Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Bump pylint to 2.13.6, update changelogv2.13.6Pierre Sassoulas2022-04-204-4/+10
* [] pre-commit autoupdate to fix the black issuepre-commit-ci[bot]2022-04-201-4/+4
* Upgrade astroid to 2.11.3 (#6398)Pierre Sassoulas2022-04-202-2/+2
* Prevent false positive `undefined-variable` for user-specified builtins given...Jacob Walls2022-04-205-2/+35
* Fix a crash in the ``unsupported-membership-test`` checker involving tuple un...Jacob Walls2022-04-207-7/+54
* Fix `AstroidError` in similarity checker with imports/signatures ignored (#6357)Jacob Walls2022-04-204-23/+52
* Suppress ``useless-super-delegation`` if return type changed (#5822) (#6141)Tim Martin2022-04-203-0/+44
* Handle asterisks better in Sphinx and Google style docstringsDaniël van Noord2022-04-209-59/+161
* Bump pylint to 2.13.5, update changelogv2.13.5Pierre Sassoulas2022-04-064-7/+15
* Bump black from 22.1.0 to 22.3.0 (#6176)dependabot[bot]2022-04-061-1/+1
* Add ``subclassed-final-class`` message to the ``check_messages`` decorator (#...Mark Byrne2022-04-062-0/+4
* Prevent `used-before-assignment` for assignment via nonlocal after type annot...Jacob Walls2022-04-065-0/+56
* Only emit ``lru-cache-decorating-method`` when ``maxsize`` is ``None`` (#6181)Daniël van Noord2022-04-068-156/+109
* Fix false positive for ``unused-import`` when disabling both ``used-before-as...Andreas Finkler2022-04-044-9/+17
* Fix handling of "for x in x" homonyms (#6154)Jacob Walls2022-04-045-4/+14
* Account for more node types in handling of except block homonyms with compreh...Jacob Walls2022-04-045-69/+116
* ``redefined-slots-in-subclass`` crash when slot type is neither a string or c...Mark Byrne2022-04-043-3/+14
* Fix E1102 / ``not-callable`` false positive for property that returns a lambd...Tushar Sadhwani2022-04-044-10/+43
* Fix false-positive for unnecessary-ellipsis checker on comparisons (#6075)Saugat Pachhai2022-04-041-0/+15
* Narrow the scope of the ``unnecessary-ellipsis`` checker (#6081)Mark Byrne2022-04-043-15/+9
* Bump pylint to 2.13.4, update changelogv2.13.4Pierre Sassoulas2022-03-314-4/+10
* Fix crash in ``super-init-not-called`` checker (#6043)Daniël van Noord2022-03-314-5/+19
* Remove assumption of direct parentage in `used-before-assignment` homonym han...Jacob Walls2022-03-313-10/+78
* Fix false positive for the ``unnecessary-ellipsis`` checker (#6039)Mark Byrne2022-03-313-2/+6
* Fix crash for ``unneccessary-ellipsis`` checker (#6038)Mark Byrne2022-03-313-1/+24
* Include ``testing_pylintrc`` in source and wheel distributions (#6029)Joe Young2022-03-313-0/+9
* Bump pylint to 2.13.3, update changelogv2.13.3Pierre Sassoulas2022-03-294-5/+11
* Change 'nonexistent-operator' to allow repeated unary ops (with space or pare...Sergey B Kirpichev2022-03-294-0/+15
* `unnecessary-ellipsis` false positive: allow ellipsis as default argument (#6...Joe Young2022-03-294-2/+17
* Fix crash on unbalanced tuple unpackingJacob Walls2022-03-294-0/+9
* Bump pylint to 2.13.2, update changelogv2.13.2Pierre Sassoulas2022-03-274-3/+14
* Better error message when we cant write the crash files (#5987)Pierre Sassoulas2022-03-272-7/+9
* Fix false negative for `protected-access` on functions (#5990)Jacob Walls2022-03-274-1/+25
* Add regression test for #5982 upgrade astroid to 2.11.2 (#5988)Jacob Walls2022-03-275-3/+14
* Fix false positive for `superfluous-parens` for `return (a or b) in iterable`...Jacob Walls2022-03-274-14/+23
* Bump pylint to 2.13.1, update changelogv2.13.1Pierre Sassoulas2022-03-265-6/+16
* Fix issue #5969 for `modified_iterating-list` (#5986)orSolocate2022-03-263-2/+24
* Don't emit broken typing errors inside TYPE_CHECKING blocks (#5984)Marc Mueller2022-03-2610-24/+55
* Loosen TypeVar name pattern (#5983)Marc Mueller2022-03-265-11/+21
* Fix false positive for `unused-argument` where nested function uses parent ar...Jacob Walls2022-03-266-7/+37
* Don't emit `raising-bad-type` when there is ambiguity (#5968)Jacob Walls2022-03-264-9/+33
* Fix nonlocal in try block regression for `used-before-assignment` (#5966)Jacob Walls2022-03-264-8/+48
* Bump pylint to 2.13.0, update changelogv2.13.0Pierre Sassoulas2022-03-245-18/+50
* [cleanup] Remove unused code in pylint.checker.base following refactorPierre Sassoulas2022-03-242-34/+3
* [refactor] Create a file for the BasicChecker in pylint.checker.basePierre Sassoulas2022-03-242-812/+818
* [refactor] Create a file for the BasicErrorChecker in pylint.checker.basePierre Sassoulas2022-03-242-557/+573
* [refactor] Create a package for the NameChecker in pylint.checker.basePierre Sassoulas2022-03-247-992/+1088
* [refactor] Create a file for the DocstringChecker in pylint.checker.basePierre Sassoulas2022-03-242-189/+211
* [refactor] Create a file for the PassChecker in pylint.checker.basePierre Sassoulas2022-03-242-20/+29
* [refactor] Create files for comparison checker in pylint.checker.basePierre Sassoulas2022-03-242-285/+297