path: root/tests/primer
diff options
authorPierre Sassoulas <>2022-06-11 13:03:49 +0200
committerGitHub <>2022-06-11 13:03:49 +0200
commit7051ea1e4ba15e705ebd162504bfdf3172553e41 (patch)
tree1021844e072e62bcc677e11b387286c65621d1c1 /tests/primer
parent2625c341e07f60276dcd2c23a8b47f49f80688a0 (diff)
[refactor] Move primer tools to 'pylint.testutils' (#6907)
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/primer')
2 files changed, 17 insertions, 311 deletions
diff --git a/tests/primer/ b/tests/primer/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e99ca234
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/primer/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Licensed under the GPL:
+# For details:
+# Copyright (c)
+from __future__ import annotations
+from pathlib import Path
+from pylint.testutils._primer.primer import Primer
+PRIMER_DIRECTORY = Path(__file__).parent.parent / ".pylint_primer_tests/"
+PACKAGES_TO_PRIME_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / "packages_to_prime.json"
+if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/tests/primer/ b/tests/primer/
deleted file mode 100644
index c94fb2c9e..000000000
--- a/tests/primer/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed under the GPL:
-# For details:
-# Copyright (c)
-from __future__ import annotations
-import argparse
-import json
-import sys
-import warnings
-from io import StringIO
-from itertools import chain
-from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Dict, List, Union
-import git
-from pylint.lint import Run
-from pylint.reporters import JSONReporter
-from pylint.testutils._primer import PackageToLint
-TESTS_DIR = Path(__file__).parent.parent
-PRIMER_DIRECTORY = TESTS_DIR / ".pylint_primer_tests/"
-PACKAGES_TO_PRIME_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / "packages_to_prime.json"
-PackageMessages = Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]]
-GITHUB_CRASH_TEMPLATE_LOCATION = "/home/runner/.cache"
-CRASH_TEMPLATE_INTRO = "There is a pre-filled template"
-class Primer:
- """Main class to handle priming of packages."""
- def __init__(self, json_path: Path) -> None:
- # Preparing arguments
- self._argument_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="Pylint Primer")
- self._subparsers = self._argument_parser.add_subparsers(dest="command")
- # All arguments for the prepare parser
- prepare_parser = self._subparsers.add_parser("prepare")
- prepare_parser.add_argument(
- "--clone", help="Clone all packages.", action="store_true", default=False
- )
- prepare_parser.add_argument(
- "--check",
- help="Check consistencies and commits of all packages.",
- action="store_true",
- default=False,
- )
- prepare_parser.add_argument(
- "--make-commit-string",
- help="Get latest commit string.",
- action="store_true",
- default=False,
- )
- prepare_parser.add_argument(
- "--read-commit-string",
- help="Print latest commit string.",
- action="store_true",
- default=False,
- )
- # All arguments for the run parser
- run_parser = self._subparsers.add_parser("run")
- run_parser.add_argument(
- "--type", choices=["main", "pr"], required=True, help="Type of primer run."
- )
- # All arguments for the compare parser
- compare_parser = self._subparsers.add_parser("compare")
- compare_parser.add_argument(
- "--base-file",
- required=True,
- help="Location of output file of the base run.",
- )
- compare_parser.add_argument(
- "--new-file",
- required=True,
- help="Location of output file of the new run.",
- )
- compare_parser.add_argument(
- "--commit",
- required=True,
- help="Commit hash of the PR commit being checked.",
- )
- # Storing arguments
- self.config = self._argument_parser.parse_args()
- self.packages = self._get_packages_to_lint_from_json(json_path)
- """All packages to prime."""
- def run(self) -> None:
- if self.config.command == "prepare":
- self._handle_prepare_command()
- if self.config.command == "run":
- self._handle_run_command()
- if self.config.command == "compare":
- self._handle_compare_command()
- def _handle_prepare_command(self) -> None:
- commit_string = ""
- if self.config.clone:
- for package, data in self.packages.items():
- local_commit = data.lazy_clone()
- print(f"Cloned '{package}' at commit '{local_commit}'.")
- commit_string += local_commit + "_"
- elif self.config.check:
- for package, data in self.packages.items():
- local_commit = git.Repo(data.clone_directory).head.object.hexsha
- print(f"Found '{package}' at commit '{local_commit}'.")
- commit_string += local_commit + "_"
- elif self.config.make_commit_string:
- for package, data in self.packages.items():
- remote_sha1_commit = (
- git.cmd.Git().ls_remote(data.url, data.branch).split("\t")[0]
- )
- print(f"'{package}' remote is at commit '{remote_sha1_commit}'.")
- commit_string += remote_sha1_commit + "_"
- elif self.config.read_commit_string:
- with open(PRIMER_DIRECTORY / "commit_string.txt", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- print(
- if commit_string:
- with open(
- PRIMER_DIRECTORY / "commit_string.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8"
- ) as f:
- f.write(commit_string)
- def _handle_run_command(self) -> None:
- packages: PackageMessages = {}
- for package, data in self.packages.items():
- output = self._lint_package(data)
- packages[package] = output
- print(f"Successfully primed {package}.")
- astroid_errors = []
- other_fatal_msgs = []
- for msg in chain.from_iterable(packages.values()):
- if msg["type"] == "fatal":
- # Remove the crash template location if we're running on GitHub.
- # We were falsely getting "new" errors when the timestamp changed.
- assert isinstance(msg["message"], str)
- if GITHUB_CRASH_TEMPLATE_LOCATION in msg["message"]:
- msg["message"] = msg["message"].rsplit(CRASH_TEMPLATE_INTRO)[0]
- if msg["symbol"] == "astroid-error":
- astroid_errors.append(msg)
- else:
- other_fatal_msgs.append(msg)
- with open(
- / f"output_{'.'.join(str(i) for i in sys.version_info[:3])}_{self.config.type}.txt",
- "w",
- encoding="utf-8",
- ) as f:
- json.dump(packages, f)
- # Fail loudly (and fail CI pipelines) if any fatal errors are found,
- # unless they are astroid-errors, in which case just warn.
- # This is to avoid introducing a dependency on bleeding-edge astroid
- # for pylint CI pipelines generally, even though we want to use astroid main
- # for the purpose of diffing emitted messages and generating PR comments.
- if astroid_errors:
- warnings.warn(f"Fatal errors traced to astroid: {astroid_errors}")
- assert not other_fatal_msgs, other_fatal_msgs
- def _handle_compare_command(self) -> None:
- with open(self.config.base_file, encoding="utf-8") as f:
- main_dict: PackageMessages = json.load(f)
- with open(self.config.new_file, encoding="utf-8") as f:
- new_dict: PackageMessages = json.load(f)
- final_main_dict: PackageMessages = {}
- for package, messages in main_dict.items():
- final_main_dict[package] = []
- for message in messages:
- try:
- new_dict[package].remove(message)
- except ValueError:
- final_main_dict[package].append(message)
- self._create_comment(final_main_dict, new_dict)
- def _create_comment(
- self, all_missing_messages: PackageMessages, all_new_messages: PackageMessages
- ) -> None:
- comment = ""
- for package, missing_messages in all_missing_messages.items():
- if len(comment) >= MAX_GITHUB_COMMENT_LENGTH:
- break
- new_messages = all_new_messages[package]
- package_data = self.packages[package]
- if not missing_messages and not new_messages:
- continue
- comment += f"\n\n**Effect on [{package}]({self.packages[package].url}):**\n"
- # Create comment for new messages
- count = 1
- astroid_errors = 0
- new_non_astroid_messages = ""
- if new_messages:
- print("Now emitted:")
- for message in new_messages:
- filepath = str(message["path"]).replace(
- str(package_data.clone_directory), ""
- )
- # Existing astroid errors may still show up as "new" because the timestamp
- # in the message is slightly different.
- if message["symbol"] == "astroid-error":
- astroid_errors += 1
- else:
- new_non_astroid_messages += (
- f"{count}) {message['symbol']}:\n*{message['message']}*\n"
- f"{package_data.url}/blob/{package_data.branch}{filepath}#L{message['line']}\n"
- )
- print(message)
- count += 1
- if astroid_errors:
- comment += (
- f"{astroid_errors} error(s) were found stemming from the `astroid` library. "
- "This is unlikely to have been caused by your changes. "
- "A GitHub Actions warning links directly to the crash report template. "
- "Please open an issue against `astroid` if one does not exist already. \n\n"
- )
- if new_non_astroid_messages:
- comment += (
- "The following messages are now emitted:\n\n<details>\n\n"
- + new_non_astroid_messages
- + "\n</details>\n\n"
- )
- # Create comment for missing messages
- count = 1
- if missing_messages:
- comment += (
- "The following messages are no longer emitted:\n\n<details>\n\n"
- )
- print("No longer emitted:")
- for message in missing_messages:
- comment += f"{count}) {message['symbol']}:\n*{message['message']}*\n"
- filepath = str(message["path"]).replace(
- str(package_data.clone_directory), ""
- )
- assert not package_data.url.endswith(
- ".git"
- ), "You don't need the .git at the end of the github url."
- comment += f"{package_data.url}/blob/{package_data.branch}{filepath}#L{message['line']}\n"
- count += 1
- print(message)
- if missing_messages:
- comment += "\n</details>\n\n"
- if comment == "":
- comment = (
- "🤖 According to the primer, this change has **no effect** on the"
- " checked open source code. 🤖🎉\n\n"
- )
- else:
- comment = (
- f"🤖 **Effect of this PR on checked open source code:** 🤖\n\n{comment}"
- )
- hash_information = (
- f"*This comment was generated for commit {self.config.commit}*"
- )
- if len(comment) + len(hash_information) >= MAX_GITHUB_COMMENT_LENGTH:
- truncation_information = (
- f"*This comment was truncated because GitHub allows only"
- f" {MAX_GITHUB_COMMENT_LENGTH} characters in a comment.*"
- )
- max_len = (
- - len(hash_information)
- - len(truncation_information)
- )
- comment = f"{comment[:max_len - 10]}...\n\n{truncation_information}\n\n"
- comment += hash_information
- with open(PRIMER_DIRECTORY / "comment.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
- f.write(comment)
- def _lint_package(self, data: PackageToLint) -> list[dict[str, str | int]]:
- # We want to test all the code we can
- enables = ["--enable-all-extensions", "--enable=all"]
- # Duplicate code takes too long and is relatively safe
- # TODO: Find a way to allow cyclic-import and compare output correctly
- disables = ["--disable=duplicate-code,cyclic-import"]
- arguments = data.pylint_args + enables + disables
- output = StringIO()
- reporter = JSONReporter(output)
- Run(arguments, reporter=reporter, exit=False)
- return json.loads(output.getvalue())
- @staticmethod
- def _get_packages_to_lint_from_json(json_path: Path) -> dict[str, PackageToLint]:
- with open(json_path, encoding="utf8") as f:
- return {
- name: PackageToLint(**package_data)
- for name, package_data in json.load(f).items()
- }
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- primer = Primer(PACKAGES_TO_PRIME_PATH)