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authorptmcg <ptmcg@9bf210a0-9d2d-494c-87cf-cfb32e7dff7b>2016-08-15 22:36:28 +0000
committerptmcg <ptmcg@9bf210a0-9d2d-494c-87cf-cfb32e7dff7b>2016-08-15 22:36:28 +0000
commit57c49d7efcc51c0d10788e2c669fef3f4f057db7 (patch)
parent1dfc30d5bd4c2f051d220f8baadb9f507744e3af (diff)
Some docstring changes
git-svn-id: svn:// 9bf210a0-9d2d-494c-87cf-cfb32e7dff7b
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 89cffc1..5b63a73 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -31,15 +31,18 @@ vs. the traditional lex/yacc approach, or the use of regular expressions. With
don't need to learn a new syntax for defining grammars or matching expressions - the parsing module
provides a library of classes that you use to construct the grammar directly in Python.
-Here is a program to parse "Hello, World!" (or any greeting of the form C{"<salutation>, <addressee>!"})::
+Here is a program to parse "Hello, World!" (or any greeting of the form
+C{"<salutation>, <addressee>!"}), built up using L{Word}, L{Literal}, and L{And} elements
+(L{'+'<ParserElement.__add__>} operator gives L{And} expressions, strings are auto-converted to
+L{Literal} expressions)::
from pyparsing import Word, alphas
# define grammar of a greeting
- greet = Word( alphas ) + "," + Word( alphas ) + "!"
+ greet = Word(alphas) + "," + Word(alphas) + "!"
hello = "Hello, World!"
- print (hello, "->", greet.parseString( hello ))
+ print (hello, "->", greet.parseString(hello))
The program outputs the following::
@@ -48,7 +51,7 @@ The program outputs the following::
The Python representation of the grammar is quite readable, owing to the self-explanatory
class names, and the use of '+', '|' and '^' operators.
-The parsed results returned from L{I{ParserElement.parseString}<ParserElement.parseString>} can be accessed as a nested list, a dictionary, or an
+The L{ParseResults} object returned from L{ParserElement.parseString<ParserElement.parseString>} can be accessed as a nested list, a dictionary, or an
object with named attributes.
The pyparsing module handles some of the problems that are typically vexing when writing text parsers:
@@ -57,8 +60,8 @@ The pyparsing module handles some of the problems that are typically vexing when
- embedded comments
-__version__ = "2.1.8"
-__versionTime__ = "14 Aug 2016 08:43 UTC"
+__version__ = "2.1.9"
+__versionTime__ = "15 Aug 2016 18:14 UTC"
__author__ = "Paul McGuire <>"
import string
@@ -310,6 +313,7 @@ class ParseResults(object):
# equivalent form:
# date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day")
+ # parseString returns a ParseResults object
result = date_str.parseString("1999/12/31")
def test(s, fn=repr):
@@ -1775,7 +1779,15 @@ class ParserElement(object):
def __add__(self, other ):
- Implementation of + operator - returns C{L{And}}
+ Implementation of + operator - returns C{L{And}}. Adding strings to a ParserElement
+ converts them to L{Literal}s by default.
+ Example::
+ greet = Word(alphas) + "," + Word(alphas) + "!"
+ hello = "Hello, World!"
+ print (hello, "->", greet.parseString(hello))
+ Prints::
+ Hello, World! -> ['Hello', ',', 'World', '!']
if isinstance( other, basestring ):
other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other )
@@ -1972,7 +1984,7 @@ class ParserElement(object):
def __call__(self, name=None):
- Shortcut for C{L{setResultsName}}, with C{listAllMatches=default}.
+ Shortcut for C{L{setResultsName}}, with C{listAllMatches=False}.
If C{name} is given with a trailing C{'*'} character, then C{listAllMatches} will be
passed as C{True}.
@@ -2083,7 +2095,8 @@ class ParserElement(object):
Match alphaword at loc 15(1,16)
Exception raised:Expected alphaword (at char 15), (line:1, col:16)
- The output shown is that produced by the default debug actions. Prior to attempting
+ The output shown is that produced by the default debug actions - custom debug actions can be
+ specified using L{setDebugActions}. Prior to attempting
to match the C{wd} expression, the debugging message C{"Match <exprname> at loc <n>(<line>,<col>)"}
is shown. Then if the parse succeeds, a C{"Matched"} message is shown, or an C{"Exception raised"}
message is shown. Also note the use of L{setName} to assign a human-readable name to the expression,
@@ -2646,7 +2659,7 @@ class Regex(Token):
realnum = Regex(r"[+-]?\d+\.\d*")
- date = Regex(r'(?P<year>\d{4})-(?P<month>\d\d)-(?P<day>\d\d)')
+ date = Regex(r'(?P<year>\d{4})-(?P<month>\d\d?)-(?P<day>\d\d?)')
# ref:
roman = Regex(r"M{0,4}(CM|CD|D?C{0,3})(XC|XL|L?X{0,3})(IX|IV|V?I{0,3})")
@@ -4274,7 +4287,10 @@ class OnlyOnce(object):
def traceParseAction(f):
- Decorator for debugging parse actions.
+ Decorator for debugging parse actions.
+ When the parse action is called, this decorator will print C{">> entering I{method-name}(line:I{current_source_line}, I{parse_location}, I{matched_tokens})".}
+ When the parse action completes, the decorator will print C{"<<"} followed by the returned value, or any exception that the parse action raised.
wd = Word(alphas)
@@ -4339,9 +4355,16 @@ def countedArray( expr, intExpr=None ):
integer expr expr expr...
where the leading integer tells how many expr expressions follow.
The matched tokens returns the array of expr tokens as a list - the leading count token is suppressed.
+ If C{intExpr} is specified, it should be a pyparsing expression that produces an integer value.
countedArray(Word(alphas)).parseString('2 ab cd ef') # -> ['ab', 'cd']
+ # in this parser, the leading integer value is given in binary,
+ # '10' indicating that 2 values are in the array
+ binaryConstant = Word('01').setParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0], 2))
+ countedArray(Word(alphas), intExpr=binaryConstant).parseString('10 ab cd ef') # -> ['ab', 'cd']
arrayExpr = Forward()
def countFieldParseAction(s,l,t):