 'INTEGERP low high x)
-(def-compound-type MOD (n) (x)
- (unless (integerp n)
- (error (TEXT "~S: argument to MOD must be an integer: ~S")
- 'typep n
- ) )
- (and (integerp x) (<= 0 x) (< x n))
- `(AND (INTEGERP ,x) (NOT (MINUSP ,x)) (< ,x ,n))
-(def-compound-type SIGNED-BYTE (&optional (n '*)) (x)
- (unless (or (eq n '*) (integerp n))
- (error (TEXT "~S: argument to SIGNED-BYTE must be an integer or * : ~S")
- 'typep n
- ) )
- (and (integerp x) (or (eq n '*) (< (integer-length x) n)))
- ,@(if (eq n '*) '() `((< (INTEGER-LENGTH ,x) ,n)))
- )
-(def-compound-type UNSIGNED-BYTE (&optional (n '*)) (x)
- (unless (or (eq n '*) (integerp n))
- (error (TEXT "~S: argument to UNSIGNED-BYTE must be an integer or * : ~S")
- 'typep n
- ) )
- (and (integerp x)
- (not (minusp x))
- (or (eq n '*) (<= (integer-length x) n))
- )
- ,@(if (eq n '*) '() `((<= (INTEGER-LENGTH ,x) ,n)))
- )
-(def-compound-type REAL (&optional (low '*) (high '*)) (x)
- nil
- (typep-number-test x low high #'realp 'REAL)
- (c-typep-number 'REAL 'REALP low high x)
-(def-compound-type RATIONAL (&optional (low '*) (high '*)) (x)
- nil
- (typep-number-test x low high #'rationalp 'RATIONAL)
- (c-typep-number 'RATIONAL 'RATIONALP low high x)
-(def-compound-type FLOAT (&optional (low '*) (high '*)) (x)
- nil
- (typep-number-test x low high #'floatp 'FLOAT)
- (c-typep-number 'FLOAT 'FLOATP low high x)
-(def-compound-type SHORT-FLOAT (&optional (low '*) (high '*)) (x)
- nil
- (typep-number-test x low high #'short-float-p 'SHORT-FLOAT)
- (c-typep-number 'SHORT-FLOAT 'SHORT-FLOAT-P low high x)
-(def-compound-type SINGLE-FLOAT (&optional (low '*) (high '*)) (x)
- nil
- (typep-number-test x low high #'single-float-p 'SINGLE-FLOAT)
- (c-typep-number 'SINGLE-FLOAT 'SINGLE-FLOAT-P low high x)
-(def-compound-type DOUBLE-FLOAT (&optional (low '*) (high '*)) (x)
- nil
- (typep-number-test x low high #'double-float-p 'DOUBLE-FLOAT)
- (c-typep-number 'DOUBLE-FLOAT 'DOUBLE-FLOAT-P low high x)
-(def-compound-type LONG-FLOAT (&optional (low '*) (high '*)) (x)
- nil
- (typep-number-test x low high #'long-float-p 'LONG-FLOAT)
- (c-typep-number 'LONG-FLOAT 'LONG-FLOAT-P low high x)
-(def-compound-type STRING (&optional (size '*)) (x)
- (ensure-dim STRING size)
- (and (stringp x)
- (or (eq size '*) (eql size (array-dimension x 0)))
- )
- (c-typep-vector 'STRINGP size x)
-(def-compound-type SIMPLE-STRING (&optional (size '*)) (x)
- (ensure-dim SIMPLE-STRING size)
- (and (simple-string-p x)
- (or (eq size '*) (eql size (array-dimension x 0)))
- )
- (c-typep-vector 'SIMPLE-STRING-P size x)
-(def-compound-type BASE-STRING (&optional (size '*)) (x)
- (ensure-dim BASE-STRING size)
- (and (stringp x)
- (or (eq size '*) (eql size (array-dimension x 0)))
- )
- (c-typep-vector 'STRINGP size x)
-(def-compound-type SIMPLE-BASE-STRING (&optional (size '*)) (x)
- (ensure-dim SIMPLE-BASE-STRING size)
- (and (simple-string-p x)
- (or (eq size '*) (eql size (array-dimension x 0)))
- )
- (c-typep-vector 'SIMPLE-STRING-P size x)
-(def-compound-type BIT-VECTOR (&optional (size '*)) (x)
- (ensure-dim BIT-VECTOR size)
- (and (bit-vector-p x)
- (or (eq size '*) (eql size (array-dimension x 0)))
- )
- (c-typep-vector 'BIT-VECTOR-P size x)
-(def-compound-type SIMPLE-BIT-VECTOR (&optional (size '*)) (x)
- (ensure-dim SIMPLE-BIT-VECTOR size)
- (and (simple-bit-vector-p x)
- (or (eq size '*) (eql size (array-dimension x 0)))
- )
- (c-typep-vector 'SIMPLE-BIT-VECTOR-P size x)
-(def-compound-type CONS (&optional (car-type '*) (cdr-type '*)) (x)
- nil
- (and (consp x)
- (or (eq car-type '*) (typep (car x) car-type))
- (or (eq cdr-type '*) (typep (cdr x) cdr-type))
- )
- `(AND (CONSP ,x)
- ,@(if (eq car-type '*) '() `((TYPEP (CAR ,x) ',car-type)))
- ,@(if (eq cdr-type '*) '() `((TYPEP (CDR ,x) ',cdr-type)))
- )
-(fmakunbound 'def-compound-type)
-;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Typtest ohne Gefahr einer Fehlermeldung. Für SIGNAL und HANDLER-BIND.
-(defun safe-typep (x y &optional env)
- (let ((*error-handler*
- #'(lambda (&rest error-args)
- (declare (ignore error-args))
- (return-from safe-typep (values nil nil))
- )) )
- (values (typep x y env) t)
-) )
-; Umwandlung eines "type for declaration" in einen "type for discrimination".
-(defun type-for-discrimination (y &optional (notp nil) &aux f)
- (cond ((symbolp y)
- (cond ((get y 'TYPE-SYMBOL) y)
- ((get y 'TYPE-LIST) y)
- ((setq f (get y 'DEFTYPE-EXPANDER))
- (let* ((z (funcall f (list y)))
- (zx (type-for-discrimination z notp)))
- (if (eql zx z) y zx)
- ))
- (t y)
- ) )
- ((and (consp y) (symbolp (first y)))
- (case (first y)
- (NOT
- (let* ((z (second y))
- (zx (type-for-discrimination z (not notp))))
- (if (eql zx z) y `(NOT ,zx))
- ))
- (let* ((z (rest y))
- (zx (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (type-for-discrimination x notp)) z)))
- (if (every #'eql z zx) y (cons (first y) zx))
- ))
- ;; (FUNCTION arg-types res-type) is somewhere between
- ;; NIL and FUNCTION, but undecidable.
- (if notp 'NIL 'FUNCTION)
- )
- (t (cond ((get (first y) 'TYPE-LIST) y)
- ((setq f (get (first y) 'DEFTYPE-EXPANDER))
- (let* ((z (funcall f y))
- (zx (type-for-discrimination z notp)))
- (if (eql zx z) y zx)
- ))
- (t y)
- ) ) ) )
- (t y)
-) )
-; Testet eine Liste von Werten auf Erfüllen eines Type-Specifiers. Für THE.
-(defun %the (values type) ; ABI
- (macrolet ((near-typep (objform typform)
- ;; near-typep ist wie typep, nur dass das Objekt auch ein
- ;; Read-Label sein darf. Das tritt z.B. auf bei
- ;; (read-from-string "#1=#S(FOO :X #1#)")
- ;; im Konstruktor MAKE-FOO. Die Implementation ist aber
- ;; nicht gezwungen, bei fehlerhaftem THE zwingend einen
- ;; Fehler zu melden, darum ist ein lascherer Typcheck hier
- ;; erlaubt.
- (let ((g (gensym)))
- `(let ((,g ,objform))
- (or (typep ,g ,typform) (eq (type-of ,g) 'READ-LABEL))))))
- (if (and (consp type) (eq (car type) 'VALUES))
- ;; The VALUES type specifier is ill-defined in ANSI CL.
- ;;
- ;; There are two possibilities to define a VALUES type specifier in a
- ;; sane way:
- ;; - (EXACT-VALUES type1 ... [&optional ...]) describes the exact shape
- ;; of the values list, as received by MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST.
- ;; For example, (EXACT-VALUES SYMBOL) is matched by (values 'a) but not
- ;; by (values 'a 'b) or (values).
- ;; - (ASSIGNABLE-VALUES type1 ... [&optional ...]) describes the values
- ;; as received by a set of variables through MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND or
- ;; defined by whether
- ;; (MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND (var1) values (DECLARE (TYPE SYMBOL var1)) ...)
- ;; is valid or not; therefore (ASSIGNABLE-VALUES SYMBOL) is matched by
- ;; (values 'a) and (values 'a 'b) and (values).
- ;; Note that &OPTIONAL is actually redundant here:
- ;; (ASSIGNABLE-VALUES type1 ... &optional otype1 ...)
- ;; is equivalent to
- ;; (ASSIGNABLE-VALUES type1 ... (OR NULL otype1) ...)
- ;; HyperSpec/Body/typspe_values.html indicates that VALUES means
- ;; EXACT-VALUES; however, HyperSpec/Body/speope_the.html indicates that
- ;;
- ;; SBCL interprets the VALUES type specifier to mean EXACT-VALUES when
- ;; it contains &OPTIONAL or &REST, but ASSIGNABLE-VALUES when it has
- ;; only a tuple of type specifiers. This is utter nonsense, in particular
- ;; because it makes (VALUES type1 ... typek &OPTIONAL)
- ;; different from (VALUES type1 ... typek).
- ;;
- ;; Here we use the ASSIGNABLE-VALUES interpretation.
- ;; In SUBTYPEP we just punt and don't assume any interpretation.
- (let ((vals values) (types (cdr type)))
- ;; required:
- (loop
- (when (or (atom types) (atom vals)) (return-from %the t))
- (when (memq (car types) lambda-list-keywords) (return))
- (unless (near-typep (pop vals) (pop types))
- (return-from %the nil)))
- ;; &optional:
- (when (and (consp types) (eq (car types) '&optional))
- (setq types (cdr types))
- (loop
- (when (or (atom types) (atom vals)) (return-from %the t))
- (when (memq (car types) lambda-list-keywords) (return))
- (unless (near-typep (pop vals) (pop types))
- (return-from %the nil))))
- ;; &rest &key:
- (case (car types)
- (&rest
- (setq types (cdr types))
- (when (atom types) (typespec-error 'the type))
- (unless (near-typep (pop vals) (pop types))
- (return-from %the nil)))
- (&key)
- (t (typespec-error 'the type)))
- (if (eq (car types) '&key)
- (progn
- (setq types (cdr types))
- (when (oddp (length vals)) (return-from %the nil))
- (let ((keywords nil))
- (loop
- (when (or (atom types) (atom vals)) (return-from %the t))
- (when (memq (car types) lambda-list-keywords) (return))
- (let ((item (pop types)))
- (unless (and (listp item) (eql (length item) 2)
- (symbolp (first item)))
- (typespec-error 'the type))
- (let ((kw (symbol-to-keyword (first item))))
- (unless (near-typep (getf vals kw) (second item))
- (return-from %the nil))
- (push kw keywords))))
- (if (and (consp types) (eq (car types) '&allow-other-keys))
- (setq types (cdr types))
- (unless (getf vals ':allow-other-keys)
- (do ((L vals (cddr L)))
- ((atom L))
- (unless (memq (car L) keywords)
- (return-from %the nil)))))))
- (when (consp types) (typespec-error 'the type)))
- t)
- (near-typep (if (consp values) (car values) nil) type))))
-;;; ===========================================================================
-(load "subtypep")
-;; Returns the number of bytes that are needed to represent #\Null in a
-;; given encoding.
-(defun encoding-zeroes (encoding)
- ;; this should use min_bytes_per_char for cache, not the hash table
- (let ((name (ext:encoding-charset encoding))
- (table #.(make-hash-table :key-type '(or string symbol) :value-type 'fixnum
- :test 'stablehash-equal :warn-if-needs-rehash-after-gc t
- :initial-contents '(("UTF-7" . 1))))
- (tester #.(make-string 2 :initial-element (code-char 0))))
- (or (gethash name table)
- (setf (gethash name table)
- (- (length (ext:convert-string-to-bytes tester encoding))
- (length (ext:convert-string-to-bytes tester encoding
- :end 1))))))
- #-UNICODE 1)
-;; Determines two values low,high such that
-;; (subtypep type `(INTEGER ,low ,high))
-;; holds and low is as large as possible and high is as small as possible.
-;; low = * means -infinity, high = * means infinity.
-;; When (subtypep type 'INTEGER) is false, the values NIL,NIL are returned.
-;; We need this function only for MAKE-ARRAY, UPGRADED-ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE and
-;; OPEN and can therefore w.l.o.g. replace
-;; type with `(OR ,type (MEMBER 0))
-#| ;; The original implementation calls canonicalize-type and then applies
- ;; a particular SUBTYPE variant:
- (defun subtype-integer (type)
- (macrolet ((yes () '(return-from subtype-integer (values low high)))
- (no () '(return-from subtype-integer nil))
- (unknown () '(return-from subtype-integer nil)))
- (setq type (canonicalize-type type))
- (if (consp type)
- (case (first type)
- (MEMBER ; (MEMBER &rest objects)
- ;; All elements must be of type INTEGER.
- (let ((low 0) (high 0)) ; wlog!
- (dolist (x (rest type) (yes))
- (unless (typep x 'INTEGER) (return (no)))
- (setq low (min low x) high (max high x)))))
- (OR ; (OR type*)
- ;; Every type must be subtype of INTEGER.
- (let ((low 0) (high 0)) ; wlog!
- (dolist (type1 (rest type) (yes))
- (multiple-value-bind (low1 high1) (subtype-integer type1)
- (unless low1 (return (no)))
- (setq low (if (or (eq low '*) (eq low1 '*)) '* (min low low1))
- high (if (or (eq high '*) (eq high1 '*))
- '* (max high high1)))))))
- (AND ; (AND type*)
- ;; If one of the types is subtype of INTEGER, then yes,
- ;; otherwise unknown.
- (let ((low nil) (high nil))
- (dolist (type1 (rest type))
- (multiple-value-bind (low1 high1) (subtype-integer type1)
- (when low1
- (if low
- (setq low (if (eq low '*) low1 (if (eq low1 '*) low (max low low1)))
- high (if (eq high '*) high1 (if (eq high1 '*) high (min high high1))))
- (setq low low1 high high1)))))
- (if low
- (progn
- (when (and (numberp low) (numberp high) (not (<= low high)))
- (setq low 0 high 0) ; type equivalent to NIL)
- (yes))
- (unknown)))))
- (setq type (list type)))
- (if (eq (first type) 'INTEGER)
- (let ((low (if (rest type) (second type) '*))
- (high (if (cddr type) (third type) '*)))
- (when (consp low)
- (setq low (first low))
- (when (numberp low) (incf low)))
- (when (consp high)
- (setq high (first high))
- (when (numberp high) (decf high)))
- (when (and (numberp low) (numberp high) (not (<= low high))) ; type leer?
- (setq low 0 high 0))
- (yes))
- (if (and (eq (first type) 'INTERVALS) (eq (second type) 'INTEGER))
- (let ((low (third type))
- (high (car (last type))))
- (when (consp low)
- (setq low (first low))
- (when (numberp low) (incf low)))
- (when (consp high)
- (setq high (first high))
- (when (numberp high) (decf high)))
- (yes))
- (unknown)))))
-|# ;; This implementation inlines the (tail-recursive) canonicalize-type
- ;; function. Its advantage is that it doesn't cons as much.
- ;; (For example, (subtype-integer '(UNSIGNED-BYTE 8)) doesn't cons.)
-(defun subtype-integer (type)
- (macrolet ((yes () '(return-from subtype-integer (values low high)))
- (no () '(return-from subtype-integer nil))
- (unknown () '(return-from subtype-integer nil)))
- (setq type (expand-deftype type))
- (cond ((symbolp type)
- (case type
- (BIT (let ((low 0) (high 1)) (yes)))
- (let ((low '#,most-negative-fixnum)
- (high '#,most-positive-fixnum))
- (yes)))
- (let ((low '*) (high '*)) (yes)))
- (let ((low 0) (high '*)) (yes)))
- ((NIL)
- (let ((low 0) (high 0)) (yes))) ; wlog!
- (t (no))))
- ((and (consp type) (symbolp (first type)))
- (unless (and (list-length type) (null (cdr (last type))))
- (typespec-error 'subtypep type))
- (case (first type)
- (MEMBER ; (MEMBER &rest objects)
- ;; All elements must be of type INTEGER.
- (let ((low 0) (high 0)) ; wlog!
- (dolist (x (rest type) (yes))
- (unless (typep x 'INTEGER) (return (no)))
- (setq low (min low x) high (max high x)))))
- (EQL ; (EQL object)
- (let ((x (second type)))
- (if (typep x 'INTEGER)
- (let ((low (min 0 x)) (high (max 0 x))) (yes))
- (no))))
- (OR ; (OR type*)
- ;; Every type must be subtype of INTEGER.
- (let ((low 0) (high 0)) ; wlog!
- (dolist (type1 (rest type) (yes))
- (multiple-value-bind (low1 high1) (subtype-integer type1)
- (unless low1 (return (no)))
- (setq low (if (or (eq low '*) (eq low1 '*))
- '* (min low low1))
- high (if (or (eq high '*) (eq high1 '*))
- '* (max high high1)))))))
- (AND ; (AND type*)
- ;; If one of the types is subtype of INTEGER, then yes,
- ;; otherwise unknown.
- (let ((low nil) (high nil))
- (dolist (type1 (rest type))
- (multiple-value-bind (low1 high1) (subtype-integer type1)
- (when low1
- (if low
- (setq low (if (eq low '*) low1
- (if (eq low1 '*) low
- (max low low1)))
- high (if (eq high '*) high1
- (if (eq high1 '*) high
- (min high high1))))
- (setq low low1
- high high1)))))
- (if low
- (progn
- (when (and (numberp low) (numberp high)
- (not (<= low high)))
- (setq low 0 high 0)) ; type equivalent to NIL
- (yes))
- (unknown))))
- (let ((low (if (rest type) (second type) '*))
- (high (if (cddr type) (third type) '*)))
- (when (consp low)
- (setq low (first low))
- (when (numberp low) (incf low)))
- (when (consp high)
- (setq high (first high))
- (when (numberp high) (decf high)))
- (when (and (numberp low) (numberp high) (not (<= low high)))
- (setq low 0 high 0)) ; type equivalent to NIL
- (yes)))
- (if (eq (second type) 'INTEGER)
- (let ((low (third type))
- (high (car (last type))))
- (when (consp low)
- (setq low (first low))
- (when (numberp low) (incf low)))
- (when (consp high)
- (setq high (first high))
- (when (numberp high) (decf high)))
- (yes))
- (unknown)))
- (MOD ; (MOD n)
- (let ((n (second type)))
- (unless (and (integerp n) (>= n 0))
- (typespec-error 'subtypep type))
- (if (eql n 0)
- (no)
- (let ((low 0) (high (1- n)))
- (yes)))))
- (SIGNED-BYTE ; (SIGNED-BYTE &optional s)
- (let ((s (if (cdr type) (second type) '*)))
- (if (eq s '*)
- (let ((low '*) (high '*)) (yes))
- (progn
- (unless (and (integerp s) (plusp s))
- (typespec-error 'subtypep type))
- (let ((n (ash 1 (1- s)))) ; (ash 1 *) == (expt 2 *)
- (let ((low (- n)) (high (1- n)))
- (yes)))))))
- (let ((s (if (cdr type) (second type) '*)))
- (if (eq s '*)
- (let ((low 0) (high '*)) (yes))
- (progn
- (unless (and (integerp s) (>= s 0))
- (typespec-error 'subtypep type))
- (let ((n (ash 1 s))) ; (ash 1 *) == (expt 2 *)
- (let ((low 0) (high (1- n)))
- (yes)))))))
- (t (no))))
- ((clos::defined-class-p type)
- (if (and (clos::built-in-class-p type)
- (eq (get (clos:class-name type) 'CLOS::CLOSCLASS) type))
- (return-from subtype-integer
- (subtype-integer (clos:class-name type)))
- (no)))
- ((clos::eql-specializer-p type)
- (let ((x (clos::eql-specializer-singleton type)))
- (if (typep x 'INTEGER)
- (let ((low (min 0 x)) (high (max 0 x))) (yes))
- (no))))
- ((encodingp type) (no))
- (t (typespec-error 'subtypep type)))))
-#| TODO: Fix subtype-integer such that this works.
-Henry Baker:
- (defun type-null (x)
- (values (and (eq 'bit (upgraded-array-element-type `(or bit ,x)))
- (not (typep 0 x))
- (not (typep 1 x)))
- t))
- (type-null '(and symbol number))
- (type-null '(and integer symbol))
- (type-null '(and integer character))
-;; Determines a sequence kind (an atom, as defined in defseq.lisp: one of
-;; LIST - stands for LIST
-;; VECTOR - stands for (VECTOR T)
-;; STRING - stands for (VECTOR CHARACTER)
-;; 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 - stands for (VECTOR (UNSIGNED-BYTE n))
-;; 0 - stands for (VECTOR NIL))
-;; that indicates the sequence type meant by the given type. Other possible
-;; return values are
-;; SEQUENCE - denoting a type whose intersection with (OR LIST VECTOR) is not
-;; subtype of LIST or VECTOR, or
-;; NIL - indicating a type whose intersection with (OR LIST VECTOR) is empty.
-;; When the type is (OR (VECTOR eltype1) ... (VECTOR eltypeN)), the chosen
-;; element type is the smallest element type that contains all of eltype1 ...
-;; eltypeN.
-;; User-defined sequence types are not supported here.
-;; This implementation inlines the (tail-recursive) canonicalize-type
-;; function. Its advantage is that it doesn't cons as much. Also it employs
-;; some heuristics and does not have the full power of SUBTYPEP.
-(defun subtype-sequence (type)
- (setq type (expand-deftype type))
- (cond ((symbolp type)
- (case type
- ((NIL) 'NIL)
- (t 'NIL)))
- ((and (consp type) (symbolp (first type)))
- (unless (and (list-length type) (null (cdr (last type))))
- (typespec-error 'subtypep type))
- (case (first type)
- (MEMBER ; (MEMBER &rest objects)
- (let ((kind 'NIL))
- (dolist (x (rest type))
- (setq kind (sequence-type-union kind (type-of-sequence x))))
- kind))
- (EQL ; (EQL object)
- (unless (eql (length type) 2)
- (typespec-error 'subtypep type))
- (type-of-sequence (second type)))
- (OR ; (OR type*)
- (let ((kind 'NIL))
- (dolist (x (rest type))
- (setq kind (sequence-type-union kind (subtype-sequence x))))
- kind))
- (AND ; (AND type*)
- (let ((kind 'SEQUENCE))
- (dolist (x (rest type))
- (setq kind (sequence-type-intersection kind (subtype-sequence x))))
- kind))
- (when (cddr type)
- (typespec-error 'subtypep type))
- '1)
- (when (cddr type)
- (typespec-error 'subtypep type))
- (SIMPLE-VECTOR ; (SIMPLE-VECTOR &optional size)
- (when (cddr type)
- (typespec-error 'subtypep type))
- ((VECTOR ARRAY SIMPLE-ARRAY) ; (VECTOR &optional el-type size), (ARRAY &optional el-type dimensions)
- (when (cdddr type)
- (typespec-error 'subtypep type))
- (let ((el-type (if (cdr type) (second type) '*)))
- (if (eq el-type '*)
- (let ((eltype (upgraded-array-element-type el-type)))
- (cond ((eq eltype 'T) 'VECTOR)
- ((eq eltype 'CHARACTER) 'STRING)
- ((eq eltype 'BIT) '1)
- ((and (consp eltype) (eq (first eltype) 'UNSIGNED-BYTE)) (second eltype))
- ((eq eltype 'NIL) '0)
- (t (error (TEXT "~S is not up-to-date with ~S for element type ~S")
- 'subtypep-sequence 'upgraded-array-element-type eltype)))))))
- ((CONS) ; (CONS &optional cartype cdrtype)
- (when (cdddr type)
- (typespec-error 'subtypep type))
- 'LIST)
- (t 'NIL)))
- ((clos::defined-class-p type)
- (if (and (clos::built-in-class-p type)
- (eq (get (clos:class-name type) 'CLOS::CLOSCLASS) type))
- (subtype-sequence (clos:class-name type))
- 'NIL))
- ((clos::eql-specializer-p type)
- (type-of-sequence (clos::eql-specializer-singleton type)))
- (t 'NIL)))
-(defun type-of-sequence (x)
- (cond ((listp x) 'LIST)
- ((vectorp x)
- (let ((eltype (array-element-type x)))
- (cond ((eq eltype 'T) 'VECTOR)
- ((eq eltype 'CHARACTER) 'STRING)
- ((eq eltype 'BIT) '1)
- ((and (consp eltype) (eq (first eltype) 'UNSIGNED-BYTE)) (second eltype))
- ((eq eltype 'NIL) '0)
- (t (error (TEXT "~S is not up-to-date with ~S for element type ~S")
- 'type-of-sequence 'array-element-type eltype)))))
- (t 'NIL)))
-(defun sequence-type-union (t1 t2)
- (cond ; Simple general rules.
- ((eql t1 t2) t1)
- ((eq t1 'NIL) t2)
- ((eq t2 'NIL) t1)
- ; Now the union of two different types.
- ((or (eq t1 'SEQUENCE) (eq t2 'SEQUENCE)) 'SEQUENCE)
- ((or (eq t1 'LIST) (eq t2 'LIST))
- ; union of LIST and a vector type
- ((or (eq t1 'VECTOR) (eq t2 'VECTOR)) 'VECTOR)
- ((eql t1 0) t2)
- ((eql t2 0) t1)
- ((or (eq t1 'STRING) (eq t2 'STRING))
- ; union of STRING and an integer-vector type
- (t (max t1 t2))))
-(defun sequence-type-intersection (t1 t2)
- (cond ; Simple general rules.
- ((eql t1 t2) t1)
- ((or (eq t1 'NIL) (eq t2 'NIL)) 'NIL)
- ; Now the intersection of two different types.
- ((eq t1 'SEQUENCE) t2)
- ((eq t2 'SEQUENCE) t1)
- ((or (eq t1 'LIST) (eq t2 'LIST))
- ; intersection of LIST and a vector type
- 'NIL)
- ((eq t1 'VECTOR) t2)
- ((eq t2 'VECTOR) t1)
- ((or (eql t1 0) (eql t2 0)) '0)
- ((or (eq t1 'STRING) (eq t2 'STRING))
- ; intersection of STRING and an integer-vector type
- '0)
- (t (min t1 t2))))
-;; ============================================================================
-(defun type-expand (typespec &optional once-p)
- (multiple-value-bind (expanded user-defined-p)
- (expand-deftype typespec once-p)
- (if user-defined-p (values expanded user-defined-p)
- (cond ((symbolp typespec)
- (cond ((or (get typespec 'TYPE-SYMBOL) (get typespec 'TYPE-LIST))
- (values typespec nil))
- ((or (get typespec 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION)
- (clos-class typespec))
- (values typespec nil))
- (t (typespec-error 'type-expand typespec))))
- ((and (consp typespec) (symbolp (first typespec)))
- (case (first typespec)
- ((SATISFIES MEMBER EQL NOT AND OR) (values typespec nil))
- (t (cond ((get (first typespec) 'TYPE-LIST)
- (values typespec nil))
- (t (typespec-error 'type-expand typespec))))))
- ((clos::defined-class-p typespec) (values typespec nil))
- (t (typespec-error 'type-expand typespec))))))
-;; ============================================================================
-(unless (clos::funcallable-instance-p #'clos::class-name)
- (fmakunbound 'clos::class-name))
-(keywordp :junk)
- T
-(keywordp ::junk)
- T
-(symbol-name ::junk)
- "JUNK"
-(symbol-name :#junk)
- "#JUNK"
-(symbol-name :#.junk)
- "#.JUNK"