path: root/qpid/cpp/management/python/bin/qpid-send
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'qpid/cpp/management/python/bin/qpid-send')
1 files changed, 281 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qpid/cpp/management/python/bin/qpid-send b/qpid/cpp/management/python/bin/qpid-send
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..b0105e41a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qpid/cpp/management/python/bin/qpid-send
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import optparse, random, os, time, uuid
+from qpid.messaging import *
+import statistics
+EOS = "eos"
+SN = "sn"
+TS = "ts"
+TIME_SEC = 1000000000
+SECOND = 1000
+def nameval(st):
+ idx = st.find("=")
+ if idx >= 0:
+ name = st[0:idx]
+ value = st[idx+1:]
+ else:
+ name = st
+ value = None
+ return name, value
+op = optparse.OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options]", description="Spouts messages to the specified address")
+op.add_option("-b", "--broker", default="localhost:5672", type="str", help="url of broker to connect to")
+op.add_option("-a", "--address", type="str", help="address to send to")
+op.add_option("--connection-options", default={}, help="options for the connection")
+op.add_option("-m", "--messages", default=1, type="int", help="stop after N messages have been sent, 0 means no limit")
+op.add_option("-i", "--id", type="str", help="use the supplied id instead of generating one")
+op.add_option("--reply-to", type="str", help="specify reply-to address")
+op.add_option("--send-eos", default=0, type="int", help="Send N EOS messages to mark end of input")
+op.add_option("--durable", default=False, action="store_true", help="Mark messages as durable")
+op.add_option("--ttl", default=0, type="int", help="Time-to-live for messages, in milliseconds")
+op.add_option("--priority", default=0, type="int", help="Priority for messages (higher value implies higher priority)")
+op.add_option("-P", "--property", default=[], action="append", type="str", help="specify message property")
+op.add_option("--correlation-id", type="str", help="correlation-id for message")
+op.add_option("--user-id", type="str", help="userid for message")
+op.add_option("--content-string", type="str", help="use CONTENT as message content")
+op.add_option("--content-size", default=0, type="int", help="create an N-byte message content")
+op.add_option("-M", "--content-map", default=[], action="append", type="str", help="specify entry for map content")
+op.add_option("--content-stdin", default=False, action="store_true", help="read message content from stdin, one line per message")
+op.add_option("--capacity", default=1000, type="int", help="size of the senders outgoing message queue")
+op.add_option("--tx", default=0, type="int", help="batch size for transactions (0 implies transaction are not used)")
+op.add_option("--rollback-frequency", default=0, type="int", help="rollback frequency (0 implies no transaction will be rolledback)")
+op.add_option("--failover-updates", default=False, action="store_true", help="Listen for membership updates distributed via amq.failover")
+op.add_option("--report-total", default=False, action="store_true", help="Report total throughput statistics")
+op.add_option("--report-every", default=0, type="int", help="Report throughput statistics every N messages")
+op.add_option("--report-header", type="str", default="yes", help="Headers on report")
+op.add_option("--send-rate", default=0, type="int", help="Send at rate of N messages/second. 0 means send as fast as possible")
+op.add_option("--flow-control", default=0, type="int", help="Do end to end flow control to limit queue depth to 2*N. 0 means no flow control.")
+op.add_option("--sequence", type="str", default="yes", help="Add a sequence number messages property (required for duplicate/lost message detection)")
+op.add_option("--timestamp", type="str", default="yes", help="Add a time stamp messages property (required for latency measurement)")
+op.add_option("--group-key", type="str", help="Generate groups of messages using message header 'KEY' to hold the group identifier")
+op.add_option("--group-prefix", default="GROUP-", type="str", help="Generate group identifers with 'STRING' prefix (if group-key specified)")
+op.add_option("--group-size", default=10, type="int", help="Number of messages per a group (if group-key specified)")
+op.add_option("--group-randomize-size", default=False, action="store_true", help="Randomize the number of messages per group to [] (if group-key specified)")
+op.add_option("--group-interleave", default=1, type="int", help="Simultaineously interleave messages from N different groups (if group-key specified)")
+class ContentGenerator:
+ def setContent(self, msg):
+ return
+class GetlineContentGenerator(ContentGenerator):
+ def setContent(self, msg):
+ content = sys.stdin.readline()
+ got = (not line)
+ if (got):
+ msg.content = content
+ return got
+class FixedContentGenerator(ContentGenerator):
+ def __init__(self, content=None):
+ self.content = content
+ def setContent(self, msg):
+ msg.content = self.content
+ return True
+class MapContentGenerator(ContentGenerator):
+ def __init__(self, opts=None):
+ self.opts = opts
+ def setContent(self, msg):
+ self.content = {}
+ for e in self.opts.content_map:
+ name, val = nameval(p)
+ content[name] = val
+ msg.content = self.content
+ return True
+# tag each generated message with a group identifer
+class GroupGenerator:
+ def __init__(self, key, prefix, size, randomize, interleave):
+ groupKey = key
+ groupPrefix = prefix
+ groupSize = size
+ randomizeSize = randomize
+ groupSuffix = 0
+ if (randomize > 0):
+ random.seed(os.getpid())
+ for i in range(0, interleave):
+ self.newGroup()
+ current = 0
+ def setGroupInfo(self, msg):
+ if (current == len(groups)):
+ current = 0
+ my_group = groups[current]
+[groupKey] = my_group[id];
+ # print "SENDING GROUPID=[%s]\n" % my_group[id]
+ my_group[count]=my_group[count]+1
+ if (my_group[count] == my_group[size]):
+ self.newGroup()
+ del groups[current]
+ else:
+ current+=1
+ def newGroup(self):
+ groupId = "%s%s" % (groupPrefix, groupSuffix)
+ groupSuffix+=1
+ size = groupSize
+ if (randomizeSize == True):
+ size = random.randint(1,groupSize)
+ # print "New group: GROUPID=["%s] size=%s" % (groupId, size)
+ groups.append({'id':groupId, 'size':size, 'count':0})
+def main():
+ opts, args = op.parse_args()
+ if not opts.address:
+ raise Exception("Address must be specified!")
+ broker =
+ address = opts.address
+ connection = Connection(, **opts.connection_options)
+ try:
+ if (opts.failover_updates):
+ auto_fetch_reconnect_urls(connection)
+ session = connection.session(transactional=(opts.tx))
+ sender = session.sender(opts.address)
+ if (opts.capacity>0):
+ sender.capacity = opts.capacity
+ sent = 0
+ txCount = 0
+ stats = statistics.Throughput()
+ reporter = statistics.Reporter(opts.report_every, opts.report_header == "yes", stats)
+ contentGen = ContentGenerator()
+ content = "" # auxiliary variable for determining content type of message - needs to be changed to {} for Map message
+ if opts.content_stdin:
+ opts.messages = 0 # Don't limit number of messages sent.
+ contentGen = GetlineContentGenerator()
+ elif opts.content_map is not None:
+ contentGen = MapContentGenerator(opts)
+ content = {}
+ elif opts.content_size is not None:
+ contentGen = FixedContentGenerator('X' * opts.content_size)
+ else:
+ contentGen = FixedContentGenerator(opts.content_string)
+ if opts.group_key is not None:
+ groupGen = GroupGenerator(opts.group_key, opts.group_prefix, opts.group_size, opts.group_random_size, opts.group_interleave)
+ msg = Message(content=content)
+ msg.durable = opts.durable
+ if opts.ttl:
+ msg.ttl = opts.ttl/1000.0
+ if opts.priority:
+ msg.priority = opts.priority
+ if opts.reply_to is not None:
+ if opts.flow_control > 0:
+ raise Exception("Can't use reply-to and flow-control together")
+ msg.reply_to = opts.reply_to
+ if opts.user_id is not None:
+ msg.user_id = opts.user_id
+ if opts.correlation_id is not None:
+ msg.correlation_id = opts.correlation_id
+ for p in
+ name, val = nameval(p)
+[name] = val
+ start = time.time()*TIME_SEC
+ interval = 0
+ if opts.send_rate > 0:
+ interval = TIME_SEC/opts.send_rate
+ flowControlAddress = "flow-" + str(uuid.uuid1()) + ";{create:always,delete:always}"
+ flowSent = 0
+ if opts.flow_control > 0:
+ flowControlReceiver = session.receiver(flowControlAddress)
+ flowControlReceiver.capacity = 2
+ while (contentGen.setContent(msg) == True):
+ sent+=1
+ if opts.sequence == "yes":
+[SN] = sent
+ if opts.flow_control > 0:
+ if (sent % opts.flow_control == 0):
+ msg.reply_to = flowControlAddress
+ flowSent+=1
+ else:
+ msg.reply_to = "" # Clear the reply address.
+ if 'groupGen' in vars():
+ groupGen.setGroupInfo(msg)
+ if (opts.timestamp == "yes"):
+[TS] = int(time.time()*TIME_SEC)
+ sender.send(msg)
+ reporter.message(msg)
+ if ((opts.tx > 0) and (sent % opts.tx == 0)):
+ txCount+=1
+ if ((opts.rollbackFrequency > 0) and (txCount % opts.rollbackFrequency == 0)):
+ session.rollback()
+ else:
+ session.commit()
+ if ((opts.messages > 0) and (sent >= opts.messages)):
+ break
+ if (opts.flow_control > 0) and (flowSent == 2):
+ flowControlReceiver.fetch(timeout=SECOND)
+ flowSent -= 1
+ if (opts.send_rate > 0):
+ delay = start + sent*interval - time.time()*TIME_SEC
+ if (delay > 0):
+ time.sleep(delay)
+ #end of while
+ while flowSent > 0:
+ flowControlReceiver.fetch(timeout=SECOND)
+ flowSent -= 1
+ if (opts.report_total):
+ for i in reversed(range(1,opts.send_eos+1)):
+ if (opts.sequence == "yes"):
+ sent+=1
+[SN] = sent
+[EOS] = True #TODO (also in C++ client): add in ability to send digest or similar
+ sender.send(msg)
+ if ((opts.tx > 0) and (sent % opts.tx == 0)):
+ txCount+=1
+ if ((opts.rollback_frequency > 0) and (txCount % opts.rollback_frequency == 0)):
+ session.rollback()
+ else:
+ session.commit()
+ session.sync()
+ session.close()
+ connection.close()
+ except Exception,e:
+ print e
+ connection.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__": main()