path: root/documentation/examples.rst
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Diffstat (limited to 'documentation/examples.rst')
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/documentation/examples.rst b/documentation/examples.rst
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+ Examples
+This is a console application that provides a small terminal application.
+miniterm itself does not implement any terminal features such as VT102
+compatibility. However it inherits these features from the terminal it is run.
+For example on GNU/Linux running from an xterm it will support the escape
+sequences of the xterm. On Windows the typical console window is dumb and does
+not support any escapes. When ANSI.sys is loaded it supports some escapes.
+ --- Miniterm on /dev/ttyS0: 9600,8,N,1 ---
+ --- Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---
+Command line options can be given so that binary data including escapes for
+terminals are escaped or output as hex.
+Command line options `` -h``::
+ Usage: [options] [port [baudrate]]
+ Miniterm - A simple terminal program for the serial port.
+ Options:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -p PORT, --port=PORT port, a number (default 0) or a device name
+ (deprecated option)
+ set baud rate, default 9600
+ --parity=PARITY set parity, one of [N, E, O, S, M], default=N
+ -e, --echo enable local echo (default off)
+ --rtscts enable RTS/CTS flow control (default off)
+ --xonxoff enable software flow control (default off)
+ --cr do not send CR+LF, send CR only
+ --lf do not send CR+LF, send LF only
+ -D, --debug debug received data (escape non-printable chars)
+ --debug can be given multiple times: 0: just print
+ what is received 1: escape non-printable characters,
+ do newlines as unusual 2: escape non-printable
+ characters, newlines too 3: hex dump everything
+ --rts=RTS_STATE set initial RTS line state (possible values: 0, 1)
+ --dtr=DTR_STATE set initial DTR line state (possible values: 0, 1)
+ -q, --quiet suppress non error messages
+ --exit-char=EXIT_CHAR
+ ASCII code of special character that is used to exit
+ the application
+ --menu-char=MENU_CHAR
+ ASCII code of special character that is used to
+ control miniterm (menu)
+miniterm supports some control functions. Typing :kbd:`Control+t Control+h` when it is
+running shows the help text::
+ --- pySerial - miniterm - help
+ ---
+ --- Ctrl+] Exit program
+ --- Ctrl+T Menu escape key, followed by:
+ --- Menu keys:
+ --- Ctrl+T Send the menu character itself to remote
+ --- Ctrl+] Send the exit character to remote
+ --- Ctrl+I Show info
+ --- Ctrl+U Upload file (prompt will be shown)
+ --- Toggles:
+ --- Ctrl+R RTS Ctrl+E local echo
+ --- Ctrl+D DTR Ctrl+B BREAK
+ --- Ctrl+L line feed Ctrl+A Cycle repr mode
+ ---
+ --- Port settings (Ctrl+T followed by the following):
+ --- 7 8 set data bits
+ --- n e o s m change parity (None, Even, Odd, Space, Mark)
+ --- 1 2 3 set stop bits (1, 2, 1.5)
+ --- b change baud rate
+ --- x X disable/enable software flow control
+ --- r R disable/enable hardware flow control
+ The miniterm program.
+ This is a py2exe setup script for Windows. It can be used to create a
+ standalone ``miniterm.exe``.
+TCP/IP - serial bridge
+This program opens a TCP/IP port. When a connection is made to that port (e.g.
+with telnet) it forwards all data to the serial port and vice versa.
+The serial port settings are set on the command line when starting the program.
+There is no possibility to change settings from remote.
+ Usage: [options] [port [baudrate]]
+ Simple Serial to Network (TCP/IP) redirector.
+ Options:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -q, --quiet suppress non error messages
+ --spy peek at the communication and print all data to the
+ console
+ Serial Port:
+ Serial port settings
+ -p PORT, --port=PORT
+ port, a number (default 0) or a device name
+ set baud rate, default: 9600
+ --parity=PARITY set parity, one of [N, E, O], default=N
+ --rtscts enable RTS/CTS flow control (default off)
+ --xonxoff enable software flow control (default off)
+ --rts=RTS_STATE set initial RTS line state (possible values: 0, 1)
+ --dtr=DTR_STATE set initial DTR line state (possible values: 0, 1)
+ Network settings:
+ Network configuration.
+ -P LOCAL_PORT, --localport=LOCAL_PORT
+ local TCP port
+ Newline Settings:
+ Convert newlines between network and serial port. Conversion is
+ normally disabled and can be enabled by --convert.
+ -c, --convert enable newline conversion (default off)
+ --net-nl=NET_NEWLINE
+ type of newlines that are expected on the network
+ (default: LF)
+ --ser-nl=SER_NEWLINE
+ type of newlines that are expected on the serial port
+ (default: CR+LF)
+ NOTE: no security measures are implemented. Anyone can remotely connect to
+ this service over the network. Only one connection at once is supported. When
+ the connection is terminated it waits for the next connect.
+ Main program.
+Multi-port TCP/IP - serial bridge
+This example implements a TCP/IP to serial port service that works with
+multiple ports at once. It uses select, no threads, and runs on POSIX systems
+- Check existence of ``/tty/USB0...9``.
+- Ports are periodically checked using ``os.path.exists``.
+- Send Zeroconfig announcements when port appears or disappears (uses
+ python-avahi and dbus).
+- Single process for all ports (not per port).
+- All published services are kept in a dictionary that maps device->publisher
+ object.
+- A delay of 5 seconds slows down the poll loop to a reasonable period.
+- The script implements a daemon that logs to the syslog, unless specified
+ otherwise on the command line.
+- python (>2.4)
+- python-avahi
+- python-dbus
+- python-serial
+- Copy the script ```` to ``/usr/local/bin``.
+- Copy the script ```` to ``/etc/init.d``.
+- Add links to the runlevels using ``update-rc.d defaults 99``
+- Thats it :-) the service will be started on next reboot. Alternatively run
+ ``invoke-rc.d start`` as root.
+ Multi-port TCP/IP-serial converter for POSIX environments.
+ Example init.d script.
+wxPython examples
+A simple terminal application for wxPython and a flexible serial port
+configuration dialog are shown here.
+ A simple terminal application. Note that the length of the buffer is
+ limited by wx and it may suddenly stop displaying new input.
+ Tests involving sending a lot of data.
+ A wxGlade design file for the terminal application.
+ A flexible serial port configuration dialog.
+ The wxGlade design file for the configuration dialog.
+ A py2exe setup script to package the terminal application.
+.. _wxTerminal.wxg:*checkout*/pyserial/trunk/pyserial/examples/wxTerminal.wxg
+.. _wxSerialConfigDialog.wxg:*checkout*/pyserial/trunk/pyserial/examples/wxSerialConfigDialog.wxg
+Wrapper class
+This example provides a subclass based on ``Serial`` that has an alternative
+implementation of ``readline()``
+ A class with alternative ``readline()`` implementation.
+Finding serial ports
+ A simple loop that probes serial ports by number.
+ A Linux only version looking at the entries in ``/dev``. It works best with
+ on systems with devfs or udev that only create those entries that represent
+ devices. On older installations a lot of pre-created device files are found
+ and an additional open check should be added to ensure that the device is
+ real.
+ A Windows only version that returns a list of serial ports with information
+ from the registry.
+Unit tests
+The project uses a number of unit test to verify the functionality. They all
+need a loop back connector. The scripts itself contain more information.
+ Basic tests.
+ Test more advanced features.
+ Tests involving sending a lot of data.
+ Tests involving the :mod:`io` library. Only available for Python 2.6 and
+ newer.