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diff --git a/docs/pysnmp-tutorial.html b/docs/pysnmp-tutorial.html
index 6292f6e..42f1edd 100644
--- a/docs/pysnmp-tutorial.html
+++ b/docs/pysnmp-tutorial.html
@@ -433,80 +433,37 @@ exploited in a oneliner fashion, for quick and simple prototyping.
-The following figure draws major components of PySNMP system along with
-standard Applications.
-<IMG SRC="pysnmp-arch.gif" USEMAP="#pysnmp-arch" ALT="PySNMP architecture"
-<MAP ID="pysnmp-arch" NAME="pysnmp-arch">
-<AREA SHAPE ="rect" COORDS ="445,114,602,146" HREF="#HIGH-LEVEL-PDU-API"
-ALT="PDU Management" />
-<AREA SHAPE ="rect" COORDS ="479,171,564,206" HREF="#PDU-API"
-<AREA SHAPE ="rect" COORDS ="428,58,617,216" HREF="#APPS-API"
-ALT="Applications" />
-<AREA SHAPE ="rect" COORDS ="208,124,333,184" HREF="#LCD-API"
-ALT="LCD" />
-<AREA SHAPE ="rect" COORDS ="196,16,629,225" HREF="#ONELINER-APPS"
-ALT="One-line Applications" />
-<AREA SHAPE ="rect" COORDS ="18,405,145,464" HREF="#TSP-API"
-ALT="Transport Dispatcher" />
-<AREA SHAPE ="rect" COORDS ="240,279,554,342" HREF="#SNMP-ENGINE-API"
-ALT="SNMP Engine" />
-These standard SNMP applications, such as GET/SET command generators and
-responders or TRAP notificators and receivers, translate into a set of
-classes designed by the Visitor pattern. Application classes
-implement concrete SNMP operations in terms of specific PDU handling,
-while SNMP Engine class acts as a Visitor. A single SNMP Engine can serve
-many Applications of different types at the same time.
-One of the design choices of SNMPv3 standard is to use a set of dedicated
-Managed Objects for SNMP engine internal purposes. One reason for that
-design involves making SNMP engine remotely configurable via SNMP.
-These internally used Managed Objects are collectively called Local
-Configuration Datastore (LCD). In PySNMP, all SNMP engine configuration
-and statistics is kept in LCD. LCD Configurator is a wrapper aimed at
-simplifying LCD operations. Technically, LCD Configurator is a set of
-functions whose names clearly reflect their semantics.
+As for its internal structure, PySNMP consists of a handful of large,
+dedicated components. They normally take shape of classes which turn
+into linked objects at runtime. So here are the main components:
-SNMP Engine, on the above figure, is a Composite class holding references
-to all components of SNMP system. Typical user application has a single
-instance of SNMP Engine class possibly shared by many SNMP Applications
-of all kinds.
+SNMP Engine is an object holding references to all other components of
+the SNMP system. Typical user application has a single instance of SNMP
+Engine class possibly shared by many SNMP Applications of all kinds.
+As the other linked-in components tend to buildup various
+configuration and housekeeping information in runtime, SNMP Engine object
+appears to be expensive to configure to a usable state.
Transport subsystem is used for sending SNMP messages to and accepting them
from network. The I/O subsystem consists of an abstract Dispatcher and one
or more abstract Transport classes. Concrete Dispatcher implementation
is I/O method-specific, consider BSD sockets for example. Concrete Transport
classes are transport domain-specific. SNMP frequently uses UDP Transport
-but others are also possible. Dispatcher/Transport classes are designed after
-the Visitor pattern -- Transport instances are Dispatcher visitors. Transport
-Dispatcher interfaces are mostly used by Message And PDU Dispatcher. However,
-when using the SNMPv1/v2c-native API (the lowest-level one), these interfaces
-would be invoked directly.
-The rest of components are not normally accessed directly. They're mentioned
-here for clarification purposes.
+but others are also possible. Transport Dispatcher interfaces are mostly
+used by Message And PDU Dispatcher. However, when using the SNMPv1/v2c-native
+API (the lowest-level one), these interfaces would be invoked directly.
Message And PDU Dispatcher is a heart of SNMP system. Its main responsibilities
include dispatching PDUs from SNMP Applications through various subsystems
@@ -515,26 +472,52 @@ from network up to SNMP Applications. It maintains logical connection with
Management Instrumentation Controller which carries out operations on Managed
Objects, here for the purpose of LCD access.
Message Processing Modules handle message-level protocol operations for present
and possibly future versions of SNMP protocol. Most importantly, these include
message parsing/building and possibly invoking security services whenever
required. All MP Modules share standard API used by Message And PDU Dispatcher.
Message Security Modules perform message authentication and/or encryption.
As of this writing, User-Based (for v3) and Community (for v1/2c) modules
are implemented in PySNMP. All Security Modules share standard API used by
Message Processing subsystem.
Access Control subsystem uses LCD information to authorize remote access to
Managed Objects. This is used when serving Agent Applications or Trap
receiver in Manager Applications.
+A collection of dedicated Managed Objects Instances are used by PySNMP
+for its internal purposes. They are collectively called Local
+Configuration Datastore (LCD). In PySNMP, all SNMP engine configuration
+and statistics is kept in LCD. LCD Configurator is a wrapper aimed at
+simplifying LCD operations.
+In most cases user is expected to only deal with the top-leve oneliner
+API to all these PySNMP components. However implementing SNMP Agents,
+Proxies and some other fine features of Managers require using the
+Standard Applications API. In those cases general understanding of SNMP
+operations and SNMP Engine components would be helpful.