path: root/.github
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Remove pypy3 from Github Actions matrixRaphaël Barrois2023-02-281-2/+0
* Update github actions versionsRaphaël Barrois2023-02-282-4/+4
* Update the support matrixRaphaël Barrois2023-02-281-28/+6
* Remove Python 3.4 from testing matrixRaphaël Barrois2021-11-081-2/+2
* Add support for Django 4.0Raphaël Barrois2021-11-081-0/+8
* Extend test matrix for Python 3.10 / Django 3.2Raphaël Barrois2021-11-081-5/+7
* Remove ambiguous floats in .yml filesRaphaël Barrois2021-11-081-12/+12
* Add support for Python 3.9django-31Raphaël Barrois2021-03-021-13/+20
* Add support for Django 3.1Raphaël Barrois2021-03-021-0/+6
* Add support for Python 3.7 / 3.8Raphaël Barrois2021-03-021-0/+5
* Exclude invalid Django/Python combinationsRaphaël Barrois2021-03-021-5/+10
* Prepare switch to github actionsRaphaël Barrois2021-03-022-0/+69