path: root/qpid/extras/qmf/src/py/qmf/
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Diffstat (limited to 'qpid/extras/qmf/src/py/qmf/')
1 files changed, 4052 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qpid/extras/qmf/src/py/qmf/ b/qpid/extras/qmf/src/py/qmf/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67abf351d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qpid/extras/qmf/src/py/qmf/
@@ -0,0 +1,4052 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+""" Console API for Qpid Management Framework """
+import os
+import platform
+import qpid
+import struct
+import socket
+import re
+import sys
+from qpid.datatypes import UUID
+from qpid.datatypes import timestamp
+from qpid.datatypes import datetime
+from qpid.exceptions import Closed
+from qpid.session import SessionDetached
+from qpid.connection import Connection, ConnectionFailed, Timeout
+from qpid.datatypes import Message, RangedSet, UUID
+from qpid.util import connect, ssl, URL
+from qpid.codec010 import StringCodec as Codec
+from threading import Lock, Condition, Thread, Semaphore
+from Queue import Queue, Empty
+from time import time, strftime, gmtime, sleep
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+#import qpid.log
+#qpid.log.enable(name="", level=qpid.log.DEBUG)
+class Console:
+ """ To access the asynchronous operations, a class must be derived from
+ Console with overrides of any combination of the available methods. """
+ def brokerConnected(self, broker):
+ """ Invoked when a connection is established to a broker """
+ pass
+ def brokerConnectionFailed(self, broker):
+ """ Invoked when a connection to a broker fails """
+ pass
+ def brokerDisconnected(self, broker):
+ """ Invoked when the connection to a broker is lost """
+ pass
+ def newPackage(self, name):
+ """ Invoked when a QMF package is discovered. """
+ pass
+ def newClass(self, kind, classKey):
+ """ Invoked when a new class is discovered. Session.getSchema can be
+ used to obtain details about the class."""
+ pass
+ def newAgent(self, agent):
+ """ Invoked when a QMF agent is discovered. """
+ pass
+ def delAgent(self, agent):
+ """ Invoked when a QMF agent disconects. """
+ pass
+ def objectProps(self, broker, record):
+ """ Invoked when an object is updated. """
+ pass
+ def objectStats(self, broker, record):
+ """ Invoked when an object is updated. """
+ pass
+ def event(self, broker, event):
+ """ Invoked when an event is raised. """
+ pass
+ def heartbeat(self, agent, timestamp):
+ """ Invoked when an agent heartbeat is received. """
+ pass
+ def brokerInfo(self, broker):
+ """ Invoked when the connection sequence reaches the point where broker information is available. """
+ pass
+ def methodResponse(self, broker, seq, response):
+ """ Invoked when a method response from an asynchronous method call is received. """
+ pass
+# BrokerURL
+class BrokerURL(URL):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ URL.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ if self.port is None:
+ if self.scheme == URL.AMQPS:
+ self.port = 5671
+ else:
+ self.port = 5672
+ self.authName = None
+ self.authPass = None
+ if self.user:
+ self.authName = str(self.user)
+ if self.password:
+ self.authPass = str(self.password)
+ def name(self):
+ return str(self)
+ def match(self, host, port):
+ return socket.getaddrinfo(, self.port)[0][4] == socket.getaddrinfo(host, port)[0][4]
+# Object
+class Object(object):
+ """
+ This class defines a 'proxy' object representing a real managed object on an agent.
+ Actions taken on this proxy are remotely affected on the real managed object.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, agent, schema, codec=None, prop=None, stat=None, v2Map=None, agentName=None, kwargs={}):
+ self._agent = agent
+ self._session = None
+ self._broker = None
+ if agent:
+ self._session = agent.session
+ self._broker =
+ self._schema = schema
+ self._properties = []
+ self._statistics = []
+ self._currentTime = None
+ self._createTime = None
+ self._deleteTime = 0
+ self._objectId = None
+ if v2Map:
+ self.v2Init(v2Map, agentName)
+ return
+ if self._agent:
+ self._currentTime = codec.read_uint64()
+ self._createTime = codec.read_uint64()
+ self._deleteTime = codec.read_uint64()
+ self._objectId = ObjectId(codec)
+ if codec:
+ if prop:
+ notPresent = self._parsePresenceMasks(codec, schema)
+ for property in schema.getProperties():
+ if in notPresent:
+ self._properties.append((property, None))
+ else:
+ self._properties.append((property, self._session._decodeValue(codec, property.type, self._broker)))
+ if stat:
+ for statistic in schema.getStatistics():
+ self._statistics.append((statistic, self._session._decodeValue(codec, statistic.type, self._broker)))
+ else:
+ for property in schema.getProperties():
+ if property.optional:
+ self._properties.append((property, None))
+ else:
+ self._properties.append((property, self._session._defaultValue(property, self._broker, kwargs)))
+ for statistic in schema.getStatistics():
+ self._statistics.append((statistic, self._session._defaultValue(statistic, self._broker, kwargs)))
+ def v2Init(self, omap, agentName):
+ if omap.__class__ != dict:
+ raise Exception("QMFv2 object data must be a map/dict")
+ if '_values' not in omap:
+ raise Exception("QMFv2 object must have '_values' element")
+ values = omap['_values']
+ for prop in self._schema.getProperties():
+ if in values:
+ if prop.type == 10: # Reference
+ self._properties.append((prop, ObjectId(values[], agentName=agentName)))
+ else:
+ self._properties.append((prop, values[]))
+ for stat in self._schema.getStatistics():
+ if in values:
+ self._statistics.append((stat, values[]))
+ if '_subtypes' in omap:
+ self._subtypes = omap['_subtypes']
+ if '_object_id' in omap:
+ self._objectId = ObjectId(omap['_object_id'], agentName=agentName)
+ else:
+ self._objectId = None
+ self._currentTime = omap.get("_update_ts", 0)
+ self._createTime = omap.get("_create_ts", 0)
+ self._deleteTime = omap.get("_delete_ts", 0)
+ def getAgent(self):
+ """ Return the agent from which this object was sent """
+ return self._agent
+ def getBroker(self):
+ """ Return the broker from which this object was sent """
+ return self._broker
+ def getV2RoutingKey(self):
+ """ Get the QMFv2 routing key to address this object """
+ return self._agent.getV2RoutingKey()
+ def getObjectId(self):
+ """ Return the object identifier for this object """
+ return self._objectId
+ def getClassKey(self):
+ """ Return the class-key that references the schema describing this object. """
+ return self._schema.getKey()
+ def getSchema(self):
+ """ Return the schema that describes this object. """
+ return self._schema
+ def getMethods(self):
+ """ Return a list of methods available for this object. """
+ return self._schema.getMethods()
+ def getTimestamps(self):
+ """ Return the current, creation, and deletion times for this object. """
+ return self._currentTime, self._createTime, self._deleteTime
+ def isDeleted(self):
+ """ Return True iff this object has been deleted. """
+ return self._deleteTime != 0
+ def isManaged(self):
+ """ Return True iff this object is a proxy for a managed object on an agent. """
+ return self._objectId and self._agent
+ def getIndex(self):
+ """ Return a string describing this object's primary key. """
+ if self._objectId.isV2:
+ return self._objectId.getObject()
+ result = u""
+ for prop, value in self._properties:
+ if prop.index:
+ if result != u"":
+ result += u":"
+ try:
+ valstr = unicode(self._session._displayValue(value, prop.type))
+ except Exception, e:
+ valstr = u"<undecodable>"
+ result += valstr
+ return result
+ def getProperties(self):
+ """ Return a list of object properties """
+ return self._properties
+ def getStatistics(self):
+ """ Return a list of object statistics """
+ return self._statistics
+ def mergeUpdate(self, newer):
+ """ Replace properties and/or statistics with a newly received update """
+ if not self.isManaged():
+ raise Exception("Object is not managed")
+ if self._objectId != newer._objectId:
+ raise Exception("Objects with different object-ids")
+ if len(newer.getProperties()) > 0:
+ self._properties = newer.getProperties()
+ if len(newer.getStatistics()) > 0:
+ self._statistics = newer.getStatistics()
+ self._currentTime = newer._currentTime
+ self._deleteTime = newer._deleteTime
+ def update(self):
+ """ Contact the agent and retrieve the lastest property and statistic values for this object. """
+ if not self.isManaged():
+ raise Exception("Object is not managed")
+ obj = self._agent.getObjects(_objectId=self._objectId)
+ if obj:
+ self.mergeUpdate(obj[0])
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Underlying object no longer exists")
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if self.isManaged():
+ id = self.getObjectId().__repr__()
+ else:
+ id = "unmanaged"
+ key = self.getClassKey()
+ return key.getPackageName() + ":" + key.getClassName() +\
+ "[" + id + "] " + self.getIndex().encode("utf8")
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ for method in self._schema.getMethods():
+ if name ==
+ return lambda *args, **kwargs : self._invoke(name, args, kwargs)
+ for prop, value in self._properties:
+ if name ==
+ return value
+ if name == "_" + + "_" and prop.type == 10: # Dereference references
+ deref = self._agent.getObjects(_objectId=value)
+ if len(deref) != 1:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return deref[0]
+ for stat, value in self._statistics:
+ if name ==
+ return value
+ #
+ # Check to see if the name is in the schema. If so, return None (i.e. this is a not-present attribute)
+ #
+ for prop in self._schema.getProperties():
+ if name ==
+ return None
+ for stat in self._schema.getStatistics():
+ if name ==
+ return None
+ raise Exception("Type Object has no attribute '%s'" % name)
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ if name[0] == '_':
+ super.__setattr__(self, name, value)
+ return
+ for prop, unusedValue in self._properties:
+ if name ==
+ newprop = (prop, value)
+ newlist = []
+ for old, val in self._properties:
+ if name ==
+ newlist.append(newprop)
+ else:
+ newlist.append((old, val))
+ self._properties = newlist
+ return
+ super.__setattr__(self, name, value)
+ def _parseDefault(self, typ, val):
+ try:
+ if typ in (2, 3, 4): # 16, 32, 64 bit numbers
+ val = int(val, 0)
+ elif typ == 11: # bool
+ val = val.lower() in ("t", "true", "1", "yes", "y")
+ elif typ == 15: # map
+ val = eval(val)
+ except:
+ pass
+ return val
+ def _handleDefaultArguments(self, method, args, kwargs):
+ count = len([x for x in method.arguments if x.dir.find("I") != -1])
+ for kwarg in kwargs.keys():
+ if not [x for x in method.arguments if x.dir.find("I") != -1 and \
+ == kwarg]:
+ del kwargs[kwarg]
+ # If there were not enough args supplied, add any defaulted arguments
+ # from the schema (starting at the end) until we either get enough
+ # arguments or run out of defaults
+ while count > len(args) + len(kwargs):
+ for arg in reversed(method.arguments):
+ if arg.dir.find("I") != -1 and getattr(arg, "default") is not None and \
+ not in kwargs:
+ # add missing defaulted value to the kwargs dict
+ kwargs[] = self._parseDefault(arg.type, arg.default)
+ break
+ else:
+ # no suitable defaulted args found, end the while loop
+ break
+ return count
+ def _sendMethodRequest(self, name, args, kwargs, synchronous=False, timeWait=None):
+ for method in self._schema.getMethods():
+ if name ==
+ aIdx = 0
+ sendCodec = Codec()
+ seq = self._session.seqMgr._reserve((method, synchronous))
+ count = self._handleDefaultArguments(method, args, kwargs)
+ if count != len(args) + len(kwargs):
+ raise Exception("Incorrect number of arguments: expected %d, got %d" % (count, len(args) + len(kwargs)))
+ if self._agent.isV2:
+ #
+ # Compose and send a QMFv2 method request
+ #
+ call = {}
+ call['_object_id'] = self._objectId.asMap()
+ call['_method_name'] = name
+ argMap = {}
+ for arg in method.arguments:
+ if arg.dir.find("I") != -1:
+ # If any kwargs match this schema arg, insert them in the proper place
+ if in kwargs:
+ argMap[] = kwargs[]
+ elif aIdx < len(args):
+ argMap[] = args[aIdx]
+ aIdx += 1
+ call['_arguments'] = argMap
+ dp = self._broker.amqpSession.delivery_properties()
+ dp.routing_key = self.getV2RoutingKey()
+ mp = self._broker.amqpSession.message_properties()
+ mp.content_type = "amqp/map"
+ if self._broker.saslUser:
+ mp.user_id = self._broker.saslUser
+ mp.correlation_id = str(seq)
+ mp.app_id = "qmf2"
+ mp.reply_to = self._broker.amqpSession.reply_to("", self._broker.v2_direct_queue)
+ mp.application_headers = {'qmf.opcode':'_method_request'}
+ sendCodec.write_map(call)
+ smsg = Message(dp, mp, sendCodec.encoded)
+ exchange = ""
+ else:
+ #
+ # Associate this sequence with the agent hosting the object so we can correctly
+ # route the method-response
+ #
+ agent = self._broker.getAgent(self._broker.getBrokerBank(), self._objectId.getAgentBank())
+ self._broker._setSequence(seq, agent)
+ #
+ # Compose and send a QMFv1 method request
+ #
+ self._broker._setHeader(sendCodec, 'M', seq)
+ self._objectId.encode(sendCodec)
+ self._schema.getKey().encode(sendCodec)
+ sendCodec.write_str8(name)
+ for arg in method.arguments:
+ if arg.dir.find("I") != -1:
+ self._session._encodeValue(sendCodec, args[aIdx], arg.type)
+ aIdx += 1
+ smsg = self._broker._message(sendCodec.encoded, "agent.%d.%s" %
+ (self._objectId.getBrokerBank(), self._objectId.getAgentBank()))
+ exchange = ""
+ if synchronous:
+ try:
+ self._broker.syncInFlight = True
+ finally:
+ self._broker._send(smsg, exchange)
+ return seq
+ return None
+ def _invoke(self, name, args, kwargs):
+ if not self.isManaged():
+ raise Exception("Object is not managed")
+ if "_timeout" in kwargs:
+ timeout = kwargs["_timeout"]
+ else:
+ timeout = self._broker.SYNC_TIME
+ if "_async" in kwargs and kwargs["_async"]:
+ sync = False
+ if "_timeout" not in kwargs:
+ timeout = None
+ else:
+ sync = True
+ # Remove special "meta" kwargs before handing to _sendMethodRequest() to process
+ if "_timeout" in kwargs: del kwargs["_timeout"]
+ if "_async" in kwargs: del kwargs["_async"]
+ seq = self._sendMethodRequest(name, args, kwargs, sync, timeout)
+ if seq:
+ if not sync:
+ return seq
+ try:
+ starttime = time()
+ while self._broker.syncInFlight and self._broker.error == None:
+ if time() - starttime > timeout:
+ raise RuntimeError("Timed out waiting for method to respond")
+ finally:
+ self._session.seqMgr._release(seq)
+ if self._broker.error != None:
+ errorText = self._broker.error
+ self._broker.error = None
+ raise Exception(errorText)
+ return self._broker.syncResult
+ raise Exception("Invalid Method (software defect) [%s]" % name)
+ def _encodeUnmanaged(self, codec):
+ codec.write_uint8(20)
+ codec.write_str8(self._schema.getKey().getPackageName())
+ codec.write_str8(self._schema.getKey().getClassName())
+ codec.write_bin128(self._schema.getKey().getHash())
+ # emit presence masks for optional properties
+ mask = 0
+ bit = 0
+ for prop, value in self._properties:
+ if prop.optional:
+ if bit == 0:
+ bit = 1
+ if value:
+ mask |= bit
+ bit = bit << 1
+ if bit == 256:
+ bit = 0
+ codec.write_uint8(mask)
+ mask = 0
+ if bit != 0:
+ codec.write_uint8(mask)
+ # encode properties
+ for prop, value in self._properties:
+ if value != None:
+ self._session._encodeValue(codec, value, prop.type)
+ # encode statistics
+ for stat, value in self._statistics:
+ self._session._encodeValue(codec, value, stat.type)
+ def _parsePresenceMasks(self, codec, schema):
+ excludeList = []
+ bit = 0
+ for property in schema.getProperties():
+ if property.optional:
+ if bit == 0:
+ mask = codec.read_uint8()
+ bit = 1
+ if (mask & bit) == 0:
+ excludeList.append(
+ bit *= 2
+ if bit == 256:
+ bit = 0
+ return excludeList
+# Session
+class Session:
+ """
+ An instance of the Session class represents a console session running
+ against one or more QMF brokers. A single instance of Session is needed
+ to interact with the management framework as a console.
+ """
+ str: 7,
+ timestamp: 8,
+ datetime: 8,
+ int: 9,
+ long: 9,
+ float: 13,
+ UUID: 14,
+ Object: 20,
+ list: 21
+ }
+ def __init__(self, console=None, rcvObjects=True, rcvEvents=True, rcvHeartbeats=True,
+ manageConnections=False, userBindings=False):
+ """
+ Initialize a session. If the console argument is provided, the
+ more advanced asynchronous features are available. If console is
+ defaulted, the session will operate in a simpler, synchronous manner.
+ The rcvObjects, rcvEvents, and rcvHeartbeats arguments are meaningful only if 'console'
+ is provided. They control whether object updates, events, and agent-heartbeats are
+ subscribed to. If the console is not interested in receiving one or more of the above,
+ setting the argument to False will reduce tha bandwidth used by the API.
+ If manageConnections is set to True, the Session object will manage connections to
+ the brokers. This means that if a broker is unreachable, it will retry until a connection
+ can be established. If a connection is lost, the Session will attempt to reconnect.
+ If manageConnections is set to False, the user is responsible for handing failures. In
+ this case, an unreachable broker will cause addBroker to raise an exception.
+ If userBindings is set to False (the default) and rcvObjects is True, the console will
+ receive data for all object classes. If userBindings is set to True, the user must select
+ which classes the console shall receive by invoking the bindPackage or bindClass methods.
+ This allows the console to be configured to receive only information that is relavant to
+ a particular application. If rcvObjects id False, userBindings has no meaning.
+ """
+ self.console = console
+ self.brokers = []
+ self.schemaCache = SchemaCache()
+ self.seqMgr = SequenceManager()
+ = Condition()
+ self.syncSequenceList = []
+ self.getResult = []
+ self.getSelect = []
+ self.error = None
+ self.rcvObjects = rcvObjects
+ self.rcvEvents = rcvEvents
+ self.rcvHeartbeats = rcvHeartbeats
+ self.userBindings = userBindings
+ if self.console == None:
+ self.rcvObjects = False
+ self.rcvEvents = False
+ self.rcvHeartbeats = False
+ self.v1BindingKeyList, self.v2BindingKeyList = self._bindingKeys()
+ self.manageConnections = manageConnections
+ # callback filters:
+ self.agent_filter = [] # (vendor, product, instance) || v1-agent-label-str
+ self.class_filter = [] # (pkg, class)
+ self.event_filter = [] # (pkg, event)
+ self.agent_heartbeat_min = 10 # minimum agent heartbeat timeout interval
+ self.agent_heartbeat_miss = 3 # # of heartbeats to miss before deleting agent
+ if self.userBindings and not self.console:
+ raise Exception("userBindings can't be set unless a console is provided.")
+ def close(self):
+ """ Releases all resources held by the session. Must be called by the
+ application when it is done with the Session object.
+ """
+ try:
+ while len(self.brokers):
+ b = self.brokers.pop()
+ try:
+ b._shutdown()
+ except:
+ pass
+ finally:
+ def _getBrokerForAgentAddr(self, agent_addr):
+ try:
+ key = (1, agent_addr)
+ for b in self.brokers:
+ if key in b.agents:
+ return b
+ finally:
+ return None
+ def _getAgentForAgentAddr(self, agent_addr):
+ try:
+ key = agent_addr
+ for b in self.brokers:
+ if key in b.agents:
+ return b.agents[key]
+ finally:
+ return None
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "QMF Console Session Manager (brokers: %d)" % len(self.brokers)
+ def addBroker(self, target="localhost", timeout=None, mechanisms=None, sessTimeout=None, **connectArgs):
+ """ Connect to a Qpid broker. Returns an object of type Broker.
+ Will raise an exception if the session is not managing the connection and
+ the connection setup to the broker fails.
+ """
+ if isinstance(target, BrokerURL):
+ url = target
+ else:
+ url = BrokerURL(target)
+ broker = Broker(self,, url.port, mechanisms, url.authName, url.authPass,
+ ssl = url.scheme == URL.AMQPS, connTimeout=timeout, sessTimeout=sessTimeout, **connectArgs)
+ self.brokers.append(broker)
+ return broker
+ def delBroker(self, broker):
+ """ Disconnect from a broker, and deallocate the broker proxy object. The
+ 'broker' argument is the object returned from the addBroker call. Errors
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ broker._shutdown()
+ self.brokers.remove(broker)
+ del broker
+ def getPackages(self):
+ """ Get the list of known QMF packages """
+ for broker in self.brokers:
+ broker._waitForStable()
+ return self.schemaCache.getPackages()
+ def getClasses(self, packageName):
+ """ Get the list of known classes within a QMF package """
+ for broker in self.brokers:
+ broker._waitForStable()
+ return self.schemaCache.getClasses(packageName)
+ def getSchema(self, classKey):
+ """ Get the schema for a QMF class """
+ for broker in self.brokers:
+ broker._waitForStable()
+ return self.schemaCache.getSchema(classKey)
+ def bindPackage(self, packageName):
+ """ Filter object and event callbacks to only those elements of the
+ specified package. Also filters newPackage and newClass callbacks to the
+ given package. Only valid if userBindings is True.
+ """
+ if not self.userBindings:
+ raise Exception("userBindings option must be set for this Session.")
+ if not self.rcvObjects and not self.rcvEvents:
+ raise Exception("Session needs to be configured to receive events or objects.")
+ v1keys = ["console.obj.*.*.%s.#" % packageName, "console.event.*.*.%s.#" % packageName]
+ v2keys = ["" % packageName.replace(".", "_"),
+ "agent.ind.event.%s.#" % packageName.replace(".", "_"),]
+ if (packageName, None) not in self.class_filter:
+ self.class_filter.append((packageName, None))
+ if (packageName, None) not in self.event_filter:
+ self.event_filter.append((packageName, None))
+ self.v1BindingKeyList.extend(v1keys)
+ self.v2BindingKeyList.extend(v2keys)
+ for broker in self.brokers:
+ if broker.isConnected():
+ for v1key in v1keys:
+ broker.amqpSession.exchange_bind(exchange="", queue=broker.topicName, binding_key=v1key)
+ if broker.brokerSupportsV2:
+ for v2key in v2keys:
+ # data indications should arrive on the unsolicited indication queue
+ broker.amqpSession.exchange_bind(exchange="qmf.default.topic", queue=broker.v2_topic_queue_ui, binding_key=v2key)
+ def bindClass(self, pname, cname=None):
+ """ Filter object callbacks to only those objects of the specified package
+ and optional class. Will also filter newPackage/newClass callbacks to the
+ specified package and class. Only valid if userBindings is True and
+ rcvObjects is True.
+ """
+ if not self.userBindings:
+ raise Exception("userBindings option must be set for this Session.")
+ if not self.rcvObjects:
+ raise Exception("Session needs to be configured with rcvObjects=True.")
+ if cname is not None:
+ v1key = "console.obj.*.*.%s.%s.#" % (pname, cname)
+ v2key = "" % (pname.replace(".", "_"), cname.replace(".", "_"))
+ else:
+ v1key = "console.obj.*.*.%s.#" % pname
+ v2key = "" % pname.replace(".", "_")
+ self.v1BindingKeyList.append(v1key)
+ self.v2BindingKeyList.append(v2key)
+ if (pname, cname) not in self.class_filter:
+ self.class_filter.append((pname, cname))
+ for broker in self.brokers:
+ if broker.isConnected():
+ broker.amqpSession.exchange_bind(exchange="", queue=broker.topicName, binding_key=v1key)
+ if broker.brokerSupportsV2:
+ # data indications should arrive on the unsolicited indication queue
+ broker.amqpSession.exchange_bind(exchange="qmf.default.topic", queue=broker.v2_topic_queue_ui, binding_key=v2key)
+ def bindClassKey(self, classKey):
+ """ Filter object callbacks to only those objects of the specified
+ class. Will also filter newPackage/newClass callbacks to the specified
+ package and class. Only valid if userBindings is True and rcvObjects is
+ True.
+ """
+ pname = classKey.getPackageName()
+ cname = classKey.getClassName()
+ self.bindClass(pname, cname)
+ def bindEvent(self, pname, ename=None):
+ """ Filter event callbacks only from a particular class by package and
+ event name, or all events in a package if ename=None. Will also filter
+ newPackage/newClass callbacks to the specified package and class. Only
+ valid if userBindings is True and rcvEvents is True.
+ """
+ if not self.userBindings:
+ raise Exception("userBindings option must be set for this Session.")
+ if not self.rcvEvents:
+ raise Exception("Session needs to be configured with rcvEvents=True.")
+ if ename is not None:
+ v1key = "console.event.*.*.%s.%s.#" % (pname, ename)
+ v2key = "agent.ind.event.%s.%s.#" % (pname.replace(".", "_"), ename.replace(".", "_"))
+ else:
+ v1key = "console.event.*.*.%s.#" % pname
+ v2key = "agent.ind.event.%s.#" % pname.replace(".", "_")
+ self.v1BindingKeyList.append(v1key)
+ self.v2BindingKeyList.append(v2key)
+ if (pname, ename) not in self.event_filter:
+ self.event_filter.append((pname, ename))
+ for broker in self.brokers:
+ if broker.isConnected():
+ broker.amqpSession.exchange_bind(exchange="", queue=broker.topicName, binding_key=v1key)
+ if broker.brokerSupportsV2:
+ # event indications should arrive on the unsolicited indication queue
+ broker.amqpSession.exchange_bind(exchange="qmf.default.topic", queue=broker.v2_topic_queue_ui, binding_key=v2key)
+ def bindEventKey(self, eventKey):
+ """ Filter event callbacks only from a particular class key. Will also
+ filter newPackage/newClass callbacks to the specified package and
+ class. Only valid if userBindings is True and rcvEvents is True.
+ """
+ pname = eventKey.getPackageName()
+ ename = eventKey.getClassName()
+ self.bindEvent(pname, ename)
+ def bindAgent(self, vendor=None, product=None, instance=None, label=None):
+ """ Receive heartbeats, newAgent and delAgent callbacks only for those
+ agent(s) that match the passed identification criteria:
+ V2 agents: vendor, optionally product and instance strings
+ V1 agents: the label string.
+ Only valid if userBindings is True.
+ """
+ if not self.userBindings:
+ raise Exception("Session not configured for binding specific agents.")
+ if vendor is None and label is None:
+ raise Exception("Must specify at least a vendor (V2 agents)"
+ " or label (V1 agents).")
+ if vendor: # V2 agent identification
+ if product is not None:
+ v2key = "agent.ind.heartbeat.%s.%s.#" % (vendor.replace(".", "_"), product.replace(".", "_"))
+ else:
+ v2key = "agent.ind.heartbeat.%s.#" % vendor.replace(".", "_")
+ self.v2BindingKeyList.append(v2key)
+ # allow wildcards - only add filter if a non-wildcarded component is given
+ if vendor == "*":
+ vendor = None
+ if product == "*":
+ product = None
+ if instance == "*":
+ instance = None
+ if vendor or product or instance:
+ if (vendor, product, instance) not in self.agent_filter:
+ self.agent_filter.append((vendor, product, instance))
+ for broker in self.brokers:
+ if broker.isConnected():
+ if broker.brokerSupportsV2:
+ # heartbeats should arrive on the heartbeat queue
+ broker.amqpSession.exchange_bind(exchange="qmf.default.topic",
+ queue=broker.v2_topic_queue_hb,
+ binding_key=v2key)
+ elif label != "*": # non-wildcard V1 agent label
+ # V1 format heartbeats do not have any agent identifier in the routing
+ # key, so we cannot filter them by bindings.
+ if label not in self.agent_filter:
+ self.agent_filter.append(label)
+ def getAgents(self, broker=None):
+ """ Get a list of currently known agents """
+ brokerList = []
+ if broker == None:
+ for b in self.brokers:
+ brokerList.append(b)
+ else:
+ brokerList.append(broker)
+ for b in brokerList:
+ b._waitForStable()
+ agentList = []
+ for b in brokerList:
+ for a in b.getAgents():
+ agentList.append(a)
+ return agentList
+ def makeObject(self, classKey, **kwargs):
+ """ Create a new, unmanaged object of the schema indicated by classKey """
+ schema = self.getSchema(classKey)
+ if schema == None:
+ raise Exception("Schema not found for classKey")
+ return Object(None, schema, None, True, True, kwargs)
+ def getObjects(self, **kwargs):
+ """ Get a list of objects from QMF agents.
+ All arguments are passed by name(keyword).
+ The class for queried objects may be specified in one of the following ways:
+ _schema = <schema> - supply a schema object returned from getSchema.
+ _key = <key> - supply a classKey from the list returned by getClasses.
+ _class = <name> - supply a class name as a string. If the class name exists
+ in multiple packages, a _package argument may also be supplied.
+ _objectId = <id> - get the object referenced by the object-id
+ If objects should be obtained from only one agent, use the following argument.
+ Otherwise, the query will go to all agents.
+ _agent = <agent> - supply an agent from the list returned by getAgents.
+ If the get query is to be restricted to one broker (as opposed to all connected brokers),
+ add the following argument:
+ _broker = <broker> - supply a broker as returned by addBroker.
+ The default timeout for this synchronous operation is 60 seconds. To change the timeout,
+ use the following argument:
+ _timeout = <time in seconds>
+ If additional arguments are supplied, they are used as property selectors. For example,
+ if the argument name="test" is supplied, only objects whose "name" property is "test"
+ will be returned in the result.
+ """
+ if "_broker" in kwargs:
+ brokerList = []
+ brokerList.append(kwargs["_broker"])
+ else:
+ brokerList = self.brokers
+ for broker in brokerList:
+ broker._waitForStable()
+ if broker.isConnected():
+ if "_package" not in kwargs or "_class" not in kwargs or \
+ kwargs["_package"] != "" or \
+ kwargs["_class"] != "agent":
+ self.getObjects(_package = "", _class = "agent",
+ _agent = broker.getAgent(1,0))
+ agentList = []
+ if "_agent" in kwargs:
+ agent = kwargs["_agent"]
+ if not in brokerList:
+ raise Exception("Supplied agent is not accessible through the supplied broker")
+ if
+ agentList.append(agent)
+ else:
+ if "_objectId" in kwargs:
+ oid = kwargs["_objectId"]
+ for broker in brokerList:
+ for agent in broker.getAgents():
+ if agent.getBrokerBank() == oid.getBrokerBank() and agent.getAgentBank() == oid.getAgentBank():
+ agentList.append(agent)
+ else:
+ for broker in brokerList:
+ for agent in broker.getAgents():
+ if
+ agentList.append(agent)
+ if len(agentList) == 0:
+ return []
+ #
+ # We now have a list of agents to query, start the queries and gather the results.
+ #
+ request = SessionGetRequest(len(agentList))
+ for agent in agentList:
+ agent.getObjects(request, **kwargs)
+ timeout = 60
+ if '_timeout' in kwargs:
+ timeout = kwargs['_timeout']
+ request.wait(timeout)
+ return request.result
+ def addEventFilter(self, **kwargs):
+ """Filter unsolicited events based on package and event name.
+ QMF v2 also can filter on vendor, product, and severity values.
+ By default, a console receives unsolicted events by binding to:
+ (v1)
+ qmf.default.topic/agent.ind.event.# (v2)
+ A V1 event filter binding uses the pattern:
+ A V2 event filter binding uses the pattern:
+ qmf.default.topic/agent.ind.event.<Vendor|*>.<Product|*>.<severity|*>.<package|*>.<event|*>.#
+ """
+ package = kwargs.get("package", "*")
+ event = kwargs.get("event", "*")
+ vendor = kwargs.get("vendor", "*")
+ product = kwargs.get("product", "*")
+ severity = kwargs.get("severity", "*")
+ if package == "*" and event != "*":
+ raise Exception("'package' parameter required if 'event' parameter"
+ " supplied")
+ # V1 key - can only filter on package (and event)
+ if package == "*":
+ key = "console.event.*.*." + str(package)
+ if event != "*":
+ key += "." + str(event)
+ key += ".#"
+ if key not in self.v1BindingKeyList:
+ self.v1BindingKeyList.append(key)
+ try:
+ # remove default wildcard binding
+ self.v1BindingKeyList.remove("console.event.#")
+ except:
+ pass
+ # V2 key - escape any "." in the filter strings
+ key = "agent.ind.event." + str(package).replace(".", "_") \
+ + "." + str(event).replace(".", "_") \
+ + "." + str(severity).replace(".", "_") \
+ + "." + str(vendor).replace(".", "_") \
+ + "." + str(product).replace(".", "_") \
+ + ".#"
+ if key not in self.v2BindingKeyList:
+ self.v2BindingKeyList.append(key)
+ try:
+ # remove default wildcard binding
+ self.v2BindingKeyList.remove("agent.ind.event.#")
+ except:
+ pass
+ if package != "*":
+ if event != "*":
+ f = (package, event)
+ else:
+ f = (package, None)
+ if f not in self.event_filter:
+ self.event_filter.append(f)
+ def addAgentFilter(self, vendor, product=None):
+ """ Deprecate - use bindAgent() instead
+ """
+ self.addHeartbeatFilter(vendor=vendor, product=product)
+ def addHeartbeatFilter(self, **kwargs):
+ """ Deprecate - use bindAgent() instead.
+ """
+ vendor = kwargs.get("vendor")
+ product = kwargs.get("product")
+ if vendor is None:
+ raise Exception("vendor parameter required!")
+ # V1 heartbeats do not have any agent identifier - we cannot
+ # filter them by agent.
+ # build the binding key - escape "."s...
+ key = "agent.ind.heartbeat." + str(vendor).replace(".", "_")
+ if product is not None:
+ key += "." + str(product).replace(".", "_")
+ key += ".#"
+ if key not in self.v2BindingKeyList:
+ self.v2BindingKeyList.append(key)
+ self.agent_filter.append((vendor, product, None))
+ # be sure we don't ever filter the local broker
+ local_broker_key = "agent.ind.heartbeat." + "org.apache".replace(".", "_") \
+ + "." + "qpidd".replace(".", "_") + ".#"
+ if local_broker_key not in self.v2BindingKeyList:
+ self.v2BindingKeyList.append(local_broker_key)
+ # remove the wildcard key if present
+ try:
+ self.v2BindingKeyList.remove("agent.ind.heartbeat.#")
+ except:
+ pass
+ def _bindingKeys(self):
+ v1KeyList = []
+ v2KeyList = []
+ v1KeyList.append("schema.#")
+ # note well: any binding that starts with 'agent.ind.heartbeat' will be
+ # bound to the heartbeat queue, otherwise it will be bound to the
+ # unsolicited indication queue. See _decOutstanding() for the binding.
+ if not self.userBindings:
+ if self.rcvObjects and self.rcvEvents and self.rcvHeartbeats:
+ v1KeyList.append("console.#")
+ v2KeyList.append("")
+ v2KeyList.append("agent.ind.event.#")
+ v2KeyList.append("agent.ind.heartbeat.#")
+ else:
+ # need heartbeats for V2 newAgent()/delAgent()
+ v2KeyList.append("agent.ind.heartbeat.#")
+ if self.rcvObjects:
+ v1KeyList.append("console.obj.#")
+ v2KeyList.append("")
+ else:
+ v1KeyList.append("console.obj.*.*")
+ if self.rcvEvents:
+ v1KeyList.append("console.event.#")
+ v2KeyList.append("agent.ind.event.#")
+ else:
+ v1KeyList.append("console.event.*.*")
+ if self.rcvHeartbeats:
+ v1KeyList.append("console.heartbeat.#")
+ else:
+ # mandatory bindings
+ v1KeyList.append("console.obj.*.*")
+ v1KeyList.append("console.event.*.*")
+ v1KeyList.append("console.heartbeat.#") # no way to turn this on later
+ v2KeyList.append("agent.ind.heartbeat.org_apache.qpidd.#")
+ return (v1KeyList, v2KeyList)
+ def _handleBrokerConnect(self, broker):
+ if self.console:
+ for agent in broker.getAgents():
+ self._newAgentCallback(agent)
+ self.console.brokerConnected(broker)
+ def _handleBrokerDisconnect(self, broker):
+ if self.console:
+ for agent in broker.getAgents():
+ self._delAgentCallback(agent)
+ self.console.brokerDisconnected(broker)
+ def _handleBrokerResp(self, broker, codec, seq):
+ broker.brokerId = codec.read_uuid()
+ if self.console != None:
+ self.console.brokerInfo(broker)
+ # Send a package request
+ # (effectively inc and dec outstanding by not doing anything)
+ sendCodec = Codec()
+ seq = self.seqMgr._reserve(self._CONTEXT_STARTUP)
+ broker._setHeader(sendCodec, 'P', seq)
+ smsg = broker._message(sendCodec.encoded)
+ broker._send(smsg)
+ def _handlePackageInd(self, broker, codec, seq):
+ pname = str(codec.read_str8())
+ notify = self.schemaCache.declarePackage(pname)
+ if notify and self.console != None:
+ self._newPackageCallback(pname)
+ # Send a class request
+ broker._incOutstanding()
+ sendCodec = Codec()
+ seq = self.seqMgr._reserve(self._CONTEXT_STARTUP)
+ broker._setHeader(sendCodec, 'Q', seq)
+ sendCodec.write_str8(pname)
+ smsg = broker._message(sendCodec.encoded)
+ broker._send(smsg)
+ def _handleCommandComplete(self, broker, codec, seq, agent):
+ code = codec.read_uint32()
+ text = codec.read_str8()
+ context = self.seqMgr._release(seq)
+ if context == self._CONTEXT_STARTUP:
+ broker._decOutstanding()
+ elif context == self._CONTEXT_SYNC and seq == broker.syncSequence:
+ try:
+ broker.syncInFlight = False
+ finally:
+ elif context == self._CONTEXT_MULTIGET and seq in self.syncSequenceList:
+ try:
+ self.syncSequenceList.remove(seq)
+ if len(self.syncSequenceList) == 0:
+ finally:
+ if agent:
+ agent._handleV1Completion(seq, code, text)
+ def _handleClassInd(self, broker, codec, seq):
+ kind = codec.read_uint8()
+ classKey = ClassKey(codec)
+ classKey._setType(kind)
+ schema = self.schemaCache.getSchema(classKey)
+ if not schema:
+ # Send a schema request for the unknown class
+ broker._incOutstanding()
+ sendCodec = Codec()
+ seq = self.seqMgr._reserve(self._CONTEXT_STARTUP)
+ broker._setHeader(sendCodec, 'S', seq)
+ classKey.encode(sendCodec)
+ smsg = broker._message(sendCodec.encoded)
+ broker._send(smsg)
+ def _handleHeartbeatInd(self, broker, codec, seq, msg):
+ brokerBank = 1
+ agentBank = 0
+ dp = msg.get("delivery_properties")
+ if dp:
+ key = dp["routing_key"]
+ if key:
+ keyElements = key.split(".")
+ if len(keyElements) == 4:
+ brokerBank = int(keyElements[2])
+ agentBank = int(keyElements[3])
+ else:
+ # If there's no routing key in the delivery properties,
+ # assume the message is from the broker.
+ brokerBank = 1
+ agentBank = 0
+ agent = broker.getAgent(brokerBank, agentBank)
+ if self.rcvHeartbeats and self.console != None and agent != None:
+ timestamp = codec.read_uint64()
+ self._heartbeatCallback(agent, timestamp)
+ def _handleSchemaResp(self, broker, codec, seq, agent_addr):
+ kind = codec.read_uint8()
+ classKey = ClassKey(codec)
+ classKey._setType(kind)
+ _class = SchemaClass(kind, classKey, codec, self)
+ new_pkg, new_cls = self.schemaCache.declareClass(classKey, _class)
+ ctx = self.seqMgr._release(seq)
+ if ctx:
+ broker._decOutstanding()
+ if self.console != None:
+ if new_pkg:
+ self._newPackageCallback(classKey.getPackageName())
+ if new_cls:
+ self._newClassCallback(kind, classKey)
+ if agent_addr and (agent_addr.__class__ == str or agent_addr.__class__ == unicode):
+ agent = self._getAgentForAgentAddr(agent_addr)
+ if agent:
+ agent._schemaInfoFromV2Agent()
+ def _v2HandleHeartbeatInd(self, broker, mp, ah, content):
+ try:
+ agentName = ah["qmf.agent"]
+ values = content["_values"]
+ if '_timestamp' in values:
+ timestamp = values["_timestamp"]
+ else:
+ timestamp = values['timestamp']
+ if '_heartbeat_interval' in values:
+ interval = values['_heartbeat_interval']
+ else:
+ interval = values['heartbeat_interval']
+ epoch = 0
+ if '_epoch' in values:
+ epoch = values['_epoch']
+ elif 'epoch' in values:
+ epoch = values['epoch']
+ except Exception,e:
+ return
+ if self.agent_filter:
+ # only allow V2 agents that satisfy the filter
+ v = agentName.split(":", 2)
+ if len(v) != 3 or ((v[0], None, None) not in self.agent_filter
+ and (v[0], v[1], None) not in self.agent_filter
+ and (v[0], v[1], v[2]) not in self.agent_filter):
+ return
+ ##
+ ## We already have the "local-broker" agent in our list as ['0'].
+ ##
+ if '_vendor' in values and values['_vendor'] == '' and \
+ '_product' in values and values['_product'] == 'qpidd':
+ agent = broker.getBrokerAgent()
+ else:
+ agent = broker.getAgent(1, agentName)
+ if agent == None:
+ agent = Agent(broker, agentName, "QMFv2 Agent", True, interval)
+ agent.setEpoch(epoch)
+ broker._addAgent(agentName, agent)
+ else:
+ agent.touch()
+ if self.rcvHeartbeats and self.console and agent:
+ self._heartbeatCallback(agent, timestamp)
+ agent.update_schema_timestamp(values.get("_schema_updated", 0))
+ def _v2HandleAgentLocateRsp(self, broker, mp, ah, content):
+ self._v2HandleHeartbeatInd(broker, mp, ah, content)
+ def _handleError(self, error):
+ try:
+ if len(self.syncSequenceList) > 0:
+ self.error = error
+ self.syncSequenceList = []
+ finally:
+ def _selectMatch(self, object):
+ """ Check the object against self.getSelect to check for a match """
+ for key, value in self.getSelect:
+ for prop, propval in object.getProperties():
+ if key == and value != propval:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _decodeValue(self, codec, typecode, broker=None):
+ """ Decode, from the codec, a value based on its typecode. """
+ if typecode == 1: data = codec.read_uint8() # U8
+ elif typecode == 2: data = codec.read_uint16() # U16
+ elif typecode == 3: data = codec.read_uint32() # U32
+ elif typecode == 4: data = codec.read_uint64() # U64
+ elif typecode == 6: data = codec.read_str8() # SSTR
+ elif typecode == 7: data = codec.read_str16() # LSTR
+ elif typecode == 8: data = codec.read_int64() # ABSTIME
+ elif typecode == 9: data = codec.read_uint64() # DELTATIME
+ elif typecode == 10: data = ObjectId(codec) # REF
+ elif typecode == 11: data = codec.read_uint8() != 0 # BOOL
+ elif typecode == 12: data = codec.read_float() # FLOAT
+ elif typecode == 13: data = codec.read_double() # DOUBLE
+ elif typecode == 14: data = codec.read_uuid() # UUID
+ elif typecode == 16: data = codec.read_int8() # S8
+ elif typecode == 17: data = codec.read_int16() # S16
+ elif typecode == 18: data = codec.read_int32() # S32
+ elif typecode == 19: data = codec.read_int64() # S63
+ elif typecode == 15: data = codec.read_map() # FTABLE
+ elif typecode == 20: # OBJECT
+ # Peek at the type, and if it is still 20 pull it decode. If
+ # Not, call back into self.
+ inner_type_code = codec.read_uint8()
+ if inner_type_code == 20:
+ classKey = ClassKey(codec)
+ schema = self.schemaCache.getSchema(classKey)
+ if not schema:
+ return None
+ data = Object(self, broker, schema, codec, True, True, False)
+ else:
+ data = self._decodeValue(codec, inner_type_code, broker)
+ elif typecode == 21: data = codec.read_list() # List
+ elif typecode == 22: #Array
+ #taken from codec10.read_array
+ sc = Codec(codec.read_vbin32())
+ count = sc.read_uint32()
+ type = sc.read_uint8()
+ data = []
+ while count > 0:
+ data.append(self._decodeValue(sc,type,broker))
+ count -= 1
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid type code: %d" % typecode)
+ return data
+ def _encodeValue(self, codec, value, typecode):
+ """ Encode, into the codec, a value based on its typecode. """
+ if typecode == 1: codec.write_uint8 (int(value)) # U8
+ elif typecode == 2: codec.write_uint16 (int(value)) # U16
+ elif typecode == 3: codec.write_uint32 (long(value)) # U32
+ elif typecode == 4: codec.write_uint64 (long(value)) # U64
+ elif typecode == 6: codec.write_str8 (value) # SSTR
+ elif typecode == 7: codec.write_str16 (value) # LSTR
+ elif typecode == 8: codec.write_int64 (long(value)) # ABSTIME
+ elif typecode == 9: codec.write_uint64 (long(value)) # DELTATIME
+ elif typecode == 10: value.encode (codec) # REF
+ elif typecode == 11: codec.write_uint8 (int(value)) # BOOL
+ elif typecode == 12: codec.write_float (float(value)) # FLOAT
+ elif typecode == 13: codec.write_double (float(value)) # DOUBLE
+ elif typecode == 14: codec.write_uuid (value.bytes) # UUID
+ elif typecode == 16: codec.write_int8 (int(value)) # S8
+ elif typecode == 17: codec.write_int16 (int(value)) # S16
+ elif typecode == 18: codec.write_int32 (int(value)) # S32
+ elif typecode == 19: codec.write_int64 (int(value)) # S64
+ elif typecode == 20: value._encodeUnmanaged(codec) # OBJECT
+ elif typecode == 15: codec.write_map (value) # FTABLE
+ elif typecode == 21: codec.write_list (value) # List
+ elif typecode == 22: # Array
+ sc = Codec()
+ self._encodeValue(sc, len(value), 3)
+ if len(value) > 0:
+ ltype = self.encoding(value[0])
+ self._encodeValue(sc,ltype,1)
+ for o in value:
+ self._encodeValue(sc, o, ltype)
+ codec.write_vbin32(sc.encoded)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError ("Invalid type code: %d" % typecode)
+ def encoding(self, value):
+ return self._encoding(value.__class__)
+ def _encoding(self, klass):
+ if Session.ENCODINGS.has_key(klass):
+ return self.ENCODINGS[klass]
+ for base in klass.__bases__:
+ result = self._encoding(base)
+ if result != None:
+ return result
+ def _displayValue(self, value, typecode):
+ """ """
+ if typecode == 1: return unicode(value)
+ elif typecode == 2: return unicode(value)
+ elif typecode == 3: return unicode(value)
+ elif typecode == 4: return unicode(value)
+ elif typecode == 6: return value
+ elif typecode == 7: return value
+ elif typecode == 8: return unicode(strftime("%c", gmtime(value / 1000000000)))
+ elif typecode == 9: return unicode(value)
+ elif typecode == 10: return unicode(value.__repr__())
+ elif typecode == 11:
+ if value: return u"T"
+ else: return u"F"
+ elif typecode == 12: return unicode(value)
+ elif typecode == 13: return unicode(value)
+ elif typecode == 14: return unicode(value.__repr__())
+ elif typecode == 15: return unicode(value.__repr__())
+ elif typecode == 16: return unicode(value)
+ elif typecode == 17: return unicode(value)
+ elif typecode == 18: return unicode(value)
+ elif typecode == 19: return unicode(value)
+ elif typecode == 20: return unicode(value.__repr__())
+ elif typecode == 21: return unicode(value.__repr__())
+ elif typecode == 22: return unicode(value.__repr__())
+ else:
+ raise ValueError ("Invalid type code: %d" % typecode)
+ def _defaultValue(self, stype, broker=None, kwargs={}):
+ """ """
+ typecode = stype.type
+ if typecode == 1: return 0
+ elif typecode == 2: return 0
+ elif typecode == 3: return 0
+ elif typecode == 4: return 0
+ elif typecode == 6: return ""
+ elif typecode == 7: return ""
+ elif typecode == 8: return 0
+ elif typecode == 9: return 0
+ elif typecode == 10: return ObjectId(None)
+ elif typecode == 11: return False
+ elif typecode == 12: return 0.0
+ elif typecode == 13: return 0.0
+ elif typecode == 14: return UUID(bytes=[0 for i in range(16)])
+ elif typecode == 15: return {}
+ elif typecode == 16: return 0
+ elif typecode == 17: return 0
+ elif typecode == 18: return 0
+ elif typecode == 19: return 0
+ elif typecode == 21: return []
+ elif typecode == 22: return []
+ elif typecode == 20:
+ try:
+ if "classKeys" in kwargs:
+ keyList = kwargs["classKeys"]
+ else:
+ keyList = None
+ classKey = self._bestClassKey(stype.refPackage, stype.refClass, keyList)
+ if classKey:
+ return self.makeObject(classKey, broker, kwargs)
+ except:
+ pass
+ return None
+ else:
+ raise ValueError ("Invalid type code: %d" % typecode)
+ def _bestClassKey(self, pname, cname, preferredList):
+ """ """
+ if pname == None or cname == None:
+ if len(preferredList) == 0:
+ return None
+ return preferredList[0]
+ for p in preferredList:
+ if p.getPackageName() == pname and p.getClassName() == cname:
+ return p
+ clist = self.getClasses(pname)
+ for c in clist:
+ if c.getClassName() == cname:
+ return c
+ return None
+ def _sendMethodRequest(self, broker, schemaKey, objectId, name, argList):
+ """ This is a legacy function that is used by qpid-tool to invoke methods
+ using the broker, objectId and schema.
+ Methods are now invoked on the object itself.
+ """
+ objs = self.getObjects(_objectId=objectId)
+ if objs:
+ return objs[0]._sendMethodRequest(name, argList, {})
+ return None
+ def _newPackageCallback(self, pname):
+ """
+ Invokes the console.newPackage() callback if the callback is present and
+ the package is not filtered.
+ """
+ if self.console:
+ if len(self.class_filter) == 0 and len(self.event_filter) == 0:
+ self.console.newPackage(pname)
+ else:
+ for x in self.class_filter:
+ if x[0] == pname:
+ self.console.newPackage(pname)
+ return
+ for x in self.event_filter:
+ if x[0] == pname:
+ self.console.newPackage(pname)
+ return
+ def _newClassCallback(self, ctype, ckey):
+ """
+ Invokes the console.newClass() callback if the callback is present and the
+ class is not filtered.
+ """
+ if self.console:
+ if ctype == ClassKey.TYPE_DATA:
+ if (len(self.class_filter) == 0
+ or (ckey.getPackageName(), ckey.getClassName()) in self.class_filter):
+ self.console.newClass(ctype, ckey)
+ elif ctype == ClassKey.TYPE_EVENT:
+ if (len(self.event_filter) == 0
+ or (ckey.getPackageName(), ckey.getClassName()) in self.event_filter):
+ self.console.newClass(ctype, ckey)
+ else: # old class keys did not contain type info, check both filters
+ if ((len(self.class_filter) == 0 and len(self.event_filter) == 0)
+ or (ckey.getPackageName(), ckey.getClassName()) in self.class_filter
+ or (ckey.getPackageName(), ckey.getClassName()) in self.event_filter):
+ self.console.newClass(ctype, ckey)
+ def _agentAllowed(self, agentName, isV2):
+ """ True if the agent is NOT filtered.
+ """
+ if self.agent_filter:
+ if isV2:
+ v = agentName.split(":", 2)
+ return ((len(v) > 2 and (v[0], v[1], v[2]) in self.agent_filter)
+ or (len(v) > 1 and (v[0], v[1], None) in self.agent_filter)
+ or (v and (v[0], None, None) in self.agent_filter));
+ else:
+ return agentName in self.agent_filter
+ return True
+ def _heartbeatCallback(self, agent, timestamp):
+ """
+ Invokes the console.heartbeat() callback if the callback is present and the
+ agent is not filtered.
+ """
+ if self.console and self.rcvHeartbeats:
+ if ((agent.isV2 and self._agentAllowed(agent.agentBank, True))
+ or ((not agent.isV2) and self._agentAllowed(agent.label, False))):
+ self.console.heartbeat(agent, timestamp)
+ def _newAgentCallback(self, agent):
+ """
+ Invokes the console.newAgent() callback if the callback is present and the
+ agent is not filtered.
+ """
+ if self.console:
+ if ((agent.isV2 and self._agentAllowed(agent.agentBank, True))
+ or ((not agent.isV2) and self._agentAllowed(agent.label, False))):
+ self.console.newAgent(agent)
+ def _delAgentCallback(self, agent):
+ """
+ Invokes the console.delAgent() callback if the callback is present and the
+ agent is not filtered.
+ """
+ if self.console:
+ if ((agent.isV2 and self._agentAllowed(agent.agentBank, True))
+ or ((not agent.isV2) and self._agentAllowed(agent.label, False))):
+ self.console.delAgent(agent)
+# SessionGetRequest
+class SessionGetRequest(object):
+ """
+ This class is used to track get-object queries at the Session level.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, agentCount):
+ self.agentCount = agentCount
+ self.result = []
+ = Condition()
+ self.waiting = True
+ def __call__(self, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Callable entry point for gathering collected objects.
+ """
+ try:
+ if 'qmf_object' in kwargs:
+ self.result.append(kwargs['qmf_object'])
+ elif 'qmf_complete' in kwargs or 'qmf_exception' in kwargs:
+ self.agentCount -= 1
+ if self.agentCount == 0:
+ self.waiting = None
+ finally:
+ def wait(self, timeout):
+ starttime = time()
+ try:
+ while self.waiting:
+ if (time() - starttime) > timeout:
+ raise Exception("Timed out after %d seconds" % timeout)
+ finally:
+# SchemaCache
+class SchemaCache(object):
+ """
+ The SchemaCache is a data structure that stores learned schema information.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ Create a map of schema packages and a lock to protect this data structure.
+ Note that this lock is at the bottom of any lock hierarchy. If it is held, no other
+ lock in the system should attempt to be acquired.
+ """
+ self.packages = {}
+ self.lock = Lock()
+ def getPackages(self):
+ """ Get the list of known QMF packages """
+ list = []
+ try:
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ for package in self.packages:
+ list.append(package)
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
+ return list
+ def getClasses(self, packageName):
+ """ Get the list of known classes within a QMF package """
+ list = []
+ try:
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ if packageName in self.packages:
+ for pkey in self.packages[packageName]:
+ if isinstance(self.packages[packageName][pkey], SchemaClass):
+ list.append(self.packages[packageName][pkey].getKey())
+ elif self.packages[packageName][pkey] is not None:
+ # schema not present yet, but we have schema type
+ list.append(ClassKey({"_package_name": packageName,
+ "_class_name": pkey[0],
+ "_hash": pkey[1],
+ "_type": self.packages[packageName][pkey]}))
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
+ return list
+ def getSchema(self, classKey):
+ """ Get the schema for a QMF class, return None if schema not available """
+ pname = classKey.getPackageName()
+ pkey = classKey.getPackageKey()
+ try:
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ if pname in self.packages:
+ if (pkey in self.packages[pname] and
+ isinstance(self.packages[pname][pkey], SchemaClass)):
+ # hack: value may be schema type info if schema not available
+ return self.packages[pname][pkey]
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
+ return None
+ def declarePackage(self, pname):
+ """ Maybe add a package to the cache. Return True if package was added, None if it pre-existed. """
+ try:
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ if pname in self.packages:
+ return None
+ self.packages[pname] = {}
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
+ return True
+ def declareClass(self, classKey, classDef=None):
+ """ Add a class definition to the cache, if supplied. Return a pair
+ indicating if the package or class is new.
+ """
+ new_package = False
+ new_class = False
+ pname = classKey.getPackageName()
+ pkey = classKey.getPackageKey()
+ try:
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ if pname not in self.packages:
+ self.packages[pname] = {}
+ new_package = True
+ packageMap = self.packages[pname]
+ if pkey not in packageMap or not isinstance(packageMap[pkey], SchemaClass):
+ if classDef is not None:
+ new_class = True
+ packageMap[pkey] = classDef
+ elif classKey.getType() is not None:
+ # hack: don't indicate "new_class" to caller unless the classKey type
+ # information is present. "new_class" causes the console.newClass()
+ # callback to be invoked, which -requires- a valid classKey type!
+ new_class = True
+ # store the type for the getClasses() method:
+ packageMap[pkey] = classKey.getType()
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
+ return (new_package, new_class)
+# ClassKey
+class ClassKey:
+ """ A ClassKey uniquely identifies a class from the schema. """
+ TYPE_DATA = "_data"
+ TYPE_EVENT = "_event"
+ def __init__(self, constructor):
+ if constructor.__class__ == str:
+ # construct from __repr__ string
+ try:
+ # supports two formats:
+ # type present = P:C:T(H)
+ # no type present = P:C(H)
+ tmp = constructor.split(":")
+ if len(tmp) == 3:
+ self.pname, self.cname, rem = tmp
+ self.type, hsh = rem.split("(")
+ else:
+ self.pname, rem = tmp
+ self.cname, hsh = rem.split("(")
+ self.type = None
+ hsh = hsh.strip(")")
+ hexValues = hsh.split("-")
+ h0 = int(hexValues[0], 16)
+ h1 = int(hexValues[1], 16)
+ h2 = int(hexValues[2], 16)
+ h3 = int(hexValues[3], 16)
+ h4 = int(hexValues[4][0:4], 16)
+ h5 = int(hexValues[4][4:12], 16)
+ self.hash = UUID(bytes=struct.pack("!LHHHHL", h0, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5))
+ except:
+ raise Exception("Invalid ClassKey format")
+ elif constructor.__class__ == dict:
+ # construct from QMFv2 map
+ try:
+ self.pname = constructor['_package_name']
+ self.cname = constructor['_class_name']
+ self.hash = constructor['_hash']
+ self.type = constructor.get('_type')
+ except:
+ raise Exception("Invalid ClassKey map format %s" % str(constructor))
+ else:
+ # construct from codec
+ codec = constructor
+ self.pname = str(codec.read_str8())
+ self.cname = str(codec.read_str8())
+ self.hash = UUID(bytes=codec.read_bin128())
+ # old V1 codec did not include "type"
+ self.type = None
+ def encode(self, codec):
+ # old V1 codec did not include "type"
+ codec.write_str8(self.pname)
+ codec.write_str8(self.cname)
+ codec.write_bin128(self.hash.bytes)
+ def asMap(self):
+ m = {'_package_name': self.pname,
+ '_class_name': self.cname,
+ '_hash': self.hash}
+ if self.type is not None:
+ m['_type'] = self.type
+ return m
+ def getPackageName(self):
+ return self.pname
+ def getClassName(self):
+ return self.cname
+ def getHash(self):
+ return self.hash
+ def getType(self):
+ return self.type
+ def getHashString(self):
+ return str(self.hash)
+ def getPackageKey(self):
+ return (self.cname, self.hash)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if self.type is None:
+ return self.pname + ":" + self.cname + "(" + self.getHashString() + ")"
+ return self.pname + ":" + self.cname + ":" + self.type + "(" + self.getHashString() + ")"
+ def _setType(self, _type):
+ if _type == 2 or _type == ClassKey.TYPE_EVENT:
+ self.type = ClassKey.TYPE_EVENT
+ else:
+ self.type = ClassKey.TYPE_DATA
+ def __hash__(self):
+ ss = self.pname + self.cname + self.getHashString()
+ return ss.__hash__()
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self.__repr__() == other.__repr__()
+# SchemaClass
+class SchemaClass:
+ """ """
+ def __init__(self, kind, key, codec, session):
+ self.kind = kind
+ self.classKey = key
+ = []
+ self.statistics = []
+ self.methods = []
+ self.arguments = []
+ self.session = session
+ hasSupertype = 0 #codec.read_uint8()
+ if self.kind == self.CLASS_KIND_TABLE:
+ propCount = codec.read_uint16()
+ statCount = codec.read_uint16()
+ methodCount = codec.read_uint16()
+ if hasSupertype == 1:
+ self.superTypeKey = ClassKey(codec)
+ else:
+ self.superTypeKey = None ;
+ for idx in range(propCount):
+ for idx in range(statCount):
+ self.statistics.append(SchemaStatistic(codec))
+ for idx in range(methodCount):
+ self.methods.append(SchemaMethod(codec))
+ elif self.kind == self.CLASS_KIND_EVENT:
+ argCount = codec.read_uint16()
+ if (hasSupertype):
+ self.superTypeKey = ClassKey(codec)
+ else:
+ self.superTypeKey = None ;
+ for idx in range(argCount):
+ self.arguments.append(SchemaArgument(codec, methodArg=False))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if self.kind == self.CLASS_KIND_TABLE:
+ kindStr = "Table"
+ elif self.kind == self.CLASS_KIND_EVENT:
+ kindStr = "Event"
+ else:
+ kindStr = "Unsupported"
+ result = "%s Class: %s " % (kindStr, self.classKey.__repr__())
+ return result
+ def getKey(self):
+ """ Return the class-key for this class. """
+ return self.classKey
+ def getProperties(self):
+ """ Return the list of properties for the class. """
+ if (self.superTypeKey == None):
+ return
+ else:
+ return + self.session.getSchema(self.superTypeKey).getProperties()
+ def getStatistics(self):
+ """ Return the list of statistics for the class. """
+ if (self.superTypeKey == None):
+ return self.statistics
+ else:
+ return self.statistics + self.session.getSchema(self.superTypeKey).getStatistics()
+ def getMethods(self):
+ """ Return the list of methods for the class. """
+ if (self.superTypeKey == None):
+ return self.methods
+ else:
+ return self.methods + self.session.getSchema(self.superTypeKey).getMethods()
+ def getArguments(self):
+ """ Return the list of events for the class. """
+ """ Return the list of methods for the class. """
+ if (self.superTypeKey == None):
+ return self.arguments
+ else:
+ return self.arguments + self.session.getSchema(self.superTypeKey).getArguments()
+# SchemaProperty
+class SchemaProperty:
+ """ """
+ def __init__(self, codec):
+ map = codec.read_map()
+ = str(map["name"])
+ self.type = map["type"]
+ self.access = str(map["access"])
+ self.index = map["index"] != 0
+ self.optional = map["optional"] != 0
+ self.refPackage = None
+ self.refClass = None
+ self.unit = None
+ self.min = None
+ self.max = None
+ self.maxlen = None
+ self.desc = None
+ for key, value in map.items():
+ if key == "unit" : self.unit = value
+ elif key == "min" : self.min = value
+ elif key == "max" : self.max = value
+ elif key == "maxlen" : self.maxlen = value
+ elif key == "desc" : self.desc = value
+ elif key == "refPackage" : self.refPackage = value
+ elif key == "refClass" : self.refClass = value
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return
+# SchemaStatistic
+class SchemaStatistic:
+ """ """
+ def __init__(self, codec):
+ map = codec.read_map()
+ = str(map["name"])
+ self.type = map["type"]
+ self.unit = None
+ self.desc = None
+ for key, value in map.items():
+ if key == "unit" : self.unit = value
+ elif key == "desc" : self.desc = value
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return
+# SchemaMethod
+class SchemaMethod:
+ """ """
+ def __init__(self, codec):
+ map = codec.read_map()
+ = str(map["name"])
+ argCount = map["argCount"]
+ if "desc" in map:
+ self.desc = map["desc"]
+ else:
+ self.desc = None
+ self.arguments = []
+ for idx in range(argCount):
+ self.arguments.append(SchemaArgument(codec, methodArg=True))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ result = + "("
+ first = True
+ for arg in self.arguments:
+ if arg.dir.find("I") != -1:
+ if first:
+ first = False
+ else:
+ result += ", "
+ result +=
+ result += ")"
+ return result
+# SchemaArgument
+class SchemaArgument:
+ """ """
+ def __init__(self, codec, methodArg):
+ map = codec.read_map()
+ = str(map["name"])
+ self.type = map["type"]
+ if methodArg:
+ self.dir = str(map["dir"]).upper()
+ self.unit = None
+ self.min = None
+ self.max = None
+ self.maxlen = None
+ self.desc = None
+ self.default = None
+ self.refPackage = None
+ self.refClass = None
+ for key, value in map.items():
+ if key == "unit" : self.unit = value
+ elif key == "min" : self.min = value
+ elif key == "max" : self.max = value
+ elif key == "maxlen" : self.maxlen = value
+ elif key == "desc" : self.desc = value
+ elif key == "default" : self.default = value
+ elif key == "refPackage" : self.refPackage = value
+ elif key == "refClass" : self.refClass = value
+# ObjectId
+class ObjectId:
+ """ Object that represents QMF object identifiers """
+ def __init__(self, constructor, first=0, second=0, agentName=None):
+ if constructor.__class__ == dict:
+ self.isV2 = True
+ self.agentName = agentName
+ self.agentEpoch = 0
+ if '_agent_name' in constructor: self.agentName = constructor['_agent_name']
+ if '_agent_epoch' in constructor: self.agentEpoch = constructor['_agent_epoch']
+ if '_object_name' not in constructor:
+ raise Exception("QMFv2 OBJECT_ID must have the '_object_name' field.")
+ self.objectName = constructor['_object_name']
+ else:
+ self.isV2 = None
+ if not constructor:
+ first = first
+ second = second
+ else:
+ first = constructor.read_uint64()
+ second = constructor.read_uint64()
+ self.agentName = str(first & 0x000000000FFFFFFF)
+ self.agentEpoch = (first & 0x0FFF000000000000) >> 48
+ self.objectName = str(second)
+ def _create(cls, agent_name, object_name, epoch=0):
+ oid = {"_agent_name": agent_name,
+ "_object_name": object_name,
+ "_agent_epoch": epoch}
+ return cls(oid)
+ create = classmethod(_create)
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ if other == None or not isinstance(other, ObjectId) :
+ return 1
+ if self.objectName < other.objectName:
+ return -1
+ if self.objectName > other.objectName:
+ return 1
+ if self.agentName < other.agentName:
+ return -1
+ if self.agentName > other.agentName:
+ return 1
+ if self.agentEpoch < other.agentEpoch:
+ return -1
+ if self.agentEpoch > other.agentEpoch:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "%d-%d-%d-%s-%s" % (self.getFlags(), self.getSequence(),
+ self.getBrokerBank(), self.getAgentBank(), self.getObject())
+ def index(self):
+ return self.__repr__()
+ def getFlags(self):
+ return 0
+ def getSequence(self):
+ return self.agentEpoch
+ def getBrokerBank(self):
+ return 1
+ def getAgentBank(self):
+ return self.agentName
+ def getV2RoutingKey(self):
+ if self.agentName == '0':
+ return "broker"
+ return self.agentName
+ def getObject(self):
+ return self.objectName
+ def isDurable(self):
+ return self.getSequence() == 0
+ def encode(self, codec):
+ first = (self.agentEpoch << 48) + (1 << 28)
+ second = 0
+ try:
+ first += int(self.agentName)
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ second = int(self.objectName)
+ except:
+ pass
+ codec.write_uint64(first)
+ codec.write_uint64(second)
+ def asMap(self):
+ omap = {'_agent_name': self.agentName, '_object_name': self.objectName}
+ if self.agentEpoch != 0:
+ omap['_agent_epoch'] = self.agentEpoch
+ return omap
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return self.__repr__().__hash__()
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self.__repr__().__eq__(other)
+# MethodResult
+class MethodResult(object):
+ """ """
+ def __init__(self, status, text, outArgs):
+ """ """
+ self.status = status
+ self.text = text
+ self.outArgs = outArgs
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ if name in self.outArgs:
+ return self.outArgs[name]
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "%s (%d) - %s" % (self.text, self.status, self.outArgs)
+# Broker
+class Broker(Thread):
+ """ This object represents a connection (or potential connection) to a QMF broker. """
+ SYNC_TIME = 60
+ nextSeq = 1
+ # for connection recovery
+ DELAY_MAX = 128
+ class _q_item:
+ """ Broker-private class to encapsulate data sent to the broker thread
+ queue.
+ """
+ type_wakeup = 0
+ type_v1msg = 1
+ type_v2msg = 2
+ def __init__(self, typecode, data):
+ self.typecode = typecode
+ = data
+ def __init__(self, session, host, port, authMechs, authUser, authPass,
+ ssl=False, connTimeout=None, sessTimeout=None, **connectArgs):
+ """ Create a broker proxy and setup a connection to the broker. Will raise
+ an exception if the connection fails and the session is not configured to
+ retry connection setup (manageConnections = False).
+ Spawns a thread to manage the broker connection. Call _shutdown() to
+ shutdown the thread when releasing the broker.
+ """
+ Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.session = session
+ = host
+ self.port = port
+ self.mechanisms = authMechs
+ self.ssl = ssl
+ if connTimeout is not None:
+ connTimeout = float(connTimeout)
+ self.connTimeout = connTimeout
+ if sessTimeout is not None:
+ sessTimeout = float(sessTimeout)
+ else:
+ sessTimeout = self.SYNC_TIME
+ self.sessTimeout = sessTimeout
+ self.authUser = authUser
+ self.authPass = authPass
+ self.saslUser = None
+ = Condition()
+ self.seqToAgentMap = {}
+ self.error = None
+ self.conn_exc = None # exception hit by _tryToConnect()
+ self.brokerId = None
+ self.connected = False
+ self.brokerAgent = None
+ self.brokerSupportsV2 = None
+ self.rcv_queue = Queue() # for msg received on session
+ self.conn = None
+ self.amqpSession = None
+ self.amqpSessionId = "%s.%d.%d" % (platform.uname()[1], os.getpid(), Broker.nextSeq)
+ Broker.nextSeq += 1
+ self.last_age_check = time()
+ self.connectArgs = connectArgs
+ # thread control
+ self.setDaemon(True)
+ self.setName("Thread for broker: %s:%d" % (host, port))
+ self.canceled = False
+ self.ready = Semaphore(0)
+ self.start()
+ if not self.session.manageConnections:
+ # wait for connection setup to complete in subthread.
+ # On failure, propagate exception to caller
+ self.ready.acquire()
+ if self.conn_exc:
+ self._shutdown() # wait for the subthread to clean up...
+ raise self.conn_exc
+ # connection up - wait for stable...
+ try:
+ self._waitForStable()
+ agent = self.getBrokerAgent()
+ if agent:
+ agent.getObjects(_class="agent")
+ except:
+ self._shutdown() # wait for the subthread to clean up...
+ raise
+ def isConnected(self):
+ """ Return True if there is an active connection to the broker. """
+ return self.connected
+ def getError(self):
+ """ Return the last error message seen while trying to connect to the broker. """
+ return self.error
+ def getBrokerId(self):
+ """ Get broker's unique identifier (UUID) """
+ return self.brokerId
+ def getBrokerBank(self):
+ """ Return the broker-bank value. This is the value that the broker assigns to
+ objects within its control. This value appears as a field in the ObjectId
+ of objects created by agents controlled by this broker. """
+ return 1
+ def getAgent(self, brokerBank, agentBank):
+ """ Return the agent object associated with a particular broker and agent bank value."""
+ bankKey = str(agentBank)
+ try:
+ if bankKey in self.agents:
+ return self.agents[bankKey]
+ finally:
+ return None
+ def getBrokerAgent(self):
+ return self.brokerAgent
+ def getSessionId(self):
+ """ Get the identifier of the AMQP session to the broker """
+ return self.amqpSessionId
+ def getAgents(self):
+ """ Get the list of agents reachable via this broker """
+ try:
+ return self.agents.values()
+ finally:
+ def getAmqpSession(self):
+ """ Get the AMQP session object for this connected broker. """
+ return self.amqpSession
+ def getUrl(self):
+ """ """
+ return BrokerURL(, port=self.port)
+ def getFullUrl(self, noAuthIfGuestDefault=True):
+ """ """
+ if self.ssl:
+ scheme = "amqps"
+ else:
+ scheme = "amqp"
+ if self.authUser == "" or \
+ (noAuthIfGuestDefault and self.authUser == "guest" and self.authPass == "guest"):
+ return BrokerURL(scheme=scheme,, port=(self.port or 5672))
+ else:
+ return BrokerURL(scheme=scheme, user=self.authUser, password=self.authPass,, port=(self.port or 5672))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if self.connected:
+ return "Broker connected at: %s" % self.getUrl()
+ else:
+ return "Disconnected Broker"
+ def _setSequence(self, sequence, agent):
+ try:
+ self.seqToAgentMap[sequence] = agent
+ finally:
+ def _clearSequence(self, sequence):
+ try:
+ self.seqToAgentMap.pop(sequence)
+ finally:
+ def _tryToConnect(self):
+ """ Connect to the broker. Returns True if connection setup completes
+ successfully, otherwise returns False and sets self.error/self.conn_exc
+ with error info. Does not raise exceptions.
+ """
+ self.error = None
+ self.conn_exc = None
+ try:
+ try:
+ self.agents = {}
+ finally:
+ self.topicBound = False
+ self.syncInFlight = False
+ self.syncRequest = 0
+ self.syncResult = None
+ self.reqsOutstanding = 1
+ try:
+ if self.amqpSession:
+ self.amqpSession.close()
+ except:
+ pass
+ self.amqpSession = None
+ try:
+ if self.conn:
+ self.conn.close(5)
+ except:
+ pass
+ self.conn = None
+ sock = connect(, self.port)
+ sock.settimeout(5)
+ oldTimeout = sock.gettimeout()
+ sock.settimeout(self.connTimeout)
+ connSock = None
+ force_blocking = False
+ if self.ssl:
+ # Bug (QPID-4337): the "old" implementation of python SSL
+ # fails if the socket is set to non-blocking (which settimeout()
+ # may change).
+ if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 6): # 2.6+ uses openssl - it's ok
+ force_blocking = True
+ sock.setblocking(1)
+ certfile = None
+ if 'ssl_certfile' in self.connectArgs:
+ certfile = self.connectArgs['ssl_certfile']
+ keyfile = None
+ if 'ssl_keyfile' in self.connectArgs:
+ keyfile = self.connectArgs['ssl_keyfile']
+ connSock = ssl(sock, certfile=certfile, keyfile=keyfile)
+ else:
+ connSock = sock
+ self.conn = Connection(connSock, username=self.authUser, password=self.authPass,
+ mechanism = self.mechanisms,, service="qpidd",
+ **self.connectArgs)
+ def aborted():
+ raise Timeout("Waiting for connection to be established with broker")
+ oldAborted = self.conn.aborted
+ self.conn.aborted = aborted
+ self.conn.start()
+ # Bug (QPID-4337): don't enable non-blocking (timeouts) for old SSL
+ if not force_blocking:
+ sock.settimeout(oldTimeout)
+ self.conn.aborted = oldAborted
+ uid = self.conn.user_id
+ if uid.__class__ == tuple and len(uid) == 2:
+ self.saslUser = uid[1]
+ elif type(uid) is str:
+ self.saslUser = uid;
+ else:
+ self.saslUser = None
+ # prevent topic queues from filling up (and causing the agents to
+ # disconnect) by discarding the oldest queued messages when full.
+ topic_queue_options = {"qpid.policy_type":"ring"}
+ self.replyName = "reply-%s" % self.amqpSessionId
+ self.amqpSession = self.conn.session(self.amqpSessionId)
+ self.amqpSession.timeout = self.sessTimeout
+ self.amqpSession.auto_sync = True
+ self.amqpSession.queue_declare(queue=self.replyName, exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
+ self.amqpSession.exchange_bind(exchange="",
+ queue=self.replyName, binding_key=self.replyName)
+ self.amqpSession.message_subscribe(queue=self.replyName, destination="rdest",
+ accept_mode=self.amqpSession.accept_mode.none,
+ acquire_mode=self.amqpSession.acquire_mode.pre_acquired)
+ self.amqpSession.incoming("rdest").listen(self._v1Cb, self._exceptionCb)
+ self.amqpSession.message_set_flow_mode(destination="rdest", flow_mode=self.amqpSession.flow_mode.window)
+ self.amqpSession.message_flow(destination="rdest", unit=self.amqpSession.credit_unit.byte, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
+ self.amqpSession.message_flow(destination="rdest", unit=self.amqpSession.credit_unit.message, value=200)
+ self.topicName = "topic-%s" % self.amqpSessionId
+ self.amqpSession.queue_declare(queue=self.topicName, exclusive=True,
+ auto_delete=True,
+ arguments=topic_queue_options)
+ self.amqpSession.message_subscribe(queue=self.topicName, destination="tdest",
+ accept_mode=self.amqpSession.accept_mode.none,
+ acquire_mode=self.amqpSession.acquire_mode.pre_acquired)
+ self.amqpSession.incoming("tdest").listen(self._v1Cb, self._exceptionCb)
+ self.amqpSession.message_set_flow_mode(destination="tdest", flow_mode=self.amqpSession.flow_mode.window)
+ self.amqpSession.message_flow(destination="tdest", unit=self.amqpSession.credit_unit.byte, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
+ self.amqpSession.message_flow(destination="tdest", unit=self.amqpSession.credit_unit.message, value=200)
+ ##
+ ## Check to see if the broker has QMFv2 exchanges configured
+ ##
+ direct_result = self.amqpSession.exchange_query("")
+ topic_result = self.amqpSession.exchange_query("qmf.default.topic")
+ self.brokerSupportsV2 = not (direct_result.not_found or topic_result.not_found)
+ try:
+ self.agents = {}
+ self.brokerAgent = Agent(self, 0, "BrokerAgent", isV2=self.brokerSupportsV2)
+ self.agents['0'] = self.brokerAgent
+ finally:
+ ##
+ ## Set up connectivity for QMFv2
+ ##
+ if self.brokerSupportsV2:
+ # set up 3 queues:
+ # 1 direct queue - for responses destined to this console.
+ # 2 topic queues - one for heartbeats (hb), one for unsolicited data
+ # and event indications (ui).
+ self.v2_direct_queue = "qmfc-v2-%s" % self.amqpSessionId
+ self.amqpSession.queue_declare(queue=self.v2_direct_queue, exclusive=True, auto_delete=True)
+ self.v2_topic_queue_ui = "qmfc-v2-ui-%s" % self.amqpSessionId
+ self.amqpSession.queue_declare(queue=self.v2_topic_queue_ui,
+ exclusive=True, auto_delete=True,
+ arguments=topic_queue_options)
+ self.v2_topic_queue_hb = "qmfc-v2-hb-%s" % self.amqpSessionId
+ self.amqpSession.queue_declare(queue=self.v2_topic_queue_hb,
+ exclusive=True, auto_delete=True,
+ arguments=topic_queue_options)
+ self.amqpSession.exchange_bind(exchange="",
+ queue=self.v2_direct_queue, binding_key=self.v2_direct_queue)
+ ## Other bindings here...
+ self.amqpSession.message_subscribe(queue=self.v2_direct_queue, destination="v2dest",
+ accept_mode=self.amqpSession.accept_mode.none,
+ acquire_mode=self.amqpSession.acquire_mode.pre_acquired)
+ self.amqpSession.incoming("v2dest").listen(self._v2Cb, self._exceptionCb)
+ self.amqpSession.message_set_flow_mode(destination="v2dest", flow_mode=self.amqpSession.flow_mode.window)
+ self.amqpSession.message_flow(destination="v2dest", unit=self.amqpSession.credit_unit.byte, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
+ self.amqpSession.message_flow(destination="v2dest", unit=self.amqpSession.credit_unit.message, value=50)
+ self.amqpSession.message_subscribe(queue=self.v2_topic_queue_ui, destination="v2TopicUI",
+ accept_mode=self.amqpSession.accept_mode.none,
+ acquire_mode=self.amqpSession.acquire_mode.pre_acquired)
+ self.amqpSession.incoming("v2TopicUI").listen(self._v2Cb, self._exceptionCb)
+ self.amqpSession.message_set_flow_mode(destination="v2TopicUI", flow_mode=self.amqpSession.flow_mode.window)
+ self.amqpSession.message_flow(destination="v2TopicUI", unit=self.amqpSession.credit_unit.byte, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
+ self.amqpSession.message_flow(destination="v2TopicUI", unit=self.amqpSession.credit_unit.message, value=25)
+ self.amqpSession.message_subscribe(queue=self.v2_topic_queue_hb, destination="v2TopicHB",
+ accept_mode=self.amqpSession.accept_mode.none,
+ acquire_mode=self.amqpSession.acquire_mode.pre_acquired)
+ self.amqpSession.incoming("v2TopicHB").listen(self._v2Cb, self._exceptionCb)
+ self.amqpSession.message_set_flow_mode(destination="v2TopicHB", flow_mode=self.amqpSession.flow_mode.window)
+ self.amqpSession.message_flow(destination="v2TopicHB", unit=self.amqpSession.credit_unit.byte, value=0xFFFFFFFFL)
+ self.amqpSession.message_flow(destination="v2TopicHB", unit=self.amqpSession.credit_unit.message, value=100)
+ codec = Codec()
+ self._setHeader(codec, 'B')
+ msg = self._message(codec.encoded)
+ self._send(msg)
+ return True # connection complete
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.error = "Exception during connection setup: %s - %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e)
+ self.conn_exc = e
+ if self.session.console:
+ self.session.console.brokerConnectionFailed(self)
+ return False # connection failed
+ def _updateAgent(self, obj):
+ """
+ Just received an object of class "", which
+ represents a V1 agent. Add or update the list of agent proxies.
+ """
+ bankKey = str(obj.agentBank)
+ agent = None
+ if obj._deleteTime == 0:
+ try:
+ if bankKey not in self.agents:
+ # add new agent only if label is not filtered
+ if len(self.session.agent_filter) == 0 or obj.label in self.session.agent_filter:
+ agent = Agent(self, obj.agentBank, obj.label)
+ self.agents[bankKey] = agent
+ finally:
+ if agent and self.session.console:
+ self.session._newAgentCallback(agent)
+ else:
+ try:
+ agent = self.agents.pop(bankKey, None)
+ if agent:
+ agent.close()
+ finally:
+ if agent and self.session.console:
+ self.session._delAgentCallback(agent)
+ def _addAgent(self, name, agent):
+ try:
+ self.agents[name] = agent
+ finally:
+ if self.session.console:
+ self.session._newAgentCallback(agent)
+ def _ageAgents(self):
+ if (time() - self.last_age_check) < self.session.agent_heartbeat_min:
+ # don't age if it's too soon
+ return
+ try:
+ to_delete = []
+ to_notify = []
+ for key in self.agents:
+ if self.agents[key].isOld():
+ to_delete.append(key)
+ for key in to_delete:
+ agent = self.agents.pop(key)
+ agent.close()
+ to_notify.append(agent)
+ self.last_age_check = time()
+ finally:
+ if self.session.console:
+ for agent in to_notify:
+ self.session._delAgentCallback(agent)
+ def _v2SendAgentLocate(self, predicate=[]):
+ """
+ Broadcast an agent-locate request to cause all agents in the domain to tell us who they are.
+ """
+ # @todo: send locate only to those agents in agent_filter?
+ dp = self.amqpSession.delivery_properties()
+ dp.routing_key = "console.request.agent_locate"
+ mp = self.amqpSession.message_properties()
+ mp.content_type = "amqp/list"
+ if self.saslUser:
+ mp.user_id = self.saslUser
+ mp.app_id = "qmf2"
+ mp.reply_to = self.amqpSession.reply_to("", self.v2_direct_queue)
+ mp.application_headers = {'qmf.opcode':'_agent_locate_request'}
+ sendCodec = Codec()
+ sendCodec.write_list(predicate)
+ msg = Message(dp, mp, sendCodec.encoded)
+ self._send(msg, "qmf.default.topic")
+ def _setHeader(self, codec, opcode, seq=0):
+ """ Compose the header of a management message. """
+ codec.write_uint8(ord('A'))
+ codec.write_uint8(ord('M'))
+ codec.write_uint8(ord('2'))
+ codec.write_uint8(ord(opcode))
+ codec.write_uint32(seq)
+ def _checkHeader(self, codec):
+ """ Check the header of a management message and extract the opcode and class. """
+ try:
+ octet = chr(codec.read_uint8())
+ if octet != 'A':
+ return None, None
+ octet = chr(codec.read_uint8())
+ if octet != 'M':
+ return None, None
+ octet = chr(codec.read_uint8())
+ if octet != '2':
+ return None, None
+ opcode = chr(codec.read_uint8())
+ seq = codec.read_uint32()
+ return opcode, seq
+ except:
+ return None, None
+ def _message (self, body, routing_key="broker", ttl=None):
+ dp = self.amqpSession.delivery_properties()
+ dp.routing_key = routing_key
+ if ttl:
+ dp.ttl = ttl
+ mp = self.amqpSession.message_properties()
+ mp.content_type = "x-application/qmf"
+ if self.saslUser:
+ mp.user_id = self.saslUser
+ mp.reply_to = self.amqpSession.reply_to("", self.replyName)
+ return Message(dp, mp, body)
+ def _send(self, msg, dest=""):
+ self.amqpSession.message_transfer(destination=dest, message=msg)
+ def _disconnect(self, err_info=None):
+ """ Called when the remote broker has disconnected. Re-initializes all
+ state associated with the broker.
+ """
+ # notify any waiters, and callback
+ try:
+ if err_info is not None:
+ self.error = err_info
+ _agents = self.agents
+ self.agents = {}
+ for agent in _agents.itervalues():
+ agent.close()
+ self.syncInFlight = False
+ self.reqsOutstanding = 0
+ finally:
+ if self.session.console:
+ for agent in _agents.itervalues():
+ self.session._delAgentCallback(agent)
+ def _shutdown(self, _timeout=10):
+ """ Disconnect from a broker, and release its resources. Errors are
+ ignored.
+ """
+ if self.isAlive():
+ # kick the thread
+ self.canceled = True
+ self.rcv_queue.put(Broker._q_item(Broker._q_item.type_wakeup, None))
+ self.join(_timeout)
+ # abort any pending transactions and delete agents
+ self._disconnect("broker shutdown")
+ try:
+ if self.amqpSession:
+ self.amqpSession.close();
+ except:
+ pass
+ self.amqpSession = None
+ try:
+ if self.conn:
+ self.conn.close(_timeout)
+ except:
+ pass
+ self.conn = None
+ self.connected = False
+ def _waitForStable(self):
+ try:
+ if not self.connected:
+ return
+ if self.reqsOutstanding == 0:
+ return
+ self.syncInFlight = True
+ starttime = time()
+ while self.reqsOutstanding != 0:
+ if time() - starttime > self.SYNC_TIME:
+ raise RuntimeError("Timed out waiting for broker to synchronize")
+ finally:
+ def _incOutstanding(self):
+ try:
+ self.reqsOutstanding += 1
+ finally:
+ def _decOutstanding(self):
+ try:
+ self.reqsOutstanding -= 1
+ if self.reqsOutstanding == 0 and not self.topicBound:
+ self.topicBound = True
+ for key in self.session.v1BindingKeyList:
+ self.amqpSession.exchange_bind(exchange="",
+ queue=self.topicName, binding_key=key)
+ if self.brokerSupportsV2:
+ # do not drop heartbeat indications when under load from data
+ # or event indications. Put heartbeats on their own dedicated
+ # queue.
+ #
+ for key in self.session.v2BindingKeyList:
+ if key.startswith("agent.ind.heartbeat"):
+ self.amqpSession.exchange_bind(exchange="qmf.default.topic",
+ queue=self.v2_topic_queue_hb,
+ binding_key=key)
+ else:
+ self.amqpSession.exchange_bind(exchange="qmf.default.topic",
+ queue=self.v2_topic_queue_ui,
+ binding_key=key)
+ # solicit an agent locate now, after we bind to,
+ # because the agent locate will cause the agent to publish a
+ # data indication - and now we're able to receive it!
+ self._v2SendAgentLocate()
+ if self.reqsOutstanding == 0 and self.syncInFlight:
+ self.syncInFlight = False
+ finally:
+ def _v1Cb(self, msg):
+ """ Callback from session receive thread for V1 messages
+ """
+ self.rcv_queue.put(Broker._q_item(Broker._q_item.type_v1msg, msg))
+ def _v1Dispatch(self, msg):
+ try:
+ self._v1DispatchProtected(msg)
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "EXCEPTION in Broker._v1Cb:", e
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ def _v1DispatchProtected(self, msg):
+ """
+ This is the general message handler for messages received via the QMFv1 exchanges.
+ """
+ try:
+ agent = None
+ agent_addr = None
+ mp = msg.get("message_properties")
+ ah = mp.application_headers
+ if ah and 'qmf.agent' in ah:
+ agent_addr = ah['qmf.agent']
+ if not agent_addr:
+ #
+ # See if we can determine the agent identity from the routing key
+ #
+ dp = msg.get("delivery_properties")
+ rkey = None
+ if dp and dp.routing_key:
+ rkey = dp.routing_key
+ items = rkey.split('.')
+ if len(items) >= 4:
+ if items[0] == 'console' and items[3].isdigit():
+ agent_addr = str(items[3]) # The QMFv1 Agent Bank
+ if agent_addr != None and agent_addr in self.agents:
+ agent = self.agents[agent_addr]
+ codec = Codec(msg.body)
+ alreadyTried = None
+ while True:
+ opcode, seq = self._checkHeader(codec)
+ if not agent and not alreadyTried:
+ alreadyTried = True
+ try:
+ if seq in self.seqToAgentMap:
+ agent = self.seqToAgentMap[seq]
+ finally:
+ if opcode == None: break
+ if opcode == 'b': self.session._handleBrokerResp (self, codec, seq)
+ elif opcode == 'p': self.session._handlePackageInd (self, codec, seq)
+ elif opcode == 'q': self.session._handleClassInd (self, codec, seq)
+ elif opcode == 's': self.session._handleSchemaResp (self, codec, seq, agent_addr)
+ elif opcode == 'h': self.session._handleHeartbeatInd (self, codec, seq, msg)
+ elif opcode == 'z': self.session._handleCommandComplete (self, codec, seq, agent)
+ elif agent:
+ agent._handleQmfV1Message(opcode, seq, mp, ah, codec)
+ agent.touch() # mark agent as being alive
+ finally: # always ack the message!
+ try:
+ # ignore failures as the session may be shutting down...
+ self.amqpSession.receiver._completed.add(
+ except:
+ pass
+ def _v2Cb(self, msg):
+ """ Callback from session receive thread for V2 messages
+ """
+ self.rcv_queue.put(Broker._q_item(Broker._q_item.type_v2msg, msg))
+ def _v2Dispatch(self, msg):
+ try:
+ self._v2DispatchProtected(msg)
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "EXCEPTION in Broker._v2Cb:", e
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ def _v2DispatchProtected(self, msg):
+ """
+ This is the general message handler for messages received via QMFv2 exchanges.
+ """
+ try:
+ mp = msg.get("message_properties")
+ ah = mp["application_headers"]
+ codec = Codec(msg.body)
+ if 'qmf.opcode' in ah:
+ opcode = ah['qmf.opcode']
+ if mp.content_type == "amqp/list":
+ try:
+ content = codec.read_list()
+ if not content:
+ content = []
+ except:
+ # malformed list - ignore
+ content = None
+ elif mp.content_type == "amqp/map":
+ try:
+ content = codec.read_map()
+ if not content:
+ content = {}
+ except:
+ # malformed map - ignore
+ content = None
+ else:
+ content = None
+ if content != None:
+ ##
+ ## Directly handle agent heartbeats and agent locate responses as these are broker-scope (they are
+ ## used to maintain the broker's list of agent proxies.
+ ##
+ if opcode == '_agent_heartbeat_indication': self.session._v2HandleHeartbeatInd(self, mp, ah, content)
+ elif opcode == '_agent_locate_response': self.session._v2HandleAgentLocateRsp(self, mp, ah, content)
+ else:
+ ##
+ ## All other opcodes are agent-scope and are forwarded to the agent proxy representing the sender
+ ## of the message.
+ ##
+ # the broker's agent is mapped to index ['0']
+ agentName = ah['qmf.agent']
+ v = agentName.split(":")
+ if agentName == 'broker' or (len(v) >= 2 and v[0] == ''
+ and v[1] == 'qpidd'):
+ agentName = '0'
+ if agentName in self.agents:
+ agent = self.agents[agentName]
+ agent._handleQmfV2Message(opcode, mp, ah, content)
+ agent.touch()
+ finally: # always ack the message!
+ try:
+ # ignore failures as the session may be shutting down...
+ self.amqpSession.receiver._completed.add(
+ except:
+ pass
+ def _exceptionCb(self, data):
+ """ Exception notification callback from session receive thread.
+ """
+ try:
+ self.connected = False
+ self.error = "exception received from messaging layer: %s" % str(data)
+ finally:
+ self.rcv_queue.put(Broker._q_item(Broker._q_item.type_wakeup, None))
+ def run(self):
+ """ Main body of the running thread. """
+ # First, attempt a connection. In the unmanaged case,
+ # failure to connect needs to cause the Broker()
+ # constructor to raise an exception.
+ delay = self.DELAY_MIN
+ while not self.canceled:
+ if self._tryToConnect(): # connection up
+ break
+ # unmanaged connection - fail & wake up constructor
+ if not self.session.manageConnections:
+ self.ready.release()
+ return
+ # managed connection - try again
+ count = 0
+ while not self.canceled and count < delay:
+ sleep(1)
+ count += 1
+ if delay < self.DELAY_MAX:
+ delay *= self.DELAY_FACTOR
+ if self.canceled:
+ self.ready.release()
+ return
+ # connection successful!
+ try:
+ self.connected = True
+ finally:
+ self.session._handleBrokerConnect(self)
+ self.ready.release()
+ while not self.canceled:
+ try:
+ item = self.rcv_queue.get(timeout=self.session.agent_heartbeat_min)
+ except Empty:
+ item = None
+ while not self.canceled and item is not None:
+ if not self.connected:
+ # connection failure
+ while item:
+ # drain the queue
+ try:
+ item = self.rcv_queue.get(block=False)
+ except Empty:
+ item = None
+ break
+ self._disconnect() # clean up any pending agents
+ self.session._handleError(self.error)
+ self.session._handleBrokerDisconnect(self)
+ if not self.session.manageConnections:
+ return # do not attempt recovery
+ # retry connection setup
+ delay = self.DELAY_MIN
+ while not self.canceled:
+ if self._tryToConnect():
+ break
+ # managed connection - try again
+ count = 0
+ while not self.canceled and count < delay:
+ sleep(1)
+ count += 1
+ if delay < self.DELAY_MAX:
+ delay *= self.DELAY_FACTOR
+ if self.canceled:
+ return
+ # connection successful!
+ try:
+ self.connected = True
+ finally:
+ self.session._handleBrokerConnect(self)
+ elif item.typecode == Broker._q_item.type_v1msg:
+ self._v1Dispatch(
+ elif item.typecode == Broker._q_item.type_v2msg:
+ self._v2Dispatch(
+ try:
+ item = self.rcv_queue.get(block=False)
+ except Empty:
+ item = None
+ # queue drained, age the agents...
+ if not self.canceled:
+ self._ageAgents()
+# Agent
+class Agent:
+ """
+ This class represents a proxy for a remote agent being managed
+ """
+ def __init__(self, broker, agentBank, label, isV2=False, interval=0):
+ = broker
+ self.session = broker.session
+ self.schemaCache = self.session.schemaCache
+ self.brokerBank = broker.getBrokerBank()
+ self.agentBank = str(agentBank)
+ self.label = label
+ self.isV2 = isV2
+ self.heartbeatInterval = 0
+ if interval:
+ if interval < self.session.agent_heartbeat_min:
+ self.heartbeatInterval = self.session.agent_heartbeat_min
+ else:
+ self.heartbeatInterval = interval
+ self.lock = Lock()
+ self.seqMgr = self.session.seqMgr
+ self.contextMap = {}
+ self.unsolicitedContext = RequestContext(self, self)
+ self.lastSeenTime = time()
+ self.closed = None
+ self.epoch = 0
+ self.schema_timestamp = None
+ def _checkClosed(self):
+ if self.closed:
+ raise Exception("Agent is disconnected")
+ def __call__(self, **kwargs):
+ """
+ This is the handler for unsolicited stuff received from the agent
+ """
+ if 'qmf_object' in kwargs:
+ if self.session.console:
+ obj = kwargs['qmf_object']
+ if self.session.class_filter and obj.getClassKey():
+ # slow path: check classKey against event_filter
+ pname = obj.getClassKey().getPackageName()
+ cname = obj.getClassKey().getClassName()
+ if ((pname, cname) not in self.session.class_filter
+ and (pname, None) not in self.session.class_filter):
+ return
+ if obj.getProperties():
+ self.session.console.objectProps(, obj)
+ if obj.getStatistics():
+ # QMFv2 objects may also contain statistic updates
+ self.session.console.objectStats(, obj)
+ elif 'qmf_object_stats' in kwargs:
+ if self.session.console:
+ obj = kwargs['qmf_object_stats']
+ if len(self.session.class_filter) == 0:
+ self.session.console.objectStats(, obj)
+ elif obj.getClassKey():
+ # slow path: check classKey against event_filter
+ pname = obj.getClassKey().getPackageName()
+ cname = obj.getClassKey().getClassName()
+ if ((pname, cname) in self.session.class_filter
+ or (pname, None) in self.session.class_filter):
+ self.session.console.objectStats(, obj)
+ elif 'qmf_event' in kwargs:
+ if self.session.console:
+ event = kwargs['qmf_event']
+ if len(self.session.event_filter) == 0:
+ self.session.console.event(, event)
+ elif event.classKey:
+ # slow path: check classKey against event_filter
+ pname = event.classKey.getPackageName()
+ ename = event.classKey.getClassName()
+ if ((pname, ename) in self.session.event_filter
+ or (pname, None) in self.session.event_filter):
+ self.session.console.event(, event)
+ elif 'qmf_schema_id' in kwargs:
+ ckey = kwargs['qmf_schema_id']
+ new_pkg, new_cls = self.session.schemaCache.declareClass(ckey)
+ if self.session.console:
+ if new_pkg:
+ self.session._newPackageCallback(ckey.getPackageName())
+ if new_cls:
+ # translate V2's string based type value to legacy
+ # integer value for backward compatibility
+ cls_type = ckey.getType()
+ if str(cls_type) == ckey.TYPE_DATA:
+ cls_type = 1
+ elif str(cls_type) == ckey.TYPE_EVENT:
+ cls_type = 2
+ self.session._newClassCallback(cls_type, ckey)
+ def touch(self):
+ if self.heartbeatInterval:
+ self.lastSeenTime = time()
+ def setEpoch(self, epoch):
+ self.epoch = epoch
+ def update_schema_timestamp(self, timestamp):
+ """ Check the latest schema timestamp from the agent V2 heartbeat. Issue a
+ query for all packages & classes should the timestamp change.
+ """
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ try:
+ if self.schema_timestamp == timestamp:
+ return
+ self.schema_timestamp = timestamp
+ context = RequestContext(self, self)
+ sequence = self.seqMgr._reserve(context)
+ self.contextMap[sequence] = context
+ context.setSequence(sequence)
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
+ self._v2SendSchemaIdQuery(sequence, {})
+ def epochMismatch(self, epoch):
+ if epoch == 0 or self.epoch == 0:
+ return None
+ if epoch == self.epoch:
+ return None
+ return True
+ def isOld(self):
+ if self.heartbeatInterval == 0:
+ return None
+ if time() - self.lastSeenTime > (self.session.agent_heartbeat_miss * self.heartbeatInterval):
+ return True
+ return None
+ def close(self):
+ self.closed = True
+ copy = {}
+ try:
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ for seq in self.contextMap:
+ copy[seq] = self.contextMap[seq]
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
+ for seq in copy:
+ context = copy[seq]
+ context.cancel("Agent disconnected")
+ self.seqMgr._release(seq)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if self.isV2:
+ ver = "v2"
+ else:
+ ver = "v1"
+ return "Agent(%s) at bank %d.%s (%s)" % (ver, self.brokerBank, self.agentBank, self.label)
+ def getBroker(self):
+ return
+ def getBrokerBank(self):
+ return self.brokerBank
+ def getAgentBank(self):
+ return self.agentBank
+ def getV2RoutingKey(self):
+ if self.agentBank == '0':
+ return 'broker'
+ return self.agentBank
+ def getObjects(self, notifiable=None, **kwargs):
+ """ Get a list of objects from QMF agents.
+ All arguments are passed by name(keyword).
+ If 'notifiable' is None (default), this call will block until completion or timeout.
+ If supplied, notifiable is assumed to be a callable object that will be called when the
+ list of queried objects arrives. The single argument to the call shall be a list of
+ the returned objects.
+ The class for queried objects may be specified in one of the following ways:
+ _schema = <schema> - supply a schema object returned from getSchema.
+ _key = <key> - supply a classKey from the list returned by getClasses.
+ _class = <name> - supply a class name as a string. If the class name exists
+ in multiple packages, a _package argument may also be supplied.
+ _objectId = <id> - get the object referenced by the object-id
+ The default timeout for this synchronous operation is 60 seconds. To change the timeout,
+ use the following argument:
+ _timeout = <time in seconds>
+ If additional arguments are supplied, they are used as property selectors. For example,
+ if the argument name="test" is supplied, only objects whose "name" property is "test"
+ will be returned in the result.
+ """
+ self._checkClosed()
+ if notifiable:
+ if not callable(notifiable):
+ raise Exception("notifiable object must be callable")
+ #
+ # Isolate the selectors from the kwargs
+ #
+ selectors = {}
+ for key in kwargs:
+ value = kwargs[key]
+ if key[0] != '_':
+ selectors[key] = value
+ #
+ # Allocate a context to track this asynchronous request.
+ #
+ context = RequestContext(self, notifiable, selectors)
+ sequence = self.seqMgr._reserve(context)
+ try:
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ self.contextMap[sequence] = context
+ context.setSequence(sequence)
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
+ #
+ # Compose and send the query message to the agent using the appropriate protocol for the
+ # agent's QMF version.
+ #
+ if self.isV2:
+ self._v2SendGetQuery(sequence, kwargs)
+ else:
+, self)
+ self._v1SendGetQuery(sequence, kwargs)
+ #
+ # If this is a synchronous call, block and wait for completion.
+ #
+ if not notifiable:
+ timeout = 60
+ if '_timeout' in kwargs:
+ timeout = kwargs['_timeout']
+ context.waitForSignal(timeout)
+ if context.exception:
+ raise Exception(context.exception)
+ result = context.queryResults
+ return result
+ def _clearContext(self, sequence):
+ try:
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ try:
+ self.contextMap.pop(sequence)
+ self.seqMgr._release(sequence)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass # @todo - shouldn't happen, log a warning.
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
+ def _schemaInfoFromV2Agent(self):
+ """
+ We have just received new schema information from this agent. Check to see if there's
+ more work that can now be done.
+ """
+ try:
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ copy_of_map = {}
+ for item in self.contextMap:
+ copy_of_map[item] = self.contextMap[item]
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
+ self.unsolicitedContext.reprocess()
+ for context in copy_of_map:
+ copy_of_map[context].reprocess()
+ def _handleV1Completion(self, sequence, code, text):
+ """
+ Called if one of this agent's V1 commands completed
+ """
+ context = None
+ try:
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ if sequence in self.contextMap:
+ context = self.contextMap[sequence]
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
+ if context:
+ if code != 0:
+ ex = "Error %d: %s" % (code, text)
+ context.setException(ex)
+ context.signal()
+ def _v1HandleMethodResp(self, codec, seq):
+ """
+ Handle a QMFv1 method response
+ """
+ code = codec.read_uint32()
+ text = codec.read_str16()
+ outArgs = {}
+ pair = self.seqMgr._release(seq)
+ if pair == None:
+ return
+ method, synchronous = pair
+ if code == 0:
+ for arg in method.arguments:
+ if arg.dir.find("O") != -1:
+ outArgs[] = self.session._decodeValue(codec, arg.type,
+ result = MethodResult(code, text, outArgs)
+ if synchronous:
+ try:
+ = result
+ = False
+ finally:
+ else:
+ if self.session.console:
+ self.session.console.methodResponse(, seq, result)
+ def _v1HandleEventInd(self, codec, seq):
+ """
+ Handle a QMFv1 event indication
+ """
+ event = Event(self, codec)
+ self.unsolicitedContext.doEvent(event)
+ def _v1HandleContentInd(self, codec, sequence, prop=False, stat=False):
+ """
+ Handle a QMFv1 content indication
+ """
+ classKey = ClassKey(codec)
+ schema = self.schemaCache.getSchema(classKey)
+ if not schema:
+ return
+ obj = Object(self, schema, codec, prop, stat)
+ if classKey.getPackageName() == "" and classKey.getClassName() == "agent" and prop:
+ context = self.unsolicitedContext
+ try:
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ if sequence in self.contextMap:
+ context = self.contextMap[sequence]
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
+ context.addV1QueryResult(obj, prop, stat)
+ def _v2HandleDataInd(self, mp, ah, content):
+ """
+ Handle a QMFv2 data indication from the agent. Note: called from context
+ of the Broker thread.
+ """
+ if content.__class__ != list:
+ return
+ if mp.correlation_id:
+ try:
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ sequence = int(mp.correlation_id)
+ if sequence not in self.contextMap:
+ return
+ context = self.contextMap[sequence]
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
+ else:
+ context = self.unsolicitedContext
+ kind = "_data"
+ if "qmf.content" in ah:
+ kind = ah["qmf.content"]
+ if kind == "_data":
+ for omap in content:
+ context.addV2QueryResult(omap)
+ context.processV2Data()
+ if 'partial' not in ah:
+ context.signal()
+ elif kind == "_event":
+ for omap in content:
+ event = Event(self, v2Map=omap)
+ if event.classKey is None or event.schema:
+ # schema optional or present
+ context.doEvent(event)
+ else:
+ # schema not optional and not present
+ if context.addPendingEvent(event):
+ self._v2SendSchemaRequest(event.classKey)
+ elif kind == "_schema_id":
+ for sid in content:
+ try:
+ ckey = ClassKey(sid)
+ except:
+ # @todo: log error
+ ckey = None
+ if ckey is not None:
+ # @todo: for now, the application cannot directly send a query for
+ # _schema_id. This request _must_ have been initiated by the framework
+ # in order to update the schema cache.
+ context.notifiable(qmf_schema_id=ckey)
+ def _v2HandleMethodResp(self, mp, ah, content):
+ """
+ Handle a QMFv2 method response from the agent
+ """
+ context = None
+ sequence = None
+ if mp.correlation_id:
+ try:
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ seq = int(mp.correlation_id)
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
+ else:
+ return
+ pair = self.seqMgr._release(seq)
+ if pair == None:
+ return
+ method, synchronous = pair
+ result = MethodResult(0, 'OK', content['_arguments'])
+ if synchronous:
+ try:
+ = result
+ = False
+ finally:
+ else:
+ if self.session.console:
+ self.session.console.methodResponse(, seq, result)
+ def _v2HandleException(self, mp, ah, content):
+ """
+ Handle a QMFv2 exception
+ """
+ context = None
+ if mp.correlation_id:
+ try:
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ seq = int(mp.correlation_id)
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
+ else:
+ return
+ values = {}
+ if '_values' in content:
+ values = content['_values']
+ code = 7
+ text = "error"
+ if 'error_code' in values:
+ code = values['error_code']
+ if 'error_text' in values:
+ text = values['error_text']
+ pair = self.seqMgr._release(seq)
+ if pair == None:
+ return
+ if pair.__class__ == RequestContext:
+ pair.cancel(text)
+ return
+ method, synchronous = pair
+ result = MethodResult(code, text, {})
+ if synchronous:
+ try:
+ = result
+ = False
+ finally:
+ else:
+ if self.session.console:
+ self.session.console.methodResponse(, seq, result)
+ def _v1SendGetQuery(self, sequence, kwargs):
+ """
+ Send a get query to a QMFv1 agent.
+ """
+ #
+ # Build the query map
+ #
+ query = {}
+ if '_class' in kwargs:
+ query['_class'] = kwargs['_class']
+ if '_package' in kwargs:
+ query['_package'] = kwargs['_package']
+ elif '_key' in kwargs:
+ key = kwargs['_key']
+ query['_class'] = key.getClassName()
+ query['_package'] = key.getPackageName()
+ elif '_objectId' in kwargs:
+ query['_objectid'] = kwargs['_objectId'].__repr__()
+ #
+ # Construct and transmit the message
+ #
+ sendCodec = Codec()
+, 'G', sequence)
+ sendCodec.write_map(query)
+ smsg =, "agent.%d.%s" % (self.brokerBank, self.agentBank))
+ def _v2SendQuery(self, query, sequence):
+ """
+ Given a query map, construct and send a V2 Query message.
+ """
+ dp =
+ dp.routing_key = self.getV2RoutingKey()
+ mp =
+ mp.content_type = "amqp/map"
+ if
+ mp.user_id =
+ mp.correlation_id = str(sequence)
+ mp.app_id = "qmf2"
+ mp.reply_to ="",
+ mp.application_headers = {'qmf.opcode':'_query_request'}
+ sendCodec = Codec()
+ sendCodec.write_map(query)
+ msg = Message(dp, mp, sendCodec.encoded)
+, "")
+ def _v2SendGetQuery(self, sequence, kwargs):
+ """
+ Send a get query to a QMFv2 agent.
+ """
+ #
+ # Build the query map
+ #
+ query = {'_what': 'OBJECT'}
+ if '_class' in kwargs:
+ schemaMap = {'_class_name': kwargs['_class']}
+ if '_package' in kwargs:
+ schemaMap['_package_name'] = kwargs['_package']
+ query['_schema_id'] = schemaMap
+ elif '_key' in kwargs:
+ query['_schema_id'] = kwargs['_key'].asMap()
+ elif '_objectId' in kwargs:
+ query['_object_id'] = kwargs['_objectId'].asMap()
+ self._v2SendQuery(query, sequence)
+ def _v2SendSchemaIdQuery(self, sequence, kwargs):
+ """
+ Send a query for all schema ids to a QMFv2 agent.
+ """
+ #
+ # Build the query map
+ #
+ query = {'_what': 'SCHEMA_ID'}
+ # @todo - predicate support. For now, return all known schema ids.
+ self._v2SendQuery(query, sequence)
+ def _v2SendSchemaRequest(self, schemaId):
+ """
+ Send a query to an agent to request details on a particular schema class.
+ IMPORTANT: This function currently sends a QMFv1 schema-request to the address of
+ the agent. The agent will send its response to<our-key>.
+ Eventually, this will be converted to a proper QMFv2 schema query.
+ """
+ sendCodec = Codec()
+ seq = self.seqMgr._reserve(None)
+, 'S', seq)
+ schemaId.encode(sendCodec)
+ smsg =, self.agentBank)
+, "")
+ def _handleQmfV1Message(self, opcode, seq, mp, ah, codec):
+ """
+ Process QMFv1 messages arriving from an agent. Note well: this method is
+ called from the context of the Broker thread.
+ """
+ if opcode == 'm': self._v1HandleMethodResp(codec, seq)
+ elif opcode == 'e': self._v1HandleEventInd(codec, seq)
+ elif opcode == 'c': self._v1HandleContentInd(codec, seq, prop=True)
+ elif opcode == 'i': self._v1HandleContentInd(codec, seq, stat=True)
+ elif opcode == 'g': self._v1HandleContentInd(codec, seq, prop=True, stat=True)
+ def _handleQmfV2Message(self, opcode, mp, ah, content):
+ """
+ Process QMFv2 messages arriving from an agent. Note well: this method is
+ called from the context of the Broker thread.
+ """
+ if opcode == '_data_indication': self._v2HandleDataInd(mp, ah, content)
+ elif opcode == '_query_response': self._v2HandleDataInd(mp, ah, content)
+ elif opcode == '_method_response': self._v2HandleMethodResp(mp, ah, content)
+ elif opcode == '_exception': self._v2HandleException(mp, ah, content)
+# RequestContext
+class RequestContext(object):
+ """
+ This class tracks an asynchronous request sent to an agent.
+ TODO: Add logic for client-side selection and filtering deleted objects from get-queries
+ """
+ def __init__(self, agent, notifiable, selectors={}):
+ self.sequence = None
+ self.agent = agent
+ self.schemaCache = self.agent.schemaCache
+ self.notifiable = notifiable
+ self.selectors = selectors
+ self.startTime = time()
+ self.rawQueryResults = []
+ self.queryResults = []
+ self.pendingEvents = {}
+ self.exception = None
+ self.waitingForSchema = None
+ self.pendingSignal = None
+ = Condition()
+ self.blocked = notifiable == None
+ def setSequence(self, sequence):
+ self.sequence = sequence
+ def addV1QueryResult(self, data, has_props, has_stats):
+ values = {}
+ if has_props:
+ for prop, val in data.getProperties():
+ values[] = val
+ if has_stats:
+ for stat, val in data.getStatistics():
+ values[] = val
+ for key in values:
+ val = values[key]
+ if key in self.selectors and val != self.selectors[key]:
+ return
+ if self.notifiable:
+ if has_props:
+ self.notifiable(qmf_object=data)
+ if has_stats:
+ self.notifiable(qmf_object_stats=data)
+ else:
+ self.queryResults.append(data)
+ def addV2QueryResult(self, data):
+ values = data['_values']
+ for key in values:
+ val = values[key]
+ if key in self.selectors:
+ sel_val = self.selectors[key]
+ if sel_val.__class__ == ObjectId:
+ val = ObjectId(val, agentName=self.agent.getAgentBank())
+ if val != sel_val:
+ return
+ self.rawQueryResults.append(data)
+ def addPendingEvent(self, event):
+ """ Stores a received event that is pending a schema. Returns True if this
+ event is the first instance of a given schema identifier.
+ """
+ try:
+ if event.classKey in self.pendingEvents:
+ self.pendingEvents[event.classKey].append((event, time()))
+ return False
+ self.pendingEvents[event.classKey] = [(event, time())]
+ return True
+ finally:
+ def processPendingEvents(self):
+ """ Walk the pending events looking for schemas that are now
+ available. Remove any events that now have schema, and process them.
+ """
+ keysToDelete = []
+ events = []
+ try:
+ for key in self.pendingEvents.iterkeys():
+ schema = self.schemaCache.getSchema(key)
+ if schema:
+ keysToDelete.append(key)
+ for item in self.pendingEvents[key]:
+ # item is (timestamp, event-obj) tuple.
+ # hack: I have no idea what a valid lifetime for an event
+ # should be. 60 seconds???
+ if (time() - item[1]) < 60:
+ item[0].schema = schema
+ events.append(item[0])
+ for key in keysToDelete:
+ self.pendingEvents.pop(key)
+ finally:
+ for event in events:
+ self.doEvent(event)
+ def doEvent(self, data):
+ if self.notifiable:
+ self.notifiable(qmf_event=data)
+ def setException(self, ex):
+ self.exception = ex
+ def getAge(self):
+ return time() - self.startTime
+ def cancel(self, exception):
+ self.setException(exception)
+ try:
+ self.blocked = None
+ self.waitingForSchema = None
+ finally:
+ self._complete()
+ def waitForSignal(self, timeout):
+ try:
+ while self.blocked:
+ if (time() - self.startTime) > timeout:
+ self.exception = "Request timed out after %d seconds" % timeout
+ return
+ finally:
+ def signal(self):
+ try:
+ if self.waitingForSchema:
+ self.pendingSignal = True
+ return
+ else:
+ self.blocked = None
+ finally:
+ self._complete()
+ def _complete(self):
+ if self.notifiable:
+ if self.exception:
+ self.notifiable(qmf_exception=self.exception)
+ else:
+ self.notifiable(qmf_complete=True)
+ if self.sequence:
+ self.agent._clearContext(self.sequence)
+ def processV2Data(self):
+ """
+ Attempt to make progress on the entries in the raw_query_results queue. If an entry has a schema
+ that is in our schema cache, process it. Otherwise, send a request for the schema information
+ to the agent that manages the object.
+ """
+ schemaId = None
+ queryResults = []
+ try:
+ if self.waitingForSchema:
+ return
+ while (not self.waitingForSchema) and len(self.rawQueryResults) > 0:
+ head = self.rawQueryResults[0]
+ schemaId = self._getSchemaIdforV2ObjectLH(head)
+ schema = self.schemaCache.getSchema(schemaId)
+ if schema:
+ obj = Object(self.agent, schema, v2Map=head, agentName=self.agent.agentBank)
+ queryResults.append(obj)
+ self.rawQueryResults.pop(0)
+ else:
+ self.waitingForSchema = True
+ finally:
+ if self.waitingForSchema:
+ self.agent._v2SendSchemaRequest(schemaId)
+ for result in queryResults:
+ key = result.getClassKey()
+ if key.getPackageName() == "" and key.getClassName() == "agent":
+ if self.notifiable:
+ self.notifiable(qmf_object=result)
+ else:
+ self.queryResults.append(result)
+ complete = None
+ try:
+ if not self.waitingForSchema and self.pendingSignal:
+ self.blocked = None
+ complete = True
+ finally:
+ if complete:
+ self._complete()
+ def reprocess(self):
+ """
+ New schema information has been added to the schema-cache. Clear our 'waiting' status
+ and see if we can make more progress on any pending inbound events/objects.
+ """
+ try:
+ self.waitingForSchema = None
+ finally:
+ self.processV2Data()
+ self.processPendingEvents()
+ def _getSchemaIdforV2ObjectLH(self, data):
+ """
+ Given a data map, extract the schema-identifier.
+ """
+ if data.__class__ != dict:
+ return None
+ if '_schema_id' in data:
+ return ClassKey(data['_schema_id'])
+ return None
+# Event
+class Event:
+ """ """
+ def __init__(self, agent, codec=None, v2Map=None):
+ self.agent = agent
+ self.session = agent.session
+ =
+ if isinstance(v2Map,dict):
+ self.isV2 = True
+ self.classKey = None
+ self.schema = None
+ try:
+ self.arguments = v2Map["_values"]
+ self.timestamp = long(v2Map["_timestamp"])
+ self.severity = v2Map["_severity"]
+ if "_schema_id" in v2Map:
+ self.classKey = ClassKey(v2Map["_schema_id"])
+ self.classKey._setType(ClassKey.TYPE_EVENT)
+ except:
+ raise Exception("Invalid event object: %s " % str(v2Map))
+ if self.classKey is not None:
+ self.schema = self.session.schemaCache.getSchema(self.classKey)
+ elif codec is not None:
+ self.isV2 = None
+ self.classKey = ClassKey(codec)
+ self.classKey._setType(ClassKey.TYPE_EVENT)
+ self.timestamp = codec.read_int64()
+ self.severity = codec.read_uint8()
+ self.arguments = {}
+ self.schema = self.session.schemaCache.getSchema(self.classKey)
+ if not self.schema:
+ return
+ for arg in self.schema.arguments:
+ self.arguments[] = self.session._decodeValue(codec, arg.type,
+ else:
+ raise Exception("No constructor for event object.")
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if self.schema == None:
+ return "<uninterpretable>"
+ out = strftime("%c", gmtime(self.timestamp / 1000000000))
+ out += " " + self._sevName() + " " + self.classKey.getPackageName() + ":" + self.classKey.getClassName()
+ out += " broker=" + str(
+ for arg in self.schema.arguments:
+ disp = self.session._displayValue(self.arguments[], arg.type).encode("utf8")
+ if " " in disp:
+ disp = "\"" + disp + "\""
+ out += " " + + "=" + disp
+ return out
+ def _sevName(self):
+ if self.severity == 0 : return "EMER "
+ if self.severity == 1 : return "ALERT"
+ if self.severity == 2 : return "CRIT "
+ if self.severity == 3 : return "ERROR"
+ if self.severity == 4 : return "WARN "
+ if self.severity == 5 : return "NOTIC"
+ if self.severity == 6 : return "INFO "
+ if self.severity == 7 : return "DEBUG"
+ return "INV-%d" % self.severity
+ def getClassKey(self):
+ return self.classKey
+ def getArguments(self):
+ return self.arguments
+ def getTimestamp(self):
+ return self.timestamp
+ def getSchema(self):
+ return self.schema
+# SequenceManager
+class SequenceManager:
+ """ Manage sequence numbers for asynchronous method calls """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.lock = Lock()
+ self.sequence = long(time()) # pseudo-randomize the start
+ self.pending = {}
+ def _reserve(self, data):
+ """ Reserve a unique sequence number """
+ try:
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ result = self.sequence
+ self.sequence = self.sequence + 1
+ self.pending[result] = data
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
+ return result
+ def _release(self, seq):
+ """ Release a reserved sequence number """
+ data = None
+ try:
+ self.lock.acquire()
+ if seq in self.pending:
+ data = self.pending[seq]
+ del self.pending[seq]
+ finally:
+ self.lock.release()
+ return data
+# DebugConsole
+class DebugConsole(Console):
+ """ """
+ def brokerConnected(self, broker):
+ print "brokerConnected:", broker
+ def brokerConnectionFailed(self, broker):
+ print "brokerConnectionFailed:", broker
+ def brokerDisconnected(self, broker):
+ print "brokerDisconnected:", broker
+ def newPackage(self, name):
+ print "newPackage:", name
+ def newClass(self, kind, classKey):
+ print "newClass:", kind, classKey
+ def newAgent(self, agent):
+ print "newAgent:", agent
+ def delAgent(self, agent):
+ print "delAgent:", agent
+ def objectProps(self, broker, record):
+ print "objectProps:", record
+ def objectStats(self, broker, record):
+ print "objectStats:", record
+ def event(self, broker, event):
+ print "event:", event
+ def heartbeat(self, agent, timestamp):
+ print "heartbeat:", agent
+ def brokerInfo(self, broker):
+ print "brokerInfo:", broker