path: root/qpid/cpp/management/python/bin/qmf-tool
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'qpid/cpp/management/python/bin/qmf-tool')
1 files changed, 775 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qpid/cpp/management/python/bin/qmf-tool b/qpid/cpp/management/python/bin/qmf-tool
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..407ae74b10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qpid/cpp/management/python/bin/qmf-tool
@@ -0,0 +1,775 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import os
+import optparse
+import sys
+import socket
+from cmd import Cmd
+from shlex import split
+from threading import Lock
+from time import strftime, gmtime
+from qpid.disp import Display
+import qpid_messaging
+import qmf2
+class OptsAndArgs(object):
+ def __init__(self, argv):
+ self.argv = argv
+ self.usage = """qmf-tool [OPTIONS] [<broker-host>[:<port>]]"""
+ self.option_parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=self.usage)
+ self.conn_group = optparse.OptionGroup(self.option_parser, "Connection Options")
+ self.conn_group.add_option("-u", "--user", action="store", type="string", help="User name for authentication")
+ self.conn_group.add_option("-p", "--password", action="store", type="string", help="Password for authentication")
+ self.conn_group.add_option("-t", "--transport", action="store", type="string", help="Transport type (tcp, ssl, rdma)")
+ self.conn_group.add_option("-m", "--mechanism", action="store", type="string", help="SASL Mechanism for security")
+ self.conn_group.add_option("-s", "--service", action="store", type="string", default="qpidd", help="SASL Service name")
+ self.conn_group.add_option("--min-ssf", action="store", type="int", metavar="<n>", help="Minimum acceptable security strength factor")
+ self.conn_group.add_option("--max-ssf", action="store", type="int", metavar="<n>", help="Maximum acceptable security strength factor")
+ self.conn_group.add_option("--conn-option", action="append", default=[], metavar="<NAME=VALUE>", help="Additional connection option(s)")
+ self.option_parser.add_option_group(self.conn_group)
+ self.qmf_group = optparse.OptionGroup(self.option_parser, "QMF Session Options")
+ self.qmf_group.add_option("--domain", action="store", type="string", help="QMF Domain")
+ self.qmf_group.add_option("--agent-age", action="store", type="int", metavar="<n>", help="Time, in minutes, to age out non-communicating agents")
+ self.qmf_group.add_option("--qmf-option", action="append", default=[], metavar="<NAME=VALUE>", help="Additional QMF session option(s)")
+ self.option_parser.add_option_group(self.qmf_group)
+ def parse(self):
+ host = "localhost"
+ conn_options = {}
+ qmf_options = []
+ options, encArgs = self.option_parser.parse_args(args=self.argv)
+ try:
+ encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
+ args = [a.decode(encoding) for a in encArgs]
+ except:
+ args = encArgs
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ host = args[1]
+ if options.user:
+ conn_options["username"] = options.user
+ if options.password:
+ conn_options["password"] = options.password
+ if options.transport:
+ conn_options["transport"] = options.transport
+ if options.mechanism:
+ conn_options["sasl_mechanisms"] = options.mechanism
+ if options.service:
+ conn_options["sasl_service"] = options.service
+ if options.min_ssf:
+ conn_options["sasl_min_ssf"] = options.min_ssf
+ if options.max_ssf:
+ conn_options["sasl_max_ssf"] = options.max_ssf
+ for x in options.conn_option:
+ try:
+ key, val = x.split('=')
+ conn_options[key] = val
+ except:
+ raise Exception("Improperly formatted text for --conn-option: '%s'" % x)
+ if options.domain:
+ qmf_options.append("domain:'%s'" % options.domain)
+ if options.agent_age:
+ qmf_options.append("max-agent-age:%d" % options.agent_age)
+ for x in options.qmf_option:
+ try:
+ key, val = x.split('=')
+ qmf_options.append("%s:%s" % (key, val))
+ except:
+ raise Exception("Improperly formatted text for --qmf-option: '%s'" % x)
+ qmf_string = '{'
+ first = True
+ for x in qmf_options:
+ if first:
+ first = None
+ else:
+ qmf_string += ','
+ qmf_string += x
+ qmf_string += '}'
+ return host, conn_options, qmf_string
+class Mcli(Cmd):
+ """ Management Command Interpreter """
+ def __init__(self, dataObject, dispObject):
+ Cmd.__init__(self)
+ self.dataObject = dataObject
+ self.dispObject = dispObject
+ self.dataObject.setCli(self)
+ self.prompt = "qmf: "
+ def emptyline(self):
+ pass
+ def setPromptMessage(self, p=None):
+ if p == None:
+ self.prompt = "qmf: "
+ else:
+ self.prompt = "qmf[%s]: " % p
+ def do_help(self, data):
+ print "Management Tool for QMF"
+ print
+ print "Agent Commands:"
+ print " set filter <filter-string> - Filter the list of agents"
+ print " list agents - Print a list of the known Agents"
+ print " set default <item-number> - Set the default agent for operations"
+ print " show filter - Show the agent filter currently in effect"
+ print " show agent <item-number> - Print detailed information about an Agent"
+ print " show options - Show option strings used in the QMF session"
+ print
+ print "Schema Commands:"
+ print " list packages - Print a list of packages supported by the default agent"
+ print " list classes [<package-name>] - Print all classes supported byt the default agent"
+ print " show class <class-name> [<package-name>] - Show details of a class"
+ print
+ print "Data Commands:"
+ print " query <class-name> [<package-name>] [<predicate>] - Query for data from the agent"
+ print " list - List accumulated query results"
+ print " clear - Clear accumulated query results"
+ print " show <id> - Show details from a data object"
+ print " call <id> <method> [<args>] - Call a method on a data object"
+ print
+ print "General Commands:"
+ print " set time-format short - Select short timestamp format (default)"
+ print " set time-format long - Select long timestamp format"
+ print " quit or ^D - Exit the program"
+ print
+ def complete_set(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
+ """ Command completion for the 'set' command """
+ tokens = split(line[:begidx])
+ if len(tokens) == 1:
+ return [i for i in ('filter ', 'default ', 'time-format ') if i.startswith(text)]
+ if len(tokens) == 2 and tokens[1] == 'time-format':
+ return [i for i in ('long', 'short') if i.startswith(text)]
+ return []
+ def do_set(self, data):
+ tokens = split(data)
+ try:
+ if tokens[0] == "time-format":
+ self.dispObject.do_setTimeFormat(tokens[1])
+ else:
+ self.dataObject.do_set(data)
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "Exception in set command:", e
+ def complete_list(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
+ tokens = split(line[:begidx])
+ if len(tokens) == 1:
+ return [i for i in ('agents', 'packages', 'classes ') if i.startswith(text)]
+ return []
+ def do_list(self, data):
+ try:
+ self.dataObject.do_list(data)
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "Exception in list command:", e
+ def complete_show(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
+ tokens = split(line[:begidx])
+ if len(tokens) == 1:
+ return [i for i in ('options', 'filter', 'agent ', 'class ') if i.startswith(text)]
+ return []
+ def do_show(self, data):
+ try:
+ self.dataObject.do_show(data)
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "Exception in show command:", e
+ def complete_query(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
+ return []
+ def do_query(self, data):
+ try:
+ self.dataObject.do_query(data)
+ except Exception, e:
+ if e.message.__class__ == qmf2.Data:
+ e = e.message.getProperties()
+ print "Exception in query command:", e
+ def do_call(self, data):
+ try:
+ self.dataObject.do_call(data)
+ except Exception, e:
+ if e.message.__class__ == qmf2.Data:
+ e = e.message.getProperties()
+ print "Exception in call command:", e
+ def do_clear(self, data):
+ try:
+ self.dataObject.do_clear(data)
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "Exception in clear command:", e
+ def do_EOF(self, data):
+ print "quit"
+ try:
+ self.dataObject.do_exit()
+ except:
+ pass
+ return True
+ def do_quit(self, data):
+ try:
+ self.dataObject.do_exit()
+ except:
+ pass
+ return True
+ def postcmd(self, stop, line):
+ return stop
+ def postloop(self):
+ print "Exiting..."
+ self.dataObject.close()
+# QmfData
+class QmfData:
+ """
+ """
+ def __init__(self, disp, url, conn_options, qmf_options):
+ self.disp = disp
+ self.url = url
+ self.conn_options = conn_options
+ self.qmf_options = qmf_options
+ self.agent_filter = '[]'
+ self.connection = qpid_messaging.Connection(self.url, **self.conn_options)
+ self.session = qmf2.ConsoleSession(self.connection, self.qmf_options)
+ self.session.setAgentFilter(self.agent_filter)
+ self.lock = Lock()
+ self.cli = None
+ self.agents = {} # Map of number => agent object
+ self.deleted_agents = {} # Map of number => agent object
+ self.agent_numbers = {} # Map of agent name => number
+ self.next_number = 1
+ self.focus_agent = None
+ self.data_list = {}
+ self.next_data_index = 1
+ #=======================
+ # Methods to support CLI
+ #=======================
+ def setCli(self, cli):
+ self.cli = cli
+ def close(self):
+ try:
+ self.session.close()
+ self.connection.close()
+ except:
+ pass # we're shutting down - ignore any errors
+ def do_list(self, data):
+ tokens = data.split()
+ if len(tokens) == 0:
+ self.listData()
+ elif tokens[0] == 'agents' or tokens[0] == 'agent':
+ self.listAgents()
+ elif tokens[0] == 'packages' or tokens[0] == 'package':
+ self.listPackages()
+ elif tokens[0] == 'classes' or tokens[0] == 'class':
+ self.listClasses(tokens[1:])
+ def do_set(self, data):
+ tokens = split(data)
+ if len(tokens) == 0:
+ print "What do you want to set? type 'help' for more information."
+ return
+ if tokens[0] == 'filter':
+ if len(tokens) == 2:
+ self.setAgentFilter(tokens[1])
+ elif tokens[0] == 'default':
+ if len(tokens) == 2:
+ self.updateAgents()
+ number = int(tokens[1])
+ self.focus_agent = self.agents[number]
+ print "Default Agent: %s" % self.focus_agent.getName()
+ def do_show(self, data):
+ tokens = split(data)
+ if len(tokens) == 0:
+ print "What do you want to show? Type 'help' for more information."
+ return
+ if tokens[0] == 'options':
+ print "Options used in this session:"
+ print " Connection Options : %s" % self.scrubConnOptions()
+ print " QMF Session Options: %s" % self.qmf_options
+ return
+ if tokens[0] == 'agent':
+ self.showAgent(tokens[1:])
+ return
+ if tokens[0] == 'filter':
+ print self.agent_filter
+ return
+ if tokens[0] == "default":
+ if not self.focus_agent:
+ self.updateAgents()
+ if self.focus_agent:
+ print "Default Agent: %s" % self.focus_agent.getName()
+ else:
+ print "Default Agent not set"
+ return
+ if tokens[0] == "class":
+ self.showClass(tokens[1:])
+ return
+ if tokens[0].isdigit():
+ self.showData(tokens[0])
+ return
+ print "What do you want to show? Type 'help' for more information."
+ return
+ def do_query(self, data):
+ tokens = split(data)
+ if len(tokens) == 0:
+ print "Class name not specified."
+ return
+ cname = tokens[0]
+ pname = None
+ pred = None
+ if len(tokens) >= 2:
+ if tokens[1][0] == '[':
+ pred = tokens[1]
+ else:
+ pname = tokens[1]
+ if len(tokens) >= 3:
+ pred = tokens[2]
+ query = "{class:'%s'" % cname
+ if pname:
+ query += ",package:'%s'" % pname
+ if pred:
+ query += ",where:%s" % pred
+ query += "}"
+ if not self.focus_agent:
+ self.updateAgents()
+ d_list = self.focus_agent.query(query)
+ local_data_list = {}
+ for d in d_list:
+ local_data_list[self.next_data_index] = d
+ self.next_data_index += 1
+ rows = []
+ for index,val in local_data_list.items():
+ rows.append((index, val.getAddr().getName()))
+ self.data_list[index] = val
+ self.disp.table("Data Objects Returned: %d:" % len(d_list), ("Number", "Data Address"), rows)
+ def do_call(self, data):
+ tokens = split(data)
+ if len(tokens) < 2:
+ print "Data ID and method-name not specified."
+ return
+ idx = int(tokens[0])
+ methodName = tokens[1]
+ args = []
+ for arg in tokens[2:]:
+ ##
+ ## If the argument is a map, list, boolean, integer, or floating (one decimal point),
+ ## run it through the Python evaluator so it is converted to the correct type.
+ ##
+ ## TODO: use a regex for this instead of this convoluted logic
+ if arg[0] == '{' or arg[0] == '[' or arg == "True" or arg == "False" or \
+ ((arg.count('.') < 2 and (arg.count('-') == 0 or \
+ (arg.count('-') == 1 and arg[0] == '-')) and \
+ arg.replace('.','').replace('-','').isdigit())):
+ args.append(eval(arg))
+ else:
+ args.append(arg)
+ if not idx in self.data_list:
+ print "Unknown data index, run 'query' to get a list of data indices"
+ return
+ data = self.data_list[idx]
+ data._getSchema()
+ result = data._invoke(methodName, args, {})
+ rows = []
+ for k,v in result.items():
+ rows.append((k,v))
+ self.disp.table("Output Parameters:", ("Name", "Value"), rows)
+ def do_clear(self, data):
+ self.data_list = {}
+ self.next_data_index = 1
+ print "Accumulated query results cleared"
+ def do_exit(self):
+ pass
+ #====================
+ # Sub-Command Methods
+ #====================
+ def setAgentFilter(self, filt):
+ self.agent_filter = filt
+ self.session.setAgentFilter(filt)
+ def updateAgents(self):
+ agents = self.session.getAgents()
+ number_list = []
+ for agent in agents:
+ if agent.getName() not in self.agent_numbers:
+ number = self.next_number
+ number_list.append(number)
+ self.next_number += 1
+ self.agent_numbers[agent.getName()] = number
+ self.agents[number] = agent
+ else:
+ ## Track seen agents so we can clean out deleted ones
+ number = self.agent_numbers[agent.getName()]
+ number_list.append(number)
+ if number in self.deleted_agents:
+ self.agents[number] = self.deleted_agents.pop(number)
+ deleted = []
+ for number in self.agents:
+ if number not in number_list:
+ deleted.append(number)
+ for number in deleted:
+ self.deleted_agents[number] = self.agents.pop(number)
+ if not self.focus_agent:
+ self.focus_agent = self.session.getConnectedBrokerAgent()
+ def listAgents(self):
+ self.updateAgents()
+ rows = []
+ for number in self.agents:
+ agent = self.agents[number]
+ if self.focus_agent and agent.getName() == self.focus_agent.getName():
+ d = '*'
+ else:
+ d = ''
+ rows.append((d, number, agent.getVendor(), agent.getProduct(), agent.getInstance(), agent.getEpoch()))
+ self.disp.table("QMF Agents:", ("", "Id", "Vendor", "Product", "Instance", "Epoch"), rows)
+ def listPackages(self):
+ if not self.focus_agent:
+ raise "Default Agent not set - use 'set default'"
+ self.focus_agent.loadSchemaInfo()
+ packages = self.focus_agent.getPackages()
+ for p in packages:
+ print " %s" % p
+ def getClasses(self, tokens):
+ if not self.focus_agent:
+ raise "Default Agent not set - use 'set default'"
+ return
+ self.focus_agent.loadSchemaInfo()
+ if len(tokens) == 1:
+ classes = self.focus_agent.getSchemaIds(tokens[0]);
+ else:
+ packages = self.focus_agent.getPackages()
+ classes = []
+ for p in packages:
+ classes.extend(self.focus_agent.getSchemaIds(p))
+ return classes
+ def listClasses(self, tokens):
+ classes = self.getClasses(tokens)
+ rows = []
+ for c in classes:
+ rows.append((c.getPackageName(), c.getName(), self.classTypeName(c.getType())))
+ self.disp.table("Classes:", ("Package", "Class", "Type"), rows)
+ def showClass(self, tokens):
+ if len(tokens) < 1:
+ return
+ classes = self.getClasses([])
+ c = tokens[0]
+ p = None
+ if len(tokens) == 2:
+ p = tokens[1]
+ schema = None
+ sid = None
+ for cls in classes:
+ if c == cls.getName():
+ if not p or p == cls.getPackageName():
+ schema = self.focus_agent.getSchema(cls)
+ sid = cls
+ break
+ if not sid:
+ return
+ print "Class: %s:%s (%s) - %s" % \
+ (sid.getPackageName(), sid.getName(), self.classTypeName(sid.getType()), schema.getDesc())
+ print " hash: %r" % sid.getHash()
+ props = schema.getProperties()
+ methods = schema.getMethods()
+ rows = []
+ for prop in props:
+ name = prop.getName()
+ dtype = self.typeName(prop.getType())
+ if len(prop.getSubtype()) > 0:
+ dtype += "(%s)" % prop.getSubtype()
+ access = self.accessName(prop.getAccess())
+ idx = self.yes_blank(prop.isIndex())
+ opt = self.yes_blank(prop.isOptional())
+ unit = prop.getUnit()
+ desc = prop.getDesc()
+ rows.append((name, dtype, idx, access, opt, unit, desc))
+ self.disp.table("Properties:", ("Name", "Type", "Index", "Access", "Optional", "Unit", "Description"), rows)
+ if len(methods) > 0:
+ for meth in methods:
+ name = meth.getName()
+ desc = meth.getDesc()
+ if len(desc) > 0:
+ desc = " - " + desc
+ args = meth.getArguments()
+ rows = []
+ for prop in args:
+ aname = prop.getName()
+ dtype = self.typeName(prop.getType())
+ if len(prop.getSubtype()) > 0:
+ dtype += "(%s)" % prop.getSubtype()
+ unit = prop.getUnit()
+ adesc = prop.getDesc()
+ io = self.dirName(prop.getDirection())
+ rows.append((aname, dtype, io, unit, adesc))
+ print
+ print " Method: %s%s" % (name, desc)
+ self.disp.table("Arguments:", ("Name", "Type", "Dir", "Unit", "Description"), rows)
+ def showAgent(self, tokens):
+ self.updateAgents()
+ for token in tokens:
+ number = int(token)
+ agent = self.agents[number]
+ print
+ print " =================================================================================="
+ print " Agent Id: %d" % number
+ print " Agent Name: %s" % agent.getName()
+ print " Epoch: %d" % agent.getEpoch()
+ print " Attributes:"
+ attrs = agent.getAttributes()
+ keys = attrs.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ pairs = []
+ for key in keys:
+ if key == '_timestamp' or key == '_schema_updated':
+ val = disp.timestamp(attrs[key])
+ else:
+ val = attrs[key]
+ pairs.append((key, val))
+ self.printAlignedPairs(pairs)
+ agent.loadSchemaInfo()
+ print " Packages:"
+ packages = agent.getPackages()
+ for package in packages:
+ print " %s" % package
+ def showData(self, idx):
+ num = int(idx)
+ if not num in self.data_list:
+ print "Data ID not known, run 'query' first to get data"
+ return
+ data = self.data_list[num]
+ props = data.getProperties()
+ rows = []
+ for k,v in props.items():
+ rows.append((k, v))
+ self.disp.table("Properties:", ("Name", "Value"), rows)
+ def listData(self):
+ if len(self.data_list) == 0:
+ print "No Query Results - Use the 'query' command"
+ return
+ rows = []
+ for index,val in self.data_list.items():
+ rows.append((index, val.getAgent().getName(), val.getAddr().getName()))
+ self.disp.table("Accumulated Query Results:", ('Number', 'Agent', 'Data Address'), rows)
+ def printAlignedPairs(self, rows, indent=8):
+ maxlen = 0
+ for first, second in rows:
+ if len(first) > maxlen:
+ maxlen = len(first)
+ maxlen += indent
+ for first, second in rows:
+ for i in range(maxlen - len(first)):
+ print "",
+ print "%s : %s" % (first, second)
+ def classTypeName(self, code):
+ if code == qmf2.SCHEMA_TYPE_DATA: return "Data"
+ if code == qmf2.SCHEMA_TYPE_EVENT: return "Event"
+ return "Unknown"
+ def typeName (self, typecode):
+ """ Convert type-codes to printable strings """
+ if typecode == qmf2.SCHEMA_DATA_VOID: return "void"
+ elif typecode == qmf2.SCHEMA_DATA_BOOL: return "bool"
+ elif typecode == qmf2.SCHEMA_DATA_INT: return "int"
+ elif typecode == qmf2.SCHEMA_DATA_FLOAT: return "float"
+ elif typecode == qmf2.SCHEMA_DATA_STRING: return "string"
+ elif typecode == qmf2.SCHEMA_DATA_MAP: return "map"
+ elif typecode == qmf2.SCHEMA_DATA_LIST: return "list"
+ elif typecode == qmf2.SCHEMA_DATA_UUID: return "uuid"
+ else:
+ raise ValueError ("Invalid type code: %s" % str(typecode))
+ def valueByType(self, typecode, val):
+ if typecode == 1: return "%d" % val
+ elif typecode == 2: return "%d" % val
+ elif typecode == 3: return "%d" % val
+ elif typecode == 4: return "%d" % val
+ elif typecode == 6: return val
+ elif typecode == 7: return val
+ elif typecode == 8: return strftime("%c", gmtime(val / 1000000000))
+ elif typecode == 9:
+ if val < 0: val = 0
+ sec = val / 1000000000
+ min = sec / 60
+ hour = min / 60
+ day = hour / 24
+ result = ""
+ if day > 0:
+ result = "%dd " % day
+ if hour > 0 or result != "":
+ result += "%dh " % (hour % 24)
+ if min > 0 or result != "":
+ result += "%dm " % (min % 60)
+ result += "%ds" % (sec % 60)
+ return result
+ elif typecode == 10: return str(self.idRegistry.displayId(val))
+ elif typecode == 11:
+ if val:
+ return "True"
+ else:
+ return "False"
+ elif typecode == 12: return "%f" % val
+ elif typecode == 13: return "%f" % val
+ elif typecode == 14: return "%r" % val
+ elif typecode == 15: return "%r" % val
+ elif typecode == 16: return "%d" % val
+ elif typecode == 17: return "%d" % val
+ elif typecode == 18: return "%d" % val
+ elif typecode == 19: return "%d" % val
+ elif typecode == 20: return "%r" % val
+ elif typecode == 21: return "%r" % val
+ elif typecode == 22: return "%r" % val
+ else:
+ raise ValueError ("Invalid type code: %s" % str(typecode))
+ def accessName (self, code):
+ """ Convert element access codes to printable strings """
+ if code == qmf2.ACCESS_READ_CREATE: return "ReadCreate"
+ elif code == qmf2.ACCESS_READ_WRITE: return "ReadWrite"
+ elif code == qmf2.ACCESS_READ_ONLY: return "ReadOnly"
+ else:
+ raise ValueError ("Invalid access code: %s" % str(code))
+ def dirName(self, io):
+ if io == qmf2.DIR_IN: return "in"
+ elif io == qmf2.DIR_OUT: return "out"
+ elif io == qmf2.DIR_IN_OUT: return "in_out"
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid direction code: %r" % io)
+ def notNone (self, text):
+ if text == None:
+ return ""
+ else:
+ return text
+ def yes_blank(self, val):
+ if val:
+ return "Y"
+ return ""
+ def objectIndex(self, obj):
+ if obj._objectId.isV2:
+ return obj._objectId.getObject()
+ result = ""
+ first = True
+ props = obj.getProperties()
+ for prop in props:
+ if prop[0].index:
+ if not first:
+ result += "."
+ result += self.valueByType(prop[0].type, prop[1])
+ first = None
+ return result
+ def scrubConnOptions(self):
+ scrubbed = {}
+ for key, val in self.conn_options.items():
+ if key == "password":
+ val = "***"
+ scrubbed[key] = val
+ return str(scrubbed)
+# Main Program
+ oa = OptsAndArgs(sys.argv)
+ host, conn_options, qmf_options = oa.parse()
+except Exception, e:
+ print "Parse Error: %s" % e
+ sys.exit(1)
+disp = Display()
+# Attempt to make a connection to the target broker
+ data = QmfData(disp, host, conn_options, qmf_options)
+except Exception, e:
+ if str(e).find("Exchange not found") != -1:
+ print "Management not enabled on broker: Use '-m yes' option on broker startup."
+ else:
+ print "Failed: %s - %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e)
+ sys.exit(1)
+# Instantiate the CLI interpreter and launch it.
+cli = Mcli(data, disp)
+print("Management Tool for QMF")
+ cli.cmdloop()
+except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print
+ print "Exiting..."
+except Exception, e:
+ print "Failed: %s - %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e)
+# alway attempt to cleanup broker resources