path: root/examples/
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* [typing] Use __future__ annotations where possible (#8264)Pierre Sassoulas2023-02-121-1/+3
* [pre-commit] Upgrade to black 23.1a1 with 2023's formatting (#7965)Pierre Sassoulas2022-12-271-1/+1
* Subclass ``BaseRawFileChecker`` and ``BaseTokenChecker``Daniël van Noord2022-04-191-5/+2
* Update ``pydocstringformatter`` to 0.4.0 (#5787)Daniël van Noord2022-02-101-2/+2
* Add typing and uniformize the checker registering in Pylinter (#5558)Pierre Sassoulas2021-12-271-2/+10
* Type ``process_module`` and update argument namesDaniël van Noord2021-09-131-1/+3
* Style - Re-Apply black following the isort cleanupPierre Sassoulas2019-03-201-9/+13
* Style - Apply isort on all apllicable filesPierre Sassoulas2019-03-201-2/+2
* Fix err "global name 'module' is not defined" (#1146)sdet_liang2016-10-251-1/+1
* Update the examples to the new message format.Claudiu Popa2015-01-031-1/+3
* Use the new, since Module.file_stream is deprecated.Claudiu Popa2015-01-031-4/+5
* add note about soon useless Thénault2011-10-261-3/+1
* py3k: need to handle guess_encoding in astngEmile Anclin2010-11-221-6/+8
* forget the past.root2006-04-261-0/+31