path: root/src/examples/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/examples/')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/src/examples/ b/src/examples/
index dd556e5..b94bac4 100644
--- a/src/examples/
+++ b/src/examples/
@@ -19,76 +19,27 @@ def CORBA_IDL_BNF():
if not bnf:
# punctuation
- colon = Literal(":")
- lbrace = Literal("{")
- rbrace = Literal("}")
- lbrack = Literal("[")
- rbrack = Literal("]")
- lparen = Literal("(")
- rparen = Literal(")")
- equals = Literal("=")
- comma = Literal(",")
- dot = Literal(".")
- slash = Literal("/")
- bslash = Literal("\\")
- star = Literal("*")
- semi = Literal(";")
- langle = Literal("<")
- rangle = Literal(">")
+ (colon,lbrace,rbrace,lbrack,rbrack,lparen,rparen,
+ equals,comma,dot,slash,bslash,star,semi,langle,rangle) = map(Literal, r":{}[]()=,./\*;<>")
# keywords
- any_ = Keyword("any")
- attribute_ = Keyword("attribute")
- boolean_ = Keyword("boolean")
- case_ = Keyword("case")
- char_ = Keyword("char")
- const_ = Keyword("const")
- context_ = Keyword("context")
- default_ = Keyword("default")
- double_ = Keyword("double")
- enum_ = Keyword("enum")
- exception_ = Keyword("exception")
- false_ = Keyword("FALSE")
- fixed_ = Keyword("fixed")
- float_ = Keyword("float")
- inout_ = Keyword("inout")
- interface_ = Keyword("interface")
- in_ = Keyword("in")
- long_ = Keyword("long")
- module_ = Keyword("module")
- object_ = Keyword("Object")
- octet_ = Keyword("octet")
- oneway_ = Keyword("oneway")
- out_ = Keyword("out")
- raises_ = Keyword("raises")
- readonly_ = Keyword("readonly")
- sequence_ = Keyword("sequence")
- short_ = Keyword("short")
- string_ = Keyword("string")
- struct_ = Keyword("struct")
- switch_ = Keyword("switch")
- true_ = Keyword("TRUE")
- typedef_ = Keyword("typedef")
- unsigned_ = Keyword("unsigned")
- union_ = Keyword("union")
- void_ = Keyword("void")
- wchar_ = Keyword("wchar")
- wstring_ = Keyword("wstring")
+ (any_, attribute_, boolean_, case_, char_, const_, context_, default_, double_, enum_, exception_,
+ FALSE_, fixed_, float_, inout_, interface_, in_, long_, module_, Object_, octet_, oneway_, out_, raises_,
+ readonly_, sequence_, short_, string_, struct_, switch_, TRUE_, typedef_, unsigned_, union_, void_,
+ wchar_, wstring_) = map(Keyword, """any attribute boolean case char const context
+ default double enum exception FALSE fixed float inout interface in long module
+ Object octet oneway out raises readonly sequence short string struct switch
+ TRUE typedef unsigned union void wchar wstring""".split())
identifier = Word( alphas, alphanums + "_" ).setName("identifier")
- #~ real = Combine( Word(nums+"+-", nums) + dot + Optional( Word(nums) )
- #~ + Optional( CaselessLiteral("E") + Word(nums+"+-",nums) ) )
real = Regex(r"[+-]?\d+\.\d*([Ee][+-]?\d+)?").setName("real")
- #~ integer = ( Combine( CaselessLiteral("0x") + Word( nums+"abcdefABCDEF" ) ) |
- #~ Word( nums+"+-", nums ) ).setName("int")
integer = Regex(r"0x[0-9a-fA-F]+|[+-]?\d+").setName("int")
udTypeName = delimitedList( identifier, "::", combine=True ).setName("udType")
- # have to use longest match for type, in case a user-defined type name starts with a keyword type, like "stringSeq" or "longArray"
- typeName = ( any_ ^ boolean_ ^ char_ ^ double_ ^ fixed_ ^
- float_ ^ long_ ^ octet_ ^ short_ ^ string_ ^
- wchar_ ^ wstring_ ^ udTypeName ).setName("type")
+ typeName = ( any_ | boolean_ | char_ | double_ | fixed_ |
+ float_ | long_ | octet_ | short_ | string_ |
+ wchar_ | wstring_ | udTypeName ).setName("type")
sequenceDef = Forward().setName("seq")
sequenceDef << Group( sequence_ + langle + ( sequenceDef | typeName ) + rangle )
typeDef = sequenceDef | ( typeName + Optional( lbrack + integer + rbrack ) )