path: root/redis
diff options
authorChayim <>2021-10-25 17:18:27 +0300
committerGitHub <>2021-10-25 17:18:27 +0300
commitddd1496782cc8eb15fca6c9059b2b08a03efe366 (patch)
treeab907bd2fd2f7cfb951e750de69ea9d4478a5b9c /redis
parent3946da29d7e451a20289fb6e282516fa24e402af (diff)
Adding support for redisearch (#1640)
Diffstat (limited to 'redis')
13 files changed, 2376 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/redis/commands/ b/redis/commands/
index fb53107..2c9066a 100644
--- a/redis/commands/
+++ b/redis/commands/
@@ -15,3 +15,12 @@ class RedisModuleCommands:
from .json import JSON
jj = JSON(client=self, encoder=encoder, decoder=decoder)
return jj
+ def ft(self, index_name="idx"):
+ """Access the search namespace, providing support for redis search."""
+ if 'search' not in self.loaded_modules:
+ raise ModuleError("search is not a loaded in the redis instance.")
+ from .search import Search
+ s = Search(client=self, index_name=index_name)
+ return s
diff --git a/redis/commands/search/ b/redis/commands/search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8320ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/redis/commands/search/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+from .commands import SearchCommands
+class Search(SearchCommands):
+ """
+ Create a client for talking to search.
+ It abstracts the API of the module and lets you just use the engine.
+ """
+ class BatchIndexer(object):
+ """
+ A batch indexer allows you to automatically batch
+ document indexing in pipelines, flushing it every N documents.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, client, chunk_size=1000):
+ self.client = client
+ self.execute_command = client.execute_command
+ self.pipeline = client.pipeline(transaction=False, shard_hint=None)
+ = 0
+ self.chunk_size = chunk_size
+ self.current_chunk = 0
+ def __del__(self):
+ if self.current_chunk:
+ self.commit()
+ def add_document(
+ self,
+ doc_id,
+ nosave=False,
+ score=1.0,
+ payload=None,
+ replace=False,
+ partial=False,
+ no_create=False,
+ **fields
+ ):
+ """
+ Add a document to the batch query
+ """
+ self.client._add_document(
+ doc_id,
+ conn=self.pipeline,
+ nosave=nosave,
+ score=score,
+ payload=payload,
+ replace=replace,
+ partial=partial,
+ no_create=no_create,
+ **fields
+ )
+ self.current_chunk += 1
+ += 1
+ if self.current_chunk >= self.chunk_size:
+ self.commit()
+ def add_document_hash(
+ self,
+ doc_id,
+ score=1.0,
+ replace=False,
+ ):
+ """
+ Add a hash to the batch query
+ """
+ self.client._add_document_hash(
+ doc_id,
+ conn=self.pipeline,
+ score=score,
+ replace=replace,
+ )
+ self.current_chunk += 1
+ += 1
+ if self.current_chunk >= self.chunk_size:
+ self.commit()
+ def commit(self):
+ """
+ Manually commit and flush the batch indexing query
+ """
+ self.pipeline.execute()
+ self.current_chunk = 0
+ def __init__(self, client, index_name="idx"):
+ """
+ Create a new Client for the given index_name.
+ The default name is `idx`
+ If conn is not None, we employ an already existing redis connection
+ """
+ self.client = client
+ self.index_name = index_name
+ self.execute_command = client.execute_command
+ self.pipeline = client.pipeline
diff --git a/redis/commands/search/ b/redis/commands/search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4ac19f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/redis/commands/search/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+import six
+def to_string(s):
+ if isinstance(s, six.string_types):
+ return s
+ elif isinstance(s, six.binary_type):
+ return s.decode("utf-8", "ignore")
+ else:
+ return s # Not a string we care about
diff --git a/redis/commands/search/ b/redis/commands/search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df912f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/redis/commands/search/
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+from six import string_types
+FIELDNAME = object()
+class Limit(object):
+ def __init__(self, offset=0, count=0):
+ self.offset = offset
+ self.count = count
+ def build_args(self):
+ if self.count:
+ return ["LIMIT", str(self.offset), str(self.count)]
+ else:
+ return []
+class Reducer(object):
+ """
+ Base reducer object for all reducers.
+ See the `redisearch.reducers` module for the actual reducers.
+ """
+ NAME = None
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ self._args = args
+ self._field = None
+ self._alias = None
+ def alias(self, alias):
+ """
+ Set the alias for this reducer.
+ ### Parameters
+ - **alias**: The value of the alias for this reducer. If this is the
+ special value `aggregation.FIELDNAME` then this reducer will be
+ aliased using the same name as the field upon which it operates.
+ Note that using `FIELDNAME` is only possible on reducers which
+ operate on a single field value.
+ This method returns the `Reducer` object making it suitable for
+ chaining.
+ """
+ if alias is FIELDNAME:
+ if not self._field:
+ raise ValueError("Cannot use FIELDNAME alias with no field")
+ # Chop off initial '@'
+ alias = self._field[1:]
+ self._alias = alias
+ return self
+ @property
+ def args(self):
+ return self._args
+class SortDirection(object):
+ """
+ This special class is used to indicate sort direction.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, field):
+ self.field = field
+class Asc(SortDirection):
+ """
+ Indicate that the given field should be sorted in ascending order
+ """
+class Desc(SortDirection):
+ """
+ Indicate that the given field should be sorted in descending order
+ """
+class Group(object):
+ """
+ This object automatically created in the `AggregateRequest.group_by()`
+ """
+ def __init__(self, fields, reducers):
+ if not reducers:
+ raise ValueError("Need at least one reducer")
+ fields = [fields] if isinstance(fields, string_types) else fields
+ reducers = [reducers] if isinstance(reducers, Reducer) else reducers
+ self.fields = fields
+ self.reducers = reducers
+ self.limit = Limit()
+ def build_args(self):
+ ret = ["GROUPBY", str(len(self.fields))]
+ ret.extend(self.fields)
+ for reducer in self.reducers:
+ ret += ["REDUCE", reducer.NAME, str(len(reducer.args))]
+ ret.extend(reducer.args)
+ if reducer._alias is not None:
+ ret += ["AS", reducer._alias]
+ return ret
+class Projection(object):
+ """
+ This object automatically created in the `AggregateRequest.apply()`
+ """
+ def __init__(self, projector, alias=None):
+ self.alias = alias
+ self.projector = projector
+ def build_args(self):
+ ret = ["APPLY", self.projector]
+ if self.alias is not None:
+ ret += ["AS", self.alias]
+ return ret
+class SortBy(object):
+ """
+ This object automatically created in the `AggregateRequest.sort_by()`
+ """
+ def __init__(self, fields, max=0):
+ self.fields = fields
+ self.max = max
+ def build_args(self):
+ fields_args = []
+ for f in self.fields:
+ if isinstance(f, SortDirection):
+ fields_args += [f.field, f.DIRSTRING]
+ else:
+ fields_args += [f]
+ ret = ["SORTBY", str(len(fields_args))]
+ ret.extend(fields_args)
+ if self.max > 0:
+ ret += ["MAX", str(self.max)]
+ return ret
+class AggregateRequest(object):
+ """
+ Aggregation request which can be passed to `Client.aggregate`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, query="*"):
+ """
+ Create an aggregation request. This request may then be passed to
+ `client.aggregate()`.
+ In order for the request to be usable, it must contain at least one
+ group.
+ - **query** Query string for filtering records.
+ All member methods (except `build_args()`)
+ return the object itself, making them useful for chaining.
+ """
+ self._query = query
+ self._aggregateplan = []
+ self._loadfields = []
+ self._limit = Limit()
+ self._max = 0
+ self._with_schema = False
+ self._verbatim = False
+ self._cursor = []
+ def load(self, *fields):
+ """
+ Indicate the fields to be returned in the response. These fields are
+ returned in addition to any others implicitly specified.
+ ### Parameters
+ - **fields**: One or more fields in the format of `@field`
+ """
+ self._loadfields.extend(fields)
+ return self
+ def group_by(self, fields, *reducers):
+ """
+ Specify by which fields to group the aggregation.
+ ### Parameters
+ - **fields**: Fields to group by. This can either be a single string,
+ or a list of strings. both cases, the field should be specified as
+ `@field`.
+ - **reducers**: One or more reducers. Reducers may be found in the
+ `aggregation` module.
+ """
+ group = Group(fields, reducers)
+ self._aggregateplan.extend(group.build_args())
+ return self
+ def apply(self, **kwexpr):
+ """
+ Specify one or more projection expressions to add to each result
+ ### Parameters
+ - **kwexpr**: One or more key-value pairs for a projection. The key is
+ the alias for the projection, and the value is the projection
+ expression itself, for example `apply(square_root="sqrt(@foo)")`
+ """
+ for alias, expr in kwexpr.items():
+ projection = Projection(expr, alias)
+ self._aggregateplan.extend(projection.build_args())
+ return self
+ def limit(self, offset, num):
+ """
+ Sets the limit for the most recent group or query.
+ If no group has been defined yet (via `group_by()`) then this sets
+ the limit for the initial pool of results from the query. Otherwise,
+ this limits the number of items operated on from the previous group.
+ Setting a limit on the initial search results may be useful when
+ attempting to execute an aggregation on a sample of a large data set.
+ ### Parameters
+ - **offset**: Result offset from which to begin paging
+ - **num**: Number of results to return
+ Example of sorting the initial results:
+ ```
+ AggregateRequest("@sale_amount:[10000, inf]")\
+ .limit(0, 10)\
+ .group_by("@state", r.count())
+ ```
+ Will only group by the states found in the first 10 results of the
+ query `@sale_amount:[10000, inf]`. On the other hand,
+ ```
+ AggregateRequest("@sale_amount:[10000, inf]")\
+ .limit(0, 1000)\
+ .group_by("@state", r.count()\
+ .limit(0, 10)
+ ```
+ Will group all the results matching the query, but only return the
+ first 10 groups.
+ If you only wish to return a *top-N* style query, consider using
+ `sort_by()` instead.
+ """
+ limit = Limit(offset, num)
+ self._limit = limit
+ return self
+ def sort_by(self, *fields, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Indicate how the results should be sorted. This can also be used for
+ *top-N* style queries
+ ### Parameters
+ - **fields**: The fields by which to sort. This can be either a single
+ field or a list of fields. If you wish to specify order, you can
+ use the `Asc` or `Desc` wrapper classes.
+ - **max**: Maximum number of results to return. This can be
+ used instead of `LIMIT` and is also faster.
+ Example of sorting by `foo` ascending and `bar` descending:
+ ```
+ sort_by(Asc("@foo"), Desc("@bar"))
+ ```
+ Return the top 10 customers:
+ ```
+ AggregateRequest()\
+ .group_by("@customer", r.sum("@paid").alias(FIELDNAME))\
+ .sort_by(Desc("@paid"), max=10)
+ ```
+ """
+ if isinstance(fields, (string_types, SortDirection)):
+ fields = [fields]
+ max = kwargs.get("max", 0)
+ sortby = SortBy(fields, max)
+ self._aggregateplan.extend(sortby.build_args())
+ return self
+ def filter(self, expressions):
+ """
+ Specify filter for post-query results using predicates relating to
+ values in the result set.
+ ### Parameters
+ - **fields**: Fields to group by. This can either be a single string,
+ or a list of strings.
+ """
+ if isinstance(expressions, string_types):
+ expressions = [expressions]
+ for expression in expressions:
+ self._aggregateplan.extend(["FILTER", expression])
+ return self
+ def with_schema(self):
+ """
+ If set, the `schema` property will contain a list of `[field, type]`
+ entries in the result object.
+ """
+ self._with_schema = True
+ return self
+ def verbatim(self):
+ self._verbatim = True
+ return self
+ def cursor(self, count=0, max_idle=0.0):
+ args = ["WITHCURSOR"]
+ if count:
+ args += ["COUNT", str(count)]
+ if max_idle:
+ args += ["MAXIDLE", str(max_idle * 1000)]
+ self._cursor = args
+ return self
+ def _limit_2_args(self, limit):
+ if limit[1]:
+ return ["LIMIT"] + [str(x) for x in limit]
+ else:
+ return []
+ def build_args(self):
+ # @foo:bar ...
+ ret = [self._query]
+ if self._with_schema:
+ ret.append("WITHSCHEMA")
+ if self._verbatim:
+ ret.append("VERBATIM")
+ if self._cursor:
+ ret += self._cursor
+ if self._loadfields:
+ ret.append("LOAD")
+ ret.append(str(len(self._loadfields)))
+ ret.extend(self._loadfields)
+ ret.extend(self._aggregateplan)
+ ret += self._limit.build_args()
+ return ret
+class Cursor(object):
+ def __init__(self, cid):
+ self.cid = cid
+ self.max_idle = 0
+ self.count = 0
+ def build_args(self):
+ args = [str(self.cid)]
+ if self.max_idle:
+ args += ["MAXIDLE", str(self.max_idle)]
+ if self.count:
+ args += ["COUNT", str(self.count)]
+ return args
+class AggregateResult(object):
+ def __init__(self, rows, cursor, schema):
+ self.rows = rows
+ self.cursor = cursor
+ self.schema = schema
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<{} at 0x{:x} Rows={}, Cursor={}>".format(
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ id(self),
+ len(self.rows),
+ self.cursor.cid if self.cursor else -1,
+ )
diff --git a/redis/commands/search/ b/redis/commands/search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6074d29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/redis/commands/search/
@@ -0,0 +1,704 @@
+import itertools
+import time
+import six
+from .document import Document
+from .result import Result
+from .query import Query
+from ._util import to_string
+from .aggregation import AggregateRequest, AggregateResult, Cursor
+from .suggestion import SuggestionParser
+class SearchCommands:
+ """Search commands."""
+ def batch_indexer(self, chunk_size=100):
+ """
+ Create a new batch indexer from the client with a given chunk size
+ """
+ return self.BatchIndexer(self, chunk_size=chunk_size)
+ def create_index(
+ self,
+ fields,
+ no_term_offsets=False,
+ no_field_flags=False,
+ stopwords=None,
+ definition=None,
+ ):
+ """
+ Create the search index. The index must not already exist.
+ ### Parameters:
+ - **fields**: a list of TextField or NumericField objects
+ - **no_term_offsets**: If true, we will not save term offsets in
+ the index
+ - **no_field_flags**: If true, we will not save field flags that
+ allow searching in specific fields
+ - **stopwords**: If not None, we create the index with this custom
+ stopword list. The list can be empty
+ """
+ args = [CREATE_CMD, self.index_name]
+ if definition is not None:
+ args += definition.args
+ if no_term_offsets:
+ args.append(NOOFFSETS)
+ if no_field_flags:
+ args.append(NOFIELDS)
+ if stopwords is not None and isinstance(stopwords, (list, tuple, set)):
+ args += [STOPWORDS, len(stopwords)]
+ if len(stopwords) > 0:
+ args += list(stopwords)
+ args.append("SCHEMA")
+ try:
+ args += list(itertools.chain(*(f.redis_args() for f in fields)))
+ except TypeError:
+ args += fields.redis_args()
+ return self.execute_command(*args)
+ def alter_schema_add(self, fields):
+ """
+ Alter the existing search index by adding new fields. The index
+ must already exist.
+ ### Parameters:
+ - **fields**: a list of Field objects to add for the index
+ """
+ args = [ALTER_CMD, self.index_name, "SCHEMA", "ADD"]
+ try:
+ args += list(itertools.chain(*(f.redis_args() for f in fields)))
+ except TypeError:
+ args += fields.redis_args()
+ return self.execute_command(*args)
+ def drop_index(self, delete_documents=True):
+ """
+ Drop the index if it exists. Deprecated from RediSearch 2.0.
+ ### Parameters:
+ - **delete_documents**: If `True`, all documents will be deleted.
+ """
+ keep_str = "" if delete_documents else "KEEPDOCS"
+ return self.execute_command(DROP_CMD, self.index_name, keep_str)
+ def dropindex(self, delete_documents=False):
+ """
+ Drop the index if it exists.
+ Replaced `drop_index` in RediSearch 2.0.
+ Default behavior was changed to not delete the indexed documents.
+ ### Parameters:
+ - **delete_documents**: If `True`, all documents will be deleted.
+ """
+ keep_str = "" if delete_documents else "KEEPDOCS"
+ return self.execute_command(DROP_CMD, self.index_name, keep_str)
+ def _add_document(
+ self,
+ doc_id,
+ conn=None,
+ nosave=False,
+ score=1.0,
+ payload=None,
+ replace=False,
+ partial=False,
+ language=None,
+ no_create=False,
+ **fields
+ ):
+ """
+ Internal add_document used for both batch and single doc indexing
+ """
+ if conn is None:
+ conn = self.client
+ if partial or no_create:
+ replace = True
+ args = [ADD_CMD, self.index_name, doc_id, score]
+ if nosave:
+ args.append("NOSAVE")
+ if payload is not None:
+ args.append("PAYLOAD")
+ args.append(payload)
+ if replace:
+ args.append("REPLACE")
+ if partial:
+ args.append("PARTIAL")
+ if no_create:
+ args.append("NOCREATE")
+ if language:
+ args += ["LANGUAGE", language]
+ args.append("FIELDS")
+ args += list(itertools.chain(*fields.items()))
+ return conn.execute_command(*args)
+ def _add_document_hash(
+ self,
+ doc_id,
+ conn=None,
+ score=1.0,
+ language=None,
+ replace=False,
+ ):
+ """
+ Internal add_document_hash used for both batch and single doc indexing
+ """
+ if conn is None:
+ conn = self.client
+ args = [ADDHASH_CMD, self.index_name, doc_id, score]
+ if replace:
+ args.append("REPLACE")
+ if language:
+ args += ["LANGUAGE", language]
+ return conn.execute_command(*args)
+ def add_document(
+ self,
+ doc_id,
+ nosave=False,
+ score=1.0,
+ payload=None,
+ replace=False,
+ partial=False,
+ language=None,
+ no_create=False,
+ **fields
+ ):
+ """
+ Add a single document to the index.
+ ### Parameters
+ - **doc_id**: the id of the saved document.
+ - **nosave**: if set to true, we just index the document, and don't
+ save a copy of it. This means that searches will just
+ return ids.
+ - **score**: the document ranking, between 0.0 and 1.0
+ - **payload**: optional inner-index payload we can save for fast
+ i access in scoring functions
+ - **replace**: if True, and the document already is in the index,
+ we perform an update and reindex the document
+ - **partial**: if True, the fields specified will be added to the
+ existing document.
+ This has the added benefit that any fields specified
+ with `no_index`
+ will not be reindexed again. Implies `replace`
+ - **language**: Specify the language used for document tokenization.
+ - **no_create**: if True, the document is only updated and reindexed
+ if it already exists.
+ If the document does not exist, an error will be
+ returned. Implies `replace`
+ - **fields** kwargs dictionary of the document fields to be saved
+ and/or indexed.
+ NOTE: Geo points shoule be encoded as strings of "lon,lat"
+ """
+ return self._add_document(
+ doc_id,
+ conn=None,
+ nosave=nosave,
+ score=score,
+ payload=payload,
+ replace=replace,
+ partial=partial,
+ language=language,
+ no_create=no_create,
+ **fields
+ )
+ def add_document_hash(
+ self,
+ doc_id,
+ score=1.0,
+ language=None,
+ replace=False,
+ ):
+ """
+ Add a hash document to the index.
+ ### Parameters
+ - **doc_id**: the document's id. This has to be an existing HASH key
+ in Redis that will hold the fields the index needs.
+ - **score**: the document ranking, between 0.0 and 1.0
+ - **replace**: if True, and the document already is in the index, we
+ perform an update and reindex the document
+ - **language**: Specify the language used for document tokenization.
+ """
+ return self._add_document_hash(
+ doc_id,
+ conn=None,
+ score=score,
+ language=language,
+ replace=replace,
+ )
+ def delete_document(self, doc_id, conn=None, delete_actual_document=False):
+ """
+ Delete a document from index
+ Returns 1 if the document was deleted, 0 if not
+ ### Parameters
+ - **delete_actual_document**: if set to True, RediSearch also delete
+ the actual document if it is in the index
+ """
+ args = [DEL_CMD, self.index_name, doc_id]
+ if conn is None:
+ conn = self.client
+ if delete_actual_document:
+ args.append("DD")
+ return conn.execute_command(*args)
+ def load_document(self, id):
+ """
+ Load a single document by id
+ """
+ fields = self.client.hgetall(id)
+ if six.PY3:
+ f2 = {to_string(k): to_string(v) for k, v in fields.items()}
+ fields = f2
+ try:
+ del fields["id"]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ return Document(id=id, **fields)
+ def get(self, *ids):
+ """
+ Returns the full contents of multiple documents.
+ ### Parameters
+ - **ids**: the ids of the saved documents.
+ """
+ return self.client.execute_command(MGET_CMD, self.index_name, *ids)
+ def info(self):
+ """
+ Get info an stats about the the current index, including the number of
+ documents, memory consumption, etc
+ """
+ res = self.client.execute_command(INFO_CMD, self.index_name)
+ it =, res)
+ return dict(, it))
+ def _mk_query_args(self, query):
+ args = [self.index_name]
+ if isinstance(query, six.string_types):
+ # convert the query from a text to a query object
+ query = Query(query)
+ if not isinstance(query, Query):
+ raise ValueError("Bad query type %s" % type(query))
+ args += query.get_args()
+ return args, query
+ def search(self, query):
+ """
+ Search the index for a given query, and return a result of documents
+ ### Parameters
+ - **query**: the search query. Either a text for simple queries with
+ default parameters, or a Query object for complex queries.
+ See RediSearch's documentation on query format
+ """
+ args, query = self._mk_query_args(query)
+ st = time.time()
+ res = self.execute_command(SEARCH_CMD, *args)
+ return Result(
+ res,
+ not query._no_content,
+ duration=(time.time() - st) * 1000.0,
+ has_payload=query._with_payloads,
+ with_scores=query._with_scores,
+ )
+ def explain(self, query):
+ args, query_text = self._mk_query_args(query)
+ return self.execute_command(EXPLAIN_CMD, *args)
+ def aggregate(self, query):
+ """
+ Issue an aggregation query
+ ### Parameters
+ **query**: This can be either an `AggeregateRequest`, or a `Cursor`
+ An `AggregateResult` object is returned. You can access the rows from
+ its `rows` property, which will always yield the rows of the result.
+ """
+ if isinstance(query, AggregateRequest):
+ has_cursor = bool(query._cursor)
+ cmd = [AGGREGATE_CMD, self.index_name] + query.build_args()
+ elif isinstance(query, Cursor):
+ has_cursor = True
+ cmd = [CURSOR_CMD, "READ", self.index_name] + query.build_args()
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Bad query", query)
+ raw = self.execute_command(*cmd)
+ if has_cursor:
+ if isinstance(query, Cursor):
+ query.cid = raw[1]
+ cursor = query
+ else:
+ cursor = Cursor(raw[1])
+ raw = raw[0]
+ else:
+ cursor = None
+ if isinstance(query, AggregateRequest) and query._with_schema:
+ schema = raw[0]
+ rows = raw[2:]
+ else:
+ schema = None
+ rows = raw[1:]
+ res = AggregateResult(rows, cursor, schema)
+ return res
+ def spellcheck(self, query, distance=None, include=None, exclude=None):
+ """
+ Issue a spellcheck query
+ ### Parameters
+ **query**: search query.
+ **distance***: the maximal Levenshtein distance for spelling
+ suggestions (default: 1, max: 4).
+ **include**: specifies an inclusion custom dictionary.
+ **exclude**: specifies an exclusion custom dictionary.
+ """
+ cmd = [SPELLCHECK_CMD, self.index_name, query]
+ if distance:
+ cmd.extend(["DISTANCE", distance])
+ if include:
+ cmd.extend(["TERMS", "INCLUDE", include])
+ if exclude:
+ cmd.extend(["TERMS", "EXCLUDE", exclude])
+ raw = self.execute_command(*cmd)
+ corrections = {}
+ if raw == 0:
+ return corrections
+ for _correction in raw:
+ if isinstance(_correction, six.integer_types) and _correction == 0:
+ continue
+ if len(_correction) != 3:
+ continue
+ if not _correction[2]:
+ continue
+ if not _correction[2][0]:
+ continue
+ # For spellcheck output
+ # 1) 1) "TERM"
+ # 2) "{term1}"
+ # 3) 1) 1) "{score1}"
+ # 2) "{suggestion1}"
+ # 2) 1) "{score2}"
+ # 2) "{suggestion2}"
+ #
+ # Following dictionary will be made
+ # corrections = {
+ # '{term1}': [
+ # {'score': '{score1}', 'suggestion': '{suggestion1}'},
+ # {'score': '{score2}', 'suggestion': '{suggestion2}'}
+ # ]
+ # }
+ corrections[_correction[1]] = [
+ {"score": _item[0], "suggestion": _item[1]}
+ for _item in _correction[2]
+ ]
+ return corrections
+ def dict_add(self, name, *terms):
+ """Adds terms to a dictionary.
+ ### Parameters
+ - **name**: Dictionary name.
+ - **terms**: List of items for adding to the dictionary.
+ """
+ cmd = [DICT_ADD_CMD, name]
+ cmd.extend(terms)
+ return self.execute_command(*cmd)
+ def dict_del(self, name, *terms):
+ """Deletes terms from a dictionary.
+ ### Parameters
+ - **name**: Dictionary name.
+ - **terms**: List of items for removing from the dictionary.
+ """
+ cmd = [DICT_DEL_CMD, name]
+ cmd.extend(terms)
+ return self.execute_command(*cmd)
+ def dict_dump(self, name):
+ """Dumps all terms in the given dictionary.
+ ### Parameters
+ - **name**: Dictionary name.
+ """
+ cmd = [DICT_DUMP_CMD, name]
+ return self.execute_command(*cmd)
+ def config_set(self, option, value):
+ """Set runtime configuration option.
+ ### Parameters
+ - **option**: the name of the configuration option.
+ - **value**: a value for the configuration option.
+ """
+ cmd = [CONFIG_CMD, "SET", option, value]
+ raw = self.execute_command(*cmd)
+ return raw == "OK"
+ def config_get(self, option):
+ """Get runtime configuration option value.
+ ### Parameters
+ - **option**: the name of the configuration option.
+ """
+ cmd = [CONFIG_CMD, "GET", option]
+ res = {}
+ raw = self.execute_command(*cmd)
+ if raw:
+ for kvs in raw:
+ res[kvs[0]] = kvs[1]
+ return res
+ def tagvals(self, tagfield):
+ """
+ Return a list of all possible tag values
+ ### Parameters
+ - **tagfield**: Tag field name
+ """
+ return self.execute_command(TAGVALS_CMD, self.index_name, tagfield)
+ def aliasadd(self, alias):
+ """
+ Alias a search index - will fail if alias already exists
+ ### Parameters
+ - **alias**: Name of the alias to create
+ """
+ return self.execute_command(ALIAS_ADD_CMD, alias, self.index_name)
+ def aliasupdate(self, alias):
+ """
+ Updates an alias - will fail if alias does not already exist
+ ### Parameters
+ - **alias**: Name of the alias to create
+ """
+ return self.execute_command(ALIAS_UPDATE_CMD, alias, self.index_name)
+ def aliasdel(self, alias):
+ """
+ Removes an alias to a search index
+ ### Parameters
+ - **alias**: Name of the alias to delete
+ """
+ return self.execute_command(ALIAS_DEL_CMD, alias)
+ def sugadd(self, key, *suggestions, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Add suggestion terms to the AutoCompleter engine. Each suggestion has
+ a score and string.
+ If kwargs["increment"] is true and the terms are already in the
+ server's dictionary, we increment their scores.
+ More information `here <>`_. # noqa
+ """
+ # If Transaction is not False it will MULTI/EXEC which will error
+ pipe = self.pipeline(transaction=False)
+ for sug in suggestions:
+ args = [SUGADD_COMMAND, key, sug.string, sug.score]
+ if kwargs.get("increment"):
+ args.append("INCR")
+ if sug.payload:
+ args.append("PAYLOAD")
+ args.append(sug.payload)
+ pipe.execute_command(*args)
+ return pipe.execute()[-1]
+ def suglen(self, key):
+ """
+ Return the number of entries in the AutoCompleter index.
+ More information `here <>`_. # noqa
+ """
+ return self.execute_command(SUGLEN_COMMAND, key)
+ def sugdel(self, key, string):
+ """
+ Delete a string from the AutoCompleter index.
+ Returns 1 if the string was found and deleted, 0 otherwise.
+ More information `here <>`_. # noqa
+ """
+ return self.execute_command(SUGDEL_COMMAND, key, string)
+ def sugget(
+ self, key, prefix, fuzzy=False, num=10, with_scores=False,
+ with_payloads=False
+ ):
+ """
+ Get a list of suggestions from the AutoCompleter, for a given prefix.
+ More information `here <>`_. # noqa
+ Parameters:
+ prefix : str
+ The prefix we are searching. **Must be valid ascii or utf-8**
+ fuzzy : bool
+ If set to true, the prefix search is done in fuzzy mode.
+ **NOTE**: Running fuzzy searches on short (<3 letters) prefixes
+ can be very
+ slow, and even scan the entire index.
+ with_scores : bool
+ If set to true, we also return the (refactored) score of
+ each suggestion.
+ This is normally not needed, and is NOT the original score
+ inserted into the index.
+ with_payloads : bool
+ Return suggestion payloads
+ num : int
+ The maximum number of results we return. Note that we might
+ return less. The algorithm trims irrelevant suggestions.
+ Returns:
+ list:
+ A list of Suggestion objects. If with_scores was False, the
+ score of all suggestions is 1.
+ """
+ args = [SUGGET_COMMAND, key, prefix, "MAX", num]
+ if fuzzy:
+ args.append(FUZZY)
+ if with_scores:
+ args.append(WITHSCORES)
+ if with_payloads:
+ args.append(WITHPAYLOADS)
+ ret = self.execute_command(*args)
+ results = []
+ if not ret:
+ return results
+ parser = SuggestionParser(with_scores, with_payloads, ret)
+ return [s for s in parser]
+ def synupdate(self, groupid, skipinitial=False, *terms):
+ """
+ Updates a synonym group.
+ The command is used to create or update a synonym group with
+ additional terms.
+ Only documents which were indexed after the update will be affected.
+ Parameters:
+ groupid :
+ Synonym group id.
+ skipinitial : bool
+ If set to true, we do not scan and index.
+ terms :
+ The terms.
+ """
+ cmd = [SYNUPDATE_CMD, self.index_name, groupid]
+ if skipinitial:
+ cmd.extend(["SKIPINITIALSCAN"])
+ cmd.extend(terms)
+ return self.execute_command(*cmd)
+ def syndump(self):
+ """
+ Dumps the contents of a synonym group.
+ The command is used to dump the synonyms data structure.
+ Returns a list of synonym terms and their synonym group ids.
+ """
+ raw = self.execute_command(SYNDUMP_CMD, self.index_name)
+ return {raw[i]: raw[i + 1] for i in range(0, len(raw), 2)}
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+import six
+class Document(object):
+ """
+ Represents a single document in a result set
+ """
+ def __init__(self, id, payload=None, **fields):
+ = id
+ self.payload = payload
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(fields):
+ setattr(self, k, v)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Document %s" % self.__dict__
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@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+class Field(object):
+ GEO = "GEO"
+ TAG = "TAG"
+ AS = "AS"
+ def __init__(self, name, args=[], sortable=False,
+ no_index=False, as_name=None):
+ = name
+ self.args = args
+ self.args_suffix = list()
+ self.as_name = as_name
+ if sortable:
+ self.args_suffix.append(Field.SORTABLE)
+ if no_index:
+ self.args_suffix.append(Field.NOINDEX)
+ if no_index and not sortable:
+ raise ValueError("Non-Sortable non-Indexable fields are ignored")
+ def append_arg(self, value):
+ self.args.append(value)
+ def redis_args(self):
+ args = []
+ if self.as_name:
+ args += [self.AS, self.as_name]
+ args += self.args
+ args += self.args_suffix
+ return args
+class TextField(Field):
+ """
+ TextField is used to define a text field in a schema definition
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self, name, weight=1.0, no_stem=False, phonetic_matcher=None, **kwargs
+ ):
+ Field.__init__(self, name,
+ args=[Field.TEXT, Field.WEIGHT, weight], **kwargs)
+ if no_stem:
+ Field.append_arg(self, self.NOSTEM)
+ if phonetic_matcher and phonetic_matcher in [
+ "dm:en",
+ "dm:fr",
+ "dm:pt",
+ "dm:es",
+ ]:
+ Field.append_arg(self, self.PHONETIC)
+ Field.append_arg(self, phonetic_matcher)
+class NumericField(Field):
+ """
+ NumericField is used to define a numeric field in a schema definition
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
+ Field.__init__(self, name, args=[Field.NUMERIC], **kwargs)
+class GeoField(Field):
+ """
+ GeoField is used to define a geo-indexing field in a schema definition
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
+ Field.__init__(self, name, args=[Field.GEO], **kwargs)
+class TagField(Field):
+ """
+ TagField is a tag-indexing field with simpler compression and tokenization.
+ See
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name, separator=",", **kwargs):
+ Field.__init__(
+ self, name, args=[Field.TAG, self.SEPARATOR, separator], **kwargs
+ )
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@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+from enum import Enum
+class IndexType(Enum):
+ """Enum of the currently supported index types."""
+ HASH = 1
+ JSON = 2
+class IndexDefinition(object):
+ """IndexDefinition is used to define a index definition for automatic
+ indexing on Hash or Json update."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ prefix=[],
+ filter=None,
+ language_field=None,
+ language=None,
+ score_field=None,
+ score=1.0,
+ payload_field=None,
+ index_type=None,
+ ):
+ self.args = []
+ self._appendIndexType(index_type)
+ self._appendPrefix(prefix)
+ self._appendFilter(filter)
+ self._appendLanguage(language_field, language)
+ self._appendScore(score_field, score)
+ self._appendPayload(payload_field)
+ def _appendIndexType(self, index_type):
+ """Append `ON HASH` or `ON JSON` according to the enum."""
+ if index_type is IndexType.HASH:
+ self.args.extend(["ON", "HASH"])
+ elif index_type is IndexType.JSON:
+ self.args.extend(["ON", "JSON"])
+ elif index_type is not None:
+ raise RuntimeError("index_type must be one of {}".
+ format(list(IndexType)))
+ def _appendPrefix(self, prefix):
+ """Append PREFIX."""
+ if len(prefix) > 0:
+ self.args.append("PREFIX")
+ self.args.append(len(prefix))
+ for p in prefix:
+ self.args.append(p)
+ def _appendFilter(self, filter):
+ """Append FILTER."""
+ if filter is not None:
+ self.args.append("FILTER")
+ self.args.append(filter)
+ def _appendLanguage(self, language_field, language):
+ if language_field is not None:
+ self.args.append("LANGUAGE_FIELD")
+ self.args.append(language_field)
+ if language is not None:
+ self.args.append("LANGUAGE")
+ self.args.append(language)
+ def _appendScore(self, score_field, score):
+ """Append SCORE_FIELD and SCORE."""
+ if score_field is not None:
+ self.args.append("SCORE_FIELD")
+ self.args.append(score_field)
+ if score is not None:
+ self.args.append("SCORE")
+ self.args.append(score)
+ def _appendPayload(self, payload_field):
+ """Append PAYLOAD_FIELD."""
+ if payload_field is not None:
+ self.args.append("PAYLOAD_FIELD")
+ self.args.append(payload_field)
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@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+import six
+class Query(object):
+ """
+ Query is used to build complex queries that have more parameters than just
+ the query string. The query string is set in the constructor, and other
+ options have setter functions.
+ The setter functions return the query object, so they can be chained,
+ i.e. `Query("foo").verbatim().filter(...)` etc.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, query_string):
+ """
+ Create a new query object.
+ The query string is set in the constructor, and other options have
+ setter functions.
+ """
+ self._query_string = query_string
+ self._offset = 0
+ self._num = 10
+ self._no_content = False
+ self._no_stopwords = False
+ self._fields = None
+ self._verbatim = False
+ self._with_payloads = False
+ self._with_scores = False
+ self._scorer = False
+ self._filters = list()
+ self._ids = None
+ self._slop = -1
+ self._in_order = False
+ self._sortby = None
+ self._return_fields = []
+ self._summarize_fields = []
+ self._highlight_fields = []
+ self._language = None
+ self._expander = None
+ def query_string(self):
+ """Return the query string of this query only."""
+ return self._query_string
+ def limit_ids(self, *ids):
+ """Limit the results to a specific set of pre-known document
+ ids of any length."""
+ self._ids = ids
+ return self
+ def return_fields(self, *fields):
+ """Add fields to return fields."""
+ self._return_fields += fields
+ return self
+ def return_field(self, field, as_field=None):
+ """Add field to return fields (Optional: add 'AS' name
+ to the field)."""
+ self._return_fields.append(field)
+ if as_field is not None:
+ self._return_fields += ("AS", as_field)
+ return self
+ def _mk_field_list(self, fields):
+ if not fields:
+ return []
+ return \
+ [fields] if isinstance(fields, six.string_types) else list(fields)
+ def summarize(self, fields=None, context_len=None,
+ num_frags=None, sep=None):
+ """
+ Return an abridged format of the field, containing only the segments of
+ the field which contain the matching term(s).
+ If `fields` is specified, then only the mentioned fields are
+ summarized; otherwise all results are summarized.
+ Server side defaults are used for each option (except `fields`)
+ if not specified
+ - **fields** List of fields to summarize. All fields are summarized
+ if not specified
+ - **context_len** Amount of context to include with each fragment
+ - **num_frags** Number of fragments per document
+ - **sep** Separator string to separate fragments
+ """
+ args = ["SUMMARIZE"]
+ fields = self._mk_field_list(fields)
+ if fields:
+ args += ["FIELDS", str(len(fields))] + fields
+ if context_len is not None:
+ args += ["LEN", str(context_len)]
+ if num_frags is not None:
+ args += ["FRAGS", str(num_frags)]
+ if sep is not None:
+ args += ["SEPARATOR", sep]
+ self._summarize_fields = args
+ return self
+ def highlight(self, fields=None, tags=None):
+ """
+ Apply specified markup to matched term(s) within the returned field(s).
+ - **fields** If specified then only those mentioned fields are
+ highlighted, otherwise all fields are highlighted
+ - **tags** A list of two strings to surround the match.
+ """
+ args = ["HIGHLIGHT"]
+ fields = self._mk_field_list(fields)
+ if fields:
+ args += ["FIELDS", str(len(fields))] + fields
+ if tags:
+ args += ["TAGS"] + list(tags)
+ self._highlight_fields = args
+ return self
+ def language(self, language):
+ """
+ Analyze the query as being in the specified language.
+ :param language: The language (e.g. `chinese` or `english`)
+ """
+ self._language = language
+ return self
+ def slop(self, slop):
+ """Allow a maximum of N intervening non matched terms between
+ phrase terms (0 means exact phrase).
+ """
+ self._slop = slop
+ return self
+ def in_order(self):
+ """
+ Match only documents where the query terms appear in
+ the same order in the document.
+ i.e. for the query "hello world", we do not match "world hello"
+ """
+ self._in_order = True
+ return self
+ def scorer(self, scorer):
+ """
+ Use a different scoring function to evaluate document relevance.
+ Default is `TFIDF`.
+ :param scorer: The scoring function to use
+ (e.g. `TFIDF.DOCNORM` or `BM25`)
+ """
+ self._scorer = scorer
+ return self
+ def get_args(self):
+ """Format the redis arguments for this query and return them."""
+ args = [self._query_string]
+ args += self._get_args_tags()
+ args += self._summarize_fields + self._highlight_fields
+ args += ["LIMIT", self._offset, self._num]
+ return args
+ def _get_args_tags(self):
+ args = []
+ if self._no_content:
+ args.append("NOCONTENT")
+ if self._fields:
+ args.append("INFIELDS")
+ args.append(len(self._fields))
+ args += self._fields
+ if self._verbatim:
+ args.append("VERBATIM")
+ if self._no_stopwords:
+ args.append("NOSTOPWORDS")
+ if self._filters:
+ for flt in self._filters:
+ if not isinstance(flt, Filter):
+ raise AttributeError("Did not receive a Filter object.")
+ args += flt.args
+ if self._with_payloads:
+ args.append("WITHPAYLOADS")
+ if self._scorer:
+ args += ["SCORER", self._scorer]
+ if self._with_scores:
+ args.append("WITHSCORES")
+ if self._ids:
+ args.append("INKEYS")
+ args.append(len(self._ids))
+ args += self._ids
+ if self._slop >= 0:
+ args += ["SLOP", self._slop]
+ if self._in_order:
+ args.append("INORDER")
+ if self._return_fields:
+ args.append("RETURN")
+ args.append(len(self._return_fields))
+ args += self._return_fields
+ if self._sortby:
+ if not isinstance(self._sortby, SortbyField):
+ raise AttributeError("Did not receive a SortByField.")
+ args.append("SORTBY")
+ args += self._sortby.args
+ if self._language:
+ args += ["LANGUAGE", self._language]
+ if self._expander:
+ args += ["EXPANDER", self._expander]
+ return args
+ def paging(self, offset, num):
+ """
+ Set the paging for the query (defaults to 0..10).
+ - **offset**: Paging offset for the results. Defaults to 0
+ - **num**: How many results do we want
+ """
+ self._offset = offset
+ self._num = num
+ return self
+ def verbatim(self):
+ """Set the query to be verbatim, i.e. use no query expansion
+ or stemming.
+ """
+ self._verbatim = True
+ return self
+ def no_content(self):
+ """Set the query to only return ids and not the document content."""
+ self._no_content = True
+ return self
+ def no_stopwords(self):
+ """
+ Prevent the query from being filtered for stopwords.
+ Only useful in very big queries that you are certain contain
+ no stopwords.
+ """
+ self._no_stopwords = True
+ return self
+ def with_payloads(self):
+ """Ask the engine to return document payloads."""
+ self._with_payloads = True
+ return self
+ def with_scores(self):
+ """Ask the engine to return document search scores."""
+ self._with_scores = True
+ return self
+ def limit_fields(self, *fields):
+ """
+ Limit the search to specific TEXT fields only.
+ - **fields**: A list of strings, case sensitive field names
+ from the defined schema.
+ """
+ self._fields = fields
+ return self
+ def add_filter(self, flt):
+ """
+ Add a numeric or geo filter to the query.
+ **Currently only one of each filter is supported by the engine**
+ - **flt**: A NumericFilter or GeoFilter object, used on a
+ corresponding field
+ """
+ self._filters.append(flt)
+ return self
+ def sort_by(self, field, asc=True):
+ """
+ Add a sortby field to the query.
+ - **field** - the name of the field to sort by
+ - **asc** - when `True`, sorting will be done in asceding order
+ """
+ self._sortby = SortbyField(field, asc)
+ return self
+ def expander(self, expander):
+ """
+ Add a expander field to the query.
+ - **expander** - the name of the expander
+ """
+ self._expander = expander
+ return self
+class Filter(object):
+ def __init__(self, keyword, field, *args):
+ self.args = [keyword, field] + list(args)
+class NumericFilter(Filter):
+ INF = "+inf"
+ NEG_INF = "-inf"
+ def __init__(self, field, minval, maxval, minExclusive=False,
+ maxExclusive=False):
+ args = [
+ minval if not minExclusive else "({}".format(minval),
+ maxval if not maxExclusive else "({}".format(maxval),
+ ]
+ Filter.__init__(self, "FILTER", field, *args)
+class GeoFilter(Filter):
+ METERS = "m"
+ FEET = "ft"
+ MILES = "mi"
+ def __init__(self, field, lon, lat, radius, unit=KILOMETERS):
+ Filter.__init__(self, "GEOFILTER", field, lon, lat, radius, unit)
+class SortbyField(object):
+ def __init__(self, field, asc=True):
+ self.args = [field, "ASC" if asc else "DESC"]
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@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+from six import string_types, integer_types
+def tags(*t):
+ """
+ Indicate that the values should be matched to a tag field
+ ### Parameters
+ - **t**: Tags to search for
+ """
+ if not t:
+ raise ValueError("At least one tag must be specified")
+ return TagValue(*t)
+def between(a, b, inclusive_min=True, inclusive_max=True):
+ """
+ Indicate that value is a numeric range
+ """
+ return RangeValue(a, b, inclusive_min=inclusive_min,
+ inclusive_max=inclusive_max)
+def equal(n):
+ """
+ Match a numeric value
+ """
+ return between(n, n)
+def lt(n):
+ """
+ Match any value less than n
+ """
+ return between(None, n, inclusive_max=False)
+def le(n):
+ """
+ Match any value less or equal to n
+ """
+ return between(None, n, inclusive_max=True)
+def gt(n):
+ """
+ Match any value greater than n
+ """
+ return between(n, None, inclusive_min=False)
+def ge(n):
+ """
+ Match any value greater or equal to n
+ """
+ return between(n, None, inclusive_min=True)
+def geo(lat, lon, radius, unit="km"):
+ """
+ Indicate that value is a geo region
+ """
+ return GeoValue(lat, lon, radius, unit)
+class Value(object):
+ @property
+ def combinable(self):
+ """
+ Whether this type of value may be combined with other values
+ for the same field. This makes the filter potentially more efficient
+ """
+ return False
+ @staticmethod
+ def make_value(v):
+ """
+ Convert an object to a value, if it is not a value already
+ """
+ if isinstance(v, Value):
+ return v
+ return ScalarValue(v)
+ def to_string(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.to_string()
+class RangeValue(Value):
+ combinable = False
+ def __init__(self, a, b, inclusive_min=False, inclusive_max=False):
+ if a is None:
+ a = "-inf"
+ if b is None:
+ b = "inf"
+ self.range = [str(a), str(b)]
+ self.inclusive_min = inclusive_min
+ self.inclusive_max = inclusive_max
+ def to_string(self):
+ return "[{1}{0[0]} {2}{0[1]}]".format(
+ self.range,
+ "(" if not self.inclusive_min else "",
+ "(" if not self.inclusive_max else "",
+ )
+class ScalarValue(Value):
+ combinable = True
+ def __init__(self, v):
+ self.v = str(v)
+ def to_string(self):
+ return self.v
+class TagValue(Value):
+ combinable = False
+ def __init__(self, *tags):
+ self.tags = tags
+ def to_string(self):
+ return "{" + " | ".join(str(t) for t in self.tags) + "}"
+class GeoValue(Value):
+ def __init__(self, lon, lat, radius, unit="km"):
+ self.lon = lon
+ = lat
+ self.radius = radius
+ self.unit = unit
+class Node(object):
+ def __init__(self, *children, **kwparams):
+ """
+ Create a node
+ ### Parameters
+ - **children**: One or more sub-conditions. These can be additional
+ `intersect`, `disjunct`, `union`, `optional`, or any other `Node`
+ type.
+ The semantics of multiple conditions are dependent on the type of
+ query. For an `intersection` node, this amounts to a logical AND,
+ for a `union` node, this amounts to a logical `OR`.
+ - **kwparams**: key-value parameters. Each key is the name of a field,
+ and the value should be a field value. This can be one of the
+ following:
+ - Simple string (for text field matches)
+ - value returned by one of the helper functions
+ - list of either a string or a value
+ ### Examples
+ Field `num` should be between 1 and 10
+ ```
+ intersect(num=between(1, 10)
+ ```
+ Name can either be `bob` or `john`
+ ```
+ union(name=("bob", "john"))
+ ```
+ Don't select countries in Israel, Japan, or US
+ ```
+ disjunct_union(country=("il", "jp", "us"))
+ ```
+ """
+ self.params = []
+ kvparams = {}
+ for k, v in kwparams.items():
+ curvals = kvparams.setdefault(k, [])
+ if isinstance(v, (string_types, integer_types, float)):
+ curvals.append(Value.make_value(v))
+ elif isinstance(v, Value):
+ curvals.append(v)
+ else:
+ curvals.extend(Value.make_value(subv) for subv in v)
+ self.params += [Node.to_node(p) for p in children]
+ for k, v in kvparams.items():
+ self.params.extend(self.join_fields(k, v))
+ def join_fields(self, key, vals):
+ if len(vals) == 1:
+ return [BaseNode("@{}:{}".format(key, vals[0].to_string()))]
+ if not vals[0].combinable:
+ return [BaseNode("@{}:{}".format(key,
+ v.to_string())) for v in vals]
+ s = BaseNode(
+ "@{}:({})".format(key,
+ self.JOINSTR.join(v.to_string() for v in vals))
+ )
+ return [s]
+ @classmethod
+ def to_node(cls, obj): # noqa
+ if isinstance(obj, Node):
+ return obj
+ return BaseNode(obj)
+ @property
+ def JOINSTR(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def to_string(self, with_parens=None):
+ with_parens = self._should_use_paren(with_parens)
+ pre, post = ("(", ")") if with_parens else ("", "")
+ return "{}{}{}".format(
+ pre, self.JOINSTR.join(n.to_string() for n in self.params), post
+ )
+ def _should_use_paren(self, optval):
+ if optval is not None:
+ return optval
+ return len(self.params) > 1
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.to_string()
+class BaseNode(Node):
+ def __init__(self, s):
+ super(BaseNode, self).__init__()
+ self.s = str(s)
+ def to_string(self, with_parens=None):
+ return self.s
+class IntersectNode(Node):
+ """
+ Create an intersection node. All children need to be satisfied in order for
+ this node to evaluate as true
+ """
+ JOINSTR = " "
+class UnionNode(Node):
+ """
+ Create a union node. Any of the children need to be satisfied in order for
+ this node to evaluate as true
+ """
+ JOINSTR = "|"
+class DisjunctNode(IntersectNode):
+ """
+ Create a disjunct node. In order for this node to be true, all of its
+ children must evaluate to false
+ """
+ def to_string(self, with_parens=None):
+ with_parens = self._should_use_paren(with_parens)
+ ret = super(DisjunctNode, self).to_string(with_parens=False)
+ if with_parens:
+ return "(-" + ret + ")"
+ else:
+ return "-" + ret
+class DistjunctUnion(DisjunctNode):
+ """
+ This node is true if *all* of its children are false. This is equivalent to
+ ```
+ disjunct(union(...))
+ ```
+ """
+ JOINSTR = "|"
+class OptionalNode(IntersectNode):
+ """
+ Create an optional node. If this nodes evaluates to true, then the document
+ will be rated higher in score/rank.
+ """
+ def to_string(self, with_parens=None):
+ with_parens = self._should_use_paren(with_parens)
+ ret = super(OptionalNode, self).to_string(with_parens=False)
+ if with_parens:
+ return "(~" + ret + ")"
+ else:
+ return "~" + ret
+def intersect(*args, **kwargs):
+ return IntersectNode(*args, **kwargs)
+def union(*args, **kwargs):
+ return UnionNode(*args, **kwargs)
+def disjunct(*args, **kwargs):
+ return DisjunctNode(*args, **kwargs)
+def disjunct_union(*args, **kwargs):
+ return DistjunctUnion(*args, **kwargs)
+def querystring(*args, **kwargs):
+ return intersect(*args, **kwargs).to_string()
diff --git a/redis/commands/search/ b/redis/commands/search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cbbf2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/redis/commands/search/
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+from .aggregation import Reducer, SortDirection
+class FieldOnlyReducer(Reducer):
+ def __init__(self, field):
+ super(FieldOnlyReducer, self).__init__(field)
+ self._field = field
+class count(Reducer):
+ """
+ Counts the number of results in the group
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(count, self).__init__()
+class sum(FieldOnlyReducer):
+ """
+ Calculates the sum of all the values in the given fields within the group
+ """
+ NAME = "SUM"
+ def __init__(self, field):
+ super(sum, self).__init__(field)
+class min(FieldOnlyReducer):
+ """
+ Calculates the smallest value in the given field within the group
+ """
+ NAME = "MIN"
+ def __init__(self, field):
+ super(min, self).__init__(field)
+class max(FieldOnlyReducer):
+ """
+ Calculates the largest value in the given field within the group
+ """
+ NAME = "MAX"
+ def __init__(self, field):
+ super(max, self).__init__(field)
+class avg(FieldOnlyReducer):
+ """
+ Calculates the mean value in the given field within the group
+ """
+ NAME = "AVG"
+ def __init__(self, field):
+ super(avg, self).__init__(field)
+class tolist(FieldOnlyReducer):
+ """
+ Returns all the matched properties in a list
+ """
+ def __init__(self, field):
+ super(tolist, self).__init__(field)
+class count_distinct(FieldOnlyReducer):
+ """
+ Calculate the number of distinct values contained in all the results in
+ the group for the given field
+ """
+ def __init__(self, field):
+ super(count_distinct, self).__init__(field)
+class count_distinctish(FieldOnlyReducer):
+ """
+ Calculate the number of distinct values contained in all the results in the
+ group for the given field. This uses a faster algorithm than
+ `count_distinct` but is less accurate
+ """
+class quantile(Reducer):
+ """
+ Return the value for the nth percentile within the range of values for the
+ field within the group.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, field, pct):
+ super(quantile, self).__init__(field, str(pct))
+ self._field = field
+class stddev(FieldOnlyReducer):
+ """
+ Return the standard deviation for the values within the group
+ """
+ def __init__(self, field):
+ super(stddev, self).__init__(field)
+class first_value(Reducer):
+ """
+ Selects the first value within the group according to sorting parameters
+ """
+ def __init__(self, field, *byfields):
+ """
+ Selects the first value of the given field within the group.
+ ### Parameter
+ - **field**: Source field used for the value
+ - **byfields**: How to sort the results. This can be either the
+ *class* of `aggregation.Asc` or `aggregation.Desc` in which
+ case the field `field` is also used as the sort input.
+ `byfields` can also be one or more *instances* of `Asc` or `Desc`
+ indicating the sort order for these fields
+ """
+ fieldstrs = []
+ if (
+ len(byfields) == 1
+ and isinstance(byfields[0], type)
+ and issubclass(byfields[0], SortDirection)
+ ):
+ byfields = [byfields[0](field)]
+ for f in byfields:
+ fieldstrs += [f.field, f.DIRSTRING]
+ args = [field]
+ if fieldstrs:
+ args += ["BY"] + fieldstrs
+ super(first_value, self).__init__(*args)
+ self._field = field
+class random_sample(Reducer):
+ """
+ Returns a random sample of items from the dataset, from the given property
+ """
+ def __init__(self, field, size):
+ """
+ ### Parameter
+ **field**: Field to sample from
+ **size**: Return this many items (can be less)
+ """
+ args = [field, str(size)]
+ super(random_sample, self).__init__(*args)
+ self._field = field
diff --git a/redis/commands/search/ b/redis/commands/search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afc83f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/redis/commands/search/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+from six.moves import xrange, zip as izip
+from .document import Document
+from ._util import to_string
+class Result(object):
+ """
+ Represents the result of a search query, and has an array of Document
+ objects
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self, res, hascontent, duration=0, has_payload=False, with_scores=False
+ ):
+ """
+ - **snippets**: An optional dictionary of the form
+ {field: snippet_size} for snippet formatting
+ """
+ = res[0]
+ self.duration = duration
+ = []
+ step = 1
+ if hascontent:
+ step = step + 1
+ if has_payload:
+ step = step + 1
+ if with_scores:
+ step = step + 1
+ offset = 2 if with_scores else 1
+ for i in xrange(1, len(res), step):
+ id = to_string(res[i])
+ payload = to_string(res[i + offset]) if has_payload else None
+ # fields_offset = 2 if has_payload else 1
+ fields_offset = offset + 1 if has_payload else offset
+ score = float(res[i + 1]) if with_scores else None
+ fields = {}
+ if hascontent:
+ fields = (
+ dict(
+ dict(
+ izip(
+ map(to_string, res[i + fields_offset][::2]),
+ map(to_string, res[i + fields_offset][1::2]),
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ if hascontent
+ else {}
+ )
+ try:
+ del fields["id"]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ fields["json"] = fields["$"]
+ del fields["$"]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ doc = (
+ Document(id, score=score, payload=payload, **fields)
+ if with_scores
+ else Document(id, payload=payload, **fields)
+ )
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "Result{%d total, docs: %s}" % (,
diff --git a/redis/commands/search/ b/redis/commands/search/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..550c514
--- /dev/null
+++ b/redis/commands/search/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+from six.moves import xrange
+from ._util import to_string
+class Suggestion(object):
+ """
+ Represents a single suggestion being sent or returned from the
+ autocomplete server
+ """
+ def __init__(self, string, score=1.0, payload=None):
+ self.string = to_string(string)
+ self.payload = to_string(payload)
+ self.score = score
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.string
+class SuggestionParser(object):
+ """
+ Internal class used to parse results from the `SUGGET` command.
+ This needs to consume either 1, 2, or 3 values at a time from
+ the return value depending on what objects were requested
+ """
+ def __init__(self, with_scores, with_payloads, ret):
+ self.with_scores = with_scores
+ self.with_payloads = with_payloads
+ if with_scores and with_payloads:
+ self.sugsize = 3
+ self._scoreidx = 1
+ self._payloadidx = 2
+ elif with_scores:
+ self.sugsize = 2
+ self._scoreidx = 1
+ elif with_payloads:
+ self.sugsize = 2
+ self._payloadidx = 1
+ else:
+ self.sugsize = 1
+ self._scoreidx = -1
+ self._sugs = ret
+ def __iter__(self):
+ for i in xrange(0, len(self._sugs), self.sugsize):
+ ss = self._sugs[i]
+ score = float(self._sugs[i + self._scoreidx]) \
+ if self.with_scores else 1.0
+ payload = self._sugs[i + self._payloadidx] \
+ if self.with_payloads else None
+ yield Suggestion(ss, score, payload)