path: root/qpid/tools/src/java/qpid-broker-plugins-management-qmf2/src/main/java/org/apache/qpid/server/qmf2/
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Diffstat (limited to 'qpid/tools/src/java/qpid-broker-plugins-management-qmf2/src/main/java/org/apache/qpid/server/qmf2/')
1 files changed, 647 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qpid/tools/src/java/qpid-broker-plugins-management-qmf2/src/main/java/org/apache/qpid/server/qmf2/ b/qpid/tools/src/java/qpid-broker-plugins-management-qmf2/src/main/java/org/apache/qpid/server/qmf2/
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+++ b/qpid/tools/src/java/qpid-broker-plugins-management-qmf2/src/main/java/org/apache/qpid/server/qmf2/
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+ *
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ *
+ */
+package org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2;
+// Misc Imports
+import static org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.WorkItem.WorkItemType.METHOD_CALL;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import org.apache.qpid.qmf2.agent.Agent;
+import org.apache.qpid.qmf2.agent.MethodCallParams;
+import org.apache.qpid.qmf2.agent.MethodCallWorkItem;
+import org.apache.qpid.qmf2.agent.QmfAgentData;
+import org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.ObjectId;
+import org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.QmfEventListener;
+import org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.QmfException;
+import org.apache.qpid.qmf2.common.WorkItem;
+import org.apache.qpid.qmf2.util.ConnectionHelper;
+import org.apache.qpid.server.model.Binding;
+import org.apache.qpid.server.model.Broker;
+import org.apache.qpid.server.model.ConfigurationChangeListener;
+import org.apache.qpid.server.model.ConfiguredObject;
+import org.apache.qpid.server.model.Connection;
+import org.apache.qpid.server.model.Consumer;
+import org.apache.qpid.server.model.Exchange;
+import org.apache.qpid.server.model.Queue;
+import org.apache.qpid.server.model.Session;
+import org.apache.qpid.server.model.State;
+import org.apache.qpid.server.model.VirtualHost;
+import org.apache.qpid.server.model.VirtualHostNode;
+// Simple Logging Facade 4 Java
+// QMF2 Imports
+// Java Broker model Imports
+ * This class implements a QMF2 Agent providing access to the Java broker Management Objects via QMF2 thus
+ * allowing the Java Broker to be managed in the same way to the C++ Broker.
+ * <p>
+ * The intention is for the QmfManagementAgent to conform to the same Management Schema as the C++ Broker
+ * (e.g. as specified in management-schema.xml) in order to provide maximum cohesion between the
+ * two Broker implementations, however that's not entirely possible given differences between the underlying
+ * Management Models.
+ * <p>
+ * This Plugin attempts to map properties from the Java org.apache.qpid.server.model.* classes to equivalent
+ * properties and statistics in the C++ broker's Management Schema rather than expose them "natively", this is
+ * in order to try and maximise alignment between the two implementations and to try to allow the Java Broker
+ * to be managed by the Command Line tools used with the C++ Broker such as qpid-config etc. it's also to
+ * enable the Java Broker to be accessed via the QMF2 REST API and GUI.
+ *
+ * @author Fraser Adams
+ */
+public class QmfManagementAgent implements ConfigurationChangeListener, QmfEventListener
+ private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QmfManagementAgent.class);
+ // Set heartbeat interval to 10 seconds. TODO Should probably be config driven, but I *think* that this is
+ // different than "heartbeat.delay" and "heartbeat.timeoutFactor" currently present in the config?
+ private static final int HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL = 10;
+ private Agent _agent = null;
+ // The first Connection Object relates to the QmfManagementAgent, we use this flag to avoid mapping that Connection
+ // to a QMF Object thus hiding it from Consoles. This is done to provide consistency with the C++ Broker which
+ // also "hides" its own private AMQP Connections, Queues & Bindings.
+ private boolean agentConnection = true;
+ private final Broker<?> _broker; // Passed in by Plugin bootstrapping.
+ private final String _defaultVirtualHost; // Pulled from the broker attributes.
+ /**
+ * A Map of QmfAgentData keyed by ConfiguredObject. This is mainly used for Management Object "lifecycle management".
+ * In an ideal world the Agent class could retain all information, but I want to track ConfiguredObject state and
+ * use that to create and delete QmfAgentData data, which means I need to be able to *find* the QmfAgentData and
+ * the *official* Agent API doesn't have a public method to query Objects (though the evaluateQuery() method used
+ * by Query Subscriptions could be used, but it's not really a "public API method" so probably best not to use it)
+ * Arguably this is what the AgentExternal subclass of Agent is for whereby queries are handled in the Agent
+ * implementation by handling "(wi.getType() == QUERY)" but the AgentExternal API forces some constructs that are
+ * actually likely to be less efficient, as an example sending a separate queryResponse() for each object forces a
+ * look up of a List of QmfAgentData objects keyed by the consoleHandle for each call. There is also the need to
+ * separately iterate through the List of QmfAgentData objects thus created to create the mapEncoded list needed
+ * for sending via the QMF2 protocol.
+ * <p>
+ * So rather than go through all that faff we simply retain an additional Map as below which allows navigation
+ * between the ConfiguredObject and QmfAgentData. The subclasses of QmfAgentData will contain references to
+ * allow navigation back to the concrete subclasses of ConfiguredObject if necessary.
+ * The capacity of 100 is pretty arbitrary but the default of 16 seems too low for a ManagementAgent.
+ */
+ private Map<ConfiguredObject, QmfAgentData> _objects = new ConcurrentHashMap<ConfiguredObject, QmfAgentData>(100);
+ /**
+ * Constructor. Creates the AMQP Connection to the Broker and starts the QMF2 Agent.
+ * @param url the Connection URL to be used to construct the AMQP Connection.
+ * @param broker the root Broker Management Object from which the other Management Objects may be obtained.
+ * to work without explicitly setting a Virtual Host, which I think is necessary because the C++ Broker and
+ * the python command line tools aren't currently Virtual Host aware (are they?). The intention is to mark
+ * queues and exchanges with {@literal [vhost:<vhost-name>/]<object-name>} in other words if we want to add things to
+ * the non-default Virtual Host prefix their names with {@literal [vhost:<vhost-name>/]}. This approach *ought* to allow
+ * non-Virtual Host aware command line tools the ability to add queues/exchanges to a particular vhost.
+ */
+ public QmfManagementAgent(final String url, final Broker broker)
+ {
+ _broker = broker;
+ _defaultVirtualHost = broker.getDefaultVirtualHost();
+ try
+ {
+ // Create the actual JMS Connection. ConnectionHelper allows us to work with a variety of URL
+ // formats so we can abstract away from the somewhat complex Java AMQP URL format.
+ javax.jms.Connection connection = ConnectionHelper.createConnection(url);
+ if (connection == null)
+ {
+"QmfManagementAgent Constructor failed due to null AMQP Connection");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _agent = new Agent(this, HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL);
+ // Vendor and Product are deliberately set to be the same as for the C++ broker.
+ _agent.setVendor("");
+ _agent.setProduct("qpidd");
+ _agent.setConnection(connection);
+ // Register the schema for the Management Objects. These don't have to be completely populated
+ // the minimum is to register package name and class name for the QmfAgentData.
+ _agent.registerObjectClass(org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Broker.getSchema());
+ _agent.registerObjectClass(org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Connection.getSchema());
+ _agent.registerEventClass(org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Connection.getClientConnectSchema());
+ _agent.registerEventClass(org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Connection.getClientDisconnectSchema());
+ _agent.registerObjectClass(org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Exchange.getSchema());
+ _agent.registerEventClass(org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Exchange.getExchangeDeclareSchema());
+ _agent.registerEventClass(org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Exchange.getExchangeDeleteSchema());
+ _agent.registerObjectClass(org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Queue.getSchema());
+ _agent.registerEventClass(org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Queue.getQueueDeclareSchema());
+ _agent.registerEventClass(org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Queue.getQueueDeleteSchema());
+ _agent.registerObjectClass(org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Binding.getSchema());
+ _agent.registerEventClass(org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Binding.getBindSchema());
+ _agent.registerEventClass(org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Binding.getUnbindSchema());
+ _agent.registerObjectClass(org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Subscription.getSchema());
+ _agent.registerEventClass(org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Subscription.getSubscribeSchema());
+ _agent.registerEventClass(org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Subscription.getUnsubscribeSchema());
+ _agent.registerObjectClass(org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Session.getSchema());
+ // Initialise QmfAgentData Objects and track changes to the broker Management Objects.
+ registerConfigurationChangeListeners();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (QmfException qmfe)
+ {
+ _log.error("QmfException caught in QmfManagementAgent Constructor", qmfe);
+ _agent = null; // Causes isConnected() to be false and thus prevents the "QMF2 Management Ready" message.
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ _log.error("Exception caught in QmfManagementAgent Constructor", e);
+ _agent = null; // Causes isConnected() to be false and thus prevents the "QMF2 Management Ready" message.
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Close the QmfManagementAgent clearing the QMF2 Agent and freeing its resources.
+ */
+ public void close()
+ {
+ if (isConnected())
+ {
+ _agent.destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns whether the Agent is connected and running.
+ * @return true if the Agent is connected and running otherwise return false.
+ */
+ public boolean isConnected()
+ {
+ return _agent != null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method initialises the initial set of QmfAgentData Objects and tracks changes to the Broker Management
+ * Objects via the childAdded() method call.
+ */
+ private void registerConfigurationChangeListeners()
+ {
+ childAdded(null, _broker);
+ if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
+ {
+ _log.debug("Registering model listeners for broker " + _broker);
+ }
+ for (VirtualHostNode<?> vhostNode : _broker.getVirtualHostNodes())
+ {
+ if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
+ {
+ _log.debug("Considering virtualhostnode " + vhostNode);
+ }
+ VirtualHost<?,?,?> vhost = vhostNode.getVirtualHost();
+ // We don't add QmfAgentData VirtualHost objects. Possibly TODO, but it's a bit awkward at the moment
+ // because the C++ Broker doesn't *seem* to do much with them and the command line tools such
+ // as qpid-config don't appear to be VirtualHost aware. A way to stay compatible is to mark queues,
+ // exchanges etc with [vhost:<vhost-name>/]<object-name> (see Constructor comments).
+ if (vhost != null)
+ {
+ vhost.addChangeListener(this);
+ addListenersForConnectionsAndChildren(vhost);
+ addListenersForExchangesAndChildren(vhost);
+ addListenersForQueuesAndChildren(vhost);
+ }
+ }
+ if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
+ {
+ _log.debug("Registered model listeners");
+ }
+ }
+ private void addListenersForQueuesAndChildren(final VirtualHost<?, ?, ?> vhost)
+ {
+ for (Queue<?> queue : vhost.getQueues())
+ {
+ boolean agentQueue = false;
+ for (Binding binding : queue.getBindings())
+ {
+ String key = binding.getName();
+ if (key.equals("broker") || key.equals("console.request.agent_locate") ||
+ key.startsWith(""))
+ {
+ agentQueue = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Don't add QMF related bindings or Queues in registerConfigurationChangeListeners as those will
+ // relate to the Agent itself and we want to "hide" those to be consistent with the C++ Broker.
+ if (!agentQueue)
+ {
+ childAdded(vhost, queue);
+ for (Binding binding : queue.getBindings())
+ {
+ childAdded(queue, binding);
+ }
+ for (Consumer subscription : queue.getChildren(Consumer.class))
+ {
+ childAdded(queue, subscription);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void addListenersForExchangesAndChildren(final VirtualHost<?, ?, ?> vhost)
+ {
+ // The code blocks for adding Bindings (and adding Queues) contain checks to see if what is being added
+ // relates to Queues or Bindings for the QmfManagementAgent. If they are QmfManagementAgent related
+ // we avoid registering the Object as a QMF Object, in other words we "hide" QmfManagementAgent QMF Objects.
+ // This is done to be consistent with the C++ broker which also "hides" its own Connection, Queue & Binding.
+ for (Exchange<?> exchange : vhost.getExchanges())
+ {
+ childAdded(vhost, exchange);
+ for (Binding binding : exchange.getBindings())
+ {
+ String key = binding.getName();
+ if (key.equals("broker") || key.equals("console.request.agent_locate") ||
+ key.startsWith("") || key.startsWith("TempQueue"))
+ { // Don't add QMF related Bindings in registerConfigurationChangeListeners as those will relate
+ } // to the Agent and we want to "hide" those.
+ else
+ {
+ childAdded(exchange, binding);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void addListenersForConnectionsAndChildren(final VirtualHost<?, ?, ?> vhost)
+ {
+ for (Connection<?> connection : vhost.getConnections())
+ {
+ childAdded(vhost, connection);
+ for (Session<?> session : connection.getSessions())
+ {
+ childAdded(connection, session);
+ if (session.getConsumers() != null)
+ {
+ for (Consumer subscription : session.getConsumers())
+ {
+ childAdded(session, subscription);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ************************* ConfigurationChangeListener implementation methods *************************
+ /**
+ * ConfigurationChangeListener method called when the state is changed (ignored here).
+ * @param object the object being modified.
+ * @param oldState the state of the object prior to this method call.
+ * @param newState the desired state of the object.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void stateChanged(final ConfiguredObject object, final State oldState, final State newState)
+ {
+ // no-op
+ }
+ /**
+ * ConfigurationChangeListener method called when an attribute is set (ignored here).
+ * @param object the object being modified.
+ * @param attributeName the name of the object attribute that we want to change.
+ * @param oldAttributeValue the value of the attribute prior to this method call.
+ * @param newAttributeValue the desired value of the attribute.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void attributeSet(ConfiguredObject object, String attributeName,
+ Object oldAttributeValue, Object newAttributeValue)
+ {
+ // no-op
+ }
+ /**
+ * ConfigurationChangeListener method called when a child ConfiguredObject is added.
+ * <p>
+ * This method checks the type of the child ConfiguredObject that has been added and creates the equivalent
+ * QMF2 Management Object if one doesn't already exist. In most cases it's a one-to-one mapping, but for
+ * Binding for example the Binding child is added to both Queue and Exchange so we only create the Binding
+ * QMF2 Management Object once and add the queueRef and exchangeRef reference properties referencing the Queue
+ * and Exchange parent Objects respectively, Similarly for Consumer (AKA Subscription).
+ * <p>
+ * This method is also responsible for raising the appropriate QMF2 Events when Management Objects are created.
+ * @param object the parent object that the child is being added to.
+ * @param child the child object being added.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void childAdded(final ConfiguredObject object, final ConfiguredObject child)
+ {
+ if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
+ {
+ _log.debug("childAdded: " + child.getClass().getSimpleName() + "." + child.getName());
+ }
+ QmfAgentData data = null;
+ // We current don't listen for new virtualhostnodes or new virtualhosts, so any new instances
+ // of these objects wont be seen through QMF until the Broker is restarted.
+ if (child instanceof Broker)
+ {
+ data = new org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Broker((Broker)child);
+ }
+ else if (child instanceof Connection)
+ {
+ if (!agentConnection && !_objects.containsKey(child))
+ {
+ // If the parent object is the default vhost set it to null so that the Connection ignores it.
+ VirtualHost vhost = (object.getName().equals(_defaultVirtualHost)) ? null : (VirtualHost)object;
+ data = new org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Connection(vhost, (Connection)child);
+ _objects.put(child, data);
+ // Raise a Client Connect Event.
+ _agent.raiseEvent(((org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Connection)data).createClientConnectEvent());
+ }
+ agentConnection = false; // Only ignore the first Connection, which is the one from the Agent.
+ }
+ else if (child instanceof Session)
+ {
+ if (!_objects.containsKey(child))
+ {
+ QmfAgentData ref = _objects.get(object); // Get the Connection QmfAgentData so we can get connectionRef.
+ if (ref != null)
+ {
+ data = new org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Session((Session)child, ref.getObjectId());
+ _objects.put(child, data);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (child instanceof Exchange)
+ {
+ if (!_objects.containsKey(child))
+ {
+ // If the parent object is the default vhost set it to null so that the Connection ignores it.
+ VirtualHost vhost = (object.getName().equals(_defaultVirtualHost)) ? null : (VirtualHost)object;
+ data = new org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Exchange(vhost, (Exchange)child);
+ _objects.put(child, data);
+ // Raise an Exchange Declare Event.
+ _agent.raiseEvent(((org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Exchange)data).createExchangeDeclareEvent());
+ }
+ }
+ else if (child instanceof Queue)
+ {
+ if (!_objects.containsKey(child))
+ {
+ // If the parent object is the default vhost set it to null so that the Connection ignores it.
+ VirtualHost vhost = (object.getName().equals(_defaultVirtualHost)) ? null : (VirtualHost)object;
+ data = new org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Queue(vhost, (Queue)child);
+ _objects.put(child, data);
+ // Raise a Queue Declare Event.
+ _agent.raiseEvent(((org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Queue)data).createQueueDeclareEvent());
+ }
+ }
+ else if (child instanceof Binding)
+ {
+ // Bindings are a little more complex because in QMF bindings contain exchangeRef and queueRef properties
+ // whereas with the Java Broker model Binding is a child of Queue and Exchange. To cope with this we
+ // first try to create or retrieve the QMF Binding Object then add either the Queue or Exchange reference
+ // depending on whether Queue or Exchange was the parent of this addChild() call.
+ if (!_objects.containsKey(child))
+ {
+ data = new org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Binding((Binding)child);
+ _objects.put(child, data);
+ String eName = ((Binding)child).getExchange().getName();
+ if (!eName.equals("<<default>>")) // Don't send Event for Binding to default direct.
+ {
+ // Raise a Bind Event.
+ _agent.raiseEvent(((org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Binding)data).createBindEvent());
+ }
+ }
+ org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Binding binding =
+ (org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Binding)_objects.get(child);
+ QmfAgentData ref = _objects.get(object);
+ if (ref != null)
+ {
+ if (object instanceof Queue)
+ {
+ binding.setQueueRef(ref.getObjectId());
+ }
+ else if (object instanceof Exchange)
+ {
+ binding.setExchangeRef(ref.getObjectId());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (child instanceof Consumer) // AKA Subscription
+ {
+ // Subscriptions are a little more complex because in QMF Subscriptions contain sessionRef and queueRef
+ // properties whereas with the Java Broker model Consumer is a child of Queue and Session. To cope with
+ // this we first try to create or retrieve the QMF Subscription Object then add either the Queue or
+ // Session reference depending on whether Queue or Session was the parent of this addChild() call.
+ if (!_objects.containsKey(child))
+ {
+ data = new org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Subscription((Consumer)child);
+ _objects.put(child, data);
+ }
+ org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Subscription subscription =
+ (org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Subscription)_objects.get(child);
+ QmfAgentData ref = _objects.get(object);
+ if (ref != null)
+ {
+ if (object instanceof Queue)
+ {
+ subscription.setQueueRef(ref.getObjectId(), (Queue)object);
+ // Raise a Subscribe Event - N.B. Need to do it *after* we've set the queueRef.
+ _agent.raiseEvent(subscription.createSubscribeEvent());
+ }
+ else if (object instanceof Session)
+ {
+ subscription.setSessionRef(ref.getObjectId());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ // If we've created new QmfAgentData we register it with the Agent.
+ if (data != null)
+ {
+ _agent.addObject(data);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (QmfException qmfe)
+ {
+ _log.error("QmfException caught in QmfManagementAgent.addObject()", qmfe);
+ }
+ child.addChangeListener(this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * ConfigurationChangeListener method called when a child ConfiguredObject is removed.
+ * <p>
+ * This method checks the type of the child ConfiguredObject that has been removed and raises the appropriate
+ * QMF2 Events, it then destroys the QMF2 Management Object and removes the mapping between child and the QMF Object.
+ *
+ * @param object the parent object that the child is being removed from.
+ * @param child the child object being removed.
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void childRemoved(final ConfiguredObject object, final ConfiguredObject child)
+ {
+ if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
+ {
+ _log.debug("childRemoved: " + child.getClass().getSimpleName() + "." + child.getName());
+ }
+ child.removeChangeListener(this);
+ // Look up the associated QmfAgentData and mark it for deletion by the Agent.
+ QmfAgentData data = _objects.get(child);
+ if (data != null)
+ {
+ if (child instanceof Connection)
+ {
+ // Raise a Client Disconnect Event.
+ _agent.raiseEvent(((org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Connection)data).createClientDisconnectEvent());
+ }
+ else if (child instanceof Session)
+ {
+ // no-op, don't need to do anything specific when Session is removed.
+ }
+ else if (child instanceof Exchange)
+ {
+ // Raise an Exchange Delete Event.
+ _agent.raiseEvent(((org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Exchange)data).createExchangeDeleteEvent());
+ }
+ else if (child instanceof Queue)
+ {
+ // Raise a Queue Delete Event.
+ _agent.raiseEvent(((org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Queue)data).createQueueDeleteEvent());
+ }
+ else if (child instanceof Binding)
+ {
+ String eName = ((Binding)child).getExchange().getName();
+ if (!eName.equals("<<default>>")) // Don't send Event for Unbinding from default direct.
+ {
+ // Raise an Unbind Event.
+ _agent.raiseEvent(((org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Binding)data).createUnbindEvent());
+ }
+ }
+ else if (child instanceof Consumer)
+ {
+ // Raise an Unsubscribe Event.
+ _agent.raiseEvent(((org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Subscription)data).createUnsubscribeEvent());
+ }
+ data.destroy();
+ }
+ // Remove the mapping from the internal ConfiguredObject->QmfAgentData Map.
+ _objects.remove(child);
+ }
+ // ******************************* QmfEventListener implementation method *******************************
+ /**
+ * Callback method triggered when the underlying QMF2 Agent has WorkItems available for processing.
+ * The purpose of this method is mainly to handle the METHOD_CALL WorkItem and demultiplex &amp; delegate
+ * to the invokeMethod() call on the relevant concrete QmfAgentData Object.
+ * @param wi the WorkItem that has been passed by the QMF2 Agent to be processed here (mainly METHOD_CALL).
+ */
+ @Override
+ public void onEvent(final WorkItem wi)
+ {
+ if (wi.getType() == METHOD_CALL)
+ {
+ MethodCallWorkItem item = (MethodCallWorkItem)wi;
+ MethodCallParams methodCallParams = item.getMethodCallParams();
+ String methodName = methodCallParams.getName();
+ ObjectId objectId = methodCallParams.getObjectId();
+ // Look up QmfAgentData by ObjectId from the Agent's internal Object store.
+ QmfAgentData object = _agent.getObject(objectId);
+ if (object == null)
+ {
+ _agent.raiseException(item.getHandle(), "No object found with ID=" + objectId);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If we've found a valid QmfAgentData check it's a Broker or Queue and if so call the generic
+ // invokeMethod on these objects, if not send an Exception as we don't support methods on
+ // other classes yet.
+ if (object instanceof org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Broker)
+ {
+ org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Broker broker =
+ (org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Broker) object;
+ broker.invokeMethod(_agent, item.getHandle(), methodName, methodCallParams.getArgs());
+ }
+ else if (object instanceof org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Queue)
+ {
+ org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Queue queue =
+ (org.apache.qpid.server.qmf2.agentdata.Queue) object;
+ queue.invokeMethod(_agent, item.getHandle(), methodName, methodCallParams.getArgs());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _agent.raiseException(item.getHandle(), "Unknown Method " + methodName + " on " +
+ object.getClass().getSimpleName());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }