path: root/pysnmp/entity/rfc3413/oneliner/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pysnmp/entity/rfc3413/oneliner/')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 311 deletions
diff --git a/pysnmp/entity/rfc3413/oneliner/ b/pysnmp/entity/rfc3413/oneliner/
index cb7b163..5e069ab 100644
--- a/pysnmp/entity/rfc3413/oneliner/
+++ b/pysnmp/entity/rfc3413/oneliner/
@@ -1,313 +1,6 @@
-from pysnmp.proto import rfc1902
-from pysnmp.smi.builder import ZipMibSource
-from pysnmp.smi.compiler import addMibCompiler
-from pysnmp.error import PySnmpError
-from pyasn1.error import PyAsn1Error
+# Obsolete interfaces, use pysnmp.smi.rfc1902 instead.
+from pysnmp.smi import rfc1902
-# An OID-like object that embeds MIB resolution.
-# Valid initializers include:
-# MibVariable(''),
-# MibVariable('')
-# MibVariable('SNMPv2-MIB', 'system'),
-# MibVariable('SNMPv2-MIB', 'sysDescr', 0),
-# MibVariable('IP-MIB', 'ipAdEntAddr', '', 123),
-class MibVariable:
- stDirty, stOidOnly, stClean, stUnresolved = 1, 2, 4, 8
- def __init__(self, *args):
- self.__args = args
- self.__mibSourcesToAdd = self.__modNamesToLoad = None
- self.__asn1SourcesToAdd = None
- self.__state = self.stDirty
- #
- # public API
- #
- def getMibSymbol(self):
- if self.__state & self.stClean:
- return self.__modName, self.__symName, self.__indices
- else:
- raise PySnmpError('%s object not fully initialized' % self.__class__.__name__)
- def getOid(self):
- if self.__state & (self.stOidOnly | self.stClean):
- return self.__oid
- else:
- raise PySnmpError('%s object not fully initialized' % self.__class__.__name__)
- def getLabel(self):
- if self.__state & self.stClean:
- return self.__label
- else:
- raise PySnmpError('%s object not fully initialized' % self.__class__.__name__)
- def getMibNode(self): # XXX
- if self.__state & self.stClean:
- return self.__mibNode
- else:
- raise PySnmpError('%s object not fully initialized' % self.__class__.__name__)
- def isFullyResolved(self):
- return not (self.__state & self.stUnresolved)
- #
- # A gateway to MIBs manipulation routines
- #
- def addAsn1Sources(self, *asn1Sources):
- self.__asn1SourcesToAdd = asn1Sources
- return self
- def addMibSource(self, *mibSources):
- self.__mibSourcesToAdd = mibSources
- return self
- # provides deferred MIBs load
- def loadMibs(self, *modNames):
- self.__modNamesToLoad = modNames
- return self
- # this would eventually be called by an entity which posses a
- # reference to MibViewController
- def resolveWithMib(self, mibViewController, oidOnly=False):
- if self.__mibSourcesToAdd is not None:
- mibSources = tuple(
- [ ZipMibSource(x) for x in self.__mibSourcesToAdd ]
- ) + mibViewController.mibBuilder.getMibSources()
- mibViewController.mibBuilder.setMibSources(*mibSources)
- self.__mibSourcesToAdd = None
- if self.__asn1SourcesToAdd is not None:
- addMibCompiler(
- mibViewController.mibBuilder,
- sources=self.__asn1SourcesToAdd
- )
- self.__asn1SourcesToAdd = None
- if self.__modNamesToLoad is not None:
- mibViewController.mibBuilder.loadModules(*self.__modNamesToLoad)
- self.__modNamesToLoad = None
- if self.__state & (self.stOidOnly | self.stClean):
- return self
- MibScalar, MibTableColumn, = mibViewController.mibBuilder.importSymbols('SNMPv2-SMI', 'MibScalar', 'MibTableColumn')
- if len(self.__args) == 1: # OID or label
- try:
- self.__oid = rfc1902.ObjectName(self.__args[0])
- except PyAsn1Error:
- try:
- label = tuple(self.__args[0].split('.'))
- except ValueError:
- raise PySnmpError('Bad OID format %s' % (self.__args[0],))
- prefix, label, suffix = mibViewController.getNodeNameByOid(
- label
- )
- if suffix:
- try:
- suffix = tuple([ int(x) for x in suffix ])
- except ValueError:
- raise PySnmpError('Unknown object name component %s' % (suffix,))
- self.__oid = rfc1902.ObjectName(prefix + suffix)
- self.__state |= self.stOidOnly
- if oidOnly:
- return self
- else:
- self.__state |= self.stOidOnly
- if oidOnly:
- return self
- prefix, label, suffix = mibViewController.getNodeNameByOid(
- self.__oid
- )
- modName, symName, _ = mibViewController.getNodeLocation(prefix)
- self.__modName = modName
- self.__symName = symName
- self.__label = label
- mibNode, = mibViewController.mibBuilder.importSymbols(
- modName, symName
- )
- self.__mibNode = mibNode
- if isinstance(mibNode, MibTableColumn): # table column
- rowModName, rowSymName, _ = mibViewController.getNodeLocation(
- )
- rowNode, = mibViewController.mibBuilder.importSymbols(
- rowModName, rowSymName
- )
- self.__indices = rowNode.getIndicesFromInstId(suffix)
- elif isinstance(mibNode, MibScalar): # scalar
- self.__indices = ( rfc1902.ObjectName(suffix), )
- else:
- self.__indices = ( rfc1902.ObjectName(suffix), )
- self.__state |= self.stUnresolved
- self.__state |= self.stClean
- return self
- elif len(self.__args) > 1: # MIB, symbol[, index, index ...]
- self.__modName = self.__args[0]
- if self.__args[1]:
- self.__symName = self.__args[1]
- else:
- mibViewController.mibBuilder.loadModules(self.__modName)
- oid, _, _ = mibViewController.getFirstNodeName(self.__modName)
- _, self.__symName, _ = mibViewController.getNodeLocation(oid)
- mibNode, = mibViewController.mibBuilder.importSymbols(
- self.__modName, self.__symName
- )
- self.__mibNode = mibNode
- self.__indices = ()
- self.__oid = rfc1902.ObjectName(mibNode.getName())
- prefix, label, suffix = mibViewController.getNodeNameByOid(
- self.__oid
- )
- self.__label = label
- if isinstance(mibNode, MibTableColumn): # table
- rowModName, rowSymName, _ = mibViewController.getNodeLocation(
- )
- rowNode, = mibViewController.mibBuilder.importSymbols(
- rowModName, rowSymName
- )
- if self.__args[2:]:
- instIds = rowNode.getInstIdFromIndices(*self.__args[2:])
- self.__oid += instIds
- self.__indices = rowNode.getIndicesFromInstId(instIds)
- elif self.__args[2:]: # any other kind of MIB node with indices
- instId = rfc1902.ObjectName(
- '.'.join([ str(x) for x in self.__args[2:] ])
- )
- self.__oid += instId
- self.__indices = ( instId, )
- self.__state |= (self.stClean | self.stOidOnly)
- return self
- else:
- raise PySnmpError('Non-OID, label or MIB symbol')
- def prettyPrint(self):
- if self.__state & self.stClean:
- return '%s::%s.%s' % (
- self.__modName, self.__symName,
- '.'.join(['"%s"' % x.prettyPrint() for x in self.__indices ])
- )
- else:
- raise PySnmpError('%s object not fully initialized' % self.__class__.__name__)
- def __repr__(self):
- return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join([ repr(x) for x in self.__args]))
- # Redirect some attrs access to the OID object to behave alike
- def __str__(self):
- if self.__state & self.stOidOnly:
- return str(self.__oid)
- else:
- raise PySnmpError('%s object not properly initialized' % self.__class__.__name__)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if self.__state & self.stOidOnly:
- return self.__oid == other
- else:
- raise PySnmpError('%s object not properly initialized' % self.__class__.__name__)
- def __ne__(self, other):
- if self.__state & self.stOidOnly:
- return self.__oid != other
- else:
- raise PySnmpError('%s object not properly initialized' % self.__class__.__name__)
- def __lt__(self, other):
- if self.__state & self.stOidOnly:
- return self.__oid < other
- else:
- raise PySnmpError('%s object not properly initialized' % self.__class__.__name__)
- def __le__(self, other):
- if self.__state & self.stOidOnly:
- return self.__oid <= other
- else:
- raise PySnmpError('%s object not properly initialized' % self.__class__.__name__)
- def __gt__(self, other):
- if self.__state & self.stOidOnly:
- return self.__oid > other
- else:
- raise PySnmpError('%s object not properly initialized' % self.__class__.__name__)
- def __ge__(self, other):
- if self.__state & self.stOidOnly:
- return self.__oid > other
- else:
- raise PySnmpError('%s object not properly initialized' % self.__class__.__name__)
- def __nonzero__(self):
- if self.__state & self.stOidOnly:
- return self.__oid != 0
- else:
- raise PySnmpError('%s object not properly initialized' % self.__class__.__name__)
- def __bool__(self):
- if self.__state & self.stOidOnly:
- return bool(self.__oid)
- else:
- raise PySnmpError('%s object not properly initialized' % self.__class__.__name__)
- def __getitem__(self, i):
- if self.__state & self.stOidOnly:
- return self.__oid[i]
- else:
- raise PySnmpError('%s object not properly initialized' % self.__class__.__name__)
- def __len__(self):
- if self.__state & self.stOidOnly:
- return len(self.__oid)
- else:
- raise PySnmpError('%s object not properly initialized' % self.__class__.__name__)
- def __add__(self, other):
- if self.__state & self.stOidOnly:
- return self.__oid + other
- else:
- raise PySnmpError('%s object not properly initialized' % self.__class__.__name__)
- def __radd__(self, other):
- if self.__state & self.stOidOnly:
- return other + self.__oid
- else:
- raise PySnmpError('%s object not properly initialized' % self.__class__.__name__)
- def __hash__(self):
- if self.__state & self.stOidOnly:
- return hash(self.__oid)
- else:
- raise PySnmpError('%s object not properly initialized' % self.__class__.__name__)
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- if self.__state & self.stOidOnly:
- if attr in ( 'asTuple', 'clone', 'subtype', 'isPrefixOf',
- 'isSameTypeWith', 'isSuperTypeOf'):
- return getattr(self.__oid, attr)
- raise AttributeError
- else:
- raise PySnmpError('%s object not properly initialized for %s access' % (self.__class__.__name__, attr))
+class MibVariable(rfc1902.ObjectIdentity): pass
+class MibVariableBinding(rfc1902.ObjectType): pass