path: root/yoyo/backends/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'yoyo/backends/')
1 files changed, 578 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/yoyo/backends/ b/yoyo/backends/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f288d19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yoyo/backends/
@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Oliver Cope
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from import Mapping
+from datetime import datetime
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from importlib import import_module
+from itertools import count
+from logging import getLogger
+from typing import Dict
+from importlib_metadata import entry_points
+import getpass
+import os
+import pickle
+import socket
+import time
+import uuid
+from yoyo import exceptions
+from yoyo import internalmigrations
+from yoyo import utils
+from yoyo.migrations import topological_sort
+logger = getLogger("yoyo.migrations")
+class TransactionManager:
+ """
+ Returned by the :meth:`~yoyo.backends.DatabaseBackend.transaction`
+ context manager.
+ If rollback is called, the transaction is flagged to be rolled back
+ when the context manager block closes
+ """
+ def __init__(self, backend):
+ self.backend = backend
+ self._rollback = False
+ def __enter__(self):
+ self._do_begin()
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, value, traceback):
+ if exc_type:
+ self._do_rollback()
+ return None
+ if self._rollback:
+ self._do_rollback()
+ else:
+ self._do_commit()
+ def rollback(self):
+ """
+ Flag that the transaction will be rolled back when the with statement
+ exits
+ """
+ self._rollback = True
+ def _do_begin(self):
+ """
+ Instruct the backend to begin a transaction
+ """
+ self.backend.begin()
+ def _do_commit(self):
+ """
+ Instruct the backend to commit the transaction
+ """
+ self.backend.commit()
+ def _do_rollback(self):
+ """
+ Instruct the backend to roll back the transaction
+ """
+ self.backend.rollback()
+class SavepointTransactionManager(TransactionManager):
+ id = None
+ id_generator = count(1)
+ def _do_begin(self):
+ assert is None
+ = "sp_{}".format(next(self.id_generator))
+ self.backend.savepoint(
+ def _do_commit(self):
+ """
+ This does nothing.
+ Trying to the release savepoint here could cause an database error in
+ databases where DDL queries cause the transaction to be committed
+ and all savepoints released.
+ """
+ def _do_rollback(self):
+ self.backend.savepoint_rollback(
+class DatabaseBackend:
+ driver_module = "" # type: str
+ log_table = "_yoyo_log"
+ lock_table = "yoyo_lock"
+ list_tables_sql = "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables"
+ version_table = "_yoyo_version"
+ migration_table = "_yoyo_migrations"
+ is_applied_sql = """
+ SELECT COUNT(1) FROM {0.migration_table_quoted}
+ WHERE id=:id"""
+ mark_migration_sql = (
+ "INSERT INTO {0.migration_table_quoted} "
+ "(migration_hash, migration_id, applied_at_utc) "
+ "VALUES (:migration_hash, :migration_id, :when)"
+ )
+ unmark_migration_sql = (
+ "DELETE FROM {0.migration_table_quoted} WHERE "
+ "migration_hash = :migration_hash"
+ )
+ applied_migrations_sql = (
+ "SELECT migration_hash FROM "
+ "{0.migration_table_quoted} "
+ "ORDER by applied_at_utc"
+ )
+ create_test_table_sql = "CREATE TABLE {table_name_quoted} " "(id INT PRIMARY KEY)"
+ log_migration_sql = (
+ "INSERT INTO {0.log_table_quoted} "
+ "(id, migration_hash, migration_id, operation, "
+ "username, hostname, created_at_utc) "
+ "VALUES (:id, :migration_hash, :migration_id, "
+ ":operation, :username, :hostname, :created_at_utc)"
+ )
+ create_lock_table_sql = (
+ "CREATE TABLE {0.lock_table_quoted} ("
+ "locked INT DEFAULT 1, "
+ "ctime TIMESTAMP,"
+ "pid INT NOT NULL,"
+ "PRIMARY KEY (locked))"
+ )
+ _driver = None
+ _is_locked = False
+ _in_transaction = False
+ _internal_schema_updated = False
+ _transactional_ddl_cache: Dict[bytes, bool] = {}
+ def __init__(self, dburi, migration_table):
+ self.uri = dburi
+ self.DatabaseError = self.driver.DatabaseError
+ self._connection = self.connect(dburi)
+ self.init_connection(self._connection)
+ self.migration_table = migration_table
+ self.has_transactional_ddl = self._transactional_ddl_cache.get(
+ pickle.dumps(self.uri), True
+ )
+ def init_database(self):
+ self.create_lock_table()
+ self.has_transactional_ddl = self._check_transactional_ddl()
+ self._transactional_ddl_cache[
+ pickle.dumps(self.uri)
+ ] = self.has_transactional_ddl
+ def _load_driver_module(self):
+ """
+ Load the dbapi driver module and register the base exception class
+ """
+ driver = get_dbapi_module(self.driver_module)
+ exceptions.register(driver.DatabaseError)
+ return driver
+ @property
+ def driver(self):
+ if self._driver:
+ return self._driver
+ self._driver = self._load_driver_module()
+ return self._driver
+ @property
+ def connection(self):
+ return self._connection
+ def init_connection(self, connection):
+ """
+ Called when creating a connection or after a rollback. May do any
+ db specific tasks required to make the connection ready for use.
+ """
+ def copy(self):
+ """
+ Return a copy of the backend with a independent db
+ connection.
+ """
+ return self.__class__(self.uri, self.migration_table)
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+ self.connection.close()
+ def __getattr__(self, attrname):
+ if attrname.endswith("_quoted"):
+ unquoted = getattr(self, attrname.rsplit("_quoted")[0])
+ return self.quote_identifier(unquoted)
+ raise AttributeError(attrname)
+ def connect(self, dburi):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def quote_identifier(self, s):
+ return '"{}"'.format(s)
+ def _check_transactional_ddl(self):
+ """
+ Return True if the database supports committing/rolling back
+ DDL statements within a transaction
+ """
+ table_name = "yoyo_tmp_{}".format(utils.get_random_string(10))
+ table_name_quoted = self.quote_identifier(table_name)
+ sql = self.create_test_table_sql.format(table_name_quoted=table_name_quoted)
+ with self.transaction() as t:
+ self.execute(sql)
+ t.rollback()
+ try:
+ with self.transaction():
+ self.execute("DROP TABLE {}".format(table_name_quoted))
+ except self.DatabaseError:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def list_tables(self, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Return a list of tables present in the backend.
+ This is used by the test suite to clean up tables
+ generated during testing
+ """
+ cursor = self.execute(
+ self.list_tables_sql,
+ dict({"database": self.uri.database}, **kwargs),
+ )
+ return [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()]
+ def transaction(self):
+ if not self._in_transaction:
+ return TransactionManager(self)
+ else:
+ return SavepointTransactionManager(self)
+ def cursor(self):
+ return self.connection.cursor()
+ def commit(self):
+ self.connection.commit()
+ self._in_transaction = False
+ def rollback(self):
+ self.connection.rollback()
+ self.init_connection(self.connection)
+ self._in_transaction = False
+ def begin(self):
+ """
+ Begin a new transaction
+ """
+ self._in_transaction = True
+ self.execute("BEGIN")
+ def savepoint(self, id):
+ """
+ Create a new savepoint with the given id
+ """
+ self.execute("SAVEPOINT {}".format(id))
+ def savepoint_release(self, id):
+ """
+ Release (commit) the savepoint with the given id
+ """
+ self.execute("RELEASE SAVEPOINT {}".format(id))
+ def savepoint_rollback(self, id):
+ """
+ Rollback the savepoint with the given id
+ """
+ self.execute("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT {}".format(id))
+ @contextmanager
+ def disable_transactions(self):
+ """
+ Disable the connection's transaction support, for example by
+ setting the isolation mode to 'autocommit'
+ """
+ self.rollback()
+ yield
+ @contextmanager
+ def lock(self, timeout=10):
+ """
+ Create a lock to prevent concurrent migrations.
+ :param timeout: duration in seconds before raising a LockTimeout error.
+ """
+ if self._is_locked:
+ yield
+ return
+ pid = os.getpid()
+ self._insert_lock_row(pid, timeout)
+ try:
+ self._is_locked = True
+ yield
+ self._is_locked = False
+ finally:
+ self._delete_lock_row(pid)
+ def _insert_lock_row(self, pid, timeout, poll_interval=0.5):
+ poll_interval = min(poll_interval, timeout)
+ started = time.time()
+ while True:
+ try:
+ with self.transaction():
+ self.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO {} (locked, ctime, pid) "
+ "VALUES (1, :when, :pid)".format(self.lock_table_quoted),
+ {"when": datetime.utcnow(), "pid": pid},
+ )
+ except self.DatabaseError:
+ if timeout and time.time() > started + timeout:
+ cursor = self.execute(
+ "SELECT pid FROM {}".format(self.lock_table_quoted)
+ )
+ row = cursor.fetchone()
+ if row:
+ raise exceptions.LockTimeout(
+ "Process {} has locked this database "
+ "(run yoyo break-lock to remove this lock)".format(row[0])
+ )
+ else:
+ raise exceptions.LockTimeout(
+ "Database locked "
+ "(run yoyo break-lock to remove this lock)"
+ )
+ time.sleep(poll_interval)
+ else:
+ return
+ def _delete_lock_row(self, pid):
+ with self.transaction():
+ self.execute(
+ "DELETE FROM {} WHERE pid=:pid".format(self.lock_table_quoted),
+ {"pid": pid},
+ )
+ def break_lock(self):
+ with self.transaction():
+ self.execute("DELETE FROM {}".format(self.lock_table_quoted))
+ def execute(self, sql, params=None):
+ """
+ Create a new cursor, execute a single statement and return the cursor
+ object.
+ :param sql: A single SQL statement, optionally with named parameters
+ (eg 'SELECT * FROM foo WHERE :bar IS NULL')
+ :param params: A dictionary of parameters
+ """
+ if params and not isinstance(params, Mapping):
+ raise TypeError("Expected dict or other mapping object")
+ cursor = self.cursor()
+ sql, params = utils.change_param_style(self.driver.paramstyle, sql, params)
+ cursor.execute(sql, params)
+ return cursor
+ def create_lock_table(self):
+ """
+ Create the lock table if it does not already exist.
+ """
+ try:
+ with self.transaction():
+ self.execute(self.create_lock_table_sql.format(self))
+ except self.DatabaseError:
+ pass
+ def ensure_internal_schema_updated(self):
+ """
+ Check and upgrade yoyo's internal schema.
+ """
+ if self._internal_schema_updated:
+ return
+ if internalmigrations.needs_upgrading(self):
+ assert not self._in_transaction
+ with self.lock():
+ internalmigrations.upgrade(self)
+ self.connection.commit()
+ self._internal_schema_updated = True
+ def is_applied(self, migration):
+ return migration.hash in self.get_applied_migration_hashes()
+ def get_applied_migration_hashes(self):
+ """
+ Return the list of migration hashes in the order in which they
+ were applied
+ """
+ self.ensure_internal_schema_updated()
+ sql = self.applied_migrations_sql.format(self)
+ return [row[0] for row in self.execute(sql).fetchall()]
+ def to_apply(self, migrations):
+ """
+ Return the subset of migrations not already applied.
+ """
+ applied = self.get_applied_migration_hashes()
+ ms = (m for m in migrations if m.hash not in applied)
+ return migrations.__class__(topological_sort(ms), migrations.post_apply)
+ def to_rollback(self, migrations):
+ """
+ Return the subset of migrations already applied and which may be
+ rolled back.
+ The order of migrations will be reversed.
+ """
+ applied = self.get_applied_migration_hashes()
+ ms = (m for m in migrations if m.hash in applied)
+ return migrations.__class__(
+ reversed(list(topological_sort(ms))), migrations.post_apply
+ )
+ def apply_migrations(self, migrations, force=False):
+ if migrations:
+ self.apply_migrations_only(migrations, force=force)
+ self.run_post_apply(migrations, force=force)
+ def apply_migrations_only(self, migrations, force=False):
+ """
+ Apply the list of migrations, but do not run any post-apply hooks
+ present.
+ """
+ if not migrations:
+ return
+ for m in migrations:
+ try:
+ self.apply_one(m, force=force)
+ except exceptions.BadMigration:
+ continue
+ def run_post_apply(self, migrations, force=False):
+ """
+ Run any post-apply migrations present in ``migrations``
+ """
+ for m in migrations.post_apply:
+ self.apply_one(m, mark=False, force=force)
+ def rollback_migrations(self, migrations, force=False):
+ self.ensure_internal_schema_updated()
+ if not migrations:
+ return
+ for m in migrations:
+ try:
+ self.rollback_one(m, force)
+ except exceptions.BadMigration:
+ continue
+ def mark_migrations(self, migrations):
+ self.ensure_internal_schema_updated()
+ with self.transaction():
+ for m in migrations:
+ try:
+ self.mark_one(m)
+ except exceptions.BadMigration:
+ continue
+ def unmark_migrations(self, migrations):
+ self.ensure_internal_schema_updated()
+ with self.transaction():
+ for m in migrations:
+ try:
+ self.unmark_one(m)
+ except exceptions.BadMigration:
+ continue
+ def apply_one(self, migration, force=False, mark=True):
+ """
+ Apply a single migration
+ """
+"Applying %s",
+ self.ensure_internal_schema_updated()
+ with self.copy() as migration_backend:
+ migration.process_steps(migration_backend, "apply", force=force)
+ self.log_migration(migration, "apply")
+ if mark:
+ with self.transaction():
+ self.mark_one(migration, log=False)
+ def rollback_one(self, migration, force=False):
+ """
+ Rollback a single migration
+ """
+"Rolling back %s",
+ self.ensure_internal_schema_updated()
+ with self.copy() as migration_backend:
+ migration.process_steps(migration_backend, "rollback", force=force)
+ self.log_migration(migration, "rollback")
+ with self.transaction():
+ self.unmark_one(migration, log=False)
+ def unmark_one(self, migration, log=True):
+ self.ensure_internal_schema_updated()
+ sql = self.unmark_migration_sql.format(self)
+ self.execute(sql, {"migration_hash": migration.hash})
+ if log:
+ self.log_migration(migration, "unmark")
+ def mark_one(self, migration, log=True):
+ self.ensure_internal_schema_updated()
+"Marking %s applied",
+ sql = self.mark_migration_sql.format(self)
+ self.execute(
+ sql,
+ {
+ "migration_hash": migration.hash,
+ "migration_id":,
+ "when": datetime.utcnow(),
+ },
+ )
+ if log:
+ self.log_migration(migration, "mark")
+ def log_migration(self, migration, operation, comment=None):
+ sql = self.log_migration_sql.format(self)
+ self.execute(sql, self.get_log_data(migration, operation, comment))
+ def get_log_data(self, migration=None, operation="apply", comment=None):
+ """
+ Return a dict of data for insertion into the ``_yoyo_log`` table
+ """
+ assert operation in {"apply", "rollback", "mark", "unmark"}
+ return {
+ "id": str(uuid.uuid1()),
+ "migration_id": if migration else None,
+ "migration_hash": migration.hash if migration else None,
+ "username": getpass.getuser(),
+ "hostname": socket.getfqdn(),
+ "created_at_utc": datetime.utcnow(),
+ "operation": operation,
+ "comment": comment,
+ }
+def get_backend_class(name):
+ backend_eps = entry_points(group="yoyo.backends")
+ return backend_eps[name].load()
+def get_dbapi_module(name):
+ """
+ Import and return the named DB-API driver module
+ """
+ return import_module(name)