path: root/tests/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
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index 80ce01f5..00000000
--- a/tests/
+++ /dev/null
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- Pygments RTF formatter tests
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2019 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
- :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
-import unittest
-from string_asserts import StringTests
-from pygments.util import StringIO
-from pygments.formatters import RtfFormatter
-from pygments.lexers.special import TextLexer
-class RtfFormatterTest(StringTests, unittest.TestCase):
- foot = (r'\par' '\n' r'}')
- def _escape(self, string):
- return(string.replace("\n", r"\n"))
- def _build_message(self, *args, **kwargs):
- string = kwargs.get('string', None)
- t = self._escape(kwargs.get('t', ''))
- expected = self._escape(kwargs.get('expected', ''))
- result = self._escape(kwargs.get('result', ''))
- if string is None:
- string = (u"The expected output of '{t}'\n"
- u"\t\tShould be '{expected}'\n"
- u"\t\tActually outputs '{result}'\n"
- u"\t(WARNING: Partial Output of Result!)")
- end = -(len(self._escape(self.foot)))
- start = end-len(expected)
- return string.format(t=t,
- result = result[start:end],
- expected = expected)
- def format_rtf(self, t):
- tokensource = list(TextLexer().get_tokens(t))
- fmt = RtfFormatter()
- buf = StringIO()
- fmt.format(tokensource, buf)
- result = buf.getvalue()
- buf.close()
- return result
- def test_rtf_header(self):
- t = u''
- result = self.format_rtf(t)
- expected = r'{\rtf1\ansi\uc0'
- msg = (u"RTF documents are expected to start with '{expected}'\n"
- u"\t\tStarts intead with '{result}'\n"
- u"\t(WARNING: Partial Output of Result!)".format(
- expected = expected,
- result = result[:len(expected)]))
- self.assertStartsWith(result, expected, msg)
- def test_rtf_footer(self):
- t = u''
- result = self.format_rtf(t)
- expected = self.foot
- msg = (u"RTF documents are expected to end with '{expected}'\n"
- u"\t\tEnds intead with '{result}'\n"
- u"\t(WARNING: Partial Output of Result!)".format(
- expected = self._escape(expected),
- result = self._escape(result[-len(expected):])))
- self.assertEndsWith(result, expected, msg)
- def test_ascii_characters(self):
- t = u'a b c d ~'
- result = self.format_rtf(t)
- expected = (r'a b c d ~')
- if not result.endswith(self.foot):
- return(unittest.skip('RTF Footer incorrect'))
- msg = self._build_message(t=t, result=result, expected=expected)
- self.assertEndsWith(result, expected+self.foot, msg)
- def test_escape_characters(self):
- t = u'\\ {{'
- result = self.format_rtf(t)
- expected = (r'\\ \{\{')
- if not result.endswith(self.foot):
- return(unittest.skip('RTF Footer incorrect'))
- msg = self._build_message(t=t, result=result, expected=expected)
- self.assertEndsWith(result, expected+self.foot, msg)
- def test_single_characters(self):
- t = u'â € ¤ каждой'
- result = self.format_rtf(t)
- expected = (r'{\u226} {\u8364} {\u164} '
- r'{\u1082}{\u1072}{\u1078}{\u1076}{\u1086}{\u1081}')
- if not result.endswith(self.foot):
- return(unittest.skip('RTF Footer incorrect'))
- msg = self._build_message(t=t, result=result, expected=expected)
- self.assertEndsWith(result, expected+self.foot, msg)
- def test_double_characters(self):
- t = u'က 힣 ↕ ↕︎ 鼖'
- result = self.format_rtf(t)
- expected = (r'{\u4096} {\u55203} {\u8597} '
- r'{\u8597}{\u65038} {\u55422}{\u56859}')
- if not result.endswith(self.foot):
- return(unittest.skip('RTF Footer incorrect'))
- msg = self._build_message(t=t, result=result, expected=expected)
- self.assertEndsWith(result, expected+self.foot, msg)