path: root/qpid/cpp/src/qpid/management/ManagementAgent.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'qpid/cpp/src/qpid/management/ManagementAgent.h')
1 files changed, 432 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qpid/cpp/src/qpid/management/ManagementAgent.h b/qpid/cpp/src/qpid/management/ManagementAgent.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb15dc6ed1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qpid/cpp/src/qpid/management/ManagementAgent.h
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+#ifndef _ManagementAgent_
+#define _ManagementAgent_
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *
+ */
+#include "qpid/broker/BrokerImportExport.h"
+#include "qpid/Options.h"
+#include "qpid/broker/Exchange.h"
+#include "qpid/framing/Uuid.h"
+#include "qpid/sys/Mutex.h"
+#include "qpid/sys/Timer.h"
+#include "qpid/broker/ConnectionToken.h"
+#include "qpid/management/ManagementObject.h"
+#include "qpid/management/ManagementEvent.h"
+#include "qpid/management/Manageable.h"
+#include "qmf/org/apache/qpid/broker/Agent.h"
+#include "qpid/types/Variant.h"
+#include <qpid/framing/AMQFrame.h>
+#include <qpid/framing/FieldValue.h>
+#include <qpid/framing/ResizableBuffer.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+namespace qpid {
+namespace broker {
+class ConnectionState;
+namespace management {
+class ManagementAgent
+ int threadPoolSize;
+ typedef enum {
+ SEV_EMERG = 0,
+ SEV_ALERT = 1,
+ SEV_CRIT = 2,
+ SEV_ERROR = 3,
+ SEV_WARN = 4,
+ SEV_NOTE = 5,
+ SEV_INFO = 6,
+ SEV_DEBUG = 7,
+ } severity_t;
+ ManagementAgent (const bool qmfV1, const bool qmfV2);
+ virtual ~ManagementAgent ();
+ /** Called before plugins are initialized */
+ void configure (const std::string& dataDir, uint16_t interval,
+ qpid::broker::Broker* broker, int threadPoolSize);
+ /** Called after plugins are initialized. */
+ void pluginsInitialized();
+ /** Called by cluster to suppress management output during update. */
+ void suppress(bool s) { suppressed = s; }
+ void setName(const std::string& vendor,
+ const std::string& product,
+ const std::string& instance="");
+ void getName(std::string& vendor, std::string& product, std::string& instance);
+ const std::string& getAddress();
+ void setInterval(uint16_t _interval) { interval = _interval; }
+ void setExchange(qpid::broker::Exchange::shared_ptr mgmtExchange,
+ qpid::broker::Exchange::shared_ptr directExchange);
+ void setExchangeV2(qpid::broker::Exchange::shared_ptr topicExchange,
+ qpid::broker::Exchange::shared_ptr directExchange);
+ int getMaxThreads () { return threadPoolSize; }
+ QPID_BROKER_EXTERN void registerClass (const std::string& packageName,
+ const std::string& className,
+ uint8_t* md5Sum,
+ ManagementObject::writeSchemaCall_t schemaCall);
+ QPID_BROKER_EXTERN void registerEvent (const std::string& packageName,
+ const std::string& eventName,
+ uint8_t* md5Sum,
+ ManagementObject::writeSchemaCall_t schemaCall);
+ QPID_BROKER_EXTERN ObjectId addObject (ManagementObject* object,
+ uint64_t persistId = 0,
+ bool persistent = false);
+ QPID_BROKER_EXTERN ObjectId addObject (ManagementObject* object,
+ const std::string& key,
+ bool persistent = false);
+ QPID_BROKER_EXTERN void raiseEvent(const ManagementEvent& event,
+ severity_t severity = SEV_DEFAULT);
+ QPID_BROKER_EXTERN void clientAdded (const std::string& routingKey);
+ QPID_BROKER_EXTERN void clusterUpdate();
+ bool dispatchCommand (qpid::broker::Deliverable& msg,
+ const std::string& routingKey,
+ const framing::FieldTable* args,
+ const bool topic,
+ int qmfVersion);
+ /** Disallow a method. Attempts to call it will receive an exception with message. */
+ void disallow(const std::string& className, const std::string& methodName, const std::string& message);
+ /** Disallow all QMFv1 methods (used in clustered brokers). */
+ void disallowV1Methods() { disallowAllV1Methods = true; }
+ /** Serialize my schemas as a binary blob into schemaOut */
+ void exportSchemas(std::string& schemaOut);
+ /** Serialize my remote-agent map as a binary blob into agentsOut */
+ void exportAgents(std::string& agentsOut);
+ /** Decode a serialized schemas and add to my schema cache */
+ void importSchemas(framing::Buffer& inBuf);
+ /** Decode a serialized agent map */
+ void importAgents(framing::Buffer& inBuf);
+ // these are in support of the managementSetup-state stuff, for synch'ing clustered brokers
+ uint64_t getNextObjectId(void) { return nextObjectId; }
+ void setNextObjectId(uint64_t o) { nextObjectId = o; }
+ uint16_t getBootSequence(void) { return bootSequence; }
+ void setBootSequence(uint16_t b) { bootSequence = b; writeData(); }
+ const framing::Uuid& getUuid() const { return uuid; }
+ void setUuid(const framing::Uuid& id) { uuid = id; writeData(); }
+ // TODO: remove these when Variant API moved into common library.
+ static types::Variant::Map toMap(const framing::FieldTable& from);
+ static framing::FieldTable fromMap(const types::Variant::Map& from);
+ static types::Variant::List toList(const framing::List& from);
+ static framing::List fromList(const types::Variant::List& from);
+ static boost::shared_ptr<framing::FieldValue> toFieldValue(const types::Variant& in);
+ static types::Variant toVariant(const boost::shared_ptr<framing::FieldValue>& val);
+ // For Clustering: management objects that have been marked as
+ // "deleted", but are waiting for their last published object
+ // update are not visible to the cluster replication code. These
+ // interfaces allow clustering to gather up all the management
+ // objects that are deleted in order to allow all clustered
+ // brokers to publish the same set of deleted objects.
+ class DeletedObject {
+ public:
+ typedef boost::shared_ptr<DeletedObject> shared_ptr;
+ DeletedObject(ManagementObject *, bool v1, bool v2);
+ DeletedObject( const std::string &encoded );
+ ~DeletedObject() {};
+ void encode( std::string& toBuffer );
+ const std::string getKey() const {
+ // used to batch up objects of the same class type
+ return std::string(packageName + std::string(":") + className);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class ManagementAgent;
+ std::string packageName;
+ std::string className;
+ std::string objectId;
+ std::string encodedV1Config; // qmfv1 properties
+ std::string encodedV1Inst; // qmfv1 statistics
+ qpid::types::Variant::Map encodedV2;
+ };
+ typedef std::vector<DeletedObject::shared_ptr> DeletedObjectList;
+ /** returns a snapshot of all currently deleted management objects. */
+ void exportDeletedObjects( DeletedObjectList& outList );
+ /** Import a list of deleted objects to send on next publish interval. */
+ void importDeletedObjects( const DeletedObjectList& inList );
+ struct Periodic : public qpid::sys::TimerTask
+ {
+ ManagementAgent& agent;
+ Periodic (ManagementAgent& agent, uint32_t seconds);
+ virtual ~Periodic ();
+ void fire ();
+ };
+ // Storage for tracking remote management agents, attached via the client
+ // management agent API.
+ //
+ struct RemoteAgent : public Manageable
+ {
+ ManagementAgent& agent;
+ uint32_t brokerBank;
+ uint32_t agentBank;
+ std::string routingKey;
+ ObjectId connectionRef;
+ qmf::org::apache::qpid::broker::Agent* mgmtObject;
+ RemoteAgent(ManagementAgent& _agent) : agent(_agent), mgmtObject(0) {}
+ ManagementObject* GetManagementObject (void) const { return mgmtObject; }
+ virtual ~RemoteAgent ();
+ void mapEncode(qpid::types::Variant::Map& _map) const;
+ void mapDecode(const qpid::types::Variant::Map& _map);
+ };
+ typedef std::map<ObjectId, boost::shared_ptr<RemoteAgent> > RemoteAgentMap;
+ // Storage for known schema classes:
+ //
+ // SchemaClassKey -- Key elements for map lookups
+ // SchemaClassKeyComp -- Comparison class for SchemaClassKey
+ // SchemaClass -- Non-key elements for classes
+ //
+ struct SchemaClassKey
+ {
+ std::string name;
+ uint8_t hash[16];
+ void mapEncode(qpid::types::Variant::Map& _map) const;
+ void mapDecode(const qpid::types::Variant::Map& _map);
+ void encode(framing::Buffer& buffer) const;
+ void decode(framing::Buffer& buffer);
+ uint32_t encodedBufSize() const;
+ };
+ struct SchemaClassKeyComp
+ {
+ bool operator() (const SchemaClassKey& lhs, const SchemaClassKey& rhs) const
+ {
+ if ( !=
+ return <;
+ else
+ for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ if (lhs.hash[i] != rhs.hash[i])
+ return lhs.hash[i] < rhs.hash[i];
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ struct SchemaClass
+ {
+ uint8_t kind;
+ ManagementObject::writeSchemaCall_t writeSchemaCall;
+ std::string data;
+ uint32_t pendingSequence;
+ SchemaClass(uint8_t _kind=0, uint32_t seq=0) :
+ kind(_kind), writeSchemaCall(0), pendingSequence(seq) {}
+ SchemaClass(uint8_t _kind, ManagementObject::writeSchemaCall_t call) :
+ kind(_kind), writeSchemaCall(call), pendingSequence(0) {}
+ bool hasSchema () { return (writeSchemaCall != 0) || !data.empty(); }
+ void appendSchema (framing::Buffer& buf);
+ void mapEncode(qpid::types::Variant::Map& _map) const;
+ void mapDecode(const qpid::types::Variant::Map& _map);
+ };
+ typedef std::map<SchemaClassKey, SchemaClass, SchemaClassKeyComp> ClassMap;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, ClassMap> PackageMap;
+ RemoteAgentMap remoteAgents;
+ PackageMap packages;
+ //
+ // Protected by userLock
+ //
+ ManagementObjectMap managementObjects;
+ //
+ // Protected by addLock
+ //
+ ManagementObjectVector newManagementObjects;
+ framing::Uuid uuid;
+ //
+ // Lock hierarchy: If a thread needs to take both addLock and userLock,
+ // it MUST take userLock first, then addLock.
+ //
+ sys::Mutex userLock;
+ sys::Mutex addLock;
+ qpid::broker::Exchange::shared_ptr mExchange;
+ qpid::broker::Exchange::shared_ptr dExchange;
+ qpid::broker::Exchange::shared_ptr v2Topic;
+ qpid::broker::Exchange::shared_ptr v2Direct;
+ std::string dataDir;
+ uint16_t interval;
+ qpid::broker::Broker* broker;
+ qpid::sys::Timer* timer;
+ uint16_t bootSequence;
+ uint32_t nextObjectId;
+ uint32_t brokerBank;
+ uint32_t nextRemoteBank;
+ uint32_t nextRequestSequence;
+ bool clientWasAdded;
+ const qpid::sys::AbsTime startTime;
+ bool suppressed;
+ typedef std::pair<std::string,std::string> MethodName;
+ typedef std::map<MethodName, std::string> DisallowedMethods;
+ DisallowedMethods disallowed;
+ bool disallowAllV1Methods;
+ // Agent name and address
+ qpid::types::Variant::Map attrMap;
+ std::string name_address;
+ std::string vendorNameKey; // "." --> "_"
+ std::string productNameKey; // "." --> "_"
+ std::string instanceNameKey; // "." --> "_"
+ // supported management protocol
+ bool qmf1Support;
+ bool qmf2Support;
+ // Maximum # of objects allowed in a single V2 response
+ // message.
+ uint32_t maxReplyObjs;
+ // list of objects that have been deleted, but have yet to be published
+ // one final time.
+ // Indexed by a string composed of the object's package and class name.
+ // Protected by userLock.
+ typedef std::map<std::string, DeletedObjectList> PendingDeletedObjsMap;
+ PendingDeletedObjsMap pendingDeletedObjs;
+# define MA_BUFFER_SIZE 65536
+ char inputBuffer[MA_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ char outputBuffer[MA_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ char eventBuffer[MA_BUFFER_SIZE];
+ framing::ResizableBuffer msgBuffer;
+ void writeData ();
+ void periodicProcessing (void);
+ void deleteObjectNowLH(const ObjectId& oid);
+ void encodeHeader (framing::Buffer& buf, uint8_t opcode, uint32_t seq = 0);
+ bool checkHeader (framing::Buffer& buf, uint8_t *opcode, uint32_t *seq);
+ void sendBufferLH(framing::Buffer& buf,
+ uint32_t length,
+ qpid::broker::Exchange::shared_ptr exchange,
+ const std::string& routingKey);
+ void sendBufferLH(framing::Buffer& buf,
+ uint32_t length,
+ const std::string& exchange,
+ const std::string& routingKey);
+ void sendBufferLH(const std::string& data,
+ const std::string& cid,
+ const qpid::types::Variant::Map& headers,
+ const std::string& content_type,
+ qpid::broker::Exchange::shared_ptr exchange,
+ const std::string& routingKey,
+ uint64_t ttl_msec = 0);
+ void sendBufferLH(const std::string& data,
+ const std::string& cid,
+ const qpid::types::Variant::Map& headers,
+ const std::string& content_type,
+ const std::string& exchange,
+ const std::string& routingKey,
+ uint64_t ttl_msec = 0);
+ void moveNewObjectsLH();
+ bool moveDeletedObjectsLH();
+ bool authorizeAgentMessageLH(qpid::broker::Message& msg);
+ void dispatchAgentCommandLH(qpid::broker::Message& msg, bool viaLocal=false);
+ PackageMap::iterator findOrAddPackageLH(std::string name);
+ void addClassLH(uint8_t kind,
+ PackageMap::iterator pIter,
+ const std::string& className,
+ uint8_t* md5Sum,
+ ManagementObject::writeSchemaCall_t schemaCall);
+ void encodePackageIndication (framing::Buffer& buf,
+ PackageMap::iterator pIter);
+ void encodeClassIndication (framing::Buffer& buf,
+ const std::string packageName,
+ const struct SchemaClassKey key,
+ uint8_t kind);
+ bool bankInUse (uint32_t bank);
+ uint32_t allocateNewBank ();
+ uint32_t assignBankLH (uint32_t requestedPrefix);
+ void deleteOrphanedAgentsLH();
+ void sendCommandCompleteLH(const std::string& replyToKey, uint32_t sequence,
+ uint32_t code = 0, const std::string& text = "OK");
+ void sendExceptionLH(const std::string& rte, const std::string& rtk, const std::string& cid, const std::string& text, uint32_t code=1, bool viaLocal=false);
+ void handleBrokerRequestLH (framing::Buffer& inBuffer, const std::string& replyToKey, uint32_t sequence);
+ void handlePackageQueryLH (framing::Buffer& inBuffer, const std::string& replyToKey, uint32_t sequence);
+ void handlePackageIndLH (framing::Buffer& inBuffer, const std::string& replyToKey, uint32_t sequence);
+ void handleClassQueryLH (framing::Buffer& inBuffer, const std::string& replyToKey, uint32_t sequence);
+ void handleClassIndLH (framing::Buffer& inBuffer, const std::string& replyToKey, uint32_t sequence);
+ void handleSchemaRequestLH (framing::Buffer& inBuffer, const std::string& replyToEx, const std::string& replyToKey, uint32_t sequence);
+ void handleSchemaResponseLH (framing::Buffer& inBuffer, const std::string& replyToKey, uint32_t sequence);
+ void handleAttachRequestLH (framing::Buffer& inBuffer, const std::string& replyToKey, uint32_t sequence, const qpid::broker::ConnectionToken* connToken);
+ void handleGetQueryLH (framing::Buffer& inBuffer, const std::string& replyToKey, uint32_t sequence);
+ void handleMethodRequestLH (framing::Buffer& inBuffer, const std::string& replyToKey, uint32_t sequence, const qpid::broker::ConnectionToken* connToken);
+ void handleGetQueryLH (const std::string& body, const std::string& replyToEx, const std::string& replyToKey, const std::string& cid, bool viaLocal);
+ void handleMethodRequestLH (const std::string& body, const std::string& replyToEx, const std::string& replyToKey, const std::string& cid, const qpid::broker::ConnectionToken* connToken, bool viaLocal);
+ void handleLocateRequestLH (const std::string& body, const std::string& replyToEx, const std::string &replyToKey, const std::string& cid);
+ size_t validateSchema(framing::Buffer&, uint8_t kind);
+ size_t validateTableSchema(framing::Buffer&);
+ size_t validateEventSchema(framing::Buffer&);
+ ManagementObjectMap::iterator numericFind(const ObjectId& oid);
+ std::string summarizeAgents();
+ void debugSnapshot(const char* title);
+void setManagementExecutionContext(const qpid::broker::ConnectionState*);
+const qpid::broker::ConnectionState* getManagementExecutionContext();
+#endif /*!_ManagementAgent_*/