path: root/test/test_namespace
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/test_namespace')
1 files changed, 400 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/test_namespace/ b/test/test_namespace/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d79f0419
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_namespace/
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import logging
+import re
+import sys
+from contextlib import ExitStack
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, Union
+import pytest
+from rdflib.graph import Dataset
+from rdflib.term import URIRef
+ from rdflib._type_checking import _NamespaceSetString
+from rdflib import Graph # noqa: E402
+from rdflib.namespace import ( # noqa: E402
+ OWL,
+ Namespace,
+ NamespaceManager,
+def test_core_prefixes_bound():
+ # we should have RDF, RDFS, OWL, XSD & XML bound
+ g = Graph()
+ # prefixes in Graph
+ assert len(list(g.namespaces())) == len(_NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_CORE)
+ pre = sorted([x[0] for x in list(g.namespaces())])
+ assert pre == ["owl", "rdf", "rdfs", "xml", "xsd"]
+def test_rdflib_prefixes_bound():
+ g = Graph(bind_namespaces="rdflib")
+ # the core 5 + the extra 23 namespaces with prefixes
+ assert len(list(g.namespaces())) == len(_NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_CORE) + len(
+ )
+def test_cc_prefixes_bound():
+ pass
+def test_rebinding():
+ g = Graph() # 'core' bind_namespaces (default)
+ print()
+ # 'owl' should be bound
+ assert "owl" in [x for x, y in list(g.namespaces())]
+ assert "rdfs" in [x for x, y in list(g.namespaces())]
+ # replace 'owl' with 'sowa'
+ # 'sowa' should be bound
+ # 'owl' should not be bound
+ g.bind("sowa", OWL, override=True)
+ assert "sowa" in [x for x, y in list(g.namespaces())]
+ assert "owl" not in [x for x, y in list(g.namespaces())]
+ # try bind srda with override set to False
+ g.bind("srda", RDFS, override=False)
+ # binding should fail because RDFS is already bound to rdfs prefix
+ assert "srda" not in [x for x, y in list(g.namespaces())]
+ assert "rdfs" in [x for x, y in list(g.namespaces())]
+def test_replace():
+ g = Graph() # 'core' bind_namespaces (default)
+ assert ("rdfs", URIRef(RDFS)) in list(g.namespaces())
+ g.bind("rdfs", "", replace=False)
+ assert ("rdfs", URIRef("")) not in list(
+ g.namespace_manager.namespaces()
+ )
+ assert ("rdfs1", URIRef("")) in list(
+ g.namespace_manager.namespaces()
+ )
+ g.bind("rdfs", "", replace=True)
+ assert ("rdfs", URIRef("")) in list(
+ g.namespace_manager.namespaces()
+ )
+def test_invalid_selector() -> None:
+ graph = Graph()
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError):
+ NamespaceManager(graph, bind_namespaces="invalid") # type: ignore[arg-type]
+NamespaceSet = Set[Tuple[str, URIRef]]
+def check_graph_ns(
+ graph: Graph,
+ expected_nsmap: Dict[str, Any],
+ check_namespaces: Optional[NamespaceSet] = None,
+) -> None:
+ expected_namespaces = {
+ (prefix, URIRef(f"{uri}")) for prefix, uri in expected_nsmap.items()
+ }
+ logging.debug("expected_namespaces = %s", expected_namespaces)
+ graph_namespaces = {*graph.namespaces()}
+ assert expected_namespaces == graph_namespaces
+ nman_namespaces = {*graph.namespace_manager.namespaces()}
+ assert expected_namespaces == nman_namespaces
+ if check_namespaces is not None:
+ assert expected_namespaces == check_namespaces
+ logging.debug("check_namespaces = %s", check_namespaces)
+ ["selector", "expected_result"],
+ [
+ (None, ValueError),
+ ("invalid", ValueError),
+ ("none", {}),
+ ],
+def test_graph_bind_namespaces(
+ selector: Any,
+ expected_result: Union[Dict[str, Any], Type[Exception]],
+) -> None:
+ namespaces: Optional[NamespaceSet] = None
+ with ExitStack() as xstack:
+ if not isinstance(expected_result, dict):
+ xstack.enter_context(pytest.raises(expected_result))
+ graph = Graph(bind_namespaces=selector)
+ namespaces = {*graph.namespaces()}
+ if isinstance(expected_result, dict):
+ assert namespaces is not None
+ check_graph_ns(graph, expected_result, namespaces)
+ else:
+ assert namespaces is None
+ ["selector", "expected_result"],
+ [
+ (None, ValueError),
+ ("invalid", ValueError),
+ ("none", {}),
+ ],
+def test_nman_bind_namespaces(
+ selector: Any,
+ expected_result: Union[Dict[str, Any], Type[Exception]],
+) -> None:
+ with ExitStack() as xstack:
+ if not isinstance(expected_result, dict):
+ xstack.enter_context(pytest.raises(expected_result))
+ graph = Dataset()
+ graph.namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(graph, selector)
+ if isinstance(expected_result, dict):
+ check_graph_ns(graph, expected_result)
+ ["selector", "expected_bindings"],
+ [
+ (
+ "rdflib",
+ {
+ "brick": "",
+ "csvw": "",
+ "dc": "",
+ "dcat": "",
+ "dcmitype": "",
+ "dcterms": "",
+ "dcam": "",
+ "doap": "",
+ "foaf": "",
+ "odrl": "",
+ "geo": "",
+ "org": "",
+ "owl": "",
+ "prof": "",
+ "prov": "",
+ "qb": "",
+ "rdf": "",
+ "rdfs": "",
+ "schema": "",
+ "sh": "",
+ "skos": "",
+ "sosa": "",
+ "ssn": "",
+ "time": "",
+ "vann": "",
+ "void": "",
+ "wgs": "",
+ "xsd": "",
+ "xml": "",
+ },
+ )
+ ],
+def test_bound_namespaces_subset(
+ selector: Any, expected_bindings: Dict[str, str]
+) -> None:
+ graph = Graph(bind_namespaces=selector)
+ bound_namespaces = dict(
+ (key, str(value)) for key, value in graph.namespace_manager.namespaces()
+ )
+ assert (
+ expected_bindings.items() <= bound_namespaces.items()
+ ), f"missing items {expected_bindings.items() - bound_namespaces.items()}"
+def test_compute_qname_no_generate() -> None:
+ g = Graph() # 'core' bind_namespaces (default)
+ with pytest.raises(KeyError):
+ g.namespace_manager.compute_qname_strict(
+ "", generate=False
+ )
+ [
+ "uri",
+ "generate",
+ "bind_namespaces",
+ "manager_prefixes",
+ "graph_prefixes",
+ "store_prefixes",
+ "expected_result",
+ ],
+ [
+ (
+ "",
+ True,
+ "none",
+ {"here": Namespace("")},
+ None,
+ None,
+ ("here", URIRef(""), ""),
+ ),
+ (
+ "",
+ True,
+ "none",
+ None,
+ {"here": Namespace("")},
+ None,
+ ("here", URIRef(""), ""),
+ ),
+ (
+ "",
+ True,
+ "none",
+ None,
+ None,
+ {"here": Namespace("")},
+ ("here", URIRef(""), ""),
+ ),
+ (
+ "",
+ True,
+ "none",
+ None,
+ None,
+ None,
+ ValueError("Can't split"),
+ ),
+ ],
+def test_compute_qname(
+ uri: str,
+ generate: bool,
+ bind_namespaces: _NamespaceSetString,
+ manager_prefixes: Optional[Mapping[str, Namespace]],
+ graph_prefixes: Optional[Mapping[str, Namespace]],
+ store_prefixes: Optional[Mapping[str, Namespace]],
+ expected_result: Union[Tuple[str, URIRef, str], Type[Exception], Exception],
+) -> None:
+ """
+ :param uri: argument to compute_qname()
+ :param generate: argument to compute_qname()
+ :param bind_namespaces: argument to Graph()
+ :param manager_prefixes: additional namespaces to bind on NamespaceManager.
+ :param graph_prefixes: additional namespaces to bind on Graph.
+ :param store_prefixes: additional namespaces to bind on Store.
+ :param expected_result: Expected result tuple or exception.
+ """
+ graph = Graph(bind_namespaces=bind_namespaces)
+ if graph_prefixes is not None:
+ for prefix, ns in graph_prefixes.items():
+ graph.bind(prefix, ns)
+ store =
+ if store_prefixes is not None:
+ for prefix, ns in store_prefixes.items():
+ store.bind(prefix, URIRef(f"{ns}"))
+ nm = graph.namespace_manager
+ if manager_prefixes is not None:
+ for prefix, ns in manager_prefixes.items():
+ nm.bind(prefix, ns)
+ def check() -> None:
+ catcher: Optional[pytest.ExceptionInfo[Exception]] = None
+ with ExitStack() as xstack:
+ if isinstance(expected_result, type) and issubclass(
+ expected_result, Exception
+ ):
+ catcher = xstack.enter_context(pytest.raises(expected_result))
+ if isinstance(expected_result, Exception):
+ catcher = xstack.enter_context(pytest.raises(type(expected_result)))
+ actual_result = nm.compute_qname(uri, generate)
+ logging.debug("actual_result = %s", actual_result)
+ if catcher is not None:
+ assert catcher is not None
+ assert catcher.value is not None
+ if isinstance(expected_result, Exception):
+ assert re.match(expected_result.args[0], f"{catcher.value}")
+ else:
+ assert isinstance(expected_result, tuple)
+ assert isinstance(actual_result, tuple)
+ assert actual_result == expected_result
+ check()
+ # Run a second time to check caching
+ check()
+ ["uri", "generate", "bind_namespaces", "additional_prefixes", "expected_result"],
+ [
+ (
+ "",
+ True,
+ "none",
+ {"here": Namespace("")},
+ ValueError(".*there is no valid way to shorten"),
+ ),
+ (
+ "",
+ True,
+ "none",
+ None,
+ ValueError("Can't split"),
+ ),
+ ],
+def test_compute_qname_strict(
+ uri: str,
+ generate: bool,
+ bind_namespaces: _NamespaceSetString,
+ additional_prefixes: Optional[Mapping[str, Namespace]],
+ expected_result: Union[Tuple[str, URIRef, str], Type[Exception], Exception],
+) -> None:
+ graph = Graph(bind_namespaces=bind_namespaces)
+ nm = graph.namespace_manager
+ if additional_prefixes is not None:
+ for prefix, ns in additional_prefixes.items():
+ nm.bind(prefix, ns)
+ def check() -> None:
+ catcher: Optional[pytest.ExceptionInfo[Exception]] = None
+ with ExitStack() as xstack:
+ if isinstance(expected_result, type) and issubclass(
+ expected_result, Exception
+ ):
+ catcher = xstack.enter_context(pytest.raises(expected_result))
+ if isinstance(expected_result, Exception):
+ catcher = xstack.enter_context(pytest.raises(type(expected_result)))
+ actual_result = nm.compute_qname_strict(uri, generate)
+ logging.debug("actual_result = %s", actual_result)
+ if catcher is not None:
+ assert catcher is not None
+ assert catcher.value is not None
+ if isinstance(expected_result, Exception):
+ assert re.match(expected_result.args[0], f"{catcher.value}")
+ else:
+ assert isinstance(expected_result, tuple)
+ assert isinstance(actual_result, tuple)
+ assert actual_result == expected_result
+ check()
+ # Run a second time to check caching
+ check()