path: root/include/amqp_ssl_socket.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/amqp_ssl_socket.h')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 265 deletions
diff --git a/include/amqp_ssl_socket.h b/include/amqp_ssl_socket.h
index db3aa73..3573c40 100644
--- a/include/amqp_ssl_socket.h
+++ b/include/amqp_ssl_socket.h
@@ -28,271 +28,8 @@
#ifndef AMQP_SSL_H
#define AMQP_SSL_H
-#include <amqp.h>
+#warning "amqp_ssl_socket.h is deprecated, use rabbitmq-c/ssl_socket.h instead.
- * Create a new SSL/TLS socket object.
- *
- * The returned socket object is owned by the \ref amqp_connection_state_t
- * object and will be destroyed when the state object is destroyed or a new
- * socket object is created.
- *
- * If the socket object creation fails, the \ref amqp_connection_state_t object
- * will not be changed.
- *
- * The object returned by this function can be retrieved from the
- * amqp_connection_state_t object later using the amqp_get_socket() function.
- *
- * Calling this function may result in the underlying SSL library being
- * initialized.
- * \sa amqp_set_initialize_ssl_library()
- *
- * \param [in,out] state The connection object that owns the SSL/TLS socket
- * \return A new socket object or NULL if an error occurred.
- *
- * \since v0.4.0
- */
-amqp_socket_t *AMQP_CALL amqp_ssl_socket_new(amqp_connection_state_t state);
- * Get the internal OpenSSL context. Caveat emptor.
- *
- * \param [in,out] self An SSL/TLS socket object.
- *
- * \return A pointer to the internal OpenSSL context. This should be cast to
- * <tt>SSL_CTX*</tt>.
- *
- * \since v0.9.0
- */
-void *AMQP_CALL amqp_ssl_socket_get_context(amqp_socket_t *self);
- * Set the CA certificate.
- *
- * \param [in,out] self An SSL/TLS socket object.
- * \param [in] cacert Path to the CA cert file in PEM format.
- *
- * \return \ref AMQP_STATUS_OK on success an \ref amqp_status_enum value on
- * failure.
- *
- * \since v0.4.0
- */
-int AMQP_CALL amqp_ssl_socket_set_cacert(amqp_socket_t *self,
- const char *cacert);
- * Set the password of key in PEM format.
- *
- * \param [in,out] self An SSL/TLS socket object.
- * \param [in] passwd The password of key in PEM format.
- *
- * \since v0.11.0
- */
-void AMQP_CALL amqp_ssl_socket_set_key_passwd(amqp_socket_t *self,
- const char *passwd);
- * Set the client key.
- *
- * \param [in,out] self An SSL/TLS socket object.
- * \param [in] cert Path to the client certificate in PEM foramt.
- * \param [in] key Path to the client key in PEM format.
- *
- * \return \ref AMQP_STATUS_OK on success an \ref amqp_status_enum value on
- * failure.
- *
- * \since v0.4.0
- */
-int AMQP_CALL amqp_ssl_socket_set_key(amqp_socket_t *self, const char *cert,
- const char *key);
- * Set the client key use the engine.
- *
- * This function requires amqp_set_ssl_engine() has been called.
- *
- * \param [in,out] self An SSL/TLS socket object.
- * \param [in] cert Path to the client certificate in PEM foramt.
- * \param [in] the key ID.
- *
- * \return \ref AMQP_STATUS_OK on success an \ref amqp_status_enum value on
- * failure.
- *
- * \since v0.11.0
- */
-int AMQP_CALL amqp_ssl_socket_set_key_engine(amqp_socket_t *self,
- const char *cert, const char *key);
- * Set the client key from a buffer.
- *
- * \param [in,out] self An SSL/TLS socket object.
- * \param [in] cert Path to the client certificate in PEM foramt.
- * \param [in] key A buffer containing client key in PEM format.
- * \param [in] n The length of the buffer.
- *
- * \return \ref AMQP_STATUS_OK on success an \ref amqp_status_enum value on
- * failure.
- *
- * \since v0.4.0
- */
-int AMQP_CALL amqp_ssl_socket_set_key_buffer(amqp_socket_t *self,
- const char *cert, const void *key,
- size_t n);
- * Enable or disable peer verification.
- *
- * \deprecated use \amqp_ssl_socket_set_verify_peer and
- * \amqp_ssl_socket_set_verify_hostname instead.
- *
- * If peer verification is enabled then the common name in the server
- * certificate must match the server name. Peer verification is enabled by
- * default.
- *
- * \param [in,out] self An SSL/TLS socket object.
- * \param [in] verify Enable or disable peer verification.
- *
- * \since v0.4.0
- */
-AMQP_DEPRECATED(AMQP_PUBLIC_FUNCTION void AMQP_CALL amqp_ssl_socket_set_verify(
- amqp_socket_t *self, amqp_boolean_t verify));
- * Enable or disable peer verification.
- *
- * Peer verification validates the certificate chain that is sent by the broker.
- * Hostname validation is controlled by \amqp_ssl_socket_set_verify_peer.
- *
- * \param [in,out] self An SSL/TLS socket object.
- * \param [in] verify enable or disable peer validation
- *
- * \since v0.8.0
- */
-void AMQP_CALL amqp_ssl_socket_set_verify_peer(amqp_socket_t *self,
- amqp_boolean_t verify);
- * Enable or disable hostname verification.
- *
- * Hostname verification checks the broker cert for a CN or SAN that matches the
- * hostname that amqp_socket_open() is presented. Peer verification is
- * controlled by \amqp_ssl_socket_set_verify_peer
- *
- * \since v0.8.0
- */
-void AMQP_CALL amqp_ssl_socket_set_verify_hostname(amqp_socket_t *self,
- amqp_boolean_t verify);
-typedef enum {
- AMQP_TLSv1 = 1,
- AMQP_TLSv1_1 = 2,
- AMQP_TLSv1_2 = 3,
-} amqp_tls_version_t;
- * Set min and max TLS versions.
- *
- * Set the oldest and newest acceptable TLS versions that are acceptable when
- * connecting to the broker. Set min == max to restrict to just that
- * version.
- *
- * \param [in,out] self An SSL/TLS socket object.
- * \param [in] min the minimum acceptable TLS version
- * \param [in] max the maxmium acceptable TLS version
- * \returns AMQP_STATUS_OK on success, AMQP_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED if OpenSSL does
- * not support the requested TLS version, AMQP_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER if an
- * invalid combination of parameters is passed.
- *
- * \since v0.8.0
- */
-int AMQP_CALL amqp_ssl_socket_set_ssl_versions(amqp_socket_t *self,
- amqp_tls_version_t min,
- amqp_tls_version_t max);
- * Sets whether rabbitmq-c will initialize OpenSSL.
- *
- * OpenSSL requires a one-time initialization across a whole program, this sets
- * whether or not rabbitmq-c will initialize the SSL library when the first call
- * to amqp_ssl_socket_new() is made. You should call this function with
- * do_init = 0 if the underlying SSL library is initialized somewhere else
- * the program.
- *
- * Failing to initialize or double initialization of the SSL library will
- * result in undefined behavior
- *
- * By default rabbitmq-c will initialize the underlying SSL library.
- *
- * NOTE: calling this function after the first socket has been opened with
- * amqp_open_socket() will not have any effect.
- *
- * \param [in] do_initialize If 0 rabbitmq-c will not initialize the SSL
- * library, otherwise rabbitmq-c will initialize the
- * SSL library
- *
- * \since v0.4.0
- */
-void AMQP_CALL amqp_set_initialize_ssl_library(amqp_boolean_t do_initialize);
- * Initialize the underlying SSL/TLS library.
- *
- * The OpenSSL library requires a one-time initialization across the whole
- * program.
- *
- * This function unconditionally initializes OpenSSL so that rabbitmq-c may
- * use it.
- *
- * This function is thread-safe, and may be called more than once.
- *
- * \return AMQP_STATUS_OK on success.
- *
- * \since v0.9.0
- */
-int AMQP_CALL amqp_initialize_ssl_library(void);
- * Set the engine for underlying SSL/TLS library.
- *
- * This function is thread-safe, and may be called more than once.
- *
- * This function requires amqp_initialize_ssl_library() or amqp_ssl_socket_new()
- * has been called.
- *
- * \param [in] engine the engine ID
- * \return AMQP_STATUS_OK on success.
- *
- * \since v0.11.0
- */
-int amqp_set_ssl_engine(const char *engine);
- * Uninitialize the underlying SSL/TLS library.
- *
- * \return AMQP_STATUS_OK on success.
- *
- * \since v0.9.0
- */
-int AMQP_CALL amqp_uninitialize_ssl_library(void);
+#include <rabbitmq-c/ssl_socket.h>
#endif /* AMQP_SSL_H */