diff options
3 files changed, 352 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/tests/benchmark/ b/tests/benchmark/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1984ef72a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/benchmark/
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+""" Profiles basic -jX functionality """
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Frank Harrison <>
+# Licensed under the GPL:
+# For details:
+# pylint: disable=protected-access,missing-function-docstring,no-self-use
+import os
+import pprint
+import time
+import pytest
+import pylint.interfaces
+from pylint.checkers.base_checker import BaseChecker
+from pylint.lint import PyLinter, Run, check_parallel
+from pylint.testutils import TestReporter as Reporter
+from pylint.utils import register_plugins
+def _empty_filepath():
+ return os.path.abspath(
+ os.path.join(
+ os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "input", ""
+ )
+ )
+class SleepingChecker(BaseChecker):
+ """ A checker that sleeps, the wall-clock time should reduce as we add workers
+ As we apply a roughly constant amount of "work" in this checker any variance is
+ likely to be caused by the pylint system. """
+ __implements__ = (pylint.interfaces.IRawChecker,)
+ name = "sleeper"
+ msgs = {"R9999": ("Test", "test-check", "Some helpful text.",)}
+ sleep_duration = 0.5 # the time to pretend we're doing work for
+ def process_module(self, _astroid):
+ """ Sleeps for `sleep_duration` on each call
+ This effectively means each file costs ~`sleep_duration`+framework overhead """
+ time.sleep(self.sleep_duration)
+class SleepingCheckerLong(BaseChecker):
+ """ A checker that sleeps, the wall-clock time should reduce as we add workers
+ As we apply a roughly constant amount of "work" in this checker any variance is
+ likely to be caused by the pylint system. """
+ __implements__ = (pylint.interfaces.IRawChecker,)
+ name = "long-sleeper"
+ msgs = {"R9999": ("Test", "test-check", "Some helpful text.",)}
+ sleep_duration = 0.5 # the time to pretend we're doing work for
+ def process_module(self, _astroid):
+ """ Sleeps for `sleep_duration` on each call
+ This effectively means each file costs ~`sleep_duration`+framework overhead """
+ time.sleep(self.sleep_duration)
+class NoWorkChecker(BaseChecker):
+ """ A checker that sleeps, the wall-clock time should change as we add threads """
+ __implements__ = (pylint.interfaces.IRawChecker,)
+ name = "sleeper"
+ msgs = {"R9999": ("Test", "test-check", "Some helpful text.",)}
+ def process_module(self, _astroid):
+ pass
+class TestEstablishBaselineBenchmarks:
+ """ Naive benchmarks for the high-level pylint framework
+ Because this benchmarks the fundemental and common parts and changes seen here will
+ impact everything else """
+ empty_filepath = _empty_filepath()
+ empty_file_info = (
+ "name-emptyfile-file",
+ _empty_filepath(),
+ "modname-emptyfile-mod",
+ )
+ lot_of_files = 500
+ def test_baseline_benchmark_j1(self, benchmark):
+ """ Establish a baseline of pylint performance with no work
+ We will add extra Checkers in other benchmarks.
+ Because this is so simple, if this regresses something very serious has happened
+ """
+ linter = PyLinter(reporter=Reporter())
+ fileinfos = [self.empty_filepath] # Single file to end-to-end the system
+ assert == 1
+ assert len(linter._checkers) == 1, "Should just have 'master'"
+ benchmark(linter.check, fileinfos)
+ assert linter.msg_status == 0, (
+ "Expected no errors to be thrown: %s"
+ % pprint.pformat(linter.reporter.messages)
+ )
+ def test_baseline_benchmark_j10(self, benchmark):
+ """ Establish a baseline of pylint performance with no work across threads
+ Same as `test_baseline_benchmark_j1` but we use -j10 with 10 fake files to
+ ensure end-to-end-system invoked.
+ Because this is also so simple, if this regresses something very serious has
+ happened.
+ """
+ linter = PyLinter(reporter=Reporter())
+ = 10
+ # Create file per worker, using all workers
+ fileinfos = [self.empty_filepath for _ in range(]
+ assert == 10
+ assert len(linter._checkers) == 1, "Should have 'master'"
+ benchmark(linter.check, fileinfos)
+ assert linter.msg_status == 0, (
+ "Expected no errors to be thrown: %s"
+ % pprint.pformat(linter.reporter.messages)
+ )
+ def test_baseline_benchmark_check_parallel_j10(self, benchmark):
+ """ Should demonstrate times very close to `test_baseline_benchmark_j10` """
+ linter = PyLinter(reporter=Reporter())
+ # Create file per worker, using all workers
+ fileinfos = [self.empty_file_info for _ in range(]
+ assert len(linter._checkers) == 1, "Should have 'master'"
+ benchmark(check_parallel, linter, jobs=10, files=fileinfos)
+ assert linter.msg_status == 0, (
+ "Expected no errors to be thrown: %s"
+ % pprint.pformat(linter.reporter.messages)
+ )
+ def test_baseline_lots_of_files_j1(self, benchmark):
+ """ Establish a baseline with only 'master' checker being run in -j1
+ We do not register any checkers except the default 'master', so the cost is just
+ that of the system with a lot of files registerd """
+ if benchmark.disabled:
+ benchmark(print, "skipping, only benchmark large file counts")
+ return # _only_ run this test is profiling
+ linter = PyLinter(reporter=Reporter())
+ = 1
+ fileinfos = [self.empty_filepath for _ in range(self.lot_of_files)]
+ assert == 1
+ assert len(linter._checkers) == 1, "Should have 'master'"
+ benchmark(linter.check, fileinfos)
+ assert linter.msg_status == 0, (
+ "Expected no errors to be thrown: %s"
+ % pprint.pformat(linter.reporter.messages)
+ )
+ def test_baseline_lots_of_files_j10(self, benchmark):
+ """ Establish a baseline with only 'master' checker being run in -j10
+ As with the -j1 variant above `test_baseline_lots_of_files_j1`, we do not
+ register any checkers except the default 'master', so the cost is just that of
+ the check_parallel system across 10 workers, plus the overhead of PyLinter """
+ if benchmark.disabled:
+ benchmark(print, "skipping, only benchmark large file counts")
+ return # _only_ run this test is profiling
+ linter = PyLinter(reporter=Reporter())
+ = 10
+ fileinfos = [self.empty_filepath for _ in range(self.lot_of_files)]
+ assert == 10
+ assert len(linter._checkers) == 1, "Should have 'master'"
+ benchmark(linter.check, fileinfos)
+ assert linter.msg_status == 0, (
+ "Expected no errors to be thrown: %s"
+ % pprint.pformat(linter.reporter.messages)
+ )
+ def test_baseline_lots_of_files_j1_empty_checker(self, benchmark):
+ """ Baselines pylint for a single extra checker being run in -j1, for N-files
+ We use a checker that does no work, so the cost is just that of the system at
+ scale """
+ if benchmark.disabled:
+ benchmark(print, "skipping, only benchmark large file counts")
+ return # _only_ run this test is profiling
+ linter = PyLinter(reporter=Reporter())
+ = 1
+ linter.register_checker(NoWorkChecker(linter))
+ fileinfos = [self.empty_filepath for _ in range(self.lot_of_files)]
+ assert == 1
+ assert len(linter._checkers) == 2, "Should have 'master' and 'sleeper'"
+ benchmark(linter.check, fileinfos)
+ assert linter.msg_status == 0, (
+ "Expected no errors to be thrown: %s"
+ % pprint.pformat(linter.reporter.messages)
+ )
+ def test_baseline_lots_of_files_j10_empty_checker(self, benchmark):
+ """ Baselines pylint for a single extra checker being run in -j10, for N-files
+ We use a checker that does no work, so the cost is just that of the system at
+ scale, across workers """
+ if benchmark.disabled:
+ benchmark(print, "skipping, only benchmark large file counts")
+ return # _only_ run this test is profiling
+ linter = PyLinter(reporter=Reporter())
+ = 10
+ linter.register_checker(NoWorkChecker(linter))
+ fileinfos = [self.empty_filepath for _ in range(self.lot_of_files)]
+ assert == 10
+ assert len(linter._checkers) == 2, "Should have 'master' and 'sleeper'"
+ benchmark(linter.check, fileinfos)
+ assert linter.msg_status == 0, (
+ "Expected no errors to be thrown: %s"
+ % pprint.pformat(linter.reporter.messages)
+ )
+ def test_baseline_benchmark_j1_single_working_checker(self, benchmark):
+ """ Establish a baseline of single-worker performance for PyLinter
+ Here we mimick a single Checker that does some work so that we can see the
+ impact of running a simple system with -j1 against the same system with -j10.
+ We expect this benchmark to take very close to
+ `numfiles*SleepingChecker.sleep_duration` """
+ if benchmark.disabled:
+ benchmark(print, "skipping, do not want to sleep in main tests")
+ return # _only_ run this test is profiling
+ linter = PyLinter(reporter=Reporter())
+ linter.register_checker(SleepingChecker(linter))
+ # Check the same number of files as
+ # `test_baseline_benchmark_j10_single_working_checker`
+ fileinfos = [self.empty_filepath for _ in range(10)]
+ assert == 1
+ assert len(linter._checkers) == 2, "Should have 'master' and 'sleeper'"
+ benchmark(linter.check, fileinfos)
+ assert linter.msg_status == 0, (
+ "Expected no errors to be thrown: %s"
+ % pprint.pformat(linter.reporter.messages)
+ )
+ def test_baseline_benchmark_j10_single_working_checker(self, benchmark):
+ """ Establishes baseline of multi-worker performance for PyLinter/check_parallel
+ We expect this benchmark to take less time that test_baseline_benchmark_j1,
+ `error_margin*(1/J)*(numfiles*SleepingChecker.sleep_duration)`
+ Because of the cost of the framework and system the performance difference will
+ *not* be 1/10 of -j1 versions. """
+ if benchmark.disabled:
+ benchmark(print, "skipping, do not want to sleep in main tests")
+ return # _only_ run this test is profiling
+ linter = PyLinter(reporter=Reporter())
+ = 10
+ linter.register_checker(SleepingChecker(linter))
+ # Check the same number of files as
+ # `test_baseline_benchmark_j1_single_working_checker`
+ fileinfos = [self.empty_filepath for _ in range(10)]
+ assert == 10
+ assert len(linter._checkers) == 2, "Should have 'master' and 'sleeper'"
+ benchmark(linter.check, fileinfos)
+ assert linter.msg_status == 0, (
+ "Expected no errors to be thrown: %s"
+ % pprint.pformat(linter.reporter.messages)
+ )
+ def test_baseline_benchmark_j1_all_checks_single_file(self, benchmark):
+ """ Runs a single file, with -j1, against all plug-ins
+ ... that's the intent at least.
+ """
+ # Just 1 file, but all Checkers/Extensions
+ fileinfos = [self.empty_filepath]
+ runner = benchmark(Run, fileinfos, reporter=Reporter(), do_exit=False)
+ assert == 1
+ print("len(runner.linter._checkers)", len(runner.linter._checkers))
+ assert len(runner.linter._checkers) > 1, "Should have more than 'master'"
+ assert runner.linter.msg_status == 0, (
+ "Expected no errors to be thrown: %s"
+ % pprint.pformat(runner.linter.reporter.messages)
+ )
+ def test_baseline_benchmark_j1_all_checks_lots_of_files(self, benchmark):
+ """ Runs lots of files, with -j1, against all plug-ins
+ ... that's the intent at least.
+ """
+ if benchmark.disabled:
+ benchmark(print, "skipping, only benchmark large file counts")
+ return # _only_ run this test is profiling
+ linter = PyLinter()
+ # Register all checkers/extensions and enable them
+ register_plugins(
+ linter, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", ".."))
+ )
+ linter.load_default_plugins()
+ linter.enable("all")
+ # Just 1 file, but all Checkers/Extensions
+ fileinfos = [self.empty_filepath for _ in range(self.lot_of_files)]
+ assert == 1
+ print("len(linter._checkers)", len(linter._checkers))
+ assert len(linter._checkers) > 1, "Should have more than 'master'"
+ benchmark(linter.check, fileinfos)
diff --git a/tests/input/ b/tests/input/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/input/
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 6d02a3da5..59d9e4f39 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-envlist = py35, py36, py37, py38, pypy, pylint
+envlist = py35, py36, py37, py38, pypy, pylint, benchmark
skip_missing_interpreters = true
@@ -53,13 +53,15 @@ deps =
+ pytest-benchmark
setenv =
COVERAGE_FILE = {toxinidir}/.coverage.{envname}
commands =
- python -Wignore -m coverage run -m pytest {toxinidir}/tests/ {posargs:}
+ ; Run tests, ensuring all benchmark tests do not run
+ python -Wignore -m coverage run -m pytest --benchmark-disable {toxinidir}/tests/ {posargs:}
; Transform absolute path to relative path
; for compatibility with and fix 'source not available' error.
@@ -132,3 +134,29 @@ commands =
rm -f extensions.rst
python ./exts/
sphinx-build -W -b html -d _build/doctrees . _build/html
+deps =
+ coverage<5.0
+ isort
+ mccabe
+ pytest
+ pytest-xdist
+ pygal
+ pytest-benchmark
+commands =
+ ; Run the only the benchmark tests, grouping output and forcing .json output so we
+ ; can compare benchmark runs
+ python -Wi -m pytest --exitfirst \
+ --failed-first \
+ --benchmark-only \
+ --benchmark-save=batch_files \
+ --benchmark-save-data \
+ --benchmark-autosave \
+ {toxinidir}/tests \
+ --benchmark-group-by="group" \
+ {posargs:}
+changedir = {toxworkdir}