path: root/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb540668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
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+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ test_intersphinx
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Test the intersphinx extension.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2007-2014 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+import zlib
+import posixpath
+from six import BytesIO
+from docutils import nodes
+from sphinx import addnodes
+from sphinx.ext.intersphinx import read_inventory_v1, read_inventory_v2, \
+ load_mappings, missing_reference
+from util import with_app, with_tempdir
+inventory_v1 = '''\
+# Sphinx inventory version 1
+# Project: foo
+# Version: 1.0
+module mod foo.html
+module.cls class foo.html
+inventory_v2 = '''\
+# Sphinx inventory version 2
+# Project: foo
+# Version: 2.0
+# The remainder of this file is compressed with zlib.
+'''.encode('utf-8') + zlib.compress('''\
+module1 py:module 0 foo.html#module-module1 Long Module desc
+module2 py:module 0 foo.html#module-$ -
+module1.func py:function 1 sub/foo.html#$ -
+CFunc c:function 2 cfunc.html#CFunc -
+a term std:term -1 glossary.html#term-a-term -
+def test_read_inventory_v1():
+ f = BytesIO(inventory_v1)
+ f.readline()
+ invdata = read_inventory_v1(f, '/util', posixpath.join)
+ assert invdata['py:module']['module'] == \
+ ('foo', '1.0', '/util/foo.html#module-module', '-')
+ assert invdata['py:class']['module.cls'] == \
+ ('foo', '1.0', '/util/foo.html#module.cls', '-')
+def test_read_inventory_v2():
+ f = BytesIO(inventory_v2)
+ f.readline()
+ invdata1 = read_inventory_v2(f, '/util', posixpath.join)
+ # try again with a small buffer size to test the chunking algorithm
+ f = BytesIO(inventory_v2)
+ f.readline()
+ invdata2 = read_inventory_v2(f, '/util', posixpath.join, bufsize=5)
+ assert invdata1 == invdata2
+ assert len(invdata1['py:module']) == 2
+ assert invdata1['py:module']['module1'] == \
+ ('foo', '2.0', '/util/foo.html#module-module1', 'Long Module desc')
+ assert invdata1['py:module']['module2'] == \
+ ('foo', '2.0', '/util/foo.html#module-module2', '-')
+ assert invdata1['py:function']['module1.func'][2] == \
+ '/util/sub/foo.html#module1.func'
+ assert invdata1['c:function']['CFunc'][2] == '/util/cfunc.html#CFunc'
+ assert invdata1['std:term']['a term'][2] == \
+ '/util/glossary.html#term-a-term'
+def test_missing_reference(tempdir, app, status, warning):
+ inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
+ inv_file.write_bytes(inventory_v2)
+ app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
+ '': inv_file,
+ 'py3k': ('', inv_file),
+ }
+ app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0
+ # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly
+ load_mappings(app)
+ inv = app.env.intersphinx_inventory
+ assert inv['py:module']['module2'] == \
+ ('foo', '2.0', '', '-')
+ # create fake nodes and check referencing
+ def fake_node(domain, type, target, content, **attrs):
+ contnode = nodes.emphasis(content, content)
+ node = addnodes.pending_xref('')
+ node['reftarget'] = target
+ node['reftype'] = type
+ node['refdomain'] = domain
+ node.attributes.update(attrs)
+ node += contnode
+ return node, contnode
+ def reference_check(*args, **kwds):
+ node, contnode = fake_node(*args, **kwds)
+ return missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
+ # check resolution when a target is found
+ rn = reference_check('py', 'func', 'module1.func', 'foo')
+ assert isinstance(rn, nodes.reference)
+ assert rn['refuri'] == ''
+ assert rn['reftitle'] == '(in foo v2.0)'
+ assert rn[0].astext() == 'foo'
+ # create unresolvable nodes and check None return value
+ assert reference_check('py', 'foo', 'module1.func', 'foo') is None
+ assert reference_check('py', 'func', 'foo', 'foo') is None
+ assert reference_check('py', 'func', 'foo', 'foo') is None
+ # check handling of prefixes
+ # prefix given, target found: prefix is stripped
+ rn = reference_check('py', 'mod', 'py3k:module2', 'py3k:module2')
+ assert rn[0].astext() == 'module2'
+ # prefix given, but not in title: nothing stripped
+ rn = reference_check('py', 'mod', 'py3k:module2', 'module2')
+ assert rn[0].astext() == 'module2'
+ # prefix given, but explicit: nothing stripped
+ rn = reference_check('py', 'mod', 'py3k:module2', 'py3k:module2',
+ refexplicit=True)
+ assert rn[0].astext() == 'py3k:module2'
+ # prefix given, target not found and nonexplicit title: prefix is stripped
+ node, contnode = fake_node('py', 'mod', 'py3k:unknown', 'py3k:unknown',
+ refexplicit=False)
+ rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
+ assert rn is None
+ assert contnode[0].astext() == 'unknown'
+ # prefix given, target not found and explicit title: nothing is changed
+ node, contnode = fake_node('py', 'mod', 'py3k:unknown', 'py3k:unknown',
+ refexplicit=True)
+ rn = missing_reference(app, app.env, node, contnode)
+ assert rn is None
+ assert contnode[0].astext() == 'py3k:unknown'
+def test_load_mappings_warnings(tempdir, app, status, warning):
+ """
+ load_mappings issues a warning if new-style mapping
+ identifiers are not alphanumeric
+ """
+ inv_file = tempdir / 'inventory'
+ inv_file.write_bytes(inventory_v2)
+ app.config.intersphinx_mapping = {
+ '': inv_file,
+ 'py3k': ('', inv_file),
+ 'repoze.workflow': ('', inv_file),
+ 'django-taggit': ('',
+ inv_file)
+ }
+ app.config.intersphinx_cache_limit = 0
+ # load the inventory and check if it's done correctly
+ load_mappings(app)
+ assert warning.getvalue().count('\n') == 2