path: root/docs/source/faq/ignored-snmp-packets.rst
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authorelie <elie>2015-09-14 05:45:34 +0000
committerelie <elie>2015-09-14 05:45:34 +0000
commit82e1b1a84d62ced461840eba9019cf8b21b8b072 (patch)
tree98cd16aca83a8ebd067966731e897ab2aaa9d7c7 /docs/source/faq/ignored-snmp-packets.rst
parent1ae4badb5ae726badd6673c3bea37fab5465edad (diff)
some more missing files
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/source/faq/ignored-snmp-packets.rst')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/source/faq/ignored-snmp-packets.rst b/docs/source/faq/ignored-snmp-packets.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8eca45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/faq/ignored-snmp-packets.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+Ignored SNMP packets
+Q. Some network devices do not respond to PySNMP-based management
+ requests for particular OIDs.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ pysnmpget -v2c -c public
+ SNMPv2-SMI::mib- = Counter32: 1519568842
+ $ -v2c -c public
+ requestTimedOut
+ Meanwhile, tcpcump shows request-response sequence:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ 13:33:30.161843 IP >
+ GetResponse(31) interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.3=1532504859
+ 13:33:30.161881 IP >
+ GetResponse(31) interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.ifInOctets.3=1532504859
+ In some cases, particularily when running v1arch PySNMP code, the
+ following exception may be thrown on response processing:
+.. code-block:: python
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ....
+ File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/pyasn1/type/", line 64, in
+ __init__
+ File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/pyasn1/type/", line 32, in _verifySubtypeSpec
+ File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/pyasn1/type/", line 33, in __call__
+ pyasn1.type.error.ValueConstraintError: ConstraintsIntersection(ConstraintsIntersection(), ValueRangeConstraint(0, 4294967295)) failed at: ValueRangeConstraint(0, 4294967295) failed at: -1413698940
+A. This appears to be a [widespread] bug in BER integer encoders. It usually
+ gets noticed on Counter values as they are constrained to be positive while
+ wrong encoding yelds them negative.
+ Here's broken encoding:
+.. code-block:: python
+ >>> decoder.decode('A\x04\xab\xbc\xaa\x84', asn1Spec=rfc1155.Counter())
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ pyasn1.type.error.ValueConstraintError: ConstraintsIntersection(ConstraintsIntersection(), ValueRangeConstraint(0, 4294967295)) failed at: ValueRangeConstraint(0, 4294967295) failed at: -1413698940
+And here's a good one:
+.. code-block:: python
+ >>> decoder.decode('A\x05\x00\xab\xbc\xaa\x84',
+ >>> asn1Spec=rfc1155.Counter())
+ (Counter('2881268356'), '')
+ Notice the third octet -- positive values must have its highest bit set
+ to zero.
+ Here's an example hack that converts negated values into their positive
+ complimentaries for Counter type.
+.. code-block:: python
+ from pysnmp.proto import rfc1155, rfc1902, api
+ from pyasn1.codec.ber import encoder, decoder
+ # --- hack Counter type
+ def counterCloneHack(self, *args):
+ if args and args[0] < 0:
+ args = (0xffffffff+args[0]-1,) + args[1:]
+ return self.__class__(*args)
+ rfc1155.Counter.clone = counterCloneHack
+ rfc1902.Counter32.clone = counterCloneHack
+ Execute this hack before any SNMP message processing occures in your app.
+ The bad news is that if this BER encoding bug also affects Integer values,
+ in that case it is theoretically impossible to fix because, unlike Counter,
+ Integer values may legally be negative so they could not unconditionally be
+ converted into positives.
+ Therefore the best solutoin would be to get vendors fixing their
+ BER encoders.