path: root/pylint/extensions
diff options
authorBruno Daniel <>2015-05-08 17:36:21 +0200
committerBruno Daniel <>2015-05-08 17:36:21 +0200
commiteecb9e943b3a77f32c22bf57456a032d0cc55ca6 (patch)
treef6cdcce8c169716cbf63892049e93f6901bfaada /pylint/extensions
parent80d83f6a195090f86ec25065a72e6e8e4ded2e62 (diff)
Tolerate no Sphinx parameter documentation at all: unit test
Diffstat (limited to 'pylint/extensions')
3 files changed, 418 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pylint/extensions/ b/pylint/extensions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pylint/extensions/
diff --git a/pylint/extensions/ b/pylint/extensions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2319ac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pylint/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+"""Pylint plugin for Sphinx parameter documentation checking
+from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
+import re
+from pylint.interfaces import IAstroidChecker
+from pylint.checkers import BaseChecker
+import astroid.scoped_nodes
+class SphinxDocChecker(BaseChecker):
+ """Checker for Sphinx documentation parameters
+ * Check that all function, method and constructor parameters are mentioned
+ in the Sphinx params and types part of the docstring. By convention,
+ constructor parameters are documented in the class docstring.
+ * Check that there are no naming inconsistencies between the signature and
+ the documentation, i.e. also report documented parameters that are missing
+ in the signature. This is important to find cases where parameters are
+ renamed only in the code, not in the documentation.
+ Activate this checker by adding the line::
+ load-plugins=pylint.extensions.check_docs
+ to the ``MASTER`` section of your ``.pylintrc``.
+ :param linter: linter object
+ :type linter: :class:`pylint.lint.PyLinter`
+ """
+ __implements__ = IAstroidChecker
+ name = 'Sphinx doc checks'
+ msgs = {
+ 'W9003': ('"%s" missing or differing in Sphinx params',
+ 'missing-sphinx-param',
+ 'Please add Sphinx param declarations for all arguments.'),
+ 'W9004': ('"%s" missing or differing in Sphinx types',
+ 'missing-sphinx-type',
+ 'Please add Sphinx type declarations for all arguments.'),
+ }
+ options = ()
+ priority = -2
+ def __init__(self, linter=None):
+ BaseChecker.__init__(self, linter)
+ def visit_function(self, node):
+ """Called for function and method definitions (def).
+ :param node: Node for a function or method definition in the AST
+ :type node: :class:`astroid.scoped_nodes.Function`
+ """
+ self.check_arguments_in_docstring(node, node.doc, node.args)
+ re_for_parameters_see = re.compile(r"""
+ For\s+the\s+(other)?\s*parameters\s*,\s+see
+ """, re.X | re.S)
+ re_prefix_of_func_name = re.compile(r"""
+ .* # part before final dot
+ \. # final dot
+ """, re.X | re.S)
+ re_sphinx_param_in_docstring = re.compile(r"""
+ :param # Sphinx keyword
+ \s+ # whitespace
+ (?: # optional type declaration
+ (\w+)
+ \s+
+ )?
+ (\w+) # Parameter name
+ \s* # whitespace
+ : # final colon
+ """, re.X | re.S)
+ re_sphinx_type_in_docstring = re.compile(r"""
+ :type # Sphinx keyword
+ \s+ # whitespace
+ (\w+) # Parameter name
+ \s* # whitespace
+ : # final colon
+ """, re.X | re.S)
+ not_needed_param_in_docstring = set(['self', 'cls'])
+ def check_arguments_in_docstring(self, node, doc, arguments_node):
+ """Check that all arguments in a function, method or class constructor
+ on the one hand and the arguments mentioned in the Sphinx tags 'param'
+ and 'type' on the other hand are consistent with each other.
+ * Undocumented parameters except 'self' are noticed.
+ * Undocumented parameter types except for 'self' and the ``*<args>``
+ and ``**<kwargs>`` parameters are noticed.
+ * Parameters mentioned in the Sphinx documentation that don't or no
+ longer exist in the function parameter list are noticed.
+ * If there is a Sphinx link like ``:meth:...`` or ``:func:...`` to a
+ function carrying the same name as the current function, missing
+ parameter documentations are tolerated, but the existing parameters
+ mentioned in the documentation are checked.
+ :param node: Node for a function, method or class definition in the AST.
+ :type node: :class:`astroid.scoped_nodes.Function` or
+ :class:`astroid.scoped_nodes.Class`
+ :param doc: Docstring for the function, method or class.
+ :type doc: str
+ :param arguments_node: Arguments node for the function, method or
+ class constructor.
+ :type arguments_node: :class:`astroid.scoped_nodes.Arguments`
+ """
+ # Tolerate missing param or type declarations if there is a link to
+ # another method carrying the same name.
+ if node.doc is None:
+ return
+ tolerate_missing_params = False
+ if is not None:
+ tolerate_missing_params = True
+ # Collect the function arguments.
+ expected_argument_names = [ for arg in arguments_node.args]
+ not_needed_type_in_docstring = (
+ self.not_needed_param_in_docstring.copy())
+ if arguments_node.vararg is not None:
+ expected_argument_names.append(arguments_node.vararg)
+ not_needed_type_in_docstring.add(arguments_node.vararg)
+ if arguments_node.kwarg is not None:
+ expected_argument_names.append(arguments_node.kwarg)
+ not_needed_type_in_docstring.add(arguments_node.kwarg)
+ def compare_args(found_argument_names, message_id, not_needed_names):
+ """Compare the found argument names with the expected ones and
+ generate a message if there are inconsistencies.
+ :param list found_argument_names: argument names found in the
+ docstring
+ :param str message_id: pylint message id
+ :param not_needed_names: names that may be omitted
+ :type not_needed_names: set of str
+ """
+ if not tolerate_missing_params:
+ missing_or_differing_argument_names = (
+ (set(expected_argument_names) ^ set(found_argument_names))
+ - not_needed_names)
+ else:
+ missing_or_differing_argument_names = (
+ (set(found_argument_names) - set(expected_argument_names))
+ - not_needed_names)
+ if missing_or_differing_argument_names:
+ self.add_message(
+ message_id,
+ args=(', '.join(
+ sorted(missing_or_differing_argument_names)),),
+ node=node)
+ # Sphinx param declarations
+ found_argument_names = []
+ for match in re.finditer(self.re_sphinx_param_in_docstring, doc):
+ name =
+ found_argument_names.append(name)
+ if is not None:
+ not_needed_type_in_docstring.add(name)
+ compare_args(found_argument_names, 'missing-sphinx-param',
+ self.not_needed_param_in_docstring)
+ # Sphinx type declarations
+ found_argument_names = re.findall(self.re_sphinx_type_in_docstring, doc)
+ compare_args(found_argument_names, 'missing-sphinx-type',
+ not_needed_type_in_docstring)
+ constructor_names = set(["__init__", "__new__"])
+ def visit_class(self, node):
+ """Called for class definitions.
+ :param node: Node for a class definition in the AST
+ :type node: :class:`astroid.scoped_nodes.Class`
+ """
+ for body_item in node.body:
+ if (isinstance(body_item, astroid.scoped_nodes.Function)
+ and hasattr(body_item, 'name')):
+ if in self.constructor_names:
+ self.check_arguments_in_docstring(
+ node, node.doc, body_item.args)
+ else:
+ self.visit_function(body_item)
+def register(linter):
+ """Required method to auto register this checker.
+ :param linter: Main interface object for Pylint plugins
+ :type linter: Pylint object
+ """
+ linter.register_checker(SphinxDocChecker(linter))
diff --git a/pylint/extensions/test/ b/pylint/extensions/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c4710c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pylint/extensions/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+"""Unit tests for the pylint checkers in :mod:`pylint.extensions.check_docs`,
+in particular the Sphinx parameter documentation checker `SphinxDocChecker`
+from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
+import unittest
+from astroid import test_utils
+from pylint.testutils import CheckerTestCase, Message
+from pylint.extensions.check_docs import SphinxDocChecker
+class SpinxDocCheckerTest(CheckerTestCase):
+ """Tests for pylint_plugin.SphinxDocChecker"""
+ CHECKER_CLASS = SphinxDocChecker
+ def test_missing_func_params_in_docstring(self):
+ """Example of a function with missing parameter documentation in the
+ docstring
+ """
+ node = test_utils.extract_node("""
+ def function_foo(x, y):
+ '''docstring ...
+ :param x: bla
+ missing parameter documentation'''
+ pass
+ """)
+ with self.assertAddsMessages(
+ Message(
+ msg_id='missing-sphinx-param',
+ node=node,
+ args=('y',)),
+ Message(
+ msg_id='missing-sphinx-type',
+ node=node,
+ args=('x, y',))
+ ):
+ self.checker.visit_function(node)
+ def test_tolerate_no_sphinx_param_documentation_at_all(self):
+ """Example of a function with no Sphinx parameter documentation at all
+ """
+ node = test_utils.extract_node("""
+ def function_foo(x, y):
+ '''docstring ...
+ missing parameter documentation'''
+ pass
+ """)
+ with self.assertNoMessages():
+ self.checker.visit_function(node)
+ def test_missing_method_params_in_docstring(self):
+ """Example of a class method with missing parameter documentation in
+ the docstring
+ """
+ node = test_utils.extract_node("""
+ class Foo(object):
+ def method_foo(self, x, y):
+ '''docstring ...
+ missing parameter documentation
+ :param x: bla
+ '''
+ pass
+ """)
+ method_node = node.body[0]
+ with self.assertAddsMessages(
+ Message(
+ msg_id='missing-sphinx-param',
+ node=method_node,
+ args=('y',)),
+ Message(
+ msg_id='missing-sphinx-type',
+ node=method_node,
+ args=('x, y',))
+ ):
+ self.checker.visit_class(node)
+ def test_existing_func_params_in_docstring(self):
+ """Example of a function with correctly documented parameters and
+ return values
+ """
+ node = test_utils.extract_node("""
+ def function_foo(xarg, yarg, zarg):
+ '''function foo ...
+ :param xarg: bla xarg
+ :type xarg: int
+ :param yarg: bla yarg
+ :type yarg: float
+ :param int zarg: bla zarg
+ :return: sum
+ :rtype: float
+ '''
+ return xarg + yarg
+ """)
+ with self.assertNoMessages():
+ self.checker.visit_function(node)
+ def test_wrong_name_of_func_params_in_docstring(self):
+ """Example of functions with inconsistent parameter names in the
+ signature and in the documentation
+ """
+ node = test_utils.extract_node("""
+ def function_foo(xarg, yarg, zarg):
+ '''function foo ...
+ :param xarg1: bla xarg
+ :type xarg: int
+ :param yarg: bla yarg
+ :type yarg1: float
+ :param str zarg1: bla zarg
+ '''
+ return xarg + yarg
+ """)
+ with self.assertAddsMessages(
+ Message(
+ msg_id='missing-sphinx-param',
+ node=node,
+ args=('xarg, xarg1, zarg, zarg1',)),
+ Message(
+ msg_id='missing-sphinx-type',
+ node=node,
+ args=('yarg, yarg1, zarg',)),
+ ):
+ self.checker.visit_function(node)
+ node = test_utils.extract_node("""
+ def function_foo(xarg, yarg):
+ '''function foo ...
+ :param yarg1: bla yarg
+ :type yarg1: float
+ For the other parameters, see bla.
+ '''
+ return xarg + yarg
+ """)
+ with self.assertAddsMessages(
+ Message(
+ msg_id='missing-sphinx-param',
+ node=node,
+ args=('yarg1',)),
+ Message(
+ msg_id='missing-sphinx-type',
+ node=node,
+ args=('yarg1',))
+ ):
+ self.checker.visit_function(node)
+ def test_see_sentence_for_func_params_in_docstring(self):
+ """Example for the usage of "For the other parameters, see" to avoid
+ too many repetitions, e.g. in functions or methods adhering to a
+ given interface
+ """
+ node = test_utils.extract_node("""
+ def function_foo(xarg, yarg):
+ '''function foo ...
+ :param yarg: bla yarg
+ :type yarg: float
+ For the other parameters, see :func:`bla`
+ '''
+ return xarg + yarg
+ """)
+ with self.assertNoMessages():
+ self.checker.visit_function(node)
+ def test_constr_params_in_class(self):
+ """Example of a class with missing constructor parameter documentation
+ Everything is completely analogous to functions.
+ """
+ node = test_utils.extract_node("""
+ class ClassFoo(object):
+ '''docstring foo
+ :param y: bla
+ missing constructor parameter documentation
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, x, y):
+ pass
+ """)
+ with self.assertAddsMessages(
+ Message(
+ msg_id='missing-sphinx-param',
+ node=node,
+ args=('x',)),
+ Message(
+ msg_id='missing-sphinx-type',
+ node=node,
+ args=('x, y',))
+ ):
+ self.checker.visit_class(node)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()