path: root/qpid/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/Session.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'qpid/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/Session.rb')
1 files changed, 199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qpid/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/Session.rb b/qpid/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/Session.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2f06bfcd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qpid/cpp/rubygen/framing.0-10/Session.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# Usage: output_directory xml_spec_file [xml_spec_file...]
+$: << '..'
+require 'cppgen'
+class CppGen
+ def session_methods
+ excludes = ["connection", "session", "file", "stream"]
+ gen_methods=@amqp.methods_on(@chassis).reject { |m|
+ excludes.include? or m.body_name.include?("010")
+ }
+ end
+ def doxygen(m)
+ doxygen_comment {
+ genl m.doc
+ genl
+ m.fields_c.each { |f|
+ genl "@param #{f.cppname}"
+ genl f.doc if f.doc
+ genl
+ }
+ }
+ end
+class ContentField # For extra content parameters
+ def cppname() "content" end
+ def signature() "const MethodContent& content" end
+ def sig_default() signature+"="+"DefaultContent(std::string())" end
+ def unpack() "p[arg::content|DefaultContent(std::string())]"; end
+ def doc() "Message content"; end
+class AmqpField
+ def unpack() "p[arg::#{cppname}|#{cpptype.default_value}]"; end
+ def sig_default() signature+"="+cpptype.default_value; end
+class AmqpMethod
+ def fields_c() content ? fields+[] : fields end
+ def param_names_c() { |f| f.cppname} end
+ def signature_c() { |f| f.signature }; end
+ def sig_c_default() { |f| f.sig_default }; end
+ def argpack_name() "#{parent.cppname}#{name.caps}Parameters"; end
+ def argpack_type()
+ "boost::parameter::parameters<" +
+ { |f| "arg::keyword_tags::"+f.cppname }.join(',') +
+ ">"
+ end
+ def return_type()
+ return "TypedResult<qpid::framing::#{result.cpptype.ret_by_val}>" if (result)
+ return "Response" if (not responses().empty?)
+ return "Completion"
+ end
+ def session_function() "#{}#{name.caps}"; end
+class SessionNoKeywordGen < CppGen
+ def initialize(outdir, amqp)
+ super(outdir, amqp)
+ @chassis="server"
+ @namespace,@classname,@file=
+ parse_classname "qpid::client::no_keyword::Session_#{@amqp.version.bars}"
+ end
+ def generate()
+ h_file(@file) {
+ include "qpid/client/SessionBase.h"
+ namespace("qpid::client") {
+ genl "using std::string;"
+ genl "using framing::Content;"
+ genl "using framing::FieldTable;"
+ genl "using framing::MethodContent;"
+ genl "using framing::SequenceNumber;"
+ genl "using framing::SequenceSet;"
+ genl "using framing::Uuid;"
+ #the following are nasty... would be better to dynamically
+ #include such statements based on params required
+ genl "using framing::Xid;"
+ genl
+ namespace("no_keyword") {
+ doxygen_comment {
+ genl "AMQP #{@amqp.version} session API."
+ genl @amqp.class_("session").doc
+ }
+ cpp_class(@classname, "public SessionBase") {
+ public
+ genl "Session_#{@amqp.version.bars}() {}"
+ genl "Session_#{@amqp.version.bars}(shared_ptr<SessionImpl> core) : SessionBase(core) {}"
+ session_methods.each { |m|
+ genl
+ doxygen(m)
+ args=m.sig_c_default.join(", ")
+ genl "#{m.return_type} #{m.session_function}(#{args});"
+ }
+ }}}}
+ cpp_file(@file) {
+ include @classname
+ include "qpid/framing/all_method_bodies.h"
+ namespace(@namespace) {
+ genl "using namespace framing;"
+ session_methods.each { |m|
+ genl
+ sig=m.signature_c.join(", ")
+ func="#{@classname}::#{m.session_function}"
+ scope("#{m.return_type} #{func}(#{sig}) {") {
+ args=(["ProtocolVersion()"]+m.param_names).join(", ")
+ body="#{m.body_name}(#{args})"
+ sendargs=body
+ sendargs << ", content" if m.content
+ genl "return #{m.return_type}(impl->send(#{sendargs}), impl);"
+ }}}}
+ end
+class SessionGen < CppGen
+ def initialize(outdir, amqp)
+ super(outdir, amqp)
+ @chassis="server"
+ session="Session_#{@amqp.version.bars}"
+ @base="no_keyword::#{session}"
+ "qpid::client::#{session}"
+ end
+ def gen_keyword_decl(m, prefix)
+ return if m.fields_c.empty? # Inherited function will do.
+ scope("BOOST_PARAMETER_MEMFUN(#{m.return_type}, #{m.session_function}, 0, #{m.fields_c.size}, #{m.argpack_name}) {") {
+ scope("return #{prefix}#{m.session_function}(",");") {
+ gen { |f| f.unpack() }.join(",\n")
+ }
+ }
+ genl
+ end
+ def generate()
+ keyword_methods=session_methods.reject { |m| m.fields_c.empty? }
+ max_arity ={ |m| m.fields_c.size }.max
+ h_file(@fqclass.file) {
+ include @fqbase.file
+ genl
+ genl "#define BOOST_PARAMETER_MAX_ARITY #{max_arity}"
+ include "<boost/parameter.hpp>"
+ genl
+ namespace("qpid::client") {
+ # Generate keyword tag declarations.
+ namespace("arg") {
+{ |m| m.param_names_c }.flatten.uniq.each { |k|
+ genl "BOOST_PARAMETER_KEYWORD(keyword_tags, #{k})"
+ }}
+ genl
+ # Doxygen comment.
+ doxygen_comment {
+ genl "AMQP #{@amqp.version} session API with keyword arguments."
+ genl <<EOS
+This class provides the same set of functions as #{@base}, but also
+allows parameters be passed using keywords. The keyword is the
+parameter name in the namespace "arg".
+For example given the normal function "foo(int x=0, int y=0, int z=0)"
+you could call it in either of the following ways:
+@code,2,3); // Normal no keywords, arg::x=1); // Keywords and a default
+The keyword functions are easy to use but their declarations are hard
+to read. You may find it easier to read the documentation for #{@base}
+which provides the same set of functions using normal non-keyword
+\\ingroup clientapi
+ }
+ # Session class.
+ cpp_class(@classname,"public #{@base}") {
+ private
+ genl "#{@classname}(shared_ptr<SessionImpl> core) : #{ @base}(core) {}"
+ keyword_methods.each { |m| typedef m.argpack_type, m.argpack_name }
+ genl "friend class Connection;"
+ public
+ genl "#{@classname}() {}"
+ keyword_methods.each { |m| gen_keyword_decl(m,@base+"::") }
+ }}}
+ end
+[0], $amqp).generate()[0], $amqp).generate()