path: root/serial
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Diffstat (limited to 'serial')
9 files changed, 2519 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/serial/.cvsignore b/serial/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e99e36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/serial/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+*.pyc \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/serial/ b/serial/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e160e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/serial/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# portable serial port access with python
+# this is a wrapper module for different platform implementations
+# (C)2001-2002 Chris Liechti <>
+# this is distributed under a free software license, see license.txt
+VERSION = '2.4'
+import sys
+if sys.platform == 'cli':
+ from serialcli import *
+ import os
+ # chose an implementation, depending on os
+ if == 'nt': #sys.platform == 'win32':
+ from serialwin32 import *
+ elif == 'posix':
+ from serialposix import *
+ elif == 'java':
+ from serialjava import *
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Sorry: no implementation for your platform ('%s') available" %
diff --git a/serial/ b/serial/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8eaf1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/serial/
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+#! python
+# Python Serial Port Extension for Win32, Linux, BSD, Jython and .NET/Mono
+# serial driver for .NET/Mono (IronPython), .NET >= 2
+# see
+# (C) 2008 Chris Liechti <>
+# this is distributed under a free software license, see license.txt
+import clr
+import System
+import System.IO.Ports
+from serialutil import *
+def device(portnum):
+ """Turn a port number into a device name"""
+ return System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.GetPortNames()[portnum]
+# must invoke function with byte array, make a helper to convert strings
+# to byte arrays
+sab = System.Array[System.Byte]
+def as_byte_array(string):
+ return sab([ord(x) for x in string]) # XXX will require adaption when run with a 3.x compatible IronPython
+class IronSerial(SerialBase):
+ """Serial port implemenation for .NET/Mono."""
+ BAUDRATES = (50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800,
+ 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200)
+ def open(self):
+ """Open port with current settings. This may throw a SerialException
+ if the port cannot be opened."""
+ if self._port is None:
+ raise SerialException("Port must be configured before it can be used.")
+ try:
+ self._port_handle = System.IO.Ports.SerialPort(self.portstr)
+ except Exception, msg:
+ self._port_handle = None
+ raise SerialException("could not open port %s: %s" % (self.portstr, msg))
+ self._reconfigurePort()
+ self._port_handle.Open()
+ self._isOpen = True
+ if not self._rtscts:
+ self.setRTS(True)
+ self.setDTR(True)
+ self.flushInput()
+ self.flushOutput()
+ def _reconfigurePort(self):
+ """Set communication parameters on opened port."""
+ if not self._port_handle:
+ raise SerialException("Can only operate on a valid port handle")
+ #~ self._port_handle.ReceivedBytesThreshold = 1
+ if self._timeout is None:
+ self._port_handle.ReadTimeout = System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.InfiniteTimeout
+ else:
+ self._port_handle.ReadTimeout = int(self._timeout*1000)
+ # if self._timeout != 0 and self._interCharTimeout is not None:
+ # timeouts = (int(self._interCharTimeout * 1000),) + timeouts[1:]
+ if self._writeTimeout is None:
+ self._port_handle.WriteTimeout = System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.InfiniteTimeout
+ else:
+ self._port_handle.WriteTimeout = int(self._writeTimeout*1000)
+ # Setup the connection info.
+ try:
+ self._port_handle.BaudRate = self._baudrate
+ except IOError, e:
+ # catch errors from illegal baudrate settings
+ raise ValueError(str(e))
+ if self._bytesize == FIVEBITS:
+ self._port_handle.DataBits = 5
+ elif self._bytesize == SIXBITS:
+ self._port_handle.DataBits = 6
+ elif self._bytesize == SEVENBITS:
+ self._port_handle.DataBits = 7
+ elif self._bytesize == EIGHTBITS:
+ self._port_handle.DataBits = 8
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unsupported number of data bits: %r" % self._bytesize)
+ if self._parity == PARITY_NONE:
+ self._port_handle.Parity = getattr(System.IO.Ports.Parity, 'None') # reserved keyword in Py3k
+ elif self._parity == PARITY_EVEN:
+ self._port_handle.Parity = System.IO.Ports.Parity.Even
+ elif self._parity == PARITY_ODD:
+ self._port_handle.Parity = System.IO.Ports.Parity.Odd
+ elif self._parity == PARITY_MARK:
+ self._port_handle.Parity = System.IO.Ports.Parity.Mark
+ elif self._parity == PARITY_SPACE:
+ self._port_handle.Parity = System.IO.Ports.Parity.Space
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unsupported parity mode: %r" % self._parity)
+ if self._stopbits == STOPBITS_ONE:
+ self._port_handle.StopBits = System.IO.Ports.StopBits.One
+ elif self._stopbits == STOPBITS_ONE_POINT_FIVE:
+ self._port_handle.StopBits = System.IO.Ports.StopBits.OnePointFive
+ elif self._stopbits == STOPBITS_TWO:
+ self._port_handle.StopBits = System.IO.Ports.StopBits.Two
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unsupported number of stop bits: %r" % self._stopbits)
+ if self._rtscts and self._xonxoff:
+ self._port_handle.Handshake = System.IO.Ports.Handshake.RequestToSendXOnXOff
+ elif self._rtscts:
+ self._port_handle.Handshake = System.IO.Ports.Handshake.RequestToSend
+ elif self._xonxoff:
+ self._port_handle.Handshake = System.IO.Ports.Handshake.XOnXOff
+ else:
+ self._port_handle.Handshake = getattr(System.IO.Ports.Handshake, 'None') # reserved keyword in Py3k
+ #~ def __del__(self):
+ #~ self.close()
+ def close(self):
+ """Close port"""
+ if self._isOpen:
+ if self._port_handle:
+ try:
+ self._port_handle.Close()
+ except System.IO.Ports.InvalidOperationException:
+ # ignore errors. can happen for unplugged USB serial devices
+ pass
+ self._port_handle = None
+ self._isOpen = False
+ def makeDeviceName(self, port):
+ try:
+ return device(port)
+ except TypeError, e:
+ raise SerialException(str(e))
+ # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ def inWaiting(self):
+ """Return the number of characters currently in the input buffer."""
+ if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
+ return self._port_handle.BytesToRead
+ def read(self, size=1):
+ """Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
+ return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
+ until the requested number of bytes is read."""
+ if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
+ # must use single byte reads as this is the only way to read
+ # without applying encodings
+ data = bytearray()
+ while size:
+ try:
+ data.append(self._port_handle.ReadByte())
+ except System.TimeoutException, e:
+ break
+ else:
+ size -= 1
+ return bytes(data)
+ def write(self, data):
+ """Output the given string over the serial port."""
+ if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
+ if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
+ raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
+ try:
+ # must call overloaded method with byte array argument
+ # as this is the only one not applying encodings
+ self._port_handle.Write(as_byte_array(data), 0, len(data))
+ except System.TimeoutException, e:
+ raise writeTimeoutError
+ return len(data)
+ def flushInput(self):
+ """Clear input buffer, discarding all that is in the buffer."""
+ if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
+ self._port_handle.DiscardInBuffer()
+ def flushOutput(self):
+ """Clear output buffer, aborting the current output and
+ discarding all that is in the buffer."""
+ if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
+ self._port_handle.DiscardOutBuffer()
+ def sendBreak(self, duration=0.25):
+ """Send break condition. Timed, returns to idle state after given duration."""
+ if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
+ import time
+ self._port_handle.BreakState = True
+ time.sleep(duration)
+ self._port_handle.BreakState = False
+ def setBreak(self, level=True):
+ """Set break: Controls TXD. When active, to transmitting is possible."""
+ if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
+ self._port_handle.BreakState = bool(level)
+ def setRTS(self, level=True):
+ """Set terminal status line: Request To Send"""
+ if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
+ self._port_handle.RtsEnable = bool(level)
+ def setDTR(self, level=True):
+ """Set terminal status line: Data Terminal Ready"""
+ if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
+ self._port_handle.DtrEnable = bool(level)
+ def getCTS(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Clear To Send"""
+ if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
+ return self._port_handle.CtsHolding
+ def getDSR(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Data Set Ready"""
+ if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
+ return self._port_handle.DsrHolding
+ def getRI(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Ring Indicator"""
+ if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
+ #~ return self._port_handle.XXX
+ return False #XXX an error would be better
+ def getCD(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Carrier Detect"""
+ if not self._port_handle: raise portNotOpenError
+ return self._port_handle.CDHolding
+ # - - platform specific - - - -
+ # none
+# assemble Serial class with the platform specific implementation and the base
+# for file-like behavior. for Python 2.6 and newer, that provide the new I/O
+# library, derive from io.RawIOBase
+ import io
+except ImportError:
+ # classic version with our own file-like emulation
+ class Serial(IronSerial, FileLike):
+ pass
+ # io library present
+ class Serial(IronSerial, io.RawIOBase):
+ pass
+# Nur Testfunktion!!
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ s = Serial(0)
+ sys.stdio.write('%s\n' % s)
+ s = Serial()
+ sys.stdio.write('%s\n' % s)
+ s.baudrate = 19200
+ s.databits = 7
+ s.close()
+ s.port = 0
+ sys.stdio.write('%s\n' % s)
diff --git a/serial/ b/serial/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2541534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/serial/
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+# Python Serial Port Extension for Win32, Linux, BSD, Jython
+# module for serial IO for Jython and JavaComm
+# see
+# (C) 2002-2008 Chris Liechti <>
+# this is distributed under a free software license, see license.txt
+from serialutil import *
+def my_import(name):
+ mod = __import__(name)
+ components = name.split('.')
+ for comp in components[1:]:
+ mod = getattr(mod, comp)
+ return mod
+def detect_java_comm(names):
+ """try given list of modules and return that imports"""
+ for name in names:
+ try:
+ mod = my_import(name)
+ mod.SerialPort
+ return mod
+ except (ImportError, AttributeError):
+ pass
+ raise ImportError("No Java Communications API implementation found")
+# Java Communications API implementations
+comm = detect_java_comm([
+ 'javax.comm', # Sun/IBM
+ '', # RXTX
+def device(portnumber):
+ """Turn a port number into a device name"""
+ enum = comm.CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifiers()
+ ports = []
+ while enum.hasMoreElements():
+ el = enum.nextElement()
+ if el.getPortType() == comm.CommPortIdentifier.PORT_SERIAL:
+ ports.append(el)
+ return ports[portnumber].getName()
+class JavaSerial(SerialBase):
+ """Serial port class, implemented with Java Communications API and
+ thus usable with jython and the appropriate java extension."""
+ def open(self):
+ """Open port with current settings. This may throw a SerialException
+ if the port cannot be opened."""
+ if self._port is None:
+ raise SerialException("Port must be configured before it can be used.")
+ if type(self._port) == type(''): # strings are taken directly
+ portId = comm.CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(self._port)
+ else:
+ portId = comm.CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(device(self._port)) # numbers are transformed to a comport id obj
+ try:
+ self.sPort ="python serial module", 10)
+ except Exception, msg:
+ self.sPort = None
+ raise SerialException("Could not open port: %s" % msg)
+ self._reconfigurePort()
+ self._instream = self.sPort.getInputStream()
+ self._outstream = self.sPort.getOutputStream()
+ self._isOpen = True
+ def _reconfigurePort(self):
+ """Set communication parameters on opened port."""
+ if not self.sPort:
+ raise SerialException("Can only operate on a valid port handle")
+ self.sPort.enableReceiveTimeout(30)
+ if self._bytesize == FIVEBITS:
+ jdatabits = comm.SerialPort.DATABITS_5
+ elif self._bytesize == SIXBITS:
+ jdatabits = comm.SerialPort.DATABITS_6
+ elif self._bytesize == SEVENBITS:
+ jdatabits = comm.SerialPort.DATABITS_7
+ elif self._bytesize == EIGHTBITS:
+ jdatabits = comm.SerialPort.DATABITS_8
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("unsupported bytesize: %r" % self._bytesize)
+ if self._stopbits == STOPBITS_ONE:
+ jstopbits = comm.SerialPort.STOPBITS_1
+ elif stopbits == STOPBITS_ONE_POINT_FIVE:
+ self._jstopbits = comm.SerialPort.STOPBITS_1_5
+ elif self._stopbits == STOPBITS_TWO:
+ jstopbits = comm.SerialPort.STOPBITS_2
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("unsupported number of stopbits: %r" % self._stopbits)
+ if self._parity == PARITY_NONE:
+ jparity = comm.SerialPort.PARITY_NONE
+ elif self._parity == PARITY_EVEN:
+ jparity = comm.SerialPort.PARITY_EVEN
+ elif self._parity == PARITY_ODD:
+ jparity = comm.SerialPort.PARITY_ODD
+ elif self._parity == PARITY_MARK:
+ jparity = comm.SerialPort.PARITY_MARK
+ elif self._parity == PARITY_SPACE:
+ jparity = comm.SerialPort.PARITY_SPACE
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("unsupported parity type: %r" % self._parity)
+ jflowin = jflowout = 0
+ if self._rtscts:
+ jflowin |= comm.SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_IN
+ jflowout |= comm.SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_OUT
+ if self._xonxoff:
+ jflowin |= comm.SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_IN
+ jflowout |= comm.SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_OUT
+ self.sPort.setSerialPortParams(self._baudrate, jdatabits, jstopbits, jparity)
+ self.sPort.setFlowControlMode(jflowin | jflowout)
+ if self._timeout >= 0:
+ self.sPort.enableReceiveTimeout(self._timeout*1000)
+ else:
+ self.sPort.disableReceiveTimeout()
+ def close(self):
+ """Close port"""
+ if self._isOpen:
+ if self.sPort:
+ self._instream.close()
+ self._outstream.close()
+ self.sPort.close()
+ self.sPort = None
+ self._isOpen = False
+ def makeDeviceName(self, port):
+ return device(port)
+ # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ def inWaiting(self):
+ """Return the number of characters currently in the input buffer."""
+ if not self.sPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ return self._instream.available()
+ def read(self, size=1):
+ """Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
+ return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
+ until the requested number of bytes is read."""
+ if not self.sPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ read = bytearray()
+ if size > 0:
+ while len(read) < size:
+ x =
+ if x == -1:
+ if self.timeout >= 0:
+ break
+ else:
+ read.append(x)
+ return bytes(read)
+ def write(self, data):
+ """Output the given string over the serial port."""
+ if not self.sPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
+ raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
+ self._outstream.write(data)
+ return len(data)
+ def flushInput(self):
+ """Clear input buffer, discarding all that is in the buffer."""
+ if not self.sPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ self._instream.skip(self._instream.available())
+ def flushOutput(self):
+ """Clear output buffer, aborting the current output and
+ discarding all that is in the buffer."""
+ if not self.sPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ self._outstream.flush()
+ def sendBreak(self, duration=0.25):
+ """Send break condition. Timed, returns to idle state after given duration."""
+ if not self.sPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ self.sPort.sendBreak(duration*1000.0)
+ def setBreak(self, level=1):
+ """Set break: Controls TXD. When active, to transmitting is possible."""
+ if self.fd is None: raise portNotOpenError
+ raise SerialException("The setBreak function is not implemented in java.")
+ def setRTS(self, level=1):
+ """Set terminal status line: Request To Send"""
+ if not self.sPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ self.sPort.setRTS(level)
+ def setDTR(self, level=1):
+ """Set terminal status line: Data Terminal Ready"""
+ if not self.sPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ self.sPort.setDTR(level)
+ def getCTS(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Clear To Send"""
+ if not self.sPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ self.sPort.isCTS()
+ def getDSR(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Data Set Ready"""
+ if not self.sPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ self.sPort.isDSR()
+ def getRI(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Ring Indicator"""
+ if not self.sPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ self.sPort.isRI()
+ def getCD(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Carrier Detect"""
+ if not self.sPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ self.sPort.isCD()
+# assemble Serial class with the platform specific implementation and the base
+# for file-like behavior. for Python 2.6 and newer, that provide the new I/O
+# library, derive from io.RawIOBase
+ import io
+except ImportError:
+ # classic version with our own file-like emulation
+ class Serial(JavaSerial, FileLike):
+ pass
+ # io library present
+ class Serial(JavaSerial, io.RawIOBase):
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ s = Serial(0,
+ baudrate=19200, # baudrate
+ bytesize=EIGHTBITS, # number of databits
+ parity=PARITY_EVEN, # enable parity checking
+ stopbits=STOPBITS_ONE, # number of stopbits
+ timeout=3, # set a timeout value, None for waiting forever
+ xonxoff=0, # enable software flow control
+ rtscts=0, # enable RTS/CTS flow control
+ )
+ s.setRTS(1)
+ s.setDTR(1)
+ s.flushInput()
+ s.flushOutput()
+ s.write('hello')
+ sys.stdio.write('%r\n' %
+ sys.stdio.write('%s\n' % s.inWaiting())
+ del s
diff --git a/serial/ b/serial/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbf7fb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/serial/
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Python Serial Port Extension for Win32, Linux, BSD, Jython
+# module for serial IO for POSIX compatible systems, like Linux
+# see
+# (C) 2001-2009 Chris Liechti <>
+# this is distributed under a free software license, see license.txt
+# parts based on code from Grant B. Edwards <>:
+# references:
+import sys, os, fcntl, termios, struct, select, errno
+from serialutil import *
+# Do check the Python version as some constants have moved.
+if (sys.hexversion < 0x020100f0):
+ import TERMIOS
+ TERMIOS = termios
+if (sys.hexversion < 0x020200f0):
+ import FCNTL
+ FCNTL = fcntl
+baudrate_constants = {
+ 0: 0000000, # hang up
+ 50: 0000001,
+ 75: 0000002,
+ 110: 0000003,
+ 134: 0000004,
+ 150: 0000005,
+ 200: 0000006,
+ 300: 0000007,
+ 600: 0000010,
+ 1200: 0000011,
+ 1800: 0000012,
+ 2400: 0000013,
+ 4800: 0000014,
+ 9600: 0000015,
+ 19200: 0000016,
+ 38400: 0000017,
+ 57600: 0010001,
+ 115200: 0010002,
+ 230400: 0010003,
+ 460800: 0010004,
+ 500000: 0010005,
+ 576000: 0010006,
+ 921600: 0010007,
+ 1000000: 0010010,
+ 1152000: 0010011,
+ 1500000: 0010012,
+ 2000000: 0010013,
+ 2500000: 0010014,
+ 3000000: 0010015,
+ 3500000: 0010016,
+ 4000000: 0010017
+# try to detect the OS so that a device can be selected...
+# this code block should supply a device() and set_special_baudrate() function
+# for the platform
+plat = sys.platform.lower()
+if plat[:5] == 'linux': # Linux (confirmed)
+ def device(port):
+ return '/dev/ttyS%d' % port
+ ASYNC_SPD_MASK = 0x1030
+ ASYNC_SPD_CUST = 0x0030
+ def set_special_baudrate(port, baudrate):
+ import array
+ buf = array.array('i', [0] * 32)
+ # get serial_struct
+ FCNTL.ioctl(port.fd, TERMIOS.TIOCGSERIAL, buf)
+ # set custom divisor
+ buf[6] = buf[7] / baudrate
+ # update flags
+ buf[4] &= ~ASYNC_SPD_MASK
+ buf[4] |= ASYNC_SPD_CUST
+ # set serial_struct
+ try:
+ res = FCNTL.ioctl(port.fd, TERMIOS.TIOCSSERIAL, buf)
+ except IOError:
+ raise ValueError('Failed to set custom baud rate: %r' % baudrate)
+elif plat == 'cygwin': # cygwin/win32 (confirmed)
+ def device(port):
+ return '/dev/com%d' % (port + 1)
+ ASYNC_SPD_MASK = 0x1030
+ ASYNC_SPD_CUST = 0x0030
+ # XXX untested!
+ def set_special_baudrate(port, baudrate):
+ import array
+ buf = array.array('i', [0] * 32)
+ # get serial_struct
+ FCNTL.ioctl(port.fd, TERMIOS.TIOCGSERIAL, buf)
+ # set custom divisor
+ buf[6] = buf[7] / baudrate
+ # update flags
+ buf[4] &= ~ASYNC_SPD_MASK
+ buf[4] |= ASYNC_SPD_CUST
+ # set serial_struct
+ try:
+ res = FCNTL.ioctl(port.fd, TERMIOS.TIOCSSERIAL, buf)
+ except IOError:
+ raise ValueError('Failed to set custom baud rate: %r' % baudrate)
+elif plat == 'openbsd3': # BSD (confirmed)
+ def device(port):
+ return '/dev/ttyp%d' % port
+ def set_special_baudrate(port, baudrate):
+ raise ValueError("sorry don't know how to handle non standard baud rate on this platform")
+elif plat[:3] == 'bsd' or \
+ plat[:7] == 'freebsd' or \
+ plat[:7] == 'openbsd': # BSD (confirmed for freebsd4: cuaa%d)
+ def device(port):
+ return '/dev/cuad%d' % port
+ def set_special_baudrate(port, baudrate):
+ raise ValueError("sorry don't know how to handle non standard baud rate on this platform")
+elif plat[:6] == 'darwin': # OS X
+ version = os.uname()[2].split('.')
+ # Tiger or above can support arbitrary serial speeds
+ if int(version[0]) >= 8:
+ # remove all speeds not supported with TERMIOS so that pyserial never
+ # attempts to use them directly
+ for b in baudrate_constants.keys():
+ if b > 230400:
+ del baudrate_constants[b]
+ def set_special_baudrate(port, baudrate):
+ # use IOKit-specific call to set up high speeds
+ import array, fcntl
+ buf = array.array('i', [baudrate])
+ IOSSIOSPEED = 0x80045402 #_IOW('T', 2, speed_t)
+ fcntl.ioctl(port.fd, IOSSIOSPEED, buf, 1)
+ else: # version < 8
+ def set_special_baudrate(port, baudrate):
+ raise ValueError("baud rate not supported")
+ def device(port):
+ return '/dev/cuad%d' % port
+elif plat[:6] == 'netbsd': # NetBSD 1.6 testing by Erk
+ def device(port):
+ return '/dev/dty%02d' % port
+ def set_special_baudrate(port, baudrate):
+ raise ValueError("sorry don't know how to handle non standard baud rate on this platform")
+elif plat[:4] == 'irix': # IRIX (partially tested)
+ def device(port):
+ return '/dev/ttyf%d' % (port+1) #XXX different device names depending on flow control
+ def set_special_baudrate(port, baudrate):
+ raise ValueError("sorry don't know how to handle non standard baud rate on this platform")
+elif plat[:2] == 'hp': # HP-UX (not tested)
+ def device(port):
+ return '/dev/tty%dp0' % (port+1)
+ def set_special_baudrate(port, baudrate):
+ raise ValueError("sorry don't know how to handle non standard baud rate on this platform")
+elif plat[:5] == 'sunos': # Solaris/SunOS (confirmed)
+ def device(port):
+ return '/dev/tty%c' % (ord('a')+port)
+ def set_special_baudrate(port, baudrate):
+ raise ValueError("sorry don't know how to handle non standard baud rate on this platform")
+elif plat[:3] == 'aix': # AIX
+ def device(port):
+ return '/dev/tty%d' % (port)
+ def set_special_baudrate(port, baudrate):
+ raise ValueError("sorry don't know how to handle non standard baud rate on this platform")
+ #platform detection has failed...
+ sys.stderr.write("""\
+don't know how to number ttys on this system.
+! Use an explicit path (eg /dev/ttyS1) or send this information to
+! the author of this module:
+sys.platform = %r = %r version = %s
+also add the device name of the serial port and where the
+counting starts for the first serial port.
+e.g. 'first serial port: /dev/ttyS0'
+and with a bit luck you can get this module running...
+""" % (sys.platform,, VERSION))
+ # no exception, just continue with a brave attempt to build a device name
+ # even if the device name is not correct for the platform it has chances
+ # to work using a string with the real device name as port parameter.
+ def device(portum):
+ return '/dev/ttyS%d' % portnum
+ def set_special_baudrate(port, baudrate):
+ raise SerialException("sorry don't know how to handle non standard baud rate on this platform")
+ #~ raise Exception, "this module does not run on this platform, sorry."
+# whats up with "aix", "beos", ....
+# they should work, just need to know the device names.
+# load some constants for later use.
+# try to use values from TERMIOS, use defaults from linux otherwise
+#TIOCM_LE = hasattr(TERMIOS, 'TIOCM_LE') and TERMIOS.TIOCM_LE or 0x001
+#TIOCM_ST = hasattr(TERMIOS, 'TIOCM_ST') and TERMIOS.TIOCM_ST or 0x008
+#TIOCM_SR = hasattr(TERMIOS, 'TIOCM_SR') and TERMIOS.TIOCM_SR or 0x010
+#TIOCM_OUT1 = hasattr(TERMIOS, 'TIOCM_OUT1') and TERMIOS.TIOCM_OUT1 or 0x2000
+#TIOCM_OUT2 = hasattr(TERMIOS, 'TIOCM_OUT2') and TERMIOS.TIOCM_OUT2 or 0x4000
+TIOCM_zero_str = struct.pack('I', 0)
+TIOCM_RTS_str = struct.pack('I', TIOCM_RTS)
+TIOCM_DTR_str = struct.pack('I', TIOCM_DTR)
+class PosixSerial(SerialBase):
+ """Serial port class POSIX implementation. Serial port configuration is
+ done with termios and fcntl. Runs on Linux and many other Un*x like
+ systems."""
+ def open(self):
+ """Open port with current settings. This may throw a SerialException
+ if the port cannot be opened."""
+ self.fd = None
+ if self._port is None:
+ raise SerialException("Port must be configured before it can be used.")
+ # open
+ try:
+ self.fd =, os.O_RDWR|os.O_NOCTTY|os.O_NONBLOCK)
+ except Exception, msg:
+ self.fd = None
+ raise SerialException("could not open port %s: %s" % (self._port, msg))
+ #~ fcntl.fcntl(self.fd, FCNTL.F_SETFL, 0) # set blocking
+ try:
+ self._reconfigurePort()
+ except:
+ try:
+ os.close(self.fd)
+ except:
+ # ignore any exception when closing the port
+ # also to keep original exception that happened when setting up
+ pass
+ self.fd = None
+ raise
+ else:
+ self._isOpen = True
+ #~ self.flushInput()
+ def _reconfigurePort(self):
+ """Set communication parameters on opened port."""
+ if self.fd is None:
+ raise SerialException("Can only operate on a valid port handle")
+ custom_baud = None
+ vmin = vtime = 0 # timeout is done via select
+ if self._interCharTimeout is not None:
+ vmin = 1
+ vtime = int(self._interCharTimeout * 10)
+ try:
+ iflag, oflag, cflag, lflag, ispeed, ospeed, cc = termios.tcgetattr(self.fd)
+ except termios.error, msg: # if a port is nonexistent but has a /dev file, it'll fail here
+ raise SerialException("Could not configure port: %s" % msg)
+ # set up raw mode / no echo / binary
+ for flag in ('ECHOCTL', 'ECHOKE'): # netbsd workaround for Erk
+ if hasattr(TERMIOS, flag):
+ lflag &= ~getattr(TERMIOS, flag)
+ oflag &= ~(TERMIOS.OPOST)
+ if hasattr(TERMIOS, 'IUCLC'):
+ iflag &= ~TERMIOS.IUCLC
+ if hasattr(TERMIOS, 'PARMRK'):
+ iflag &= ~TERMIOS.PARMRK
+ # setup baud rate
+ try:
+ ispeed = ospeed = getattr(TERMIOS, 'B%s' % (self._baudrate))
+ except AttributeError:
+ try:
+ ispeed = ospeed = baudrate_constants[self._baudrate]
+ except KeyError:
+ #~ raise ValueError('Invalid baud rate: %r' % self._baudrate)
+ # may need custom baud rate, it isn't in our list.
+ ispeed = ospeed = getattr(TERMIOS, 'B38400')
+ try:
+ custom_baud = int(self._baudrate) # store for later
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid baud rate: %r' % self._baudrate)
+ else:
+ if custom_baud < 0:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid baud rate: %r' % self._baudrate)
+ # setup char len
+ cflag &= ~TERMIOS.CSIZE
+ if self._bytesize == 8:
+ cflag |= TERMIOS.CS8
+ elif self._bytesize == 7:
+ cflag |= TERMIOS.CS7
+ elif self._bytesize == 6:
+ cflag |= TERMIOS.CS6
+ elif self._bytesize == 5:
+ cflag |= TERMIOS.CS5
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid char len: %r' % self._bytesize)
+ # setup stopbits
+ if self._stopbits == STOPBITS_ONE:
+ cflag &= ~(TERMIOS.CSTOPB)
+ elif self._stopbits == STOPBITS_ONE_POINT_FIVE:
+ cflag |= (TERMIOS.CSTOPB) # XXX same as TWO.. there is no POSIX support for 1.5
+ elif self._stopbits == STOPBITS_TWO:
+ cflag |= (TERMIOS.CSTOPB)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid stop bit specification: %r' % self._stopbits)
+ # setup parity
+ if self._parity == PARITY_NONE:
+ elif self._parity == PARITY_EVEN:
+ cflag &= ~(TERMIOS.PARODD)
+ cflag |= (TERMIOS.PARENB)
+ elif self._parity == PARITY_ODD:
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid parity: %r' % self._parity)
+ # setup flow control
+ # xonxoff
+ if hasattr(TERMIOS, 'IXANY'):
+ if self._xonxoff:
+ else:
+ else:
+ if self._xonxoff:
+ else:
+ # rtscts
+ if hasattr(TERMIOS, 'CRTSCTS'):
+ if self._rtscts:
+ cflag |= (TERMIOS.CRTSCTS)
+ else:
+ cflag &= ~(TERMIOS.CRTSCTS)
+ elif hasattr(TERMIOS, 'CNEW_RTSCTS'): # try it with alternate constant name
+ if self._rtscts:
+ else:
+ # XXX should there be a warning if setting up rtscts (and xonxoff etc) fails??
+ # buffer
+ # vmin "minimal number of characters to be read. = for non blocking"
+ if vmin < 0 or vmin > 255:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid vmin: %r ' % vmin)
+ cc[TERMIOS.VMIN] = vmin
+ # vtime
+ if vtime < 0 or vtime > 255:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid vtime: %r' % vtime)
+ cc[TERMIOS.VTIME] = vtime
+ # activate settings
+ termios.tcsetattr(self.fd, TERMIOS.TCSANOW, [iflag, oflag, cflag, lflag, ispeed, ospeed, cc])
+ # apply custom baud rate, if any
+ if custom_baud is not None:
+ set_special_baudrate(self, custom_baud)
+ def close(self):
+ """Close port"""
+ if self._isOpen:
+ if self.fd is not None:
+ os.close(self.fd)
+ self.fd = None
+ self._isOpen = False
+ def makeDeviceName(self, port):
+ return device(port)
+ # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ def inWaiting(self):
+ """Return the number of characters currently in the input buffer."""
+ #~ s = fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TERMIOS.FIONREAD, TIOCM_zero_str)
+ s = fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TIOCINQ, TIOCM_zero_str)
+ return struct.unpack('I',s)[0]
+ def read(self, size=1):
+ """Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
+ return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
+ until the requested number of bytes is read."""
+ if self.fd is None: raise portNotOpenError
+ read = bytearray()
+ inp = None
+ if size > 0:
+ while len(read) < size:
+ # print "\tread(): size",size, "have", len(read) #debug
+ ready,_,_ =[self.fd], [], [], self._timeout)
+ if not ready:
+ break # timeout
+ buf =, size - len(read))
+ read.extend(buf)
+ if ((self._timeout is not None and self._timeout >= 0) or
+ (self._interCharTimeout is not None and self._interCharTimeout > 0)) and not buf:
+ break # early abort on timeout
+ return bytes(read)
+ def write(self, data):
+ """Output the given string over the serial port."""
+ if self.fd is None: raise portNotOpenError
+ if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
+ raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
+ t = len(data)
+ d = data
+ while t > 0:
+ try:
+ if self._writeTimeout is not None and self._writeTimeout > 0:
+ _, ready, _ =[], [self.fd], [], self._writeTimeout)
+ if not ready:
+ raise writeTimeoutError
+ n = os.write(self.fd, d)
+ if self._writeTimeout is not None and self._writeTimeout > 0:
+ _, ready, _ =[], [self.fd], [], self._writeTimeout)
+ if not ready:
+ raise writeTimeoutError
+ d = d[n:]
+ t = t - n
+ except OSError, v:
+ if v.errno != errno.EAGAIN:
+ raise
+ return len(data)
+ def flush(self):
+ """Flush of file like objects. In this case, wait until all data
+ is written."""
+ self.drainOutput()
+ def flushInput(self):
+ """Clear input buffer, discarding all that is in the buffer."""
+ if self.fd is None:
+ raise portNotOpenError
+ termios.tcflush(self.fd, TERMIOS.TCIFLUSH)
+ def flushOutput(self):
+ """Clear output buffer, aborting the current output and
+ discarding all that is in the buffer."""
+ if self.fd is None:
+ raise portNotOpenError
+ termios.tcflush(self.fd, TERMIOS.TCOFLUSH)
+ def sendBreak(self, duration=0.25):
+ """Send break condition. Timed, returns to idle state after given duration."""
+ if self.fd is None:
+ raise portNotOpenError
+ termios.tcsendbreak(self.fd, int(duration/0.25))
+ def setBreak(self, level=1):
+ """Set break: Controls TXD. When active, no transmitting is possible."""
+ if self.fd is None: raise portNotOpenError
+ if level:
+ fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TIOCSBRK)
+ else:
+ fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TIOCCBRK)
+ def setRTS(self, level=1):
+ """Set terminal status line: Request To Send"""
+ if self.fd is None: raise portNotOpenError
+ if level:
+ fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TIOCMBIS, TIOCM_RTS_str)
+ else:
+ fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TIOCMBIC, TIOCM_RTS_str)
+ def setDTR(self, level=1):
+ """Set terminal status line: Data Terminal Ready"""
+ if self.fd is None: raise portNotOpenError
+ if level:
+ fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TIOCMBIS, TIOCM_DTR_str)
+ else:
+ fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TIOCMBIC, TIOCM_DTR_str)
+ def getCTS(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Clear To Send"""
+ if self.fd is None: raise portNotOpenError
+ s = fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TIOCMGET, TIOCM_zero_str)
+ return struct.unpack('I',s)[0] & TIOCM_CTS != 0
+ def getDSR(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Data Set Ready"""
+ if self.fd is None: raise portNotOpenError
+ s = fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TIOCMGET, TIOCM_zero_str)
+ return struct.unpack('I',s)[0] & TIOCM_DSR != 0
+ def getRI(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Ring Indicator"""
+ if self.fd is None: raise portNotOpenError
+ s = fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TIOCMGET, TIOCM_zero_str)
+ return struct.unpack('I',s)[0] & TIOCM_RI != 0
+ def getCD(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Carrier Detect"""
+ if self.fd is None: raise portNotOpenError
+ s = fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TIOCMGET, TIOCM_zero_str)
+ return struct.unpack('I',s)[0] & TIOCM_CD != 0
+ # - - platform specific - - - -
+ def drainOutput(self):
+ """internal - not portable!"""
+ if self.fd is None: raise portNotOpenError
+ termios.tcdrain(self.fd)
+ def nonblocking(self):
+ """internal - not portable!"""
+ if self.fd is None:
+ raise portNotOpenError
+ fcntl.fcntl(self.fd, FCNTL.F_SETFL, FCNTL.O_NONBLOCK)
+ def fileno(self):
+ """For easier use of the serial port instance with select.
+ WARNING: this function is not portable to different platforms!"""
+ if self.fd is None: raise portNotOpenError
+ return self.fd
+# assemble Serial class with the platform specifc implementation and the base
+# for file-like behavior. for Python 2.6 and newer, that provide the new I/O
+# library, derrive from io.RawIOBase
+ import io
+except ImportError:
+ # classic version with our own file-like emulation
+ class Serial(PosixSerial, FileLike):
+ pass
+ # io library present
+ class Serial(PosixSerial, io.RawIOBase):
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ s = Serial(0,
+ baudrate=19200, # baud rate
+ bytesize=EIGHTBITS, # number of data bits
+ parity=PARITY_EVEN, # enable parity checking
+ stopbits=STOPBITS_ONE, # number of stop bits
+ timeout=3, # set a timeout value, None for waiting forever
+ xonxoff=0, # enable software flow control
+ rtscts=0, # enable RTS/CTS flow control
+ )
+ s.setRTS(1)
+ s.setDTR(1)
+ s.flushInput()
+ s.flushOutput()
+ s.write('hello')
+ sys.stdio.write('%r\n' %
+ sys.stdio.write('%s\n' % s.inWaiting())
+ del s
diff --git a/serial/ b/serial/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e568aa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/serial/
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+#! python
+# Python Serial Port Extension for Win32, Linux, BSD, Jython
+# see
+# (C) 2001-2009 Chris Liechti <>
+# this is distributed under a free software license, see license.txt
+# compatibility folder Python < 2.6
+ bytes
+ bytearray
+except (NameError, AttributeError):
+ # Python older than 2.6 do not have these types. Like for Python 2.6 they
+ # should behave like str. For Python older than 3.0 we want to work with
+ # strings anyway, only later versions have a true bytes type.
+ bytes = str
+ # bytearray is a mutable type that is easily turned into an instance of
+ # bytes
+ class bytearray(list):
+ # for bytes(bytearray()) usage
+ def __str__(self): return ''.join(self)
+ # append automatically converts integers to characters
+ def append(self, item):
+ if isinstance(item, str):
+ list.append(self, item)
+ else:
+ list.append(self, chr(item))
+# create control bytes, depending on true type of bytes
+# all Python versions prior 3.x convert str([17]) to '[17]' instead of '\x11'
+if bytes is str:
+ XON = chr(17)
+ XOFF = chr(19)
+ XON = bytes([17])
+ XOFF = bytes([19])
+ PARITY_NONE: 'None',
+ PARITY_EVEN: 'Even',
+ PARITY_ODD: 'Odd',
+ PARITY_MARK: 'Mark',
+ PARITY_SPACE: 'Space',
+class SerialException(IOError):
+ """Base class for serial port related exceptions."""
+class SerialTimeoutException(SerialException):
+ """Write timeouts give an exception"""
+writeTimeoutError = SerialTimeoutException("Write timeout")
+portNotOpenError = ValueError('Attempting to use a port that is not open')
+class FileLike(object):
+ """An abstract file like class.
+ This class implements readline and readlines based on read and
+ writelines based on write.
+ This class is used to provide the above functions for to Serial
+ port objects.
+ Note that when the serial port was opened with _NO_ timeout that
+ readline blocks until it sees a newline (or the specified size is
+ reached) and that readlines would never return and therefore
+ refuses to work (it raises an exception in this case)!
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.closed = True
+ def close(self):
+ self.closed = True
+ # so that ports are closed when objects are discarded
+ def __del__(self):
+ """Destructor. Calls close()."""
+ # The try/except block is in case this is called at program
+ # exit time, when it's possible that globals have already been
+ # deleted, and then the close() call might fail. Since
+ # there's nothing we can do about such failures and they annoy
+ # the end users, we suppress the traceback.
+ try:
+ self.close()
+ except:
+ pass
+ def writelines(self, sequence):
+ for line in sequence:
+ self.write(line)
+ def flush(self):
+ """flush of file like objects"""
+ pass
+ # iterator for e.g. "for line in Serial(0): ..." usage
+ def next(self):
+ line = self.readline()
+ if not line: raise StopIteration
+ return line
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ # other functions of file-likes - not used by pySerial
+ #~ readinto(b)
+ def seek(self, pos, whence=0):
+ raise IOError("file is not seekable")
+ def tell(self):
+ raise IOError("file is not seekable")
+ def truncate(self, n=None):
+ raise IOError("file is not seekable")
+ def isatty(self):
+ return False
+class SerialBase(object):
+ """Serial port base class. Provides __init__ function and properties to
+ get/set port settings."""
+ # default values, may be overridden in subclasses that do not support all values
+ BAUDRATES = (50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800,
+ 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 500000,
+ 576000, 921600, 1000000, 1152000, 1500000, 2000000, 2500000,
+ 3000000, 3500000, 4000000)
+ def __init__(self,
+ port = None, # number of device, numbering starts at
+ # zero. if everything fails, the user
+ # can specify a device string, note
+ # that this isn't portable anymore
+ # port will be opened if one is specified
+ baudrate=9600, # baud rate
+ bytesize=EIGHTBITS, # number of data bits
+ parity=PARITY_NONE, # enable parity checking
+ stopbits=STOPBITS_ONE, # number of stop bits
+ timeout=None, # set a timeout value, None to wait forever
+ xonxoff=0, # enable software flow control
+ rtscts=0, # enable RTS/CTS flow control
+ writeTimeout=None, # set a timeout for writes
+ dsrdtr=None, # None: use rtscts setting, dsrdtr override if true or false
+ interCharTimeout=None # Inter-character timeout, None to disable
+ ):
+ """Initialize comm port object. If a port is given, then the port will be
+ opened immediately. Otherwise a Serial port object in closed state
+ is returned."""
+ self._isOpen = False
+ self._port = None # correct value is assigned below through properties
+ self._baudrate = None # correct value is assigned below through properties
+ self._bytesize = None # correct value is assigned below through properties
+ self._parity = None # correct value is assigned below through properties
+ self._stopbits = None # correct value is assigned below through properties
+ self._timeout = None # correct value is assigned below through properties
+ self._writeTimeout = None # correct value is assigned below through properties
+ self._xonxoff = None # correct value is assigned below through properties
+ self._rtscts = None # correct value is assigned below through properties
+ self._dsrdtr = None # correct value is assigned below through properties
+ self._interCharTimeout = None # correct value is assigned below through properties
+ # assign values using get/set methods using the properties feature
+ self.port = port
+ self.baudrate = baudrate
+ self.bytesize = bytesize
+ self.parity = parity
+ self.stopbits = stopbits
+ self.timeout = timeout
+ self.writeTimeout = writeTimeout
+ self.xonxoff = xonxoff
+ self.rtscts = rtscts
+ self.dsrdtr = dsrdtr
+ self.interCharTimeout = interCharTimeout
+ if port is not None:
+ def isOpen(self):
+ """Check if the port is opened."""
+ return self._isOpen
+ # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ # TODO: these are not really needed as the is the BAUDRATES etc. attribute...
+ # maybe i remove them before the final release...
+ def getSupportedBaudrates(self):
+ return [(str(b), b) for b in self.BAUDRATES]
+ def getSupportedByteSizes(self):
+ return [(str(b), b) for b in self.BYTESIZES]
+ def getSupportedStopbits(self):
+ return [(str(b), b) for b in self.STOPBITS]
+ def getSupportedParities(self):
+ return [(PARITY_NAMES[b], b) for b in self.PARITIES]
+ # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ def setPort(self, port):
+ """Change the port. The attribute portstr is set to a string that
+ contains the name of the port."""
+ was_open = self._isOpen
+ if was_open: self.close()
+ if port is not None:
+ if isinstance(port, basestring):
+ self.portstr = port
+ else:
+ self.portstr = self.makeDeviceName(port)
+ else:
+ self.portstr = None
+ self._port = port
+ = self.portstr
+ if was_open:
+ def getPort(self):
+ """Get the current port setting. The value that was passed on init or using
+ setPort() is passed back. See also the attribute portstr which contains
+ the name of the port as a string."""
+ return self._port
+ port = property(getPort, setPort, doc="Port setting")
+ def setBaudrate(self, baudrate):
+ """Change baud rate. It raises a ValueError if the port is open and the
+ baud rate is not possible. If the port is closed, then the value is
+ accepted and the exception is raised when the port is opened."""
+ try:
+ self._baudrate = int(baudrate)
+ except TypeError:
+ raise ValueError("Not a valid baudrate: %r" % (baudrate,))
+ else:
+ if self._isOpen: self._reconfigurePort()
+ def getBaudrate(self):
+ """Get the current baud rate setting."""
+ return self._baudrate
+ baudrate = property(getBaudrate, setBaudrate, doc="Baud rate setting")
+ def setByteSize(self, bytesize):
+ """Change byte size."""
+ if bytesize not in self.BYTESIZES: raise ValueError("Not a valid byte size: %r" % (bytesize,))
+ self._bytesize = bytesize
+ if self._isOpen: self._reconfigurePort()
+ def getByteSize(self):
+ """Get the current byte size setting."""
+ return self._bytesize
+ bytesize = property(getByteSize, setByteSize, doc="Byte size setting")
+ def setParity(self, parity):
+ """Change parity setting."""
+ if parity not in self.PARITIES: raise ValueError("Not a valid parity: %r" % (parity,))
+ self._parity = parity
+ if self._isOpen: self._reconfigurePort()
+ def getParity(self):
+ """Get the current parity setting."""
+ return self._parity
+ parity = property(getParity, setParity, doc="Parity setting")
+ def setStopbits(self, stopbits):
+ """Change stop bits size."""
+ if stopbits not in self.STOPBITS: raise ValueError("Not a valid stop bit size: %r" % (stopbits,))
+ self._stopbits = stopbits
+ if self._isOpen: self._reconfigurePort()
+ def getStopbits(self):
+ """Get the current stop bits setting."""
+ return self._stopbits
+ stopbits = property(getStopbits, setStopbits, doc="Stop bits setting")
+ def setTimeout(self, timeout):
+ """Change timeout setting."""
+ if timeout is not None:
+ try:
+ timeout + 1 # test if it's a number, will throw a TypeError if not...
+ except TypeError:
+ raise ValueError("Not a valid timeout: %r" % (timeout,))
+ if timeout < 0: raise ValueError("Not a valid timeout: %r" % (timeout,))
+ self._timeout = timeout
+ if self._isOpen: self._reconfigurePort()
+ def getTimeout(self):
+ """Get the current timeout setting."""
+ return self._timeout
+ timeout = property(getTimeout, setTimeout, doc="Timeout setting for read()")
+ def setWriteTimeout(self, timeout):
+ """Change timeout setting."""
+ if timeout is not None:
+ if timeout < 0: raise ValueError("Not a valid timeout: %r" % (timeout,))
+ try:
+ timeout + 1 #test if it's a number, will throw a TypeError if not...
+ except TypeError:
+ raise ValueError("Not a valid timeout: %r" % timeout)
+ self._writeTimeout = timeout
+ if self._isOpen: self._reconfigurePort()
+ def getWriteTimeout(self):
+ """Get the current timeout setting."""
+ return self._writeTimeout
+ writeTimeout = property(getWriteTimeout, setWriteTimeout, doc="Timeout setting for write()")
+ def setXonXoff(self, xonxoff):
+ """Change XON/XOFF setting."""
+ self._xonxoff = xonxoff
+ if self._isOpen: self._reconfigurePort()
+ def getXonXoff(self):
+ """Get the current XON/XOFF setting."""
+ return self._xonxoff
+ xonxoff = property(getXonXoff, setXonXoff, doc="XON/XOFF setting")
+ def setRtsCts(self, rtscts):
+ """Change RTS/CTS flow control setting."""
+ self._rtscts = rtscts
+ if self._isOpen: self._reconfigurePort()
+ def getRtsCts(self):
+ """Get the current RTS/CTS flow control setting."""
+ return self._rtscts
+ rtscts = property(getRtsCts, setRtsCts, doc="RTS/CTS flow control setting")
+ def setDsrDtr(self, dsrdtr=None):
+ """Change DsrDtr flow control setting."""
+ if dsrdtr is None:
+ # if not set, keep backwards compatibility and follow rtscts setting
+ self._dsrdtr = self._rtscts
+ else:
+ # if defined independently, follow its value
+ self._dsrdtr = dsrdtr
+ if self._isOpen: self._reconfigurePort()
+ def getDsrDtr(self):
+ """Get the current DSR/DTR flow control setting."""
+ return self._dsrdtr
+ dsrdtr = property(getDsrDtr, setDsrDtr, "DSR/DTR flow control setting")
+ def setInterCharTimeout(self, interCharTimeout):
+ """Change inter-character timeout setting."""
+ if interCharTimeout is not None:
+ if interCharTimeout < 0: raise ValueError("Not a valid timeout: %r" % interCharTimeout)
+ try:
+ interCharTimeout + 1 # test if it's a number, will throw a TypeError if not...
+ except TypeError:
+ raise ValueError("Not a valid timeout: %r" % interCharTimeout)
+ self._interCharTimeout = interCharTimeout
+ if self._isOpen: self._reconfigurePort()
+ def getInterCharTimeout(self):
+ """Get the current inter-character timeout setting."""
+ return self._interCharTimeout
+ interCharTimeout = property(getInterCharTimeout, setInterCharTimeout, doc="Inter-character timeout setting for read()")
+ # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """String representation of the current port settings and its state."""
+ return "%s<id=0x%x, open=%s>(port=%r, baudrate=%r, bytesize=%r, parity=%r, stopbits=%r, timeout=%r, xonxoff=%r, rtscts=%r, dsrdtr=%r)" % (
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ id(self),
+ self._isOpen,
+ self.portstr,
+ self.baudrate,
+ self.bytesize,
+ self.parity,
+ self.stopbits,
+ self.timeout,
+ self.xonxoff,
+ self.rtscts,
+ self.dsrdtr,
+ )
+ # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ def readline(self, size=None, eol='\n'):
+ """read a line which is terminated with end-of-line (eol) character
+ ('\n' by default) or until timeout"""
+ line = ''
+ while 1:
+ c =
+ if c:
+ line += c # not very efficient but lines are usually not that long
+ if c == eol:
+ break
+ if size is not None and len(line) >= size:
+ break
+ else:
+ break
+ return bytes(line)
+ def readlines(self, sizehint=None, eol='\n'):
+ """read a list of lines, until timeout
+ sizehint is ignored"""
+ if self.timeout is None:
+ raise ValueError("Serial port MUST have enabled timeout for this function!")
+ lines = []
+ while 1:
+ line = self.readline(eol=eol)
+ if line:
+ lines.append(line)
+ if line[-1] != eol: # was the line received with a timeout?
+ break
+ else:
+ break
+ return lines
+ def xreadlines(self, sizehint=None):
+ """just call readlines - here for compatibility"""
+ return self.readlines()
+ # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ # compatibility with io library
+ def readable(self): return True
+ def writable(self): return True
+ def seekable(self): return False
+ def readinto(self, b):
+ data =
+ n = len(data)
+ try:
+ b[:n] = data
+ except TypeError, err:
+ import array
+ if not isinstance(b, array.array):
+ raise err
+ b[:n] = array.array('b', data)
+ return n
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ s = SerialBase()
+ sys.stdout.write('port name: %s\n' % s.portstr)
+ sys.stdout.write('baud rates: %s\n' % s.getSupportedBaudrates())
+ sys.stdout.write('byte sizes: %s\n' % s.getSupportedByteSizes())
+ sys.stdout.write('parities: %s\n' % s.getSupportedParities())
+ sys.stdout.write('stop bits: %s\n' % s.getSupportedStopbits())
+ sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % s)
diff --git a/serial/ b/serial/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af436bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/serial/
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+#! python
+# Python Serial Port Extension for Win32, Linux, BSD, Jython
+# serial driver for win32
+# see
+# (C) 2001-2009 Chris Liechti <>
+# this is distributed under a free software license, see license.txt
+# Initial patch to use ctypes by Giovanni Bajo <>
+import ctypes
+import win32
+from serialutil import *
+def device(portnum):
+ """Turn a port number into a device name"""
+ return 'COM%d' % (portnum+1) # numbers are transformed to a string
+class Win32Serial(SerialBase):
+ """Serial port implementation for Win32 based on ctypes."""
+ BAUDRATES = (50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800,
+ 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200)
+ def open(self):
+ """Open port with current settings. This may throw a SerialException
+ if the port cannot be opened."""
+ if self._port is None:
+ raise SerialException("Port must be configured before it can be used.")
+ self.hComPort = None
+ # the "\\.\COMx" format is required for devices other than COM1-COM8
+ # not all versions of windows seem to support this properly
+ # so that the first few ports are used with the DOS device name
+ port = self.portstr
+ try:
+ if port.upper().startswith('COM') and int(port[3:]) > 8:
+ port = '\\\\.\\' + port
+ except ValueError:
+ # for like COMnotanumber
+ pass
+ self.hComPort = win32.CreateFile(port,
+ 0, # exclusive access
+ None, # no security
+ 0)
+ if self.hComPort == win32.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE:
+ self.hComPort = None # 'cause __del__ is called anyway
+ raise SerialException("could not open port %s: %s" % (self.portstr, ctypes.WinError()))
+ # Setup a 4k buffer
+ win32.SetupComm(self.hComPort, 4096, 4096)
+ # Save original timeout values:
+ self._orgTimeouts = win32.COMMTIMEOUTS()
+ win32.GetCommTimeouts(self.hComPort, ctypes.byref(self._orgTimeouts))
+ self._rtsState = win32.RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE
+ self._dtrState = win32.DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE
+ self._reconfigurePort()
+ # Clear buffers:
+ # Remove anything that was there
+ win32.PurgeComm(self.hComPort,
+ self._overlappedRead = win32.OVERLAPPED()
+ self._overlappedRead.hEvent = win32.CreateEvent(None, 1, 0, None)
+ self._overlappedWrite = win32.OVERLAPPED()
+ #~ self._overlappedWrite.hEvent = win32.CreateEvent(None, 1, 0, None)
+ self._overlappedWrite.hEvent = win32.CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, None)
+ self._isOpen = True
+ def _reconfigurePort(self):
+ """Set communication parameters on opened port."""
+ if not self.hComPort:
+ raise SerialException("Can only operate on a valid port handle")
+ # Set Windows timeout values
+ # timeouts is a tuple with the following items:
+ # (ReadIntervalTimeout,ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier,
+ # ReadTotalTimeoutConstant,WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier,
+ # WriteTotalTimeoutConstant)
+ if self._timeout is None:
+ timeouts = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ elif self._timeout == 0:
+ timeouts = (win32.MAXDWORD, 0, 0, 0, 0)
+ else:
+ timeouts = (0, 0, int(self._timeout*1000), 0, 0)
+ if self._timeout != 0 and self._interCharTimeout is not None:
+ timeouts = (int(self._interCharTimeout * 1000),) + timeouts[1:]
+ if self._writeTimeout is None:
+ pass
+ elif self._writeTimeout == 0:
+ timeouts = timeouts[:-2] + (0, win32.MAXDWORD)
+ else:
+ timeouts = timeouts[:-2] + (0, int(self._writeTimeout*1000))
+ win32.SetCommTimeouts(self.hComPort, ctypes.byref(win32.COMMTIMEOUTS(*timeouts)))
+ win32.SetCommMask(self.hComPort, win32.EV_ERR)
+ # Setup the connection info.
+ # Get state and modify it:
+ comDCB = win32.DCB()
+ win32.GetCommState(self.hComPort, ctypes.byref(comDCB))
+ comDCB.BaudRate = self._baudrate
+ if self._bytesize == FIVEBITS:
+ comDCB.ByteSize = 5
+ elif self._bytesize == SIXBITS:
+ comDCB.ByteSize = 6
+ elif self._bytesize == SEVENBITS:
+ comDCB.ByteSize = 7
+ elif self._bytesize == EIGHTBITS:
+ comDCB.ByteSize = 8
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unsupported number of data bits: %r" % self._bytesize)
+ if self._parity == PARITY_NONE:
+ comDCB.Parity = win32.NOPARITY
+ comDCB.fParity = 0 # Disable Parity Check
+ elif self._parity == PARITY_EVEN:
+ comDCB.Parity = win32.EVENPARITY
+ comDCB.fParity = 1 # Enable Parity Check
+ elif self._parity == PARITY_ODD:
+ comDCB.Parity = win32.ODDPARITY
+ comDCB.fParity = 1 # Enable Parity Check
+ elif self._parity == PARITY_MARK:
+ comDCB.Parity = win32.MARKPARITY
+ comDCB.fParity = 1 # Enable Parity Check
+ elif self._parity == PARITY_SPACE:
+ comDCB.Parity = win32.SPACEPARITY
+ comDCB.fParity = 1 # Enable Parity Check
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unsupported parity mode: %r" % self._parity)
+ if self._stopbits == STOPBITS_ONE:
+ comDCB.StopBits = win32.ONESTOPBIT
+ elif self._stopbits == STOPBITS_ONE_POINT_FIVE:
+ comDCB.StopBits = win32.ONE5STOPBITS
+ elif self._stopbits == STOPBITS_TWO:
+ comDCB.StopBits = win32.TWOSTOPBITS
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unsupported number of stop bits: %r" % self._stopbits)
+ comDCB.fBinary = 1 # Enable Binary Transmission
+ # Char. w/ Parity-Err are replaced with 0xff (if fErrorChar is set to TRUE)
+ if self._rtscts:
+ comDCB.fRtsControl = win32.RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE
+ else:
+ comDCB.fRtsControl = self._rtsState
+ if self._dsrdtr:
+ comDCB.fDtrControl = win32.DTR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE
+ else:
+ comDCB.fDtrControl = self._dtrState
+ comDCB.fOutxCtsFlow = self._rtscts
+ comDCB.fOutxDsrFlow = self._dsrdtr
+ comDCB.fOutX = self._xonxoff
+ comDCB.fInX = self._xonxoff
+ comDCB.fNull = 0
+ comDCB.fErrorChar = 0
+ comDCB.fAbortOnError = 0
+ comDCB.XonChar = XON
+ comDCB.XoffChar = XOFF
+ if not win32.SetCommState(self.hComPort, ctypes.byref(comDCB)):
+ raise ValueError("Cannot configure port, some setting was wrong. Original message: %s" % ctypes.WinError())
+ #~ def __del__(self):
+ #~ self.close()
+ def close(self):
+ """Close port"""
+ if self._isOpen:
+ if self.hComPort:
+ # Restore original timeout values:
+ win32.SetCommTimeouts(self.hComPort, self._orgTimeouts)
+ # Close COM-Port:
+ win32.CloseHandle(self.hComPort)
+ win32.CloseHandle(self._overlappedRead.hEvent)
+ win32.CloseHandle(self._overlappedWrite.hEvent)
+ self.hComPort = None
+ self._isOpen = False
+ def makeDeviceName(self, port):
+ return device(port)
+ # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ def inWaiting(self):
+ """Return the number of characters currently in the input buffer."""
+ flags = win32.DWORD()
+ comstat = win32.COMSTAT()
+ if not win32.ClearCommError(self.hComPort, ctypes.byref(flags), ctypes.byref(comstat)):
+ raise SerialException('call to ClearCommError failed')
+ return comstat.cbInQue
+ def read(self, size=1):
+ """Read size bytes from the serial port. If a timeout is set it may
+ return less characters as requested. With no timeout it will block
+ until the requested number of bytes is read."""
+ if not self.hComPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ if size > 0:
+ win32.ResetEvent(self._overlappedRead.hEvent)
+ flags = win32.DWORD()
+ comstat = win32.COMSTAT()
+ if not win32.ClearCommError(self.hComPort, ctypes.byref(flags), ctypes.byref(comstat)):
+ raise SerialException('call to ClearCommError failed')
+ if self.timeout == 0:
+ n = min(comstat.cbInQue, size)
+ if n > 0:
+ buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(n)
+ rc = win32.DWORD()
+ err = win32.ReadFile(self.hComPort, buf, size, ctypes.byref(rc), ctypes.byref(self._overlappedRead))
+ if not err and win32.GetLastError() != win32.ERROR_IO_PENDING:
+ raise SerialException("ReadFile failed (%s)" % ctypes.WinError())
+ err = win32.WaitForSingleObject(self._overlappedRead.hEvent, win32.INFINITE)
+ read = buf.raw[:rc.value]
+ else:
+ read = bytes()
+ else:
+ buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(size)
+ rc = win32.DWORD()
+ err = win32.ReadFile(self.hComPort, buf, size, ctypes.byref(rc), ctypes.byref(self._overlappedRead))
+ if not err and win32.GetLastError() != win32.ERROR_IO_PENDING:
+ raise SerialException("ReadFile failed (%s)" % ctypes.WinError())
+ err = win32.GetOverlappedResult(self.hComPort, ctypes.byref(self._overlappedRead), ctypes.byref(rc), True)
+ read = buf.raw[:rc.value]
+ else:
+ read = bytes()
+ return bytes(read)
+ def write(self, data):
+ """Output the given string over the serial port."""
+ if not self.hComPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ #~ if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
+ #~ raise TypeError('expected %s or bytearray, got %s' % (bytes, type(data)))
+ # convert data (needed in case of memoryview instance: Py 3.1 io lib), ctypes doesn't like memoryview
+ data = bytes(data)
+ if data:
+ #~ win32event.ResetEvent(self._overlappedWrite.hEvent)
+ n = win32.DWORD()
+ err = win32.WriteFile(self.hComPort, data, len(data), ctypes.byref(n), self._overlappedWrite)
+ if not err and win32.GetLastError() != win32.ERROR_IO_PENDING:
+ raise SerialException("WriteFile failed (%s)" % ctypes.WinError())
+ # Wait for the write to complete.
+ #~ win32.WaitForSingleObject(self._overlappedWrite.hEvent, win32.INFINITE)
+ err = win32.GetOverlappedResult(self.hComPort, self._overlappedWrite, ctypes.byref(n), True)
+ if n.value != len(data):
+ raise writeTimeoutError
+ return n.value
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def flushInput(self):
+ """Clear input buffer, discarding all that is in the buffer."""
+ if not self.hComPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ win32.PurgeComm(self.hComPort, win32.PURGE_RXCLEAR | win32.PURGE_RXABORT)
+ def flushOutput(self):
+ """Clear output buffer, aborting the current output and
+ discarding all that is in the buffer."""
+ if not self.hComPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ win32.PurgeComm(self.hComPort, win32.PURGE_TXCLEAR | win32.PURGE_TXABORT)
+ def sendBreak(self, duration=0.25):
+ """Send break condition. Timed, returns to idle state after given duration."""
+ if not self.hComPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ import time
+ win32.SetCommBreak(self.hComPort)
+ time.sleep(duration)
+ win32.ClearCommBreak(self.hComPort)
+ def setBreak(self, level=1):
+ """Set break: Controls TXD. When active, to transmitting is possible."""
+ if not self.hComPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ if level:
+ win32.SetCommBreak(self.hComPort)
+ else:
+ win32.ClearCommBreak(self.hComPort)
+ def setRTS(self, level=1):
+ """Set terminal status line: Request To Send"""
+ if not self.hComPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ if level:
+ self._rtsState = win32.RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE
+ win32.EscapeCommFunction(self.hComPort, win32.SETRTS)
+ else:
+ self._rtsState = win32.RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE
+ win32.EscapeCommFunction(self.hComPort, win32.CLRRTS)
+ def setDTR(self, level=1):
+ """Set terminal status line: Data Terminal Ready"""
+ if not self.hComPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ if level:
+ self._dtrState = win32.DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE
+ win32.EscapeCommFunction(self.hComPort, win32.SETDTR)
+ else:
+ self._dtrState = win32.DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE
+ win32.EscapeCommFunction(self.hComPort, win32.CLRDTR)
+ def _GetCommModemStatus(self):
+ stat = win32.DWORD()
+ win32.GetCommModemStatus(self.hComPort, ctypes.byref(stat))
+ return stat.value
+ def getCTS(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Clear To Send"""
+ if not self.hComPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ return win32.MS_CTS_ON & self._GetCommModemStatus() != 0
+ def getDSR(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Data Set Ready"""
+ if not self.hComPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ return win32.MS_DSR_ON & self._GetCommModemStatus() != 0
+ def getRI(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Ring Indicator"""
+ if not self.hComPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ return win32.MS_RING_ON & self._GetCommModemStatus() != 0
+ def getCD(self):
+ """Read terminal status line: Carrier Detect"""
+ if not self.hComPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ return win32.MS_RLSD_ON & self._GetCommModemStatus() != 0
+ # - - platform specific - - - -
+ def setXON(self, level=True):
+ """Platform specific - set flow state."""
+ if not self.hComPort: raise portNotOpenError
+ if level:
+ win32.EscapeCommFunction(self.hComPort, win32.SETXON)
+ else:
+ win32.EscapeCommFunction(self.hComPort, win32.SETXOFF)
+ def outWaiting(self):
+ """return how many characters the in the outgoing buffer"""
+ flags = win32.DWORD()
+ comstat = win32.COMSTAT()
+ if not win32.ClearCommError(self.hComPort, ctypes.byref(flags), ctypes.byref(comstat)):
+ raise SerialException('call to ClearCommError failed')
+ return comstat.cbOutQue
+# assemble Serial class with the platform specific implementation and the base
+# for file-like behavior. for Python 2.6 and newer, that provide the new I/O
+# library, derive from io.RawIOBase
+ import io
+except ImportError:
+ # classic version with our own file-like emulation
+ class Serial(Win32Serial, FileLike):
+ pass
+ # io library present
+ class Serial(Win32Serial, io.RawIOBase):
+ pass
+# Nur Testfunktion!!
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ s = Serial(0)
+ sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % s)
+ s = Serial()
+ sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % s)
+ s.baudrate = 19200
+ s.databits = 7
+ s.close()
+ s.port = 0
+ sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % s)
diff --git a/serial/ b/serial/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3560d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/serial/
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# History:
+# 3rd September 2002 Dave Haynes
+# 1. First defined
+# Although this code should run under the latest versions of
+# Python, on DOS-based platforms such as Windows 95 and 98,
+# it has been specifically written to be compatible with
+# PyDOS, available at:
+# PyDOS is a stripped-down version of Python 1.5.2 for
+# DOS machines. Therefore, in making changes to this file,
+# please respect Python 1.5.2 syntax. In addition, please
+# limit the width of this file to 60 characters.
+# Note also that the modules in PyDOS contain fewer members
+# than other versions, so we are restricted to using the
+# following:
+# In module os:
+# -------------
+# environ, chdir, getcwd, getpid, umask, fdopen, close,
+# dup, dup2, fstat, lseek, open, read, write, O_RDONLY,
+# access, F_OK, R_OK, W_OK, X_OK, chmod, listdir, mkdir,
+# remove, rename, renames, rmdir, stat, unlink, utime,
+# execl, execle, execlp, execlpe, execvp, execvpe, _exit,
+# system.
+# In module os.path:
+# ------------------
+# curdir, pardir, sep, altsep, pathsep, defpath, linesep.
+import os
+import sys
+import string
+import serialutil
+ 110: "11",
+ 150: "15",
+ 300: "30",
+ 600: "60",
+ 1200: "12",
+ 2400: "24",
+ 4800: "48",
+ 9600: "96",
+ 19200: "19"}
+PARITY_SPACE) = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
+STOPBITS_TWO) = (1, 1.5, 2)
+RETURN_NONE) = ('E', 'B', 'P', 'R', 'N')
+portNotOpenError = ValueError('port not open')
+def device(portnum):
+ return 'COM%d' % (portnum+1)
+class Serial(serialutil.FileLike):
+ """
+ port: number of device; numbering starts at
+ zero. if everything fails, the user can
+ specify a device string, note that this
+ isn't portable any more
+ baudrate: baud rate
+ bytesize: number of databits
+ parity: enable parity checking
+ stopbits: number of stopbits
+ timeout: set a timeout (None for waiting forever)
+ xonxoff: enable software flow control
+ rtscts: enable RTS/CTS flow control
+ retry: DOS retry mode
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ port,
+ baudrate = 9600,
+ bytesize = EIGHTBITS,
+ parity = PARITY_NONE,
+ stopbits = STOPBITS_ONE,
+ timeout = None,
+ xonxoff = 0,
+ rtscts = 0,
+ retry = RETURN_RETRY
+ ):
+ if type(port) == type(''):
+ # strings are taken directly
+ self.portstr = port
+ else:
+ # numbers are transformed to a string
+ self.portstr = device(port+1)
+ self.baud = BAUD_RATES[baudrate]
+ self.bytesize = str(bytesize)
+ if parity == PARITY_NONE:
+ self.parity = 'N'
+ elif parity == PARITY_EVEN:
+ self.parity = 'E'
+ elif parity == PARITY_ODD:
+ self.parity = 'O'
+ elif parity == PARITY_MARK:
+ self.parity = 'M'
+ elif parity == PARITY_SPACE:
+ self.parity = 'S'
+ self.stop = str(stopbits)
+ self.retry = retry
+ self.filename = "sermsdos.tmp"
+ self._config(self.portstr, self.baud, self.parity,
+ self.bytesize, self.stop, self.retry, self.filename)
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.close()
+ def close(self):
+ pass
+ def _config(self, port, baud, parity, data, stop, retry,
+ filename):
+ comString = string.join(("MODE ", port, ":"
+ , " BAUD= ", baud, " PARITY= ", parity
+ , " DATA= ", data, " STOP= ", stop, " RETRY= ",
+ retry, " > ", filename ), '')
+ os.system(comString)
+ def setBaudrate(self, baudrate):
+ self._config(self.portstr, BAUD_RATES[baudrate],
+ self.parity, self.bytesize, self.stop, self.retry,
+ self.filename)
+ def inWaiting(self):
+ """returns the number of bytes waiting to be read"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def read(self, num = 1):
+ """Read num bytes from serial port"""
+ handle =,
+ os.O_RDONLY | os.O_BINARY)
+ rv =, num)
+ os.close(handle)
+ return rv
+ def write(self, s):
+ """Write string to serial port"""
+ handle =,
+ os.O_WRONLY | os.O_BINARY)
+ rv = os.write(handle, s)
+ os.close(handle)
+ return rv
+ def flushInput(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def flushOutput(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def sendBreak(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def setRTS(self,level=1):
+ """Set terminal status line"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def setDTR(self,level=1):
+ """Set terminal status line"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def getCTS(self):
+ """Eead terminal status line"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def getDSR(self):
+ """Eead terminal status line"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def getRI(self):
+ """Eead terminal status line"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def getCD(self):
+ """Eead terminal status line"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return string.join(( "<Serial>: ", self.portstr
+ , self.baud, self.parity, self.bytesize, self.stop,
+ self.retry , self.filename), ' ')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ s = Serial(0)
+ sys.stdio.write('%s %s\n' % (__name__, s))
diff --git a/serial/ b/serial/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b8c118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/serial/
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+from ctypes import *
+from ctypes.wintypes import HANDLE
+from ctypes.wintypes import BOOL
+from ctypes.wintypes import LPCWSTR
+_stdcall_libraries = {}
+_stdcall_libraries['kernel32'] = WinDLL('kernel32')
+from ctypes.wintypes import DWORD
+from ctypes.wintypes import WORD
+from ctypes.wintypes import BYTE
+class _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES(Structure):
+ pass
+CreateEventW = _stdcall_libraries['kernel32'].CreateEventW
+CreateEventW.restype = HANDLE
+CreateEvent = CreateEventW # alias
+CreateFileW = _stdcall_libraries['kernel32'].CreateFileW
+CreateFileW.restype = HANDLE
+CreateFile = CreateFileW # alias
+class _OVERLAPPED(Structure):
+ pass
+class _COMSTAT(Structure):
+ pass
+class _DCB(Structure):
+ pass
+class _COMMTIMEOUTS(Structure):
+ pass
+GetLastError = _stdcall_libraries['kernel32'].GetLastError
+GetLastError.restype = DWORD
+GetLastError.argtypes = []
+GetOverlappedResult = _stdcall_libraries['kernel32'].GetOverlappedResult
+GetOverlappedResult.restype = BOOL
+GetOverlappedResult.argtypes = [HANDLE, LPOVERLAPPED, LPDWORD, BOOL]
+ResetEvent = _stdcall_libraries['kernel32'].ResetEvent
+ResetEvent.restype = BOOL
+ResetEvent.argtypes = [HANDLE]
+LPCVOID = c_void_p
+WriteFile = _stdcall_libraries['kernel32'].WriteFile
+WriteFile.restype = BOOL
+LPVOID = c_void_p
+ReadFile = _stdcall_libraries['kernel32'].ReadFile
+ReadFile.restype = BOOL
+CloseHandle = _stdcall_libraries['kernel32'].CloseHandle
+CloseHandle.restype = BOOL
+CloseHandle.argtypes = [HANDLE]
+ClearCommBreak = _stdcall_libraries['kernel32'].ClearCommBreak
+ClearCommBreak.restype = BOOL
+ClearCommBreak.argtypes = [HANDLE]
+ClearCommError = _stdcall_libraries['kernel32'].ClearCommError
+ClearCommError.restype = BOOL
+ClearCommError.argtypes = [HANDLE, LPDWORD, LPCOMSTAT]
+SetupComm = _stdcall_libraries['kernel32'].SetupComm
+SetupComm.restype = BOOL
+SetupComm.argtypes = [HANDLE, DWORD, DWORD]
+EscapeCommFunction = _stdcall_libraries['kernel32'].EscapeCommFunction
+EscapeCommFunction.restype = BOOL
+EscapeCommFunction.argtypes = [HANDLE, DWORD]
+GetCommModemStatus = _stdcall_libraries['kernel32'].GetCommModemStatus
+GetCommModemStatus.restype = BOOL
+GetCommModemStatus.argtypes = [HANDLE, LPDWORD]
+GetCommState = _stdcall_libraries['kernel32'].GetCommState
+GetCommState.restype = BOOL
+GetCommState.argtypes = [HANDLE, LPDCB]
+GetCommTimeouts = _stdcall_libraries['kernel32'].GetCommTimeouts
+GetCommTimeouts.restype = BOOL
+GetCommTimeouts.argtypes = [HANDLE, LPCOMMTIMEOUTS]
+PurgeComm = _stdcall_libraries['kernel32'].PurgeComm
+PurgeComm.restype = BOOL
+PurgeComm.argtypes = [HANDLE, DWORD]
+SetCommBreak = _stdcall_libraries['kernel32'].SetCommBreak
+SetCommBreak.restype = BOOL
+SetCommBreak.argtypes = [HANDLE]
+SetCommMask = _stdcall_libraries['kernel32'].SetCommMask
+SetCommMask.restype = BOOL
+SetCommMask.argtypes = [HANDLE, DWORD]
+SetCommState = _stdcall_libraries['kernel32'].SetCommState
+SetCommState.restype = BOOL
+SetCommState.argtypes = [HANDLE, LPDCB]
+SetCommTimeouts = _stdcall_libraries['kernel32'].SetCommTimeouts
+SetCommTimeouts.restype = BOOL
+SetCommTimeouts.argtypes = [HANDLE, LPCOMMTIMEOUTS]
+WaitForSingleObject = _stdcall_libraries['kernel32'].WaitForSingleObject
+WaitForSingleObject.restype = DWORD
+WaitForSingleObject.argtypes = [HANDLE, DWORD]
+ONESTOPBIT = 0 # Variable c_int
+TWOSTOPBITS = 2 # Variable c_int
+NOPARITY = 0 # Variable c_int
+ODDPARITY = 1 # Variable c_int
+EVENPARITY = 2 # Variable c_int
+RTS_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE = 2 # Variable c_int
+RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE = 0 # Variable c_int
+RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE = 1 # Variable c_int
+DTR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE = 2 # Variable c_int
+DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE = 0 # Variable c_int
+DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE = 1 # Variable c_int
+MS_DSR_ON = 32 # Variable c_ulong
+EV_RING = 256 # Variable c_int
+EV_PERR = 512 # Variable c_int
+EV_ERR = 128 # Variable c_int
+SETXOFF = 1 # Variable c_int
+EV_RXCHAR = 1 # Variable c_int
+GENERIC_WRITE = 1073741824 # Variable c_long
+PURGE_TXCLEAR = 4 # Variable c_int
+FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED = 1073741824 # Variable c_int
+EV_DSR = 16 # Variable c_int
+MAXDWORD = 4294967295L # Variable c_uint
+EV_RLSD = 32 # Variable c_int
+ERROR_IO_PENDING = 997 # Variable c_long
+MS_CTS_ON = 16 # Variable c_ulong
+EV_EVENT1 = 2048 # Variable c_int
+EV_RX80FULL = 1024 # Variable c_int
+PURGE_RXABORT = 2 # Variable c_int
+FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = 128 # Variable c_int
+PURGE_TXABORT = 1 # Variable c_int
+SETXON = 2 # Variable c_int
+OPEN_EXISTING = 3 # Variable c_int
+MS_RING_ON = 64 # Variable c_ulong
+EV_TXEMPTY = 4 # Variable c_int
+EV_RXFLAG = 2 # Variable c_int
+MS_RLSD_ON = 128 # Variable c_ulong
+GENERIC_READ = 2147483648L # Variable c_ulong
+EV_EVENT2 = 4096 # Variable c_int
+EV_CTS = 8 # Variable c_int
+EV_BREAK = 64 # Variable c_int
+PURGE_RXCLEAR = 8 # Variable c_int
+ULONG_PTR = c_ulong
+class N11_OVERLAPPED4DOLLAR_48E(Union):
+ pass
+class N11_OVERLAPPED4DOLLAR_484DOLLAR_49E(Structure):
+ pass
+N11_OVERLAPPED4DOLLAR_484DOLLAR_49E._fields_ = [
+ ('Offset', DWORD),
+ ('OffsetHigh', DWORD),
+PVOID = c_void_p
+N11_OVERLAPPED4DOLLAR_48E._anonymous_ = ['_0']
+N11_OVERLAPPED4DOLLAR_48E._fields_ = [
+ ('Pointer', PVOID),
+_OVERLAPPED._anonymous_ = ['_0']
+_OVERLAPPED._fields_ = [
+ ('Internal', ULONG_PTR),
+ ('InternalHigh', ULONG_PTR),
+ ('_0', N11_OVERLAPPED4DOLLAR_48E),
+ ('hEvent', HANDLE),
+ ('nLength', DWORD),
+ ('lpSecurityDescriptor', LPVOID),
+ ('bInheritHandle', BOOL),
+_COMSTAT._fields_ = [
+ ('fCtsHold', DWORD, 1),
+ ('fDsrHold', DWORD, 1),
+ ('fRlsdHold', DWORD, 1),
+ ('fXoffHold', DWORD, 1),
+ ('fXoffSent', DWORD, 1),
+ ('fEof', DWORD, 1),
+ ('fTxim', DWORD, 1),
+ ('fReserved', DWORD, 25),
+ ('cbInQue', DWORD),
+ ('cbOutQue', DWORD),
+_DCB._fields_ = [
+ ('DCBlength', DWORD),
+ ('BaudRate', DWORD),
+ ('fBinary', DWORD, 1),
+ ('fParity', DWORD, 1),
+ ('fOutxCtsFlow', DWORD, 1),
+ ('fOutxDsrFlow', DWORD, 1),
+ ('fDtrControl', DWORD, 2),
+ ('fDsrSensitivity', DWORD, 1),
+ ('fTXContinueOnXoff', DWORD, 1),
+ ('fOutX', DWORD, 1),
+ ('fInX', DWORD, 1),
+ ('fErrorChar', DWORD, 1),
+ ('fNull', DWORD, 1),
+ ('fRtsControl', DWORD, 2),
+ ('fAbortOnError', DWORD, 1),
+ ('fDummy2', DWORD, 17),
+ ('wReserved', WORD),
+ ('XonLim', WORD),
+ ('XoffLim', WORD),
+ ('ByteSize', BYTE),
+ ('Parity', BYTE),
+ ('StopBits', BYTE),
+ ('XonChar', c_char),
+ ('XoffChar', c_char),
+ ('ErrorChar', c_char),
+ ('EofChar', c_char),
+ ('EvtChar', c_char),
+ ('wReserved1', WORD),
+_COMMTIMEOUTS._fields_ = [
+ ('ReadIntervalTimeout', DWORD),
+ ('ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier', DWORD),
+ ('ReadTotalTimeoutConstant', DWORD),
+ ('WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier', DWORD),
+ ('WriteTotalTimeoutConstant', DWORD),
+__all__ = ['GetLastError', 'MS_CTS_ON', 'FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL',
+ 'GetOverlappedResult', 'SETXON', 'PURGE_TXABORT',
+ 'PurgeComm', 'N11_OVERLAPPED4DOLLAR_48E', 'EV_RING',
+ 'RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE', '_DCB', 'CreateEvent',
+ 'LPOVERLAPPED', 'EV_TXEMPTY', 'ClearCommBreak',
+ 'LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES', 'SetCommBreak', 'SetCommTimeouts',
+ 'GetCommModemStatus', 'EV_EVENT2', 'PURGE_TXCLEAR',
+ 'PVOID', '_OVERLAPPED', 'WriteFile', 'GetCommTimeouts',
+ 'ResetEvent', 'EV_RXCHAR', 'LPCOMSTAT', 'ClearCommError',
+ 'ERROR_IO_PENDING', 'EscapeCommFunction', 'GENERIC_READ',
+ 'LPDCB', 'CreateEventW', 'SetCommMask', 'EV_EVENT1',
+ 'SetCommState', 'LPVOID', 'CreateFileW', 'LPDWORD',
+ 'ULONG_PTR', 'CreateFile', 'NOPARITY', 'CloseHandle']