diff options
authorogrisel <devnull@localhost>2006-06-25 15:08:19 +0000
committerogrisel <devnull@localhost>2006-06-25 15:08:19 +0000
commitb20eff9b9b18aa992752dc237f7bb79e05710916 (patch)
parentecd5acb32f0b424e2d54bde5f33b89bd5abe6ff3 (diff)
fixing EOL problems by setting the svn:eol-style property to native and replacing \r\n by a single \n
42 files changed, 3013 insertions, 3013 deletions
index 19cb5c23..95912ea1 100644
@@ -1,616 +1,616 @@
- RELEASE 2.3.1
- Added save method to BackwardCompatibleGraph so that
- etc work again.
- Applied patch from Drew Perttula to add local_time_zone
- argument to util's date_time method.
- Fixed a relativize bug in the rdf/xml serializer.
- Fixed NameError: global name 'URIRef' is not defined error in
- by adding missing import.
- Applied patch for Seq to sort list by integer, added by Drew
- Hess.
- Added a preserve_bnode_ids option to rdf/xml parser.
- Applied assorted patches for tests (see
- )
- Applied redland.diff (see
- )
- Applied changes specified
- Added a set method to Graph.
- Fixed RDF/XML serializer so that it does not choke on n3 bits
- (rather it'll just ignore them)
- RELEASE 2.3.0
- See for most up-to-date release notes
- Added N3 support to Graph and Store.
- Added Sean's n3p parser, and ntriples parser.
- Sleepycat implementation has been revamped in the process of
- expanding it to support the new requirements n3
- requirements. It also now persists a journal -- more to come.
- detabified source files.
- Literal and parsers now distinguish between datatype of None and datatype of "".
- Store-agnostic 'fallback' implementation of REGEX matching
- (inefficient but provides the capability to stores that don't
- support it natively). Implemented as a 'wrapper' around any
- Store which replaces REGEX terms with None (before dispatching
- to the store) and whittles out results that don't match the
- given REGEX term expression(s).
- Store-agnostic 'fallback' implementation of transactional
- rollbacks (also inefficient but provides the capablity to
- stores that don't support it natively). Implemented as a
- wrapper that tracks a 'thread-safe' list of reversal
- operations (for every add, track the remove call that reverts
- the store, and vice versa). Upon store.rollback(), execute the
- reverse operations. However, this doesn't guarantee
- durability, since if the system fails before the rollbacks are
- all executed, the store will remain in an invalid state, but
- it provides Atomicity in the best case scenario.
- RELEASE 2.2.3
- Fixed Sleepycat backend to commit after an add and
- remove. This should help just a bit with those unclean
- shutdowns ;)
- Fixed use of logging so that it does not mess with the root
- logger. Thank you, Arve, for pointing this one out.
- Fixed Graph's value method to have default for subject in
- addition to predicate and object.
- Fixed Fourthought backend to be consistent with interface. It
- now supports an empty constructor and an open method that
- takes a configuration string.
- RELEASE 2.2.2
- Applied patch from inkel to add encoding argument to all
- serialization related methods.
- Fixed XMLSerializer bug regarding default namespace bindings.
- Fixed namespace binding bug involving binding a second default
- namespace.
- Applied patch from Gunnar AAstrand Grimnes to add context
- support to __iadd__ on Graph. (Am considering the lack of
- context support a bug. Any users currently using __iadd__, let
- me know if this breaks any of your code.)
- Added Fourthought backend contributed by Chimezie Ogbuji.
- Fixed a RDF/XML parser bug relating to XMLLiteral and
- escaping.
- Fixed so that install does not try to uninstall
- (rename_old) before installing; there's now an uninstall
- command if one needs to uninstall.
- RELEASE 2.2.1
- Fixed issue regarding Python2.3 compatibility.
- Fixed minor issue with URIRef's absolute method.
- RELEASE 2.1.4
- Added optional base argument to URIRef.
- Fixed bug where load and parse had inconsistent behavior.
- Added a FileInputSource.
- Added skeleton sparql parser and test framework.
- Included pyparsing ( for sparql parsing.
- Added attribute support to namespaces.
- RELEASE 2.1.3
- Added Ivan's sparql-p implementation.
- Literal is now picklable.
- Added optional base argument to serialize methods about which to relativize.
- Applied patch to remove some dependencies on Python 2.4
- features.
- Fixed BNode's n3 serialization bug (recently introduced).
- Fixed a collections related bug.
- RELEASE 2.1.2
- Added patch from Sidnei da Silva that adds a sqlobject based backend.
- Fixed bug in PrettyXMLSerializer (rdf prefix decl was missing sometimes)
- Fixed bug in RDF/XML parser where empty collections where
- causing exceptions.
- RELEASE 2.1.1
- Fixed a number of bugs relating to 2.0 backward compatibility.
- Fixed split_uri to handle URIs with _ in them properly.
- Fixed bug in RDF/XML handler's absolutize that would cause some URIRefs to end in ##
- Added check_context to Graph.
- Added patch the improves IOMemory implementation.
- RELEASE 2.1.0
- Merged TripleStore and InformationStore into Graph.
- Added plugin support (or at least cleaned up, made consistent the
- plugin support that existed).
- Added value and seq methods to Graph.
- Renamed prefix_mapping to bind.
- Added namespaces method that is a generator over all prefix,
- namespace bindings.
- Added notion of NamespaceManager.
- Added couple new backends, IOMemory and ZODB.
- RELEASE 2.0.6
- Added pretty-xml serializer (inlines BNodes where possible,
- typed nodes, Collections).
- Fixed bug in NTParser and n3 methods where not all characters
- where being escaped.
- Changed label and comment methods to return default passed in
- when there is no label or comment. Moved methods to Store
- Class. Store no longer inherits from Schema.
- Fixed bug involving a case with rdf:about='#'
- Changed InMemoryBackend to update third index in the same style it
- does the first two.
- RELEASE 2.0.5
- Added publicID argument to Store's load method.
- Added RDF and RDFS to top level rdflib package.
- RELEASE 2.0.4
- Removed unfinished functionality.
- Fixed bug where another prefix other than rdf was getting
- defined for the rdf namespace (causing an assertion to fail).
- Fixed bug in serializer where nodeIDs were not valid NCNames.
- RELEASE 2.0.3
- Added missing "from __future__ import generators" statement to
- InformationStore.
- Simplified RDF/XML serializer fixing a few bugs involving
- BNodes.
- Added a reset method to RDF/XML parser.
- Changed 'if foo' to "if foo is not None" in a few places in
- the RDF/XML parser.
- Fully qualified imports in rdflib.syntax {parser, serializer}.
- Context now goes through InformationStore (was bypassing it
- going directly to backend).
- RELEASE 2.0.2
- Improved performance of Identifier equality tests.
- Added missing "from __future__ import generators" statements
- needed to run on Python2.2.
- Added alternative to shlib.move() if it isn't present.
- Fixed bug that occured when specifying a backend to
- InformationStore's constructor.
- Fixed bug recently introduced into InformationStore's remove
- method.
- RELEASE 2.0.1
- Fixed a bug in the SleepyCatBackend multi threaded concurrency
- support. (Tested fairly extensively under the following
- conditions: multi threaded, multi process, and both). NOTE:
- fix involved change to database format -- so 2.0.1 will not be
- able to open databases created with 2.0.0
- Removed the use of the Concurrent wrapper around
- InMemoryBackend and modified InMemoryBackend to handle
- concurrent requests. (Motivated by Concurrent's poor
- performance on bigger TripleStores.)
- Improved the speed of len(store) by making backends
- responsible for implementing __len__.
- Context objects now have a identifier property.
- RELEASE 2.0.0
- Fixed a few bugs in the SleepyCatBackend multi process
- concurrency support.
- Removed rdflib.Resource
- Changed remove to now take a triple pattern and removed
- remove_triples method.
- Added __iadd__ method to Store in support of store +=
- another_store.
- RELEASE 1.3.2
- Added a serialization dispatcher.
- Added format arg to save method.
- Store now remembers prefix/namespace bindings.
- Backends are now more pluggable
- ...
- RELEASE 1.3.1
- Fixed bug in serializer where triples where only getting
- serialized the first time.
- Added type checking for contexts.
- Fixed bug that caused comparisons with a Literal to fail when
- the right hand side was not a string.
- Added DB_INIT_CDB flag to SCBacked for supporting multiple
- reader/single writer access
- Changed rdf:RDF to be optional to conform with latest spec.
- Fixed handling of XMLLiterals
- RELEASE 1.3.0
- Removed bag_id support and added it to OLD_TERMS.
- Added a double hash for keys in SCBacked.
- Fixed _HTTPClient so that it no longer removes metadata about
- a context right after it adds it.
- Added a KDTreeStore and RedlandStore backends.
- Added a StoreTester.
- RELEASE 1.2.4
- Fixed bug in SCBackend where language and datatype information
- where being ignored.
- Fixed bug in transitive_subjects.
- Updated some of the test cases that where not up to date.
- async_load now adds more http header and error information to
- the InformationStore.
- RELEASE 1.2.3
- Fixed bug in load methods where relative URLs where not being
- absolutized correctly on Windows.
- Fixed serializer so that it throws an exception when trying to
- serialize a graph with a predicate that can not be split.
- RELEASE 1.2.2
- Added an exists method to the BackwardCompatibility mixin.
- Added versions of remove, remove_triples and triples methods
- to the BackwardCompatility mixin for TripleStores that take an
- s, p, o as opposed to an (s, p, o).
- RELEASE 1.2.1
- Added support for parsing XMLLiterals.
- Added support for proper charmod checking (only works in
- Python2.3).
- Fixed remaining rdfcore test cases that where not passing.
- Fixed windows bug in AbstractInformationStore's run method.
- RELEASE 1.2.0
- Added systemID, line #, and column # to error messages.
- BNode prefix is now composed of ascii_letters instead of letters.
- Added a bsddb backed InformationStore.
- Added an asyncronous load method, methods for scheduling context
- updates, and a run method.
- RELEASE 1.1.5
- Introduction of InformationStore, a TripleStore with the
- addition of context support.
- Resource __getitem__ now returns object (no longer returns a
- Resource for the object).
- Fixed bug in parser that was introduced in last release
- regaurding unqualified names.
- RELEASE 1.1.4
- Interface realigned with last stable release.
- Serializer now uses more of the abbreviated forms where
- possible.
- Parser optimized and cleaned up.
- Added third index to InMemoryStore.
- The load and parse methods now take a single argument.
- Added a StringInputSource for to support parsing from strings.
- Renamed rdflib.BTreeTripleStore.TripleStore to
- rdflib.BTreeTripleStore.BTreeTripleStore.
- Minor reorganization of mix-in classes.
- RELEASE 1.1.3
- BNodes now created with a more unique identifier so BNodes
- from different sessions do not collide.
- Added initial support for XML Literals (for now they are
- parsed into Literals).
- Resource is no longer a special kind of URIRef.
- Resource no longer looks at range to determine default return
- type for __getitem__. Instead there is now a get(predicate, default)
- method.
- RELEASE 1.1.2
- Fixed Literal's __eq__ method so that Literal('foo')=='foo' etc.
- Fixed Resource's __setitem__ method so that it does not raise
- a dictionary changed size while iterating exception.
- RELEASE 1.1.1
- Resource is now a special kind of URIRef
- Resource's __getitem__ now looks at rdfs:range to determine
- return type in default case.
- RELEASE 1.1.0 # A new development branch
- Cleaned up interface and promoted it to SIR: Simple Interface
- for RDF.
- Updated parser to use SAX2 interfaces instead of using expat directly.
- Added BTreeTripleStore, a ZODB BTree TripleStore backend. And
- a default pre-mixed TripleStore that uses it.
- Synced with latest (Editor's draft) RDF/XML spec.
- Added datatype support.
- Cleaned up interfaces for load/parse: removed generate_path
- from loadsave andrenamed parse_URI to parse.
- RELEASE 0.9.6 # The end of a development brant
- BNode can now be created with specified value.
- Literal now has a language attribute.
- Parser now creates Literals with language attribute set
- appropriately as determined by xml:lang attributes.
- TODO: Serializer-Literals-language attribute
- TODO: Change __eq__ so that Literal("foo")=="foo" etc
- TripleStores now support "in" operator.
- For example: if (s, p, o) in store: print "Found ", s, p, o
- Added APIs/object for working at level of a Resource. NOTE:
- This functionality is still experimental
- Consecutive Collections now parse correctly.
- RELEASE 0.9.5
- Added support for rdf:parseType="Collection"
- Added items generator for getting items in a Collection
- Renamed rdflib.triple_store to rdflib.TripleStore to better follow
- python style conventions.
- Added an Identifier Class
- Moved each node into its own Python module.
- Added rdflib.util with a first and uniq function.
- Added a little more to
- Removed generate_uri since we have BNodes now.
- RELEASE 0.9.4
- Added support for proposed rdf:nodeID to both the parser and
- serializer.
- Reimplemented serializer which now nests things where
- possible.
- Added partial support for XML Literal parseTypes.
- RELEASE 0.9.3
- Fixed bug where bNodes where being created for nested property
- elements when they where not supposed to be.
- Added lax mode that will convert rdf/xml files that contain bare
- IDs etc. Also, lax mode will only report parse errors instead of
- raising exceptions.
- Added missing check for valid attribute names in the case of
- production 5.18 of latest WD spec.
- RELEASE 0.9.2
- Added missing constants for SUBPROPERTYOF, ISDEFINEDBY.
- Added test case for running all of the rdf/xml test cases.
- Reimplemented rdf/xml parser to conform to latest WD.
- RELEASE 0.9.1
- There is now a remove and a remove_triples (no more overloaded
- remove).
- Layer 2 has been merged with layer 1 since there is no longer a
- need for them to be separate layers.
- The generate_uri method has moved to LoadSave since triple stores
- do not have a notion of a uri. [Also, with proper bNode support on
- its way the need for a generate_uri might not be as high.]
- Fixed bug in node's n3 function: URI -> URIRef.
- Replaced string based exceptions with class based exceptions.
- Added PyUnit TestCase for
- Added N-Triples parser.
- Added __len__ and __eq__ methods to store interface.
- RELEASE 0.9.0
- Initial release after being split from redfootlib.
+ RELEASE 2.3.1
+ Added save method to BackwardCompatibleGraph so that
+ etc work again.
+ Applied patch from Drew Perttula to add local_time_zone
+ argument to util's date_time method.
+ Fixed a relativize bug in the rdf/xml serializer.
+ Fixed NameError: global name 'URIRef' is not defined error in
+ by adding missing import.
+ Applied patch for Seq to sort list by integer, added by Drew
+ Hess.
+ Added a preserve_bnode_ids option to rdf/xml parser.
+ Applied assorted patches for tests (see
+ )
+ Applied redland.diff (see
+ )
+ Applied changes specified
+ Added a set method to Graph.
+ Fixed RDF/XML serializer so that it does not choke on n3 bits
+ (rather it'll just ignore them)
+ RELEASE 2.3.0
+ See for most up-to-date release notes
+ Added N3 support to Graph and Store.
+ Added Sean's n3p parser, and ntriples parser.
+ Sleepycat implementation has been revamped in the process of
+ expanding it to support the new requirements n3
+ requirements. It also now persists a journal -- more to come.
+ detabified source files.
+ Literal and parsers now distinguish between datatype of None and datatype of "".
+ Store-agnostic 'fallback' implementation of REGEX matching
+ (inefficient but provides the capability to stores that don't
+ support it natively). Implemented as a 'wrapper' around any
+ Store which replaces REGEX terms with None (before dispatching
+ to the store) and whittles out results that don't match the
+ given REGEX term expression(s).
+ Store-agnostic 'fallback' implementation of transactional
+ rollbacks (also inefficient but provides the capablity to
+ stores that don't support it natively). Implemented as a
+ wrapper that tracks a 'thread-safe' list of reversal
+ operations (for every add, track the remove call that reverts
+ the store, and vice versa). Upon store.rollback(), execute the
+ reverse operations. However, this doesn't guarantee
+ durability, since if the system fails before the rollbacks are
+ all executed, the store will remain in an invalid state, but
+ it provides Atomicity in the best case scenario.
+ RELEASE 2.2.3
+ Fixed Sleepycat backend to commit after an add and
+ remove. This should help just a bit with those unclean
+ shutdowns ;)
+ Fixed use of logging so that it does not mess with the root
+ logger. Thank you, Arve, for pointing this one out.
+ Fixed Graph's value method to have default for subject in
+ addition to predicate and object.
+ Fixed Fourthought backend to be consistent with interface. It
+ now supports an empty constructor and an open method that
+ takes a configuration string.
+ RELEASE 2.2.2
+ Applied patch from inkel to add encoding argument to all
+ serialization related methods.
+ Fixed XMLSerializer bug regarding default namespace bindings.
+ Fixed namespace binding bug involving binding a second default
+ namespace.
+ Applied patch from Gunnar AAstrand Grimnes to add context
+ support to __iadd__ on Graph. (Am considering the lack of
+ context support a bug. Any users currently using __iadd__, let
+ me know if this breaks any of your code.)
+ Added Fourthought backend contributed by Chimezie Ogbuji.
+ Fixed a RDF/XML parser bug relating to XMLLiteral and
+ escaping.
+ Fixed so that install does not try to uninstall
+ (rename_old) before installing; there's now an uninstall
+ command if one needs to uninstall.
+ RELEASE 2.2.1
+ Fixed issue regarding Python2.3 compatibility.
+ Fixed minor issue with URIRef's absolute method.
+ RELEASE 2.1.4
+ Added optional base argument to URIRef.
+ Fixed bug where load and parse had inconsistent behavior.
+ Added a FileInputSource.
+ Added skeleton sparql parser and test framework.
+ Included pyparsing ( for sparql parsing.
+ Added attribute support to namespaces.
+ RELEASE 2.1.3
+ Added Ivan's sparql-p implementation.
+ Literal is now picklable.
+ Added optional base argument to serialize methods about which to relativize.
+ Applied patch to remove some dependencies on Python 2.4
+ features.
+ Fixed BNode's n3 serialization bug (recently introduced).
+ Fixed a collections related bug.
+ RELEASE 2.1.2
+ Added patch from Sidnei da Silva that adds a sqlobject based backend.
+ Fixed bug in PrettyXMLSerializer (rdf prefix decl was missing sometimes)
+ Fixed bug in RDF/XML parser where empty collections where
+ causing exceptions.
+ RELEASE 2.1.1
+ Fixed a number of bugs relating to 2.0 backward compatibility.
+ Fixed split_uri to handle URIs with _ in them properly.
+ Fixed bug in RDF/XML handler's absolutize that would cause some URIRefs to end in ##
+ Added check_context to Graph.
+ Added patch the improves IOMemory implementation.
+ RELEASE 2.1.0
+ Merged TripleStore and InformationStore into Graph.
+ Added plugin support (or at least cleaned up, made consistent the
+ plugin support that existed).
+ Added value and seq methods to Graph.
+ Renamed prefix_mapping to bind.
+ Added namespaces method that is a generator over all prefix,
+ namespace bindings.
+ Added notion of NamespaceManager.
+ Added couple new backends, IOMemory and ZODB.
+ RELEASE 2.0.6
+ Added pretty-xml serializer (inlines BNodes where possible,
+ typed nodes, Collections).
+ Fixed bug in NTParser and n3 methods where not all characters
+ where being escaped.
+ Changed label and comment methods to return default passed in
+ when there is no label or comment. Moved methods to Store
+ Class. Store no longer inherits from Schema.
+ Fixed bug involving a case with rdf:about='#'
+ Changed InMemoryBackend to update third index in the same style it
+ does the first two.
+ RELEASE 2.0.5
+ Added publicID argument to Store's load method.
+ Added RDF and RDFS to top level rdflib package.
+ RELEASE 2.0.4
+ Removed unfinished functionality.
+ Fixed bug where another prefix other than rdf was getting
+ defined for the rdf namespace (causing an assertion to fail).
+ Fixed bug in serializer where nodeIDs were not valid NCNames.
+ RELEASE 2.0.3
+ Added missing "from __future__ import generators" statement to
+ InformationStore.
+ Simplified RDF/XML serializer fixing a few bugs involving
+ BNodes.
+ Added a reset method to RDF/XML parser.
+ Changed 'if foo' to "if foo is not None" in a few places in
+ the RDF/XML parser.
+ Fully qualified imports in rdflib.syntax {parser, serializer}.
+ Context now goes through InformationStore (was bypassing it
+ going directly to backend).
+ RELEASE 2.0.2
+ Improved performance of Identifier equality tests.
+ Added missing "from __future__ import generators" statements
+ needed to run on Python2.2.
+ Added alternative to shlib.move() if it isn't present.
+ Fixed bug that occured when specifying a backend to
+ InformationStore's constructor.
+ Fixed bug recently introduced into InformationStore's remove
+ method.
+ RELEASE 2.0.1
+ Fixed a bug in the SleepyCatBackend multi threaded concurrency
+ support. (Tested fairly extensively under the following
+ conditions: multi threaded, multi process, and both). NOTE:
+ fix involved change to database format -- so 2.0.1 will not be
+ able to open databases created with 2.0.0
+ Removed the use of the Concurrent wrapper around
+ InMemoryBackend and modified InMemoryBackend to handle
+ concurrent requests. (Motivated by Concurrent's poor
+ performance on bigger TripleStores.)
+ Improved the speed of len(store) by making backends
+ responsible for implementing __len__.
+ Context objects now have a identifier property.
+ RELEASE 2.0.0
+ Fixed a few bugs in the SleepyCatBackend multi process
+ concurrency support.
+ Removed rdflib.Resource
+ Changed remove to now take a triple pattern and removed
+ remove_triples method.
+ Added __iadd__ method to Store in support of store +=
+ another_store.
+ RELEASE 1.3.2
+ Added a serialization dispatcher.
+ Added format arg to save method.
+ Store now remembers prefix/namespace bindings.
+ Backends are now more pluggable
+ ...
+ RELEASE 1.3.1
+ Fixed bug in serializer where triples where only getting
+ serialized the first time.
+ Added type checking for contexts.
+ Fixed bug that caused comparisons with a Literal to fail when
+ the right hand side was not a string.
+ Added DB_INIT_CDB flag to SCBacked for supporting multiple
+ reader/single writer access
+ Changed rdf:RDF to be optional to conform with latest spec.
+ Fixed handling of XMLLiterals
+ RELEASE 1.3.0
+ Removed bag_id support and added it to OLD_TERMS.
+ Added a double hash for keys in SCBacked.
+ Fixed _HTTPClient so that it no longer removes metadata about
+ a context right after it adds it.
+ Added a KDTreeStore and RedlandStore backends.
+ Added a StoreTester.
+ RELEASE 1.2.4
+ Fixed bug in SCBackend where language and datatype information
+ where being ignored.
+ Fixed bug in transitive_subjects.
+ Updated some of the test cases that where not up to date.
+ async_load now adds more http header and error information to
+ the InformationStore.
+ RELEASE 1.2.3
+ Fixed bug in load methods where relative URLs where not being
+ absolutized correctly on Windows.
+ Fixed serializer so that it throws an exception when trying to
+ serialize a graph with a predicate that can not be split.
+ RELEASE 1.2.2
+ Added an exists method to the BackwardCompatibility mixin.
+ Added versions of remove, remove_triples and triples methods
+ to the BackwardCompatility mixin for TripleStores that take an
+ s, p, o as opposed to an (s, p, o).
+ RELEASE 1.2.1
+ Added support for parsing XMLLiterals.
+ Added support for proper charmod checking (only works in
+ Python2.3).
+ Fixed remaining rdfcore test cases that where not passing.
+ Fixed windows bug in AbstractInformationStore's run method.
+ RELEASE 1.2.0
+ Added systemID, line #, and column # to error messages.
+ BNode prefix is now composed of ascii_letters instead of letters.
+ Added a bsddb backed InformationStore.
+ Added an asyncronous load method, methods for scheduling context
+ updates, and a run method.
+ RELEASE 1.1.5
+ Introduction of InformationStore, a TripleStore with the
+ addition of context support.
+ Resource __getitem__ now returns object (no longer returns a
+ Resource for the object).
+ Fixed bug in parser that was introduced in last release
+ regaurding unqualified names.
+ RELEASE 1.1.4
+ Interface realigned with last stable release.
+ Serializer now uses more of the abbreviated forms where
+ possible.
+ Parser optimized and cleaned up.
+ Added third index to InMemoryStore.
+ The load and parse methods now take a single argument.
+ Added a StringInputSource for to support parsing from strings.
+ Renamed rdflib.BTreeTripleStore.TripleStore to
+ rdflib.BTreeTripleStore.BTreeTripleStore.
+ Minor reorganization of mix-in classes.
+ RELEASE 1.1.3
+ BNodes now created with a more unique identifier so BNodes
+ from different sessions do not collide.
+ Added initial support for XML Literals (for now they are
+ parsed into Literals).
+ Resource is no longer a special kind of URIRef.
+ Resource no longer looks at range to determine default return
+ type for __getitem__. Instead there is now a get(predicate, default)
+ method.
+ RELEASE 1.1.2
+ Fixed Literal's __eq__ method so that Literal('foo')=='foo' etc.
+ Fixed Resource's __setitem__ method so that it does not raise
+ a dictionary changed size while iterating exception.
+ RELEASE 1.1.1
+ Resource is now a special kind of URIRef
+ Resource's __getitem__ now looks at rdfs:range to determine
+ return type in default case.
+ RELEASE 1.1.0 # A new development branch
+ Cleaned up interface and promoted it to SIR: Simple Interface
+ for RDF.
+ Updated parser to use SAX2 interfaces instead of using expat directly.
+ Added BTreeTripleStore, a ZODB BTree TripleStore backend. And
+ a default pre-mixed TripleStore that uses it.
+ Synced with latest (Editor's draft) RDF/XML spec.
+ Added datatype support.
+ Cleaned up interfaces for load/parse: removed generate_path
+ from loadsave andrenamed parse_URI to parse.
+ RELEASE 0.9.6 # The end of a development brant
+ BNode can now be created with specified value.
+ Literal now has a language attribute.
+ Parser now creates Literals with language attribute set
+ appropriately as determined by xml:lang attributes.
+ TODO: Serializer-Literals-language attribute
+ TODO: Change __eq__ so that Literal("foo")=="foo" etc
+ TripleStores now support "in" operator.
+ For example: if (s, p, o) in store: print "Found ", s, p, o
+ Added APIs/object for working at level of a Resource. NOTE:
+ This functionality is still experimental
+ Consecutive Collections now parse correctly.
+ RELEASE 0.9.5
+ Added support for rdf:parseType="Collection"
+ Added items generator for getting items in a Collection
+ Renamed rdflib.triple_store to rdflib.TripleStore to better follow
+ python style conventions.
+ Added an Identifier Class
+ Moved each node into its own Python module.
+ Added rdflib.util with a first and uniq function.
+ Added a little more to
+ Removed generate_uri since we have BNodes now.
+ RELEASE 0.9.4
+ Added support for proposed rdf:nodeID to both the parser and
+ serializer.
+ Reimplemented serializer which now nests things where
+ possible.
+ Added partial support for XML Literal parseTypes.
+ RELEASE 0.9.3
+ Fixed bug where bNodes where being created for nested property
+ elements when they where not supposed to be.
+ Added lax mode that will convert rdf/xml files that contain bare
+ IDs etc. Also, lax mode will only report parse errors instead of
+ raising exceptions.
+ Added missing check for valid attribute names in the case of
+ production 5.18 of latest WD spec.
+ RELEASE 0.9.2
+ Added missing constants for SUBPROPERTYOF, ISDEFINEDBY.
+ Added test case for running all of the rdf/xml test cases.
+ Reimplemented rdf/xml parser to conform to latest WD.
+ RELEASE 0.9.1
+ There is now a remove and a remove_triples (no more overloaded
+ remove).
+ Layer 2 has been merged with layer 1 since there is no longer a
+ need for them to be separate layers.
+ The generate_uri method has moved to LoadSave since triple stores
+ do not have a notion of a uri. [Also, with proper bNode support on
+ its way the need for a generate_uri might not be as high.]
+ Fixed bug in node's n3 function: URI -> URIRef.
+ Replaced string based exceptions with class based exceptions.
+ Added PyUnit TestCase for
+ Added N-Triples parser.
+ Added __len__ and __eq__ methods to store interface.
+ RELEASE 0.9.0
+ Initial release after being split from redfootlib.
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index c12369d1..cd226567 100644
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Daniel Krech,
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
-disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
-with the distribution.
- * Neither the name of Daniel Krech nor the names of its
-contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
-from this software without specific prior written permission.
+Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Daniel Krech,
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+with the distribution.
+ * Neither the name of Daniel Krech nor the names of its
+contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+from this software without specific prior written permission.
diff --git a/doc/InformationStore.html b/doc/InformationStore.html
index a438f39d..530cae5b 100644
--- a/doc/InformationStore.html
+++ b/doc/InformationStore.html
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
- "">
-<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
- <head>
- <title>InformationStore</title>
- <link REL="STYLESHEET" HREF="rdflib.css"/>
- </head>
- <body>
- <div CLASS="NAV">
- [ <a href="../index.html">RDFLib</A> |
- <a href="./index.html">Documentation</a> ]
- </div>
- <h1>InformationStore</h1>
- <p>
- RDFLib's InformationStore is a <a href="triple_store.html">TripleStore</a> with support
-for contexts.
- </p>
- <h2>InformationStore Interface</h2>
- <p>
- The InformationStore Interface extends the TripleStore
-interface. See the <a href="triple_store.html">TripleStore
-documentation</a> for a description of the TripleStore interface.
- <p>
- InformationStore overrides the following methods from
-TripleStore to allow an optional context argument:
- </p>
- <dl>
- <dt>add(<var>triple</var>, <var>context</var>)</dt>
- <dd>Adds triple, a tuple of the form (subject, predicate, object), to the InformationStore.</dd>
- <dt>remove(<var>triple</var>, <var>context</var>)</dt>
- <dd>Removes triple, a tuple of the form (subject, predicate, object), to the InformationStore.</dd>
- <dt>triples(<var>pattern</var>, <var>context</var>)</dt>
- <dd>A <a href="">generator</a> over all the triples in the InformationStore matching pattern. Pattern is a tuple of the form (subject, predicate, object) where each of subject, predicate and object are either specified or None to indicate any value will match.
- </dd>
- <dt>contexts(triple=None)</dt>
- <dd>A generator over all the contexts or if triple is specified a generator over all the contexts triple is in.</dd>
- <dl>
- <dt>__init__(self, path=None, backend=None)</dt>
- <dt>load(self, location, format="xml")</dt>
- <dt>get_context(self, identifier)</dt>
- <dt>remove_context(self, identifier)</dt>
- </dl>
- </body>
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
+ "">
+<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
+ <head>
+ <title>InformationStore</title>
+ <link REL="STYLESHEET" HREF="rdflib.css"/>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div CLASS="NAV">
+ [ <a href="../index.html">RDFLib</A> |
+ <a href="./index.html">Documentation</a> ]
+ </div>
+ <h1>InformationStore</h1>
+ <p>
+ RDFLib's InformationStore is a <a href="triple_store.html">TripleStore</a> with support
+for contexts.
+ </p>
+ <h2>InformationStore Interface</h2>
+ <p>
+ The InformationStore Interface extends the TripleStore
+interface. See the <a href="triple_store.html">TripleStore
+documentation</a> for a description of the TripleStore interface.
+ <p>
+ InformationStore overrides the following methods from
+TripleStore to allow an optional context argument:
+ </p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>add(<var>triple</var>, <var>context</var>)</dt>
+ <dd>Adds triple, a tuple of the form (subject, predicate, object), to the InformationStore.</dd>
+ <dt>remove(<var>triple</var>, <var>context</var>)</dt>
+ <dd>Removes triple, a tuple of the form (subject, predicate, object), to the InformationStore.</dd>
+ <dt>triples(<var>pattern</var>, <var>context</var>)</dt>
+ <dd>A <a href="">generator</a> over all the triples in the InformationStore matching pattern. Pattern is a tuple of the form (subject, predicate, object) where each of subject, predicate and object are either specified or None to indicate any value will match.
+ </dd>
+ <dt>contexts(triple=None)</dt>
+ <dd>A generator over all the contexts or if triple is specified a generator over all the contexts triple is in.</dd>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>__init__(self, path=None, backend=None)</dt>
+ <dt>load(self, location, format="xml")</dt>
+ <dt>get_context(self, identifier)</dt>
+ <dt>remove_context(self, identifier)</dt>
+ </dl>
+ </body>
diff --git a/doc/index.html b/doc/index.html
index 4b65b5a3..8c7b2be5 100644
--- a/doc/index.html
+++ b/doc/index.html
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
- <head>
- <title>RDFLib documentation</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="rdflib.css"/>
- </head>
- <body>
- <div class="nav">
- [ <a href="">RDFLib</A> |
- <a href="../index.html">RDFLib Readme</a> ]
- </div>
- <h1>RDFLib Documentation</h1>
- <p>
- For general information about RDFLib, see the <a href="">RDFLib homepage</a>.
- </p>
- <h2>Getting Started</h2>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="installing.html">Installing RDFLib</a></li>
- <li><a href="../html/index.html">rdflib API Documentation</a> (currently generated from source using epydoc)</li>
- <li><a href="examples.html">Examples</a></li>
- </ul>
- </body>
+ <head>
+ <title>RDFLib documentation</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="rdflib.css"/>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div class="nav">
+ [ <a href="">RDFLib</A> |
+ <a href="../index.html">RDFLib Readme</a> ]
+ </div>
+ <h1>RDFLib Documentation</h1>
+ <p>
+ For general information about RDFLib, see the <a href="">RDFLib homepage</a>.
+ </p>
+ <h2>Getting Started</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="installing.html">Installing RDFLib</a></li>
+ <li><a href="../html/index.html">rdflib API Documentation</a> (currently generated from source using epydoc)</li>
+ <li><a href="examples.html">Examples</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ </body>
diff --git a/doc/installing.html b/doc/installing.html
index e2e869e3..bdfd9332 100644
--- a/doc/installing.html
+++ b/doc/installing.html
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
- <head>
- <title>Installing RDFLib</title>
- <link REL="STYLESHEET" HREF="rdflib.css"/>
- </head>
- <body>
- <div CLASS="NAV">
- [ <a href="">RDFLib</A> |
- <a href="./index.html">Documentation</a> ]
- </div>
- <h1>Installing RDFLib</h1>
- <h2>Prerequisites</h2>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="">Python version 2.2.1</a> or later.</li>
- </ul>
- <h2>Running Install</h2>
- <p>From the rdflib-2.x directory run the following command:</p>
- <pre class="code_sample">python install</pre>
- <p>
- See the documentation for <a
-href="./InformationStore.html">InformationStore</a> or <a
-href="./triple_store.html">TripleStore</a>, RDFLib's primary
-interfaces. Or try some <a href="./examples.html">examples</a>.
- </p>
- </body>
+ <head>
+ <title>Installing RDFLib</title>
+ <link REL="STYLESHEET" HREF="rdflib.css"/>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div CLASS="NAV">
+ [ <a href="">RDFLib</A> |
+ <a href="./index.html">Documentation</a> ]
+ </div>
+ <h1>Installing RDFLib</h1>
+ <h2>Prerequisites</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="">Python version 2.2.1</a> or later.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h2>Running Install</h2>
+ <p>From the rdflib-2.x directory run the following command:</p>
+ <pre class="code_sample">python install</pre>
+ <p>
+ See the documentation for <a
+href="./InformationStore.html">InformationStore</a> or <a
+href="./triple_store.html">TripleStore</a>, RDFLib's primary
+interfaces. Or try some <a href="./examples.html">examples</a>.
+ </p>
+ </body>
</html> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/rdflib.css b/doc/rdflib.css
index d869948d..5246feb0 100644
--- a/doc/rdflib.css
+++ b/doc/rdflib.css
@@ -1,88 +1,88 @@
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diff --git a/ b/
index 9f60454a..dd347907 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
-from rdflib import Graph
-from rdflib import URIRef, Literal, BNode, Namespace
-from rdflib import RDF
-store = Graph()
-# Bind a few prefix, namespace pairs.
-store.bind("dc", "http://")
-store.bind("foaf", "")
-# Create a namespace object for the Friend of a friend namespace.
-FOAF = Namespace("")
-# Create an identifier to use as the subject for Donna.
-donna = BNode()
-# Add triples using store's add method.
-store.add((donna, RDF.type, FOAF["Person"]))
-store.add((donna, FOAF["nick"], Literal("donna", lang="foo")))
-store.add((donna, FOAF["name"], Literal("Donna Fales")))
-# Iterate over triples in store and print them out.
-print "--- printing raw triples ---"
-for s, p, o in store:
- print s, p, o
-# For each foaf:Person in the store print out its mbox property.
-print "--- printing mboxes ---"
-for person in store.subjects(RDF.type, FOAF["Person"]):
- for mbox in store.objects(person, FOAF["mbox"]):
- print mbox
-# Serialize the store as RDF/XML to the file foaf.rdf."foaf.rdf", format="pretty-xml")
-# Let's show off the serializers
-print "RDF Serializations:"
-# Serialize as XML
-print "--- start: rdf-xml ---"
-print store.serialize(format="pretty-xml")
-print "--- end: rdf-xml ---\n"
-# Serialize as NTriples
-print "--- start: ntriples ---"
-print store.serialize(format="nt")
-print "--- end: ntriples ---\n"
+from rdflib import Graph
+from rdflib import URIRef, Literal, BNode, Namespace
+from rdflib import RDF
+store = Graph()
+# Bind a few prefix, namespace pairs.
+store.bind("dc", "http://")
+store.bind("foaf", "")
+# Create a namespace object for the Friend of a friend namespace.
+FOAF = Namespace("")
+# Create an identifier to use as the subject for Donna.
+donna = BNode()
+# Add triples using store's add method.
+store.add((donna, RDF.type, FOAF["Person"]))
+store.add((donna, FOAF["nick"], Literal("donna", lang="foo")))
+store.add((donna, FOAF["name"], Literal("Donna Fales")))
+# Iterate over triples in store and print them out.
+print "--- printing raw triples ---"
+for s, p, o in store:
+ print s, p, o
+# For each foaf:Person in the store print out its mbox property.
+print "--- printing mboxes ---"
+for person in store.subjects(RDF.type, FOAF["Person"]):
+ for mbox in store.objects(person, FOAF["mbox"]):
+ print mbox
+# Serialize the store as RDF/XML to the file foaf.rdf."foaf.rdf", format="pretty-xml")
+# Let's show off the serializers
+print "RDF Serializations:"
+# Serialize as XML
+print "--- start: rdf-xml ---"
+print store.serialize(format="pretty-xml")
+print "--- end: rdf-xml ---\n"
+# Serialize as NTriples
+print "--- start: ntriples ---"
+print store.serialize(format="nt")
+print "--- end: ntriples ---\n"
diff --git a/rdflib/sparql/ b/rdflib/sparql/
index a9991c32..54ceca09 100644
--- a/rdflib/sparql/
+++ b/rdflib/sparql/
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ WHERE {
PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?name ?mbox
- ?x foaf:name ?name ;
+ ?x foaf:name ?name ;
foaf:mbox ?mbox .
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ WHERE {
PREFIX foaf: <>
- ?x foaf:name ?PREFIX ;
+ ?x foaf:name ?PREFIX ;
foaf:mbox ?WHERE .
@@ -310,33 +310,33 @@ WHERE {
SELECT ?name ?mbox
- ?x WHERE:name ?name ;
+ ?x WHERE:name ?name ;
WHERE:mbox ?mbox .
-# some test cases from
-"SELECT ?title WHERE { <> <> ?title . }",
-"""PREFIX foaf: <>
-SELECT ?name ?mbox
-WHERE { ?person foaf:name ?name .
-OPTIONAL { ?person foaf:mbox ?mbox}
-"""PREFIX foaf: <>
-SELECT ?name ?name2
-WHERE { ?person foaf:name ?name .
-OPTIONAL { ?person foaf:knows ?p2 . ?p2 foaf:name ?name2 . }
-"""PREFIX foaf: <>
-#PREFIX rdf: <>
-SELECT ?name ?mbox
-{ ?person rdf:type foaf:Person } .
-OPTIONAL { ?person foaf:name ?name } .
-OPTIONAL {?person foaf:mbox ?mbox} .
+# some test cases from
+"SELECT ?title WHERE { <> <> ?title . }",
+"""PREFIX foaf: <>
+SELECT ?name ?mbox
+WHERE { ?person foaf:name ?name .
+OPTIONAL { ?person foaf:mbox ?mbox}
+"""PREFIX foaf: <>
+SELECT ?name ?name2
+WHERE { ?person foaf:name ?name .
+OPTIONAL { ?person foaf:knows ?p2 . ?p2 foaf:name ?name2 . }
+"""PREFIX foaf: <>
+#PREFIX rdf: <>
+SELECT ?name ?mbox
+{ ?person rdf:type foaf:Person } .
+OPTIONAL { ?person foaf:name ?name } .
+OPTIONAL {?person foaf:mbox ?mbox} .
diff --git a/rdflib/store/ b/rdflib/store/
index ed228208..fdb8f314 100644
--- a/rdflib/store/
+++ b/rdflib/store/
@@ -1,93 +1,93 @@
-from __future__ import generators
-from threading import Lock
-class ResponsibleGenerator(object):
- """A generator that will help clean up when it is done being used."""
- __slots__ = ['cleanup', 'gen']
- def __init__(self, gen, cleanup):
- self.cleanup = cleanup
- self.gen = gen
- def __del__(self):
- self.cleanup()
- def __iter__(self):
- return self
- def next(self):
- return
-class Concurrent(object):
- def __init__(self, store):
- = store
- # number of calls to visit still in progress
- self.__visit_count = 0
- # lock for locking down the indices
- self.__lock = Lock()
- # lists for keeping track of added and removed triples while
- # we wait for the lock
- self.__pending_removes = []
- self.__pending_adds = []
- def add(self, (s, p, o)):
- if self.__visit_count==0:
-, p, o))
- else:
- self.__pending_adds.append((s, p, o))
- def remove(self, (subject, predicate, object)):
- if self.__visit_count==0:
-, predicate, object))
- else:
- self.__pending_removes.append((subject, predicate, object))
- def triples(self, (subject, predicate, object)):
- g =, predicate, object))
- pending_removes = self.__pending_removes
- self.__begin_read()
- for s, p, o in ResponsibleGenerator(g, self.__end_read):
- if not (s, p, o) in pending_removes:
- yield s, p, o
- for (s, p, o) in self.__pending_adds:
- if (subject==None or subject==s) and (predicate==None or predicate==p) and (object==None or object==o):
- yield s, p, o
- def __len__(self):
- return
- def __begin_read(self):
- lock = self.__lock
- lock.acquire()
- self.__visit_count = self.__visit_count + 1
- lock.release()
- def __end_read(self):
- lock = self.__lock
- lock.acquire()
- self.__visit_count = self.__visit_count - 1
- if self.__visit_count==0:
- pending_removes = self.__pending_removes
- while pending_removes:
- (s, p, o) = pending_removes.pop()
- try:
-, p, o))
- except:
- # TODO: change to try finally?
- print s, p, o, "Not in store to remove"
- pending_adds = self.__pending_adds
- while pending_adds:
- (s, p, o) = pending_adds.pop()
-, p, o))
- lock.release()
+from __future__ import generators
+from threading import Lock
+class ResponsibleGenerator(object):
+ """A generator that will help clean up when it is done being used."""
+ __slots__ = ['cleanup', 'gen']
+ def __init__(self, gen, cleanup):
+ self.cleanup = cleanup
+ self.gen = gen
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.cleanup()
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ def next(self):
+ return
+class Concurrent(object):
+ def __init__(self, store):
+ = store
+ # number of calls to visit still in progress
+ self.__visit_count = 0
+ # lock for locking down the indices
+ self.__lock = Lock()
+ # lists for keeping track of added and removed triples while
+ # we wait for the lock
+ self.__pending_removes = []
+ self.__pending_adds = []
+ def add(self, (s, p, o)):
+ if self.__visit_count==0:
+, p, o))
+ else:
+ self.__pending_adds.append((s, p, o))
+ def remove(self, (subject, predicate, object)):
+ if self.__visit_count==0:
+, predicate, object))
+ else:
+ self.__pending_removes.append((subject, predicate, object))
+ def triples(self, (subject, predicate, object)):
+ g =, predicate, object))
+ pending_removes = self.__pending_removes
+ self.__begin_read()
+ for s, p, o in ResponsibleGenerator(g, self.__end_read):
+ if not (s, p, o) in pending_removes:
+ yield s, p, o
+ for (s, p, o) in self.__pending_adds:
+ if (subject==None or subject==s) and (predicate==None or predicate==p) and (object==None or object==o):
+ yield s, p, o
+ def __len__(self):
+ return
+ def __begin_read(self):
+ lock = self.__lock
+ lock.acquire()
+ self.__visit_count = self.__visit_count + 1
+ lock.release()
+ def __end_read(self):
+ lock = self.__lock
+ lock.acquire()
+ self.__visit_count = self.__visit_count - 1
+ if self.__visit_count==0:
+ pending_removes = self.__pending_removes
+ while pending_removes:
+ (s, p, o) = pending_removes.pop()
+ try:
+, p, o))
+ except:
+ # TODO: change to try finally?
+ print s, p, o, "Not in store to remove"
+ pending_adds = self.__pending_adds
+ while pending_adds:
+ (s, p, o) = pending_adds.pop()
+, p, o))
+ lock.release()
diff --git a/rdflib/syntax/ b/rdflib/syntax/
index 578d79b4..457fef72 100644
--- a/rdflib/syntax/
+++ b/rdflib/syntax/
@@ -1 +1 @@
-# RDF Library
+# RDF Library
diff --git a/rdflib/ b/rdflib/
index 3ceba303..b9075865 100644
--- a/rdflib/
+++ b/rdflib/
@@ -1,236 +1,236 @@
-from rdflib.URIRef import URIRef
-from rdflib.BNode import BNode
-from rdflib.Literal import Literal
-from rdflib.Variable import Variable
-from rdflib.Graph import Graph, QuotedGraph
-from rdflib.Statement import Statement
-from rdflib.exceptions import SubjectTypeError, PredicateTypeError, ObjectTypeError, ContextTypeError
-from rdflib.compat import rsplit
-from cPickle import loads
-def first(seq):
- for result in seq:
- return result
- return None
-def uniq(sequence, strip=0):
- """removes duplicate strings from the sequence."""
- set = {}
- if strip:
- map(lambda val, default: set.__setitem__(val.strip(), default),
- sequence, [])
- else:
- map(set.__setitem__, sequence, [])
- return set.keys()
-def more_than(sequence, number):
- "Returns 1 if sequence has more items than number and 0 if not."
- i = 0
- for item in sequence:
- i += 1
- if i > number:
- return 1
- return 0
-def term(str, default=None):
- """See also from_n3"""
- if not str:
- return default
- elif str.startswith("<") and str.endswith(">"):
- return URIRef(str[1:-1])
- elif str.startswith('"') and str.endswith('"'):
- return Literal(str[1:-1])
- elif str.startswith("_"):
- return BNode(str)
- else:
- msg = "Unknown Term Syntax: '%s'" % str
- raise Exception(msg)
-from time import mktime, time, gmtime, localtime, timezone, altzone, daylight
-def date_time(t=None, local_time_zone=False):
- """ ex: 1997-07-16T19:20:30Z
- >>> date_time(1126482850)
- '2005-09-11T23:54:10Z'
- >>> date_time(1126482850, local_time_zone=True)
- '2005-09-11T19:54:10-04:00'
- >>> date_time(1)
- '1970-01-01T00:00:01Z'
- >>> date_time(0)
- '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z'
- """
- if t is None:
- t = time()
- if local_time_zone:
- time_tuple = localtime(t)
- if time_tuple[8]:
- tz_mins = altzone // 60
- else:
- tz_mins = timezone // 60
- tzd = "-%02d:%02d" % (tz_mins // 60, tz_mins % 60)
- else:
- time_tuple = gmtime(t)
- tzd = "Z"
- year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, wd, y, z = time_tuple
- s = "%0004d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d%s" % ( year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, tzd)
- return s
-def parse_date_time(val):
- """always returns seconds in UTC
- # tests are written like this to make any errors easier to understand
- >>> parse_date_time('2005-09-11T23:54:10Z') - 1126482850.0
- 0.0
- >>> parse_date_time('2005-09-11T16:54:10-07:00') - 1126482850.0
- 0.0
- >>> parse_date_time('1970-01-01T00:00:01Z') - 1.0
- 0.0
- >>> parse_date_time('1970-01-01T00:00:00Z') - 0.0
- 0.0
- >>> parse_date_time("2005-09-05T10:42:00") - 1125916920.0
- 0.0
- """
- if "T" not in val:
- val += "T00:00:00Z"
- ymd, time = val.split("T")
- hms, tz_str = time[0:8], time[8:]
- if not tz_str or tz_str=="Z":
- time = time[:-1]
- tz_offset = 0
- else:
- signed_hrs = int(tz_str[:3])
- mins = int(tz_str[4:6])
- secs = (cmp(signed_hrs, 0) * mins + signed_hrs * 60) * 60
- tz_offset = -secs
- year, month, day = ymd.split("-")
- hour, minute, second = hms.split(":")
- t = mktime((int(year), int(month), int(day), int(hour),
- int(minute), int(second), 0, 0, 0))
- t = t - timezone + tz_offset
- return t
-def from_n3(s, default=None, backend=None):
- """ Creates the Identifier corresponding to the given n3 string. WARNING: untested, may contain bugs. TODO: add test cases."""
- if not s:
- return default
- if s.startswith('<'):
- return URIRef(s[1:-1])
- elif s.startswith('"'):
- # TODO: would a regex be faster?
- value, rest = rsplit(s, '"', 1)
- value = value[1:] # strip leading quote
- if rest.startswith("@"):
- if "^^" in rest:
- language, rest = rsplit(rest, '^^', 1)
- language = language[1:] # strip leading at sign
- else:
- language = rest[1:] # strip leading at sign
- rest = ''
- else:
- language = None
- if rest.startswith("^^"):
- datatype = rest[3:-1]
- else:
- datatype = None
- value = value.replace('\\"', '"').replace('\\\\', '\\').decode("unicode-escape")
- return Literal(value, language, datatype)
- elif s.startswith('{'):
- identifier = from_n3(s[1:-1])
- return QuotedGraph(backend, identifier)
- elif s.startswith('['):
- identifier = from_n3(s[1:-1])
- return Graph(backend, identifier)
- else:
- if s.startswith("_:"):
- return BNode(s[2:])
- else:
- return BNode(s)
-def check_context(c):
- if not (isinstance(c, URIRef) or \
- isinstance(c, BNode)):
- raise ContextTypeError("%s:%s" % (c, type(c)))
-def check_subject(s):
- """ Test that s is a valid subject identifier."""
- if not (isinstance(s, URIRef) or isinstance(s, BNode)):
- raise SubjectTypeError(s)
-def check_predicate(p):
- """ Test that p is a valid predicate identifier."""
- if not isinstance(p, URIRef):
- raise PredicateTypeError(p)
-def check_object(o):
- """ Test that o is a valid object identifier."""
- if not (isinstance(o, URIRef) or \
- isinstance(o, Literal) or \
- isinstance(o, BNode)):
- raise ObjectTypeError(o)
-def check_statement((s, p, o)):
- if not (isinstance(s, URIRef) or isinstance(s, BNode)):
- raise SubjectTypeError(s)
- if not isinstance(p, URIRef):
- raise PredicateTypeError(p)
- if not (isinstance(o, URIRef) or \
- isinstance(o, Literal) or \
- isinstance(o, BNode)):
- raise ObjectTypeError(o)
-def check_pattern((s, p, o)):
- if s and not (isinstance(s, URIRef) or isinstance(s, BNode)):
- raise SubjectTypeError(s)
- if p and not isinstance(p, URIRef):
- raise PredicateTypeError(p)
- if o and not (isinstance(o, URIRef) or \
- isinstance(o, Literal) or \
- isinstance(o, BNode)):
- raise ObjectTypeError(o)
-def graph_to_dot(graph, dot):
- """ Turns graph into dot (graphviz graph drawing format) using pydot. """
- import pydot
- nodes = {}
- for s, o in graph.subject_objects():
- for i in s,o:
- if i not in nodes.keys():
- nodes[i] = i
- for s, p, o in graph.triples((None,None,None)):
- dot.add_edge(pydot.Edge(nodes[s], nodes[o], label=p))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- # try to make the tests work outside of the time zone they were written in
- #import os, time
- #os.environ['TZ'] = 'US/Pacific'
- #try:
- # time.tzset()
- #except AttributeError, e:
- # print e
- #pass
- # tzset missing! see
- #
- import doctest
- doctest.testmod()
+from rdflib.URIRef import URIRef
+from rdflib.BNode import BNode
+from rdflib.Literal import Literal
+from rdflib.Variable import Variable
+from rdflib.Graph import Graph, QuotedGraph
+from rdflib.Statement import Statement
+from rdflib.exceptions import SubjectTypeError, PredicateTypeError, ObjectTypeError, ContextTypeError
+from rdflib.compat import rsplit
+from cPickle import loads
+def first(seq):
+ for result in seq:
+ return result
+ return None
+def uniq(sequence, strip=0):
+ """removes duplicate strings from the sequence."""
+ set = {}
+ if strip:
+ map(lambda val, default: set.__setitem__(val.strip(), default),
+ sequence, [])
+ else:
+ map(set.__setitem__, sequence, [])
+ return set.keys()
+def more_than(sequence, number):
+ "Returns 1 if sequence has more items than number and 0 if not."
+ i = 0
+ for item in sequence:
+ i += 1
+ if i > number:
+ return 1
+ return 0
+def term(str, default=None):
+ """See also from_n3"""
+ if not str:
+ return default
+ elif str.startswith("<") and str.endswith(">"):
+ return URIRef(str[1:-1])
+ elif str.startswith('"') and str.endswith('"'):
+ return Literal(str[1:-1])
+ elif str.startswith("_"):
+ return BNode(str)
+ else:
+ msg = "Unknown Term Syntax: '%s'" % str
+ raise Exception(msg)
+from time import mktime, time, gmtime, localtime, timezone, altzone, daylight
+def date_time(t=None, local_time_zone=False):
+ """ ex: 1997-07-16T19:20:30Z
+ >>> date_time(1126482850)
+ '2005-09-11T23:54:10Z'
+ >>> date_time(1126482850, local_time_zone=True)
+ '2005-09-11T19:54:10-04:00'
+ >>> date_time(1)
+ '1970-01-01T00:00:01Z'
+ >>> date_time(0)
+ '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z'
+ """
+ if t is None:
+ t = time()
+ if local_time_zone:
+ time_tuple = localtime(t)
+ if time_tuple[8]:
+ tz_mins = altzone // 60
+ else:
+ tz_mins = timezone // 60
+ tzd = "-%02d:%02d" % (tz_mins // 60, tz_mins % 60)
+ else:
+ time_tuple = gmtime(t)
+ tzd = "Z"
+ year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, wd, y, z = time_tuple
+ s = "%0004d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d%s" % ( year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, tzd)
+ return s
+def parse_date_time(val):
+ """always returns seconds in UTC
+ # tests are written like this to make any errors easier to understand
+ >>> parse_date_time('2005-09-11T23:54:10Z') - 1126482850.0
+ 0.0
+ >>> parse_date_time('2005-09-11T16:54:10-07:00') - 1126482850.0
+ 0.0
+ >>> parse_date_time('1970-01-01T00:00:01Z') - 1.0
+ 0.0
+ >>> parse_date_time('1970-01-01T00:00:00Z') - 0.0
+ 0.0
+ >>> parse_date_time("2005-09-05T10:42:00") - 1125916920.0
+ 0.0
+ """
+ if "T" not in val:
+ val += "T00:00:00Z"
+ ymd, time = val.split("T")
+ hms, tz_str = time[0:8], time[8:]
+ if not tz_str or tz_str=="Z":
+ time = time[:-1]
+ tz_offset = 0
+ else:
+ signed_hrs = int(tz_str[:3])
+ mins = int(tz_str[4:6])
+ secs = (cmp(signed_hrs, 0) * mins + signed_hrs * 60) * 60
+ tz_offset = -secs
+ year, month, day = ymd.split("-")
+ hour, minute, second = hms.split(":")
+ t = mktime((int(year), int(month), int(day), int(hour),
+ int(minute), int(second), 0, 0, 0))
+ t = t - timezone + tz_offset
+ return t
+def from_n3(s, default=None, backend=None):
+ """ Creates the Identifier corresponding to the given n3 string. WARNING: untested, may contain bugs. TODO: add test cases."""
+ if not s:
+ return default
+ if s.startswith('<'):
+ return URIRef(s[1:-1])
+ elif s.startswith('"'):
+ # TODO: would a regex be faster?
+ value, rest = rsplit(s, '"', 1)
+ value = value[1:] # strip leading quote
+ if rest.startswith("@"):
+ if "^^" in rest:
+ language, rest = rsplit(rest, '^^', 1)
+ language = language[1:] # strip leading at sign
+ else:
+ language = rest[1:] # strip leading at sign
+ rest = ''
+ else:
+ language = None
+ if rest.startswith("^^"):
+ datatype = rest[3:-1]
+ else:
+ datatype = None
+ value = value.replace('\\"', '"').replace('\\\\', '\\').decode("unicode-escape")
+ return Literal(value, language, datatype)
+ elif s.startswith('{'):
+ identifier = from_n3(s[1:-1])
+ return QuotedGraph(backend, identifier)
+ elif s.startswith('['):
+ identifier = from_n3(s[1:-1])
+ return Graph(backend, identifier)
+ else:
+ if s.startswith("_:"):
+ return BNode(s[2:])
+ else:
+ return BNode(s)
+def check_context(c):
+ if not (isinstance(c, URIRef) or \
+ isinstance(c, BNode)):
+ raise ContextTypeError("%s:%s" % (c, type(c)))
+def check_subject(s):
+ """ Test that s is a valid subject identifier."""
+ if not (isinstance(s, URIRef) or isinstance(s, BNode)):
+ raise SubjectTypeError(s)
+def check_predicate(p):
+ """ Test that p is a valid predicate identifier."""
+ if not isinstance(p, URIRef):
+ raise PredicateTypeError(p)
+def check_object(o):
+ """ Test that o is a valid object identifier."""
+ if not (isinstance(o, URIRef) or \
+ isinstance(o, Literal) or \
+ isinstance(o, BNode)):
+ raise ObjectTypeError(o)
+def check_statement((s, p, o)):
+ if not (isinstance(s, URIRef) or isinstance(s, BNode)):
+ raise SubjectTypeError(s)
+ if not isinstance(p, URIRef):
+ raise PredicateTypeError(p)
+ if not (isinstance(o, URIRef) or \
+ isinstance(o, Literal) or \
+ isinstance(o, BNode)):
+ raise ObjectTypeError(o)
+def check_pattern((s, p, o)):
+ if s and not (isinstance(s, URIRef) or isinstance(s, BNode)):
+ raise SubjectTypeError(s)
+ if p and not isinstance(p, URIRef):
+ raise PredicateTypeError(p)
+ if o and not (isinstance(o, URIRef) or \
+ isinstance(o, Literal) or \
+ isinstance(o, BNode)):
+ raise ObjectTypeError(o)
+def graph_to_dot(graph, dot):
+ """ Turns graph into dot (graphviz graph drawing format) using pydot. """
+ import pydot
+ nodes = {}
+ for s, o in graph.subject_objects():
+ for i in s,o:
+ if i not in nodes.keys():
+ nodes[i] = i
+ for s, p, o in graph.triples((None,None,None)):
+ dot.add_edge(pydot.Edge(nodes[s], nodes[o], label=p))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # try to make the tests work outside of the time zone they were written in
+ #import os, time
+ #os.environ['TZ'] = 'US/Pacific'
+ #try:
+ # time.tzset()
+ #except AttributeError, e:
+ # print e
+ #pass
+ # tzset missing! see
+ #
+ import doctest
+ doctest.testmod()
diff --git a/ b/
index 4d2f9e59..2c95fba6 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-import unittest, inspect
-import rdflib
-quick = True
-verbose = False
-from test.identifier_equality import *
-from test.graph import *
-from test.graph2_2 import *
-from test.triple_store import *
-from test.context import *
-# # Graph no longer has the type checking at the moment. Do we want to
-# # put it back? Should we?
-# #
-# # from test.type_check import *
-from test.parser import *
-if not quick:
- from test import parser_rdfcore
- if verbose:
- parser_rdfcore.verbose = 1
- from test.parser_rdfcore import *
-from test.rdf import * # how does this manage to be 9 tests?
-from test.n3 import *
-from test.n3_quoting import *
-from test.nt import *
-from test.util import *
-from test.seq import SeqTestCase
-from test.store_performace import *
-from test.rules import *
-import test.rdfa
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- test.rdfa.main()
- if verbose:
- ts = unittest.makeSuite
- tests = [
- c for c in vars().values()
- if inspect.isclass(c)
- and not isinstance(c, rdflib.Namespace)
- and issubclass(c, unittest.TestCase)
- ]
- suite = unittest.TestSuite(map(ts, tests))
- unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
- else:
- unittest.main()
+import unittest, inspect
+import rdflib
+quick = True
+verbose = False
+from test.identifier_equality import *
+from test.graph import *
+from test.graph2_2 import *
+from test.triple_store import *
+from test.context import *
+# # Graph no longer has the type checking at the moment. Do we want to
+# # put it back? Should we?
+# #
+# # from test.type_check import *
+from test.parser import *
+if not quick:
+ from test import parser_rdfcore
+ if verbose:
+ parser_rdfcore.verbose = 1
+ from test.parser_rdfcore import *
+from test.rdf import * # how does this manage to be 9 tests?
+from test.n3 import *
+from test.n3_quoting import *
+from test.nt import *
+from test.util import *
+from test.seq import SeqTestCase
+from test.store_performace import *
+from test.rules import *
+import test.rdfa
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ test.rdfa.main()
+ if verbose:
+ ts = unittest.makeSuite
+ tests = [
+ c for c in vars().values()
+ if inspect.isclass(c)
+ and not isinstance(c, rdflib.Namespace)
+ and issubclass(c, unittest.TestCase)
+ ]
+ suite = unittest.TestSuite(map(ts, tests))
+ unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
+ else:
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/ b/
index 3929d6d2..aa5b1bb4 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
-# Install rdflib
-from distutils.core import setup
-from rdflib import __version__, __date__
-from distutils.extension import Extension
-from distutils.core import Command
-class uninstall(Command):
- description = "uninstall everything by renaming rdflib to 'rdflib-%s' % int(time())"
- user_options = [ ]
- def initialize_options (self):
- pass
- def finalize_options (self):
- pass
- def run (self):
- "Look for and rename rdflib if one has already been installed."
- from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
- from os import rename
- from os.path import join, exists
- from time import time
- lib_dir = get_python_lib()
- rdflib_dir = join(lib_dir, "rdflib")
- if exists(rdflib_dir):
- backup = "%s-%s" % (rdflib_dir, int(time()))
- print "Renaming previously installed rdflib to: \n %s" % backup
- rename(rdflib_dir, backup)
- cmdclass={'uninstall': uninstall},
- name = 'rdflib',
- version = __version__,
- description = "RDF library containing an RDF triple store and RDF/XML parser/serializer",
- author = "Daniel 'eikeon' Krech",
- author_email = "",
- maintainer = "Daniel 'eikeon' Krech",
- maintainer_email = "",
- url = "",
- license = "",
- platforms = ["any"],
- classifiers = ["Programming Language :: Python"],
- long_description = "RDF library containing an RDF triple store and RDF/XML parser/serializer",
- download_url = "" % (__date__, __version__),
- packages = ['rdflib',
- '',
- '',
- 'rdflib.sparql',
- 'rdflib.sparql.bison',
- 'rdflib.syntax',
- 'rdflib.syntax.serializers',
- 'rdflib.syntax.parsers',
- 'rdflib.syntax.parsers.n3p'],
- ext_modules = [
- Extension(
- name='rdflib.sparql.bison.SPARQLParserc',
- sources=['src/bison/SPARQLParser.c'],
- ),
- ]
- )
+# Install rdflib
+from distutils.core import setup
+from rdflib import __version__, __date__
+from distutils.extension import Extension
+from distutils.core import Command
+class uninstall(Command):
+ description = "uninstall everything by renaming rdflib to 'rdflib-%s' % int(time())"
+ user_options = [ ]
+ def initialize_options (self):
+ pass
+ def finalize_options (self):
+ pass
+ def run (self):
+ "Look for and rename rdflib if one has already been installed."
+ from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
+ from os import rename
+ from os.path import join, exists
+ from time import time
+ lib_dir = get_python_lib()
+ rdflib_dir = join(lib_dir, "rdflib")
+ if exists(rdflib_dir):
+ backup = "%s-%s" % (rdflib_dir, int(time()))
+ print "Renaming previously installed rdflib to: \n %s" % backup
+ rename(rdflib_dir, backup)
+ cmdclass={'uninstall': uninstall},
+ name = 'rdflib',
+ version = __version__,
+ description = "RDF library containing an RDF triple store and RDF/XML parser/serializer",
+ author = "Daniel 'eikeon' Krech",
+ author_email = "",
+ maintainer = "Daniel 'eikeon' Krech",
+ maintainer_email = "",
+ url = "",
+ license = "",
+ platforms = ["any"],
+ classifiers = ["Programming Language :: Python"],
+ long_description = "RDF library containing an RDF triple store and RDF/XML parser/serializer",
+ download_url = "" % (__date__, __version__),
+ packages = ['rdflib',
+ '',
+ '',
+ 'rdflib.sparql',
+ 'rdflib.sparql.bison',
+ 'rdflib.syntax',
+ 'rdflib.syntax.serializers',
+ 'rdflib.syntax.parsers',
+ 'rdflib.syntax.parsers.n3p'],
+ ext_modules = [
+ Extension(
+ name='rdflib.sparql.bison.SPARQLParserc',
+ sources=['src/bison/SPARQLParser.c'],
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 16e38532..792d6005 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index a80a1417..da7c1649 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
-import unittest
-from rdflib import Graph
-from rdflib import URIRef, BNode, Literal, RDF, RDFS
-from rdflib.StringInputSource import StringInputSource
-class ParserTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- backend = 'default'
- path = 'store'
- def setUp(self):
- self.graph = Graph(backend=self.backend)
- def tearDown(self):
- self.graph.close()
- def testNoPathWithHash(self):
- g = self.graph
- g.parse(StringInputSource("""\
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
- xmlns:rdf=""
- xmlns:rdfs=""
-<rdfs:Class rdf:about="">
- <rdfs:label>testing</rdfs:label>
-"""), publicID="")
- subject = URIRef("")
- label = g.value(subject, RDFS.label)
- self.assertEquals(label, Literal("testing"))
- type = g.value(subject, RDF.type)
- self.assertEquals(type, RDFS.Class)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
+import unittest
+from rdflib import Graph
+from rdflib import URIRef, BNode, Literal, RDF, RDFS
+from rdflib.StringInputSource import StringInputSource
+class ParserTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ backend = 'default'
+ path = 'store'
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.graph = Graph(backend=self.backend)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.graph.close()
+ def testNoPathWithHash(self):
+ g = self.graph
+ g.parse(StringInputSource("""\
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
+ xmlns:rdf=""
+ xmlns:rdfs=""
+<rdfs:Class rdf:about="">
+ <rdfs:label>testing</rdfs:label>
+"""), publicID="")
+ subject = URIRef("")
+ label = g.value(subject, RDFS.label)
+ self.assertEquals(label, Literal("testing"))
+ type = g.value(subject, RDF.type)
+ self.assertEquals(type, RDFS.Class)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 8a7747b5..4083fad9 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -1,204 +1,204 @@
-import unittest
-from rdflib import URIRef, BNode, Literal
-from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace
-from rdflib.exceptions import ParserError
-from rdflib.constants import TYPE
-from rdflib import Graph
-from rdflib.util import first
-verbose = 0
-from encodings.utf_8 import StreamWriter
-import sys
-sw = StreamWriter(sys.stdout)
-def write(msg):
- sw.write(msg+"\n")
- #sys.stdout.write(msg+"\n")
-class TestStore(Graph):
- def __init__(self, expected):
- super(TestStore, self).__init__()
- self.expected = expected
- def add(self, (s, p, o)):
- if not isinstance(s, BNode) and not isinstance(o, BNode):
- if not (s, p, o) in self.expected:
- m = u"Triple not in expected result: %s, %s, %s" % (s.n3(), p.n3(), o.n3())
- if verbose: write(m)
- #raise Exception(m)
- super(TestStore, self).add((s, p, o))
-TEST = Namespace("")
-import os
-def resolve(rel):
- return "" + rel
-def _testPositive(uri, manifest):
- if verbose: write(u"TESTING: %s" % uri)
- result = 0 # 1=failed, 0=passed
- inDoc = first(manifest.objects(uri, TEST["inputDocument"]))
- outDoc = first(manifest.objects(uri, TEST["outputDocument"]))
- expected = Graph()
- if outDoc[-3:]==".nt":
- format = "nt"
- else:
- format = "xml"
- expected.load(outDoc, format=format)
- store = TestStore(expected)
- if inDoc[-3:]==".nt":
- format = "nt"
- else:
- format = "xml"
- try:
- store.load(inDoc, format=format)
- except ParserError, pe:
- write("Failed '")
- write(inDoc)
- write("' failed with")
- raise pe
- try:
- write(type(pe))
- except:
- write("sorry could not dump out error.")
- result = 1
- else:
- if not store.isomorphic(expected):
- write(u"""Failed: '%s'""" % uri)
-# print """ In:\n"""
-# for s, p, o in store:
-# print "%s %s %s." % (s.n3(), p.n3(), o.n3())
-# print """ Out:\n"""
-# for s, p, o in expected:
-# print "%s %s %s." % (s.n3(), p.n3(), o.n3())
- result += 1
- if verbose:
- write(""" In:\n""")
- for s, p, o in store:
- msg = u"%s %s %s." % (s.n3(), p.n3(), o.n3())
- write(msg)
- write(""" Out:\n""")
- for s, p, o in expected:
- write(u"%s %s %s." % (s.n3(), p.n3(), o.n3()))
- return result
-def _testNegative(uri, manifest):
- if verbose: write(u"TESTING: %s" % uri)
- result = 0 # 1=failed, 0=passed
- inDoc = first(manifest.objects(uri, TEST["inputDocument"]))
- store = Graph()
- test = BNode()
- results.add((test, RESULT["test"], uri))
- results.add((test, RESULT["system"], system))
- try:
- if inDoc[-3:]==".nt":
- format = "nt"
- else:
- format = "xml"
- store.load(inDoc, format=format)
- except ParserError, pe:
- results.add((test, TYPE, RESULT["PassingRun"]))
- #pass
- else:
- write(u"""Failed: '%s'""" % uri)
- results.add((test, TYPE, RESULT["FailingRun"]))
- result = 1
- return result
-class ParserTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- backend = 'default'
- path = 'store'
- def setUp(self):
- self.manifest = manifest = Graph(backend=self.backend)
- manifest.load("")
- def tearDown(self):
- self.manifest.close()
- def testNegative(self):
- manifest = self.manifest
- num_failed = total = 0
- negs = list(manifest.subjects(TYPE, TEST["NegativeParserTest"]))
- negs.sort()
- for neg in negs:
- status = first(manifest.objects(neg, TEST["status"]))
- if status==Literal("APPROVED"):
- result = _testNegative(neg, manifest)
- total += 1
- num_failed += result
- self.assertEquals(num_failed, 0, "Failed: %s of %s." % (num_failed, total))
- def testPositive(self):
- manifest = self.manifest
- uris = list(manifest.subjects(TYPE, TEST["PositiveParserTest"]))
- uris.sort()
- num_failed = total = 0
- for uri in uris:
- status = first(manifest.objects(uri, TEST["status"]))
- if status==Literal("APPROVED"):
- result = _testPositive(uri, manifest)
- test = BNode()
- results.add((test, RESULT["test"], uri))
- results.add((test, RESULT["system"], system))
- if not result:
- results.add((test, TYPE, RESULT["PassingRun"]))
- else:
- results.add((test, TYPE, RESULT["FailingRun"]))
- total += 1
- num_failed += result
- self.assertEquals(num_failed, 0, "Failed: %s of %s." % (num_failed, total))
-RESULT = Namespace("")
-FOAF = Namespace("")
-from rdflib.constants import RDFS_LABEL, RDFS_COMMENT
-results = Graph()
-system = BNode("system")
-results.add((system, FOAF["homepage"], URIRef("")))
-results.add((system, RDFS_LABEL, Literal("RDFLib")))
-results.add((system, RDFS_COMMENT, Literal("")))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- manifest = Graph()
- manifest.load("")
- import sys, getopt
- try:
- optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h:', ["help"])
- except getopt.GetoptError, msg:
- write(msg)
- usage()
- try:
- argv = sys.argv
- for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
- verbose = 1
- case = URIRef(arg)
- write(u"Testing: %s" % case)
- if (case, TYPE, TEST["PositiveParserTest"]) in manifest:
- result = _testPositive(case, manifest)
- write(u"Positive test %s" % ["PASSED", "FAILED"][result])
- elif (case, TYPE, TEST["NegativeParserTest"]) in manifest:
- result = _testNegative(case, manifest)
- write(u"Negative test %s" % ["PASSED", "FAILED"][result])
- else:
- write(u"%s not ??" % case)
- if len(argv)<=1:
- unittest.main()
- finally:
+import unittest
+from rdflib import URIRef, BNode, Literal
+from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace
+from rdflib.exceptions import ParserError
+from rdflib.constants import TYPE
+from rdflib import Graph
+from rdflib.util import first
+verbose = 0
+from encodings.utf_8 import StreamWriter
+import sys
+sw = StreamWriter(sys.stdout)
+def write(msg):
+ sw.write(msg+"\n")
+ #sys.stdout.write(msg+"\n")
+class TestStore(Graph):
+ def __init__(self, expected):
+ super(TestStore, self).__init__()
+ self.expected = expected
+ def add(self, (s, p, o)):
+ if not isinstance(s, BNode) and not isinstance(o, BNode):
+ if not (s, p, o) in self.expected:
+ m = u"Triple not in expected result: %s, %s, %s" % (s.n3(), p.n3(), o.n3())
+ if verbose: write(m)
+ #raise Exception(m)
+ super(TestStore, self).add((s, p, o))
+TEST = Namespace("")
+import os
+def resolve(rel):
+ return "" + rel
+def _testPositive(uri, manifest):
+ if verbose: write(u"TESTING: %s" % uri)
+ result = 0 # 1=failed, 0=passed
+ inDoc = first(manifest.objects(uri, TEST["inputDocument"]))
+ outDoc = first(manifest.objects(uri, TEST["outputDocument"]))
+ expected = Graph()
+ if outDoc[-3:]==".nt":
+ format = "nt"
+ else:
+ format = "xml"
+ expected.load(outDoc, format=format)
+ store = TestStore(expected)
+ if inDoc[-3:]==".nt":
+ format = "nt"
+ else:
+ format = "xml"
+ try:
+ store.load(inDoc, format=format)
+ except ParserError, pe:
+ write("Failed '")
+ write(inDoc)
+ write("' failed with")
+ raise pe
+ try:
+ write(type(pe))
+ except:
+ write("sorry could not dump out error.")
+ result = 1
+ else:
+ if not store.isomorphic(expected):
+ write(u"""Failed: '%s'""" % uri)
+# print """ In:\n"""
+# for s, p, o in store:
+# print "%s %s %s." % (s.n3(), p.n3(), o.n3())
+# print """ Out:\n"""
+# for s, p, o in expected:
+# print "%s %s %s." % (s.n3(), p.n3(), o.n3())
+ result += 1
+ if verbose:
+ write(""" In:\n""")
+ for s, p, o in store:
+ msg = u"%s %s %s." % (s.n3(), p.n3(), o.n3())
+ write(msg)
+ write(""" Out:\n""")
+ for s, p, o in expected:
+ write(u"%s %s %s." % (s.n3(), p.n3(), o.n3()))
+ return result
+def _testNegative(uri, manifest):
+ if verbose: write(u"TESTING: %s" % uri)
+ result = 0 # 1=failed, 0=passed
+ inDoc = first(manifest.objects(uri, TEST["inputDocument"]))
+ store = Graph()
+ test = BNode()
+ results.add((test, RESULT["test"], uri))
+ results.add((test, RESULT["system"], system))
+ try:
+ if inDoc[-3:]==".nt":
+ format = "nt"
+ else:
+ format = "xml"
+ store.load(inDoc, format=format)
+ except ParserError, pe:
+ results.add((test, TYPE, RESULT["PassingRun"]))
+ #pass
+ else:
+ write(u"""Failed: '%s'""" % uri)
+ results.add((test, TYPE, RESULT["FailingRun"]))
+ result = 1
+ return result
+class ParserTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ backend = 'default'
+ path = 'store'
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.manifest = manifest = Graph(backend=self.backend)
+ manifest.load("")
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.manifest.close()
+ def testNegative(self):
+ manifest = self.manifest
+ num_failed = total = 0
+ negs = list(manifest.subjects(TYPE, TEST["NegativeParserTest"]))
+ negs.sort()
+ for neg in negs:
+ status = first(manifest.objects(neg, TEST["status"]))
+ if status==Literal("APPROVED"):
+ result = _testNegative(neg, manifest)
+ total += 1
+ num_failed += result
+ self.assertEquals(num_failed, 0, "Failed: %s of %s." % (num_failed, total))
+ def testPositive(self):
+ manifest = self.manifest
+ uris = list(manifest.subjects(TYPE, TEST["PositiveParserTest"]))
+ uris.sort()
+ num_failed = total = 0
+ for uri in uris:
+ status = first(manifest.objects(uri, TEST["status"]))
+ if status==Literal("APPROVED"):
+ result = _testPositive(uri, manifest)
+ test = BNode()
+ results.add((test, RESULT["test"], uri))
+ results.add((test, RESULT["system"], system))
+ if not result:
+ results.add((test, TYPE, RESULT["PassingRun"]))
+ else:
+ results.add((test, TYPE, RESULT["FailingRun"]))
+ total += 1
+ num_failed += result
+ self.assertEquals(num_failed, 0, "Failed: %s of %s." % (num_failed, total))
+RESULT = Namespace("")
+FOAF = Namespace("")
+from rdflib.constants import RDFS_LABEL, RDFS_COMMENT
+results = Graph()
+system = BNode("system")
+results.add((system, FOAF["homepage"], URIRef("")))
+results.add((system, RDFS_LABEL, Literal("RDFLib")))
+results.add((system, RDFS_COMMENT, Literal("")))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ manifest = Graph()
+ manifest.load("")
+ import sys, getopt
+ try:
+ optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h:', ["help"])
+ except getopt.GetoptError, msg:
+ write(msg)
+ usage()
+ try:
+ argv = sys.argv
+ for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
+ verbose = 1
+ case = URIRef(arg)
+ write(u"Testing: %s" % case)
+ if (case, TYPE, TEST["PositiveParserTest"]) in manifest:
+ result = _testPositive(case, manifest)
+ write(u"Positive test %s" % ["PASSED", "FAILED"][result])
+ elif (case, TYPE, TEST["NegativeParserTest"]) in manifest:
+ result = _testNegative(case, manifest)
+ write(u"Negative test %s" % ["PASSED", "FAILED"][result])
+ else:
+ write(u"%s not ??" % case)
+ if len(argv)<=1:
+ unittest.main()
+ finally:
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 624b1833..97eb9b38 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
-import unittest
-from rdflib import *
-from rdflib import RDF
-from rdflib.StringInputSource import StringInputSource
-FOAF = Namespace("")
-rdfxml = """\
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- xmlns:xml=''
- xmlns:foaf=''
- xmlns:rdf=''
- xmlns:dc='http://'
- xmlns:rdfs=''
- <foaf:Person>
- <foaf:name>Donna Fales</foaf:name>
- <foaf:nick>donna</foaf:nick>
- </foaf:Person>
-class RDFTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- backend = 'default'
- path = 'store'
- def setUp(self):
- = Graph(backend=self.backend)
-"dc", "http://")
-"foaf", "")
- def tearDown(self):
- def addDonna(self):
- self.donna = donna = BNode()
-, RDF.type, FOAF["Person"]))
-, FOAF["nick"], Literal("donna")))
-, FOAF["name"], Literal("Donna Fales")))
- def testRDFXML(self):
- self.addDonna()
- g = Graph()
- g.parse(StringInputSource("pretty-xml")))
- self.assertEquals(, True)
-def test_suite():
- return unittest.makeSuite(RDFTestCase)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')
+import unittest
+from rdflib import *
+from rdflib import RDF
+from rdflib.StringInputSource import StringInputSource
+FOAF = Namespace("")
+rdfxml = """\
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ xmlns:xml=''
+ xmlns:foaf=''
+ xmlns:rdf=''
+ xmlns:dc='http://'
+ xmlns:rdfs=''
+ <foaf:Person>
+ <foaf:name>Donna Fales</foaf:name>
+ <foaf:nick>donna</foaf:nick>
+ </foaf:Person>
+class RDFTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ backend = 'default'
+ path = 'store'
+ def setUp(self):
+ = Graph(backend=self.backend)
+"dc", "http://")
+"foaf", "")
+ def tearDown(self):
+ def addDonna(self):
+ self.donna = donna = BNode()
+, RDF.type, FOAF["Person"]))
+, FOAF["nick"], Literal("donna")))
+, FOAF["name"], Literal("Donna Fales")))
+ def testRDFXML(self):
+ self.addDonna()
+ g = Graph()
+ g.parse(StringInputSource("pretty-xml")))
+ self.assertEquals(, True)
+def test_suite():
+ return unittest.makeSuite(RDFTestCase)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')
diff --git a/test/sparql/ConstructTests/ b/test/sparql/ConstructTests/
index 03dea9bc..8210f3bc 100755
--- a/test/sparql/ConstructTests/
+++ b/test/sparql/ConstructTests/
@@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:30:02 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc0
-from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
-from testSPARQL import ns_ns
-from testSPARQL import ns_book
-from testSPARQL import ns_vcard
-from testSPARQL import ns_person
-from rdflib.Literal import Literal
-from rdflib.sparql.sparqlOperators import lt, ge
-import datetime
-from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
-thresholdDate =,01,01)
-rdfData = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- xmlns:rdfs=""
- xmlns:rdf=""
- xmlns:dc=""
- xmlns:foaf=""
- xmlns:ns = ""
- <rdf:Description>
- <foaf:name>Alice</foaf:name>
- <foaf:mbox rdf:resource=""/>
- </rdf:Description>
-select = []
-pattern = GraphPattern([("?x",ns_foaf["name"],"?name")])
-optional = []
-construct = GraphPattern([(ns_person["Alice"],ns_vcard["FN"],"?name")])
-tripleStore = None
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:30:02 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc0
+from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
+from testSPARQL import ns_ns
+from testSPARQL import ns_book
+from testSPARQL import ns_vcard
+from testSPARQL import ns_person
+from rdflib.Literal import Literal
+from rdflib.sparql.sparqlOperators import lt, ge
+import datetime
+from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
+thresholdDate =,01,01)
+rdfData = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns:rdfs=""
+ xmlns:rdf=""
+ xmlns:dc=""
+ xmlns:foaf=""
+ xmlns:ns = ""
+ <rdf:Description>
+ <foaf:name>Alice</foaf:name>
+ <foaf:mbox rdf:resource=""/>
+ </rdf:Description>
+select = []
+pattern = GraphPattern([("?x",ns_foaf["name"],"?name")])
+optional = []
+construct = GraphPattern([(ns_person["Alice"],ns_vcard["FN"],"?name")])
+tripleStore = None
diff --git a/test/sparql/ConstructTests/ b/test/sparql/ConstructTests/
index 9222eca9..d38185fd 100755
--- a/test/sparql/ConstructTests/
+++ b/test/sparql/ConstructTests/
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:30:02 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc0
-from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
-from testSPARQL import ns_ns
-from testSPARQL import ns_book
-from testSPARQL import ns_vcard
-from testSPARQL import ns_person
-from rdflib.Literal import Literal
-from rdflib.sparql.sparqlOperators import lt, ge
-import datetime
-from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
-thresholdDate =,01,01)
-rdfData = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- xmlns:rdfs=""
- xmlns:rdf=""
- xmlns:dc=""
- xmlns:foaf=""
- xmlns:ns = ""
- <rdf:Description>
- <foaf:givenname>Alice</foaf:givenname>
- <foaf:family_name>Hacker</foaf:family_name>
- </rdf:Description>
- <rdf:Description>
- <foaf:givenname>Bob</foaf:givenname>
- <foaf:family_name>Hacker</foaf:family_name>
- </rdf:Description>
-select = []
-pattern = GraphPattern([("?x",ns_foaf["givenname"],"?name"),("?x",ns_foaf["family_name"],"?fname")])
-optional = []
-construct = GraphPattern([("_:v1", ns_vcard["N"],"_:x"),("_:x",ns_vcard["givenName"],"?name"),("_:x",ns_vcard["familyName"],"?fname")])
-tripleStore = None
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:30:02 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc0
+from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
+from testSPARQL import ns_ns
+from testSPARQL import ns_book
+from testSPARQL import ns_vcard
+from testSPARQL import ns_person
+from rdflib.Literal import Literal
+from rdflib.sparql.sparqlOperators import lt, ge
+import datetime
+from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
+thresholdDate =,01,01)
+rdfData = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns:rdfs=""
+ xmlns:rdf=""
+ xmlns:dc=""
+ xmlns:foaf=""
+ xmlns:ns = ""
+ <rdf:Description>
+ <foaf:givenname>Alice</foaf:givenname>
+ <foaf:family_name>Hacker</foaf:family_name>
+ </rdf:Description>
+ <rdf:Description>
+ <foaf:givenname>Bob</foaf:givenname>
+ <foaf:family_name>Hacker</foaf:family_name>
+ </rdf:Description>
+select = []
+pattern = GraphPattern([("?x",ns_foaf["givenname"],"?name"),("?x",ns_foaf["family_name"],"?fname")])
+optional = []
+construct = GraphPattern([("_:v1", ns_vcard["N"],"_:x"),("_:x",ns_vcard["givenName"],"?name"),("_:x",ns_vcard["familyName"],"?fname")])
+tripleStore = None
diff --git a/test/sparql/ConstructTests/ b/test/sparql/ConstructTests/
index eb2ad907..858947ad 100755
--- a/test/sparql/ConstructTests/
+++ b/test/sparql/ConstructTests/
@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:30:02 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc0
-from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
-from testSPARQL import ns_ns
-from testSPARQL import ns_book
-from testSPARQL import ns_vcard
-from testSPARQL import ns_person
-from rdflib.Literal import Literal
-from rdflib.sparql.sparqlOperators import lt, ge
-import datetime
-from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
-thresholdDate =,01,01)
-rdfData = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- xmlns:rdfs=""
- xmlns:rdf=""
- xmlns:dc=""
- xmlns:foaf=""
- xmlns:ns = ""
- <rdf:Description>
- <foaf:name>Alice</foaf:name>
- <foaf:mbox rdf:resource=""/>
- </rdf:Description>
- <rdf:Description>
- <foaf:name>Bob</foaf:name>
- <foaf:mbox rdf:resource=""/>
- </rdf:Description>
-select = []
-pattern = GraphPattern([("?x",ns_foaf["name"],"?name")])
-optional = []
-construct = None
-tripleStore = None
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:30:02 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc0
+from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
+from testSPARQL import ns_ns
+from testSPARQL import ns_book
+from testSPARQL import ns_vcard
+from testSPARQL import ns_person
+from rdflib.Literal import Literal
+from rdflib.sparql.sparqlOperators import lt, ge
+import datetime
+from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
+thresholdDate =,01,01)
+rdfData = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns:rdfs=""
+ xmlns:rdf=""
+ xmlns:dc=""
+ xmlns:foaf=""
+ xmlns:ns = ""
+ <rdf:Description>
+ <foaf:name>Alice</foaf:name>
+ <foaf:mbox rdf:resource=""/>
+ </rdf:Description>
+ <rdf:Description>
+ <foaf:name>Bob</foaf:name>
+ <foaf:mbox rdf:resource=""/>
+ </rdf:Description>
+select = []
+pattern = GraphPattern([("?x",ns_foaf["name"],"?name")])
+optional = []
+construct = None
+tripleStore = None
diff --git a/test/sparql/ConstructTests/ b/test/sparql/ConstructTests/
index 715daec2..fdd75d7a 100755
--- a/test/sparql/ConstructTests/
+++ b/test/sparql/ConstructTests/
@@ -1,99 +1,99 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:30:02 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
-import sys, os, time, datetime, imp, sys, StringIO
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc0
-from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
-from testSPARQL import ns_vcard
-from testSPARQL import ns_person
-from rdflib.sparql import sparqlGraph, retrieveRDFFiles
-from rdflib.FileInputSource import FileInputSource
-tests = {
- 1021: "Test10_21",
- 1022: "Test10_22",
- 1023: "Test10_23",
-Debug = False
-def run(modName) :
- # Import the python module
- defs = None
- (fl,realpath,descr) = imp.find_module(modName,["."])
- mod = imp.load_module(modName,fl,realpath,descr)
- defs = mod.__dict__
- ##################################################
- # Three ways of identifying the RDF data:
- # 1. A Triple Store generated in the module
- graph = None
- try :
- graph = defs["graph"]
- except :
- pass
- # 2. A reference to a set of RDF Files
- fils = None
- try :
- fils = defs["datafiles"]
- except :
- pass
- # 3. Directly in the test module as a string
- rdfData = None
- try :
- rdfData = defs["rdfData"]
- except :
- pass
- # Get the final of the triple store...
- if graph == None :
- if rdfData == None :
- graph = retrieveRDFFiles(fils)
- else :
- stream = FileInputSource(StringIO.StringIO(rdfData))
- graph = sparqlGraph.SPARQLGraph()
- graph.parse(stream,format="xml")
- ###############################################
- # Retrive the query data
- pattern = defs["pattern"]
- optPattern = defs["optional"]
- construct = defs["construct"]
- ###############################################
- print "\n============= Test Module: %s =============" % modName
- results = graph.queryObject(pattern,optPattern)
- graph = results.construct(construct)
- print "=== generated RDF file (output.rdf):\n"
- for l in file("output.rdf") :
- sys.stdout.write(l)
-if __name__ == '__main__' :
- if len(sys.argv) == 1 :
- print "Usage: %s modname1 modname2 ..." % sys.argv[0]
- else :
- for mod in sys.argv[1:] :
- if mod.endswith(".py") :
- run(mod[0:-3])
- else :
- run(mod)
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:30:02 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
+import sys, os, time, datetime, imp, sys, StringIO
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc0
+from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
+from testSPARQL import ns_vcard
+from testSPARQL import ns_person
+from rdflib.sparql import sparqlGraph, retrieveRDFFiles
+from rdflib.FileInputSource import FileInputSource
+tests = {
+ 1021: "Test10_21",
+ 1022: "Test10_22",
+ 1023: "Test10_23",
+Debug = False
+def run(modName) :
+ # Import the python module
+ defs = None
+ (fl,realpath,descr) = imp.find_module(modName,["."])
+ mod = imp.load_module(modName,fl,realpath,descr)
+ defs = mod.__dict__
+ ##################################################
+ # Three ways of identifying the RDF data:
+ # 1. A Triple Store generated in the module
+ graph = None
+ try :
+ graph = defs["graph"]
+ except :
+ pass
+ # 2. A reference to a set of RDF Files
+ fils = None
+ try :
+ fils = defs["datafiles"]
+ except :
+ pass
+ # 3. Directly in the test module as a string
+ rdfData = None
+ try :
+ rdfData = defs["rdfData"]
+ except :
+ pass
+ # Get the final of the triple store...
+ if graph == None :
+ if rdfData == None :
+ graph = retrieveRDFFiles(fils)
+ else :
+ stream = FileInputSource(StringIO.StringIO(rdfData))
+ graph = sparqlGraph.SPARQLGraph()
+ graph.parse(stream,format="xml")
+ ###############################################
+ # Retrive the query data
+ pattern = defs["pattern"]
+ optPattern = defs["optional"]
+ construct = defs["construct"]
+ ###############################################
+ print "\n============= Test Module: %s =============" % modName
+ results = graph.queryObject(pattern,optPattern)
+ graph = results.construct(construct)
+ print "=== generated RDF file (output.rdf):\n"
+ for l in file("output.rdf") :
+ sys.stdout.write(l)
+if __name__ == '__main__' :
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1 :
+ print "Usage: %s modname1 modname2 ..." % sys.argv[0]
+ else :
+ for mod in sys.argv[1:] :
+ if mod.endswith(".py") :
+ run(mod[0:-3])
+ else :
+ run(mod)
diff --git a/test/sparql/QueryTests/ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
index f84b3866..abd4c149 100755
--- a/test/sparql/QueryTests/
+++ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc0
-from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
-from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
-# Careful to keep the <?xml declaration at the very beginning, otherwise the parser will fail...
-rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- xmlns:rdfs=""
- xmlns:rdf=""
- xmlns:dc=""
- xmlns:foaf=""
- <rdf:Description>
- <foaf:name>Johny Lee Outlaw</foaf:name>
- <foaf:mbox rdf:resource=""/>
- </rdf:Description>
-select = ["?mbox","?junk"]
-pattern = GraphPattern([("?x",ns_foaf["name"],"Johny Lee Outlaw"),("?x",ns_foaf["mbox"],"?mbox")])
-optional = None
-tripleStore = None
-expected = '''
-?junk: None
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc0
+from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
+from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
+# Careful to keep the <?xml declaration at the very beginning, otherwise the parser will fail...
+rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns:rdfs=""
+ xmlns:rdf=""
+ xmlns:dc=""
+ xmlns:foaf=""
+ <rdf:Description>
+ <foaf:name>Johny Lee Outlaw</foaf:name>
+ <foaf:mbox rdf:resource=""/>
+ </rdf:Description>
+select = ["?mbox","?junk"]
+pattern = GraphPattern([("?x",ns_foaf["name"],"Johny Lee Outlaw"),("?x",ns_foaf["mbox"],"?mbox")])
+optional = None
+tripleStore = None
+expected = '''
+?junk: None
diff --git a/test/sparql/QueryTests/ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
index e2eca1ea..0ae06419 100755
--- a/test/sparql/QueryTests/
+++ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
- Datatype test. Note that this is not 100% kosher. The problem is that the Literal of rdflib does not check the
- datatypes. In theory, if the data contains:
- x ns:p 42.
- instead of:
- x ns:p 42^^
- the query should return no results, because the first object is of datatype string. However, Literal does not
- implement this...
-rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- xmlns:rdfs=""
- xmlns:rdf=""
- xmlns:dc=""
- xmlns:foaf=""
- xmlns:ns = ""
- <rdf:Description>
- <foaf:name>Alice</foaf:name>
- <foaf:mbox rdf:resource="mailto:alice@work.example"/>
- </rdf:Description>
- <rdf:Description>
- <foaf:name>Bob</foaf:name>
- <foaf:mbox>bob@work.example</foaf:mbox>
- </rdf:Description>
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc
-from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
-from testSPARQL import ns_ns
-from testSPARQL import ns_book
-from rdflib.Literal import Literal
-from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
-from rdflib.sparql.sparqlOperators import isURI
-select = ["?name", "?mbox"]
-pattern = GraphPattern([("?x", ns_foaf["name"],"?name"),("?x",ns_foaf["mbox"],"?mbox")])
-optional = []
-tripleStore = None
-expected = '''
- ?name: Alice
- ?mbox: mailto:alice@work.example
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
+ Datatype test. Note that this is not 100% kosher. The problem is that the Literal of rdflib does not check the
+ datatypes. In theory, if the data contains:
+ x ns:p 42.
+ instead of:
+ x ns:p 42^^
+ the query should return no results, because the first object is of datatype string. However, Literal does not
+ implement this...
+rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns:rdfs=""
+ xmlns:rdf=""
+ xmlns:dc=""
+ xmlns:foaf=""
+ xmlns:ns = ""
+ <rdf:Description>
+ <foaf:name>Alice</foaf:name>
+ <foaf:mbox rdf:resource="mailto:alice@work.example"/>
+ </rdf:Description>
+ <rdf:Description>
+ <foaf:name>Bob</foaf:name>
+ <foaf:mbox>bob@work.example</foaf:mbox>
+ </rdf:Description>
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc
+from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
+from testSPARQL import ns_ns
+from testSPARQL import ns_book
+from rdflib.Literal import Literal
+from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
+from rdflib.sparql.sparqlOperators import isURI
+select = ["?name", "?mbox"]
+pattern = GraphPattern([("?x", ns_foaf["name"],"?name"),("?x",ns_foaf["mbox"],"?mbox")])
+optional = []
+tripleStore = None
+expected = '''
+ ?name: Alice
+ ?mbox: mailto:alice@work.example
diff --git a/test/sparql/QueryTests/ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
index fb956f05..e86074c2 100755
--- a/test/sparql/QueryTests/
+++ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
@@ -1,62 +1,62 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
- Datatype test. Note that this is not 100% kosher. The problem is that the Literal of rdflib does not check the
- datatypes. In theory, if the data contains:
- x ns:p 42.
- instead of:
- x ns:p 42^^
- the query should return no results, because the first object is of datatype string. However, Literal does not
- implement this...
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc
-from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
-from testSPARQL import ns_ns
-from testSPARQL import ns_book
-from rdflib.Literal import Literal
-from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
-rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- xmlns:rdfs=""
- xmlns:rdf=""
- xmlns:dc=""
- xmlns:foaf=""
- xmlns:ns = ""
- <rdf:Description>
- <foaf:name>Johny Lee Outlaw</foaf:name>
- <foaf:mbox rdf:resource=""/>
- </rdf:Description>
- <rdf:Description>
- <foaf:name>Peter Goodguy</foaf:name>
- <foaf:mbox rdf:resource=""/>
- </rdf:Description>
-select = ["?name", "?mbox"]
-pattern = GraphPattern([("?x", ns_foaf["name"],"?name"),("?x",ns_foaf["mbox"],"?mbox")])
-optional = []
-tripleStore = None
-expected = '''
- ?name: Johny Lee Outlaw
- ?mbox:
- ?name: Peter Goodguy
- ?mbox:
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
+ Datatype test. Note that this is not 100% kosher. The problem is that the Literal of rdflib does not check the
+ datatypes. In theory, if the data contains:
+ x ns:p 42.
+ instead of:
+ x ns:p 42^^
+ the query should return no results, because the first object is of datatype string. However, Literal does not
+ implement this...
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc
+from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
+from testSPARQL import ns_ns
+from testSPARQL import ns_book
+from rdflib.Literal import Literal
+from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
+rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns:rdfs=""
+ xmlns:rdf=""
+ xmlns:dc=""
+ xmlns:foaf=""
+ xmlns:ns = ""
+ <rdf:Description>
+ <foaf:name>Johny Lee Outlaw</foaf:name>
+ <foaf:mbox rdf:resource=""/>
+ </rdf:Description>
+ <rdf:Description>
+ <foaf:name>Peter Goodguy</foaf:name>
+ <foaf:mbox rdf:resource=""/>
+ </rdf:Description>
+select = ["?name", "?mbox"]
+pattern = GraphPattern([("?x", ns_foaf["name"],"?name"),("?x",ns_foaf["mbox"],"?mbox")])
+optional = []
+tripleStore = None
+expected = '''
+ ?name: Johny Lee Outlaw
+ ?mbox:
+ ?name: Peter Goodguy
+ ?mbox:
diff --git a/test/sparql/QueryTests/ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
index f3fa7825..5da6d2f1 100755
--- a/test/sparql/QueryTests/
+++ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
@@ -1,63 +1,63 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
- Datatype test. Note that this is not 100% kosher. The problem is that the Literal of rdflib does not check the
- datatypes. In theory, if the data contains:
- x ns:p 42.
- instead of:
- x ns:p 42^^
- the query should return no results, because the first object is of datatype string. However, Literal does not
- implement this...
-rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- xmlns:rdfs=""
- xmlns:rdf=""
- xmlns:dc=""
- xmlns:foaf=""
- xmlns:ns = ""
- <rdf:Description>
- <foaf:name>Alice</foaf:name>
- <foaf:mbox rdf:resource=""/>
- </rdf:Description>
- <rdf:Description>
- <foaf:name>Bob</foaf:name>
- <foaf:mbox rdf:resource=""/>
- </rdf:Description>
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc
-from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
-from testSPARQL import ns_ns
-from testSPARQL import ns_book
-from rdflib.Literal import Literal
-from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
-select = ["?x", "?name"]
-pattern = GraphPattern([("?x", ns_foaf["name"],"?name")])
-optional = []
-tripleStore = None
-expected = '''
- ?x: (some bnode)
- ?name: Alice
- ?x: (some bnode)
- ?name: Bob
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
+ Datatype test. Note that this is not 100% kosher. The problem is that the Literal of rdflib does not check the
+ datatypes. In theory, if the data contains:
+ x ns:p 42.
+ instead of:
+ x ns:p 42^^
+ the query should return no results, because the first object is of datatype string. However, Literal does not
+ implement this...
+rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns:rdfs=""
+ xmlns:rdf=""
+ xmlns:dc=""
+ xmlns:foaf=""
+ xmlns:ns = ""
+ <rdf:Description>
+ <foaf:name>Alice</foaf:name>
+ <foaf:mbox rdf:resource=""/>
+ </rdf:Description>
+ <rdf:Description>
+ <foaf:name>Bob</foaf:name>
+ <foaf:mbox rdf:resource=""/>
+ </rdf:Description>
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc
+from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
+from testSPARQL import ns_ns
+from testSPARQL import ns_book
+from rdflib.Literal import Literal
+from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
+select = ["?x", "?name"]
+pattern = GraphPattern([("?x", ns_foaf["name"],"?name")])
+optional = []
+tripleStore = None
+expected = '''
+ ?x: (some bnode)
+ ?name: Alice
+ ?x: (some bnode)
+ ?name: Bob
diff --git a/test/sparql/QueryTests/ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
index b27d4aaa..4495197a 100755
--- a/test/sparql/QueryTests/
+++ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
- Datatype test. Note that this is not 100% kosher. The problem is that the Literal of rdflib does not check the
- datatypes. In theory, if the data contains:
- x ns:p 42.
- instead of:
- x ns:p 42^^
- the query should return no results, because the first object is of datatype string. However, Literal does not
- implement this...
-rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- xmlns:rdfs =""
- xmlns:rdf =""
- xmlns:dc =""
- xmlns:foaf =""
- xmlns:ns =""
- xmlns:dt =""
- <rdf:Description>
- <ns:p rdf:datatype="">42</ns:p>
- <ns:p rdf:datatype="">abc</ns:p>
- <ns:p>2005-02-27</ns:p>
- <ns:p xml:lang="en">cat</ns:p>
- </rdf:Description>
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc
-from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
-from testSPARQL import ns_ns
-from rdflib.Literal import Literal
-import datetime
-from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
-select = ["?v"]
-pattern = GraphPattern([("?v","?p",42)])
-optional = []
-tripleStore = None
-expected = '''
-?v : (some bnode id)
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
+ Datatype test. Note that this is not 100% kosher. The problem is that the Literal of rdflib does not check the
+ datatypes. In theory, if the data contains:
+ x ns:p 42.
+ instead of:
+ x ns:p 42^^
+ the query should return no results, because the first object is of datatype string. However, Literal does not
+ implement this...
+rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns:rdfs =""
+ xmlns:rdf =""
+ xmlns:dc =""
+ xmlns:foaf =""
+ xmlns:ns =""
+ xmlns:dt =""
+ <rdf:Description>
+ <ns:p rdf:datatype="">42</ns:p>
+ <ns:p rdf:datatype="">abc</ns:p>
+ <ns:p>2005-02-27</ns:p>
+ <ns:p xml:lang="en">cat</ns:p>
+ </rdf:Description>
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc
+from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
+from testSPARQL import ns_ns
+from rdflib.Literal import Literal
+import datetime
+from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
+select = ["?v"]
+pattern = GraphPattern([("?v","?p",42)])
+optional = []
+tripleStore = None
+expected = '''
+?v : (some bnode id)
diff --git a/test/sparql/QueryTests/ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
index 5f2f2e62..957bc14a 100755
--- a/test/sparql/QueryTests/
+++ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
- Datatype test. Note that this is not 100% kosher. The problem is that the Literal of rdflib does not check the
- datatypes. In theory, if the data contains:
- x ns:p 42.
- instead of:
- x ns:p 42^^
- the query should return no results, because the first object is of datatype string. However, Literal does not
- implement this...
-rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- xmlns:rdfs =""
- xmlns:rdf =""
- xmlns:dc =""
- xmlns:foaf =""
- xmlns:ns =""
- xmlns:dt =""
- <rdf:Description>
- <ns:p rdf:datatype="">42</ns:p>
- <ns:p rdf:datatype="">abc</ns:p>
- <ns:p>2005-02-27</ns:p>
- <ns:p xml:lang="en">cat</ns:p>
- </rdf:Description>
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc
-from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
-from testSPARQL import ns_ns
-from rdflib.Literal import Literal
-import datetime
-from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
-select = ["?v"]
-#pattern = GraphPattern([("?v","?p",Literal("abc",datatype=""))])
-pattern = GraphPattern([("?v","?p","abc")])
-optional = []
-tripleStore = None
-expected = '''
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
+ Datatype test. Note that this is not 100% kosher. The problem is that the Literal of rdflib does not check the
+ datatypes. In theory, if the data contains:
+ x ns:p 42.
+ instead of:
+ x ns:p 42^^
+ the query should return no results, because the first object is of datatype string. However, Literal does not
+ implement this...
+rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns:rdfs =""
+ xmlns:rdf =""
+ xmlns:dc =""
+ xmlns:foaf =""
+ xmlns:ns =""
+ xmlns:dt =""
+ <rdf:Description>
+ <ns:p rdf:datatype="">42</ns:p>
+ <ns:p rdf:datatype="">abc</ns:p>
+ <ns:p>2005-02-27</ns:p>
+ <ns:p xml:lang="en">cat</ns:p>
+ </rdf:Description>
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc
+from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
+from testSPARQL import ns_ns
+from rdflib.Literal import Literal
+import datetime
+from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
+select = ["?v"]
+#pattern = GraphPattern([("?v","?p",Literal("abc",datatype=""))])
+pattern = GraphPattern([("?v","?p","abc")])
+optional = []
+tripleStore = None
+expected = '''
diff --git a/test/sparql/QueryTests/ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
index 224715d5..6f8b9ae2 100755
--- a/test/sparql/QueryTests/
+++ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
- Datatype test. Note that this is not 100% kosher. The problem is that the Literal of rdflib does not check the
- datatypes. In theory, if the data contains:
- x ns:p 42.
- instead of:
- x ns:p 42^^
- the query should return no results, because the first object is of datatype string. However, Literal does not
- implement this...
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc
-from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
-from testSPARQL import ns_ns
-rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- xmlns:rdfs =""
- xmlns:rdf =""
- xmlns:dc =""
- xmlns:foaf =""
- xmlns:ns =""
- xmlns:dt =""
- <rdf:Description>
- <ns:p rdf:datatype="">42</ns:p>
- <ns:p rdf:datatype="">abc</ns:p>
- <ns:p>2005-02-27</ns:p>
- <ns:p xml:lang="en">cat</ns:p>
- </rdf:Description>
-from rdflib.Literal import Literal
-import datetime
-from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
-select = ["?v"]
-pattern = GraphPattern([("?v","?p","cat")])
-optional = []
-tripleStore = None
-expected = '''
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
+ Datatype test. Note that this is not 100% kosher. The problem is that the Literal of rdflib does not check the
+ datatypes. In theory, if the data contains:
+ x ns:p 42.
+ instead of:
+ x ns:p 42^^
+ the query should return no results, because the first object is of datatype string. However, Literal does not
+ implement this...
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc
+from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
+from testSPARQL import ns_ns
+rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns:rdfs =""
+ xmlns:rdf =""
+ xmlns:dc =""
+ xmlns:foaf =""
+ xmlns:ns =""
+ xmlns:dt =""
+ <rdf:Description>
+ <ns:p rdf:datatype="">42</ns:p>
+ <ns:p rdf:datatype="">abc</ns:p>
+ <ns:p>2005-02-27</ns:p>
+ <ns:p xml:lang="en">cat</ns:p>
+ </rdf:Description>
+from rdflib.Literal import Literal
+import datetime
+from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
+select = ["?v"]
+pattern = GraphPattern([("?v","?p","cat")])
+optional = []
+tripleStore = None
+expected = '''
diff --git a/test/sparql/QueryTests/ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
index 6bfbadd8..c5783b74 100755
--- a/test/sparql/QueryTests/
+++ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
- Datatype test. Note that this is not 100% kosher. The problem is that the Literal of rdflib does not check the
- datatypes. In theory, if the data contains:
- x ns:p 42.
- instead of:
- x ns:p 42^^
- the query should return no results, because the first object is of datatype string. However, Literal does not
- implement this...
-rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- xmlns:rdfs =""
- xmlns:rdf =""
- xmlns:dc =""
- xmlns:foaf =""
- xmlns:ns =""
- xmlns:dt =""
- <rdf:Description>
- <ns:p rdf:datatype="">42</ns:p>
- <ns:p rdf:datatype="">abc</ns:p>
- <ns:p>2005-02-27</ns:p>
- <ns:p xml:lang="en">cat</ns:p>
- </rdf:Description>
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc
-from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
-from testSPARQL import ns_ns
-from rdflib.Literal import Literal
-import datetime
-from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
-select = ["?v"]
-pattern = GraphPattern([("?v","?p",Literal("cat",lang="en"))])
-optional = []
-tripleStore = None
-expected = '''
-?v : (some Bnode id)
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
+ Datatype test. Note that this is not 100% kosher. The problem is that the Literal of rdflib does not check the
+ datatypes. In theory, if the data contains:
+ x ns:p 42.
+ instead of:
+ x ns:p 42^^
+ the query should return no results, because the first object is of datatype string. However, Literal does not
+ implement this...
+rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns:rdfs =""
+ xmlns:rdf =""
+ xmlns:dc =""
+ xmlns:foaf =""
+ xmlns:ns =""
+ xmlns:dt =""
+ <rdf:Description>
+ <ns:p rdf:datatype="">42</ns:p>
+ <ns:p rdf:datatype="">abc</ns:p>
+ <ns:p>2005-02-27</ns:p>
+ <ns:p xml:lang="en">cat</ns:p>
+ </rdf:Description>
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc
+from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
+from testSPARQL import ns_ns
+from rdflib.Literal import Literal
+import datetime
+from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
+select = ["?v"]
+pattern = GraphPattern([("?v","?p",Literal("cat",lang="en"))])
+optional = []
+tripleStore = None
+expected = '''
+?v : (some Bnode id)
diff --git a/test/sparql/QueryTests/ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
index 65dd1ffd..aad4cf69 100755
--- a/test/sparql/QueryTests/
+++ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc
-from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
-from testSPARQL import ns_ns
-from testSPARQL import ns_book
-from rdflib.Literal import Literal
-from rdflib.sparql.sparqlOperators import lt, ge
-import datetime
-from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
-thresholdDate =,01,01)
-rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- xmlns:rdfs=""
- xmlns:rdf=""
- xmlns:dc=""
- xmlns:foaf=""
- xmlns:ns = ""
- xmlns:book = ""
- <rdf:Description rdf:ID="book1">
- <dc:title>SPARQL Tutorial</dc:title>
- <ns:price rdf:datatype="">42</ns:price>
- </rdf:Description>
- <rdf:Description rdf:ID="book2">
- <dc:title>The Semantic Web</dc:title>
- <ns:price rdf:datatype="">23</ns:price>
- </rdf:Description>
- <rdf:Description rdf:ID="book3">
- <dc:title>The Semantic Web Old</dc:title>
- <dc:date rdf:datatype="">2000-03-12</dc:date>
- </rdf:Description>
- <rdf:Description rdf:ID="book4">
- <dc:title>The Semantic Web New</dc:title>
- <dc:date rdf:datatype="">2005-03-02</dc:date>
- </rdf:Description>
-select = ["?title", "?price"]
-pattern = GraphPattern([("?x", ns_dc["title"],"?title"),("?x",ns_ns["price"],"?price")])
-optional = []
-tripleStore = None
-expected = '''
- ?title: The Semantic Web
- ?price: 23
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc
+from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
+from testSPARQL import ns_ns
+from testSPARQL import ns_book
+from rdflib.Literal import Literal
+from rdflib.sparql.sparqlOperators import lt, ge
+import datetime
+from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
+thresholdDate =,01,01)
+rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns:rdfs=""
+ xmlns:rdf=""
+ xmlns:dc=""
+ xmlns:foaf=""
+ xmlns:ns = ""
+ xmlns:book = ""
+ <rdf:Description rdf:ID="book1">
+ <dc:title>SPARQL Tutorial</dc:title>
+ <ns:price rdf:datatype="">42</ns:price>
+ </rdf:Description>
+ <rdf:Description rdf:ID="book2">
+ <dc:title>The Semantic Web</dc:title>
+ <ns:price rdf:datatype="">23</ns:price>
+ </rdf:Description>
+ <rdf:Description rdf:ID="book3">
+ <dc:title>The Semantic Web Old</dc:title>
+ <dc:date rdf:datatype="">2000-03-12</dc:date>
+ </rdf:Description>
+ <rdf:Description rdf:ID="book4">
+ <dc:title>The Semantic Web New</dc:title>
+ <dc:date rdf:datatype="">2005-03-02</dc:date>
+ </rdf:Description>
+select = ["?title", "?price"]
+pattern = GraphPattern([("?x", ns_dc["title"],"?title"),("?x",ns_ns["price"],"?price")])
+optional = []
+tripleStore = None
+expected = '''
+ ?title: The Semantic Web
+ ?price: 23
diff --git a/test/sparql/QueryTests/ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
index 89331e25..5e164af9 100755
--- a/test/sparql/QueryTests/
+++ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
@@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
- Datatype test. Note that this is not 100% kosher. The problem is that the Literal of rdflib does not check the
- datatypes. In theory, if the data contains:
- x ns:p 42.
- instead of:
- x ns:p 42^^
- the query should return no results, because the first object is of datatype string. However, Literal does not
- implement this...
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc
-from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
-from testSPARQL import ns_ns
-from testSPARQL import ns_book
-from rdflib.Literal import Literal
-from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
-rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- xmlns:rdfs=""
- xmlns:rdf=""
- xmlns:dc=""
- xmlns:foaf=""
- xmlns:ns = ""
- <foaf:Person>
- <foaf:name>Alice</foaf:name>
- <foaf:mbox rdf:resource="mailto:alice@work.example"/>
- </foaf:Person>
- <foaf:Person>
- <foaf:name>Bob</foaf:name>
- </foaf:Person>
-select = ["?name", "?mbox"]
-pattern = GraphPattern([("?x", ns_foaf["name"],"?name")])
-#optional = None
-optional = GraphPattern([("?x",ns_foaf["mbox"],"?mbox")])
-tripleStore = None
-expected = '''
- ?name: Alice
- ?mbox: mailto:alice@work.example
- ?name: Bob
- ?mbox: None
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
+ Datatype test. Note that this is not 100% kosher. The problem is that the Literal of rdflib does not check the
+ datatypes. In theory, if the data contains:
+ x ns:p 42.
+ instead of:
+ x ns:p 42^^
+ the query should return no results, because the first object is of datatype string. However, Literal does not
+ implement this...
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc
+from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
+from testSPARQL import ns_ns
+from testSPARQL import ns_book
+from rdflib.Literal import Literal
+from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
+rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns:rdfs=""
+ xmlns:rdf=""
+ xmlns:dc=""
+ xmlns:foaf=""
+ xmlns:ns = ""
+ <foaf:Person>
+ <foaf:name>Alice</foaf:name>
+ <foaf:mbox rdf:resource="mailto:alice@work.example"/>
+ </foaf:Person>
+ <foaf:Person>
+ <foaf:name>Bob</foaf:name>
+ </foaf:Person>
+select = ["?name", "?mbox"]
+pattern = GraphPattern([("?x", ns_foaf["name"],"?name")])
+#optional = None
+optional = GraphPattern([("?x",ns_foaf["mbox"],"?mbox")])
+tripleStore = None
+expected = '''
+ ?name: Alice
+ ?mbox: mailto:alice@work.example
+ ?name: Bob
+ ?mbox: None
diff --git a/test/sparql/QueryTests/ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
index b8a32cb5..387f1970 100755
--- a/test/sparql/QueryTests/
+++ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc
-from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
-from testSPARQL import ns_ns
-from testSPARQL import ns_book
-from rdflib.Literal import Literal
-from rdflib.sparql.sparqlOperators import lt, ge
-import datetime
-from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
-thresholdDate =,01,01)
-rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- xmlns:rdfs=""
- xmlns:rdf=""
- xmlns:dc=""
- xmlns:foaf=""
- xmlns:ns = ""
- xmlns:book = ""
- <rdf:Description rdf:ID="book1">
- <dc:title>SPARQL Tutorial</dc:title>
- <ns:price rdf:datatype="">42</ns:price>
- </rdf:Description>
- <rdf:Description rdf:ID="book2">
- <dc:title>The Semantic Web</dc:title>
- <ns:price rdf:datatype="">23</ns:price>
- </rdf:Description>
-select = ["?title", "?price"]
-pattern = GraphPattern([("?x", ns_dc["title"],"?title")])
-optional = GraphPattern([("?x",ns_ns["price"],"?price")])
-tripleStore = None
-expected = '''
- ?title: SPARQL Tutorial
- ?price: None
- ?title: The Semantic Web
- ?price: 23
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc
+from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
+from testSPARQL import ns_ns
+from testSPARQL import ns_book
+from rdflib.Literal import Literal
+from rdflib.sparql.sparqlOperators import lt, ge
+import datetime
+from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
+thresholdDate =,01,01)
+rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns:rdfs=""
+ xmlns:rdf=""
+ xmlns:dc=""
+ xmlns:foaf=""
+ xmlns:ns = ""
+ xmlns:book = ""
+ <rdf:Description rdf:ID="book1">
+ <dc:title>SPARQL Tutorial</dc:title>
+ <ns:price rdf:datatype="">42</ns:price>
+ </rdf:Description>
+ <rdf:Description rdf:ID="book2">
+ <dc:title>The Semantic Web</dc:title>
+ <ns:price rdf:datatype="">23</ns:price>
+ </rdf:Description>
+select = ["?title", "?price"]
+pattern = GraphPattern([("?x", ns_dc["title"],"?title")])
+optional = GraphPattern([("?x",ns_ns["price"],"?price")])
+tripleStore = None
+expected = '''
+ ?title: SPARQL Tutorial
+ ?price: None
+ ?title: The Semantic Web
+ ?price: 23
diff --git a/test/sparql/QueryTests/ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
index 6389c352..dcbe5254 100755
--- a/test/sparql/QueryTests/
+++ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
@@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
- Datatype test. Note that this is not 100% kosher. The problem is that the Literal of rdflib does not check the
- datatypes. In theory, if the data contains:
- x ns:p 42.
- instead of:
- x ns:p 42^^
- the query should return no results, because the first object is of datatype string. However, Literal does not
- implement this...
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc
-from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
-from testSPARQL import ns_ns
-from testSPARQL import ns_book
-from rdflib.Literal import Literal
-from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
-rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- xmlns:rdfs=""
- xmlns:rdf=""
- xmlns:dc=""
- xmlns:foaf=""
- xmlns:ns = ""
- <foaf:Person>
- <foaf:name>Alice</foaf:name>
- <foaf:homepage rdf:resource=""/>
- </foaf:Person>
- <foaf:Person>
- <foaf:name>Bob</foaf:name>
- <foaf:mbox rdf:resource="mailto:bob@work.example"/>
- </foaf:Person>
-select = ["?name", "?mbox", "?hpage"]
-pattern = GraphPattern([("?x", ns_foaf["name"],"?name")])
-#optional = None
-optional = [
- GraphPattern([("?x",ns_foaf["mbox"],"?mbox")]),
- GraphPattern([("?x",ns_foaf["homepage"],"?hpage")])
-tripleStore = None
-expected = '''
- ?name: Alice
- ?mbox: None
- ?hpage:
- ?name: Bob
- ?mbox: mailto:bob@work.example
- ?hpage: None
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
+ Datatype test. Note that this is not 100% kosher. The problem is that the Literal of rdflib does not check the
+ datatypes. In theory, if the data contains:
+ x ns:p 42.
+ instead of:
+ x ns:p 42^^
+ the query should return no results, because the first object is of datatype string. However, Literal does not
+ implement this...
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc
+from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
+from testSPARQL import ns_ns
+from testSPARQL import ns_book
+from rdflib.Literal import Literal
+from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
+rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns:rdfs=""
+ xmlns:rdf=""
+ xmlns:dc=""
+ xmlns:foaf=""
+ xmlns:ns = ""
+ <foaf:Person>
+ <foaf:name>Alice</foaf:name>
+ <foaf:homepage rdf:resource=""/>
+ </foaf:Person>
+ <foaf:Person>
+ <foaf:name>Bob</foaf:name>
+ <foaf:mbox rdf:resource="mailto:bob@work.example"/>
+ </foaf:Person>
+select = ["?name", "?mbox", "?hpage"]
+pattern = GraphPattern([("?x", ns_foaf["name"],"?name")])
+#optional = None
+optional = [
+ GraphPattern([("?x",ns_foaf["mbox"],"?mbox")]),
+ GraphPattern([("?x",ns_foaf["homepage"],"?hpage")])
+tripleStore = None
+expected = '''
+ ?name: Alice
+ ?mbox: None
+ ?hpage:
+ ?name: Bob
+ ?mbox: mailto:bob@work.example
+ ?hpage: None
diff --git a/test/sparql/QueryTests/ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
index dfff94b9..00e3788e 100755
--- a/test/sparql/QueryTests/
+++ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc0
-from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
-from testSPARQL import ns_ns
-from testSPARQL import ns_book
-from rdflib.Literal import Literal
-from rdflib.sparql.sparqlOperators import lt, ge
-import datetime
-from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
-thresholdDate =,01,01)
-rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- xmlns:rdfs=""
- xmlns:rdf=""
- xmlns:dc0=""
- xmlns:dc=""
- xmlns:foaf=""
- xmlns:ns = ""
- xmlns:book = ""
- <rdf:Description rdf:ID="book2">
- <dc0:title>SPARQL Query Language Tutorial</dc0:title>
- <dc0:creator>Alice</dc0:creator>
- </rdf:Description>
- <rdf:Description rdf:ID="book1">
- <dc:title>SPARQL Protocol Tutorial</dc:title>
- <dc:creator>Bob</dc:creator>
- </rdf:Description>
-select = ["?title"]
-patt1 = GraphPattern([("?book",ns_dc0["title"],"?title")])
-patt2 = GraphPattern([("?book",ns_dc["title"],"?title")])
-pattern = [patt1,patt2]
-optional = []
-tripleStore = None
-expected = '''
- ?title: SPARQL Query Language Tutorial
- ?title: SPARQL Protocol Tutorial
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc0
+from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
+from testSPARQL import ns_ns
+from testSPARQL import ns_book
+from rdflib.Literal import Literal
+from rdflib.sparql.sparqlOperators import lt, ge
+import datetime
+from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
+thresholdDate =,01,01)
+rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns:rdfs=""
+ xmlns:rdf=""
+ xmlns:dc0=""
+ xmlns:dc=""
+ xmlns:foaf=""
+ xmlns:ns = ""
+ xmlns:book = ""
+ <rdf:Description rdf:ID="book2">
+ <dc0:title>SPARQL Query Language Tutorial</dc0:title>
+ <dc0:creator>Alice</dc0:creator>
+ </rdf:Description>
+ <rdf:Description rdf:ID="book1">
+ <dc:title>SPARQL Protocol Tutorial</dc:title>
+ <dc:creator>Bob</dc:creator>
+ </rdf:Description>
+select = ["?title"]
+patt1 = GraphPattern([("?book",ns_dc0["title"],"?title")])
+patt2 = GraphPattern([("?book",ns_dc["title"],"?title")])
+pattern = [patt1,patt2]
+optional = []
+tripleStore = None
+expected = '''
+ ?title: SPARQL Query Language Tutorial
+ ?title: SPARQL Protocol Tutorial
diff --git a/test/sparql/QueryTests/ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
index cc695c2b..5a92d07a 100755
--- a/test/sparql/QueryTests/
+++ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc0
-from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
-from testSPARQL import ns_ns
-from testSPARQL import ns_book
-from rdflib.Literal import Literal
-from rdflib.sparql.sparqlOperators import lt, ge
-import datetime
-from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
-thresholdDate =,01,01)
-rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- xmlns:rdfs=""
- xmlns:rdf=""
- xmlns:dc0=""
- xmlns:dc=""
- xmlns:foaf=""
- xmlns:ns = ""
- xmlns:book = ""
- <rdf:Description rdf:ID="book2">
- <dc0:title>SPARQL Query Language Tutorial</dc0:title>
- <dc0:creator>Alice</dc0:creator>
- </rdf:Description>
- <rdf:Description rdf:ID="book1">
- <dc:title>SPARQL Protocol Tutorial</dc:title>
- <dc:creator>Bob</dc:creator>
- </rdf:Description>
-select = ["?x","?y"]
-patt1 = GraphPattern([("?book",ns_dc0["title"],"?x")])
-patt2 = GraphPattern([("?book",ns_dc["title"],"?y")])
-pattern = [patt1,patt2]
-optional = []
-tripleStore = None
-expected = '''
- ?x: SPARQL Query Language Tutorial
- ?y: None
- ?x: None
- ?y: SPARQL Protocol Tutorial
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc0
+from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
+from testSPARQL import ns_ns
+from testSPARQL import ns_book
+from rdflib.Literal import Literal
+from rdflib.sparql.sparqlOperators import lt, ge
+import datetime
+from rdflib.sparql import GraphPattern
+thresholdDate =,01,01)
+rdfData ="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns:rdfs=""
+ xmlns:rdf=""
+ xmlns:dc0=""
+ xmlns:dc=""
+ xmlns:foaf=""
+ xmlns:ns = ""
+ xmlns:book = ""
+ <rdf:Description rdf:ID="book2">
+ <dc0:title>SPARQL Query Language Tutorial</dc0:title>
+ <dc0:creator>Alice</dc0:creator>
+ </rdf:Description>
+ <rdf:Description rdf:ID="book1">
+ <dc:title>SPARQL Protocol Tutorial</dc:title>
+ <dc:creator>Bob</dc:creator>
+ </rdf:Description>
+select = ["?x","?y"]
+patt1 = GraphPattern([("?book",ns_dc0["title"],"?x")])
+patt2 = GraphPattern([("?book",ns_dc["title"],"?y")])
+pattern = [patt1,patt2]
+optional = []
+tripleStore = None
+expected = '''
+ ?x: SPARQL Query Language Tutorial
+ ?y: None
+ ?x: None
+ ?y: SPARQL Protocol Tutorial
diff --git a/test/sparql/QueryTests/ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
index 1ab4f412..35e2e267 100755
--- a/test/sparql/QueryTests/
+++ b/test/sparql/QueryTests/
@@ -1,103 +1,103 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
-import sys, os, time, datetime, imp, sys, StringIO
-from rdflib import sparql
-from rdflib.sparql import sparqlGraph, retrieveRDFFiles
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
-from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc
-from testSPARQL import ns_dc0
-from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
-from rdflib.FileInputSource import FileInputSource
-def run(modName) :
- # Import the python module
- defs = None
- (fl,realpath,descr) = imp.find_module(modName,["."])
- mod = imp.load_module(modName,fl,realpath,descr)
- defs = mod.__dict__
- ##################################################
- # Three ways of identifying the RDF data:
- # 1. A Triple Store generated in the module
- tripleStore = None
- try :
- tripleStore = defs["tripleStore"]
- except :
- pass
- # 2. A reference to a set of RDF Files
- fils = None
- try :
- fils = defs["datafiles"]
- except :
- pass
- # 3. Directly in the test module as a string
- rdfData = None
- try :
- rdfData = defs["rdfData"]
- except :
- pass
- # Get the final of the triple store...
- if tripleStore == None :
- if rdfData == None :
- tripleStore = retrieveRDFFiles(fils)
- else :
- stream = StringIO.StringIO(rdfData)
- tripleStore = sparqlGraph.SPARQLGraph()
- tripleStore.parse(FileInputSource(stream),format="xml")
- ###############################################
- # Retrive the query data
- pattern = defs["pattern"]
- optPattern = defs["optional"]
- select = defs["select"]
- ###############################################
- print "\n============= Test Module: %s =============" % modName
- # better test modules describe their expected results...
- try :
- expected = defs["expected"]
- print "expected: %s" % expected
- print "=======\n"
- except :
- pass
- # Run the query and print the results
- results = tripleStore.query(select,pattern,optPattern)
- num = len(results)
- print "Number of hits: %d" % num
- print
- for i in range(0,num) :
- hit = results[i]
- if len(select) == 1 :
- print "%s: %s" % (select[0],hit)
- else :
- for j in range(0,len(select)) :
- var = select[j]
- val = hit[j]
- print "%s: %s" % (var,val)
- print
-if __name__ == '__main__' :
- if len(sys.argv) == 1 :
- print "Usage: %s modname1 modname2 ..." % sys.argv[0]
- else :
- for mod in sys.argv[1:] :
- if mod.endswith(".py") :
- run(mod[0:-3])
- else :
- run(mod)
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:46 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
+import sys, os, time, datetime, imp, sys, StringIO
+from rdflib import sparql
+from rdflib.sparql import sparqlGraph, retrieveRDFFiles
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdf
+from testSPARQL import ns_rdfs
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc
+from testSPARQL import ns_dc0
+from testSPARQL import ns_foaf
+from rdflib.FileInputSource import FileInputSource
+def run(modName) :
+ # Import the python module
+ defs = None
+ (fl,realpath,descr) = imp.find_module(modName,["."])
+ mod = imp.load_module(modName,fl,realpath,descr)
+ defs = mod.__dict__
+ ##################################################
+ # Three ways of identifying the RDF data:
+ # 1. A Triple Store generated in the module
+ tripleStore = None
+ try :
+ tripleStore = defs["tripleStore"]
+ except :
+ pass
+ # 2. A reference to a set of RDF Files
+ fils = None
+ try :
+ fils = defs["datafiles"]
+ except :
+ pass
+ # 3. Directly in the test module as a string
+ rdfData = None
+ try :
+ rdfData = defs["rdfData"]
+ except :
+ pass
+ # Get the final of the triple store...
+ if tripleStore == None :
+ if rdfData == None :
+ tripleStore = retrieveRDFFiles(fils)
+ else :
+ stream = StringIO.StringIO(rdfData)
+ tripleStore = sparqlGraph.SPARQLGraph()
+ tripleStore.parse(FileInputSource(stream),format="xml")
+ ###############################################
+ # Retrive the query data
+ pattern = defs["pattern"]
+ optPattern = defs["optional"]
+ select = defs["select"]
+ ###############################################
+ print "\n============= Test Module: %s =============" % modName
+ # better test modules describe their expected results...
+ try :
+ expected = defs["expected"]
+ print "expected: %s" % expected
+ print "=======\n"
+ except :
+ pass
+ # Run the query and print the results
+ results = tripleStore.query(select,pattern,optPattern)
+ num = len(results)
+ print "Number of hits: %d" % num
+ print
+ for i in range(0,num) :
+ hit = results[i]
+ if len(select) == 1 :
+ print "%s: %s" % (select[0],hit)
+ else :
+ for j in range(0,len(select)) :
+ var = select[j]
+ val = hit[j]
+ print "%s: %s" % (var,val)
+ print
+if __name__ == '__main__' :
+ if len(sys.argv) == 1 :
+ print "Usage: %s modname1 modname2 ..." % sys.argv[0]
+ else :
+ for mod in sys.argv[1:] :
+ if mod.endswith(".py") :
+ run(mod[0:-3])
+ else :
+ run(mod)
diff --git a/test/sparql/README b/test/sparql/README
index d6e8a493..b202dc69 100755
--- a/test/sparql/README
+++ b/test/sparql/README
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-There are two classes of tests (for now): query and construct, each in its own directory. The structure is identical.
-Each test is in a different python file (usually Test***.py, where *** refer to the chapter
-in the SPARQL document). The test is run by the queryTest (resp. constructTest) script.
-This script does a run-time import of the test file, getting the variables in the Test files,
-construct and runs the sparql query and displays the result.
-Each test file has an identical structure: it is a bunch of (python) declaration:
-- the rdf data itself ("rdfData")
- it is also possible to refer to an array of external files using the
- variable "datafiles", but the rdfData takes precedence. If files are used,
- either set rdfData to None, or do not set it at all
-- the 'where' and 'optional' clauses, set as GraphPatterns
-- the 'select' tuple (if applicable)
-- the 'construct' pattern (if applicable)
-- for the query case, the expected result should be added in the form of a string
-Looking at the current examples, the structure is pretty straightforward.
+There are two classes of tests (for now): query and construct, each in its own directory. The structure is identical.
+Each test is in a different python file (usually Test***.py, where *** refer to the chapter
+in the SPARQL document). The test is run by the queryTest (resp. constructTest) script.
+This script does a run-time import of the test file, getting the variables in the Test files,
+construct and runs the sparql query and displays the result.
+Each test file has an identical structure: it is a bunch of (python) declaration:
+- the rdf data itself ("rdfData")
+ it is also possible to refer to an array of external files using the
+ variable "datafiles", but the rdfData takes precedence. If files are used,
+ either set rdfData to None, or do not set it at all
+- the 'where' and 'optional' clauses, set as GraphPatterns
+- the 'select' tuple (if applicable)
+- the 'construct' pattern (if applicable)
+- for the query case, the expected result should be added in the form of a string
+Looking at the current examples, the structure is pretty straightforward.
diff --git a/test/sparql/ b/test/sparql/
index e5808837..b6900ec2 100755
--- a/test/sparql/
+++ b/test/sparql/
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:30 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
-import sys, os, time, datetime
-from rdflib.sparql import ns_rdf as ns_rdf
-from rdflib.sparql import ns_rdfs as ns_rdfs
-from rdflib.sparql import ns_dc as ns_dc
-from rdflib.sparql import ns_owl as ns_owl
-from rdflib.sparql import type_integer
-from rdflib.sparql import type_double
-from rdflib.sparql import type_float
-from rdflib.sparql import type_decimal
-from rdflib.sparql import type_dateTime
-from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace
-ns_foaf = Namespace("")
-ns_ns = Namespace("")
-ns_book = Namespace("")
-ns_person = Namespace("")
-ns_dt = Namespace("")
-ns_dc0 = Namespace("")
-ns_vcard = Namespace("")
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# $Date: 2005/04/02 07:29:30 $, by $Author: ivan $, $Revision: 1.1 $
+import sys, os, time, datetime
+from rdflib.sparql import ns_rdf as ns_rdf
+from rdflib.sparql import ns_rdfs as ns_rdfs
+from rdflib.sparql import ns_dc as ns_dc
+from rdflib.sparql import ns_owl as ns_owl
+from rdflib.sparql import type_integer
+from rdflib.sparql import type_double
+from rdflib.sparql import type_float
+from rdflib.sparql import type_decimal
+from rdflib.sparql import type_dateTime
+from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace
+ns_foaf = Namespace("")
+ns_ns = Namespace("")
+ns_book = Namespace("")
+ns_person = Namespace("")
+ns_dt = Namespace("")
+ns_dc0 = Namespace("")
+ns_vcard = Namespace("")
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index ea7a9b70..cca255cb 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-import unittest
-from rdflib import *
-class SPARQLGrammarTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.p = parser.SPARQLGrammar()
- def test_VAR_(self):
- self.p._VAR_.parseString('?bob') == ['?bob']
- def testURI(self):
- self.p.URI.parseString('<dc:title>') == ['?bob']
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()
+import unittest
+from rdflib import *
+class SPARQLGrammarTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.p = parser.SPARQLGrammar()
+ def test_VAR_(self):
+ self.p._VAR_.parseString('?bob') == ['?bob']
+ def testURI(self):
+ self.p.URI.parseString('<dc:title>') == ['?bob']
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 4ef26078..dfe1ca58 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-import unittest
-from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, BNode, Literal, RDFS
-class GraphTest(unittest.TestCase):
- backend = 'default'
- path = 'store'
- def setUp(self):
- = Graph(backend=self.backend)
- self.remove_me = (BNode(), RDFS.label, Literal("remove_me"))
- def tearDown(self):
- def testAdd(self):
- subject = BNode()
-, RDFS.label, Literal("foo")))
- def testRemove(self):
-, None, None))
- def testTriples(self):
- for s, p, o in
- pass
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
+import unittest
+from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, BNode, Literal, RDFS
+class GraphTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ backend = 'default'
+ path = 'store'
+ def setUp(self):
+ = Graph(backend=self.backend)
+ self.remove_me = (BNode(), RDFS.label, Literal("remove_me"))
+ def tearDown(self):
+ def testAdd(self):
+ subject = BNode()
+, RDFS.label, Literal("foo")))
+ def testRemove(self):
+, None, None))
+ def testTriples(self):
+ for s, p, o in
+ pass
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 56c118a1..df005287 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
-import unittest
-from rdflib import Graph
-from rdflib.exceptions import SubjectTypeError
-from rdflib.exceptions import PredicateTypeError
-from rdflib.exceptions import ObjectTypeError
-from rdflib.URIRef import URIRef
-foo = URIRef("foo")
-class TypeCheckCase(unittest.TestCase):
- backend = 'default'
- path = 'store'
- def setUp(self):
- = Graph(backend=self.backend)
- def tearDown(self):
- def testSubjectTypeCheck(self):
- self.assertRaises(SubjectTypeError,
-, (None, foo, foo))
- def testPredicateTypeCheck(self):
- self.assertRaises(PredicateTypeError,
-, (foo, None, foo))
- def testObjectTypeCheck(self):
- self.assertRaises(ObjectTypeError,
-, (foo, foo, None))
+import unittest
+from rdflib import Graph
+from rdflib.exceptions import SubjectTypeError
+from rdflib.exceptions import PredicateTypeError
+from rdflib.exceptions import ObjectTypeError
+from rdflib.URIRef import URIRef
+foo = URIRef("foo")
+class TypeCheckCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ backend = 'default'
+ path = 'store'
+ def setUp(self):
+ = Graph(backend=self.backend)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ def testSubjectTypeCheck(self):
+ self.assertRaises(SubjectTypeError,
+, (None, foo, foo))
+ def testPredicateTypeCheck(self):
+ self.assertRaises(PredicateTypeError,
+, (foo, None, foo))
+ def testObjectTypeCheck(self):
+ self.assertRaises(ObjectTypeError,
+, (foo, foo, None))
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 327e5751..ada88f23 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-import unittest
-from rdflib import *
-from import NodePickler
-class UtilTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_to_bits_from_bits_round_trip(self):
- np = NodePickler()
- a = Literal(u'''A test with a \\n (backslash n), "\u00a9" , and newline \n and a second line.
- b = np.loads(np.dumps(a))
- self.assertEquals(a, b)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')
+import unittest
+from rdflib import *
+from import NodePickler
+class UtilTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_to_bits_from_bits_round_trip(self):
+ np = NodePickler()
+ a = Literal(u'''A test with a \\n (backslash n), "\u00a9" , and newline \n and a second line.
+ b = np.loads(np.dumps(a))
+ self.assertEquals(a, b)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')