path: root/doc
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authorOlly Cope <>2022-10-30 15:08:10 +0000
committerOlly Cope <>2022-10-30 15:08:10 +0000
commit9884d521f48b16c52fe8e055003021a882d3df5f (patch)
tree584618de8befc8530bc2deb32faac157551c710e /doc
parentf80aa6134e0f48377ee8c2b46baa1fda2a143649 (diff)
docs: improve documentation for the connection URL syntax
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/doc/index.rst b/doc/index.rst
index f3874a5..196d441 100644
--- a/doc/index.rst
+++ b/doc/index.rst
@@ -89,18 +89,59 @@ instead roll back and reapply the last migration:
Connecting to a database
-Database connections are specified using a URL. Examples:
+Database connections are specified using a URL, for example:
-.. code:: ini
+.. code:: shell
+ yoyo list --database postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/mydatabase
+The protocol part of the URL (the part before ``://``) is used to specify the backend.
+Yoyo provides the following core backends:
+- ``postgresql`` (psycopg2_)
+- ``postgresql+psycopg`` (psycopg3_)
+- ``mysql`` (pymysql_)
+- ``mysql+mysqldb`` (mysqlclient_)
+- ``sqlite`` (sqlite3_)
+And these backends have been contributed and are bundled with yoyo:
+- ``odbc`` (pyodbc_)
+- ``oracle`` (`cx_Oracle`_)
+- ``snowflake`` (snowflake_)
+- ``redshift`` (psycopg2_)
+How other parts of the URL are interpreted depends on the underlying backend
+and the DB-API driver used. The host part especially tends to be interpreted
+differently by drivers. A few of the more important differences are listed below.
- # SQLite: use 4 slashes for an absolute database path on unix like platforms
- database = sqlite:////home/user/mydb.sqlite
+MySQL connections
- # SQLite: use 3 slashes for a relative path
- database = sqlite:///mydb.sqlite
+mysqlclient_ and pymysql_ have
+different ways to interpret the ``host`` part of the connection URL:
- # SQLite: absolute path on Windows.
- database = sqlite:///c:\home\user\mydb.sqlite
+- With mysqlclient_ (``mysql+mysqldb://``),
+ setting the host to ``localhost`` or leaving it empty causes the
+ driver to attempt a local unix socket connection.
+- In pymysql_ (``mysql://``),
+ the driver will attempt a tcp connection in both cases.
+ Specify a unix socket connection
+ with the ``unix_socket`` option (eg ``?unix_socket=/tmp/mysql.sock``)
+To enable SSL, specify ``?ssl=1`` and the following options as required:
+- ``sslca``
+- ``sslcapath``
+- ``sslcert``
+- ``sslkey``
+- ``sslcipher``
+These options correspond to the ``ca``, ``capath``, ``cert``, ``key`` and ``cipher`` options used by `mysql_ssl_set <>`_.
+Example configurations:
+.. code:: ini
# MySQL: Network database connection
database = mysql://scott:tiger@localhost/mydatabase
@@ -114,18 +155,51 @@ Database connections are specified using a URL. Examples:
# MySQL with SSL/TLS enabled
database = mysql+mysqldb://scott:tiger@localhost/mydatabase?ssl=yes&sslca=/path/to/cert
- # PostgreSQL: database connection
+PostgreSQL connections
+The psycopg family of drivers will use a unix socket if the host is left empty
+(or the value of ``PGHOST`` if this is set in your environment). Otherwise it will attempt a tcp connection to the specified host.
+To force a unix socket connection leave the host part of the URL
+empty and provide a ``host`` option that points to the directory containing the socket
+(eg ``postgresql:///mydb?host=/path/to/socket/``).
+The postgresql backends also allow a custom schema to be selected by specifying a ``schema`` option, eg ``postgresql://…/mydatabase?schema=myschema``.
+Example configurations:
+.. code:: ini
database = postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/mydatabase
- # PostgreSQL: unix socket connection
+ # unix socket connection
database = postgresql://scott:tiger@/mydatabase
- # PostgreSQL with the newer psycopg 3 driver
+ # unix socket at a non-standard location and port number
+ database = postgresql://scott:tiger@/mydatabase?host=/var/run/postgresql&port=5434
+ # PostgreSQL with psycopg 3 driver
database = postgresql+psycopg://scott:tiger@localhost/mydatabase
- # PostgreSQL: changing the schema (via set search_path)
+ # Changing the default schema
database = postgresql://scott:tiger@/mydatabase?schema=some_schema
+SQLite connections
+The SQLite backend ignores everything in the connection URL except the database
+name, which should be a filename, or the special value ``:memory:`` for an in-memory database.
+3 slashes are required to specify a relative path::
+ sqlite:///mydb.sqlite
+and 4 for an absolute path on unix-like platforms::
+ sqlite:////home/user/mydb.sqlite
Password security
@@ -451,7 +525,7 @@ rollbacks happen. For example:
Disabling transactions
-You can disable transaction handling within a migration by setting
+Disable transaction handling within a migration by setting
``__transactional__ = False``, eg:
.. code:: python
@@ -536,8 +610,7 @@ in the package metadata (typically in ``setup.cfg``), for example:
mybackend = mypackage:MyBackend
-You can then use the backend by specifying ``'mybackend'`` as the driver
+Use the backend by specifying ``'mybackend'`` as the driver protocol::
.. code:: sh
@@ -611,3 +684,11 @@ Changelog
.. include:: ../CHANGELOG.rst
+.. _mysqlclient:
+.. _pymysql:
+.. _psycopg2:
+.. _psycopg3:
+.. _sqlite3:
+.. _pyodbc:
+.. _cx_Oracle:
+.. _snowflake: