path: root/.travis.yml
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Upload coverage reports to codecovIvan Kanakarakis2018-06-291-0/+5
* Explicitly install tox for travisIvan Kanakarakis2018-06-291-0/+1
* Update supported and testing python versionsIvan Kanakarakis2018-06-291-1/+3
* Document and test all supported Python versionsJon Dufresne2018-06-281-7/+7
* Update tox.ini to actually run tests and make Travis use it.Rebecka Gulliksson2015-11-121-3/+6
* Use Travis new container-based infrastructure.Rebecka Gulliksson2015-08-051-0/+2
* Changed from sudo apt-get to the Travis apt addon for xmlsec1.Rebecka Gulliksson2015-08-051-3/+5
* All tests now pass in 2.7 and 3.4 .Roland Hedberg2015-06-251-0/+4
* Add support for travis-ci continuous integrationErick Tryzelaar2014-10-291-0/+10