path: root/PKG-INFO
diff options
authorLorry Tar Creator <>2014-06-30 23:17:28 +0000
committer <>2014-10-24 11:03:41 +0000
commit9817ec3e47bca8fba9a7cac56d785e9d644f7473 (patch)
tree2eddc46197f66e1629dcdf01bf0cb543c729920c /PKG-INFO
Imported from /home/lorry/working-area/delta_python-packages_python-rfc3986/rfc3986-0.2.0.tar.gz.HEADrfc3986-0.2.0master
Diffstat (limited to 'PKG-INFO')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/PKG-INFO b/PKG-INFO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f37aa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PKG-INFO
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+Metadata-Version: 1.1
+Name: rfc3986
+Version: 0.2.0
+Summary: Validating URI References per RFC 3986
+Author: Ian Cordasco
+License: Apache 2.0
+Description: rfc3986
+ =======
+ A Python implementation of `RFC 3986`_ including validation and authority
+ parsing. Coming soon: `Reference Resolution <>`_.
+ Installation
+ ------------
+ Simply use pip to install ``rfc3986`` like so::
+ pip install rfc3986
+ License
+ -------
+ `Apache License Version 2.0`_
+ Example Usage
+ -------------
+ To parse a URI into a convenient named tuple, you can simply::
+ from rfc3986 import uri_reference
+ example = uri_reference('')
+ email = uri_reference('')
+ ssh = uri_reference('ssh://')
+ With a parsed URI you can access data about the components::
+ print(example.scheme) # => http
+ print(email.path) # =>
+ print(ssh.userinfo) # => user
+ print( # =>
+ print(ssh.port) # => 29418
+ It can also parse URIs with unicode present::
+ uni = uri_reference(b'\xe2\x98\x83') # ☃
+ print(uni.query) # utf8=%E2%98%83
+ With a parsed URI you can also validate it::
+ if ssh.is_valid():
+['git', 'clone', ssh.unsplit()])
+ You can also take a parsed URI and normalize it::
+ mangled = uri_reference('hTTp://exAMPLe.COM')
+ print(mangled.scheme) # => hTTp
+ print(mangled.authority) # => exAMPLe.COM
+ normal = mangled.normalize()
+ print(normal.scheme) # => http
+ print(mangled.authority) # =>
+ But these two URIs are (functionally) equivalent::
+ if normal == mangled:
+ Your paths, queries, and fragments are safe with us though::
+ mangled = uri_reference('hTTp://exAMPLe.COM/Some/reallY/biZZare/pAth')
+ normal = mangled.normalize()
+ assert normal == 'hTTp://exAMPLe.COM/Some/reallY/biZZare/pAth'
+ assert normal == ''
+ assert normal != ''
+ If you do not actually need a real reference object and just want to normalize
+ your URI::
+ from rfc3986 import normalize_uri
+ assert (normalize_uri('hTTp://exAMPLe.COM/Some/reallY/biZZare/pAth') ==
+ '')
+ You can also very simply validate a URI::
+ from rfc3986 import is_valid_uri
+ assert is_valid_uri('hTTp://exAMPLe.COM/Some/reallY/biZZare/pAth')
+ Requiring Components
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ You can validate that a particular string is a valid URI and require
+ independent components::
+ from rfc3986 import is_valid_uri
+ assert is_valid_uri('http://localhost:8774/v2/resource',
+ require_scheme=True,
+ require_authority=True,
+ require_path=True)
+ # Assert that a mailto URI is invalid if you require an authority
+ # component
+ assert is_valid_uri('', require_authority=True) is False
+ If you have an instance of a ``URIReference``, you can pass the same arguments
+ to ``URIReference#is_valid``, e.g.,
+ .. code::
+ from rfc3986 import uri_reference
+ http = uri_reference('http://localhost:8774/v2/resource')
+ assert uri.is_valid(require_scheme=True,
+ require_authority=True,
+ require_path=True)
+ # Assert that a mailto URI is invalid if you require an authority
+ # component
+ mailto = uri_reference('')
+ assert uri.is_valid(require_authority=True) is False
+ Alternatives
+ ------------
+ - `rfc3987 <>`_
+ This is a direct competitor to this library, with extra features,
+ licensed under the GPL.
+ - `uritools <>`_
+ This can parse URIs in the manner of RFC 3986 but provides no validation and
+ only recently added Python 3 support.
+ - Standard library's `urlparse`/`urllib.parse`
+ The functions in these libraries can only split a URI (valid or not) and
+ provide no validation.
+ Contributing
+ ------------
+ This project follows and enforces the Python Software Foundation's `Code of
+ Conduct <>`_.
+ If you would like to contribute but do not have a bug or feature in mind, feel
+ free to email Ian and find out how you can help.
+ .. _RFC 3986:
+ .. _Apache License Version 2.0:
+ 0.2.0 -- 2014-06-30
+ -------------------
+ - Add support for requiring components during validation. This includes adding
+ parameters ``require_scheme``, ``require_authority``, ``require_path``,
+ ``require_path``, ``require_query``, and ``require_fragment`` to
+ ``rfc3986.is_valid_uri`` and ``URIReference#is_valid``.
+ 0.1.0 -- 2014-06-27
+ -------------------
+ - Initial Release includes validation and normalization of URIs
+Platform: UNKNOWN
+Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
+Classifier: Natural Language :: English
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4