Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* QPID-4984: WIP - Merge from trunk r.1534626.linearstoreKim van der Riet2013-10-228-6/+33
* QPID-4984: WIP - Merge from trunk r.1534399.Kim van der Riet2013-10-213-44/+205
* QPID-4984: WIP - Merge from trunk r.1534385.Kim van der Riet2013-10-211676-28712/+121579
* QPID-4984: WIP - Compiles, but functionally incomplete. Transactions not yet ...Kim van der Riet2013-10-2150-2789/+2026
* QPID-4984: WIP - Compiles, but functionally incompleteKim van der Riet2013-10-0752-1413/+1984
* QPID-4984: WIP - Merge from trunk r.1525056Kim van der Riet2013-09-201242-61051/+29533
* QPID-4984: WIP - compiles, but not functional.Kim van der Riet2013-09-2038-566/+2170
* QPID-4984: WIP - compiles, but not functional.Kim van der Riet2013-08-2323-435/+337
* QPID-4984: WIP - compiles, but not functional. Changed namespaces in project.Kim van der Riet2013-08-2164-320/+320
* QPID-4984: WIP - compiles, but not functional.Kim van der Riet2013-08-2125-222/+277
* QPID-4984: WIP - compiles, but not functional.Kim van der Riet2013-08-2177-6084/+1964
* QPID-4984: Continuing work on the linearstoreutils libKim van der Riet2013-07-109-9/+337
* QPID-4984 - Added a utilities library for linearstore and its tools.Ted Ross2013-07-104-1/+237
* NO-JIRA - Copied legacystore into linearstore as a starting point for work.Ted Ross2013-07-1086-0/+18086
* Branch for linear store developmentTed Ross2013-07-100-0/+0
* QPID-4976: support standard lifetime policiesGordon Sim2013-07-1022-206/+588
* QPID-4983 : [Java Broker] Move store implementations to broker pluginsRobert Godfrey2013-07-1028-41/+169
* NO-JIRA: skip build of posix qmfv2 example on windowsKenneth Anthony Giusti2013-07-091-1/+4
* QPID-4944: HA skip test test_failover_send_receive till fixed.Alan Conway2013-07-091-1/+3
* QPID-4967 - Added the message transmit linkage from python.Ted Ross2013-07-093-2/+38
* QPID-4968 - Added an IO adapter for python modules to send and receive messagesTed Ross2013-07-0820-143/+574
* NO-JIRA: add README for qmf2 C++ examplesKenneth Anthony Giusti2013-07-081-0/+41
* QPID-4627: fix faulty switch statementGordon Sim2013-07-081-0/+1
* QPID-4980 : [Java Broker] add connection pool attributes to http managementRobert Godfrey2013-07-0537-40/+360
* QPID-4980 : [Java Broker] In HTTP Management make (standard) virtual host sto...Robert Godfrey2013-07-0518-16/+337
* NO-JIRA: add the QMFv2 C++ examples build to cmakeKenneth Anthony Giusti2013-07-052-0/+99
* QPID-4327: Minor edits to ha-transactions.mdAlan Conway2013-07-051-8/+11
* NO-JIRA: HA Changed output directory for to avoid other testsc ov...Alan Conway2013-07-051-2/+5
* QPID-4968 - Added an adapter module for Python-to-Dispatch calls.Ted Ross2013-07-055-41/+248
* QPID-4977 : [Java Broker] the virtualhost creation dialog doesnt display the ...Robert Godfrey2013-07-051-3/+4
* QPID-4627: Implement most of the remaining selector special identifiersAndrew Stitcher2013-07-0511-41/+136
* QPID-4973 : [Java Broker] Refactor DurableConfigurationStore interface to be ...Robert Godfrey2013-07-0549-512/+865
* NO-JIRA - Updated printf format codes to be portable.Ted Ross2013-07-051-4/+5
* QPID-4944: HA Sporadic failure: test_failover_send_receiveAlan Conway2013-07-046-15/+14
* QPID-4944: HA Sporadic failure - logging improvements used to investigate.Alan Conway2013-07-047-13/+14
* QPID-4968 - Added Python/Dispatch data conversion utilities.Ted Ross2013-07-045-0/+218
* QPID-4975: Only send correlation id if it isn't empty.Andrew Stitcher2013-07-031-1/+2
* QPID-4974 - Additional tests added.Ted Ross2013-07-031-19/+108
* NO-JIRA: Java performance tests: refactored testdefs/VaryingNumberOfParticipa...Phil Harvey2013-07-034-2975/+89
* NO-JIRA: Java performance tests: removed latency tests and charts that are no...Phil Harvey2013-07-037-2587/+0
* QPID-4974 - Added parsing tests (and fixes for bugs they found).Ted Ross2013-07-027-2/+106
* QPID-4974 - Generalized the mechanisms for composing and parsing AMQP-encoded...Ted Ross2013-07-0210-340/+762
* QPID-4973 : [Java Broker] Refactor DurableConfigurationStoreRobert Godfrey2013-07-0228-714/+608
* NO-JIRA: Moved autotools back to using Swig 1.3.26 or higher.Darryl L. Pierce2013-07-021-1/+1
* NO-JIRA: tweak code to allow better lock analysis by CoverityKenneth Anthony Giusti2013-07-021-5/+5
* QPID-4969: C++ Broker headers exchange allows creation of bindings Charles E. Rolke2013-07-013-6/+8
* QPID-4943: Introduce a feature for 0-8/0-9/0-9-1 protocols to close a connect...Robert Godfrey2013-07-011-0/+1
* QPID-4971: Uninitialized variables in QueueSettingsCharles E. Rolke2013-07-011-0/+2
* QPID-4970 : [Java Broker] Configure MessageStores based on VirtualHost object...Robert Godfrey2013-07-0144-236/+739
* QPID-4958: fixed race condition in ClientRegistry that caused awaitClients to...Phil Harvey2013-07-011-25/+36