path: root/scss/
diff options
authorEevee (Alex Munroe) <>2014-09-16 18:37:33 -0700
committerEevee (Alex Munroe) <>2014-09-16 18:37:33 -0700
commit8c530adb664f8277c5d2f989522324f9eb1d9c63 (patch)
tree43809276582e731d97d3bb01388b7bdc74101d46 /scss/
parentf63a6964df84c193478a7cce14013a5f53f6aee7 (diff)
Possible implementation of an import hook for extensions.
Diffstat (limited to 'scss/')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 149 deletions
diff --git a/scss/ b/scss/
index 8e5016c..72e39a5 100644
--- a/scss/
+++ b/scss/
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ except ImportError:
import six
from scss.calculator import Calculator
-import scss.config as config
from scss.cssdefs import _spaces_re
from scss.cssdefs import _escape_chars_re
from scss.cssdefs import _prop_split_re
@@ -32,7 +31,6 @@ from scss.errors import SassImportError
from scss.extension import Extension
from scss.extension.core import CoreExtension
from scss.extension import NamespaceAdapterExtension
-from scss.extension.compass.sprites import sprite_map
from scss.grammar import locate_blocks
from scss.rule import BlockAtRuleHeader
from scss.rule import Namespace
@@ -42,7 +40,6 @@ from scss.rule import UnparsedBlock
from scss.selector import Selector
from scss.source import SourceFile
from scss.types import Arglist
-from scss.types import Boolean
from scss.types import List
from scss.types import Null
from scss.types import Number
@@ -839,22 +836,17 @@ class Compilation(object):
name = sass_path.value
source = None
- try:
- path = self._find_import(rule, name)
- except IOError:
- # Maybe do a special import instead
- generated_code = self._at_magic_import(
- calculator, rule, scope, block)
- if generated_code is None:
- raise SassImportError(sass_path, self.compiler, rule=rule)
- source = SourceFile.from_string(generated_code)
+ for extension in self.compiler.extensions:
+ source = extension.handle_import(name, self, rule)
+ if source:
+ break
- if path in self.source_index:
- source = self.source_index[path]
- else:
- source = SourceFile.from_filename(path)
- self.add_source(source)
+ # Didn't find anything!
+ raise SassImportError(name, self.compiler, rule=rule)
+ if source.path not in self.source_index:
+ self.add_source(source)
+ source = self.source_index[source.path]
if rule.namespace.has_import(source):
# If already imported in this scope, skip
@@ -883,139 +875,10 @@ class Compilation(object):
# TODO this seems extremely janky (surely we should create an
# actual new Rule), but the CSS rendering doesn't understand how to
# print rules without blocks
+ # TODO if this ever creates a new Rule, shuffle stuff around so
+ # this is still hoisted to the top'@import ' + import_, None))
- def _find_import(self, rule, name, skip=None):
- """Find the file referred to by an @import.
- Takes a name from an @import and returns an absolute path, or None.
- """
- name, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
- if ext:
- search_exts = [ext]
- else:
- search_exts = ['.scss', '.sass']
- dirname, basename = os.path.split(name)
- # Search relative to the importing file first
- search_path = [
- os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(
- os.path.dirname(rule.source_file.path)))]
- search_path.extend(self.compiler.search_path)
- for prefix, suffix in product(('_', ''), search_exts):
- filename = prefix + basename + suffix
- for directory in search_path:
- path = os.path.normpath(
- os.path.join(directory, dirname, filename))
- if path == rule.source_file.path:
- # Avoid self-import
- # TODO is this what ruby does?
- continue
- if not os.path.exists(path):
- continue
- # Ensure that no one used .. to escape the search path
- for valid_path in self.compiler.search_path:
- rel = os.path.relpath(path, start=valid_path)
- if not rel.startswith('../'):
- break
- else:
- continue
- # All good!
- return path
- raise IOError(
- "Can't find a file to import for {0!r}\n"
- "Search path:\n{1}".format(
- name,
- ''.join(" " + dir_ + "\n" for dir_ in search_path),
- )
- )
- # @print_timing(10)
- def _at_magic_import(self, calculator, rule, scope, block):
- """
- Implements @import for sprite-maps
- Imports magic sprite map directories
- """
- # TODO check that the found file is actually under the root
- if callable(config.STATIC_ROOT):
- files = sorted(config.STATIC_ROOT(block.argument))
- else:
- glob_path = os.path.join(config.STATIC_ROOT, block.argument)
- files = glob.glob(glob_path)
- files = sorted((file[len(config.STATIC_ROOT):], None) for file in files)
- if not files:
- return
- # Build magic context
- map_name = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(block.argument)).replace('\\', '_').replace('/', '_')
- kwargs = {}
- def setdefault(var, val):
- _var = '$' + map_name + '-' + var
- if _var in rule.context:
- kwargs[var] = calculator.interpolate(rule.context[_var], rule, self._library)
- else:
- rule.context[_var] = val
- kwargs[var] = calculator.interpolate(val, rule, self._library)
- return rule.context[_var]
- setdefault('sprite-base-class', String('.' + map_name + '-sprite', quotes=None))
- setdefault('sprite-dimensions', Boolean(False))
- position = setdefault('position', Number(0, '%'))
- spacing = setdefault('spacing', Number(0))
- repeat = setdefault('repeat', String('no-repeat', quotes=None))
- names = tuple(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0] for file, storage in files)
- for n in names:
- setdefault(n + '-position', position)
- setdefault(n + '-spacing', spacing)
- setdefault(n + '-repeat', repeat)
- rule.context['$' + map_name + '-' + 'sprites'] = sprite_map(block.argument, **kwargs)
- ret = '''
- @import "compass/utilities/sprites/base";
- // All sprites should extend this class
- // The %(map_name)s-sprite mixin will do so for you.
- #{$%(map_name)s-sprite-base-class} {
- background: $%(map_name)s-sprites;
- }
- // Use this to set the dimensions of an element
- // based on the size of the original image.
- @mixin %(map_name)s-sprite-dimensions($name) {
- @include sprite-dimensions($%(map_name)s-sprites, $name);
- }
- // Move the background position to display the sprite.
- @mixin %(map_name)s-sprite-position($name, $offset-x: 0, $offset-y: 0) {
- @include sprite-position($%(map_name)s-sprites, $name, $offset-x, $offset-y);
- }
- // Extends the sprite base class and set the background position for the desired sprite.
- // It will also apply the image dimensions if $dimensions is true.
- @mixin %(map_name)s-sprite($name, $dimensions: $%(map_name)s-sprite-dimensions, $offset-x: 0, $offset-y: 0) {
- @extend #{$%(map_name)s-sprite-base-class};
- @include sprite($%(map_name)s-sprites, $name, $dimensions, $offset-x, $offset-y);
- }
- @mixin %(map_name)s-sprites($sprite-names, $dimensions: $%(map_name)s-sprite-dimensions) {
- @include sprites($%(map_name)s-sprites, $sprite-names, $%(map_name)s-sprite-base-class, $dimensions);
- }
- // Generates a class for each sprited image.
- @mixin all-%(map_name)s-sprites($dimensions: $%(map_name)s-sprite-dimensions) {
- @include %(map_name)s-sprites(%(sprites)s, $dimensions);
- }
- ''' % {'map_name': map_name, 'sprites': ' '.join(names)}
- return ret
# @print_timing(10)
def _at_if(self, calculator, rule, scope, block):