path: root/tests/test_asyncio/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/test_asyncio/')
1 files changed, 2232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test_asyncio/ b/tests/test_asyncio/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6543e28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_asyncio/
@@ -0,0 +1,2232 @@
+import asyncio
+import binascii
+import datetime
+import sys
+import warnings
+import pytest
+from .compat import mock
+if sys.version_info[0:2] == (3, 6):
+ import pytest as pytest_asyncio
+ import pytest_asyncio
+from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Type, Union
+from _pytest.fixtures import FixtureRequest, SubRequest
+from redis.asyncio import Connection, RedisCluster
+from redis.asyncio.cluster import (
+ ClusterNode,
+ NodesManager,
+ get_node_name,
+from redis.asyncio.parser import CommandsParser
+from redis.crc import key_slot
+from redis.exceptions import (
+ AskError,
+ ClusterDownError,
+ ConnectionError,
+ DataError,
+ MovedError,
+ NoPermissionError,
+ RedisClusterException,
+ RedisError,
+ ResponseError,
+from redis.utils import str_if_bytes
+from tests.conftest import (
+ skip_if_redis_enterprise,
+ skip_if_server_version_lt,
+ skip_unless_arch_bits,
+pytestmark = pytest.mark.asyncio
+default_host = ""
+default_port = 7000
+default_cluster_slots = [
+ [0, 8191, ["", 7000, "node_0"], ["", 7003, "node_3"]],
+ [8192, 16383, ["", 7001, "node_1"], ["", 7002, "node_2"]],
+async def slowlog(request: SubRequest, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ """
+ Set the slowlog threshold to 0, and the
+ max length to 128. This will force every
+ command into the slowlog and allow us
+ to test it
+ """
+ # Save old values
+ current_config = await r.config_get(target_nodes=r.get_primaries()[0])
+ old_slower_than_value = current_config["slowlog-log-slower-than"]
+ old_max_length_value = current_config["slowlog-max-len"]
+ # Set the new values
+ await r.config_set("slowlog-log-slower-than", 0)
+ await r.config_set("slowlog-max-len", 128)
+ yield
+ await r.config_set("slowlog-log-slower-than", old_slower_than_value)
+ await r.config_set("slowlog-max-len", old_max_length_value)
+async def get_mocked_redis_client(*args, **kwargs) -> RedisCluster:
+ """
+ Return a stable RedisCluster object that have deterministic
+ nodes and slots setup to remove the problem of different IP addresses
+ on different installations and machines.
+ """
+ cluster_slots = kwargs.pop("cluster_slots", default_cluster_slots)
+ coverage_res = kwargs.pop("coverage_result", "yes")
+ cluster_enabled = kwargs.pop("cluster_enabled", True)
+ with mock.patch.object(ClusterNode, "execute_command") as execute_command_mock:
+ async def execute_command(*_args, **_kwargs):
+ if _args[0] == "CLUSTER SLOTS":
+ mock_cluster_slots = cluster_slots
+ return mock_cluster_slots
+ elif _args[0] == "COMMAND":
+ return {"get": [], "set": []}
+ elif _args[0] == "INFO":
+ return {"cluster_enabled": cluster_enabled}
+ elif len(_args) > 1 and _args[1] == "cluster-require-full-coverage":
+ return {"cluster-require-full-coverage": coverage_res}
+ else:
+ return await execute_command_mock(*_args, **_kwargs)
+ execute_command_mock.side_effect = execute_command
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ CommandsParser, "initialize", autospec=True
+ ) as cmd_parser_initialize:
+ def cmd_init_mock(self, r):
+ self.commands = {
+ "GET": {
+ "name": "get",
+ "arity": 2,
+ "flags": ["readonly", "fast"],
+ "first_key_pos": 1,
+ "last_key_pos": 1,
+ "step_count": 1,
+ }
+ }
+ cmd_parser_initialize.side_effect = cmd_init_mock
+ return await RedisCluster(*args, **kwargs)
+def mock_node_resp(
+ node: ClusterNode,
+ response: Union[
+ List[List[Union[int, List[Union[str, int]]]]], List[bytes], str, int
+ ],
+) -> ClusterNode:
+ connection = mock.AsyncMock()
+ connection.is_connected = True
+ connection.read_response_without_lock.return_value = response
+ while node._free:
+ node._free.pop()
+ node._free.append(connection)
+ return node
+def mock_all_nodes_resp(
+ rc: RedisCluster,
+ response: Union[
+ List[List[Union[int, List[Union[str, int]]]]], List[bytes], int, str
+ ],
+) -> RedisCluster:
+ for node in rc.get_nodes():
+ mock_node_resp(node, response)
+ return rc
+async def moved_redirection_helper(
+ request: FixtureRequest, create_redis: Callable, failover: bool = False
+) -> None:
+ """
+ Test that the client handles MOVED response after a failover.
+ Redirection after a failover means that the redirection address is of a
+ replica that was promoted to a primary.
+ At first call it should return a MOVED ResponseError that will point
+ the client to the next server it should talk to.
+ Verify that:
+ 1. it tries to talk to the redirected node
+ 2. it updates the slot's primary to the redirected node
+ For a failover, also verify:
+ 3. the redirected node's server type updated to 'primary'
+ 4. the server type of the previous slot owner updated to 'replica'
+ """
+ rc = await create_redis(cls=RedisCluster, flushdb=False)
+ slot = 12182
+ redirect_node = None
+ # Get the current primary that holds this slot
+ prev_primary = rc.nodes_manager.get_node_from_slot(slot)
+ if failover:
+ if len(rc.nodes_manager.slots_cache[slot]) < 2:
+ warnings.warn("Skipping this test since it requires to have a " "replica")
+ return
+ redirect_node = rc.nodes_manager.slots_cache[slot][1]
+ else:
+ # Use one of the primaries to be the redirected node
+ redirect_node = rc.get_primaries()[0]
+ r_host =
+ r_port = redirect_node.port
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ ClusterNode, "execute_command", autospec=True
+ ) as execute_command:
+ def moved_redirect_effect(self, *args, **options):
+ def ok_response(self, *args, **options):
+ assert == r_host
+ assert self.port == r_port
+ return "MOCK_OK"
+ execute_command.side_effect = ok_response
+ raise MovedError(f"{slot} {r_host}:{r_port}")
+ execute_command.side_effect = moved_redirect_effect
+ assert await rc.execute_command("SET", "foo", "bar") == "MOCK_OK"
+ slot_primary = rc.nodes_manager.slots_cache[slot][0]
+ assert slot_primary == redirect_node
+ if failover:
+ assert rc.get_node(host=r_host, port=r_port).server_type == PRIMARY
+ assert prev_primary.server_type == REPLICA
+class TestRedisClusterObj:
+ """
+ Tests for the RedisCluster class
+ """
+ async def test_host_port_startup_node(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Test that it is possible to use host & port arguments as startup node
+ args
+ """
+ cluster = await get_mocked_redis_client(host=default_host, port=default_port)
+ assert cluster.get_node(host=default_host, port=default_port) is not None
+ await cluster.close()
+ async def test_startup_nodes(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Test that it is possible to use startup_nodes
+ argument to init the cluster
+ """
+ port_1 = 7000
+ port_2 = 7001
+ startup_nodes = [
+ ClusterNode(default_host, port_1),
+ ClusterNode(default_host, port_2),
+ ]
+ cluster = await get_mocked_redis_client(startup_nodes=startup_nodes)
+ assert (
+ cluster.get_node(host=default_host, port=port_1) is not None
+ and cluster.get_node(host=default_host, port=port_2) is not None
+ )
+ await cluster.close()
+ async def test_empty_startup_nodes(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Test that exception is raised when empty providing empty startup_nodes
+ """
+ with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException) as ex:
+ RedisCluster(startup_nodes=[])
+ assert str(ex.value).startswith(
+ "RedisCluster requires at least one node to discover the " "cluster"
+ ), str_if_bytes(ex.value)
+ async def test_from_url(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ redis_url = f"redis://{default_host}:{default_port}/0"
+ with mock.patch.object(RedisCluster, "from_url") as from_url:
+ async def from_url_mocked(_url, **_kwargs):
+ return await get_mocked_redis_client(url=_url, **_kwargs)
+ from_url.side_effect = from_url_mocked
+ cluster = await RedisCluster.from_url(redis_url)
+ assert cluster.get_node(host=default_host, port=default_port) is not None
+ await cluster.close()
+ async def test_execute_command_errors(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ """
+ Test that if no key is provided then exception should be raised.
+ """
+ with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException) as ex:
+ await r.execute_command("GET")
+ assert str(ex.value).startswith(
+ "No way to dispatch this command to " "Redis Cluster. Missing key."
+ )
+ async def test_execute_command_node_flag_primaries(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ """
+ Test command execution with nodes flag PRIMARIES
+ """
+ primaries = r.get_primaries()
+ replicas = r.get_replicas()
+ mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "PONG")
+ assert await is True
+ for primary in primaries:
+ conn = primary._free.pop()
+ assert conn.read_response_without_lock.called is True
+ for replica in replicas:
+ conn = replica._free.pop()
+ assert conn.read_response_without_lock.called is not True
+ async def test_execute_command_node_flag_replicas(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ """
+ Test command execution with nodes flag REPLICAS
+ """
+ replicas = r.get_replicas()
+ if not replicas:
+ r = await get_mocked_redis_client(default_host, default_port)
+ primaries = r.get_primaries()
+ mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "PONG")
+ assert await is True
+ for replica in replicas:
+ conn = replica._free.pop()
+ assert conn.read_response_without_lock.called is True
+ for primary in primaries:
+ conn = primary._free.pop()
+ assert conn.read_response_without_lock.called is not True
+ await r.close()
+ async def test_execute_command_node_flag_all_nodes(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ """
+ Test command execution with nodes flag ALL_NODES
+ """
+ mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "PONG")
+ assert await is True
+ for node in r.get_nodes():
+ conn = node._free.pop()
+ assert conn.read_response_without_lock.called is True
+ async def test_execute_command_node_flag_random(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ """
+ Test command execution with nodes flag RANDOM
+ """
+ mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "PONG")
+ assert await is True
+ called_count = 0
+ for node in r.get_nodes():
+ conn = node._free.pop()
+ if conn.read_response_without_lock.called is True:
+ called_count += 1
+ assert called_count == 1
+ async def test_execute_command_default_node(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ """
+ Test command execution without node flag is being executed on the
+ default node
+ """
+ def_node = r.get_default_node()
+ mock_node_resp(def_node, "PONG")
+ assert await is True
+ conn = def_node._free.pop()
+ assert conn.read_response_without_lock.called
+ async def test_ask_redirection(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ """
+ Test that the server handles ASK response.
+ At first call it should return a ASK ResponseError that will point
+ the client to the next server it should talk to.
+ Important thing to verify is that it tries to talk to the second node.
+ """
+ redirect_node = r.get_nodes()[0]
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ ClusterNode, "execute_command", autospec=True
+ ) as execute_command:
+ def ask_redirect_effect(self, *args, **options):
+ def ok_response(self, *args, **options):
+ assert ==
+ assert self.port == redirect_node.port
+ return "MOCK_OK"
+ execute_command.side_effect = ok_response
+ raise AskError(f"12182 {}:{redirect_node.port}")
+ execute_command.side_effect = ask_redirect_effect
+ assert await r.execute_command("SET", "foo", "bar") == "MOCK_OK"
+ async def test_moved_redirection(
+ self, request: FixtureRequest, create_redis: Callable
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Test that the client handles MOVED response.
+ """
+ await moved_redirection_helper(request, create_redis, failover=False)
+ async def test_moved_redirection_after_failover(
+ self, request: FixtureRequest, create_redis: Callable
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Test that the client handles MOVED response after a failover.
+ """
+ await moved_redirection_helper(request, create_redis, failover=True)
+ async def test_refresh_using_specific_nodes(
+ self, request: FixtureRequest, create_redis: Callable
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Test making calls on specific nodes when the cluster has failed over to
+ another node
+ """
+ node_7006 = ClusterNode(host=default_host, port=7006, server_type=PRIMARY)
+ node_7007 = ClusterNode(host=default_host, port=7007, server_type=PRIMARY)
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ ClusterNode, "execute_command", autospec=True
+ ) as execute_command:
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ NodesManager, "initialize", autospec=True
+ ) as initialize:
+ with mock.patch.multiple(
+ Connection,
+ send_packed_command=mock.DEFAULT,
+ connect=mock.DEFAULT,
+ can_read=mock.DEFAULT,
+ ) as mocks:
+ # simulate 7006 as a failed node
+ def execute_command_mock(self, *args, **options):
+ if self.port == 7006:
+ execute_command.failed_calls += 1
+ raise ClusterDownError(
+ "CLUSTERDOWN The cluster is "
+ "down. Use CLUSTER INFO for "
+ "more information"
+ )
+ elif self.port == 7007:
+ execute_command.successful_calls += 1
+ def initialize_mock(self):
+ # start with all slots mapped to 7006
+ self.nodes_cache = { node_7006}
+ self.default_node = node_7006
+ self.slots_cache = {}
+ for i in range(0, 16383):
+ self.slots_cache[i] = [node_7006]
+ # After the first connection fails, a reinitialize
+ # should follow the cluster to 7007
+ def map_7007(self):
+ self.nodes_cache = { node_7007}
+ self.default_node = node_7007
+ self.slots_cache = {}
+ for i in range(0, 16383):
+ self.slots_cache[i] = [node_7007]
+ # Change initialize side effect for the second call
+ initialize.side_effect = map_7007
+ execute_command.side_effect = execute_command_mock
+ execute_command.successful_calls = 0
+ execute_command.failed_calls = 0
+ initialize.side_effect = initialize_mock
+ mocks["can_read"].return_value = False
+ mocks["send_packed_command"].return_value = "MOCK_OK"
+ mocks["connect"].return_value = None
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ CommandsParser, "initialize", autospec=True
+ ) as cmd_parser_initialize:
+ def cmd_init_mock(self, r):
+ self.commands = {
+ "GET": {
+ "name": "get",
+ "arity": 2,
+ "flags": ["readonly", "fast"],
+ "first_key_pos": 1,
+ "last_key_pos": 1,
+ "step_count": 1,
+ }
+ }
+ cmd_parser_initialize.side_effect = cmd_init_mock
+ rc = await create_redis(cls=RedisCluster, flushdb=False)
+ assert len(rc.get_nodes()) == 1
+ assert rc.get_node( is not None
+ await rc.get("foo")
+ # Cluster should now point to 7007, and there should be
+ # one failed and one successful call
+ assert len(rc.get_nodes()) == 1
+ assert rc.get_node( is not None
+ assert rc.get_node( is None
+ assert execute_command.failed_calls == 1
+ assert execute_command.successful_calls == 1
+ async def test_reading_from_replicas_in_round_robin(self) -> None:
+ with mock.patch.multiple(
+ Connection,
+ send_command=mock.DEFAULT,
+ read_response_without_lock=mock.DEFAULT,
+ _connect=mock.DEFAULT,
+ can_read=mock.DEFAULT,
+ on_connect=mock.DEFAULT,
+ ) as mocks:
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ ClusterNode, "execute_command", autospec=True
+ ) as execute_command:
+ async def execute_command_mock_first(self, *args, **options):
+ await self.connection_class(**self.connection_kwargs).connect()
+ # Primary
+ assert self.port == 7001
+ execute_command.side_effect = execute_command_mock_second
+ return "MOCK_OK"
+ def execute_command_mock_second(self, *args, **options):
+ # Replica
+ assert self.port == 7002
+ execute_command.side_effect = execute_command_mock_third
+ return "MOCK_OK"
+ def execute_command_mock_third(self, *args, **options):
+ # Primary
+ assert self.port == 7001
+ return "MOCK_OK"
+ # We don't need to create a real cluster connection but we
+ # do want RedisCluster.on_connect function to get called,
+ # so we'll mock some of the Connection's functions to allow it
+ execute_command.side_effect = execute_command_mock_first
+ mocks["send_command"].return_value = True
+ mocks["read_response_without_lock"].return_value = "OK"
+ mocks["_connect"].return_value = True
+ mocks["can_read"].return_value = False
+ mocks["on_connect"].return_value = True
+ # Create a cluster with reading from replications
+ read_cluster = await get_mocked_redis_client(
+ host=default_host, port=default_port, read_from_replicas=True
+ )
+ assert read_cluster.read_from_replicas is True
+ # Check that we read from the slot's nodes in a round robin
+ # matter.
+ # 'foo' belongs to slot 12182 and the slot's nodes are:
+ # [(,7001,primary), (,7002,replica)]
+ await read_cluster.get("foo")
+ await read_cluster.get("foo")
+ await read_cluster.get("foo")
+ mocks["send_command"].assert_has_calls(["READONLY")])
+ await read_cluster.close()
+ async def test_keyslot(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ """
+ Test that method will compute correct key in all supported cases
+ """
+ assert r.keyslot("foo") == 12182
+ assert r.keyslot("{foo}bar") == 12182
+ assert r.keyslot("{foo}") == 12182
+ assert r.keyslot(1337) == 4314
+ assert r.keyslot(125) == r.keyslot(b"125")
+ assert r.keyslot(125) == r.keyslot("\x31\x32\x35")
+ assert r.keyslot("大奖") == r.keyslot(b"\xe5\xa4\xa7\xe5\xa5\x96")
+ assert r.keyslot("大奖") == r.keyslot(b"\xe5\xa4\xa7\xe5\xa5\x96")
+ assert r.keyslot(1337.1234) == r.keyslot("1337.1234")
+ assert r.keyslot(1337) == r.keyslot("1337")
+ assert r.keyslot(b"abc") == r.keyslot("abc")
+ async def test_get_node_name(self) -> None:
+ assert (
+ get_node_name(default_host, default_port)
+ == f"{default_host}:{default_port}"
+ )
+ async def test_all_nodes(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ """
+ Set a list of nodes and it should be possible to iterate over all
+ """
+ nodes = [node for node in r.nodes_manager.nodes_cache.values()]
+ for i, node in enumerate(r.get_nodes()):
+ assert node in nodes
+ async def test_all_nodes_masters(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ """
+ Set a list of nodes with random primaries/replicas config and it shold
+ be possible to iterate over all of them.
+ """
+ nodes = [
+ node
+ for node in r.nodes_manager.nodes_cache.values()
+ if node.server_type == PRIMARY
+ ]
+ for node in r.get_primaries():
+ assert node in nodes
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("error", RedisCluster.ERRORS_ALLOW_RETRY)
+ async def test_cluster_down_overreaches_retry_attempts(
+ self,
+ error: Union[Type[TimeoutError], Type[ClusterDownError], Type[ConnectionError]],
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ When error that allows retry is thrown, test that we retry executing
+ the command as many times as configured in cluster_error_retry_attempts
+ and then raise the exception
+ """
+ with mock.patch.object(RedisCluster, "_execute_command") as execute_command:
+ def raise_error(target_node, *args, **kwargs):
+ execute_command.failed_calls += 1
+ raise error("mocked error")
+ execute_command.side_effect = raise_error
+ rc = await get_mocked_redis_client(host=default_host, port=default_port)
+ with pytest.raises(error):
+ await rc.get("bar")
+ assert execute_command.failed_calls == rc.cluster_error_retry_attempts
+ await rc.close()
+ async def test_set_default_node_success(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ """
+ test successful replacement of the default cluster node
+ """
+ default_node = r.get_default_node()
+ # get a different node
+ new_def_node = None
+ for node in r.get_nodes():
+ if node != default_node:
+ new_def_node = node
+ break
+ r.set_default_node(new_def_node)
+ assert r.get_default_node() == new_def_node
+ async def test_set_default_node_failure(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ """
+ test failed replacement of the default cluster node
+ """
+ default_node = r.get_default_node()
+ new_def_node = ClusterNode("", 1111)
+ with pytest.raises(DataError):
+ r.set_default_node(None)
+ with pytest.raises(DataError):
+ r.set_default_node(new_def_node)
+ assert r.get_default_node() == default_node
+ async def test_get_node_from_key(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ """
+ Test that get_node_from_key function returns the correct node
+ """
+ key = "bar"
+ slot = r.keyslot(key)
+ slot_nodes = r.nodes_manager.slots_cache.get(slot)
+ primary = slot_nodes[0]
+ assert r.get_node_from_key(key, replica=False) == primary
+ replica = r.get_node_from_key(key, replica=True)
+ if replica is not None:
+ assert replica.server_type == REPLICA
+ assert replica in slot_nodes
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_not_require_full_coverage_cluster_down_error(
+ self, r: RedisCluster
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ When require_full_coverage is set to False (default client config) and not
+ all slots are covered, if one of the nodes has 'cluster-require_full_coverage'
+ config set to 'yes' some key-based commands should throw ClusterDownError
+ """
+ node = r.get_node_from_key("foo")
+ missing_slot = r.keyslot("foo")
+ assert await r.set("foo", "bar") is True
+ try:
+ assert all(await r.cluster_delslots(missing_slot))
+ with pytest.raises(ClusterDownError):
+ await r.exists("foo")
+ finally:
+ try:
+ # Add back the missing slot
+ assert await r.cluster_addslots(node, missing_slot) is True
+ # Make sure we are not getting ClusterDownError anymore
+ assert await r.exists("foo") == 1
+ except ResponseError as e:
+ if f"Slot {missing_slot} is already busy" in str(e):
+ # It can happen if the test failed to delete this slot
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise e
+ async def test_can_run_concurrent_commands(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ assert await is True
+ assert all(
+ await asyncio.gather(
+ *( for _ in range(100))
+ )
+ )
+class TestClusterRedisCommands:
+ """
+ Tests for RedisCluster unique commands
+ """
+ async def test_get_and_set(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ # get and set can't be tested independently of each other
+ assert await r.get("a") is None
+ byte_string = b"value"
+ integer = 5
+ unicode_string = chr(3456) + "abcd" + chr(3421)
+ assert await r.set("byte_string", byte_string)
+ assert await r.set("integer", 5)
+ assert await r.set("unicode_string", unicode_string)
+ assert await r.get("byte_string") == byte_string
+ assert await r.get("integer") == str(integer).encode()
+ assert (await r.get("unicode_string")).decode("utf-8") == unicode_string
+ async def test_mget_nonatomic(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ assert await r.mget_nonatomic([]) == []
+ assert await r.mget_nonatomic(["a", "b"]) == [None, None]
+ await r.set("a", "1")
+ await r.set("b", "2")
+ await r.set("c", "3")
+ assert await r.mget_nonatomic("a", "other", "b", "c") == [
+ b"1",
+ None,
+ b"2",
+ b"3",
+ ]
+ async def test_mset_nonatomic(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ d = {"a": b"1", "b": b"2", "c": b"3", "d": b"4"}
+ assert await r.mset_nonatomic(d)
+ for k, v in d.items():
+ assert await r.get(k) == v
+ async def test_config_set(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ assert await r.config_set("slowlog-log-slower-than", 0)
+ async def test_cluster_config_resetstat(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await"all")
+ all_info = await"all")
+ prior_commands_processed = -1
+ for node_info in all_info.values():
+ prior_commands_processed = node_info["total_commands_processed"]
+ assert prior_commands_processed >= 1
+ await r.config_resetstat(target_nodes="all")
+ all_info = await"all")
+ for node_info in all_info.values():
+ reset_commands_processed = node_info["total_commands_processed"]
+ assert reset_commands_processed < prior_commands_processed
+ async def test_client_setname(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ node = r.get_random_node()
+ await r.client_setname("redis_py_test", target_nodes=node)
+ client_name = await r.client_getname(target_nodes=node)
+ assert client_name == "redis_py_test"
+ async def test_exists(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ d = {"a": b"1", "b": b"2", "c": b"3", "d": b"4"}
+ await r.mset_nonatomic(d)
+ assert await r.exists(*d.keys()) == len(d)
+ async def test_delete(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ d = {"a": b"1", "b": b"2", "c": b"3", "d": b"4"}
+ await r.mset_nonatomic(d)
+ assert await r.delete(*d.keys()) == len(d)
+ assert await r.delete(*d.keys()) == 0
+ async def test_touch(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ d = {"a": b"1", "b": b"2", "c": b"3", "d": b"4"}
+ await r.mset_nonatomic(d)
+ assert await r.touch(*d.keys()) == len(d)
+ async def test_unlink(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ d = {"a": b"1", "b": b"2", "c": b"3", "d": b"4"}
+ await r.mset_nonatomic(d)
+ assert await r.unlink(*d.keys()) == len(d)
+ # Unlink is non-blocking so we sleep before
+ # verifying the deletion
+ await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
+ assert await r.unlink(*d.keys()) == 0
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_cluster_myid(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ node = r.get_random_node()
+ myid = await r.cluster_myid(node)
+ assert len(myid) == 40
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_cluster_slots(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ mock_all_nodes_resp(r, default_cluster_slots)
+ cluster_slots = await r.cluster_slots()
+ assert isinstance(cluster_slots, dict)
+ assert len(default_cluster_slots) == len(cluster_slots)
+ assert cluster_slots.get((0, 8191)) is not None
+ assert cluster_slots.get((0, 8191)).get("primary") == ("", 7000)
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_cluster_addslots(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ node = r.get_random_node()
+ mock_node_resp(node, "OK")
+ assert await r.cluster_addslots(node, 1, 2, 3) is True
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("7.0.0")
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_cluster_addslotsrange(self, r: RedisCluster):
+ node = r.get_random_node()
+ mock_node_resp(node, "OK")
+ assert await r.cluster_addslotsrange(node, 1, 5)
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_cluster_countkeysinslot(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ node = r.nodes_manager.get_node_from_slot(1)
+ mock_node_resp(node, 2)
+ assert await r.cluster_countkeysinslot(1) == 2
+ async def test_cluster_count_failure_report(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ mock_all_nodes_resp(r, 0)
+ assert await r.cluster_count_failure_report("node_0") == 0
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_cluster_delslots(self) -> None:
+ cluster_slots = [
+ [0, 8191, ["", 7000, "node_0"]],
+ [8192, 16383, ["", 7001, "node_1"]],
+ ]
+ r = await get_mocked_redis_client(
+ host=default_host, port=default_port, cluster_slots=cluster_slots
+ )
+ mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "OK")
+ node0 = r.get_node(default_host, 7000)
+ node1 = r.get_node(default_host, 7001)
+ assert await r.cluster_delslots(0, 8192) == [True, True]
+ assert node0._free.pop().read_response_without_lock.called
+ assert node1._free.pop().read_response_without_lock.called
+ await r.close()
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("7.0.0")
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_cluster_delslotsrange(self, r: RedisCluster):
+ node = r.get_random_node()
+ mock_node_resp(node, "OK")
+ await r.cluster_addslots(node, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
+ assert await r.cluster_delslotsrange(1, 5)
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_cluster_failover(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ node = r.get_random_node()
+ mock_node_resp(node, "OK")
+ assert await r.cluster_failover(node) is True
+ assert await r.cluster_failover(node, "FORCE") is True
+ assert await r.cluster_failover(node, "TAKEOVER") is True
+ with pytest.raises(RedisError):
+ await r.cluster_failover(node, "FORCT")
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_cluster_info(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ info = await r.cluster_info()
+ assert isinstance(info, dict)
+ assert info["cluster_state"] == "ok"
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_cluster_keyslot(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ mock_all_nodes_resp(r, 12182)
+ assert await r.cluster_keyslot("foo") == 12182
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_cluster_meet(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ node = r.get_default_node()
+ mock_node_resp(node, "OK")
+ assert await r.cluster_meet("", 6379) is True
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_cluster_nodes(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ response = (
+ "c8253bae761cb1ecb2b61857d85dfe455a0fec8b "
+ "slave aa90da731f673a99617dfe930306549a09f83a6b 0 "
+ "1447836263059 5 connected\n"
+ "9bd595fe4821a0e8d6b99d70faa660638a7612b3 "
+ "master - 0 1447836264065 0 connected\n"
+ "aa90da731f673a99617dfe930306549a09f83a6b "
+ "myself,master - 0 0 2 connected 5461-10922\n"
+ "1df047e5a594f945d82fc140be97a1452bcbf93e "
+ "slave 19efe5a631f3296fdf21a5441680f893e8cc96ec 0 "
+ "1447836262556 3 connected\n"
+ "4ad9a12e63e8f0207025eeba2354bcf4c85e5b22 "
+ "master - 0 1447836262555 7 connected 0-5460\n"
+ "19efe5a631f3296fdf21a5441680f893e8cc96ec "
+ "master - 0 1447836263562 3 connected 10923-16383\n"
+ "fbb23ed8cfa23f17eaf27ff7d0c410492a1093d6 "
+ "master,fail - 1447829446956 1447829444948 1 disconnected\n"
+ )
+ mock_all_nodes_resp(r, response)
+ nodes = await r.cluster_nodes()
+ assert len(nodes) == 7
+ assert nodes.get("") is not None
+ assert (
+ nodes.get("").get("node_id")
+ == "c8253bae761cb1ecb2b61857d85dfe455a0fec8b"
+ )
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_cluster_nodes_importing_migrating(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ response = (
+ "488ead2fcce24d8c0f158f9172cb1f4a9e040fe5 "
+ "master - 0 1648975557664 3 connected 10923-16383\n"
+ "8ae2e70812db80776f739a72374e57fc4ae6f89d "
+ "master - 0 1648975555000 2 connected 1 5461-10922 ["
+ "2-<-ed8007ccfa2d91a7b76f8e6fba7ba7e257034a16]\n"
+ "ed8007ccfa2d91a7b76f8e6fba7ba7e257034a16 "
+ "myself,master - 0 1648975556000 1 connected 0 2-5460 ["
+ "2->-8ae2e70812db80776f739a72374e57fc4ae6f89d]\n"
+ )
+ mock_all_nodes_resp(r, response)
+ nodes = await r.cluster_nodes()
+ assert len(nodes) == 3
+ node_16379 = nodes.get("")
+ node_16380 = nodes.get("")
+ node_16381 = nodes.get("")
+ assert node_16379.get("migrations") == [
+ {
+ "slot": "2",
+ "node_id": "8ae2e70812db80776f739a72374e57fc4ae6f89d",
+ "state": "migrating",
+ }
+ ]
+ assert node_16379.get("slots") == [["0"], ["2", "5460"]]
+ assert node_16380.get("migrations") == [
+ {
+ "slot": "2",
+ "node_id": "ed8007ccfa2d91a7b76f8e6fba7ba7e257034a16",
+ "state": "importing",
+ }
+ ]
+ assert node_16380.get("slots") == [["1"], ["5461", "10922"]]
+ assert node_16381.get("slots") == [["10923", "16383"]]
+ assert node_16381.get("migrations") == []
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_cluster_replicate(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ node = r.get_random_node()
+ all_replicas = r.get_replicas()
+ mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "OK")
+ assert await r.cluster_replicate(node, "c8253bae761cb61857d") is True
+ results = await r.cluster_replicate(all_replicas, "c8253bae761cb61857d")
+ if isinstance(results, dict):
+ for res in results.values():
+ assert res is True
+ else:
+ assert results is True
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_cluster_reset(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "OK")
+ assert await r.cluster_reset() is True
+ assert await r.cluster_reset(False) is True
+ all_results = await r.cluster_reset(False, target_nodes="all")
+ for res in all_results.values():
+ assert res is True
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_cluster_save_config(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ node = r.get_random_node()
+ all_nodes = r.get_nodes()
+ mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "OK")
+ assert await r.cluster_save_config(node) is True
+ all_results = await r.cluster_save_config(all_nodes)
+ for res in all_results.values():
+ assert res is True
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_cluster_get_keys_in_slot(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ response = ["{foo}1", "{foo}2"]
+ node = r.nodes_manager.get_node_from_slot(12182)
+ mock_node_resp(node, response)
+ keys = await r.cluster_get_keys_in_slot(12182, 4)
+ assert keys == response
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_cluster_set_config_epoch(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "OK")
+ assert await r.cluster_set_config_epoch(3) is True
+ all_results = await r.cluster_set_config_epoch(3, target_nodes="all")
+ for res in all_results.values():
+ assert res is True
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_cluster_setslot(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ node = r.get_random_node()
+ mock_node_resp(node, "OK")
+ assert await r.cluster_setslot(node, "node_0", 1218, "IMPORTING") is True
+ assert await r.cluster_setslot(node, "node_0", 1218, "NODE") is True
+ assert await r.cluster_setslot(node, "node_0", 1218, "MIGRATING") is True
+ with pytest.raises(RedisError):
+ await r.cluster_failover(node, "STABLE")
+ with pytest.raises(RedisError):
+ await r.cluster_failover(node, "STATE")
+ async def test_cluster_setslot_stable(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ node = r.nodes_manager.get_node_from_slot(12182)
+ mock_node_resp(node, "OK")
+ assert await r.cluster_setslot_stable(12182) is True
+ assert node._free.pop().read_response_without_lock.called
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_cluster_replicas(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ response = [
+ b"01eca22229cf3c652b6fca0d09ff6941e0d2e3 "
+ b" slave "
+ b"52611e796814b78e90ad94be9d769a4f668f9a 0 "
+ b"1634550063436 4 connected",
+ b"r4xfga22229cf3c652b6fca0d09ff69f3e0d4d "
+ b" slave "
+ b"52611e796814b78e90ad94be9d769a4f668f9a 0 "
+ b"1634550063436 4 connected",
+ ]
+ mock_all_nodes_resp(r, response)
+ replicas = await r.cluster_replicas("52611e796814b78e90ad94be9d769a4f668f9a")
+ assert replicas.get("") is not None
+ assert replicas.get("") is not None
+ assert (
+ replicas.get("").get("node_id")
+ == "r4xfga22229cf3c652b6fca0d09ff69f3e0d4d"
+ )
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("7.0.0")
+ async def test_cluster_links(self, r: RedisCluster):
+ node = r.get_random_node()
+ res = await r.cluster_links(node)
+ links_to = sum(x.count("to") for x in res)
+ links_for = sum(x.count("from") for x in res)
+ assert links_to == links_for
+ for i in range(0, len(res) - 1, 2):
+ assert res[i][3] == res[i + 1][3]
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_readonly(self) -> None:
+ r = await get_mocked_redis_client(host=default_host, port=default_port)
+ mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "OK")
+ assert await r.readonly() is True
+ all_replicas_results = await r.readonly(target_nodes="replicas")
+ for res in all_replicas_results.values():
+ assert res is True
+ for replica in r.get_replicas():
+ assert replica._free.pop().read_response_without_lock.called
+ await r.close()
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_readwrite(self) -> None:
+ r = await get_mocked_redis_client(host=default_host, port=default_port)
+ mock_all_nodes_resp(r, "OK")
+ assert await r.readwrite() is True
+ all_replicas_results = await r.readwrite(target_nodes="replicas")
+ for res in all_replicas_results.values():
+ assert res is True
+ for replica in r.get_replicas():
+ assert replica._free.pop().read_response_without_lock.called
+ await r.close()
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_bgsave(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ assert await r.bgsave()
+ await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
+ assert await r.bgsave(True)
+ async def test_info(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ # Map keys to same slot
+ await r.set("x{1}", 1)
+ await r.set("y{1}", 2)
+ await r.set("z{1}", 3)
+ # Get node that handles the slot
+ slot = r.keyslot("x{1}")
+ node = r.nodes_manager.get_node_from_slot(slot)
+ # Run info on that node
+ info = await
+ assert isinstance(info, dict)
+ assert info["db0"]["keys"] == 3
+ async def _init_slowlog_test(self, r: RedisCluster, node: ClusterNode) -> str:
+ slowlog_lim = await r.config_get("slowlog-log-slower-than", target_nodes=node)
+ assert (
+ await r.config_set("slowlog-log-slower-than", 0, target_nodes=node) is True
+ )
+ return slowlog_lim["slowlog-log-slower-than"]
+ async def _teardown_slowlog_test(
+ self, r: RedisCluster, node: ClusterNode, prev_limit: str
+ ) -> None:
+ assert (
+ await r.config_set("slowlog-log-slower-than", prev_limit, target_nodes=node)
+ is True
+ )
+ async def test_slowlog_get(
+ self, r: RedisCluster, slowlog: Optional[List[Dict[str, Union[int, bytes]]]]
+ ) -> None:
+ unicode_string = chr(3456) + "abcd" + chr(3421)
+ node = r.get_node_from_key(unicode_string)
+ slowlog_limit = await self._init_slowlog_test(r, node)
+ assert await r.slowlog_reset(target_nodes=node)
+ await r.get(unicode_string)
+ slowlog = await r.slowlog_get(target_nodes=node)
+ assert isinstance(slowlog, list)
+ commands = [log["command"] for log in slowlog]
+ get_command = b" ".join((b"GET", unicode_string.encode("utf-8")))
+ assert get_command in commands
+ assert b"SLOWLOG RESET" in commands
+ # the order should be ['GET <uni string>', 'SLOWLOG RESET'],
+ # but if other clients are executing commands at the same time, there
+ # could be commands, before, between, or after, so just check that
+ # the two we care about are in the appropriate order.
+ assert commands.index(get_command) < commands.index(b"SLOWLOG RESET")
+ # make sure other attributes are typed correctly
+ assert isinstance(slowlog[0]["start_time"], int)
+ assert isinstance(slowlog[0]["duration"], int)
+ # rollback the slowlog limit to its original value
+ await self._teardown_slowlog_test(r, node, slowlog_limit)
+ async def test_slowlog_get_limit(
+ self, r: RedisCluster, slowlog: Optional[List[Dict[str, Union[int, bytes]]]]
+ ) -> None:
+ assert await r.slowlog_reset()
+ node = r.get_node_from_key("foo")
+ slowlog_limit = await self._init_slowlog_test(r, node)
+ await r.get("foo")
+ slowlog = await r.slowlog_get(1, target_nodes=node)
+ assert isinstance(slowlog, list)
+ # only one command, based on the number we passed to slowlog_get()
+ assert len(slowlog) == 1
+ await self._teardown_slowlog_test(r, node, slowlog_limit)
+ async def test_slowlog_length(self, r: RedisCluster, slowlog: None) -> None:
+ await r.get("foo")
+ node = r.nodes_manager.get_node_from_slot(key_slot(b"foo"))
+ slowlog_len = await r.slowlog_len(target_nodes=node)
+ assert isinstance(slowlog_len, int)
+ async def test_time(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ t = await r.time(target_nodes=r.get_primaries()[0])
+ assert len(t) == 2
+ assert isinstance(t[0], int)
+ assert isinstance(t[1], int)
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("4.0.0")
+ async def test_memory_usage(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.set("foo", "bar")
+ assert isinstance(await r.memory_usage("foo"), int)
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("4.0.0")
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_memory_malloc_stats(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ assert await r.memory_malloc_stats()
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("4.0.0")
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_memory_stats(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ # put a key into the current db to make sure that "db.<current-db>"
+ # has data
+ await r.set("foo", "bar")
+ node = r.nodes_manager.get_node_from_slot(key_slot(b"foo"))
+ stats = await r.memory_stats(target_nodes=node)
+ assert isinstance(stats, dict)
+ for key, value in stats.items():
+ if key.startswith("db."):
+ assert isinstance(value, dict)
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("4.0.0")
+ async def test_memory_help(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
+ await r.memory_help()
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("4.0.0")
+ async def test_memory_doctor(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
+ await r.memory_doctor()
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_lastsave(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ node = r.get_primaries()[0]
+ assert isinstance(await r.lastsave(target_nodes=node), datetime.datetime)
+ async def test_cluster_echo(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ node = r.get_primaries()[0]
+ assert await r.echo("foo bar", target_nodes=node) == b"foo bar"
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("1.0.0")
+ async def test_debug_segfault(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
+ await r.debug_segfault()
+ async def test_config_resetstat(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ node = r.get_primaries()[0]
+ await
+ prior_commands_processed = int(
+ (await["total_commands_processed"]
+ )
+ assert prior_commands_processed >= 1
+ await r.config_resetstat(target_nodes=node)
+ reset_commands_processed = int(
+ (await["total_commands_processed"]
+ )
+ assert reset_commands_processed < prior_commands_processed
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0")
+ async def test_client_trackinginfo(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ node = r.get_primaries()[0]
+ res = await r.client_trackinginfo(target_nodes=node)
+ assert len(res) > 2
+ assert "prefixes" in res
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.9.50")
+ async def test_client_pause(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ node = r.get_primaries()[0]
+ assert await r.client_pause(1, target_nodes=node)
+ assert await r.client_pause(timeout=1, target_nodes=node)
+ with pytest.raises(RedisError):
+ await r.client_pause(timeout="not an integer", target_nodes=node)
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0")
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_client_unpause(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ assert await r.client_unpause()
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("5.0.0")
+ async def test_client_id(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ node = r.get_primaries()[0]
+ assert await r.client_id(target_nodes=node) > 0
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("5.0.0")
+ async def test_client_unblock(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ node = r.get_primaries()[0]
+ myid = await r.client_id(target_nodes=node)
+ assert not await r.client_unblock(myid, target_nodes=node)
+ assert not await r.client_unblock(myid, error=True, target_nodes=node)
+ assert not await r.client_unblock(myid, error=False, target_nodes=node)
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.0.0")
+ async def test_client_getredir(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ node = r.get_primaries()[0]
+ assert isinstance(await r.client_getredir(target_nodes=node), int)
+ assert await r.client_getredir(target_nodes=node) == -1
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0")
+ async def test_client_info(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ node = r.get_primaries()[0]
+ info = await r.client_info(target_nodes=node)
+ assert isinstance(info, dict)
+ assert "addr" in info
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.6.9")
+ async def test_client_kill(self, r: RedisCluster, r2: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ node = r.get_primaries()[0]
+ await r.client_setname("redis-py-c1", target_nodes="all")
+ await r2.client_setname("redis-py-c2", target_nodes="all")
+ clients = [
+ client
+ for client in await r.client_list(target_nodes=node)
+ if client.get("name") in ["redis-py-c1", "redis-py-c2"]
+ ]
+ assert len(clients) == 2
+ clients_by_name = {client.get("name"): client for client in clients}
+ client_addr = clients_by_name["redis-py-c2"].get("addr")
+ assert await r.client_kill(client_addr, target_nodes=node) is True
+ clients = [
+ client
+ for client in await r.client_list(target_nodes=node)
+ if client.get("name") in ["redis-py-c1", "redis-py-c2"]
+ ]
+ assert len(clients) == 1
+ assert clients[0].get("name") == "redis-py-c1"
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.6.0")
+ async def test_cluster_bitop_not_empty_string(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.set("{foo}a", "")
+ await r.bitop("not", "{foo}r", "{foo}a")
+ assert await r.get("{foo}r") is None
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.6.0")
+ async def test_cluster_bitop_not(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ test_str = b"\xAA\x00\xFF\x55"
+ correct = ~0xAA00FF55 & 0xFFFFFFFF
+ await r.set("{foo}a", test_str)
+ await r.bitop("not", "{foo}r", "{foo}a")
+ assert int(binascii.hexlify(await r.get("{foo}r")), 16) == correct
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.6.0")
+ async def test_cluster_bitop_not_in_place(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ test_str = b"\xAA\x00\xFF\x55"
+ correct = ~0xAA00FF55 & 0xFFFFFFFF
+ await r.set("{foo}a", test_str)
+ await r.bitop("not", "{foo}a", "{foo}a")
+ assert int(binascii.hexlify(await r.get("{foo}a")), 16) == correct
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.6.0")
+ async def test_cluster_bitop_single_string(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ test_str = b"\x01\x02\xFF"
+ await r.set("{foo}a", test_str)
+ await r.bitop("and", "{foo}res1", "{foo}a")
+ await r.bitop("or", "{foo}res2", "{foo}a")
+ await r.bitop("xor", "{foo}res3", "{foo}a")
+ assert await r.get("{foo}res1") == test_str
+ assert await r.get("{foo}res2") == test_str
+ assert await r.get("{foo}res3") == test_str
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.6.0")
+ async def test_cluster_bitop_string_operands(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.set("{foo}a", b"\x01\x02\xFF\xFF")
+ await r.set("{foo}b", b"\x01\x02\xFF")
+ await r.bitop("and", "{foo}res1", "{foo}a", "{foo}b")
+ await r.bitop("or", "{foo}res2", "{foo}a", "{foo}b")
+ await r.bitop("xor", "{foo}res3", "{foo}a", "{foo}b")
+ assert int(binascii.hexlify(await r.get("{foo}res1")), 16) == 0x0102FF00
+ assert int(binascii.hexlify(await r.get("{foo}res2")), 16) == 0x0102FFFF
+ assert int(binascii.hexlify(await r.get("{foo}res3")), 16) == 0x000000FF
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0")
+ async def test_cluster_copy(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ assert await r.copy("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == 0
+ await r.set("{foo}a", "bar")
+ assert await r.copy("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == 1
+ assert await r.get("{foo}a") == b"bar"
+ assert await r.get("{foo}b") == b"bar"
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0")
+ async def test_cluster_copy_and_replace(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.set("{foo}a", "foo1")
+ await r.set("{foo}b", "foo2")
+ assert await r.copy("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == 0
+ assert await r.copy("{foo}a", "{foo}b", replace=True) == 1
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0")
+ async def test_cluster_lmove(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.rpush("{foo}a", "one", "two", "three", "four")
+ assert await r.lmove("{foo}a", "{foo}b")
+ assert await r.lmove("{foo}a", "{foo}b", "right", "left")
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0")
+ async def test_cluster_blmove(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.rpush("{foo}a", "one", "two", "three", "four")
+ assert await r.blmove("{foo}a", "{foo}b", 5)
+ assert await r.blmove("{foo}a", "{foo}b", 1, "RIGHT", "LEFT")
+ async def test_cluster_msetnx(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ d = {"{foo}a": b"1", "{foo}b": b"2", "{foo}c": b"3"}
+ assert await r.msetnx(d)
+ d2 = {"{foo}a": b"x", "{foo}d": b"4"}
+ assert not await r.msetnx(d2)
+ for k, v in d.items():
+ assert await r.get(k) == v
+ assert await r.get("{foo}d") is None
+ async def test_cluster_rename(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.set("{foo}a", "1")
+ assert await r.rename("{foo}a", "{foo}b")
+ assert await r.get("{foo}a") is None
+ assert await r.get("{foo}b") == b"1"
+ async def test_cluster_renamenx(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.set("{foo}a", "1")
+ await r.set("{foo}b", "2")
+ assert not await r.renamenx("{foo}a", "{foo}b")
+ assert await r.get("{foo}a") == b"1"
+ assert await r.get("{foo}b") == b"2"
+ async def test_cluster_blpop(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.rpush("{foo}a", "1", "2")
+ await r.rpush("{foo}b", "3", "4")
+ assert await r.blpop(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}b", b"3")
+ assert await r.blpop(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}b", b"4")
+ assert await r.blpop(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}a", b"1")
+ assert await r.blpop(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}a", b"2")
+ assert await r.blpop(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) is None
+ await r.rpush("{foo}c", "1")
+ assert await r.blpop("{foo}c", timeout=1) == (b"{foo}c", b"1")
+ async def test_cluster_brpop(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.rpush("{foo}a", "1", "2")
+ await r.rpush("{foo}b", "3", "4")
+ assert await r.brpop(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}b", b"4")
+ assert await r.brpop(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}b", b"3")
+ assert await r.brpop(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}a", b"2")
+ assert await r.brpop(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (b"{foo}a", b"1")
+ assert await r.brpop(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) is None
+ await r.rpush("{foo}c", "1")
+ assert await r.brpop("{foo}c", timeout=1) == (b"{foo}c", b"1")
+ async def test_cluster_brpoplpush(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.rpush("{foo}a", "1", "2")
+ await r.rpush("{foo}b", "3", "4")
+ assert await r.brpoplpush("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == b"2"
+ assert await r.brpoplpush("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == b"1"
+ assert await r.brpoplpush("{foo}a", "{foo}b", timeout=1) is None
+ assert await r.lrange("{foo}a", 0, -1) == []
+ assert await r.lrange("{foo}b", 0, -1) == [b"1", b"2", b"3", b"4"]
+ async def test_cluster_brpoplpush_empty_string(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.rpush("{foo}a", "")
+ assert await r.brpoplpush("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == b""
+ async def test_cluster_rpoplpush(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.rpush("{foo}a", "a1", "a2", "a3")
+ await r.rpush("{foo}b", "b1", "b2", "b3")
+ assert await r.rpoplpush("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == b"a3"
+ assert await r.lrange("{foo}a", 0, -1) == [b"a1", b"a2"]
+ assert await r.lrange("{foo}b", 0, -1) == [b"a3", b"b1", b"b2", b"b3"]
+ async def test_cluster_sdiff(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.sadd("{foo}a", "1", "2", "3")
+ assert await r.sdiff("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == {b"1", b"2", b"3"}
+ await r.sadd("{foo}b", "2", "3")
+ assert await r.sdiff("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == {b"1"}
+ async def test_cluster_sdiffstore(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.sadd("{foo}a", "1", "2", "3")
+ assert await r.sdiffstore("{foo}c", "{foo}a", "{foo}b") == 3
+ assert await r.smembers("{foo}c") == {b"1", b"2", b"3"}
+ await r.sadd("{foo}b", "2", "3")
+ assert await r.sdiffstore("{foo}c", "{foo}a", "{foo}b") == 1
+ assert await r.smembers("{foo}c") == {b"1"}
+ async def test_cluster_sinter(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.sadd("{foo}a", "1", "2", "3")
+ assert await r.sinter("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == set()
+ await r.sadd("{foo}b", "2", "3")
+ assert await r.sinter("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == {b"2", b"3"}
+ async def test_cluster_sinterstore(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.sadd("{foo}a", "1", "2", "3")
+ assert await r.sinterstore("{foo}c", "{foo}a", "{foo}b") == 0
+ assert await r.smembers("{foo}c") == set()
+ await r.sadd("{foo}b", "2", "3")
+ assert await r.sinterstore("{foo}c", "{foo}a", "{foo}b") == 2
+ assert await r.smembers("{foo}c") == {b"2", b"3"}
+ async def test_cluster_smove(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.sadd("{foo}a", "a1", "a2")
+ await r.sadd("{foo}b", "b1", "b2")
+ assert await r.smove("{foo}a", "{foo}b", "a1")
+ assert await r.smembers("{foo}a") == {b"a2"}
+ assert await r.smembers("{foo}b") == {b"b1", b"b2", b"a1"}
+ async def test_cluster_sunion(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.sadd("{foo}a", "1", "2")
+ await r.sadd("{foo}b", "2", "3")
+ assert await r.sunion("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == {b"1", b"2", b"3"}
+ async def test_cluster_sunionstore(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.sadd("{foo}a", "1", "2")
+ await r.sadd("{foo}b", "2", "3")
+ assert await r.sunionstore("{foo}c", "{foo}a", "{foo}b") == 3
+ assert await r.smembers("{foo}c") == {b"1", b"2", b"3"}
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0")
+ async def test_cluster_zdiff(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 2, "a3": 3})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 1, "a2": 2})
+ assert await r.zdiff(["{foo}a", "{foo}b"]) == [b"a3"]
+ assert await r.zdiff(["{foo}a", "{foo}b"], withscores=True) == [b"a3", b"3"]
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0")
+ async def test_cluster_zdiffstore(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 2, "a3": 3})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 1, "a2": 2})
+ assert await r.zdiffstore("{foo}out", ["{foo}a", "{foo}b"])
+ assert await r.zrange("{foo}out", 0, -1) == [b"a3"]
+ assert await r.zrange("{foo}out", 0, -1, withscores=True) == [(b"a3", 3.0)]
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0")
+ async def test_cluster_zinter(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 2, "a3": 1})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 2, "a2": 2, "a3": 2})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}c", {"a1": 6, "a3": 5, "a4": 4})
+ assert await r.zinter(["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"]) == [b"a3", b"a1"]
+ # invalid aggregation
+ with pytest.raises(DataError):
+ await r.zinter(
+ ["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"], aggregate="foo", withscores=True
+ )
+ # aggregate with SUM
+ assert await r.zinter(["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"], withscores=True) == [
+ (b"a3", 8),
+ (b"a1", 9),
+ ]
+ # aggregate with MAX
+ assert await r.zinter(
+ ["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"], aggregate="MAX", withscores=True
+ ) == [(b"a3", 5), (b"a1", 6)]
+ # aggregate with MIN
+ assert await r.zinter(
+ ["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"], aggregate="MIN", withscores=True
+ ) == [(b"a1", 1), (b"a3", 1)]
+ # with weights
+ assert await r.zinter(
+ {"{foo}a": 1, "{foo}b": 2, "{foo}c": 3}, withscores=True
+ ) == [(b"a3", 20), (b"a1", 23)]
+ async def test_cluster_zinterstore_sum(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 1, "a3": 1})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 2, "a2": 2, "a3": 2})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}c", {"a1": 6, "a3": 5, "a4": 4})
+ assert await r.zinterstore("{foo}d", ["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"]) == 2
+ assert await r.zrange("{foo}d", 0, -1, withscores=True) == [
+ (b"a3", 8),
+ (b"a1", 9),
+ ]
+ async def test_cluster_zinterstore_max(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 1, "a3": 1})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 2, "a2": 2, "a3": 2})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}c", {"a1": 6, "a3": 5, "a4": 4})
+ assert (
+ await r.zinterstore(
+ "{foo}d", ["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"], aggregate="MAX"
+ )
+ == 2
+ )
+ assert await r.zrange("{foo}d", 0, -1, withscores=True) == [
+ (b"a3", 5),
+ (b"a1", 6),
+ ]
+ async def test_cluster_zinterstore_min(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 2, "a3": 3})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 2, "a2": 3, "a3": 5})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}c", {"a1": 6, "a3": 5, "a4": 4})
+ assert (
+ await r.zinterstore(
+ "{foo}d", ["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"], aggregate="MIN"
+ )
+ == 2
+ )
+ assert await r.zrange("{foo}d", 0, -1, withscores=True) == [
+ (b"a1", 1),
+ (b"a3", 3),
+ ]
+ async def test_cluster_zinterstore_with_weight(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 1, "a3": 1})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 2, "a2": 2, "a3": 2})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}c", {"a1": 6, "a3": 5, "a4": 4})
+ assert (
+ await r.zinterstore("{foo}d", {"{foo}a": 1, "{foo}b": 2, "{foo}c": 3}) == 2
+ )
+ assert await r.zrange("{foo}d", 0, -1, withscores=True) == [
+ (b"a3", 20),
+ (b"a1", 23),
+ ]
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("4.9.0")
+ async def test_cluster_bzpopmax(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 2})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}b", {"b1": 10, "b2": 20})
+ assert await r.bzpopmax(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (
+ b"{foo}b",
+ b"b2",
+ 20,
+ )
+ assert await r.bzpopmax(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (
+ b"{foo}b",
+ b"b1",
+ 10,
+ )
+ assert await r.bzpopmax(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (
+ b"{foo}a",
+ b"a2",
+ 2,
+ )
+ assert await r.bzpopmax(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (
+ b"{foo}a",
+ b"a1",
+ 1,
+ )
+ assert await r.bzpopmax(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) is None
+ await r.zadd("{foo}c", {"c1": 100})
+ assert await r.bzpopmax("{foo}c", timeout=1) == (b"{foo}c", b"c1", 100)
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("4.9.0")
+ async def test_cluster_bzpopmin(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 2})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}b", {"b1": 10, "b2": 20})
+ assert await r.bzpopmin(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (
+ b"{foo}b",
+ b"b1",
+ 10,
+ )
+ assert await r.bzpopmin(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (
+ b"{foo}b",
+ b"b2",
+ 20,
+ )
+ assert await r.bzpopmin(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (
+ b"{foo}a",
+ b"a1",
+ 1,
+ )
+ assert await r.bzpopmin(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) == (
+ b"{foo}a",
+ b"a2",
+ 2,
+ )
+ assert await r.bzpopmin(["{foo}b", "{foo}a"], timeout=1) is None
+ await r.zadd("{foo}c", {"c1": 100})
+ assert await r.bzpopmin("{foo}c", timeout=1) == (b"{foo}c", b"c1", 100)
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0")
+ async def test_cluster_zrangestore(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 2, "a3": 3})
+ assert await r.zrangestore("{foo}b", "{foo}a", 0, 1)
+ assert await r.zrange("{foo}b", 0, -1) == [b"a1", b"a2"]
+ assert await r.zrangestore("{foo}b", "{foo}a", 1, 2)
+ assert await r.zrange("{foo}b", 0, -1) == [b"a2", b"a3"]
+ assert await r.zrange("{foo}b", 0, -1, withscores=True) == [
+ (b"a2", 2),
+ (b"a3", 3),
+ ]
+ # reversed order
+ assert await r.zrangestore("{foo}b", "{foo}a", 1, 2, desc=True)
+ assert await r.zrange("{foo}b", 0, -1) == [b"a1", b"a2"]
+ # by score
+ assert await r.zrangestore(
+ "{foo}b", "{foo}a", 2, 1, byscore=True, offset=0, num=1, desc=True
+ )
+ assert await r.zrange("{foo}b", 0, -1) == [b"a2"]
+ # by lex
+ assert await r.zrangestore(
+ "{foo}b", "{foo}a", "[a2", "(a3", bylex=True, offset=0, num=1
+ )
+ assert await r.zrange("{foo}b", 0, -1) == [b"a2"]
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0")
+ async def test_cluster_zunion(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 1, "a3": 1})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 2, "a2": 2, "a3": 2})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}c", {"a1": 6, "a3": 5, "a4": 4})
+ # sum
+ assert await r.zunion(["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"]) == [
+ b"a2",
+ b"a4",
+ b"a3",
+ b"a1",
+ ]
+ assert await r.zunion(["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"], withscores=True) == [
+ (b"a2", 3),
+ (b"a4", 4),
+ (b"a3", 8),
+ (b"a1", 9),
+ ]
+ # max
+ assert await r.zunion(
+ ["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"], aggregate="MAX", withscores=True
+ ) == [(b"a2", 2), (b"a4", 4), (b"a3", 5), (b"a1", 6)]
+ # min
+ assert await r.zunion(
+ ["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"], aggregate="MIN", withscores=True
+ ) == [(b"a1", 1), (b"a2", 1), (b"a3", 1), (b"a4", 4)]
+ # with weight
+ assert await r.zunion(
+ {"{foo}a": 1, "{foo}b": 2, "{foo}c": 3}, withscores=True
+ ) == [(b"a2", 5), (b"a4", 12), (b"a3", 20), (b"a1", 23)]
+ async def test_cluster_zunionstore_sum(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 1, "a3": 1})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 2, "a2": 2, "a3": 2})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}c", {"a1": 6, "a3": 5, "a4": 4})
+ assert await r.zunionstore("{foo}d", ["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"]) == 4
+ assert await r.zrange("{foo}d", 0, -1, withscores=True) == [
+ (b"a2", 3),
+ (b"a4", 4),
+ (b"a3", 8),
+ (b"a1", 9),
+ ]
+ async def test_cluster_zunionstore_max(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 1, "a3": 1})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 2, "a2": 2, "a3": 2})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}c", {"a1": 6, "a3": 5, "a4": 4})
+ assert (
+ await r.zunionstore(
+ "{foo}d", ["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"], aggregate="MAX"
+ )
+ == 4
+ )
+ assert await r.zrange("{foo}d", 0, -1, withscores=True) == [
+ (b"a2", 2),
+ (b"a4", 4),
+ (b"a3", 5),
+ (b"a1", 6),
+ ]
+ async def test_cluster_zunionstore_min(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 2, "a3": 3})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 2, "a2": 2, "a3": 4})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}c", {"a1": 6, "a3": 5, "a4": 4})
+ assert (
+ await r.zunionstore(
+ "{foo}d", ["{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"], aggregate="MIN"
+ )
+ == 4
+ )
+ assert await r.zrange("{foo}d", 0, -1, withscores=True) == [
+ (b"a1", 1),
+ (b"a2", 2),
+ (b"a3", 3),
+ (b"a4", 4),
+ ]
+ async def test_cluster_zunionstore_with_weight(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.zadd("{foo}a", {"a1": 1, "a2": 1, "a3": 1})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}b", {"a1": 2, "a2": 2, "a3": 2})
+ await r.zadd("{foo}c", {"a1": 6, "a3": 5, "a4": 4})
+ assert (
+ await r.zunionstore("{foo}d", {"{foo}a": 1, "{foo}b": 2, "{foo}c": 3}) == 4
+ )
+ assert await r.zrange("{foo}d", 0, -1, withscores=True) == [
+ (b"a2", 5),
+ (b"a4", 12),
+ (b"a3", 20),
+ (b"a1", 23),
+ ]
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.8.9")
+ async def test_cluster_pfcount(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ members = {b"1", b"2", b"3"}
+ await r.pfadd("{foo}a", *members)
+ assert await r.pfcount("{foo}a") == len(members)
+ members_b = {b"2", b"3", b"4"}
+ await r.pfadd("{foo}b", *members_b)
+ assert await r.pfcount("{foo}b") == len(members_b)
+ assert await r.pfcount("{foo}a", "{foo}b") == len(members_b.union(members))
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.8.9")
+ async def test_cluster_pfmerge(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ mema = {b"1", b"2", b"3"}
+ memb = {b"2", b"3", b"4"}
+ memc = {b"5", b"6", b"7"}
+ await r.pfadd("{foo}a", *mema)
+ await r.pfadd("{foo}b", *memb)
+ await r.pfadd("{foo}c", *memc)
+ await r.pfmerge("{foo}d", "{foo}c", "{foo}a")
+ assert await r.pfcount("{foo}d") == 6
+ await r.pfmerge("{foo}d", "{foo}b")
+ assert await r.pfcount("{foo}d") == 7
+ async def test_cluster_sort_store(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.rpush("{foo}a", "2", "3", "1")
+ assert await r.sort("{foo}a", store="{foo}sorted_values") == 3
+ assert await r.lrange("{foo}sorted_values", 0, -1) == [b"1", b"2", b"3"]
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0")
+ async def test_cluster_geosearchstore(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, "place1") + (
+ 2.1873744593677,
+ 41.406342043777,
+ "place2",
+ )
+ await r.geoadd("{foo}barcelona", values)
+ await r.geosearchstore(
+ "{foo}places_barcelona",
+ "{foo}barcelona",
+ longitude=2.191,
+ latitude=41.433,
+ radius=1000,
+ )
+ assert await r.zrange("{foo}places_barcelona", 0, -1) == [b"place1"]
+ @skip_unless_arch_bits(64)
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.2.0")
+ async def test_geosearchstore_dist(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, "place1") + (
+ 2.1873744593677,
+ 41.406342043777,
+ "place2",
+ )
+ await r.geoadd("{foo}barcelona", values)
+ await r.geosearchstore(
+ "{foo}places_barcelona",
+ "{foo}barcelona",
+ longitude=2.191,
+ latitude=41.433,
+ radius=1000,
+ storedist=True,
+ )
+ # instead of save the geo score, the distance is saved.
+ assert await r.zscore("{foo}places_barcelona", "place1") == 88.05060698409301
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("3.2.0")
+ async def test_cluster_georadius_store(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, "place1") + (
+ 2.1873744593677,
+ 41.406342043777,
+ "place2",
+ )
+ await r.geoadd("{foo}barcelona", values)
+ await r.georadius(
+ "{foo}barcelona", 2.191, 41.433, 1000, store="{foo}places_barcelona"
+ )
+ assert await r.zrange("{foo}places_barcelona", 0, -1) == [b"place1"]
+ @skip_unless_arch_bits(64)
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("3.2.0")
+ async def test_cluster_georadius_store_dist(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ values = (2.1909389952632, 41.433791470673, "place1") + (
+ 2.1873744593677,
+ 41.406342043777,
+ "place2",
+ )
+ await r.geoadd("{foo}barcelona", values)
+ await r.georadius(
+ "{foo}barcelona", 2.191, 41.433, 1000, store_dist="{foo}places_barcelona"
+ )
+ # instead of save the geo score, the distance is saved.
+ assert await r.zscore("{foo}places_barcelona", "place1") == 88.05060698409301
+ async def test_cluster_dbsize(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ d = {"a": b"1", "b": b"2", "c": b"3", "d": b"4"}
+ assert await r.mset_nonatomic(d)
+ assert await r.dbsize(target_nodes="primaries") == len(d)
+ async def test_cluster_keys(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ assert await r.keys() == []
+ keys_with_underscores = {b"test_a", b"test_b"}
+ keys = keys_with_underscores.union({b"testc"})
+ for key in keys:
+ await r.set(key, 1)
+ assert (
+ set(await r.keys(pattern="test_*", target_nodes="primaries"))
+ == keys_with_underscores
+ )
+ assert set(await r.keys(pattern="test*", target_nodes="primaries")) == keys
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.8.0")
+ async def test_cluster_scan(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.set("a", 1)
+ await r.set("b", 2)
+ await r.set("c", 3)
+ for target_nodes, nodes in zip(
+ ["primaries", "replicas"], [r.get_primaries(), r.get_replicas()]
+ ):
+ cursors, keys = await r.scan(target_nodes=target_nodes)
+ assert sorted(keys) == [b"a", b"b", b"c"]
+ assert sorted(cursors.keys()) == sorted( for node in nodes)
+ assert all(cursor == 0 for cursor in cursors.values())
+ cursors, keys = await r.scan(match="a*", target_nodes=target_nodes)
+ assert sorted(keys) == [b"a"]
+ assert sorted(cursors.keys()) == sorted( for node in nodes)
+ assert all(cursor == 0 for cursor in cursors.values())
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.0.0")
+ async def test_cluster_scan_type(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ await r.sadd("a-set", 1)
+ await r.sadd("b-set", 1)
+ await r.sadd("c-set", 1)
+ await r.hset("a-hash", "foo", 2)
+ await r.lpush("a-list", "aux", 3)
+ for target_nodes, nodes in zip(
+ ["primaries", "replicas"], [r.get_primaries(), r.get_replicas()]
+ ):
+ cursors, keys = await r.scan(_type="SET", target_nodes=target_nodes)
+ assert sorted(keys) == [b"a-set", b"b-set", b"c-set"]
+ assert sorted(cursors.keys()) == sorted( for node in nodes)
+ assert all(cursor == 0 for cursor in cursors.values())
+ cursors, keys = await r.scan(
+ _type="SET", match="a*", target_nodes=target_nodes
+ )
+ assert sorted(keys) == [b"a-set"]
+ assert sorted(cursors.keys()) == sorted( for node in nodes)
+ assert all(cursor == 0 for cursor in cursors.values())
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("2.8.0")
+ async def test_cluster_scan_iter(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ keys_all = []
+ keys_1 = []
+ for i in range(100):
+ s = str(i)
+ await r.set(s, 1)
+ keys_all.append(s.encode("utf-8"))
+ if s.startswith("1"):
+ keys_1.append(s.encode("utf-8"))
+ keys_all.sort()
+ keys_1.sort()
+ for target_nodes in ["primaries", "replicas"]:
+ keys = [key async for key in r.scan_iter(target_nodes=target_nodes)]
+ assert sorted(keys) == keys_all
+ keys = [
+ key async for key in r.scan_iter(match="1*", target_nodes=target_nodes)
+ ]
+ assert sorted(keys) == keys_1
+ async def test_cluster_randomkey(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ node = r.get_node_from_key("{foo}")
+ assert await r.randomkey(target_nodes=node) is None
+ for key in ("{foo}a", "{foo}b", "{foo}c"):
+ await r.set(key, 1)
+ assert await r.randomkey(target_nodes=node) in (b"{foo}a", b"{foo}b", b"{foo}c")
+ @skip_if_server_version_lt("6.0.0")
+ @skip_if_redis_enterprise()
+ async def test_acl_log(
+ self, r: RedisCluster, request: FixtureRequest, create_redis: Callable
+ ) -> None:
+ key = "{cache}:"
+ node = r.get_node_from_key(key)
+ username = "redis-py-user"
+ await r.acl_setuser(
+ username,
+ enabled=True,
+ reset=True,
+ commands=["+get", "+set", "+select", "+cluster", "+command", "+info"],
+ keys=["{cache}:*"],
+ nopass=True,
+ target_nodes="primaries",
+ )
+ await r.acl_log_reset(target_nodes=node)
+ user_client = await create_redis(
+ cls=RedisCluster, flushdb=False, username=username
+ )
+ # Valid operation and key
+ assert await user_client.set("{cache}:0", 1)
+ assert await user_client.get("{cache}:0") == b"1"
+ # Invalid key
+ with pytest.raises(NoPermissionError):
+ await user_client.get("{cache}violated_cache:0")
+ # Invalid operation
+ with pytest.raises(NoPermissionError):
+ await user_client.hset("{cache}:0", "hkey", "hval")
+ assert isinstance(await r.acl_log(target_nodes=node), list)
+ assert len(await r.acl_log(target_nodes=node)) == 2
+ assert len(await r.acl_log(count=1, target_nodes=node)) == 1
+ assert isinstance((await r.acl_log(target_nodes=node))[0], dict)
+ assert "client-info" in (await r.acl_log(count=1, target_nodes=node))[0]
+ assert await r.acl_log_reset(target_nodes=node)
+ await r.acl_deluser(username, target_nodes="primaries")
+ await user_client.close()
+class TestNodesManager:
+ """
+ Tests for the NodesManager class
+ """
+ async def test_load_balancer(self, r: RedisCluster) -> None:
+ n_manager = r.nodes_manager
+ lb = n_manager.read_load_balancer
+ slot_1 = 1257
+ slot_2 = 8975
+ node_1 = ClusterNode(default_host, 6379, PRIMARY)
+ node_2 = ClusterNode(default_host, 6378, REPLICA)
+ node_3 = ClusterNode(default_host, 6377, REPLICA)
+ node_4 = ClusterNode(default_host, 6376, PRIMARY)
+ node_5 = ClusterNode(default_host, 6375, REPLICA)
+ n_manager.slots_cache = {
+ slot_1: [node_1, node_2, node_3],
+ slot_2: [node_4, node_5],
+ }
+ primary1_name = n_manager.slots_cache[slot_1][0].name
+ primary2_name = n_manager.slots_cache[slot_2][0].name
+ list1_size = len(n_manager.slots_cache[slot_1])
+ list2_size = len(n_manager.slots_cache[slot_2])
+ # slot 1
+ assert lb.get_server_index(primary1_name, list1_size) == 0
+ assert lb.get_server_index(primary1_name, list1_size) == 1
+ assert lb.get_server_index(primary1_name, list1_size) == 2
+ assert lb.get_server_index(primary1_name, list1_size) == 0
+ # slot 2
+ assert lb.get_server_index(primary2_name, list2_size) == 0
+ assert lb.get_server_index(primary2_name, list2_size) == 1
+ assert lb.get_server_index(primary2_name, list2_size) == 0
+ lb.reset()
+ assert lb.get_server_index(primary1_name, list1_size) == 0
+ assert lb.get_server_index(primary2_name, list2_size) == 0
+ async def test_init_slots_cache_not_all_slots_covered(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Test that if not all slots are covered it should raise an exception
+ """
+ # Missing slot 5460
+ cluster_slots = [
+ [0, 5459, ["", 7000], ["", 7003]],
+ [5461, 10922, ["", 7001], ["", 7004]],
+ [10923, 16383, ["", 7002], ["", 7005]],
+ ]
+ with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException) as ex:
+ rc = await get_mocked_redis_client(
+ host=default_host,
+ port=default_port,
+ cluster_slots=cluster_slots,
+ require_full_coverage=True,
+ )
+ await rc.close()
+ assert str(ex.value).startswith(
+ "All slots are not covered after query all startup_nodes."
+ )
+ async def test_init_slots_cache_not_require_full_coverage_success(self) -> None:
+ """
+ When require_full_coverage is set to False and not all slots are
+ covered the cluster client initialization should succeed
+ """
+ # Missing slot 5460
+ cluster_slots = [
+ [0, 5459, ["", 7000], ["", 7003]],
+ [5461, 10922, ["", 7001], ["", 7004]],
+ [10923, 16383, ["", 7002], ["", 7005]],
+ ]
+ rc = await get_mocked_redis_client(
+ host=default_host,
+ port=default_port,
+ cluster_slots=cluster_slots,
+ require_full_coverage=False,
+ )
+ assert 5460 not in rc.nodes_manager.slots_cache
+ await rc.close()
+ async def test_init_slots_cache(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Test that slots cache can in initialized and all slots are covered
+ """
+ good_slots_resp = [
+ [0, 5460, ["", 7000], ["", 7003]],
+ [5461, 10922, ["", 7001], ["", 7004]],
+ [10923, 16383, ["", 7002], ["", 7005]],
+ ]
+ rc = await get_mocked_redis_client(
+ host=default_host, port=default_port, cluster_slots=good_slots_resp
+ )
+ n_manager = rc.nodes_manager
+ assert len(n_manager.slots_cache) == REDIS_CLUSTER_HASH_SLOTS
+ for slot_info in good_slots_resp:
+ all_hosts = ["", ""]
+ all_ports = [7000, 7001, 7002, 7003, 7004, 7005]
+ slot_start = slot_info[0]
+ slot_end = slot_info[1]
+ for i in range(slot_start, slot_end + 1):
+ assert len(n_manager.slots_cache[i]) == len(slot_info[2:])
+ assert n_manager.slots_cache[i][0].host in all_hosts
+ assert n_manager.slots_cache[i][1].host in all_hosts
+ assert n_manager.slots_cache[i][0].port in all_ports
+ assert n_manager.slots_cache[i][1].port in all_ports
+ assert len(n_manager.nodes_cache) == 6
+ await rc.close()
+ async def test_init_slots_cache_cluster_mode_disabled(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Test that creating a RedisCluster failes if one of the startup nodes
+ has cluster mode disabled
+ """
+ with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException) as e:
+ rc = await get_mocked_redis_client(
+ host=default_host, port=default_port, cluster_enabled=False
+ )
+ await rc.close()
+ assert "Cluster mode is not enabled on this node" in str(e.value)
+ async def test_empty_startup_nodes(self) -> None:
+ """
+ It should not be possible to create a node manager with no nodes
+ specified
+ """
+ with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):
+ await NodesManager([]).initialize()
+ async def test_wrong_startup_nodes_type(self) -> None:
+ """
+ If something other then a list type itteratable is provided it should
+ fail
+ """
+ with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException):
+ await NodesManager({}).initialize()
+ async def test_init_slots_cache_slots_collision(
+ self, request: FixtureRequest
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Test that if 2 nodes do not agree on the same slots setup it should
+ raise an error. In this test both nodes will say that the first
+ slots block should be bound to different servers.
+ """
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ ClusterNode, "execute_command", autospec=True
+ ) as execute_command:
+ async def mocked_execute_command(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Helper function to return custom slots cache data from
+ different redis nodes
+ """
+ if self.port == 7000:
+ result = [
+ [0, 5460, ["", 7000], ["", 7003]],
+ [5461, 10922, ["", 7001], ["", 7004]],
+ ]
+ elif self.port == 7001:
+ result = [
+ [0, 5460, ["", 7001], ["", 7003]],
+ [5461, 10922, ["", 7000], ["", 7004]],
+ ]
+ else:
+ result = []
+ if args[0] == "CLUSTER SLOTS":
+ return result
+ elif args[0] == "INFO":
+ return {"cluster_enabled": True}
+ elif args[1] == "cluster-require-full-coverage":
+ return {"cluster-require-full-coverage": "yes"}
+ execute_command.side_effect = mocked_execute_command
+ with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException) as ex:
+ node_1 = ClusterNode("", 7000)
+ node_2 = ClusterNode("", 7001)
+ async with RedisCluster(startup_nodes=[node_1, node_2]):
+ ...
+ assert str(ex.value).startswith(
+ "startup_nodes could not agree on a valid slots cache"
+ ), str(ex.value)
+ async def test_cluster_one_instance(self) -> None:
+ """
+ If the cluster exists of only 1 node then there is some hacks that must
+ be validated they work.
+ """
+ node = ClusterNode(default_host, default_port)
+ cluster_slots = [[0, 16383, ["", default_port]]]
+ rc = await get_mocked_redis_client(
+ startup_nodes=[node], cluster_slots=cluster_slots
+ )
+ n = rc.nodes_manager
+ assert len(n.nodes_cache) == 1
+ n_node = rc.get_node(
+ assert n_node is not None
+ assert n_node == node
+ assert n_node.server_type == PRIMARY
+ assert len(n.slots_cache) == REDIS_CLUSTER_HASH_SLOTS
+ for i in range(0, REDIS_CLUSTER_HASH_SLOTS):
+ assert n.slots_cache[i] == [n_node]
+ await rc.close()
+ async def test_init_with_down_node(self) -> None:
+ """
+ If I can't connect to one of the nodes, everything should still work.
+ But if I can't connect to any of the nodes, exception should be thrown.
+ """
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ ClusterNode, "execute_command", autospec=True
+ ) as execute_command:
+ async def mocked_execute_command(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if self.port == 7000:
+ raise ConnectionError("mock connection error for 7000")
+ if args[0] == "CLUSTER SLOTS":
+ return [
+ [0, 8191, ["", 7001, "node_1"]],
+ [8192, 16383, ["", 7002, "node_2"]],
+ ]
+ elif args[0] == "INFO":
+ return {"cluster_enabled": True}
+ elif args[1] == "cluster-require-full-coverage":
+ return {"cluster-require-full-coverage": "yes"}
+ execute_command.side_effect = mocked_execute_command
+ node_1 = ClusterNode("", 7000)
+ node_2 = ClusterNode("", 7001)
+ # If all startup nodes fail to connect, connection error should be
+ # thrown
+ with pytest.raises(RedisClusterException) as e:
+ async with RedisCluster(startup_nodes=[node_1]):
+ ...
+ assert "Redis Cluster cannot be connected" in str(e.value)
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ CommandsParser, "initialize", autospec=True
+ ) as cmd_parser_initialize:
+ def cmd_init_mock(self, r):
+ self.commands = {
+ "GET": {
+ "name": "get",
+ "arity": 2,
+ "flags": ["readonly", "fast"],
+ "first_key_pos": 1,
+ "last_key_pos": 1,
+ "step_count": 1,
+ }
+ }
+ cmd_parser_initialize.side_effect = cmd_init_mock
+ # When at least one startup node is reachable, the cluster
+ # initialization should succeeds
+ async with RedisCluster(startup_nodes=[node_1, node_2]) as rc:
+ assert rc.get_node(host=default_host, port=7001) is not None
+ assert rc.get_node(host=default_host, port=7002) is not None