path: root/qpid/tools/src/java/qpid-qmf2-tools/bin/qpid-web/web/qpid/scripts/qpid.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'qpid/tools/src/java/qpid-qmf2-tools/bin/qpid-web/web/qpid/scripts/qpid.js')
1 files changed, 745 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qpid/tools/src/java/qpid-qmf2-tools/bin/qpid-web/web/qpid/scripts/qpid.js b/qpid/tools/src/java/qpid-qmf2-tools/bin/qpid-web/web/qpid/scripts/qpid.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1ad4711f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qpid/tools/src/java/qpid-qmf2-tools/bin/qpid-web/web/qpid/scripts/qpid.js
@@ -0,0 +1,745 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * This library provides a JavaScript implementation of the QMF2 API (and TODO qpid::messaging - some code is in place
+ * for Connection as necessary to implement the QMF2 API the rest will follow in due course.
+ *
+ * This implementation of the QMF2 API relies on the Qpid REST API as a back end server and the QMF2 API methods
+ * are basically proxies by the Qpid REST API to a real QMF2 Console implemented on the back end. Note that this
+ * implementation uses AJAX/REST over pure HTTP which results in some inefficiencies, in particular the mechanism
+ * used to retrieve QMF2 Events (getWorkItem()) uses the AJAX long-polling pattern. It should be possible to
+ * provide an alternative implementation using WebSockets, the main two reasons that this hasn't been done are.
+ * 1) The author lacks familiarity with WebSockets....
+ * 2) WebSockets have much poorer cross-browser support, though to be fair that could be mitigated using a
+ * WebSocket JavaScript library that could fall back to using HTTP if browser/server support was unavaiable.
+ *
+ * This library also includes a utility package providing a number of useful classes and helper functions. These
+ * aren't strictly part of qpid/qmf JavaScript but stringify() and randomUUID() are used by qpid.js so including
+ * the util package in this library avoids adding yet another dependency.
+ *
+ * It has dependencies on the following:
+ * jquery.js (> 1.5)
+ *
+ * author Fraser Adams
+ */
+// Create a new namespace for the util "package".
+var util = {};
+ * This debug method lists the properties of the specified JavaScript object.
+ * @param obj the object that we wish to list the properties for.
+ " @return a string containing the list of the object's properties pretty printed.
+ */
+util.displayProperties = function(obj) {
+ var result = obj + "\n\n";
+ var count = 0;
+ for (var i in obj) {
+ result += i + ", ";
+ if (count % 4 == 3) result += "\n";
+ count++;
+ }
+ result = result.substring(0, result.lastIndexOf(","));
+ return result;
+ * Stringify an Object into JSON. Uses JSON.stringify if present and if not it uses a quick and dirty serialiser.
+ * @param obj the object that we wish to stringify into JSON.
+ * @return the JSON representation of the specified object.
+ */
+util.stringify = function(obj) {
+ var fromObject = function(obj) {
+ if (Object.prototype.toString.apply(obj) === '[object Array]') {
+ var string = "";
+ var length = obj.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ string += fromObject(obj[i]);
+ if (i < length - 1) {
+ string += ",";
+ }
+ }
+ string = "[" + string + "]";
+ return string;
+ } else if (typeof obj == "object") { // Check if the value part is an ObjectId and serialise appropriately
+ if (!obj) {
+ return "null";
+ }
+ var string = "";
+ for (var i in obj) {
+ if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
+ if (string != "") {
+ string += ",";
+ }
+ string += '"' + i + '":' + fromObject(obj[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ string = "{" + string + "}";
+ return string;
+ } else if (typeof obj == "string") {
+ return '"' + obj + '"';
+ } else {
+ return obj.toString();
+ }
+ };
+ if (obj == null) {
+ return "";
+ } if (window.JSON && JSON.stringify && typeof JSON.stringify == "function") {
+ return JSON.stringify(obj);
+ } else {
+ var string = fromObject(obj);
+ return string;
+ }
+ * Compact rfc4122v4 UUID from
+ * @return an rfc4122v4 UUID.
+ */
+util.randomUUID = function() {
+ return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) {
+ var r = Math.random()*16|0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8);
+ return v.toString(16);
+ });
+ * This is a JavaScript port of the "fill count" example from
+ * @param size maximum size of the RingBuffer that we want to construct, when items are added beyond this size
+ * they will wrap around.
+ */
+util.RingBuffer = function(size) {
+ var _size = size;
+ var _start = 0;
+ var _count = 0;
+ var _elems = new Array(size);
+ /**
+ * @return the maximum size of the RingBuffer.
+ */
+ this.capacity = function() {
+ return _size;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @return the number of items currently stored in the RingBuffer.
+ */
+ this.size = function() {
+ return _count;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @return true if the buffer is full otherwise return false.
+ */
+ this.isFull = function() {
+ return _count == _size;
+ };
+ /**
+ * @return true if the buffer is empty otherwise return false.
+ */
+ this.isEmpty = function() {
+ return _count == 0;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Add an item to the end of the buffer, overwriting oldest element if buffer is full.
+ * A client can choose to avoid the overwrite by checking IsFull().
+ * @param the item that we wish to add to the end of the ring buffer.
+ */
+ this.put = function(item) {
+ var end = (_start + _count) % _size;
+ _elems[end] = item;
+ if (_count == _size) {
+ _start = (_start + 1) % _size; // full, overwrite
+ } else {
+ ++_count;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Read and remove oldest item from buffer. N.B. clients must ensure !isEmpty() first.
+ * @return the oldest item from the ring buffer.
+ */
+ this.take = function() {
+ var item = _elems[_start];
+ _start = (_start + 1) % _size;
+ --_count;
+ return item;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Read the item at the specified (circular) index non-destructively e.g. index 0 is the first item held in
+ * the ring buffer index size() - 1 is the last item (which is the equivalent of getLast()).
+ * @return the specified ring buffer item.
+ */
+ this.get = function(index) {
+ index = (_start + index) % _size;
+ return _elems[index];
+ };
+ /**
+ * @return the last item, or null if no entries are present.
+ */
+ this.getLast = function() {
+ if (_count == 0) {
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ return this.get(_count - 1);
+ }
+ };
+ * This package is a proxy to the Qpid REST API, which is itself a proxy to a real Qpid API.
+ * It attempts to mimic the Qpid Messaging API where possible (given the asynchronous constraints of JavaScript).
+ */
+// Create a new namespace for the qpid "package".
+var qpid = {};
+ * This factory class will attempt to create a Connection object and creates an opaque handle to it internally
+ * which will be used in the URI of subsequent Qpid/QMF calls to the Qpid REST API.
+ *
+ * @param url an AMQP 0.10 URL, an extended AMQP 0-10 URL, a Broker URL or a Java Connection URL.
+ * @param opts a String containing the options encoded using the same form as the C++ qpid::messaging Connection class.
+ * @return a Connection object which is a proxy to the Qpid REST API, which is itself a proxy to a real Qpid API.
+ */
+qpid.ConnectionFactory = function(url, connectionOptions) {
+ /**
+ * This class is a proxy to the Qpid REST API PUT method for creating Connections.
+ * @param url an AMQP 0.10 URL, an extended AMQP 0-10 URL, a Broker URL or a Java Connection URL.
+ * @param opts a String containing the options encoded using the same form as the C++ qpid::messaging Connection.
+ */
+ var Connection = function(url, connectionOptions) {
+ var _disableEvents = false;
+ var _available = false;
+ var _url = url;
+ var _handle = util.randomUUID();
+ var _defaultCallback = function(connection) {};
+ var _callback = _defaultCallback;
+ var _failureCallback = _defaultCallback;
+ /**
+ * The success callback method for the AJAX call invoked by putConnection(). This method marks the
+ * Connection as available and calls the callback method registered by the call to open().
+ */
+ var putConnectionSucceeded = function() {
+ _available = true;
+ _callback(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ * The failure callback method for the AJAX call invoked by putConnection(). This method calls the callback
+ * method registered by the call to open().
+ */
+ var putConnectionFailed = function(xhr) {
+ _available = false;
+ _failureCallback(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Create a Connection object on the REST API via an asynchronous HTTP PUT method.
+ */
+ var putConnection = function() {
+ var data = {url: _url};
+ if (connectionOptions != null && connectionOptions != "") {
+ data.connectionOptions = connectionOptions;
+ }
+ if (_disableEvents) {
+ data.disableEvents = true;
+ }
+ // Serialise the data Object into a JSON String.
+ data = util.stringify(data);
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "PUT",
+ url: "../qpid/connection/" + _handle,
+ cache: false,
+ contentType: "application/json",
+ data: data,
+ timeout: 10000,
+ success: putConnectionSucceeded,
+ error: putConnectionFailed
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Remove a Connection object on the REST API via a synchronous HTTP DELETE method.
+ */
+ var deleteConnection = function() {
+ //console.log("**** calling qpid.Connection deleteConnection() ****");
+ /**
+ * Explicitly retrieve the XmlHttpRequest and send the DELETE via a low-level synchronous call because
+ * JQuery 1.8 has deprecated the async: false setting on $.ajax. There's some debate about this - see
+ * the gist is that synchronous requests can prevent the rest of
+ * the $.ajax plumbing and dependencies from being fixed. In an ideal world asynchronous requests
+ * are almost always preferable, however in mobile Safari (at least) asynchronous calls won't get
+ * fired from onpagehide handlers, which messes up some useful garbage collection when navigating away.
+ * TODO I wonder how delete onpageunload is going to work if I want to use JSONP......
+ */
+ var xhr = $.ajaxSettings.xhr(); // At least we can get the XMLHttpRequest in a platform neutral way.
+"DELETE", "../qpid/connection/" + _handle, false); // Low level synchronous DELETE.
+ xhr.send(null);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Calling this method results in a QMF2 Console being created that can only perform synchronous calls such
+ * as getObjects() and can't do asynchronous things like receive Agent updates and QMF2 Events.
+ *
+ * This method must be called besfore addConnection() in order to take effect.
+ */
+ this.disableEvents = function() {
+ _disableEvents = true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Open the Connection object for use.
+ * @param successCallback a handler to be called when open() has successfully established the Qpid Connection.
+ * we include the callback method because JavaScript networking is fundamentally asynchronous so open()
+ * won't block as it would with other languages, the callback provides a way to defer execution of subsequent
+ * code until the Connection is established.
+ * @param failureCallback a handler to be called when open() has failed to established the Qpid Connection.
+ * Note that this will only be called if creating the connection is impossible, that is to say an exception
+ * got thrown by the REST API PUT mothod. If the broker is simply down the Connection proxy will get created
+ * on the server side and the successCallback will be called.
+ */
+ = function(successCallback, failureCallback) {
+ if (successCallback != null) {
+ _callback = successCallback;
+ }
+ if (failureCallback != null) {
+ _failureCallback = failureCallback;
+ }
+ _available = false;
+ putConnection();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Close the Connection object.
+ */
+ this.close = function() {
+ deleteConnection();
+ _available = false;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Identify whether the Connection is open for use.
+ * @return true if the Connection is open, otherwise returns false.
+ */
+ this.isAvailable = function() {
+ return _available;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Retrieve the Connection's "handle" which is used as part of its URI on the REST API.
+ * @return a String containing the handle UUID.
+ */
+ this.toString = function() {
+ return _handle;
+ };
+ };
+ /**
+ * Factory method used to construct a new Connection object.
+ * @return a new Connection object.
+ */
+ this.createConnection = function() {
+ return new Connection(url, connectionOptions);
+ };
+// Create a new namespace for the qmf "package".
+var qmf = {};
+qmf.REFRESH_PERIOD = 10000;
+ * This class is a proxy to the QMF REST API, which is itself a proxy to a real QMF2 Console.
+ * It attempts to mimic the QMF2 API where possible however there are a few deviations because of the entirely
+ * asynchronous nature of JavaScript and AJAX.
+ *
+ * Constructor that provides defaults for name and domain and takes a Notifier/Listener.
+ * @param onEvent a QMFEventListener.
+ */
+qmf.Console = function(onEvent) {
+ var _disableEvents = false;
+ var _connection = null;
+ var _url = "../qpid/connection/";
+ var _qmfEventListenerXHR; // Retain JQuery XHR object for QmfEventListener so we can abort request if needed.
+ /**
+ * Send and "AGENT_DELETED" WorkItem for qpidd to the registered Event Listener.
+ */
+ var sendBrokerDisconnectedEvent = function() {
+ var agent = {_vendor: "", _product: "qpidd", _instance: "1234",
+ _name: "", _epoch: 1, _heartbeat_interval: 10};
+ onEvent({_type: "AGENT_DELETED", _params: {agent: agent}});
+ };
+ /**
+ * Send and "AGENT_DELETED" WorkItem for qpid.restapi to the registered Event Listener.
+ */
+ var sendRestApiDisconnectedEvent = function() {
+ var agent = {_vendor: "", _product: "qpid.restapi", _instance: "1234",
+ _name: "", _epoch: 1, _heartbeat_interval: 10};
+ onEvent({_type: "AGENT_DELETED", _params: {agent: agent}});
+ };
+ /**
+ * Retrieve QMF2 WorkItems via the QMF2 REST API, note that this call may block (on the server).
+ */
+ var dispatchEvents = function() {
+ if (_connection != null) {
+ _qmfEventListenerXHR = $.ajax({
+ url: _url + "/console/nextWorkItem",
+ cache: false,
+ dataType: "json",
+ timeout: 3*qmf.REFRESH_PERIOD,
+ success: handleDispatchEventsSuccess,
+ error: handleDispatchEventsFailure
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Success callback method for dispatchEvents. When WorkItems are available they are delivered to the attached
+ * eventListener onEvent callback and dispatchEvents is called again to wait for the next WorkItem.
+ * @param data the QMF2 WorkItem data.
+ */
+ var handleDispatchEventsSuccess = function(data) {
+ if (_connection != null) {
+ onEvent(data);
+ dispatchEvents();
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Failure callback method for dispatchEvents. This method sends "AGENT_DELETED" WorkItems to the registered
+ * Event Listener and attempts to re-establish a connection to the REST API and via the the broker.
+ * @param xhr the jQuery XHR object.
+ */
+ var handleDispatchEventsFailure = function(xhr) {
+ //console.log("handleDispatchEventsFailure " + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText);
+ if (xhr.status == 0 || xhr.status == 12029) { // For some reason IE7 sends 12029??
+ if (xhr.statusText == "timeout") { // If AJAX calls have timed out it's likely due to a failed broker.
+ sendBrokerDisconnectedEvent();
+ } else {
+ sendRestApiDisconnectedEvent(); // If the status is 0 for another reason the server is probabbly down.
+ }
+ } else if (xhr.status == 404) {
+ // HTTP Not Found. This is most likely to mean that the Console has timed out and been garbage collected
+ // on the REST API Server so we simply attempt to re-open the Qpid Connection.
+ if (_connection != null && {
+ }
+ } else if (xhr.status == 500) {
+ // HTTP Internal Error. Sent by the REST API Server when it knows that the broker has disconnected.
+ sendBrokerDisconnectedEvent();
+ }
+ // If the failure wasn't caused by an abort we retry after a timeout.
+ if (xhr.statusText != "abort" && _connection != null) {
+ setTimeout(dispatchEvents, qmf.REFRESH_PERIOD);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Helper method to allow us to get the data from a specified resource from the REST API in the /console/ sub-path
+ * Most of the core QMF2 API mehods can make use of this.
+ * @param resourceName the name of the resource on the REST Server. This is the part of the resource after
+ * the connection e.g. "/console/objects/" + className for the getObjects() call.
+ * @param handler the callback handler if the AJAX GET is successful.
+ * @return the jQuery XHR Object.
+ */
+ var getResource = function(resourceName, handler) {
+ return $.ajax({
+ url: _url + resourceName,
+ cache: false,
+ dataType: "json",
+ timeout: 3*qmf.REFRESH_PERIOD,
+ success: handler
+ });
+ };
+ // ******** QmfConsoleData Methods that will be attached to QmfData Objects via makeConsoleData()**********
+ /**
+ * Invoke the named method using the supplied inArgs, the response occurs asynchronously and triggers the
+ * named handler method, the outArgs are sent as JSON to the data parameter of the handler method.
+ * Note that this method is intended to be attached to a QmfData JavaScript object. It will use the ObjectId
+ * of the QmfData object to determine the URL resource to POST the data to.
+ */
+ var invokeMethod = function(name, inArgs, handler) {
+ //console.log("calling invokeMethod: " + name + ", oid: " + this._object_id);
+ var defaultHandler = function(data) {};
+ var postFailed = function(xhr) {
+ var error = xhr.responseText;
+ if (xhr.status != 500) {
+ error = (xhr.status == 0) ? "POST failed to return correctly." : xhr.statusText;
+ }
+ handler({"error_text" : error});
+ };
+ inArgs = (inArgs == null || typeof inArgs == "string") ? inArgs : util.stringify(inArgs);
+ handler = (handler == null) ? defaultHandler : handler;
+ var data = (inArgs == null) ? '{"_method_name":"' + name + '"}' :
+ '{"_method_name":"' + name + '","_arguments":' + inArgs + '}';
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "POST",
+ url: _url + "/object/" + this._object_id,
+ cache: false,
+ headers : {"cache-control": "no-cache"}, // Curtails iOS6 overly aggressive (incorrect!) caching.
+ contentType: "application/json",
+ data: data,
+ timeout: 10000,
+ success: handler,
+ error: postFailed
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * Request that the Agent updates the value of this object's contents.
+ * @param handler a callback method to handle the asynchronously delivered object refresh.
+ * One slight quirk of the JavaScript implementation is that the state update occurs asynchronously which will
+ * affect code that tries to use the state immediately after a call to object.refresh(). The optional handler
+ * parameter allows client code to defer its code to a callback that gets triggered after the state update.
+ */
+ var refresh = function(handler) {
+ var self = this; // So we use the correct this in the update method....
+ var update = function(data) {
+ // Save these timestamps from the original object as they are not correctly populated by the ManagementAgent.
+ var savedCreateTime = self._create_ts;
+ var savedDeleteTime = self._delete_ts;
+ if (handler == null) {
+ // If no handler is supplied we update the state of the object itself.
+ // Replace all of the current properties with the ones from the JSON response object.
+ for (var i in data) {
+ self[i] = data[i]
+ }
+ // Restore the correct timestamps.
+ self._create_ts = savedCreateTime;
+ self._delete_ts = savedDeleteTime;
+ } else {
+ // If a handler is supplied we pass the JSON object returned from the query having set the correct
+ // timestamps and turned back into a QmfConsoleData.
+ // Restore the correct timestamps.
+ data._create_ts = savedCreateTime;
+ data._delete_ts = savedDeleteTime;
+ data.invokeMethod = self.invokeMethod;
+ data.refresh = self.refresh;
+ handler(data);
+ }
+ };
+ return getResource("/object/" + this._object_id, update);
+ }
+ // ******************************************** Public Methods ********************************************
+ /**
+ * Calling this method results in a QMF2 Console being created that can only perform synchronous calls such
+ * as getObjects() and can't do asynchronous things like receive Agent updates and QMF2 Events.
+ * Note that "asynchronous" here relates to the underlying QMF Console created on the Server, as this is a
+ * JavaScript API things like getObjects() results still arrive asynchronously.
+ *
+ * This method must be called besfore addConnection() in order to take effect.
+ */
+ this.disableEvents = function() {
+ _disableEvents = true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Connect the console to the AMQP cloud.
+ *
+ * @param connection a JavaScript qpid.Connection object. Alternatively if the handle string to the Connection
+ * object on the server is known this string can be supplied instead. This is most likely to be the case where
+ * the default QMF Console on the REST API Server is used e.g. by doing _console.addConnection("default");
+ * @param failureCallback a handler to be called when addConnection() has failed to established the Qpid Connection.
+ * Note that this will *only* be called if creating the connection is impossible, that is to say an exception
+ * got thrown by the REST API PUT mothod. If the broker is simply down the Connection proxy will get created
+ * on the server side and the successCallback will be called.
+ */
+ this.addConnection = function(connection, failureCallback) {
+ _connection = connection;
+ _url = _url + _connection.toString();
+ if ( {
+ if (_disableEvents) {
+ _connection.disableEvents();
+, failureCallback);
+ } else {
+, failureCallback);
+ }
+ } else { // Use this case if the connection that is passed in is just a string "handle" to the connection
+ dispatchEvents();
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Remove the AMQP connection from the console. Un-does the addConnection() operation. Note that because this
+ * API implementation is really a proxy removeConnection() just aborts any AJAX calls for the console.
+ *
+ * @param connection a JavaScript qpid.Connection object
+ */
+ this.removeConnection = function(connection) {
+ if (_connection == connection) {
+ _connection = null;
+ if (_qmfEventListenerXHR) {
+ _qmfEventListenerXHR.abort();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Release the Console's resources.
+ */
+ this.destroy = function() {
+ //console.log("Console.destroy()");
+ this.removeConnection(_connection);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Perform a query for QmfData objects. In a difference to the specified QMF2 API rather than returning a list
+ * (possibly empty) of matching objects this JavaScript version triggers a callback, the data parameter of
+ * which contains the list of matching objects. Usage example:
+ * _console.getObjects("broker", function(data) { = data;});
+ *
+ * @param className the class name QMF Management Objects that we wish to retrieve.
+ * TODO packageName and agentName.
+ * @param handler a handler to be called when getObjects() has successfully retrieved the specified objects.
+ * we include the callback method because JavaScript networking is fundamentally asynchronous so getObjects()
+ * won't block as it would with other languages, the callback provides a way to defer execution of subsequent
+ * code until the objects have been returned.
+ * @return returns the jQuery XHR object. In particular the reson for returning this is that it is a "Deferred"
+ * object, what this means is that is can be used to wait until the results from several getObjects() calls
+ * have returned before executing an overall callback.
+ */
+ this.getObjects = function(className, handler) {
+ // TODO allow options to specify Package name and Agent name.
+ return getResource("/console/objects/" + className, handler);
+ };
+ /**
+ * The items returned by getObjects are really pure QmfData (really QmfManaged) Objects, they are data Objects
+ * with no methods. This is normally OK because most applications simply want to retrieve the properties/stats
+ * but there are occasions where some of the QmfConsoleData methods are useful. Rather than add the methods
+ * universally this method enables them to be added to specific QmfData instances. This approach is more
+ * efficient as the QmfData objects are created by the browser deserialising JSON and it seems a bit wasteful
+ * to iterate through turning the JSON data into full QmfConsoleData Objects when the methods are rarely used.
+ * @param data the QmfData object that we want to turn into a QmfConsoleData.
+ */
+ this.makeConsoleData = function(data) {
+ data.invokeMethod = invokeMethod;
+ data.refresh = refresh;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Get the AMQP address this Console is listening to.
+ *
+ * @param handler a callback method to handle the asynchronously delivered response.
+ * the data passed to the handler contains the console's replyTo address. Note that there are actually two,
+ * there's a synchronous one which is the return address for synchronous request/response type invocations and
+ * there's an asynchronous address with a ".async" suffix which is the return address for asynchronous invocations.
+ * @return returns the jQuery XHR object. See getObjects() documentation for more details on why.
+ *
+ * _console.getAddress(function(data) {console.log(data)}); // Example usage.
+ */
+ this.getAddress = function(handler) {
+ return getResource("/console/address", handler);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets a list of all known Agents.
+ *
+ * @param handler a callback method to handle the asynchronously delivered response.
+ * the data passed to the handler contains a list of all known Agents as a JSON array each item in the array is
+ * a QMF Agent object in JSON form.
+ * @return returns the jQuery XHR object. See getObjects() documentation for more details on why.
+ *
+ * _console.getAgents(function(data) {console.log(data)}); // Example usage.
+ */
+ this.getAgents = function(handler) {
+ return getResource("/console/agents", handler);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets the named Agent, if known.
+ *
+ * @param agentName the name of the Agent to be returned.
+ * @param handler a callback method to handle the asynchronously delivered response.
+ * the data passed to the handler is the QMF Agent object in JSON form.
+ * @return returns the jQuery XHR object. See getObjects() documentation for more details on why.
+ *
+ * _console.getAgent("qpidd", function(data) {console.log(data)}); // Example usage.
+ */
+ this.getAgent = function(agentName, handler) {
+ return getResource("/console/agent/" + agentName, handler);
+ };
+ /**
+ * In this implementation findAgent() is a synonym for getAgent().
+ */
+ this.findAgent = function(agentName, handler) {
+ return getResource("/console/agent/" + agentName, handler);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets a list of all known Packages.
+ * @param handler a callback method to handle the asynchronously delivered response.
+ * the data passed to the handler is a list of all available packages as a JSON array.
+ * @return returns the jQuery XHR object. See getObjects() documentation for more details on why.
+ *
+ * _console.getPackages(function(data) {console.log(data)}); // Example usage.
+ */
+ this.getPackages = function(handler) {
+ // TODO handle getPackages() for specified Agent.
+ return getResource("/console/packages", handler);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Gets a List of SchemaClassId for all available Schema.
+ * @param handler a callback method to handle the asynchronously delivered response.
+ * the data passed to the handler is a list of all available classes as a JSON array of SchemaClassId.
+ * @return returns the jQuery XHR object. See getObjects() documentation for more details on why.
+ *
+ * _console.getClasses(function(data) {console.log(data)}); // Example usage.
+ */
+ this.getClasses = function(handler) {
+ // TODO handle getClasses() for specified Agent
+ return getResource("/console/classes", handler);
+ };
+ /**
+ * TODO
+ * getSchema() - should be easy as the REST API supports it.
+ * createSubscription() - harder as the REST API doesn't yet support it.
+ * refreshSubscription() - harder as the REST API doesn't yet support it.
+ * cancelSubscription() - harder as the REST API doesn't yet support it.
+ */