path: root/qpid/buildtools/buildCreator/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'qpid/buildtools/buildCreator/')
1 files changed, 1472 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qpid/buildtools/buildCreator/ b/qpid/buildtools/buildCreator/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..0a26ce09b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qpid/buildtools/buildCreator/
@@ -0,0 +1,1472 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import os
+import re
+import datetime
+import urllib
+import sys
+import string
+from xml.dom import minidom
+from optparse import OptionParser
+if map(int, string.split(string.split(sys.version)[0], ".")) < [2, 4, 0]:
+ print ("subprocess is required for this tool and is not present in versions prior to 2.4.0")
+ try:
+ import subprocess
+ except ImportError:
+ print ("subprocess module not found please install it locally or upgrade your python version")
+ sys.exit(1)
+import subprocess
+from subprocess import Popen
+#Default Build script
+# Path locations
+# Command Binaries
+GZIP_DATA='gzip compressed data'
+BZIP2_DATA='bzip2 compressed data'
+ZIP_DATA='Zip archive data'
+TAR_DATA='POSIX tar archive'
+DIFF_FILE="'diff' output text"
+#Build Targets
+# XML Elements toplevel
+# XML Elements - Source/Patch elements
+_log = True
+_verbose = False
+_debug = False
+_ignoreErrors = False
+_charIndex = 0
+_waitingChars = ['-', '/' , '|', '\\']
+def showUsage():
+ print TOOL_NAME+" [-c|--configure <config file>] [-v| --verbose] [-q|--quiet] [-i|--ignore-errors] [<build target>] [options]"
+ print "Available Targets:"
+ print " distclean [source] - Remove all or specified retrieved source"
+ print " clean [source] - Remove all or specified source build directory"
+ print " retrieve [source] - Retrieve all or specified source"
+ print " prepare [source] - Prepare all or specified source : i.e. extract archives"
+ print " patch [source] - Patch all or specified source"
+ print " showbuilds - List all builds"
+ print " build [build] - Perform the build scripts for all or specified build"
+ print " release [build] - Perform the release scripts for all or specified source"
+ print " full - Perfrom clean, retrieve, prepare, patch, build, release for all builds (DEFAULT)"
+def main():
+ global _log, _verbose, _debug, _rootDir, _target, _source, _baseConfiguration, _ignoreErrors
+ # Load the
+ parser = OptionParser()
+ parser.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="config",
+ action="store", default=DEFAULT_BUILD,
+ help="set configuration file : default = " + DEFAULT_BUILD)
+ parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose",
+ action="store_true", default=False, help="enable verbose output")
+ parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug",
+ action="store_true", default=False, help="enable debug output")
+ parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", dest="quiet",
+ action="store_false", default=True, help="Enable quiet ouptut")
+ parser.add_option("-i", "--ignore-errors", dest="ignoreErrors",
+ action="store_true", default=False, help="Ignore errors")
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ _verbose = options.verbose
+ _debug = options.debug
+ _log = options.quiet
+ _ignoreErrors = options.ignoreErrors
+ log("Logging Enabled")
+ verbose("Verbose Output Enabled")
+ debug("Debug Enabled")
+ if (len(args) > 2):
+ showUsage()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ # NOTE : Would be good to be able to do clean build release
+ if (len(args) > 0 ):
+ # Override the default target
+ _target = checkTarget(args[0])
+ # limit the comand to just the specified source
+ if (len(args) > 1 ):
+ _source = args[1]
+ else:
+ _source = None
+ else:
+ _target = FULL
+ _baseConfiguration = loadBaseConfiguration(options.config)
+ debug ("Loading Environment")
+ prepareEnvironment(_baseConfiguration.getElementsByTagName(ENVIRONMENT)[0])
+ if _target == DISTCLEAN:
+ distclean()
+ if _target == CLEAN or _target == FULL:
+ clean()
+ if _target == RETRIEVE or _target == FULL:
+ try:
+ retrieve()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ log ("User Interrupted preparation")
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if _target == PREPARE or _target == FULL:
+ prepare()
+ if _target == PATCH or _target == FULL:
+ patch()
+ if _target == SHOWBUILDS:
+ showBuilds()
+ if _target == BUILD or _target == FULL:
+ build()
+ if _target == RELEASE or _target == FULL:
+ release()
+ log("Complete")
+def checkTarget(target):
+ if target == HELP:
+ showUsage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if target == DISTCLEAN:
+ return DISTCLEAN
+ if target == CLEAN:
+ return CLEAN
+ if target == RETRIEVE:
+ return RETRIEVE
+ if target == PREPARE:
+ return PREPARE
+ if target == PATCH:
+ return PATCH
+ if target == SHOWBUILDS:
+ if target == BUILD:
+ return BUILD
+ if target == RELEASE:
+ return RELEASE
+ if target == FULL:
+ return FULL
+ warn("Target: '"+target+"' not valid")
+ showUsage()
+ sys.exit(1)
+# Environment
+def prepareEnvironment(env):
+ global _rootDir
+ rootdir = env.getElementsByTagName(ROOTDIR)
+ if (rootdir.length > 0):
+ _rootDir = getValue(rootdir[0])
+ else:
+ verbose ("Using default build dir: "+DEFAULT_ROOTDIR)
+ _rootDir = os.getcwd() + PATH_SEP + DEFAULT_ROOTDIR
+ if _rootDir == "":
+ verbose (ROOTDIR+" value is empty. Please specify a value for "+ ROOTDIR)
+ attemptExit(0)
+ if (os.path.exists(_rootDir)):
+ verbose ("Using Existing root dir: "+_rootDir)
+ else:
+ mkdir(_rootDir)
+# Clean Methods
+def clean():
+ global _source
+ sources = getSourceList()
+ if len(sources) > 0:
+ log ("Removing built code...")
+ performed = False
+ for source in sources:
+ if _source != None:
+ if getName(source) == _source:
+ performed = True
+ removeDir(source, BUILD_DIR)
+ else:
+ removeDir(source, BUILD_DIR)
+ if _source == None:
+ deleteDir(_rootDir + PATH_SEP + BUILD_DIR)
+ builds = getBuildList()
+ if len(builds) > 0:
+ log ("Removing built releases...")
+ for build in builds:
+ if _source != None:
+ if getName(build) == _source:
+ performed = True
+ removeDir(build, RELEASE_DIR)
+ else:
+ removeDir(build, RELEASE_DIR)
+ if _source == None:
+ deleteDir(_rootDir + PATH_SEP + RELEASE_DIR)
+ if _source != None:
+ if not performed:
+ fatal("No such source:" + _source);
+def distclean():
+ sources = getSourceList()
+ if len(sources) > 0:
+ log ("Removing source...")
+ for source in sources:
+ if _source != None:
+ if getName(source) == _source:
+ performed = True
+ removeDir(source, SOURCE_DIR)
+ else:
+ removeDir(source, SOURCE_DIR)
+ if _source == None:
+ deleteDir(_rootDir + PATH_SEP + SOURCE_DIR)
+ log ("Removing built code...")
+ for source in sources:
+ if _source != None:
+ if getName(source) == _source:
+ performed = True
+ removeDir(source, BUILD_DIR)
+ else:
+ removeDir(source, BUILD_DIR)
+ if _source == None:
+ deleteDir(_rootDir + PATH_SEP + BUILD_DIR)
+ patches =getPatchList()
+ if len(patches) > 0:
+ log ("Removing patches...")
+ for patch in patches:
+ if _source != None:
+ if getName(patch) == _source:
+ performed = True
+ removeDir(patch, PATCH_DIR)
+ else:
+ removeDir(patch, PATCH_DIR)
+ if _source == None:
+ deleteDir(_rootDir + PATH_SEP + PATCH_DIR)
+ builds = getBuildList()
+ if len(builds) > 0:
+ log ("Removing built releases...")
+ for build in builds:
+ if _source != None:
+ if getName(build) == _source:
+ performed = True
+ removeDir(build, RELEASE_DIR)
+ else:
+ removeDir(build, RELEASE_DIR)
+ if _source == None:
+ deleteDir(_rootDir + PATH_SEP + RELEASE_DIR)
+ if _source == None:
+ deleteDir(_rootDir)
+ if _source != None:
+ if not performed:
+ fatal("No such source:" + _source);
+def removeDir(source, rootdir):
+ name = getName(source)
+ deleteDir(_rootDir + PATH_SEP + rootdir + PATH_SEP + name)
+# Retrieve Methods
+def retrieve():
+ global _source
+ sources = getSourceList()
+ # Retreive Source
+ performed=False
+ if len(sources) > 0:
+ log ("Retrieving source...")
+ mkdir(_rootDir + PATH_SEP + SOURCE_DIR)
+ for source in sources:
+ if _source != None:
+ if getName(source) == _source:
+ performed = True
+ downloadSource(source, SOURCE_DIR)
+ else:
+ downloadSource(source, SOURCE_DIR)
+ # Retreive Patches
+ patches = getPatchList()
+ if len(patches) > 0:
+ log ("Retrieving patches...")
+ mkdir(_rootDir + PATH_SEP + PATCH_DIR)
+ for patch in patches:
+ if _source != None:
+ if getName(patch) == _source:
+ performed = True
+ downloadSource(patch, PATCH_DIR)
+ else:
+ downloadSource(patch, PATCH_DIR)
+ if _source != None:
+ if not performed:
+ fatal("No such patch:" + _source);
+# Prepare Methods
+def prepare():
+ verbose("Prepare")
+ mkdir(_rootDir + PATH_SEP + BUILD_DIR)
+ sources = getSourceList()
+ performed = False
+ if len(sources) > 0:
+ log ("Preparing source...")
+ for source in sources:
+ if _source != None:
+ if getName(source) == _source:
+ log_no_newline("Preparing "+getName(source)+": ")
+ performed = True
+ postProcess(source, SOURCE_DIR)
+ else:
+ log_no_newline("Preparing "+getName(source)+": ")
+ postProcess(source, SOURCE_DIR)
+ if _source != None:
+ if not performed:
+ fatal("No such source:" + _source);
+ patches = getPatchList()
+ if len(patches) > 0:
+ log ("Preparing patches...")
+ for patch in patches:
+ if _source != None:
+ if getName(patch) == _source:
+ performed = True
+ log("Preparing "+getName(patch))
+ postProcess(patch, PATCH_DIR)
+ else:
+ log("Preparing "+getName(patch))
+ postProcess(patch, PATCH_DIR)
+ if _source != None:
+ if not performed:
+ fatal("No such patch:" + _source);
+def postProcess(item, destination):
+ name = getName(item)
+ type = getType(item)
+ verbose("Post Processing:"+name)
+ targetdir = _rootDir + PATH_SEP + destination + PATH_SEP + name
+ builddir = _rootDir + PATH_SEP + BUILD_DIR + PATH_SEP + name
+ if type == SVN:
+ # Do we want to perform an export?
+ #extractcommand=SVN_BIN+" export "+ targetdir +" "+ builddir
+ # Use -v just now so we can show progress
+ extractcommand=CP_BIN+" -rvf "+ targetdir +" "+ builddir
+ runCommand(extractcommand, False)
+ else:
+ if type == FILE or type == HTTP or type == FTP:
+ mkdir(builddir)
+ # Look at all the files and see if they need unpacks
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(targetdir, topdown=False):
+ for file in files:
+ command = FILE_BIN+" "+root+PATH_SEP+file
+ result = Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ line = result.stdout.readline()
+ firstline=line
+ while (line != "" ):
+ # process nextline
+ line=result.stdout.readline()
+ result.wait()
+ if result.returncode != 0:
+ fatal("Download (" + name + ") contained unrecognized file type:"+ firstline)
+ extractcommand=""
+ if firstline.find(GZIP_DATA) != -1:
+ extractcommand=TAR_BIN+" -vxzf "+root+PATH_SEP+file+" -C " + builddir
+ if firstline.find(BZIP2_DATA) != -1:
+ extractcommand=TAR_BIN+" -vxjf "+root+PATH_SEP+file+" -C " + builddir
+ if firstline.find(ZIP_DATA) != -1:
+ extractcommand=UNZIP_BIN+" -v "+root+PATH_SEP+file+" -d "+ builddir
+ if firstline.find(TAR_DATA) != -1:
+ extractcommand=TAR_BIN+" -vxf "+root+PATH_SEP+file+" -C "+ builddir
+ if firstline.find(DIFF_FILE) != -1 or firstline.find("text"):
+ extractcommand=CP_BIN+" -r "+root+PATH_SEP+file+" "+ builddir
+ if not extractcommand=="":
+ log_no_newline("Extracting archive:" + file+": " )
+ runCommand(extractcommand, False)
+ else:
+ fatal("Download (" + name + ") contained unsupported file type:"+ firstline)
+# Patch Methods
+def patch():
+ # Retreive Patches
+ patches= getPatchList()
+ if len(patches) > 0:
+ performed = False
+ for patch in patches:
+ if _source != None:
+ if getName(source) == _source:
+ performed = True
+ applyPatch(patch)
+ else:
+ applyPatch(patch)
+ if _source != None:
+ if not performed:
+ fatal("No such patch:" + _source);
+def applyPatch(patch):
+ global _rootDir
+ name = getName(patch)
+ type = getType(patch)
+ source = getValue(patch.getElementsByTagName(SOURCE)[0])
+ if (patch.getElementsByTagName(PREFIX).length > 0):
+ prefix = getValue(patch.getElementsByTagName(PREFIX)[0])
+ else:
+ prefix = None
+ if (patch.getElementsByTagName(PATH).length > 0):
+ path= getValue(patch.getElementsByTagName(PATH)[0])
+ else:
+ path = None
+ basecommand = PATCH_BIN
+ if prefix != None:
+ basecommand = basecommand + " -p "+prefix
+ basecommand = basecommand + " -E -d "+ _rootDir + PATH_SEP + BUILD_DIR + PATH_SEP + source + PATH_SEP
+ if path != None:
+ basecommand = basecommand + path
+ basecommand = basecommand + " < "
+ patchSource= _rootDir + PATH_SEP + PATCH_DIR + PATH_SEP + name
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(patchSource):
+ if '.svn' in dirs:
+ dirs.remove('.svn')
+ files.sort()
+ for patchName in files:
+ log("Applying patch '" + name + "'("+patchName+") to " + source)
+ runCommandShowError(basecommand + patchSource + PATH_SEP + patchName)
+# build Methods
+def showBuilds():
+ builds = getNamesfromBuildList(getBuildList())
+ if len(builds) > 0:
+ log("Available Builds:")
+ for build in builds:
+ log(" "+build)
+ else:
+ log("No builds available")
+# Given a list of build elements extract the Name values and return as a list
+def getNamesfromBuildList(list):
+ names=[]
+ for item in list:
+ name = getName(item)
+ if name != None:
+ names.append(name)
+ return names
+def build():
+ doBuildAction(BUILD)
+# Release Methods
+def release():
+ log ("Releasing...")
+ mkdir(_rootDir + PATH_SEP + RELEASE_DIR)
+ builds = getBuildList()
+ for build in builds:
+ if _source != None:
+ if getName(build) == _source:
+ mkdir(_rootDir + PATH_SEP + RELEASE_DIR + PATH_SEP + getName(build))
+ else:
+ mkdir(_rootDir + PATH_SEP + RELEASE_DIR + PATH_SEP + getName(build))
+ doBuildAction(RELEASE)
+# Build Helper Methods
+def doBuildAction(action):
+ config = _baseConfiguration
+ if len(getSourceList()) > 0:
+ log("Performing "+ action.title() +"...")
+ builds = getBuildList()
+ performed = False
+ for build in builds:
+ if _source != None:
+ if getName(build) == _source:
+ performed = True
+ performScript(build , action)
+ else:
+ performScript(build, action)
+ if _source != None:
+ if not performed:
+ fatal("No such build:" + _source);
+def performScript(build, scriptName):
+ name = getName(build)
+ checkDependencies(build)
+ verbose("Running "+scriptName+":"+name)
+ targets = build.getElementsByTagName(TARGETS)
+ if targets.length > 0:
+ target = targets[0].getElementsByTagName(scriptName)
+ if target.length > 1:
+ fatal("More than one build target specified")
+ if target.length == 0:
+ fatal("No build target specified")
+ script = getValue(target[0].getElementsByTagName(SCRIPT)[0])
+ script = peformSubstitutionsInScript(build, script)
+ debug(script)
+ runScript(script)
+ else:
+ fatal("Build "+name+" has no build targets")
+def checkDependencies(build):
+ name = getName(build)
+ dependencies = build.getElementsByTagName(DEPENDENCY)
+ if dependencies > 0:
+ for dependency in dependencies :
+ sources = dependency.getElementsByTagName(SOURCE)
+ if sources.length == 0:
+ fatal("No sources specified in dependency block for build:"+name)
+ else:
+ for source in sources:
+ sourceDependency = getValue(source)
+ if not (sourceDefined(sourceDependency)):
+ fatal("Unable to build "+name+" as specifed dependency("+sourceDependency +") is not available")
+def sourceDefined(name):
+ for source in getSourceList():
+ sourcename = getValue(source.getElementsByTagName(NAME)[0])
+ if sourcename == name:
+ return True
+ return False
+def runScript(script):
+ (returncode, stdout, stderr) = runCommandWithOutput(script)
+ if _debug:
+ for line in stdout:
+ debug(line)
+ for line in stderr:
+ debug(line)
+ if returncode != 0:
+ for line in stdout:
+ warn(line)
+ for line in stderr:
+ warn(line)
+ warn("Script Failed")
+ attemptExit(1)
+# XML Helper Methods
+def loadBaseConfiguration(config):
+ log ("Loading configuration:" + config)
+ full = minidom.parse(config)
+ return full.getElementsByTagName(BUILDER)[0]
+# Assumes that we have a <node>text</node> element and returns the text value.
+def getValue(node):
+ if node.childNodes.length > 0:
+ return node.childNodes[0].data
+ else:
+ return ""
+def getEnvironment():
+ env = _baseConfiguration.getElementsByTagName(ENVIRONMENT)
+ if env.length > 0:
+ return env[0]
+ else:
+ return None
+# Returns the value of the NAME element contained in the specified item
+def getName(item):
+ name = item.getElementsByTagName(NAME)
+ if name.length > 0:
+ return getValue(name[0])
+# Returns the value of the TYPE element contained in the specified item
+def getType(item):
+ type = item.getElementsByTagName(TYPE)
+ if type.length > 0:
+ return getValue(type[0])
+# Returns the value of the URL element contained in the specified item
+def getURL(item):
+ url = item.getElementsByTagName(URL)
+ if url.length > 0:
+ return getValue(url[0])
+# Return the list of sources in this build configuration
+# If no sources are available then this is logged as a fatal error.
+def getSourceList():
+ config = _baseConfiguration
+ sourceCount = config.getElementsByTagName(SOURCES).length
+ if sourceCount > 0:
+ return config.getElementsByTagName(SOURCES)[0].getElementsByTagName(SOURCE)
+ else:
+ fatal("No source elements defined.")
+# Return the list of patches in this build configuration
+def getPatchList():
+ config = _baseConfiguration
+ patchCount = config.getElementsByTagName(PATCHES).length
+ if patchCount > 0:
+ return config.getElementsByTagName(PATCHES)[0].getElementsByTagName(PATCH)
+ else:
+ return []
+# Returns a list of build elements including any any included build files
+# Currently nested build elements are not supported so all builds must be specified via the <include> tag.
+def getBuildList():
+ config = _baseConfiguration
+ builds = config.getElementsByTagName(BUILDS)
+ buildcount = builds.length
+ if buildcount > 0:
+ build = builds[0]
+ useInclude = build.getElementsByTagName(INCLUDE).length > 0
+ # If we are using includes then build a list of all the files we need to include
+ if useInclude:
+ return getIncludeList(build)
+ else:
+ warn("Nested builds not currently supported")
+ else:
+ fatal("No Builds defined in config")
+# Look at all <include> values in the given element and return the list of inlcudes
+def getIncludeList(build):
+ includelist=[]
+ for include in build.getElementsByTagName(INCLUDE):
+ for item in getIncludeValue(getValue(include)):
+ includelist.append(item)
+ return includelist
+# Process in the given include value.
+# This is done by performing `ls <include>`
+# This means includes such as 'builds/*.config' will match multiple includes and return all entries
+# Any error in performing the ls is printed and the tool exits (unless ignore errors)
+def getIncludeValue(include):
+ debug("Loading Includes:"+include+" ")
+ command = LS_BIN+" "+include
+ (returncode, stdout, stderr) = runCommandWithOutput(command)
+ if returncode == 0:
+ values=[]
+ for line in stdout:
+ include = loadIncludeFile(line)
+ if not include == None:
+ values.append(include)
+ return values
+ else:
+ for line in stderr:
+ warn(line)
+ attemptExit(1)
+# Given a file name parse the XML. Any trailing '\n's that the ls command may have added are removed here.
+# The file is checked to ensure that it is a <builds> file
+# The first <build> element is returned.
+# TODO: Allow multiple builds per file.
+def loadIncludeFile(file):
+ buildFile = minidom.parse(file.rstrip('\n'))
+ builds = buildFile.getElementsByTagName(BUILDS)
+ if builds.length != 1:
+ warn("Build Configuration does not contain any <"+BUILDS+"> definitions")
+ else:
+ buildElements = builds[0].getElementsByTagName(BUILD)
+ if not buildElements.length > 0:
+ warn("Build Configuration does not contain any <"+BUILD+"> definitions")
+ else:
+ if buildElements.length > 0:
+ build = buildElements[0]
+ # getElementsByTagName is recursive so this will pick up the sub element build
+ # Only use the first element
+ namecount = build.getElementsByTagName(NAME).length
+ if namecount > 0:
+ return build
+ else:
+ return None
+# Given the build target and a script substitute $value entries in script for values in
+# the Environment
+# the Source entries <source><name>
+# the build <build><name>
+# the release location : _rootDir + PATH_SEP + RELEASE_DIR + PATH_SEP + buildName
+def peformSubstitutionsInScript(build, script):
+ buildName = getName(build)
+ sources = getSourceList()
+ #Replace Build name
+ script = script.replace("$build", buildName)
+ #Replace release directory
+ releaseDir = _rootDir + PATH_SEP + RELEASE_DIR + PATH_SEP + buildName
+ script = script.replace("$release", releaseDir)
+ # Replace Source varables
+ for source in sources:
+ sourceName = getName(source)
+ search = "$"+sourceName
+ sourcePath = source.getElementsByTagName(PATH)
+ replacement = _rootDir + PATH_SEP + BUILD_DIR + PATH_SEP + sourceName
+ if sourcePath.length > 0:
+ replacement = replacement + PATH_SEP + getValue(sourcePath[0])
+ script = script.replace(search,replacement)
+ # Take values from the environment script for replacement
+ env = getEnvironment()
+ if env != None:
+ for item in env.childNodes:
+ if item.nodeType == 1:
+ search = "$"+item.tagName
+ replace = item.childNodes[0].data
+ script = script.replace(search,replace)
+ # Perform keyword substitution replacements
+ # Currently only one substitution exists so for simplisity fix it here
+ writeVersionSubstitution = script.find("$writeVersions")
+ if writeVersionSubstitution != -1:
+ #Extract Filename
+ fileNameStart = script.find("(",writeVersionSubstitution)
+ fileNameEnd = script.find(")",fileNameStart)
+ fileName= script[fileNameStart+1:fileNameEnd]
+ substitution = createVersionSubstitution(build, fileName)
+ script = script.replace("$writeVersions(" + fileName + ")", substitution)
+ return script
+# Keyword Substitutions
+# Use the specified build as to lookup all associated source/patches and write out their details
+# to the specified file using shell redirects. redirects are to be used as the absolute filename
+# location may not be known as the name comes in via the release script
+def createVersionSubstitution(build, filename):
+ substitution = ""
+ sources = getSourceList();
+ dependencies = build.getElementsByTagName(DEPENDENCY)
+ if dependencies > 0:
+ substitution += "\n echo 'Source Version Information:'>> " + filename
+ for dependency in dependencies :
+ depSources = dependency.getElementsByTagName(SOURCE)
+ # Can assume we have dependencies as we would have failed before now
+ for source in depSources:
+ sourceDependency = getValue(source)
+ # We can assume source is valid.
+ for s in sources:
+ if sourceDependency == getName(s):
+ # provide header <source>:<type>:<revision>
+ substitution += "\n " + ECHO_BIN + " -n '" + sourceDependency + ":" \
+ + getType(s) + ":' >> " + filename
+ substitution += "\n" + getVersionCommand(s) + " >>" + filename
+ # Add Source URL to Revisions file
+ url = getValue(s.getElementsByTagName(URL)[0])
+ substitution += "\n" + ECHO_BIN + " \"URL:" + url + "\" >> "+filename
+ # Add Patches applied to this source to revisions file
+ substitution += addPatchVersions(s, filename)
+ return substitution
+# Use the specified source as to lookup all associated patches and write their details out the
+# the specified file using shell redirects. redirects are to be used as the absolute filename
+# location may not be known as the name comes in via the release script
+def addPatchVersions(source, filename):
+ substitution = ""
+ patches = getPatchList()
+ sourceName = getName(source)
+ for patch in patches:
+ patchSourceName = getValue(patch.getElementsByTagName(SOURCE)[0])
+ if sourceName == patchSourceName:
+ type = getType(patch)
+ substitution += "\n" + ECHO_BIN + " \"\t"+getName(patch)+":"+type + "\" >> "+filename
+ url = getValue(patch.getElementsByTagName(URL)[0])
+ substitution += "\n" + ECHO_BIN + " \"\t\tURL:" + url + "\" >> "+filename
+ if (type == SVN):
+ if (patch.getElementsByTagName(REVISION).length > 0):
+ substitution += "\n" + ECHO_BIN + " \"\t\tREVISION:"+ \
+ getValue(patch.getElementsByTagName(REVISION)[0]) + "\" >> " + filename
+ else:
+ substitution += "\n" + ECHO_BIN + " -n \"\t\tREVISION: \" >> " + filename
+ substitution += "\n" + SVNVERSION_BIN + " " + _rootDir + PATH_SEP + PATCH_DIR + PATH_SEP + getName(patch) + " >> " + filename
+ if (patch.getElementsByTagName(PREFIX).length > 0):
+ substitution += "\n" + ECHO_BIN + " \"\t\tPREFIX: " + \
+ getValue(patch.getElementsByTagName(PREFIX)[0]) + "\" >> " + filename
+ if (patch.getElementsByTagName(PATH).length > 0):
+ substitution += "\n" + ECHO_BIN + " \"\t\tPATH: " + \
+ getValue(patch.getElementsByTagName(PATH)[0]) + "\" >> " + filename
+ global _rootDir
+ patchSource= _rootDir + PATH_SEP + PATCH_DIR + PATH_SEP + getName(patch)
+ #
+ # Include the list of patches files applied
+ #
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(patchSource):
+ if '.svn' in dirs:
+ dirs.remove('.svn')
+ files.sort()
+ for patchName in files:
+ substitution += "\n" + ECHO_BIN + " \"\t\tFILE: " + patchName + "\" >> " + filename
+ if (substitution != ""):
+ return "\n" + ECHO_BIN + " \"\tPatches applied to " + sourceName + ":\" >> " + filename + substitution
+ else:
+ return "\n" + ECHO_BIN + " \"\tNo Patches\" >> " + filename
+# Given a source entry return the command that will provide the current version
+# of that source.
+# i.e. svn source : svnversion <path to source>
+# http source : echo <URL>
+def getVersionCommand(source):
+ global _rootDir
+ type = getType(source)
+ versionCommand=""
+ if type == SVN:
+ versionCommand=SVNVERSION_BIN+" "+_rootDir + PATH_SEP + SOURCE_DIR + PATH_SEP + getName(source)
+ else:
+ if type == FILE or type == HTTP or type == FTP:
+ versionCommand = ECHO_BIN +" " + getURL(source)
+ return versionCommand
+# Download Helper Methods
+# Download the item specified in source to the given destintation
+def downloadSource(source, destination):
+ name = getName(source)
+ type = getType(source)
+ url = getValue(source.getElementsByTagName(URL)[0])
+ log ( "Retrieving "+ name + "("+ type +")")
+ targetdir=_rootDir + PATH_SEP + destination + PATH_SEP + name
+ command = ""
+ mkdir(targetdir)
+ if (os.listdir(targetdir)==[]):
+ # Setup command for a fresh checkout
+ if (type == SVN):
+ command = SVN_BIN+" co "+url+" "+targetdir
+ if (source.getElementsByTagName(REVISION).length > 0):
+ revision = getValue(source.getElementsByTagName(REVISION)[0])
+ command = SVN_BIN+" co -r"+revision+" "+url+" "+targetdir
+ else:
+ if (type == HTTP):
+ command = WGET_BIN+" --no-directories -P "+targetdir+" "+url
+ else:
+ if (type == FILE):
+ if url.startswith(HTTP):
+ command = WGET_BIN+" -P "+targetdir+" "+url
+ else:
+ if url.startswith(FTP):
+ command = WGET_BIN+" -P "+targetdir+" "+url
+ else:
+ command = CP_BIN+" -R "+url+" "+targetdir
+ else:
+ warn("Target directory(" + targetdir + ") is not empty please ensure contents are valid or run 'clean "+name+"'")
+ verbose("Executing:"+command)
+ log_no_newline("Retrieving "+source.nodeName+": ")
+ if (type == FILE):
+ runCommand(command, True)
+ else:
+ runCommand(command, False)
+# Command Helper Methods
+# Run command and print out last 20 lines of data on error
+def runCommandShowError(command):
+ last20 = runCommand(command, False)
+ if last20 != None:
+ lines=last20[0]
+ lines=lines + 1
+ current = 1
+ while current != lines:
+ log (last20[current])
+ current = current + 1
+ attemptExit(1)
+# Runs the given command if showOutput is true then stdout/stderr is shown on screen
+# other wise the last 20 lines of output is gathered:
+# As command runs progress is shown
+# return array [0] = no of elements in array. Array is fixed size 21 elements but not all are used. FIXME: this is poor
+# TODO: Current mechanism for limiting to 20 lines is poor, potential to replace usages of this
+# method with runCommandWithOutput below
+def runCommand(command, showOutput):
+ debug("Running Command:"+command)
+ try:
+ if showOutput:
+ # Process that shows the output
+ result = Popen(command, shell=True)
+ else:
+ # consume the output ourselves
+ result = Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ index=0
+ last20=[""] * 21
+ line = result.stdout.readline()
+ while (line != "" ):
+ logWaiting()
+ #Record last 20 lines of output
+ index = index + 1
+ if index == 20:
+ index = 1
+ last20[index]=line
+ # process nextline
+ line = result.stdout.readline()
+ #
+ # If we didn't get any standard or fill our buffers then fill the end of the buffer with any stderr
+ #
+ if index == 0 | index < 15 :
+ line = result.stderr.readline()
+ if index != 0:
+ index = index + 1
+ if line != "":
+ last20[index]="STDERR"
+ reset = index
+ while (line != "" ):
+ logWaiting()
+ #Record last 20 lines of output
+ index = index + 1
+ if index == 20:
+ index = reset
+ last20[index]=line
+ # process nextline
+ line = result.stderr.readline()
+ result.wait()
+ if result.returncode == 0:
+ logWaitingDone()
+ else:
+ logWaitingFailed("Failed")
+ attemptExit(1)
+ if not showOutput:
+ last20[0]=index
+ return last20
+ return None
+ except IOError:
+ logWaitingFailed ("Error running command.")
+ attemptExit(1)
+# Runs the given command if showOutput is true then stdout/stderr is shown on screen
+# Stdout and stderr is gathered up and returned with error code.
+# return (result.returncode, stdout, stderr)
+# As command runs progress is shown
+def runCommandWithOutput(command):
+ result = Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ # Retrieve STDOUT
+ stdout=[]
+ line = result.stdout.readline()
+ while (line != "" ):
+ logWaiting()
+ stdout.append(line)
+ # process nextline
+ line = result.stdout.readline()
+ line = result.stderr.readline()
+ # Retrieve STDERR
+ stderr=[]
+ while (line != "" ):
+ stderr.append(line)
+ # process nextline
+ line = result.stderr.readline()
+ result.wait()
+ logWaitingClear()
+ return (result.returncode, stdout, stderr)
+# OS Helper Methods
+# Check _ignoreErrors value and exit if false
+def attemptExit(code):
+ if not _ignoreErrors:
+ sys.exit(code)
+ else:
+ print ("Ignoring Errors")
+# Check that the required binaries are present for this tool.
+# Only checks the minimum set.
+# Logs warning if archive tools are missing
+def checkSystemRequirements():
+ exists = checkExists(SVN_BIN)
+ exists = exists & checkExists(WGET_BIN)
+ exists = exists & checkExists(CP_BIN)
+ exists = exists & checkExists(PATCH_BIN)
+ exists = exists & checkExists(FILE_BIN)
+ if not checkExists(TAR_BIN):
+ warn("Unable to process tar files as tar binary does not exist:" + TAR_BIN)
+ if not checkExists(BZIP2_BIN):
+ warn("Unable to process bzip2 files as bzip2 binary does not exist:" + BZIP2_BIN)
+ if not checkExists(UNZIP_BIN):
+ warn("Unable to process zip files as unzip binary does not exist:" + UNZIP_BIN)
+ if not exists:
+ sys.exit(1)
+# Helper that checks for files existence
+def checkExists(command):
+ debug_no_newline("Checking for "+command+":")
+ command = LS_BIN+" "+command
+ result = Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ line = result.stdout.readline()
+ while (line != "" ):
+ # process nextline
+ line = result.stdout.readline()
+ result.wait()
+ if result.returncode == 0:
+ debug("OK")
+ return True
+ else:
+ debug("Missing")
+ warn("Missing dependancy:"+command)
+ return False
+# Delete everything reachable from the directory named in 'top',
+# assuming there are no symbolic links.
+# If an attempt to delete '/' is performed this is logged as a fatal error
+def deleteDir(top):
+ if top == '/':
+ fatal("Exiting as attempt to delete '/' occured.")
+ else:
+ if (os.path.exists(top)):
+ log_no_newline("Removing:"+top+". ")
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top, topdown=False):
+ logWaiting()
+ for name in files:
+ os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
+ for name in dirs:
+ logWaiting()
+ os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name))
+ logWaiting()
+ os.rmdir(top)
+ logWaitingDone()
+def mkdir(dir):
+ if not os.path.exists(dir):
+ os.mkdir(dir)
+# Logging Helper Methods
+# Provide a spinning -/|\
+def logWaiting():
+ global _charIndex, _waitingChars
+ _charIndex = (_charIndex + 1) % len(_waitingChars)
+ log_no_newline('\b')
+ log_no_newline(_waitingChars[_charIndex])
+# Clear the logWaiting symbol and end the line with ' Done'
+def logWaitingDone():
+ log_no_newline('\b')
+ log(" Done")
+# Clear the logWaiting symbol
+def logWaitingClear():
+ log_no_newline('\b')
+# Clear the logWaiting symbol and end line with messsage
+def logWaitingFailed(message):
+ log_no_newline('\b')
+ log(" "+message)
+def debug(string):
+ if _debug:
+ log(string)
+def verbose(string):
+ if _verbose:
+ log(string)
+def log (string):
+ if _log:
+ print string
+def warn (string):
+ print string
+def fatal(string):
+ print string
+ attemptExit(1)
+def log_no_newline (string):
+ if _log:
+ sys.stdout.write(string)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+def verbose_no_newline (string):
+ if _verbose:
+ sys.stdout.write(string)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+def debug_no_newline (string):
+ if _debug:
+ sys.stdout.write(string)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()