path: root/rdiff-backup/testing
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'rdiff-backup/testing')
3 files changed, 573 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/rdiff-backup/testing/ b/rdiff-backup/testing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed1a5b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rdiff-backup/testing/
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+import unittest, os, time
+from commontest import *
+from rdiff_backup.eas_acls import *
+from rdiff_backup import Globals, rpath, Time
+tempdir = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, "testfiles/output")
+class EATest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test extended attributes"""
+ sample_ea = ExtendedAttributes(
+ (), {'user.empty':'', 'user.not_empty':'foobar', 'user.third':'hello',
+ 'user.binary':chr(0)+chr(1)+chr(2)+chr(140)+'/="',
+ 'user.multiline':"""This is a fairly long extended attribute.
+ Encoding it will require several lines of
+ base64.""" + chr(177)*300})
+ empty_ea = ExtendedAttributes(())
+ ea1 = ExtendedAttributes(('1',), sample_ea.attr_dict.copy())
+ ea1.delete('user.not_empty')
+ ea2 = ExtendedAttributes(('2',), sample_ea.attr_dict.copy())
+ ea2.set('user.third', 'Another random attribute')
+ ea3 = ExtendedAttributes(('3',))
+ ea4 = ExtendedAttributes(('4',), {'user.deleted': 'File to be deleted'})
+ ea_testdir1 = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, "testfiles/ea_test1")
+ ea_testdir2 = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, "testfiles/ea_test2")
+ def make_temp(self):
+ """Make temp directory testfiles/output"""
+ if tempdir.lstat(): tempdir.delete()
+ tempdir.mkdir()
+ def testBasic(self):
+ """Test basic writing and reading of extended attributes"""
+ self.make_temp()
+ new_ea = ExtendedAttributes(())
+ new_ea.read_from_rp(tempdir)
+ assert not new_ea.attr_dict
+ assert not new_ea == self.sample_ea
+ assert new_ea != self.sample_ea
+ assert new_ea == self.empty_ea
+ self.sample_ea.write_to_rp(tempdir)
+ new_ea.read_from_rp(tempdir)
+ assert new_ea.attr_dict == self.sample_ea.attr_dict, \
+ (new_ea.attr_dict, self.sample_ea.attr_dict)
+ assert new_ea == self.sample_ea
+ def testRecord(self):
+ """Test writing a record and reading it back"""
+ record = EA2Record(self.sample_ea)
+ new_ea = Record2EA(record)
+ if not new_ea == self.sample_ea:
+ new_list = new_ea.attr_dict.keys()
+ sample_list = self.sample_ea.attr_dict.keys()
+ new_list.sort()
+ sample_list.sort()
+ assert new_list == sample_list, (new_list, sample_list)
+ for name in new_list:
+ assert self.sample_ea.get(name) == new_ea.get(name), \
+ (self.sample_ea.get(name), new_ea.get(name))
+ assert self.sample_ea.index == new_ea.index, \
+ (self.sample_ea.index, new_ea.index)
+ assert 0, "We shouldn't have gotten this far"
+ def make_backup_dirs(self):
+ """Create testfiles/ea_test[12] directories
+ Goal is to set range of extended attributes, to give good test
+ to extended attribute code.
+ """
+ if self.ea_testdir1.lstat(): self.ea_testdir1.delete()
+ if self.ea_testdir2.lstat(): self.ea_testdir2.delete()
+ self.ea_testdir1.mkdir()
+ rp1_1 = self.ea_testdir1.append('1')
+ rp1_2 = self.ea_testdir1.append('2')
+ rp1_3 = self.ea_testdir1.append('3')
+ rp1_4 = self.ea_testdir1.append('4')
+ map(rpath.RPath.touch, [rp1_1, rp1_2, rp1_3, rp1_4])
+ self.sample_ea.write_to_rp(self.ea_testdir1)
+ self.ea1.write_to_rp(rp1_1)
+ self.ea2.write_to_rp(rp1_2)
+ self.ea4.write_to_rp(rp1_4)
+ self.ea_testdir2.mkdir()
+ rp2_1 = self.ea_testdir2.append('1')
+ rp2_2 = self.ea_testdir2.append('2')
+ rp2_3 = self.ea_testdir2.append('3')
+ map(rpath.RPath.touch, [rp2_1, rp2_2, rp2_3])
+ self.ea3.write_to_rp(self.ea_testdir2)
+ self.sample_ea.write_to_rp(rp2_1)
+ self.ea1.write_to_rp(rp2_2)
+ self.ea2.write_to_rp(rp2_3)
+ def testIterate(self):
+ """Test writing several records and then reading them back"""
+ self.make_backup_dirs()
+ rp1 = self.ea_testdir1.append('1')
+ rp2 = self.ea_testdir1.append('2')
+ rp3 = self.ea_testdir1.append('3')
+ # Now write records corresponding to above rps into file
+ Globals.rbdir = tempdir
+ Time.setcurtime(10000)
+ ExtendedAttributesFile.open_file()
+ for rp in [self.ea_testdir1, rp1, rp2, rp3]:
+ ea = ExtendedAttributes(rp.index)
+ ea.read_from_rp(rp)
+ ExtendedAttributesFile.write_object(ea)
+ ExtendedAttributesFile.close_file()
+ # Read back records and compare
+ ea_iter = ExtendedAttributesFile.get_objects_at_time(tempdir, 10000)
+ assert ea_iter, "No extended_attributes.<time> file found"
+ sample_ea_reread =
+ assert sample_ea_reread == self.sample_ea
+ ea1_reread =
+ assert ea1_reread == self.ea1
+ ea2_reread =
+ assert ea2_reread == self.ea2
+ ea3_reread =
+ assert ea3_reread == self.ea3
+ try:
+ except StopIteration: pass
+ else: assert 0, "Expected end to iterator"
+ def testSeriesLocal(self):
+ """Test backing up and restoring directories with EAs locally"""
+ self.make_backup_dirs()
+ dirlist = ['testfiles/ea_test1', 'testfiles/empty',
+ 'testfiles/ea_test2', 'testfiles/ea_test1']
+ BackupRestoreSeries(1, 1, dirlist, compare_eas = 1)
+ def testSeriesRemote(self):
+ """Test backing up, restoring directories with EA remotely"""
+ self.make_backup_dirs()
+ dirlist = ['testfiles/ea_test1', 'testfiles/ea_test2',
+ 'testfiles/empty', 'testfiles/ea_test1']
+ BackupRestoreSeries(None, None, dirlist, compare_eas = 1)
+class ACLTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test access control lists"""
+ sample_acl = AccessControlList((),"""user::rwx
+ dir_acl = AccessControlList((), """user::rwx
+ """user::rwx
+ acl1 = AccessControlList(('1',), """user::r--
+ acl2 = AccessControlList(('2',), """user::rwx
+ acl3 = AccessControlList(('3',), """user::rwx
+ empty_acl = AccessControlList((), "user::rwx\ngroup::---\nother::---")
+ acl_testdir1 = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, 'testfiles/acl_test1')
+ acl_testdir2 = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, 'testfiles/acl_test2')
+ def make_temp(self):
+ """Make temp directory testfile/output"""
+ if tempdir.lstat(): tempdir.delete()
+ tempdir.mkdir()
+ def testBasic(self):
+ """Test basic writing and reading of ACLs"""
+ self.make_temp()
+ new_acl = AccessControlList(())
+ tempdir.chmod(0700)
+ new_acl.read_from_rp(tempdir)
+ assert new_acl.is_basic(), new_acl.acl_text
+ assert not new_acl == self.sample_acl
+ assert new_acl != self.sample_acl
+ assert new_acl == self.empty_acl, \
+ (new_acl.acl_text, self.empty_acl.acl_text)
+ self.sample_acl.write_to_rp(tempdir)
+ new_acl.read_from_rp(tempdir)
+ assert new_acl.acl_text == self.sample_acl.acl_text, \
+ (new_acl.acl_text, self.sample_acl.acl_text)
+ assert new_acl == self.sample_acl
+ def testBasicDir(self):
+ """Test reading and writing of ACL w/ defaults to directory"""
+ self.make_temp()
+ new_acl = AccessControlList(())
+ new_acl.read_from_rp(tempdir)
+ assert new_acl.is_basic()
+ assert new_acl != self.dir_acl
+ self.dir_acl.write_to_rp(tempdir)
+ new_acl.read_from_rp(tempdir)
+ assert not new_acl.is_basic()
+ if not new_acl == self.dir_acl:
+ assert new_acl.eq_verbose(self.dir_acl)
+ assert 0, "Shouldn't be here---eq != eq_verbose?"
+ def testRecord(self):
+ """Test writing a record and reading it back"""
+ record = ACL2Record(self.sample_acl)
+ new_acl = Record2ACL(record)
+ assert new_acl == self.sample_acl
+ record2 = ACL2Record(self.dir_acl)
+ new_acl2 = Record2ACL(record2)
+ if not new_acl2 == self.dir_acl:
+ assert new_acl2.eq_verbose(self.dir_acl)
+ assert 0
+ def make_backup_dirs(self):
+ """Create testfiles/acl_test[12] directories"""
+ if self.acl_testdir1.lstat(): self.acl_testdir1.delete()
+ if self.acl_testdir2.lstat(): self.acl_testdir2.delete()
+ self.acl_testdir1.mkdir()
+ rp1_1 = self.acl_testdir1.append('1')
+ rp1_2 = self.acl_testdir1.append('2')
+ rp1_3 = self.acl_testdir1.append('3')
+ map(rpath.RPath.touch, [rp1_1, rp1_2, rp1_3])
+ self.dir_acl.write_to_rp(self.acl_testdir1)
+ self.acl1.write_to_rp(rp1_1)
+ self.acl2.write_to_rp(rp1_2)
+ self.acl3.write_to_rp(rp1_3)
+ self.acl_testdir2.mkdir()
+ rp2_1, rp2_2, rp2_3 = map(self.acl_testdir2.append, ('1', '2', '3'))
+ map(rpath.RPath.touch, (rp2_1, rp2_2, rp2_3))
+ self.sample_acl.write_to_rp(self.acl_testdir2)
+ self.acl3.write_to_rp(rp2_1)
+ self.acl1.write_to_rp(rp2_2)
+ self.acl2.write_to_rp(rp2_3)
+ def testIterate(self):
+ """Test writing several records and then reading them back"""
+ self.make_backup_dirs()
+ rp1 = self.acl_testdir1.append('1')
+ rp2 = self.acl_testdir1.append('2')
+ rp3 = self.acl_testdir1.append('3')
+ # Now write records corresponding to above rps into file
+ Globals.rbdir = tempdir
+ Time.setcurtime(10000)
+ AccessControlListFile.open_file()
+ for rp in [self.acl_testdir1, rp1, rp2, rp3]:
+ acl = AccessControlList(rp.index)
+ acl.read_from_rp(rp)
+ AccessControlListFile.write_object(acl)
+ AccessControlListFile.close_file()
+ # Read back records and compare
+ acl_iter = AccessControlListFile.get_objects_at_time(tempdir, 10000)
+ assert acl_iter, "No acl file found"
+ dir_acl_reread =
+ assert dir_acl_reread == self.dir_acl
+ acl1_reread =
+ assert acl1_reread == self.acl1
+ acl2_reread =
+ assert acl2_reread == self.acl2
+ acl3_reread =
+ assert acl3_reread == self.acl3
+ try: extra =
+ except StopIteration: pass
+ else: assert 0, "Got unexpected object: " + repr(extra)
+ def testSeriesLocal(self):
+ """Test backing up and restoring directories with ACLs locally"""
+ self.make_backup_dirs()
+ dirlist = ['testfiles/acl_test1', 'testfiles/empty',
+ 'testfiles/acl_test2', 'testfiles/acl_test1']
+ BackupRestoreSeries(1, 1, dirlist, compare_acls = 1)
+ def testSeriesRemote(self):
+ """Test backing up, restoring directories with EA remotely"""
+ self.make_backup_dirs()
+ dirlist = ['testfiles/acl_test1', 'testfiles/acl_test2',
+ 'testfiles/empty', 'testfiles/acl_test1']
+ BackupRestoreSeries(None, None, dirlist, compare_acls = 1)
+class CombinedTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test backing up and restoring directories with both EAs and ACLs"""
+ combo_testdir1 = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection,
+ 'testfiles/ea_acl_test1')
+ combo_testdir2 = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection,
+ 'testfiles/ea_acl_test2')
+ def make_backup_dirs(self):
+ """Create testfiles/ea_acl_test[12] directories"""
+ if self.combo_testdir1.lstat(): self.combo_testdir1.delete()
+ if self.combo_testdir2.lstat(): self.combo_testdir2.delete()
+ self.combo_testdir1.mkdir()
+ rp1_1, rp1_2, rp1_3 = map(self.combo_testdir1.append, ('1', '2', '3'))
+ map(rpath.RPath.touch, [rp1_1, rp1_2, rp1_3])
+ ACLTest.dir_acl.write_to_rp(self.combo_testdir1)
+ EATest.sample_ea.write_to_rp(self.combo_testdir1)
+ ACLTest.acl1.write_to_rp(rp1_1)
+ EATest.ea2.write_to_rp(rp1_2)
+ ACLTest.acl3.write_to_rp(rp1_3)
+ EATest.ea3.write_to_rp(rp1_3)
+ self.combo_testdir2.mkdir()
+ rp2_1, rp2_2, rp2_3 = map(self.combo_testdir2.append, ('1', '2', '3'))
+ map(rpath.RPath.touch, [rp2_1, rp2_2, rp2_3])
+ ACLTest.sample_acl.write_to_rp(self.combo_testdir2)
+ EATest.ea1.write_to_rp(rp2_1)
+ EATest.ea3.write_to_rp(rp2_2)
+ ACLTest.acl2.write_to_rp(rp2_2)
+ def testSeriesLocal(self):
+ """Test backing up and restoring EAs/ACLs locally"""
+ self.make_backup_dirs()
+ dirlist = ['testfiles/ea_acl_test1', 'testfiles/ea_acl_test2',
+ 'testfiles/empty', 'testfiles/ea_acl_test1']
+ BackupRestoreSeries(1, 1, dirlist,
+ compare_eas = 1, compare_acls = 1)
+ def testSeriesRemote(self):
+ """Test backing up and restoring EAs/ACLs locally"""
+ self.make_backup_dirs()
+ dirlist = ['testfiles/ea_acl_test1', 'testfiles/empty',
+ 'testfiles/ea_acl_test2', 'testfiles/ea_acl_test1']
+ BackupRestoreSeries(None, None, dirlist,
+ compare_eas = 1, compare_acls = 1)
+if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
diff --git a/rdiff-backup/testing/ b/rdiff-backup/testing/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4617b28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rdiff-backup/testing/
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+import unittest
+from commontest import *
+from rdiff_backup import rpath
+from rdiff_backup import metadata
+None of these tests should work unless your system supports resource
+forks. So basically these tests should only be run on Mac OS X.
+Globals.read_resource_forks = Globals.write_resource_forks = 1
+class ResourceForkTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Test dealing with Mac OS X style resource forks"""
+ tempdir = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, 'testfiles/output')
+ rf_testdir1 = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection,
+ 'testfiles/resource_fork_test1')
+ rf_testdir2 = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection,
+ 'testfiles/resource_fork_test2')
+ def make_temp(self):
+ """Make temp directory testfiles/resource_fork_test"""
+ if self.tempdir.lstat(): self.tempdir.delete()
+ self.tempdir.mkdir()
+ def testBasic(self):
+ """Test basic reading and writing of resource forks"""
+ self.make_temp()
+ rp = self.tempdir.append('test')
+ rp.touch()
+ assert rp.get_resource_fork() == '', rp.get_resource_fork()
+ s = 'new resource fork data'
+ rp.write_resource_fork(s)
+ assert rp.get_resource_fork() == s, rp.get_resource_fork()
+ rp2 = self.tempdir.append('test')
+ assert rp2.isreg()
+ assert rp2.get_resource_fork() == s, rp2.get_resource_fork()
+ def testRecord(self):
+ """Test reading, writing, and comparing of records with rforks"""
+ self.make_temp()
+ rp = self.tempdir.append('test')
+ rp.touch()
+ rp.set_resource_fork('hello')
+ record = metadata.RORP2Record(rp)
+ #print record
+ rorp_out = metadata.Record2RORP(record)
+ assert rorp_out == rp, (rorp_out, rp)
+ assert rorp_out.get_resource_fork() == 'hello'
+ def make_backup_dirs(self):
+ """Create testfiles/resource_fork_test[12] dirs for testing"""
+ if self.rf_testdir1.lstat(): self.rf_testdir1.delete()
+ if self.rf_testdir2.lstat(): self.rf_testdir2.delete()
+ self.rf_testdir1.mkdir()
+ rp1_1 = self.rf_testdir1.append('1')
+ rp1_2 = self.rf_testdir1.append('2')
+ rp1_3 = self.rf_testdir1.append('3')
+ rp1_1.touch()
+ rp1_2.touch()
+ rp1_3.symlink('foo')
+ rp1_1.write_resource_fork('This should appear in resource fork')
+ rp1_1.chmod(0400) # test for bug changing resource forks after perms
+ rp1_2.write_resource_fork('Data for the resource fork 2')
+ self.rf_testdir2.mkdir()
+ rp2_1 = self.rf_testdir2.append('1')
+ rp2_2 = self.rf_testdir2.append('2')
+ rp2_3 = self.rf_testdir2.append('3')
+ rp2_1.touch()
+ rp2_2.touch()
+ rp2_3.touch()
+ rp2_1.write_resource_fork('New data for resource fork 1')
+ rp2_1.chmod(0400)
+ rp2_3.write_resource_fork('New fork')
+ def testSeriesLocal(self):
+ """Test backing up and restoring directories with ACLs locally"""
+ Globals.read_resource_forks = Globals.write_resource_forks = 1
+ self.make_backup_dirs()
+ dirlist = ['testfiles/resource_fork_test1', 'testfiles/empty',
+ 'testfiles/resource_fork_test2',
+ 'testfiles/resource_fork_test1']
+ # BackupRestoreSeries(1, 1, dirlist, compare_resource_forks = 1)
+ BackupRestoreSeries(1, 1, dirlist)
+ def testSeriesRemote(self):
+ """Test backing up and restoring directories with ACLs locally"""
+ Globals.read_resource_forks = Globals.write_resource_forks = 1
+ self.make_backup_dirs()
+ dirlist = ['testfiles/resource_fork_test1',
+ 'testfiles/resource_fork_test2', 'testfiles/empty',
+ 'testfiles/resource_fork_test1']
+ # BackupRestoreSeries(1, 1, dirlist, compare_resource_forks = 1)
+ BackupRestoreSeries(1, 1, dirlist)
+if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
diff --git a/rdiff-backup/testing/ b/rdiff-backup/testing/
index 863d36a..1c7bade 100644
--- a/rdiff-backup/testing/
+++ b/rdiff-backup/testing/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-import os, unittest
+import os, unittest, time
from commontest import *
-import rdiff_backup.Security
+import rdiff_backup.Security as Security
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class SecurityTest(unittest.TestCase):
- assert isinstance(exc, rdiff_backup.Security.Violation)
+ assert isinstance(exc, Security.Violation)
#assert str(exc).find("Security") >= 0, "%s\n%s" % (exc, repr(exc))
def test_vet_request_ro(self):
@@ -56,5 +56,127 @@ class SecurityTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def secure_rdiff_backup(self, in_dir, out_dir, in_local, restrict_args,
+ extra_args = "", success = 1, current_time = None):
+ """Run rdiff-backup locally, with given restrict settings"""
+ if not current_time: current_time = int(time.time())
+ prefix = ('rdiff-backup --current-time %s ' % (current_time,) +
+ '--remote-schema %s ')
+ if in_local: out_dir = ("'rdiff-backup %s --server'::%s" %
+ (restrict_args, out_dir))
+ else: in_dir = ("'rdiff-backup %s --server'::%s" %
+ (restrict_args, in_dir))
+ cmdline = "%s %s %s %s" % (prefix, extra_args, in_dir, out_dir)
+ print "Executing:", cmdline
+ exit_val = os.system(cmdline)
+ if success: assert not exit_val
+ else: assert exit_val, "Success when wanted failure"
+ def test_restrict_positive(self):
+ """Test that --restrict switch doesn't get in the way
+ This makes sure that basic backups with the restrict operator
+ work, (initial backup, incremental, restore).
+ """
+ Myrm("testfiles/output")
+ self.secure_rdiff_backup('testfiles/various_file_types',
+ 'testfiles/output', 1,
+ '--restrict testfiles/output',
+ current_time = 10000)
+ self.secure_rdiff_backup('testfiles/various_file_types',
+ 'testfiles/output', 1,
+ '--restrict testfiles/output')
+ Myrm("testfiles/restore_out")
+ self.secure_rdiff_backup('testfiles/output',
+ 'testfiles/restore_out', 1,
+ '--restrict testfiles/restore_out',
+ extra_args = '-r now')
+ def test_restrict_negative(self):
+ """Test that --restrict switch denies certain operations"""
+ # Backup to wrong directory
+ Myrm("testfiles/output testfiles/output2")
+ self.secure_rdiff_backup('testfiles/various_file_types',
+ 'testfiles/output2', 1,
+ '--restrict testfiles/output',
+ success = 0)
+ # Restore to wrong directory
+ Myrm("testfiles/output testfiles/restore_out")
+ rdiff_backup(1, 1, 'testfiles/various_file_types',
+ 'testfiles/output')
+ self.secure_rdiff_backup('testfiles/output',
+ 'testfiles/restore_out', 1,
+ '--restrict testfiles/output2',
+ extra_args = '-r now',
+ success = 0)
+ # Backup from wrong directory
+ Myrm("testfiles/output")
+ self.secure_rdiff_backup('testfiles/various_file_types',
+ 'testfiles/output', 0,
+ '--restrict testfiles/foobar',
+ success = 0)
+ def test_restrict_readonly_positive(self):
+ """Test that --restrict-read-only switch doesn't impair normal ops"""
+ Myrm("testfiles/output testfiles/restore_out")
+ self.secure_rdiff_backup('testfiles/various_file_types',
+ 'testfiles/output', 0,
+ '--restrict-read-only testfiles/various_file_types')
+ self.secure_rdiff_backup('testfiles/output',
+ 'testfiles/restore_out', 0,
+ '--restrict-read-only testfiles/output',
+ extra_args = '-r now')
+ def test_restrict_readonly_negative(self):
+ """Test that --restrict-read-only doesn't allow too much"""
+ # Backup to restricted directory
+ Myrm('testfiles/output')
+ self.secure_rdiff_backup('testfiles/various_file_types',
+ 'testfiles/output', 1,
+ '--restrict-read-only testfiles/output',
+ success = 0)
+ # Restore to restricted directory
+ Myrm('testfiles/output testfiles/restore_out')
+ rdiff_backup(1, 1, 'testfiles/various_file_types', 'testfiles/output')
+ self.secure_rdiff_backup('testfiles/output',
+ 'testfiles/restore_out', 1,
+ '--restrict-read-only testfiles/restore_out',
+ extra_args = '-r now',
+ success = 0)
+ def test_restrict_updateonly_positive(self):
+ """Test that --restrict-update-only allows intended use"""
+ Myrm('testfiles/output')
+ rdiff_backup(1, 1, 'testfiles/various_file_types', 'testfiles/output',
+ current_time = 10000)
+ self.secure_rdiff_backup('testfiles/various_file_types',
+ 'testfiles/output', 1,
+ '--restrict-update-only testfiles/output')
+ def test_restrict_updateonly_negative(self):
+ """Test that --restrict-update-only impairs unintended"""
+ Myrm('testfiles/output')
+ self.secure_rdiff_backup('testfiles/various_file_types',
+ 'testfiles/output', 1,
+ '--restrict-update-only testfiles/output',
+ success = 0)
+ Myrm('testfiles/output testfiles/restore_out')
+ rdiff_backup(1, 1, 'testfiles/various_file_types', 'testfiles/output')
+ self.secure_rdiff_backup('testfiles/output',
+ 'testfiles/restore_out', 1,
+ '--restrict-update-only testfiles/restore_out',
+ extra_args = '-r now',
+ success = 0)
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()