path: root/cpp/rubygen
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cpp/rubygen')
21 files changed, 0 insertions, 3743 deletions
diff --git a/cpp/rubygen/0-10/allsegmenttypes.rb b/cpp/rubygen/0-10/allsegmenttypes.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 26363d6a1f..0000000000
--- a/cpp/rubygen/0-10/allsegmenttypes.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-$: << ".." # Include .. in load path
-require 'cppgen'
-class GenAllSegmentTypes < CppGen
- def initialize(outdir, amqp)
- super(outdir, amqp)
- end
- def generate
- h_file("tests/allSegmentTypes.h") {
- include "qpid/amqp_0_10/specification.h"
- include "qpid/amqp_0_10/Header.h"
- include "qpid/amqp_0_10/Body.h"
- genl
- genl "using namespace qpid::amqp_0_10;"
- genl
- scope("template <class Op> size_t allSegmentTypes(Op& op) {"){
- genl "op(Header());"
- genl "op(Body());"
- n = 2;
- @amqp.classes.each { |c|
- c.commands.each { |s| genl "op(CommandHolder(#{c.nsname}::#{s.classname}()));" }
- c.controls.each { |s| genl "op(ControlHolder(#{c.nsname}::#{s.classname}()));" }
- n += 2
- }
- genl "return #{n};"
- }
- }
- end
-$outdir, $amqp).generate();
diff --git a/cpp/rubygen/0-10/exceptions.rb b/cpp/rubygen/0-10/exceptions.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 02e3a5d547..0000000000
--- a/cpp/rubygen/0-10/exceptions.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-$: << ".." # Include .. in load path
-require 'cppgen'
-class GenExceptions < CppGen
- def initialize(outdir, amqp)
- super(outdir, amqp)
- @ns="qpid::amqp_#{@amqp.version.bars}"
- @dir="qpid/amqp_#{@amqp.version.bars}"
- end
- def exceptions_for_enum(enum, base, ns, suffix="")
- enum.choices.each { |c|
- genl
- doxygen_comment { genl c.doc }
- struct(name, "public #{base}") {
- genl "#{name}(const std::string& msg=std::string())"
- genl " : #{base}(#{ns}::#{}, msg) {}"
- protected
- genl "std::string getPrefix() const { return \"#{name}\"; }"
- }
- }
- end
- def gen_exceptions()
- h_file("#{@dir}/exceptions") {
- include "qpid/amqp_0_10/Exception"
- namespace("#{@ns}") {
- error_code = @amqp.class_("execution").domain("error-code").enum
- exceptions_for_enum(error_code, "SessionAbortedException", "execution")
- genl
- detach_code = @amqp.class_("session").domain("detach-code").enum
- exceptions_for_enum(detach_code, "SessionDetachedException", "session", "Detached")
- genl
- exceptions_for_enum(detach_code, "SessionExpiredException", "session", "Expired")
- genl
- close_code = @amqp.class_("connection").domain("close-code").enum
- exceptions_for_enum(close_code, "ConnectionException", "connection")
- }
- }
- end
- def generate()
- gen_exceptions
- end
-$outdir, $amqp).generate();
diff --git a/cpp/rubygen/0-10/handlers.rb b/cpp/rubygen/0-10/handlers.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 981ea890e6..0000000000
--- a/cpp/rubygen/0-10/handlers.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-$: << ".." # Include .. in load path
-require 'cppgen'
-class GenHandlers < CppGen
- def initialize(outdir, amqp)
- super(outdir, amqp)
- @ns="qpid::amqp_#{@amqp.version.bars}"
- @dir="qpid/amqp_#{@amqp.version.bars}"
- end
- def action_handler(type, actions)
- genl
- { |a| "public #{a.fqclassname}::Handler" }
- struct("#{type}Handler", *bases) { }
- end
- def generate()
- h_file("#{@dir}/handlers.h") {
- include "#{@dir}/specification"
- namespace("#{@ns}") {
- action_handler "Command", @amqp.collect_all(AmqpCommand)
- action_handler "Control", @amqp.collect_all(AmqpControl)
- }
- }
- end
-$outdir, $amqp).generate()
diff --git a/cpp/rubygen/0-10/specification.rb b/cpp/rubygen/0-10/specification.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index ef193f5fd0..0000000000
--- a/cpp/rubygen/0-10/specification.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-$: << ".." # Include .. in load path
-require 'cppgen'
-# Dummy element representing an unknown struct type.
-class UnknownStruct
- def visitable?() true end
- def fqclassname() "UnknownStruct" end
-# Dummy element representing a session.header field
-class SessionHeaderField
- def amqp2cpp() "session::Header" end
- def cppname() "sessionHeader" end
- def name() "session-header" end
-class Specification < CppGen
- def initialize(outdir, amqp)
- super(outdir, amqp)
- @ns="qpid::amqp_#{@amqp.version.bars}"
- @dir="qpid/amqp_#{@amqp.version.bars}"
- end
- # domains
- def domain_h(d)
- genl
- if d.enum
- scope("enum #{typename} {", "};") {
- genl { |c|
- "#{} = #{c.value}" }.join(",\n")
- }
- scope("inline SerializeAs<#{typename}, uint8_t> serializable(#{typename}& e) {") {
- genl "return SerializeAs<#{typename}, uint8_t>(e);"
- }
- else
- genl "typedef #{d.amqp2cpp} #{typename};"
- end
- end
- def visitable?(x) x.code and x.size=="4" end
- # Used by structs, commands and controls.
- def action_struct_h(x, base, consts, &block)
- genl
- base = visitable?(x) ? ["public #{base}"] : []
- struct(x.classname, *base) {
- x.fields.each { |f| genl "#{f.amqp2cpp} #{f.cppname};" }
- genl
- genl "static const char* NAME;"
- consts.each {
- |c| genl "static const uint8_t #{c.upcase}=#{(x.send c) or 0};"
- }
- genl "static const uint8_t CLASS_CODE=#{x.containing_class.nsname}::CODE;"
- genl "static const char* CLASS_NAME;"
- ctor_decl("explicit #{x.classname}", x.parameters(true))
- if visitable? x
- genl "void accept(Visitor&);"
- genl "void accept(ConstVisitor&) const;"
- end
- if (x.fields.empty?)
- genl "template <class S> void serialize(S&) {}"
- else
- scope("template <class S> void serialize(S& s) {") {
- gen "s"; x.fields.each { |f| gen "(#{f.cppname})"}; genl ";"
- }
- end
- genl
- yield if block
- }
- case x
- when AmqpCommand then packer = "CommandPacker"
- when AmqpControl then packer = "Packer"
- when AmqpStruct then packer = "SizedPacker"
- end
- genl "inline #{packer}<#{x.classname}> serializable(#{x.classname}& x) { return #{packer}<#{x.classname}>(x); }" unless x.respond_to? :pack and x.pack == "0"
- genl "std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream&, const #{x.classname}&);"
- genl "bool operator==(const #{x.classname}&, const #{x.classname}&);"
- end
- def action_struct_cpp(x, &block)
- genl
- genl "const char* #{x.classname}::NAME=\"#{x.fqname}\";"
- genl "const char* #{x.classname}::CLASS_NAME=#{x.containing_class.nsname}::NAME;"
- genl
- ctor=x.classname+"::"+x.classname
- ctor_defn(ctor, x.parameters, x.initializers) {}
- if visitable? x
- genl "void #{x.classname}::accept(Visitor& v) { v.visit(*this); }"
- genl "void #{x.classname}::accept(ConstVisitor& v) const { v.visit(*this); }"
- end
- genl
- scope("std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& o, const #{x.classname}&#{"x" unless x.fields.empty?}) {") {
- genl "o << \"#{x.fqname}[\";";
- x.fields.each{ |f| genl "o << \" #{}=\" << x.#{f.cppname};" }
- genl "o << \"]\";"
- genl "return o;"
- }
- yield if block
- end
- # structs
- def struct_h(s) action_struct_h(s, "Struct", ["size","pack","code"]); end
- def struct_cpp(s) action_struct_cpp(s) end
- # command and control
- def action_h(a)
- action_struct_h(a, a.base, ["code"]) {
- struct("Handler") {
- scope("void #{a.funcname}(", ");") {
- genl a.parameters.join(",\n")
- }
- }
- function_defn("template <class T> void invoke", ["T& target"], "const") {
- genl "target.#{a.funcname}(#{a.values.join(', ')} );"
- }
- }
- end
- def action_cpp(a)
- action_struct_cpp(a) {
- scope("void #{a.classname}::Handler::#{a.funcname}(", ")") {
- genl a.unused_parameters.join(",\n")
- }
- scope {
- genl "assert(0);"
- genl "throw NotImplementedException(QPID_MSG(\"#{a.fqname} not implemented.\"));"
- }
- }
- end
- # Types that must be generated early because they are used by other types.
- def pregenerate?(x) not @amqp.used_by[x.fqname].empty?; end
- def pregenerate_class?(c)
-{ |t| (t.is_a? AmqpStruct or t.is_a? AmqpDomain) and pregenerate? t}
- end
- # Typedefs, enums and forward declarations for classes.
- def gen_specification_fwd()
- h_file("#{@dir}/specification_fwd") {
- include "#{@dir}/built_in_types"
- namespace(@ns) {
- # Top level
- { |d|
- # segment-type and track are are built in
- domain_h d unless ["track","segment-type"].include?(
- }
- each_class_ns { |c|
- genl "const uint8_t CODE=#{c.code};" # class code
- genl "extern const char* NAME;"
- c.each_descendant { |x|
- case x
- when AmqpDomain then domain_h x
- when AmqpStruct then genl "class #{x.classname};"
- when AmqpAction then genl "class #{x.classname};"
- end
- }
- }
- }
- }
- end
- # Generate struct definitions into a separate header file so the
- # can be included by StructHolder.h without circularity.
- def gen_structs()
- h_file("#{@dir}/structs") {
- include "#{@dir}/specification_fwd"
- include "#{@dir}/Map.h"
- include "#{@dir}/Array.h"
- include "#{@dir}/Struct.h"
- include "#{@dir}/UnknownStruct.h"
- include "#{@dir}/Packer.h"
- namespace(@ns) {
- each_class_ns { |c|
- c.collect_all(AmqpStruct).each { |s| struct_h s }
- }
- }
- }
- cpp_file("#{@dir}/structs") {
- include "#{@dir}/structs"
- include "#{@dir}/StructHolder"
- namespace(@ns) {
- each_class_ns { |c|
- c.collect_all(AmqpStruct).each { |s| struct_cpp(s) }
- }
- }
- }
- end
- # Generate the specification files
- def gen_specification()
- h_file("#{@dir}/specification") {
- include "#{@dir}/specification_fwd.h"
- include "#{@dir}/Map.h"
- include "#{@dir}/Array.h"
- include "#{@dir}/UnknownType.h"
- include "#{@dir}/Struct32"
- include "#{@dir}/Control.h"
- include "#{@dir}/Command.h"
- include "#{@dir}/Packer.h"
- include "<iosfwd>"
- namespace(@ns) {
- each_class_ns { |c|
- c.collect_all(AmqpAction).each { |a| action_h a }
- }
- }}
- cpp_file("#{@dir}/specification") {
- include "#{@dir}/specification"
- include "#{@dir}/exceptions"
- include "<iostream>"
- ["Command","Control", "Struct"].each { |x| include "#{@dir}/Apply#{x}" }
- namespace(@ns) {
- each_class_ns { |c|
- genl "const char* NAME=\"#{c.fqname}\";"
- c.actions.each { |a| action_cpp a}
- }
- }
- }
- end
- def gen_proxy()
- h_file("#{@dir}/ProxyTemplate.h") {
- include "#{@dir}/specification"
- namespace(@ns) {
- genl "template <class F, class R=typename F::result_type>"
- cpp_extern_class("QPID_COMMON_CLASS_EXTERN", "ProxyTemplate") {
- public
- genl "ProxyTemplate(F f=F()) : functor(f) {}"
- @amqp.classes.each { |c|
- c.actions.each { |a|
- genl
- function_defn("R #{a.funcname}", a.parameters) {
- args = a.arguments.empty? ? "" : "("+a.arguments.join(", ")+")"
- genl("#{a.fqclassname} #{var}#{args};")
- genl "return functor(#{var});"
- }
- }
- }
- private
- genl "F functor;"
- }
- }
- }
- end
- def visitor_interface_h(base, subs, is_const)
- name="#{is_const ? 'Const' : ''}#{base}Visitor"
- const=is_const ? "const " : ""
- struct(name) {
- genl "virtual ~#{name}() {}"
- genl "typedef #{const}#{base} BaseType;"
- subs.each{ |s|
- genl "virtual void visit(#{const}#{s.fqclassname}&) = 0;"
- }}
- end
- def visitor_impl(base, subs, is_const)
- name="#{is_const ? 'Const' : ''}#{base}Visitor"
- const=is_const ? "const " : ""
- genl "template <class F>"
- struct("ApplyVisitor<#{name}, F>", "public ApplyVisitorBase<#{name}, F>") {
- subs.each{ |s|
- genl "virtual void visit(#{const}#{s.fqclassname}& x) { this->invoke(x); }"
- }}
- end
- def gen_visitor(base, subs)
- h_file("#{@dir}/#{base}Visitor.h") {
- include base=="Struct" ? "#{@dir}/structs" : "#{@dir}/specification"
- namespace("#{@ns}") {
- visitor_interface_h(base, subs, false)
- visitor_interface_h(base, subs, true)
- }}
- h_file("#{@dir}/Apply#{base}.h") {
- include "#{@dir}/#{base}Visitor.h"
- include "#{@dir}/apply.h"
- namespace("#{@ns}") {
- visitor_impl(base, subs, false)
- visitor_impl(base, subs, true)
- }
- }
- end
- def gen_holder(base, subs)
- name=base+"Holder"
- h_file("#{@dir}/#{name}") {
- include "#{@dir}/Apply#{base}"
- include "#{@dir}/Holder"
- include base=="Struct" ? "#{@dir}/structs" : "#{@dir}/specification"
- namespace(@ns){
- namespace("#{base.downcase}_max") {
- genl "static const size_t MAX000=0;"
- last="MAX000"
- subs.each { |s|
- sizeof="sizeof(#{s.fqclassname})"
- genl "static const size_t #{last.succ} = #{sizeof} > #{last} ? #{sizeof} : #{last};"
- last.succ!
- }
- genl "static const int MAX=#{last};"
- }
- holder_base="amqp_0_10::Holder<#{name}, #{base}, #{base.downcase}_max::MAX>"
- struct("#{name}", "public #{holder_base}") {
- genl "#{name}() {}"
- genl "template <class T> explicit #{name}(const T& t) : #{holder_base}(t) {}"
- genl "using #{holder_base}::operator=;"
- genl "void set(uint8_t classCode, uint8_t code);"
- }
- genl
- genl "std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const #{name}& h);"
- }
- }
- cpp_file("#{@dir}/#{name}") {
- include "#{@dir}/#{name}"
- include "#{@dir}/exceptions.h"
- namespace(@ns) {
- genl "using framing::in_place;"
- genl
- scope("void #{name}::set(uint8_t classCode, uint8_t code) {") {
- genl "uint16_t key=(classCode<<8)+code;"
- scope ("switch(key) {") {
- subs.each { |s|
- genl "case 0x#{s.full_code.to_s(16)}: *this=in_place<#{s.fqclassname}>(); break;" unless (s.is_a? UnknownStruct)
- }
- genl "default: "
- indent {
- if (base=="Struct")
- genl "*this=in_place<UnknownStruct>(classCode, code);"
- else
- genl "throw CommandInvalidException(QPID_MSG(\"Invalid class-#{base.downcase} key \" << std::hex << key));"
- end
- }
- }
- }
- genl
- genl "std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const #{name}& h) { return h.get() ? (o << *h.get()) : (o << \"<empty #{name}>\"); }"
- }
- }
- end
- def gen_visitable(base, subs)
- subs << if base=="Struct" # Extra case for unknown structs.
- gen_holder(base, subs)
- gen_visitor(base, subs)
- end
- def generate
- gen_specification_fwd
- gen_specification
- gen_proxy
- gen_structs
- gen_visitable("Command", @amqp.collect_all(AmqpCommand))
- gen_visitable("Control", @amqp.collect_all(AmqpControl))
- gen_visitable("Struct", @amqp.collect_all(AmqpStruct).select { |s| s.code})
- end
-$outdir, $amqp).generate();
diff --git a/cpp/rubygen/0-10/typecode.rb b/cpp/rubygen/0-10/typecode.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 0ab9c4be5d..0000000000
--- a/cpp/rubygen/0-10/typecode.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-$: << ".." # Include .. in load path
-require 'cppgen'
-class TypeCode < CppGen
- def initialize(outdir, amqp)
- super(outdir, amqp)
- @ns="qpid::amqp_#{@amqp.version.bars}"
- @dir="qpid/amqp_#{@amqp.version.bars}"
- @types = @amqp.collect_all(AmqpType).select { |t| t.code }
- end
- def type_for_code_h()
- h_file("#{@dir}/TypeForCode") {
- include "#{@dir}/built_in_types.h"
- include "#{@dir}/UnknownType.h"
- namespace(@ns) {
- genl
- genl "template <uint8_t Code> struct TypeForCode;"
- genl
- @types.each { |t|
- genl "template <> struct TypeForCode<#{t.code}> { typedef #{t.typename} type; };"
- }
- genl
- genl "template <class V> typename V::result_type"
- scope("apply_visitor(V& visitor, uint8_t code) {") {
- scope("switch (code) {", "}") {
- @types.each { |t|
- genl "case #{t.code}: return visitor((#{t.typename}*)0);"
- }
- genl "default: return visitor((UnknownType*)0);"
- }
- }
- genl
- genl "std::string typeName(uint8_t code);"
- }
- }
- end
- def type_for_code_cpp()
- cpp_file("#{@dir}/TypeForCode") {
- include "<string>"
- include "<sstream>"
- namespace(@ns) {
- namespace("") {
- struct("Names") {
- scope("Names() {") {
- scope("for (int i =0; i < 256; ++i) {") {
- genl "std::ostringstream os;"
- genl "os << \"UnknownType<\" << i << \">\";"
- genl "names[i] = os.str();"
- }
- @types.each { |t| genl "names[#{t.code}] = \"#{}\";" }
- }
- genl "std::string names[256];"
- }
- genl "Names names;"
- }
- genl "std::string typeName(uint8_t code) { return names.names[code]; }"
- }}
- end
- def code_for_type_h()
- name="#{@dir}/CodeForType"
- h_file(name) {
- include "#{@dir}/built_in_types.h"
- namespace(@ns) {
- genl
- genl "template <class T> struct CodeForType;"
- genl
- @types.each { |t|
- genl "template <> struct CodeForType<#{t.typename}> { static const uint8_t value; };"
- }
- genl
- genl "template <class T> uint8_t codeFor(const T&) { return CodeForType<T>::value; }"
- }
- }
- cpp_file(name) {
- include name
- namespace(@ns) {
- @types.each { |t|
- genl "const uint8_t CodeForType<#{t.typename}>::value=#{t.code};"
- }
- }
- }
- end
- def generate
- type_for_code_h
- type_for_code_cpp
- code_for_type_h
- end
-$outdir, $amqp).generate();
diff --git a/cpp/rubygen/MethodBodyDefaultVisitor.rb b/cpp/rubygen/MethodBodyDefaultVisitor.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 11dbcb8f83..0000000000
--- a/cpp/rubygen/MethodBodyDefaultVisitor.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-$: << ".." # Include .. in load path
-require 'cppgen'
-class MethodBodyDefaultVisitorGen < CppGen
- def initialize(outdir, amqp)
- super(outdir, amqp)
- set_classname("qpid::framing::MethodBodyDefaultVisitor")
- end
- def generate()
- h_file(@filename) {
- include "qpid/framing/MethodBodyConstVisitor"
- namespace(@namespace) {
- genl
- cpp_extern_class("QPID_COMMON_CLASS_EXTERN", @classname, "public MethodBodyConstVisitor") {
- genl "public:"
- genl "virtual void defaultVisit() = 0;"
- @amqp.methods_.each { |m|
- genl "virtual void visit(const #{m.body_name}&);" }
- }}}
- cpp_file(@filename) {
- include(@filename)
- namespace(@namespace) {
- @amqp.methods_.each { |m|
- genl "void #{@classname}::visit(const #{m.body_name}&) { defaultVisit(); }"
- }}}
- end
-$outdir, $amqp).generate();
diff --git a/cpp/rubygen/README.txt b/cpp/rubygen/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index a1fd6cfec8..0000000000
--- a/cpp/rubygen/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-Run ./generate for usage.
-Examples in samples/
-For example:
- ./generate . ../../specs/amqp.0-9.xml samples/Proxy.rb
-will generate
diff --git a/cpp/rubygen/amqpgen.rb b/cpp/rubygen/amqpgen.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 20aac35194..0000000000
--- a/cpp/rubygen/amqpgen.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,550 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# Generic AMQP code generation library.
-# TODO aconway 2008-02-21:
-# The amqp_attr_reader and amqp_child_reader for each Amqp* class
-# should correspond exactly to ampq.dtd. Currently they are more
-# permissive so we can parse 0-10 preview and 0-10 final XML.
-# Code marked with "# preview" should be removed/modified when final 0-10
-# is complete and we are ready to remove preview-related code.
-require 'delegate'
-require 'rexml/document'
-require 'pathname'
-require 'set'
-include REXML
-# Handy String functions for converting names.
-class String
- # Convert to CapitalizedForm.
- def caps() gsub( /(^|\W)(\w)/ ) { |m| $2.upcase } end
- # Convert to underbar_separated_form.
- def bars() tr('- .','_'); end
- def shout() bars.upcase; end
- # Convert to lowerCaseCapitalizedForm
- def lcaps() gsub( /\W(\w)/ ) { |m| $1.upcase } end
- def plural() self + (/[xs]$/ === self ? 'es' : 's'); end
-# Sort an array by name.
-module Enumerable
- def sort_by_name() sort { |a,b| <=> }; end
-# Add functions similar to attr_reader for AMQP attributes/children.
-# Symbols that are ruby Object function names (e.g. class) get
-# an "_" suffix.
-class Module
- # Add trailing _ to avoid conflict with Object methods.
- def mangle(sym)
- sym = (sym.to_s+"_").to_sym if (Object.method_defined?(sym) or sym == :type)
- sym
- end
- # Add attribute reader for XML attribute.
- def amqp_attr_reader(*attrs)
- attrs.each { |a|
- case a
- when Symbol
- define_method(mangle(a)) {
- @amqp_attr_reader||={ }
- @amqp_attr_reader[a] ||= xml.attributes[a.to_s]
- }
- when Hash
- a.each { |attr, default|
- define_method(mangle(attr)) {
- @amqp_attr_reader||={ }
- value = xml.attributes[attr.to_s]
- if value
- @amqp_attr_reader[attr] ||= value
- else
- @amqp_attr_reader[attr] ||= default
- end
- }
- }
- end
- }
- end
- # Add 2 child readers:
- # elname(name) == child('elname',name)
- # elnames() == children('elname')
- def amqp_child_reader(*element_names)
- element_names.each { |e|
- define_method(mangle(e)) { |name| child(e.to_s, name) }
- define_method(mangle(e.to_s.plural)) { children(e.to_s) } }
- end
- # When there can only be one child instance
- def amqp_single_child_reader(*element_names)
- element_names.each { |e|
- define_method(mangle(e)) { children(e.to_s)[0] } }
- end
-# An AmqpElement contains an XML element and provides a convenient
-# API to access AMQP data.
-# NB: AmqpElements cache values from XML, they assume that
-# the XML model does not change after the AmqpElement has
-# been created.
-class AmqpElement
- def wrap(xml)
- return nil if ["assert","rule"].include?
- eval("Amqp", self) or raise "nil wrapper"
- end
- public
- def initialize(xml, parent)
- @xml, @parent=xml, parent
- { |e| wrap e }.compact
- @cache_child={}
- @cache_child_named={}
- @cache_children={}
- @cache_children[nil]=@children
- end
- attr_reader :parent, :xml, :children, :doc
- amqp_attr_reader :name, :label
- # List of children of type elname, or all children if elname
- # not specified.
- def children(elname=nil)
- if elname
- @cache_children[elname] ||= { |c| }
- else
- @children
- end
- end
- def each_descendant(&block)
- yield self
- @children.each { |c| c.each_descendant(&block) }
- end
- def collect_all(amqp_type)
- collect=[]
- each_descendant { |d| collect << d if d.is_a? amqp_type }
- collect
- end
- # Look up child of type elname with attribute name.
- def child(elname, name)
- @cache_child[[elname,name]] ||= children(elname).find { |c| }
- end
- # Look up any child with name
- def child_named(name)
- @cache_child_named[name] ||= @children.find { |c| }
- end
- # The root <amqp> element.
- def root() @root ||=parent ? parent.root : self; end
- def to_s() "#<#{self.class}(#{fqname})>"; end
- def inspect() to_s; end
- # Text of doc child if there is one.
- def doc() d=xml.elements["doc"]; d and d.text; end
- def fqname()
- throw "fqname: #{self} #{parent.fqname} has no name" unless name
- p=parent && parent.fqname
- p ? p+"."+name : name;
- end
- def containing_class()
- return self if is_a? AmqpClass
- return parent && parent.containing_class
- end
- # 0-10 array domains are missing element type information, add it here.
- ArrayTypes={
- "str16-array" => "str-16",
- "amqp-host-array" => "connection.amqp-host-url",
- "command-fragments" => "session.command-fragment",
- "in-doubt" => "dtx.xid",
- "tx-publish" => "str-8",
- "queues" => "str-8"
- }
- def array_type(name)
- return ArrayTypes[name] if ArrayTypes[name]
- raise "Missing ArrayType entry for " + name
- end
-class AmqpResponse < AmqpElement
- def initialize(xml, parent) super; end
- def fqname() (parent ? parent.dotted_name+"." : "") + "response"; end
-class AmqpDoc < AmqpElement
- def initialize(xml,parent) super; end
- def text() @xml.text end
-class AmqpChoice < AmqpElement
- def initialize(xml,parent) super; end
- amqp_attr_reader :name, :value
-class AmqpEnum < AmqpElement
- def initialize(xml,parent) super; end
- amqp_child_reader :choice
-class AmqpDomain < AmqpElement
- def initialize(xml, parent)
- super
- root.used_by[uses].push(fqname) if uses and uses.index('.')
- end
- amqp_attr_reader :type
- amqp_single_child_reader :struct # preview
- amqp_single_child_reader :enum
- def uses() type_=="array" ? ArrayTypes[name] : type_; end
-class AmqpException < AmqpElement
- def initialize(xml, amqp) super; end;
- amqp_attr_reader :error_code
-class AmqpField < AmqpElement
- def initialize(xml, amqp)
- super;
- root.used_by[type_].push(parent.fqname) if type_ and type_.index('.')
- end
- amqp_single_child_reader :struct # preview
- amqp_child_reader :exception
- amqp_attr_reader :type, :default, :code, :required
-class AmqpChassis < AmqpElement # preview
- def initialize(xml, parent) super; end
- amqp_attr_reader :implement
-class AmqpConstant < AmqpElement
- def initialize(xml, parent) super; end
- amqp_attr_reader :value, :class
-class AmqpResult < AmqpElement
- def initialize(xml, parent) super; end
- amqp_single_child_reader :struct # preview
- amqp_attr_reader :type
- def name() "result"; end
-class AmqpEntry < AmqpElement
- def initialize(xml,parent) super; end
- amqp_attr_reader :type
-class AmqpHeader < AmqpElement
- def initialize(xml,parent) super; end
- amqp_child_reader :entry
- amqp_attr_reader :required
-class AmqpBody < AmqpElement
- def initialize(xml,parent) super; end
- amqp_attr_reader :required
-class AmqpSegments < AmqpElement
- def initialize(xml,parent) super; end
- amqp_child_reader :header, :body
-class AmqpStruct < AmqpElement
- def initialize(xml, parent) super; end
- amqp_attr_reader :type # preview
- amqp_attr_reader :size, :code, :pack
- amqp_child_reader :field
- def result?() == "result"; end
- def domain?() == "domain"; end
-class AmqpMethod < AmqpElement
- def initialize(xml, parent) super; end
- amqp_attr_reader :content, :index, :synchronous
- amqp_child_reader :field, :chassis,:response
- amqp_single_child_reader :result
- def on_chassis?(chassis) child("chassis", chassis); end
- def on_client?() on_chassis? "client"; end
- def on_server?() on_chassis? "server"; end
-# preview: Map command/control to preview method.
-class AmqpFakeMethod < AmqpMethod
- def initialize(action)
- super(action.xml, action.parent);
- @action=action
- end
- def content() return "1" if @action.is_a? AmqpCommand and @action.segments end
- def index() @action.code end
- def code() @action.code end
- def synchronous() end
- def on_chassis?(chassis)
- @action.received_by?(chassis)
- end
- def pack() "2" end # Encode pack=2, size=4 struct
- def size() "4" end
-class AmqpImplement < AmqpElement
- def initialize(xml,amqp) super; end
- amqp_attr_reader :handle, :send
-class AmqpRole < AmqpElement
- def initialize(xml,amqp) super; end
- amqp_attr_reader :implement
-# Base class for command and control.
-class AmqpAction < AmqpElement
- def initialize(xml,amqp) super; end
- amqp_child_reader :implement, :field, :response
- amqp_attr_reader :code
- def implement?(role)
- # we can't use xpath for this because it triggers a bug in some
- # versions of ruby, including version
- xml.elements.each {|el|
- return true if == "implement" and el.attributes["role"] == role
- }
- return false
- end
- def received_by?(client_or_server)
- return (implement?(client_or_server) or implement?("sender") or implement?("receiver"))
- end
- def pack() "2" end
- def size() "4" end # Encoded as a size 4 Struct
-class AmqpControl < AmqpAction
- def initialize(xml,amqp) super; end
-class AmqpCommand < AmqpAction
- def initialize(xml,amqp) super; end
- amqp_child_reader :exception
- amqp_single_child_reader :result, :segments
-class AmqpClass < AmqpElement
- def initialize(xml,amqp) super; end
- amqp_attr_reader :index # preview
- amqp_child_reader :struct, :domain, :control, :command, :role, :method
- amqp_attr_reader :code
- def actions() controls+commands; end
- # preview - command/control as methods
- def methods_()
- return (controls + commands).map { |a| }
- end
- def method(name)
- a = (command(name) or control(name))
- return
- end
- # chassis should be "client" or "server"
- def methods_on(chassis) # preview
- @methods_on ||= { }
- @methods_on[chassis] ||= { |m| m.on_chassis? chassis }
- end
- # FIXME aconway 2008-04-11:
- def l4?() # preview
- !["connection", "session", "execution"].include?(name) && !control?
- end
- # FIXME aconway 2008-04-11:
- def control?()
- ["connection", "session"].include?(name)
- end
-class AmqpType < AmqpElement
- def initialize(xml,amqp) super; end
- amqp_attr_reader :code, :fixed_width, :variable_width
-class AmqpXref < AmqpElement
- def initialize(xml,amqp) super; end
-# AMQP root element.
-class AmqpRoot < AmqpElement
- amqp_attr_reader :major, :minor, :port, :comment
- amqp_child_reader :doc, :type, :struct, :domain, :constant, :class
- def get_root(x)
- case x
- when Element then x
- when Document then x.root
- else
- end
- end
- # Initialize with output directory and spec files from ARGV.
- def initialize(*specs)
- raise "No XML spec files." if specs.empty?
- xml=get_root(specs.shift)
- specs.each { |s| xml_merge(xml, get_root(s)) }
-{ |h,k| h[k]=[] }
- super(xml, nil)
- end
- attr_reader :used_by
- def merge(root) xml_merge(xml, root.xml); end
- def version() major + "-" + minor; end
- def methods_() { |c| c.methods_ }.flatten; end
- #preview
- # Return all methods on chassis for all classes.
- def methods_on(chassis)
- @methods_on ||= { }
- @methods_on[chassis] ||= { |c| c.methods_on(chassis) }.flatten
- end
- def fqname() nil; end
- private
- # Merge contents of elements.
- def xml_merge(to,from)
- from.elements.each { |from_child|
- tag,name =, from_child.attributes["name"]
- to_child=to.elements["./#{tag}[@name='#{name}']"]
- to_child ? xml_merge(to_child, from_child) : to.add(from_child.deep_clone) }
- end
-# Collect information about generated files.
-class GenFiles
- @@files =
- @@public_api = []
- def GenFiles.add(f) @@files.add(f); end
- def GenFiles.get() @@files; end
- def GenFiles.public_api(file) @@public_api << file; end
- def GenFiles.public_api?(file) @@public_api.find { |f| f == file }; end
-# Base class for code generators.
-# Supports setting a per-line prefix, useful for e.g. indenting code.
-class Generator
- # Takes directory for output or "-", meaning print file names that
- # would be generated.
- def initialize (outdir, amqp)
- @outdir=outdir[0]
- @apidir=outdir[1]
- @amqp=amqp
- raise "outdir is not an array" unless outdir.class == Array
- @prefix=[''] # For indentation or comments.
- @indentstr=' ' # One indent level.
- @outdent=2
- end
- # Declare next file to be public API
- def public_api(file) GenFiles.public_api(file); end
- # Create a new file, set @out.
- def file(file, &block)
- GenFiles.add(file)
- dir = GenFiles.public_api?(file) ? @apidir : @outdir
- if (dir != "-")
- "#{dir}/#{file}"
- @path.parent.mkpath
- # Generate in memory first
- yield if block
- if @path.exist? and == @out
- puts "Skipped #{@path} - unchanged" # Dont generate if unchanged
- else
-'w') { |f| f << @out }
- puts "Generated #{@path}"
- end
- end
- end
- # Append multi-line string to generated code, prefixing each line.
- def gen(str)
- str.each_line { |line|
- @out << @prefix.last unless @midline
- @out << line
- @midline = nil
- }
- # Note if we stopped mid-line
- @midline = /[^\n]\z/ === str
- end
- # Append str + '\n' to generated code.
- def genl(str="") gen str+"\n"; end
- # Generate code with added prefix.
- def prefix(add, &block)
- @prefix.push @prefix.last+add
- if block then yield; endprefix; end
- end
- def endprefix()
- @prefix.pop
- end
- # Generate indented code
- def indent(n=1,&block) prefix(@indentstr * n,&block); end
- alias :endindent :endprefix
- # Generate outdented code
- def outdent(&block)
- @prefix.push @prefix.last[0...-2]
- if block then yield; endprefix; end
- end
- alias :endoutdent :endprefix
- attr_accessor :out
diff --git a/cpp/rubygen/cppgen.rb b/cpp/rubygen/cppgen.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 7dc21fe1bc..0000000000
--- a/cpp/rubygen/cppgen.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
-# General purpose C++ code generation.
-require 'amqpgen'
-require 'set'
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- */
-/// This file was automatically generated from the AMQP specification.
-/// Do not edit.
-CppKeywords =["and", "and_eq", "asm", "auto", "bitand",
- "bitor", "bool", "break", "case", "catch", "char",
- "class", "compl", "const", "const_cast", "continue",
- "default", "delete", "do", "DomainInfo", "double",
- "dynamic_cast", "else", "enum", "explicit", "extern",
- "false", "float", "for", "friend", "goto", "if",
- "inline", "int", "long", "mutable", "namespace", "new",
- "not", "not_eq", "operator", "or", "or_eq", "private",
- "protected", "public", "register", "reinterpret_cast",
- "return", "short", "signed", "sizeof", "static",
- "static_cast", "struct", "switch", "template", "this",
- "throw", "true", "try", "typedef", "typeid",
- "typename", "union", "unsigned", "using", "virtual",
- "void", "volatile", "wchar_t", "while", "xor",
- "xor_eq"])
-# Names that need a trailing "_" to avoid clashes.
-CppMangle =["std::string"])
-class String
- def cppsafe() CppMangle.include?(self) ? self+"_" : self; end
- def amqp2cpp()
- path=split(".")
- name=path.pop
- return name.typename if path.empty?
-! { |n| n.nsname }
- return (path << name.caps.cppsafe).join("::")
- end
- def typename() caps.cppsafe; end
- def nsname() bars.cppsafe; end
- def constname() shout.cppsafe; end
- def funcname() lcaps.cppsafe; end
- def varname() lcaps.cppsafe; end
-# preview: Hold information about a C++ type.
-# new mapping does not use CppType,
-# Each amqp type corresponds exactly by dotted name
-# to a type, domain or struct, which in turns
-# corresponds by name to a C++ type or typedef.
-# (see String.amqp2cpp)
-class CppType
- def initialize(name) @name=@param=@ret=name; end
- attr_reader :name, :param, :ret, :code
- def retref() @ret="#{name}&"; self; end
- def retcref() @ret="const #{name}&"; self; end
- def passcref() @param="const #{name}&"; self; end
- def code(str) @code=str; self; end
- def defval(str) @defval=str; self; end
- def encoded() @code end
- def ret_by_val() @name; end
- def encode(value, buffer)
- @code ? "#{buffer}.put#{@code}(#{value});" : "#{value}.encode(#{buffer});"
- end
- def decode(value,buffer)
- if @code
- if /&$/===param then
- "#{buffer}.get#{@code}(#{value});"
- else
- "#{value} = #{buffer}.get#{@code}();"
- end
- else
- "#{value}.decode(#{buffer});"
- end
- end
- def default_value()
- return @defval ||= "#{name}()"
- end
- def to_s() name; end;
-class AmqpRoot
- # preview; map 0-10 types to preview code generator types
- @@typemap = {
- "bit"=>"bool").code("Octet").defval("false"),
- "boolean"=>"bool").code("Octet").defval("false"),
- "uint8"=>"uint8_t").code("Octet").defval("0"),
- "uint16"=>"uint16_t").code("Short").defval("0"),
- "uint32"=>"uint32_t").code("Long").defval("0"),
- "uint64"=>"uint64_t").code("LongLong").defval("0"),
- "datetime"=>"uint64_t").code("LongLong").defval("0"),
- "str8"=>"std::string").passcref.retcref.code("ShortString"),
- "str16"=>"std::string").passcref.retcref.code("MediumString"),
- "str32"=>"std::string").passcref.retcref.code("LongString"),
- "vbin8"=>"std::string").passcref.retcref.code("ShortString"),
- "vbin16"=>"std::string").passcref.retcref.code("MediumString"),
- "vbin32"=>"std::string").passcref.retcref.code("LongString"),
- "map"=>"FieldTable").passcref.retcref,
- "array"=>"Array").passcref.retcref,
- "sequence-no"=>"SequenceNumber").passcref,
- "sequence-set"=>"SequenceSet").passcref.retcref,
- "struct32"=>"std::string").passcref.retcref.code("LongString"),
- "uuid"=>"Uuid").passcref.retcref,
- "byte-ranges"=>"ByteRanges").passcref.retcref
- }
- # preview: map amqp types to preview cpp types.
- def lookup_cpptype(t) t = @@typemap[t] and return t end
-class AmqpElement
- # convert my amqp type_ attribute to a C++ type.
- def amqp2cpp()
- return "ArrayDomain<#{array_type(name).amqp2cpp}> " if type_=="array"
- return type_.amqp2cpp
- end
- # Does this object have a type-like child named name?
- def typechild(name)
- child = domain(name) if respond_to? :domain
- child = struct(name) if not child and respond_to? :struct
- child = type_(name) if not child and respond_to? :type_
- child
- end
- # dotted name to a type object
- def dotted_typechild(name)
- names=name.split('.')
- context = self
- while context and names.size > 1
- context = context.child_named(names.shift)
- end
- return context.typechild(names[0]) if context
- end
- # preview mapping - type_ attribute to C++ type
- def lookup_cpptype(name)
- if t = root.lookup_cpptype(name) then return t
- elsif c = containing_class.typechild(name) then return c.cpptype
- elsif c= root.dotted_typechild(name) then return c.cpptype
- else raise "Cannot resolve type-name #{name} from #{self}"
- end
- end
- def containing_class()
- return self if is_a? AmqpClass
- return parent && parent.containing_class
- end
-class AmqpField
- def struct?()
- c=containing_class
- c.struct(type_)
- end
- def cpptype() lookup_cpptype(type_) or raise "no cpptype #{type_} for field #{self}" end
- def cppname() name.lcaps.cppsafe; end
- def bit?() type_ == "bit"; end
- def signature() cpptype.param+" "+cppname; end
- def fqtypename()
- unless type_.index(".")
- c=containing_class
- return c.domain(type_).fqtypename if c.domain(type_)
- return c.struct(type_).fqclassname if c.struct(type_)
- end
- return amqp2cpp
- end
- def paramtype()
- /^(int|uint|char|boolean|bit)/ === type_ ? fqtypename : "const #{fqtypename}&"
- end
- def param_default() "=#{fqtypename}()" end
- # Default value is normally the C++ default but over-ridden in specific cases
- def default_value()
- defval = cpptype.default_value;
- if name == "accept-mode" and == "transfer" then defval = "1"; end
- return defval
- end
-class AmqpMethod
- def cppname() name.lcaps.cppsafe; end
- def param_names() { |f| f.cppname }; end
- def signature() { |f| f.signature }; end
- def classname(); end
- def body_name()
- classname().caps+name.caps+"Body"
- end
- def cpp_pack_type() root.lookup_cpptype("uint16") end
-module AmqpHasFields
- def parameters(with_default=nil)
- { |f|
- "#{f.paramtype} #{f.cppname}_#{f.param_default if with_default}"
- }
- end
- def unused_parameters() { |f| "#{f.paramtype} /*#{f.cppname}_*/"} end
- def arguments() { |f| "#{f.cppname}_"} end
- def values() { |f| "#{f.cppname}"} end
- def initializers() { |f| "#{f.cppname}(#{f.cppname}_)"} end
-class AmqpAction
- def classname() name.typename; end
- def funcname() + name.caps; end
- def fqclassname()"::"+classname; end
- def full_code() (containing_class.code.hex << 8)+code.hex; end
- include AmqpHasFields
-class AmqpType
- def cpptype() root.lookup_cpptype(name) end # preview
- def typename() name.typename; end # new mapping
- def fixed?() fixed_width; end
-class AmqpCommand < AmqpAction
- def base() "Command"; end
-class AmqpControl < AmqpAction
- def base() "Control"; end
-class AmqpClass
- def cppname() name.caps; end # preview
- def nsname() name.nsname; end
-class AmqpDomain
- # preview
- def cpptype() lookup_cpptype(type_) end
- def cppname() name.caps; end
- # new mapping
- def fqtypename()
- return containing_class.nsname+"::"+name.typename if containing_class
- name.typename
- end
-class AmqpResult
- # preview
- def cpptype()
- if type_ then lookup_cpptype(type_)
- else"Result").passcref
- end
- end
-class AmqpStruct
- include AmqpHasFields
- @@pack_types={ "1"=>"uint8", "2"=>"uint16", "4"=>"uint32"}
- def cpp_pack_type() # preview
- root.lookup_cpptype(@@pack_types[pack])
- end
- def cpptype() end
- #def cppname() containing_class.cppname+name.caps; end
- def cppname()
- if parent.kind_of? AmqpResult
- else
- name.caps
- end
- end
- def fqclassname() containing_class.nsname+"::"+name.typename; end
- def classname() name.typename; end
- def full_code() (containing_class.code.hex << 8)+code.hex; end
-class CppGen < Generator
- def initialize(outdir, *specs)
- super(outdir,*specs)
- # need to sort classes for dependencies
- @actions=[] # Stack of end-scope actions
- end
- # Write a header file.
- def h_file(path, &block)
- path = (/\.h$/ === path ? path : path+".h")
- file(path) {
- gen "#ifndef #{guard}\n"
- gen "#define #{guard}\n"
- gen Copyright
- yield
- gen "#endif /*!#{guard}*/\n"
- }
- end
- # Write a .cpp file.
- def cpp_file(path, &block)
- path = (/\.cpp$/ === path ? path : path+".cpp")
- file(path) do
- gen Copyright
- yield
- end
- end
- def include(header)
- header+=".h" unless /(\.h|[">])$/===header
- header="\"#{header}\"" unless /(^<.*>$)|(^".*"$)/===header
- genl "#include #{header}"
- end
- def scope(open="{",close="}", &block)
- genl open
- indent &block
- genl close
- end
- def namespace(name, &block)
- genl
- names = name.split("::")
- names.each { |n| genl "namespace #{n} {" }
- genl "namespace {" if (names.empty?)
- genl
- yield
- genl
- genl('}'*([names.size, 1].max)+" // namespace "+name)
- genl
- end
- def struct_class(type, name, bases, &block)
- gen "#{type} #{name}"
- if (!bases.empty?)
- genl ":"
- indent { gen "#{bases.join(",\n")}" }
- end
- genl
- scope("{","};", &block)
- end
- def struct(name, *bases, &block)
- struct_class("struct", name, bases, &block);
- end
- def cpp_class(name, *bases, &block)
- struct_class("class", name, bases, &block);
- end
- def cpp_extern_class(scope, name, *bases, &block)
- struct_class("class "+scope, name, bases, &block);
- end
- def typedef(type, name) genl "typedef #{type} #{name};\n"; end
- def variant(types) "boost::variant<#{types.join(", ")}>"; end
- def variantl(types) "boost::variant<#{types.join(", \n")}>"; end
- def blank_variant(types) variant(["boost::blank"]+types); end
- def tuple(types) "boost::tuple<#{types.join(', ')}>"; end
- def public() outdent { genl "public:" } end
- def private() outdent { genl "private:" } end
- def protected() outdent { genl "protected:" } end
- # Returns [namespace, classname, filename]
- def parse_classname(full_cname)
- names=full_cname.split("::")
- return names[0..-2].join('::'), names[-1], names.join("/")
- end
- def doxygen_comment(&block)
- genl "/**"
- prefix(" * ",&block)
- genl " */"
- end
- # Generate code in namespace for each class
- def each_class_ns()
- @amqp.classes.each { |c| namespace(c.nsname) { yield c } }
- end
- def signature(ret_name, params, trailer="")
- if params.size <= 1
- genl ret_name+"(#{params})"+trailer
- else
- scope(ret_name+"(",")"+trailer) { genl params.join(",\n") }
- end
- end
- def function_decl(ret_name, params=[], trailer="")
- signature(ret_name, params, trailer+";")
- end
- def function_defn(ret_name, params=[], trailer="")
- genl
- signature(ret_name, params, trailer)
- scope() { yield }
- end
- def ctor_decl(name, params=[]) function_decl(name, params); end
- def ctor_defn(name, params=[], inits=[])
- signature(name, params, inits.empty? ? "" : " :")
- indent { gen inits.join(",\n") } if not inits.empty?
- scope() { yield }
- end
- def function_call(name, params=[], trailer="")
- gen name
- list "(",params, ")"
- gen trailer
- end
-# Fully-qualified class name
-class FqClass <,:namespace,:name,:file)
- def initialize(fqclass)
- names=fqclass.split "::"
- super(fqclass, names[0..-2].join('::'), names[-1], names.join("/"))
- end
diff --git a/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/MethodBodyConstVisitor.rb b/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/MethodBodyConstVisitor.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index d784e589df..0000000000
--- a/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/MethodBodyConstVisitor.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-$: << ".." # Include .. in load path
-require 'cppgen'
-class MethodBodyConstVisitorGen < CppGen
- def initialize(outdir, amqp)
- super(outdir, amqp)
- @namespace="qpid::framing"
- @classname="MethodBodyConstVisitor"
- @filename="qpid/framing/MethodBodyConstVisitor"
- end
- def generate()
- h_file("#{@filename}") {
- namespace(@namespace) {
- @amqp.methods_.each { |m| genl "class #{m.body_name};" }
- cpp_class("MethodBodyConstVisitor") {
- genl "public:"
- genl "virtual ~MethodBodyConstVisitor() {}"
- @amqp.methods_.each { |m| genl "virtual void visit(const #{m.body_name}&) = 0;" }
- }}}
- end
-$outdir, $amqp).generate();
diff --git a/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/MethodBodyDefaultVisitor.rb b/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/MethodBodyDefaultVisitor.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 4c58ff2bbb..0000000000
--- a/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/MethodBodyDefaultVisitor.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-$: << ".." # Include .. in load path
-require 'cppgen'
-class MethodBodyDefaultVisitorGen < CppGen
- def initialize(outdir, amqp)
- super(outdir, amqp)
- @namespace, @classname, @filename = parse_classname("qpid::framing::MethodBodyDefaultVisitor")
- end
- def generate()
- h_file(@filename) {
- include "qpid/framing/MethodBodyConstVisitor"
- include "qpid/CommonImportExport.h"
- namespace(@namespace) {
- genl "class AMQMethodBody;"
- cpp_extern_class("QPID_COMMON_CLASS_EXTERN", @classname, "public MethodBodyConstVisitor") {
- genl "public:"
- genl "virtual void defaultVisit(const AMQMethodBody&) = 0;"
- @amqp.methods_.each { |m|
- genl "QPID_COMMON_EXTERN virtual void visit(const #{m.body_name}&);" }
- }}}
- cpp_file(@filename) {
- include(@filename)
- include("qpid/framing/all_method_bodies.h")
- namespace(@namespace) {
- @amqp.methods_.each { |m|
- genl "void #{@classname}::visit(const #{m.body_name}& b) { defaultVisit(b); }"
- }}}
- end
-$outdir, $amqp).generate();
diff --git a/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/MethodBodyFactory.rb b/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/MethodBodyFactory.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 28a5d94e32..0000000000
--- a/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/MethodBodyFactory.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-$: << ".." # Include .. in load path
-require 'cppgen'
-class MethodBodyFactoryGen < CppGen
- def initialize(outdir, amqp)
- super(outdir, amqp)
- @namespace="qpid::framing"
- @classname="MethodBodyFactory"
- @filename="qpid/framing/MethodBodyFactory"
- end
- def generate()
- cpp_file(@filename) {
- include @filename
- include "qpid/framing/BodyFactory"
- @amqp.methods_.each { |m| include "qpid/framing/#{m.body_name}" }
- include "qpid/Exception.h"
- include "qpid/Msg.h"
- genl
- namespace(@namespace) {
- scope("boost::intrusive_ptr<AMQMethodBody> #{@classname}::create(ClassId c, MethodId m) {") {
- scope("switch (c) {") {
- @amqp.classes.each { |c|
- scope("case #{c.code}: switch(m) {") {
- c.methods_.each { |m|
- genl "case #{m.code}: return BodyFactory::create<#{m.body_name}>();"
- }
- genl "default: throw Exception(QPID_MSG(\"Invalid method id \" << int(m) << \" for class #{} \"));"
- }
- genl "break;"
- }
- genl "default: throw Exception(QPID_MSG(\"Invalid class id \" << int(c)));"
- }
- }
- }}
- end
-$outdir, $amqp).generate();
diff --git a/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/Operations.rb b/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/Operations.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index cd6a363c56..0000000000
--- a/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/Operations.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# Usage: output_directory xml_spec_file [xml_spec_file...]
-$: << '..'
-require 'cppgen'
-require 'fileutils'
-require 'etc'
-require 'pathname'
-class OperationsGen < CppGen
- def initialize(chassis, outdir, amqp)
- super(outdir, amqp)
- @chassis=chassis
- @classname="AMQP_#{@chassis.caps}Operations"
- end
- def handler_method (m)
- return_type = m.result ? m.result.cpptype.ret_by_val : "void"
- gen "\nvirtual #{return_type} #{m.cppname}("
- gen m.signature.join(",\n")
- gen ") = 0;\n"
- end
- def handler_classname(c)"Handler"; end
- def methods_on(parent, chassis)
- chassis == "all" ? parent.methods_ : parent.methods_on(chassis)
- end
- def handler_class(c)
- m = methods_on(c,@chassis)
- if (not m.empty?)
- handlerclass=handler_classname c
- gen <<EOS
-// ==================== class #{handlerclass} ====================
-class #{handlerclass} {
- // Constructors and destructors
- public:
- class Invoker; // Declared in #{@chassis.caps}Invoker
- #{handlerclass}(){};
- virtual ~#{handlerclass}() {}
- // Protocol methods
- m.each { |m| handler_method(m) if !m.content() }
- gen <<EOS
-}; // class #{handlerclass}
- end
- end
- def handler_get(c)
- m = methods_on(c,@chassis)
- if (not m.empty?)
- handlerclass=handler_classname c
- gen "virtual #{handlerclass}* get#{handlerclass}() = 0;\n"
- end
- end
- def generate()
- h_file("qpid/framing/#{@classname}.h") {
- gen <<EOS
-#include <sstream>
-#include "qpid/framing/ProtocolVersion.h"
-#include "qpid/framing/amqp_structs.h"
-namespace qpid {
-namespace framing {
-class AMQMethodBody;
-class #{@classname} {
- public:
- class Invoker; // Declared in #{@chassis.caps}Invoker
- virtual ~#{@classname}() {}
- virtual ProtocolVersion getVersion() const = 0;
- // Inner classes
- indent { @amqp.classes.each { |c| handler_class(c) } }
- gen <<EOS
- // Method handler get methods
- indent { @amqp.classes.each { |c| handler_get(c) } }
- gen <<EOS
-}; /* class #{@classname} */
- end
-"client",$outdir, $amqp).generate()"server",$outdir, $amqp).generate()"all",$outdir, $amqp).generate()
diff --git a/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/OperationsInvoker.rb b/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/OperationsInvoker.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index f9b5ce58d8..0000000000
--- a/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/OperationsInvoker.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# Usage: output_directory xml_spec_file [xml_spec_file...]
-$: << '..'
-require 'cppgen'
-class OperationsInvokerGen < CppGen
- def initialize(chassis, outdir, amqp)
- super(outdir, amqp)
- @chassis=chassis
- @ops="AMQP_#{@chassis.caps}Operations"
- @classname="#{@ops}::Invoker"
- @filename="qpid/framing/#{@chassis.caps}Invoker"
- end
- def methods_on(parent, chassis)
- chassis == "all" ? parent.methods_ : parent.methods_on(chassis)
- end
- def handler(c) "#{@ops}::#{c.cppname}Handler"; end
- def getter(c) "get#{c.cppname}Handler"; end
- def invoker(c) "#{handler(c)}::Invoker"; end
- def visit_methods(c) methods_on(c, @chassis).select { |m| !m.content } end
- def handler_visits_cpp(c)
- visit_methods(c).each { |m|
- scope("void #{invoker(c)}::visit(const #{m.body_name}& body) {") {
- if (m.result)
- genl "this->encode(body.invoke(target), result.result);"
- else
- genl "body.invoke(target);"
- end
- genl "result.handled=true;"
- }
- }
- end
- def ops_visits_cpp()
- @amqp.classes.each { |c|
- visit_methods(c).each { |m|
- scope("void #{@classname}::visit(const #{m.body_name}& body) {") {
- genl "#{handler(c)}::Invoker invoker(*target.#{getter(c)}());"
- genl "body.accept(invoker);"
- genl "result=invoker.getResult();"
- }
- }
- }
- end
- def invoker_h(invoker, target, methods)
- return if methods.empty?
- genl
- cpp_extern_class("QPID_COMMON_CLASS_EXTERN", invoker, "public qpid::framing::Invoker") {
- genl "#{target}& target;"
- public
- genl("Invoker(#{target}& target_) : target(target_) {}")
- genl "using MethodBodyDefaultVisitor::visit;"
- methods.each { |m| genl "QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void visit(const #{m.body_name}& body);" }
- }
- end
- def generate()
- h_file(@filename) {
- include "qpid/framing/#{@ops}"
- include "qpid/framing/Invoker.h"
- include "qpid/CommonImportExport.h"
- namespace("qpid::framing") {
- # AMQP_*Operations invoker.
- { |c| visit_methods(c).to_a }.flatten
- invoker_h(@classname, @ops, methods)
- # AMQP_*Operations::*Handler invokers.
- @amqp.classes.each { |c|
- invoker_h(invoker(c), handler(c), visit_methods(c))
- }
- }
- }
- cpp_file(@filename) {
- include @filename
- @amqp.classes.each { |c|
- visit_methods(c).each { |m|
- include "qpid/framing/#{m.body_name}"
- }}
- namespace("qpid::framing") {
- ops_visits_cpp
- @amqp.classes.each { |c|
- next if visit_methods(c).empty?
- handler_visits_cpp(c)
- }
- }
- }
- end
-"client",$outdir, $amqp).generate()"server",$outdir, $amqp).generate()"all",$outdir, $amqp).generate()
diff --git a/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/Proxy.rb b/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/Proxy.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 3325616754..0000000000
--- a/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/Proxy.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-$: << ".." # Include .. in load path
-require 'cppgen'
-class ProxyGen < CppGen
- def initialize(chassis, outdir, amqp)
- super(outdir, amqp)
- @chassis=chassis
- @classname="AMQP_#{@chassis.caps}Proxy"
- @filename="qpid/framing/#{@classname}"
- end
- def methods_on(parent, chassis)
- chassis == "all" ? parent.methods_ : parent.methods_on(chassis)
- end
- def proxy_member(c)"Proxy"; end
- def inner_class_decl(c)
- cpp_extern_class("QPID_COMMON_CLASS_EXTERN", cname, "public Proxy") {
- gen <<EOS
-#{cname}(FrameHandler& f) : Proxy(f) {}
-static #{cname}& get(#{@classname}& proxy) { return proxy.get#{cname}(); }
- methods_on(c, @chassis).each { |m|
- genl "QPID_COMMON_EXTERN virtual void #{m.cppname}(#{m.signature.join(",\n ")});"
- genl
- }}
- end
- def inner_class_defn(c)
- cname=c.cppname
- methods_on(c, @chassis).each { |m|
- genl "void #{@classname}::#{cname}::#{m.cppname}(#{m.signature.join(", ")})"
- scope {
- params=(["getVersion()"]+m.param_names).join(", ")
- genl "send(#{m.body_name}(#{params}));"
- }}
- end
- def generate
- # .h file
- h_file(@filename) {
- include "qpid/framing/Proxy.h"
- include "qpid/framing/Array.h"
- include "qpid/framing/amqp_types.h"
- include "qpid/framing/amqp_structs.h"
- include "qpid/CommonImportExport.h"
- namespace("qpid::framing") {
- cpp_extern_class("QPID_COMMON_CLASS_EXTERN", @classname, "public Proxy") {
- public
- genl "QPID_COMMON_EXTERN #{@classname}(FrameHandler& out);"
- genl
- @amqp.classes.each { |c|
- inner_class_decl(c)
- genl
- genl "#{c.cppname}& get#{c.cppname}() { return #{proxy_member(c)}; }"
- genl
- }
- private
- @amqp.classes.each{ |c| gen c.cppname+" "+proxy_member(c)+";\n" }
- }}}
- # .cpp file
- cpp_file(@filename) {
- include "<sstream>"
- include "qpid/framing/#{@classname}.h"
- include "qpid/framing/amqp_types_full.h"
- methods_on(@amqp, @chassis).each {
- |m| include "qpid/framing/"+m.body_name
- }
- genl
- namespace("qpid::framing") {
- genl "#{@classname}::#{@classname}(FrameHandler& f) :"
- gen " Proxy(f)"
- @amqp.classes.each { |c| gen ",\n "+proxy_member(c)+"(f)" }
- genl "{}\n"
- @amqp.classes.each { |c| inner_class_defn(c) }
- }}
- end
-"client", $outdir, $amqp).generate;"server", $outdir, $amqp).generate;"all", $outdir, $amqp).generate;
diff --git a/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/Session.rb b/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/Session.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index e800df9b2e..0000000000
--- a/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/Session.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# Usage: output_directory xml_spec_file [xml_spec_file...]
-$: << '..'
-require 'cppgen'
-class CppGen
- def session_methods(sync_default)
- excludes = ["connection", "session", "file", "stream"]
- gen_methods=@amqp.methods_on(@chassis).reject { |m|
- excludes.include? or m.body_name.include?("010")
- }
- gen_methods.each { |m| m.set_sync_default(sync_default) }
- end
- # Generates a doxygen comment for AmqpMethod m.
- def doxygen(m)
- doxygen_comment {
- genl m.doc
- genl
- m.fields_c.each { |f|
- genl "@param #{f.cppname}"
- genl f.doc if f.doc
- genl
- }
- }
- end
-# Sync vs. async APIs
-module SyncAsync
- def sync_prefix() @async ? "Async" : "" end
- def sync_adjective() @async ? "asynchronous" : "synchronous" end
- def sync_convert() @async ? "async" : "sync" end
- def decl_ctor_opeq()
- genl
- genl "QPID_CLIENT_EXTERN #{@classname}();"
- genl "QPID_CLIENT_INLINE_EXTERN #{@classname}(const #{@version_base}& other);"
- genl "QPID_CLIENT_INLINE_EXTERN #{@classname}& operator=(const #{@version_base}& other);"
- end
- def defn_ctor_opeq(inline="")
- genl
- genl "#{inline} #{@classname}::#{@classname}() {}"
- scope("#{inline} #{@classname}::#{@classname}(const #{@version_base}& other) {") {
- genl "*this = other;"
- }
- scope("#{inline} #{@classname}& #{@classname}::operator=(const #{@version_base}& other) {") {
- genl "impl = static_cast<const #{@classname}&>(other).impl;"
- genl "return *this;"
- }
- end
- def sync_default() !@async end
-class ContentField # For extra content parameters
- def cppname() "content" end
- def signature() "const Message& content" end
- def sig_default() signature+"="+"Message(std::string())" end
- def unpack() "p[arg::content|Message(std::string())]"; end
- def doc() "Message content"; end
-class SyncField # For extra sync parameters
- def initialize(default_value) @default_value=default_value ? "true" : "false" end
- def cppname() "sync" end
- def signature() "bool sync" end
- def sig_default() signature+"="+@default_value end
- def unpack() "p[arg::sync|#{@default_value}]"; end
- def doc() "If true the broker will respond with completion status as soon as possible."; end
-class AmqpField
- def unpack() "p[arg::#{cppname}|#{default_value}]"; end
- def sig_default() signature+"="+default_value; end
-class AmqpMethod
- def set_sync_default(sync_default) @sync_default=sync_default end
- def fields_c() result = fields + (content ? [] : []) + [] end
- def param_names_c() { |f| f.cppname} end
- def signature_c() { |f| f.signature }; end
- def sig_c_default() { |f| f.sig_default }; end
- def argpack_name() "#{parent.cppname}#{name.caps}Parameters"; end
- def argpack_type()
- "boost::parameter::parameters<" +
- { |f| "arg::keyword_tags::"+f.cppname }.join(',') +
- ">"
- end
- def return_type(async)
- if (async)
- return "TypedResult<qpid::framing::#{result.cpptype.ret_by_val}>" if (result)
- return "Completion"
- else
- return "qpid::framing::#{result.cpptype.ret_by_val}" if (result)
- return "void"
- end
- end
- def session_function() "#{}#{name.caps}"; end
-class SessionNoKeywordGen < CppGen
- include SyncAsync
- def initialize(outdir, amqp, async)
- super(outdir, amqp)
- @async=async
- @chassis="server"
- @namespace,@classname,@file=
- parse_classname "qpid::client::no_keyword::#{sync_prefix}Session_#{@amqp.version.bars}"
- @version_base="SessionBase_#{@amqp.major}_#{@amqp.minor}"
- end
- def generate()
- public_api("#{@file}.h")
- h_file(@file) {
- include "qpid/client/#{@version_base}.h"
- include "qpid/client/ClientImportExport.h"
- namespace(@namespace) {
- doxygen_comment {
- genl "AMQP #{@amqp.version} #{sync_adjective} session API."
- genl @amqp.class_("session").doc
- # FIXME aconway 2008-05-23: additional doc on sync/async use.
- }
- cpp_class(@classname, "public #{@version_base}") {
- public
- decl_ctor_opeq()
- session_methods(sync_default).each { |m|
- genl
- doxygen(m)
- args=m.sig_c_default.join(", ")
- genl "QPID_CLIENT_EXTERN #{m.return_type(@async)} #{m.session_function}(#{args});"
- }
- }
- }}
- cpp_file(@file) {
- include "qpid/client/#{@classname}"
- include "qpid/framing/all_method_bodies.h"
- include "qpid/client/SessionImpl.h"
- include "qpid/client/MessageImpl.h"
- include "qpid/client/PrivateImplRef.h"
- include "qpid/client/CompletionImpl.h"
- include "<boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>"
- namespace(@namespace) {
- genl "using namespace framing;"
- session_methods(sync_default).each { |m|
- genl
- sig=m.signature_c.join(", ")
- func="#{@classname}::#{m.session_function}"
- scope("#{m.return_type(@async)} #{func}(#{sig}) {") {
- args=(["ProtocolVersion(#{@amqp.major},#{@amqp.minor})"]+m.param_names).join(", ")
- genl "#{m.body_name} body(#{args});";
- genl "body.setSync(sync);"
- sendargs="body"
- sendargs << ", *MessageImpl::get(content)" if m.content
- async_retval="#{m.return_type(true)}(new CompletionImpl(impl->send(#{sendargs}), impl))"
- if @async then
- genl "return #{async_retval};"
- else
- if m.result
- genl "return #{async_retval}.get();"
- else
- genl "#{async_retval}.wait();"
- end
- end
- }}
- defn_ctor_opeq()
- }}
- end
-class SessionGen < CppGen
- include SyncAsync
- def initialize(outdir, amqp, async)
- super(outdir, amqp)
- @async=async
- @chassis="server"
- session="#{sync_prefix}Session_#{@amqp.version.bars}"
- @base="no_keyword::#{session}"
- "qpid::client::#{session}"
- @version_base="SessionBase_#{@amqp.major}_#{@amqp.minor}"
- end
- def gen_keyword_decl(m)
- return if m.fields_c.empty? # Inherited function will do.
- scope("BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMFUN(#{m.return_type(@async)}, #{m.session_function}, 0, #{m.fields_c.size}, #{m.argpack_name}) {") {
- scope("return #{@base}::#{m.session_function}(",");") {
- gen { |f| f.unpack() }.join(",\n")
- }
- }
- genl
- end
- def generate()
- keyword_methods=session_methods(sync_default).reject { |m| m.fields_c.empty? }
- max_arity ={ |m| m.fields_c.size }.max
- public_api("qpid/client/arg.h")
- h_file("qpid/client/arg.h") {
- # Generate keyword tag declarations.
- genl "#define BOOST_PARAMETER_MAX_ARITY #{max_arity}"
- include "<boost/parameter.hpp>"
- namespace("qpid::client::arg") {
-{ |m| m.param_names_c }.flatten.uniq.each { |k|
- genl "BOOST_PARAMETER_KEYWORD(keyword_tags, #{k})"
- }}
- }
- public_api("#{@fqclass.file}.h")
- h_file(@fqclass.file) {
- include @fqbase.file
- include "qpid/client/arg"
- include "qpid/client/ClientImportExport"
- namespace("qpid::client") {
- # Doxygen comment.
- doxygen_comment {
- genl "AMQP #{@amqp.version} session API with keyword arguments."
- genl <<EOS
-This class provides the same set of functions as #{@base}, but also
-allows parameters be passed using keywords. The keyword is the
-parameter name in the namespace "arg".
-For example given the normal function "foo(int x=0, int y=0, int z=0)"
-you could call it in either of the following ways:
-@code,2,3); // Normal no keywords, arg::x=1); // Keywords and a default
-The keyword functions are easy to use but their declarations are hard
-to read. You may find it easier to read the documentation for #{@base}
-which provides the same set of functions using normal non-keyword
-\\ingroup clientapi
-<h2>Publishing Messages</h2>
-<pre>session.messageTransfer(arg::content=message, arg::destination="amq.topic");</pre></li>
-<li><p>messageTransfer() &mdash; asynchronous</p>
-<pre>#include &lt;qpid/client/AsyncSession.h>
-for (int i=0; i&lt;10; i++) {
- message.setData(message_data.str());
- async(session).messageTransfer(arg::content=message, arg::destination="");
-<pre>session.exchangeBind(arg::exchange="amq.topic", arg::queue=queue, arg::bindingKey=routing_key);</pre>
-<pre>session.exchangeUnBind(arg::exchange="amq.topic", arg::queue=queue, arg::bindingKey=routing_key);</pre></li>
-<pre>if (session.exchangeBound(arg::exchange="amq.topic", arg::queue=queue, arg::bindingKey=rk)){...}</pre>
-<pre>if (session.exchangeBound(arg::exchange="amq.topic", arg::queue=queue)){...}</pre>
-<pre>session.exchangeDeclare(arg::exchange="my.topic", arg::type="topic");</pre>
-<pre>session.exchangeDeclare(arg::exchange="xml", arg::type="xml");</pre>
-<pre>session.exchangeDeclare(arg::exchange="xml", arg::ifUnused=true);</pre>
-<pre>ExchangeQueryResult eqr = session.exchangeQuery(arg::exchange="my.topic");</pre></li>
-<h2>Configuring exchanges in session.exchangeDeclare</h2>
-<p>Default: false.</p>
-<p>If durable=true, an exchange remains active even if the server is restarted. If durable=false, an exchange is purged when a server restarts.</p>
-<p>Default: false.</p>
-<p>If autoDelete=true, deleting the last binding for an exchange also deletes the exchange.</p>
-<p>Default: none.</p>
-<p>If an alternate exchange is specified, messages that can not be delivered to any queue are sent to the alternate exchange.</p>
-<pre>QueueQueryResult qqr = session.queueQuery(arg::queue="message_queue");</pre></li>
-<h2>Configuring queues with session.queueDeclare</h2>
-<p>Default: false.</p>
-<p>If durable=true, a queue remains active if the server is restarted. If durable=false, a queue and its contents are lost when a server restarts.</p>
-<p>Default: false.</p>
-<p>If autoDelete=true, the queue is deleted when the last active Subscription to the Queue is canceled.</p>
-<p>Default: false.</p>
-<p>If exclusive=true, only the Session that created a queue can access it.</p>
-<p>Default: none. </p>
-<p>If an alternate exchange is specified, messages are routed to it if (1) they are rejected by a client, or (2) they remain on the queue when it is deleted.</p>
-<h2>Accepting, Acquiring, Rejecting, or Releasing Messages</h2>
-<li><p>messageAccept() &mdash; acknowledges messages</p>
-<pre>SequenceSet tobeAccepted;
-<pre>SequenceSet tobeAcquired;
-<pre>SequenceSet tobeRejected;
-<pre>SequenceSet tobeReleased;
- }
- # Session class.
- cpp_class(@classname,"public #{@base}") {
- public
- decl_ctor_opeq()
- private
- keyword_methods.each { |m| typedef m.argpack_type, m.argpack_name }
- genl "friend class Connection;"
- public
- keyword_methods.each { |m| gen_keyword_decl(m) }
- }
- genl "/** Conversion to #{@classname} from another session type */"
- genl "inline #{@classname} #{sync_convert}(const #{@version_base}& other) { return #{@clasname}(other); }"
- defn_ctor_opeq("inline")
- }}
- end
-$outdir, $amqp, true).generate()$outdir, $amqp, false).generate()$outdir, $amqp, true).generate()$outdir, $amqp, false).generate()
diff --git a/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/all_method_bodies.rb b/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/all_method_bodies.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 4c7fccfff5..0000000000
--- a/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/all_method_bodies.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-$: << ".." # Include .. in load path
-require 'cppgen'
-class AllMethodBodiesGen < CppGen
- def initialize(outdir, amqp)
- super(outdir, amqp)
- @namespace="qpid::framing"
- @filename="qpid/framing/all_method_bodies"
- end
- def generate()
- h_file(@filename) {
- @amqp.methods_.each { |m| include "qpid/framing/"+m.body_name }
- }
- end
-$outdir, $amqp).generate();
diff --git a/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/constants.rb b/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/constants.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 85bfb96ac0..0000000000
--- a/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/constants.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-$: << ".." # Include .. in load path
-require 'cppgen'
-class ConstantsGen < CppGen
- def initialize(outdir, amqp)
- super(outdir, amqp)
- @namespace="qpid::framing"
- @dir="qpid/framing"
- end
- def constants_h()
- public_api("#{@dir}/constants.h")
- h_file("#{@dir}/constants.h") {
- namespace(@namespace) {
- # Constants for class/method names.
- scope("enum AmqpConstant {","};") {
- l=[]
- l.concat { |c| "#{}=#{c.value}" }
- @amqp.classes.each { |c|
- l << "#{}_CLASS_ID=#{c.code}"
- l.concat { |m|
- "#{}_#{}_METHOD_ID=#{m.code}" }
- }
- genl l.join(",\n")
- }
- }
- }
- end
- def typecode_enum(t) "TYPE_CODE_#{}" end
- def typecode_h_cpp
- path="#{@dir}/TypeCode"
- public_api(path+".h")
- h_file(path) {
- include("<iosfwd>")
- include("\"qpid/sys/IntegerTypes.h\"")
- namespace(@namespace) {
- scope("enum TypeCode {", "};") {
- genl { |t| "#{typecode_enum t} = #{t.code}" if t.code }.compact.join(",\n")
- }
- genl <<EOS
-/** True if t is a valid TypeCode value */
-bool isTypeCode(uint8_t t);
-/** Throw exception if not a valid TypeCode */
-TypeCode typeCode(uint8_t);
-/**@return 0 if t is not a valid enum TypeCode value. */
-const char* typeName(TypeCode t);
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, TypeCode);
- }
- }
- cpp_file(path) {
- include(path);
- include("qpid/Exception.h")
- include("qpid/Msg.h")
- include("<ostream>")
- namespace(@namespace) {
- scope("const char* typeName(TypeCode t) {") {
- scope("switch (t) {") {
- @amqp.types.each { |t| genl "case #{typecode_enum t}: return \"#{}\";" if t.code }
- genl "default: break;"
- }
- genl "return 0;";
- }
- genl <<EOS
-bool isTypeCode(uint8_t t) { return typeName(TypeCode(t)); }
-TypeCode typeCode(uint8_t t) {
- if (!isTypeCode(t)) throw Exception(QPID_MSG("Invalid TypeCode " << t));
- return TypeCode(t);
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, TypeCode t) {
- if (isTypeCode(t)) return o << typeName(t);
- else return o << "Invalid TypeCode " << t;
- }
- }
- end
- def enum_h()
- public_api("#{@dir}/enum.h")
- h_file("#{@dir}/enum.h") {
- # Constants for enum domains.
- namespace(@namespace) {
- { |d| declare_enum(d.enum) if d.enum }
- @amqp.classes.each { |c|
- enums=c.collect_all(AmqpEnum)
- if !enums.empty? then
- namespace(c.nsname) { enums.each { |e| declare_enum(e) } }
- end
- }
- }
- }
- end
- def declare_enum(enum)
- # Generated like this: enum containing_class::Foo { FOO_X, FOO_Y; }
- name="#{}"
- scope("enum #{name} {","};") {
- genl enum.choices.collect { |c| "#{prefix}#{}=#{c.value}" }.join(",\n")
- }
- end
- def declare_exception(c, base, package, enum)
- value="#{package}::#{}_#{}"
- genl
- doxygen_comment { genl c.doc }
- struct("Exception", base) {
- genl "std::string getPrefix() const { return \"#{}\"; }"
- genl "#{}Exception(const std::string& msg=std::string()) : #{base}(#{value}, \"\"+msg) {}"
- }
- end
- def declare_exceptions(class_name, domain_name, base)
- enum = @amqp.class_(class_name).domain(domain_name).enum
- enum.choices.each { |c| declare_exception(c, base, class_name, enum) unless == "normal" }
- genl
- genl "QPID_COMMON_EXTERN sys::ExceptionHolder create#{base}(int code, const std::string& text);"
- end
- def create_exception(class_name, domain_name, base, invalid)
- scope("sys::ExceptionHolder create#{base}(int code, const std::string& text) {") {
- genl "sys::ExceptionHolder holder;"
- scope("switch (code) {") {
- enum = @amqp.class_(class_name).domain(domain_name).enum
- enum.choices.each { |c|
- assign = "holder = new #{}Exception(text); " unless == "normal"
- genl "case #{c.value}: #{assign}break;"
- }
- genl "default: holder = new #{invalid}(QPID_MSG(\"Bad #{}: \" << code << \": \" << text));"
- }
- genl "return holder;"
- }
- end
- def reply_exceptions_h()
- public_api("#{@dir}/reply_exceptions.h")
- h_file("#{@dir}/reply_exceptions.h") {
- include "qpid/Exception"
- include "qpid/sys/ExceptionHolder"
- include "qpid/framing/enum"
- include "qpid/CommonImportExport.h"
- namespace(@namespace) {
- declare_exceptions("execution", "error-code", "SessionException")
- declare_exceptions("connection", "close-code", "ConnectionException")
- declare_exceptions("session", "detach-code", "ChannelException")
- }
- }
- end
- def reply_exceptions_cpp()
- cpp_file("#{@dir}/reply_exceptions") {
- include "#{@dir}/reply_exceptions"
- include "qpid/Msg.h"
- include "<sstream>"
- include "<assert.h>"
- namespace("qpid::framing") {
- create_exception("execution", "error-code", "SessionException", "InvalidArgumentException")
- # FIXME aconway 2008-10-07: there are no good exception codes in 0-10 for an invalid code.
- # The following choices are arbitrary.
- create_exception("connection", "close-code", "ConnectionException", "FramingErrorException")
- create_exception("session", "detach-code", "ChannelException", "NotAttachedException")
- }
- }
- end
- def generate()
- constants_h
- enum_h
- reply_exceptions_h
- reply_exceptions_cpp
- typecode_h_cpp
- end
-$outdir, $amqp).generate();
diff --git a/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/frame_body_lists.rb b/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/frame_body_lists.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f1b976032..0000000000
--- a/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/frame_body_lists.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-$: << ".." # Include .. in load path
-require 'cppgen'
-class FrameBodyListsGen < CppGen
- def initialize(outdir, amqp)
- super(outdir, amqp);
- end
- def generate
- h_file("qpid/framing/frame_body_lists.h") {
- gen <<EOS
- * Macro lists of frame body classes, used to generate Visitors
- */
- gen "#define METHOD_BODIES() "
- @amqp.methods_.each { |m| gen "\\\n (#{m.body_name}) " }
- gen <<EOS
-#define OTHER_BODIES() (AMQContentBody)(AMQHeaderBody)(AMQHeartbeatBody))
- }
- end
-$outdir, $amqp).generate;
diff --git a/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/structs.rb b/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/structs.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 62b33ce773..0000000000
--- a/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/structs.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,615 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# Usage: output_directory xml_spec_file [xml_spec_file...]
-$: << '..'
-require 'cppgen'
-class StructGen < CppGen
- def initialize(outdir, amqp)
- super(outdir, amqp)
- end
- SizeMap={
- "Octet"=>1,
- "Short"=>2,
- "Long"=>4,
- "LongLong"=>8,
- "int8"=>1,
- "int16"=>2,
- "int32"=>4,
- "int64"=>8,
- "uint8"=>1,
- "uint16"=>2,
- "uint32"=>4,
- "uint64"=>8,
- "timestamp"=>8
- }
- StringSizeMap={
- "LongString"=>4,
- "MediumString"=>2,
- "ShortString"=>1
- }
- SizeType={
- 1=>"Octet",
- 2=>"Short",
- 4=>"Long",
- 8=>"LongLong"
- }
- ValueTypes=["uint8_t", "uint16_t", "uint32_t", "uint64_t"]
- def is_packed(s) s.pack and s.pack != "0" end
- def execution_header?(s)
- s.is_a? AmqpMethod and not s.parent.control?
- # s.kind_of? AmqpMethod and"010") and not s.parent.control?
- end
- def has_bitfields_only(s)
- {|f| f.type_ != "bit"}.empty?
- end
- def default_initialisation(s)
- params = {|f| ValueTypes.include?( || (!is_packed(s) && f.type_ == "bit")}
- strings = params.collect {|f| "#{f.cppname}(#{f.default_value})"}
- strings << "flags(0)" if (is_packed(s))
- if strings.empty?
- return ""
- else
- return " : " + strings.join(", ")
- end
- end
- def printable_form(f)
- if ( == "uint8_t")
- return "(int) " + f.cppname
- elsif (f.type_ == "bit")
- return "get#{}()"
- else
- return f.cppname
- end
- end
- def flag_mask(s, i)
- pos = s.pack.to_i*8 - 8 - (i/8)*8 + (i % 8)
- return "(1 << #{pos})"
- end
- def encode_packed_struct(s)
- genl s.cpp_pack_type.encode('flags', 'buffer')
- process_packed_fields(s) { |f, i| encode_packed_field(s, f, i) unless f.type_ == "bit" }
- end
- def decode_packed_struct(s)
- genl "#{s.cpp_pack_type.decode('flags', 'buffer')}"
- process_packed_fields(s) { |f, i| decode_packed_field(s, f, i) unless f.type_ == "bit" }
- end
- def size_packed_struct(s)
- genl "total += #{s.pack};"
- process_packed_fields(s) { |f, i| size_packed_field(s, f, i) unless f.type_ == "bit" }
- end
- def print_packed_struct(s)
- process_packed_fields(s) { |f, i| print_packed_field(s, f, i) }
- end
- def encode_packed_field(s, f, i)
- genl "if (flags & #{flag_mask(s, i)})"
- indent { genl f.cpptype.encode(f.cppname,"buffer") }
- end
- def decode_packed_field(s, f, i)
- genl "if (flags & #{flag_mask(s, i)})"
- indent { genl f.cpptype.decode(f.cppname,"buffer") }
- end
- def size_packed_field(s, f, i)
- genl "if (flags & #{flag_mask(s, i)})"
- indent { generate_size(f, []) }
- end
- def print_packed_field(s, f, i)
- classname = s.cppname
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpMethod)
- classname = s.body_name
- end
- genl "if (flags & #{flag_mask(s, i)})"
- indent {
- unless (classname == "ConnectionStartOkBody" && == "response")
- genl "out << \"#{}=\" << #{printable_form(f)} << \"; \";"
- else
- genl "out << \"response=\" << \"xxxxxx\" << \"; \";"
- end
- }
- end
- def generate_encode(f, combined)
- if (f.type_ == "bit")
- genl "uint8_t #{f.cppname}_bits = #{f.cppname};"
- count = 0
- combined.each { |c| genl "#{f.cppname}_bits |= #{c.cppname} << #{count += 1};" }
- genl "buffer.putOctet(#{f.cppname}_bits);"
- else
- genl f.cpptype.encode(f.cppname,"buffer")
- end
- end
- def generate_decode(f, combined)
- if (f.type_ == "bit")
- genl "uint8_t #{f.cppname}_bits = buffer.getOctet();"
- genl "#{f.cppname} = 1 & #{f.cppname}_bits;"
- count = 0
- combined.each { |c| genl "#{c.cppname} = (1 << #{count += 1}) & #{f.cppname}_bits;" }
- else
- genl f.cpptype.decode(f.cppname,"buffer")
- end
- end
- def generate_size(f, combined)
- if (f.type_ == "bit")
- names = ([f] + combined).collect {|g| g.cppname}
- genl "total += 1;//#{names.join(", ")}"
- else
- size = SizeMap[f.cpptype.encoded]
- if (size)
- genl "total += #{size};//#{f.cppname}"
- elsif ( == "SequenceNumberSet")
- genl "total += #{f.cppname}.encodedSize();"
- elsif (size = StringSizeMap[f.cpptype.encoded])
- genl "total += #{size} + #{f.cppname}.size();"
- else
- genl "total += #{f.cppname}.encodedSize();"
- end
- end
- end
- def process_packed_fields(s)
- s.fields.each { |f| yield f, s.fields.index(f) }
- end
- def process_fields(s)
- last = nil
- count = 0
- bits = []
- s.fields.each {
- |f| if (last and last.bit? and f.bit? and count < 7)
- count += 1
- bits << f
- else
- if (last and last.bit?)
- yield last, bits
- count = 0
- bits = []
- end
- if (not f.bit?)
- yield f
- end
- last = f
- end
- }
- if (last and last.bit?)
- yield last, bits
- end
- end
- def all_fields_via_accessors(s)
- s.fields.collect { |f| "get#{}()" }.join(", ")
- end
- def methodbody_extra_defs(s)
- if (s.parent.control?)
- genl "virtual uint8_t type() const { return 0;/*control segment*/ }"
- end
- gen <<EOS
- typedef #{s.result ? : 'void'} ResultType;
- template <class T> ResultType invoke(T& invocable) const {
- return invocable.#{s.cppname}(#{all_fields_via_accessors(s)});
- }
- using AMQMethodBody::accept;
- void accept(MethodBodyConstVisitor& v) const { v.visit(*this); }
- boost::intrusive_ptr<AMQBody> clone() const { return BodyFactory::copy(*this); }
- ClassId amqpClassId() const { return CLASS_ID; }
- MethodId amqpMethodId() const { return METHOD_ID; }
- bool isContentBearing() const { return #{s.content ? "true" : "false" }; }
- bool resultExpected() const { return #{s.result ? "true" : "false"}; }
- bool responseExpected() const { return #{s.responses().empty? ? "false" : "true"}; }
- end
- def define_constructor(name, s)
- if (s.fields.size > 0)
- genl "#{name}("
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpMethod)
- indent {gen "ProtocolVersion, "}
- end
- indent { gen s.fields.collect { |f| "#{f.cpptype.param} _#{f.cppname}" }.join(",\n") }
- genl ") : "
- if (is_packed(s))
- initialisers = { |f| f.type_ != "bit"}.collect { |f| "#{f.cppname}(_#{f.cppname})"}
- initialisers << "flags(0)"
- indent { gen initialisers.join(",\n") }
- genl "{"
- indent {
- process_packed_fields(s) { |f, i| genl "set#{}(_#{f.cppname});" if f.type_ == "bit"}
- process_packed_fields(s) { |f, i| genl "flags |= #{flag_mask(s, i)};" unless f.type_ == "bit"}
- }
- genl "}"
- else
- indent { gen s.fields.collect { |f| " #{f.cppname}(_#{f.cppname})" }.join(",\n") }
- genl "{}"
- end
- end
- #default constructors:
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpMethod)
- genl "#{name}(ProtocolVersion=ProtocolVersion()) #{default_initialisation(s)} {}"
- end
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpStruct)
- genl "#{name}() #{default_initialisation(s)} {}"
- end
- end
- def define_packed_field_accessors(s, f, i)
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpMethod)
- define_packed_field_accessors_for_method(s, f, i)
- else
- define_packed_field_accessors_for_struct(s, f, i)
- end
- end
- def define_packed_field_accessors_for_struct(s, f, i)
- if (f.type_ == "bit")
- genl "void #{s.cppname}::set#{}(#{f.cpptype.param} _#{f.cppname}) {"
- indent {
- genl "if (_#{f.cppname}) flags |= #{flag_mask(s, i)};"
- genl "else flags &= ~#{flag_mask(s, i)};"
- }
- genl "}"
- genl "#{f.cpptype.ret} #{s.cppname}::get#{}() const { return flags & #{flag_mask(s, i)}; }"
- else
- genl "void #{s.cppname}::set#{}(#{f.cpptype.param} _#{f.cppname}) {"
- indent {
- genl "#{f.cppname} = _#{f.cppname};"
- genl "flags |= #{flag_mask(s, i)};"
- }
- genl "}"
- genl "#{f.cpptype.ret} #{s.cppname}::get#{}() const { return #{f.cppname}; }"
- if ( == "FieldTable")
- genl "#{}& #{s.cppname}::get#{}() {"
- indent {
- genl "flags |= #{flag_mask(s, i)};"#treat the field table as having been 'set'
- genl "return #{f.cppname};"
- }
- genl "}"
- end
- genl "bool #{s.cppname}::has#{}() const { return flags & #{flag_mask(s, i)}; }"
- genl "void #{s.cppname}::clear#{}Flag() { flags &= ~#{flag_mask(s, i)}; }"
- end
- genl ""
- end
- def define_packed_field_accessors_for_method(s, f, i)
- if (f.type_ == "bit")
- genl "void #{s.body_name}::set#{}(#{f.cpptype.param} _#{f.cppname}) {"
- indent {
- genl "if (_#{f.cppname}) flags |= #{flag_mask(s, i)};"
- genl "else flags &= ~#{flag_mask(s, i)};"
- }
- genl "}"
- genl "#{f.cpptype.ret} #{s.body_name}::get#{}() const { return flags & #{flag_mask(s, i)}; }"
- else
- genl "void #{s.body_name}::set#{}(#{f.cpptype.param} _#{f.cppname}) {"
- indent {
- genl "#{f.cppname} = _#{f.cppname};"
- genl "flags |= #{flag_mask(s, i)};"
- }
- genl "}"
- genl "#{f.cpptype.ret} #{s.body_name}::get#{}() const { return #{f.cppname}; }"
- if ( == "FieldTable")
- genl "#{}& #{s.body_name}::get#{}() {"
- indent {
- genl "flags |= #{flag_mask(s, i)};"#treat the field table as having been 'set'
- genl "return #{f.cppname};"
- }
- genl "}"
- end
- genl "bool #{s.body_name}::has#{}() const { return flags & #{flag_mask(s, i)}; }"
- genl "void #{s.body_name}::clear#{}Flag() { flags &= ~#{flag_mask(s, i)}; }"
- end
- genl ""
- end
- def define_packed_accessors(s)
- process_packed_fields(s) { |f, i| define_packed_field_accessors(s, f, i) }
- end
- def declare_packed_accessors(f)
- genl "QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void set#{}(#{f.cpptype.param} _#{f.cppname});";
- genl "QPID_COMMON_EXTERN #{f.cpptype.ret} get#{}() const;"
- if ( == "FieldTable")
- genl "QPID_COMMON_EXTERN #{}& get#{}();"
- end
- if (f.type_ != "bit")
- #extra 'accessors' for packed fields:
- genl "QPID_COMMON_EXTERN bool has#{}() const;"
- genl "QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void clear#{}Flag();"
- end
- end
- def define_accessors(f)
- genl "void set#{}(#{f.cpptype.param} _#{f.cppname}) { #{f.cppname} = _#{f.cppname}; }"
- genl "#{f.cpptype.ret} get#{}() const { return #{f.cppname}; }"
- if ( == "FieldTable")
- genl "#{}& get#{}() { return #{f.cppname}; }"
- end
- end
- def define_struct(s)
- classname = s.cppname
- inheritance = ""
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpMethod)
- classname = s.body_name
- if (execution_header?(s))
- inheritance = ": public ModelMethod"
- else
- inheritance = ": public AMQMethodBody"
- end
- else
- public_api("qpid/framing/#{classname}.h") # Non-method structs are public
- end
- h_file("qpid/framing/#{classname}.h") {
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpMethod)
- gen <<EOS
-#include "qpid/framing/AMQMethodBody.h"
-#include "qpid/framing/AMQP_ServerOperations.h"
-#include "qpid/framing/MethodBodyConstVisitor.h"
- end
- include "qpid/framing/ModelMethod.h" if (execution_header?(s))
- s.fields.each { |f| include "qpid/framing/#{}" if f.struct?}
- gen <<EOS
-#include <ostream>
-#include "qpid/framing/amqp_types_full.h"
-#include "qpid/CommonImportExport.h"
-namespace qpid {
-namespace framing {
-class QPID_COMMON_CLASS_EXTERN #{classname} #{inheritance} {
- if (is_packed(s))
- indent { s.fields.each { |f| genl "#{} #{f.cppname};" unless f.type_ == "bit"} }
- indent {
- genl "#{} flags;"
- }
- else
- indent { s.fields.each { |f| genl "#{} #{f.cppname};" } }
- end
- genl "public:"
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpMethod)
- indent { genl "static const ClassId CLASS_ID = #{s.parent.code};" }
- indent { genl "static const MethodId METHOD_ID = #{s.code};" }
- end
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpStruct)
- if (s.code)
- indent { genl "static const uint16_t TYPE = #{s.full_code};" }
- end
- end
- indent {
- define_constructor(classname, s)
- genl ""
- if (is_packed(s))
- s.fields.each { |f| declare_packed_accessors(f) }
- else
- s.fields.each { |f| define_accessors(f) }
- end
- }
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpMethod)
- methodbody_extra_defs(s)
- end
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpStruct)
- indent {genl "QPID_COMMON_EXTERN friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const #{classname}&);" }
- end
- gen <<EOS
- QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void encode(Buffer&) const;
- QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void decode(Buffer&, uint32_t=0);
- QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void encodeStructBody(Buffer&) const;
- QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void decodeStructBody(Buffer&, uint32_t=0);
- QPID_COMMON_EXTERN uint32_t encodedSize() const;
- QPID_COMMON_EXTERN uint32_t bodySize() const;
- QPID_COMMON_EXTERN void print(std::ostream& out) const;
-}; /* class #{classname} */
- }
- cpp_file("qpid/framing/#{classname}.cpp") {
- if (is_packed(s) || s.fields.size > 0 || execution_header?(s))
- buffer = "buffer"
- else
- buffer = "/*buffer*/"
- end
- gen <<EOS
-#include "qpid/framing/#{classname}.h"
-#include "qpid/framing/reply_exceptions.h"
-using namespace qpid::framing;
- if (is_packed(s))
- define_packed_accessors(s)
- end
- gen <<EOS
-void #{classname}::encodeStructBody(Buffer& #{buffer}) const
- if (execution_header?(s))
- genl "encodeHeader(buffer);"
- end
- if (is_packed(s))
- indent {encode_packed_struct(s)}
- else
- indent { process_fields(s) { |f, combined| generate_encode(f, combined) } }
- end
- gen <<EOS
-void #{classname}::encode(Buffer& buffer) const
- indent {
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpStruct)
- if (s.code)
- genl "buffer.put#{SizeType[s.size.to_i]}(bodySize() + 2/*typecode*/);" if s.size and s.size.to_i != 0
- genl "buffer.putShort(TYPE);"
- else
- genl "buffer.put#{SizeType[s.size.to_i]}(bodySize());" if s.size and s.size.to_i != 0
- end
- end
- genl "encodeStructBody(buffer);"
- }
- gen <<EOS
-void #{classname}::decodeStructBody(Buffer& #{buffer}, uint32_t /*size*/)
- if (execution_header?(s))
- genl "decodeHeader(buffer);"
- end
- if (is_packed(s))
- indent {decode_packed_struct(s)}
- else
- indent { process_fields(s) { |f, combined| generate_decode(f, combined) } }
- end
- gen <<EOS
-void #{classname}::decode(Buffer& buffer, uint32_t /*size*/)
- indent {
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpStruct)
- genl "buffer.get#{SizeType[s.size.to_i]}();" if s.size and s.size.to_i != 0
- genl "if (TYPE != buffer.getShort()) throw FramingErrorException(\"Bad type code for struct\");" if s.code
- end
- genl "decodeStructBody(buffer);"
- }
- gen <<EOS
-uint32_t #{classname}::bodySize() const
- uint32_t total = 0;
- if (execution_header?(s))
- genl "total += headerSize();"
- end
- if (is_packed(s))
- indent {size_packed_struct(s)}
- else
- indent { process_fields(s) { |f, combined| generate_size(f, combined) } }
- end
- gen <<EOS
- return total;
-uint32_t #{classname}::encodedSize() const {
- uint32_t total = bodySize();
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpStruct)
- genl "total += #{s.size}/*size field*/;" if s.size
- genl "total += 2/*typecode*/;" if s.code
- end
- gen <<EOS
- return total;
-void #{classname}::print(std::ostream& out) const
- out << "{#{classname}: ";
- if (is_packed(s))
- indent {print_packed_struct(s)}
- else
- copy =
- f = copy.shift
- indent {
- genl "out << \"#{}=\" << #{printable_form(f)};" if f
- copy.each { |f| genl "out << \"; #{}=\" << #{printable_form(f)};" }
- }
- end
- gen <<EOS
- out << "}";
- if (s.kind_of? AmqpStruct)
- gen <<EOS
-namespace qpid{
-namespace framing{
- std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const #{classname}& s)
- {
- s.print(out);
- return out;
- }
- end
- end
- def generate()
- structs = @amqp.collect_all(AmqpStruct).select { |s| not ["command-fragment"].include?( }
- structs.each { |s| define_struct(s) }
- @amqp.methods_.each { |m| define_struct(m) }
- #generate a single include file containing the list of structs for convenience
- public_api("qpid/framing/amqp_structs.h")
- h_file("qpid/framing/amqp_structs.h") { structs.each { |s| genl "#include \"qpid/framing/#{s.cppname}.h\"" } }
- end
-$outdir, $amqp).generate()
diff --git a/cpp/rubygen/generate b/cpp/rubygen/generate
deleted file mode 100755
index 89b9b99520..0000000000
--- a/cpp/rubygen/generate
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-require 'pathname'
-require 'amqpgen'
-# Run a set of code generation templates.
-if ARGV.size < 3
- puts <<EOS
-Usage: #{ARGV[0]} SRCDIR APIDIR SPEC.xml [ ... ] TEMPLATE.rb [ ... ]
-or: #{ARGV[0]} SRCDIR APIDIR SPEC.xml [ ... ] all [ | makefragment.cmake ]
-Parse all SPEC.xml files to create an AMQP model, run each TEMPLATE
-putting the resulting files under SRCDIR, public API files in APIdir.
-Prints a list of files generated to standard output.
-If SRCDIR and APIDIR are '-' then just prints file list without generating files.
- exit 1
-# Create array of specs by version
-def parse_specs(files)
- { |h,k| h[k]=[] }
- files.each { |f|
- lists[spec.version] << spec
- }
- specs={}
- lists.each_pair { |k,l|
- specs[k] = l.size==1 ? l.first :* { |s| s.xml})
- }
- return specs
-# Run selected templates
-if ARGV.any? { |arg| arg=="all" }
- templates=Dir["#{gendir}/*/*.rb"]
- ARGV.each { |arg|
- d=File.join gendir,arg
- templates += Dir["#{d}/*.rb"] if d
- }
-$outdir=[ ARGV[0], ARGV[1] ]
-templates.each { |t|
- $amqp=$models[ver]
- if $amqp
- load t
- else
- puts "Warning: skipping #{t}, no spec file for version #{ver}."
- end
-def cmake_continue(lines) lines.join(" \n "); end
-def make_continue(lines) lines.join(" \\\n "); end
-# Generate makefile
-if cmakefile || makefile
- srcdir,apidir=$outdir
- dir=Dir.getwd
- Dir.chdir File.dirname(__FILE__)
- generator_files=Dir["**/*.rb"] << File.basename(__FILE__)
- Dir.chdir dir
-{ |f| "$(rgen_dir)/#{f}" }
-{ |f| "${rgen_dir}/#{f}" }
-{ |f| "#{GenFiles.public_api?(f) ? apidir : srcdir}/#{f}" }
- rgen_subdirs={}
- rgen_srcs.each { |src|
- if src.match(%r{(#{srcdir}|#{apidir})/qpid/([^/]+)/})
- subdir=$2
- rgen_subdirs[subdir] ||= []
- rgen_subdirs[subdir] << src
- end
- }
- if (makefile)
-, 'w') { |out|
- out << <<EOS
-# Generated makefile fragment.
-# Including makefile defines $(rgen_dir) $(rgen_cmd) and $(specs).
-rgen_generator=#{make_continue rgen_generator}
- rgen_subdirs.each_key { |subdir|
- out << "\nrgen_#{subdir}_srcs = #{make_continue(rgen_subdirs[subdir])}\n"
- }
- out << <<EOS
-rgen_srcs=#{make_continue rgen_srcs}
-# Header file install rules.
- ["amqp_0_10", "framing", "client/no_keyword","client", "broker"].each { |ns|
- dir="qpid/#{ns}"
- dir_ ="/", "_")
- regex=%r|#{dir}/[^/]+\.h$|
- out << <<EOS
-#{dir_}dir = $(includedir)/#{dir}
-dist_#{dir_}_HEADERS = #{make_continue rgen_srcs.grep(regex)}
- } # each
- } # File makefile
- end # if (makefile)
- if (cmakefile)
-, 'w') { |out|
- out << <<EOS
-# Generated makefile fragment.
-# Including makefile defines ${rgen_dir} ${rgen_cmd} and ${specs}.
-set(rgen_generator #{cmake_continue cmake_rgen_generator})
- rgen_subdirs.each_key { |subdir|
- out << "\nset(rgen_#{subdir}_srcs #{cmake_continue(rgen_subdirs[subdir])})\n"
- }
- out << <<EOS
-set(rgen_srcs #{cmake_continue rgen_srcs})
-# Header file install rules.
- ["amqp_0_10", "framing", "client/no_keyword","client", "broker"].each { |ns|
- dir="qpid/#{ns}"
- dir_ ="/", "_")
- regex=%r|#{dir}/[^/]+\.h$|
- out << <<EOS
-set(#{dir_}dir \${includedir}/#{dir})
-set(dist_#{dir_}_HEADERS #{cmake_continue rgen_srcs.grep(regex)})
- } # each
- } # File makefile
- end # if (makefile)