diff options
authorMasen Furer <>2023-01-15 16:20:26 -0800
committerGitHub <>2023-01-15 16:20:26 -0800
commitaff1d4d8b7623de863069c1307ece6733c34d558 (patch)
parent24bf148339bb58a931d455fdae27a081d49ebe5c (diff)
Rewrite substitution parser (#2861)
7 files changed, 526 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/docs/changelog/2732.feature.rst b/docs/changelog/2732.feature.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..489edf9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/changelog/2732.feature.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Rewrite substitution replacement parser - by :user:`masenf`
+* ``\`` acts as a proper escape for ``\`` in ini-style substitutions
+* The resulting value of a substitution is no longer reprocessed in the context
+ of the broader string. (Prior to this change, ini-values were repeatedly re-substituted until
+ the expression no longer had modifications)
+* Migrate and update "Substitutions" section of Configuration page from v3 docs.
+* ```find_replace_part`` is removed from ``tox.config.loader.ini.replace``
+* New names exported from ``tox.config.loader.ini.replace``:
+ * ``find_replace_expr``
+ * ``MatchArg``
+ * ``MatchError``
+ * ``MatchExpression``
+ * Note: the API for ``replace`` itself is unchanged.
diff --git a/docs/config.rst b/docs/config.rst
index a0366b5a..1141c16f 100644
--- a/docs/config.rst
+++ b/docs/config.rst
@@ -765,3 +765,144 @@ Example configuration:
skip_missing_interpreters = true
+Any ``key=value`` setting in an ini-file can make use of **value substitution**
+through the ``{...}`` string-substitution pattern.
+The string inside the curly braces may reference a global or per-environment config key as described above.
+The backslash character ``\`` will act as an escape for a following: ``\``,
+``{``, ``}``, ``:``, ``[``, or ``]``, otherwise the backslash will be
+reproduced literally::
+ commands =
+ python -c 'print("\{posargs} = \{}".format("{posargs}"))'
+ python -c 'print("host: \{}".format("{env:HOSTNAME:host\: not set}")'
+Special substitutions that accept additional colon-delimited ``:`` parameters
+cannot have a space after the ``:`` at the beginning of line (e.g. ``{posargs:
+magic}`` would be parsed as factorial ``{posargs``, having value magic).
+Environment variable substitutions
+If you specify a substitution string like this::
+ {env:KEY}
+then the value will be retrieved as ``os.environ['KEY']``
+and raise an Error if the environment variable
+does not exist.
+Environment variable substitutions with default values
+If you specify a substitution string like this::
+then the value will be retrieved as ``os.environ['KEY']``
+and replace with DEFAULTVALUE if the environment variable does not
+If you specify a substitution string like this::
+ {env:KEY:}
+then the value will be retrieved as ``os.environ['KEY']``
+and replace with an empty string if the environment variable does not
+Substitutions can also be nested. In that case they are expanded starting
+from the innermost expression::
+ {env:KEY:{env:DEFAULT_OF_KEY}}
+the above example is roughly equivalent to
+``os.environ.get('KEY', os.environ['DEFAULT_OF_KEY'])``
+Interactive shell substitution
+.. versionadded:: 3.4.0
+It's possible to inject a config value only when tox is running in interactive shell (standard input)::
+The first value is the value to inject when the interactive terminal is
+available, the second value is the value to use when it's not (optiona). A good
+use case for this is e.g. passing in the ``--pdb`` flag for pytest.
+.. _`command positional substitution`:
+.. _`positional substitution`:
+Substitutions for positional arguments in commands
+.. versionadded:: 1.0
+If you specify a substitution string like this::
+ {posargs:DEFAULTS}
+then the value will be replaced with positional arguments as provided
+to the tox command::
+ tox arg1 arg2
+In this instance, the positional argument portion will be replaced with
+``arg1 arg2``. If no positional arguments were specified, the value of
+DEFAULTS will be used instead. If DEFAULTS contains other substitution
+strings, such as ``{env:*}``, they will be interpreted.,
+Use a double ``--`` if you also want to pass options to an underlying
+test command, for example::
+ tox -- --opt1 ARG1
+will make the ``--opt1 ARG1`` appear in all test commands where ``[]`` or
+``{posargs}`` was specified. By default (see ``args_are_paths``
+setting), ``tox`` rewrites each positional argument if it is a relative
+path and exists on the filesystem to become a path relative to the
+``changedir`` setting.
+Substitution for values from other sections
+.. versionadded:: 1.4
+Values from other sections can be referred to via::
+ {[sectionname]valuename}
+which you can use to avoid repetition of config values.
+You can put default values in one section and reference them in others to avoid repeating the same values:
+.. code-block:: ini
+ [base]
+ deps =
+ pytest
+ mock
+ pytest-xdist
+ [testenv:dulwich]
+ deps =
+ dulwich
+ {[base]deps}
+ [testenv:mercurial]
+ deps =
+ mercurial
+ {[base]deps}
+Other Substitutions
+* ``{}`` - replaced as ``os.pathsep``
+* ``{/}`` - replaced as ``os.sep``
diff --git a/src/tox/config/loader/ini/ b/src/tox/config/loader/ini/
index cb0174e3..a1d3846e 100644
--- a/src/tox/config/loader/ini/
+++ b/src/tox/config/loader/ini/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import sys
from configparser import SectionProxy
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterator, Pattern
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Iterator, Pattern, Sequence, Union
from tox.config.loader.api import ConfigLoadArgs
from tox.config.loader.stringify import stringify
@@ -21,74 +21,175 @@ if TYPE_CHECKING:
from tox.config.loader.ini import IniLoader
from tox.config.main import Config
-# split alongside :, unless it's escaped, or it's preceded by a single capital letter (Windows drive letter in paths)
-ARGS_GROUP = re.compile(r"(?<!\\\\|:[A-Z]):")
+# split alongside :, unless it's preceded by a single capital letter (Windows drive letter in paths)
+MatchArg = Sequence[Union[str, "MatchExpression"]]
+def find_replace_expr(value: str) -> MatchArg:
+ """Find all replaceable tokens within value."""
+ return MatchExpression.parse_and_split_to_terminator(value)[0][0]
def replace(conf: Config, loader: IniLoader, value: str, args: ConfigLoadArgs) -> str:
- # perform all non-escaped replaces
- end = 0
- while True:
- start, end, to_replace = find_replace_part(value, end)
- if to_replace is None:
- break
- replaced = _replace_match(conf, loader, to_replace, args.copy())
- if replaced is None:
- # if we cannot replace, keep what was there, and continue looking for additional replaces following
- # note, here we cannot raise because the content may be a factorial expression, and in those case we don't
- # want to enforce escaping curly braces, e.g. it should work to write: env_list = {py39,py38}-{,dep}
- end = end + 1
- continue
- new_value = f"{value[:start]}{replaced}{value[end + 1:]}"
- end = 0 # if we performed a replacement start over
- if new_value == value: # if we're not making progress stop (circular reference?)
- break
- value = new_value
- # remove escape sequences
- value = value.replace("\\{", "{")
- value = value.replace("\\}", "}")
- value = value.replace("\\[", "[")
- value = value.replace("\\]", "]")
- return value
-REPLACE_PART = re.compile(
- r"""
- (?<!\\) { # Unescaped {
- ( [^{},] | \\ { | \\ } )* # Anything except an unescaped { or }
- (?<! \\) } # Unescaped }
- |
- (?<! \\) \[ ] # Unescaped []
- """,
+ """Replace all active tokens within value according to the config."""
+ return Replacer(conf, loader, conf_args=args).join(find_replace_expr(value))
-def find_replace_part(value: str, end: int) -> tuple[int, int, str | None]:
- match =, end)
- if match is None:
- return -1, -1, None
- if == "[]":
- return match.start(), match.end() - 1, "posargs" # brackets is an alias for positional arguments
- matched_part =[1:-1]
- return match.start(), match.end() - 1, matched_part
-def _replace_match(conf: Config, loader: IniLoader, value: str, conf_args: ConfigLoadArgs) -> str | None:
- of_type, *args = ARGS_GROUP.split(value)
- if of_type == "/":
- replace_value: str | None = os.sep
- elif of_type == "" and args == [""]:
- replace_value = os.pathsep
- elif of_type == "env":
- replace_value = replace_env(conf, args, conf_args)
- elif of_type == "tty":
- replace_value = replace_tty(args)
- elif of_type == "posargs":
- replace_value = replace_pos_args(conf, args, conf_args)
- else:
- replace_value = replace_reference(conf, loader, value, conf_args)
- return replace_value
+class MatchError(Exception):
+ """Could not find end terminator in MatchExpression."""
+class MatchExpression:
+ """An expression that is handled specially by the Replacer."""
+ def __init__(self, expr: Sequence[MatchArg], term_pos: int | None = None):
+ self.expr = expr
+ self.term_pos = term_pos
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return f"MatchExpression(expr={self.expr!r}, term_pos={self.term_pos!r})"
+ def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
+ if isinstance(other, type(self)):
+ return self.expr == other.expr
+ return NotImplemented
+ @classmethod
+ def _next_replace_expression(cls, value: str) -> MatchExpression | None:
+ """Process a curly brace replacement expression."""
+ if value.startswith("[]"):
+ # `[]` is shorthand for `{posargs}`
+ return MatchExpression(expr=[["posargs"]], term_pos=1)
+ if not value.startswith(REPLACE_START):
+ return None
+ try:
+ # recursively handle inner expression
+ rec_expr, term_pos = cls.parse_and_split_to_terminator(
+ value[1:],
+ terminator=REPLACE_END,
+ )
+ except MatchError:
+ # did NOT find the expected terminator character, so treat `{` as if escaped
+ pass
+ else:
+ return MatchExpression(expr=rec_expr, term_pos=term_pos)
+ return None
+ @classmethod
+ def parse_and_split_to_terminator(
+ cls,
+ value: str,
+ terminator: str = "",
+ split: str | None = None,
+ ) -> tuple[Sequence[MatchArg], int]:
+ """
+ Tokenize `value` to up `terminator` character.
+ If `split` is given, multiple arguments will be returned.
+ Returns list of arguments (list of str or MatchExpression) and final character position examined in value.
+ This function recursively calls itself via `_next_replace_expression`.
+ """
+ args = []
+ last_arg: list[str | MatchExpression] = []
+ pos = 0
+ while pos < len(value):
+ if len(value) > pos + 1 and value[pos] == "\\" and value[pos + 1] in BACKSLASH_ESCAPE_CHARS:
+ # backslash escapes the next character from a special set
+ last_arg.append(value[pos + 1])
+ pos += 2
+ continue
+ fragment = value[pos:]
+ if terminator and fragment.startswith(terminator):
+ pos += len(terminator)
+ break
+ if split and fragment.startswith(split):
+ # found a new argument
+ args.append(last_arg)
+ last_arg = []
+ pos += len(split)
+ continue
+ expr = cls._next_replace_expression(fragment)
+ if expr is not None:
+ pos += (expr.term_pos or 0) + 1
+ last_arg.append(expr)
+ continue
+ # default case: consume the next character
+ last_arg.append(value[pos])
+ pos += 1
+ else: # fell out of the loop
+ if terminator:
+ raise MatchError(f"{terminator!r} remains unmatched in {value!r}")
+ args.append(last_arg)
+ return [_flatten_string_fragments(a) for a in args], pos
+def _flatten_string_fragments(seq_of_str_or_other: Sequence[str | Any]) -> Sequence[str | Any]:
+ """Join runs of contiguous str values in a sequence; nny non-str items in the sequence are left as-is."""
+ result = []
+ last_str = []
+ for obj in seq_of_str_or_other:
+ if isinstance(obj, str):
+ last_str.append(obj)
+ else:
+ if last_str:
+ result.append("".join(last_str))
+ last_str = []
+ result.append(obj)
+ if last_str:
+ result.append("".join(last_str))
+ return result
+class Replacer:
+ """Recursively expand MatchExpression against the config and loader."""
+ def __init__(self, conf: Config, loader: IniLoader, conf_args: ConfigLoadArgs):
+ self.conf = conf
+ self.loader = loader
+ self.conf_args = conf_args
+ def __call__(self, value: MatchArg) -> Sequence[str]:
+ return [self._replace_match(me) if isinstance(me, MatchExpression) else str(me) for me in value]
+ def join(self, value: MatchArg) -> str:
+ return "".join(self(value))
+ def _replace_match(self, value: MatchExpression) -> str:
+ of_type, *args = flattened_args = [self.join(arg) for arg in value.expr]
+ if of_type == "/":
+ replace_value: str | None = os.sep
+ elif of_type == "" and args == [""]:
+ replace_value = os.pathsep
+ elif of_type == "env":
+ replace_value = replace_env(self.conf, args, self.conf_args)
+ elif of_type == "tty":
+ replace_value = replace_tty(args)
+ elif of_type == "posargs":
+ replace_value = replace_pos_args(self.conf, args, self.conf_args)
+ else:
+ replace_value = replace_reference(
+ self.conf,
+ self.loader,
+ ARG_DELIMITER.join(flattened_args),
+ self.conf_args,
+ )
+ if replace_value is not None:
+ return replace_value
+ # else: fall through -- when replacement is not possible, treat `{` as if escaped.
+ # If we cannot replace, keep what was there, and continue looking for additional replaces
+ # NOTE: cannot raise because the content may be a factorial expression where we don't
+ # want to enforce escaping curly braces, e.g. `env_list = {py39,py38}-{,dep}` should work
+ return f"{REPLACE_START}%s{REPLACE_END}" % ARG_DELIMITER.join(flattened_args)
@@ -98,6 +199,7 @@ def _replace_ref(env: str | None) -> Pattern[str]:
(\[(?P<full_env>{re.escape(env or '.*')}(:(?P<env>[^]]+))?|(?P<section>[-\w]+))])? # env/section
(?P<key>[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+) # key
(:(?P<default>.*))? # default value
+ $
@@ -179,13 +281,15 @@ def replace_pos_args(conf: Config, args: list[str], conf_args: ConfigLoadArgs) -
pos_args = conf.pos_args(to_path)
if pos_args is None:
- replace_value = ":".join(args) # if we use the defaults join back remaining args
+ replace_value = ARG_DELIMITER.join(args) # if we use the defaults join back remaining args
replace_value = shell_cmd(pos_args)
return replace_value
def replace_env(conf: Config, args: list[str], conf_args: ConfigLoadArgs) -> str:
+ if not args or not args[0]:
+ raise MatchError("No variable name was supplied in {env} substitution")
key = args[0]
new_key = f"env:{key}"
@@ -203,7 +307,7 @@ def replace_env(conf: Config, args: list[str], conf_args: ConfigLoadArgs) -> str
if key in os.environ:
return os.environ[key]
- return "" if len(args) == 1 else ":".join(args[1:])
+ return "" if len(args) == 1 else ARG_DELIMITER.join(args[1:])
def replace_tty(args: list[str]) -> str:
@@ -215,6 +319,9 @@ def replace_tty(args: list[str]) -> str:
__all__ = (
+ "find_replace_expr",
+ "MatchArg",
+ "MatchError",
+ "MatchExpression",
- "find_replace_part",
diff --git a/src/tox/config/ b/src/tox/config/
index fe5add48..b9cc9476 100644
--- a/src/tox/config/
+++ b/src/tox/config/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class SetEnv:
self._env_files: list[str] = []
self._replacer: Replacer = lambda s, c: s # noqa: U100
self._name, self._env_name, self._root = name, env_name, root
- from .loader.ini.replace import find_replace_part
+ from .loader.ini.replace import MatchExpression, find_replace_expr
for line in raw.splitlines():
if line.strip():
@@ -30,9 +30,10 @@ class SetEnv:
if "{" in key:
raise ValueError(f"invalid line {line!r} in set_env")
except ValueError:
- _, __, match = find_replace_part(line, 0)
- if match:
- self._needs_replacement.append(line)
+ for expr in find_replace_expr(line):
+ if isinstance(expr, MatchExpression):
+ self._needs_replacement.append(line)
+ break
diff --git a/tests/config/loader/ini/replace/ b/tests/config/loader/ini/replace/
index 39aab9d3..54bf2a7e 100644
--- a/tests/config/loader/ini/replace/
+++ b/tests/config/loader/ini/replace/
@@ -2,26 +2,92 @@ from __future__ import annotations
import pytest
-from tox.config.loader.ini.replace import find_replace_part
+from tests.config.loader.ini.replace.conftest import ReplaceOne
+from tox.config.loader.ini.replace import MatchExpression, find_replace_expr
+from import HandledError
- ("value", "result"),
+ ("value", "exp_output"),
- ("[]", (0, 1, "posargs")),
- ("123[]", (3, 4, "posargs")),
- ("[]123", (0, 1, "posargs")),
- (r"\[\] []", (5, 6, "posargs")),
- (r"[\] []", (4, 5, "posargs")),
- (r"\[] []", (4, 5, "posargs")),
- ("{foo}", (0, 4, "foo")),
- (r"\{foo} {bar}", (7, 11, "bar")),
- ("{foo} {bar}", (0, 4, "foo")),
- (r"{foo\} {bar}", (7, 11, "bar")),
- (r"{foo:{bar}}", (5, 9, "bar")),
- (r"{\{}", (0, 3, r"\{")),
- (r"{\}}", (0, 3, r"\}")),
+ ("[]", [MatchExpression([["posargs"]])]),
+ ("123[]", ["123", MatchExpression([["posargs"]])]),
+ ("[]123", [MatchExpression([["posargs"]]), "123"]),
+ (r"\[\] []", ["[] ", MatchExpression([["posargs"]])]),
+ (r"[\] []", ["[] ", MatchExpression([["posargs"]])]),
+ (r"\[] []", ["[] ", MatchExpression([["posargs"]])]),
+ ("{foo}", [MatchExpression([["foo"]])]),
+ (r"\{foo} {bar}", ["{foo} ", MatchExpression([["bar"]])]),
+ ("{foo} {bar}", [MatchExpression([["foo"]]), " ", MatchExpression([["bar"]])]),
+ (r"{foo\} {bar}", ["{foo} ", MatchExpression([["bar"]])]),
+ (r"{foo:{bar}}", [MatchExpression([["foo"], [MatchExpression([["bar"]])]])]),
+ (r"{foo\::{bar}}", [MatchExpression([["foo:"], [MatchExpression([["bar"]])]])]),
+ (r"{foo:B:c:D:e}", [MatchExpression([["foo"], ["B"], ["c"], ["D"], ["e"]])]),
+ (r"{\{}", [MatchExpression([["{"]])]),
+ (r"{\}}", [MatchExpression([["}"]])]),
+ (
+ r"p{foo:b{a{r}:t}:{ba}z}s",
+ [
+ "p",
+ MatchExpression(
+ [
+ ["foo"],
+ [
+ "b",
+ MatchExpression(
+ [
+ ["a", MatchExpression([["r"]])],
+ ["t"],
+ ],
+ ),
+ ],
+ [
+ MatchExpression(
+ [["ba"]],
+ ),
+ "z",
+ ],
+ ],
+ ),
+ "s",
+ ],
+ ),
+ ("\\", ["\\"]),
+ (r"\d", ["\\d"]),
+ (r"C:\WINDOWS\foo\bar", [r"C:\WINDOWS\foo\bar"]),
-def test_match(value: str, result: tuple[int, int, str]) -> None:
- assert find_replace_part(value, 0) == result
+def test_match_expr(value: str, exp_output: list[str | MatchExpression]) -> None:
+ assert find_replace_expr(value) == exp_output
+ ("value", "exp_exception"),
+ [
+ ("py-{foo,bar}", None),
+ ("py37-{base,i18n},b", None),
+ ("py37-{i18n,base},b", None),
+ ("{toxinidir,}", None),
+ ("{env}", r"MatchError\('No variable name was supplied in {env} substitution'\)"),
+ ],
+def test_dont_replace(replace_one: ReplaceOne, value: str, exp_exception: str | None) -> None:
+ """Test that invalid expressions are not replaced."""
+ if exp_exception:
+ with pytest.raises(HandledError, match=exp_exception):
+ replace_one(value)
+ else:
+ assert replace_one(value) == value
+ ("match_expression", "exp_repr"),
+ [
+ (MatchExpression([["posargs"]]), "MatchExpression(expr=[['posargs']], term_pos=None)"),
+ (MatchExpression([["posargs"]], 1), "MatchExpression(expr=[['posargs']], term_pos=1)"),
+ (MatchExpression("foo", -42), "MatchExpression(expr='foo', term_pos=-42)"),
+ ],
+def test_match_expression_repr(match_expression: MatchExpression, exp_repr: str) -> None:
+ print(match_expression)
+ assert repr(match_expression) == exp_repr
diff --git a/tests/config/loader/ini/replace/ b/tests/config/loader/ini/replace/
index 9164a1e7..c9f26400 100644
--- a/tests/config/loader/ini/replace/
+++ b/tests/config/loader/ini/replace/
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
from __future__ import annotations
+import threading
+from typing import Generator
+import pytest
from tests.config.loader.ini.replace.conftest import ReplaceOne
from tox.pytest import MonkeyPatch
@@ -11,6 +16,43 @@ def test_replace_env_set(replace_one: ReplaceOne, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> N
assert result == "something good"
+def test_replace_env_set_double_bs(replace_one: ReplaceOne, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None:
+ """Double backslash should escape to single backslash and not affect surrounding replacements."""
+ monkeypatch.setenv("MAGIC", "something good")
+ result = replace_one(r"{env:MAGIC}\\{env:MAGIC}")
+ assert result == r"something good\something good"
+def test_replace_env_set_triple_bs(replace_one: ReplaceOne, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None:
+ """Triple backslash should escape to single backslash also escape subsequent replacement."""
+ monkeypatch.setenv("MAGIC", "something good")
+ result = replace_one(r"{env:MAGIC}\\\{env:MAGIC}")
+ assert result == r"something good\{env:MAGIC}"
+def test_replace_env_set_quad_bs(replace_one: ReplaceOne, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None:
+ """Quad backslash should escape to two backslashes and not affect surrounding replacements."""
+ monkeypatch.setenv("MAGIC", "something good")
+ result = replace_one(r"\\{env:MAGIC}\\\\{env:MAGIC}\\")
+ assert result == r"\something good\\something good" + "\\"
+def test_replace_env_when_value_is_backslash(replace_one: ReplaceOne, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None:
+ """When the replacement value is backslash, it shouldn't affect the next replacement."""
+ monkeypatch.setenv("MAGIC", "tragic")
+ monkeypatch.setenv("BS", "\\")
+ result = replace_one(r"{env:BS}{env:MAGIC}")
+ assert result == r"\tragic"
+def test_replace_env_when_value_is_stuff_then_backslash(replace_one: ReplaceOne, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None:
+ """When the replacement value is a string containing backslash, it shouldn't affect the next replacement."""
+ monkeypatch.setenv("MAGIC", "tragic")
+ monkeypatch.setenv("BS", "stuff\\")
+ result = replace_one(r"{env:BS}{env:MAGIC}")
+ assert result == r"stuff\tragic"
def test_replace_env_missing(replace_one: ReplaceOne, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None:
"""If we have a factor that is not specified within the core env-list then that's also an environment"""
monkeypatch.delenv("MAGIC", raising=False)
@@ -34,14 +76,60 @@ def test_replace_env_missing_default_from_env(replace_one: ReplaceOne, monkeypat
def test_replace_env_var_circular(replace_one: ReplaceOne, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None:
- """If we have a factor that is not specified within the core env-list then that's also an environment"""
+ """Replacement values will not infinitely loop"""
monkeypatch.setenv("MAGIC", "{env:MAGIC}")
result = replace_one("{env:MAGIC}")
assert result == "{env:MAGIC}"
+def reset_env_var_after_delay(monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> Generator[threading.Thread, None, None]:
+ timeout = 2
+ def avoid_infinite_loop() -> None: # pragma: no cover
+ monkeypatch.setenv("TRAGIC", f"envvar forcibly reset after {timeout} sec")
+ timer = threading.Timer(2, avoid_infinite_loop)
+ timer.start()
+ yield timer
+ timer.cancel()
+ timer.join()
+def test_replace_env_var_circular_flip_flop(replace_one: ReplaceOne, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None:
+ """Replacement values will not infinitely loop back and forth"""
+ monkeypatch.setenv("TRAGIC", "{env:MAGIC}")
+ monkeypatch.setenv("MAGIC", "{env:TRAGIC}")
+ result = replace_one("{env:MAGIC}")
+ assert result == "{env:TRAGIC}"
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("fallback", [True, False])
+def test_replace_env_var_chase(replace_one: ReplaceOne, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, fallback: bool) -> None:
+ """Resolve variable to be replaced and default value via indirection."""
+ monkeypatch.setenv("WALK", "THIS")
+ def_val = "or that one"
+ monkeypatch.setenv("DEF", def_val)
+ if fallback:
+ monkeypatch.delenv("THIS", raising=False)
+ exp_result = def_val
+ else:
+ this_val = "path"
+ monkeypatch.setenv("THIS", this_val)
+ exp_result = this_val
+ result = replace_one("{env:{env:WALK}:{env:DEF}}")
+ assert result == exp_result
def test_replace_env_default_with_colon(replace_one: ReplaceOne, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None:
"""If we have a factor that is not specified within the core env-list then that's also an environment"""
monkeypatch.delenv("MAGIC", raising=False)
result = replace_one("{env:MAGIC:}")
assert result == ""
+def test_replace_env_default_deep(replace_one: ReplaceOne, monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None:
+ """Get the value through a long tree of nested defaults."""
+ monkeypatch.delenv("M", raising=False)
+ assert replace_one("{env:M:{env:M:{env:M:{env:M:{env:M:foo}}}}}") == "foo"
diff --git a/tests/config/loader/ini/replace/ b/tests/config/loader/ini/replace/
index 04920c7b..2ab0e467 100644
--- a/tests/config/loader/ini/replace/
+++ b/tests/config/loader/ini/replace/
@@ -2,9 +2,29 @@ from __future__ import annotations
import os
+import pytest
from tests.config.loader.ini.replace.conftest import ReplaceOne
+from tox.pytest import MonkeyPatch
def test_replace_os_sep(replace_one: ReplaceOne) -> None:
result = replace_one("{/}")
assert result == os.sep
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("sep", ["/", "\\"])
+def test_replace_os_sep_before_curly(monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, replace_one: ReplaceOne, sep: str) -> None:
+ """Explicit test case for issue #2732 (windows only)."""
+ monkeypatch.setattr(os, "sep", sep)
+ monkeypatch.delenv("_", raising=False)
+ result = replace_one("{/}{env:_:foo}")
+ assert result == os.sep + "foo"
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("sep", ["/", "\\"])
+def test_replace_os_sep_sub_exp_regression(monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, replace_one: ReplaceOne, sep: str) -> None:
+ monkeypatch.setattr(os, "sep", sep)
+ monkeypatch.delenv("_", raising=False)
+ result = replace_one("{env:_:{posargs}{/}.{posargs}}", ["foo"])
+ assert result == f"foo{os.sep}.foo"