path: root/qpid/cpp/docs/design/new-ha-design.txt
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+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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+* An active-passive, hot-standby design for Qpid clustering.
+This document describes an active-passive approach to HA based on
+queue browsing to replicate message data.
+See [[./old-cluster-issues.txt]] for issues with the old design.
+** Active-active vs. active-passive (hot-standby)
+An active-active cluster allows clients to connect to any broker in
+the cluster. If a broker fails, clients can fail-over to any other
+live broker.
+A hot-standby cluster has only one active broker at a time (the
+"primary") and one or more brokers on standby (the "backups"). Clients
+are only served by the primary, clients that connect to a backup are
+redirected to the primary. The backups are kept up-to-date in real
+time by the primary, if the primary fails a backup is elected to be
+the new primary.
+The main problem with active-active is co-ordinating consumers of the
+same queue on multiple brokers such that there are no duplicates in
+normal operation. There are 2 approaches:
+Predictive: each broker predicts which messages others will take. This
+the main weakness of the old design so not appealing.
+Locking: brokers "lock" a queue in order to take messages. This is
+complex to implement and it is not straighforward to determine the
+best strategy for passing the lock. In tests to date it results in
+very high latencies (10x standalone broker).
+Hot-standby removes this problem. Only the primary can modify queues
+so it just has to tell the backups what it is doing, there's no
+The primary can enqueue messages and replicate asynchronously -
+exactly like the store does, but it "writes" to the replicas over the
+network rather than writing to disk.
+** Replicating browsers
+The unit of replication is a replicating browser. This is an AMQP
+consumer that browses a remote queue via a federation link and
+maintains a local replica of the queue. As well as browsing the remote
+messages as they are added the browser receives dequeue notifications
+when they are dequeued remotely.
+On the primary broker incoming mesage transfers are completed only when
+all of the replicating browsers have signaled completion. Thus a completed
+message is guaranteed to be on the backups.
+** Failover and Cluster Resource Managers
+We want to delegate the failover management to an existing cluster
+resource manager. Initially this is rgmanager from Cluster Suite, but
+other managers (e.g. PaceMaker) could be supported in future.
+Rgmanager takes care of starting and stopping brokers and informing
+brokers of their roles as primary or backup. It ensures there's
+exactly one primary broker running at any time. It also tracks quorum
+and protects against split-brain.
+Rgmanger can also manage a virtual IP address so clients can just
+retry on a single address to fail over. Alternatively we will also
+support configuring a fixed list of broker addresses when qpid is run
+outside of a resource manager.
+** Replicating configuration
+New queues and exchanges and their bindings also need to be replicated.
+This is done by a QMF client that registers for configuration changes
+on the remote broker and mirrors them in the local broker.
+** Use of CPG (openais/corosync)
+CPG is not required in this model, an external cluster resource
+manager takes care of membership and quorum.
+** Selective replication
+In this model it's easy to support selective replication of individual queues via
+Explicit exchange/queue qpid.replicate argument:
+- none: the object is not replicated
+- configuration: queues, exchanges and bindings are replicated but messages are not.
+- all: configuration and messages are replicated.
+Set configurable default all/configuration/none
+** Inconsistent errors
+The new design eliminates most sources of inconsistent errors in the
+old design (connections, sessions, security, management etc.) and
+eliminates the need to stall the whole cluster till an error is
+resolved. We still have to handle inconsistent store errors when store
+and cluster are used together.
+We have 3 options (configurable) for handling inconsistent errors,
+on the backup that fails to store a message from primary we can:
+- Abort the backup broker allowing it to be re-started.
+- Raise a critical error on the backup broker but carry on with the message lost.
+- Reset and re-try replication for just the affected queue.
+We will provide some configurable options in this regard.
+** New backups connecting to primary.
+When the primary fails, one of the backups becomes primary and the
+others connect to the new primary as backups.
+The backups can take advantage of the messages they already have
+backed up, the new primary only needs to replicate new messages.
+To keep the N-way guarantee the primary needs to delay completion on
+new messages until all the back-ups have caught up. However if a
+backup does not catch up within some timeout, it is considered dead
+and its messages are completed so the cluster can carry on with N-1
+** Broker discovery and lifecycle.
+The cluster has a client URL that can contain a single virtual IP
+address or a list of real IP addresses for the cluster.
+In backup mode, brokers reject connections normal client connections
+so clients will fail over to the primary. HA admin tools mark their
+connections so they are allowed to connect to backup brokers.
+Clients discover the primary by re-trying connection to all addresses in the client URL
+until they successfully connect to the primary. In the case of a
+virtual IP they re-try the same address until it is relocated to the
+primary. In the case of a list of IPs the client tries each in
+turn. Clients do multiple retries over a configured period of time
+before giving up.
+Backup brokers discover the primary in the same way as clients. There
+is a separate broker URL for brokers since they often will connect
+over a different network. The broker URL has to be a list of real
+addresses rather than a virtual address.
+** Interaction with rgmanager
+rgmanager interacts with qpid via 2 service scripts: backup &
+primary. These scripts interact with the underlying qpidd
+service. rgmanager picks the new primary when the old primary
+fails. In a partition it also takes care of killing inquorate brokers.
+*** Initial cluster start
+rgmanager starts the backup service on all nodes and the primary service on one node.
+On the backup nodes qpidd is in the connecting state. The primary node goes into
+the primary state. Backups discover the primary, connect and catch up.
+*** Failover
+primary broker or node fails. Backup brokers see the disconnect and
+start trying to re-connect to the new primary.
+rgmanager notices the failure and starts the primary service on a new node.
+This tells qpidd to go to primary mode. Backups re-connect and catch up.
+The primary can only be started on nodes where there is a ready backup service.
+If the backup is catching up, it's not eligible to take over as primary.
+*** Failback
+Cluster of N brokers has suffered a failure, only N-1 brokers
+remain. We want to start a new broker (possibly on a new node) to
+restore redundancy.
+If the new broker has a new IP address, the sysadmin pushes a new URL
+to all the existing brokers.
+The new broker starts in connecting mode. It discovers the primary,
+connects and catches up.
+*** Failure during failback
+A second failure occurs before the new backup B completes its catch
+up. The backup B refuses to become primary by failing the primary
+start script if rgmanager chooses it, so rgmanager will try another
+(hopefully caught-up) backup to become primary.
+*** Backup failure
+If a backup fails it is re-started. It connects and catches up from scratch
+to become a ready backup.
+** Interaction with the store.
+Needs more detail:
+We want backup brokers to be able to user their stored messages on restart
+so they don't have to download everything from priamary.
+This requires a HA sequence number to be stored with the message
+so the backup can identify which messages are in common with the primary.
+This will work very similarly to the way live backups can use in-memory
+messages to reduce the download.
+Need to determine which broker is chosen as initial primary based on currency of
+stores. Probably using stored generation numbers and status flags. Ideally
+automated with rgmanager, or some intervention might be reqiured.
+* Current Limitations
+(In no particular order at present)
+For message replication (missing items have been fixed)
+LM3 - Transactional changes to queue state are not replicated atomically.
+LM4 - (No worse than store) Acknowledgements are confirmed to clients before the message
+has been dequeued from replicas or indeed from the local store if that is asynchronous.
+LM6 - persistence: In the event of a total cluster failure there are
+no tools to automatically identify the "latest" store.
+LM7 - persistence: In the event of a persistent broker being
+re-started (due to failure or admin) it should be able to use its
+stored messages to reduce the download required from the
+primary. This means storing message IDs persistently.
+For configuration propagation:
+LC2 - Queue and exchange propagation is entirely asynchronous. There
+are three cases to consider here for queue creation:
+(a) where queues are created through the addressing syntax supported
+the messaging API, they should be recreated if needed on failover and
+message replication if required is dealt with seperately;
+(b) where queues are created using configuration tools by an
+administrator or by a script they can query the backups to verify the
+config has propagated and commands can be re-run if there is a failure
+before that;
+(c) where applications have more complex programs on which
+queues/exchanges are created using QMF or directly via 0-10 APIs, the
+completion of the command will not guarantee that the command has been
+carried out on other nodes.
+I.e. case (a) doesn't require anything (apart from LM5 in some cases),
+case (b) can be addressed in a simple manner through tooling but case
+(c) would require changes to the broker to allow client to simply
+determine when the command has fully propagated.
+LC4 - It is possible on failover that the new primary did not
+previously receive a given QMF event while a backup did (sort of an
+analogous situation to LM1 but without an easy way to detect or remedy
+LC6 - The events and query responses are not fully synchronized.
+ In particular it *is* possible to not receive a delete event but
+ for the deleted object to still show up in the query response
+ (meaning the deletion is 'lost' to the update).
+ It is also possible for an create event to be received as well
+ as the created object being in the query response. Likewise it
+ is possible to receive a delete event and a query response in
+ which the object no longer appears. In these cases the event is
+ essentially redundant.
+ It is not possible to miss a create event and yet not to have
+ the object in question in the query response however.
+LC7 Federated links from the primary will be lost in failover, they will not be re-connected on
+the new primary. Federation links to the primary can fail over.
+LC9 The "last man standing" feature of the old cluster is not available.
+* Benefits compared to previous cluster implementation.
+- Allows per queue/exchange control over what is replicated.
+- Does not depend on openais/corosync, does not require multicast.
+- Can be integrated with different resource managers: for example rgmanager, PaceMaker, Veritas.
+- Can be ported to/implemented in other environments: e.g. Java, Windows
+- Disaster Recovery is just another backup, no need for separate queue replication mechanism.
+- Can take advantage of resource manager features, e.g. virtual IP addresses.
+- Fewer inconsistent errors (store failures) that can be handled without killing brokers.
+- Improved performance