path: root/tests/manual
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authorIvan Solovev <>2022-08-23 18:02:15 +0200
committerIvan Solovev <>2022-08-26 12:50:02 +0200
commit5a5abc2d7388504510988df01e840d5dbe222ee0 (patch)
treeb748f738245a9ecc45b6f0fefe49d0fb4f196b43 /tests/manual
parent595ce0449b16133d6708c7d0a17ce618f4d01724 (diff)
Add tst_qlowenergycontroller_device::testRepeatedCharacteristicsWrite()
... and its counterpart in bluetoothtestdevice. The client side generates multiple writes to the same characteristics. The server side, when receiving each new value, copies it to the notifying characteristic, which sends notification back to the clien. In this way the client can verify that all writes were completed successfully and in the right order. Fixes: QTBUG-105556 Pick-to: 6.4 6.3 6.2 Change-Id: Id5ba5b00527a01903b3730733188065c1cc6a94e Reviewed-by: Juha Vuolle <>
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/manual')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/manual/qlowenergycontroller/tst_qlowenergycontroller_device.cpp b/tests/manual/qlowenergycontroller/tst_qlowenergycontroller_device.cpp
index 80dc1bef..5acf829d 100644
--- a/tests/manual/qlowenergycontroller/tst_qlowenergycontroller_device.cpp
+++ b/tests/manual/qlowenergycontroller/tst_qlowenergycontroller_device.cpp
@@ -32,6 +32,11 @@ static const QLatin1String
static const QLatin1String connectionCountServiceUuid("78c61a07-a0f9-4b92-be2d-2570d8dbf010");
static const QLatin1String connectionCountCharUuid("9414ec2d-792f-46a2-a19e-186d0fb38a08");
+static const QLatin1String repeatedWriteServiceUuid("72b12a31-98ea-406d-a89d-2c932d11ff67");
+static const QLatin1String repeatedWriteTargetCharUuid("2192ee43-6d17-4e78-b286-db2c3b696833");
+static const QLatin1String repeatedWriteNotifyCharUuid("b3f9d1a2-3d55-49c9-8b29-e09cec77ff86");
#if defined(QT_ANDROID_BLUETOOTH) || defined(QT_WINRT_BLUETOOTH) || defined(Q_OS_DARWIN)
@@ -79,6 +84,7 @@ private slots:
void readDuringServiceDiscovery();
void readNotificationAndIndicationProperty();
void testNotificationAndIndication();
+ void testRepeatedCharacteristicsWrite();
void checkconnectionCounter(std::unique_ptr<QLowEnergyController> &control);
@@ -654,6 +660,83 @@ void tst_qlowenergycontroller_device::testNotificationAndIndication()
+void tst_qlowenergycontroller_device::testRepeatedCharacteristicsWrite()
+ // This test generates multiple consecutive writes to the same characteristic
+ // and waits for the notifications (on other characteristic) with the same
+ // values. After that it verifies that the received values are the same (and
+ // in the same order) as written values. The server writes each received
+ // value to a notifying characteristic, which allows us to perform the check.
+ // Discover services
+ QVERIFY(mController->services().isEmpty());
+ mController->discoverServices();
+ QTRY_COMPARE(mController->state(), QLowEnergyController::DiscoveredState);
+ checkconnectionCounter(mController);
+ // Get service object.
+ QSharedPointer<QLowEnergyService> service(mController->createServiceObject(
+ QBluetoothUuid(repeatedWriteServiceUuid)));
+ QVERIFY(service != nullptr);
+ service->discoverDetails(QLowEnergyService::FullDiscovery);
+ QTRY_COMPARE(service->state(), QLowEnergyService::ServiceState::RemoteServiceDiscovered);
+ // Enable notification.
+ QLowEnergyCharacteristic notifyChar =
+ service->characteristic(QBluetoothUuid(repeatedWriteNotifyCharUuid));
+ const auto notifyOrIndicate = QLowEnergyCharacteristic::PropertyType::Notify
+ | QLowEnergyCharacteristic::PropertyType::Indicate;
+ QCOMPARE( & notifyOrIndicate,
+ QLowEnergyCharacteristic::PropertyType::Notify);
+ QLowEnergyDescriptor cccd = notifyChar.clientCharacteristicConfiguration();
+ QVERIFY(cccd.isValid());
+ QObject dummy; // for lifetime management
+ bool cccdWritten = false;
+ connect(service.get(), &QLowEnergyService::descriptorWritten, &dummy,
+ [&cccdWritten](const QLowEnergyDescriptor &info, const QByteArray &) {
+ if (info.uuid()
+ == QBluetoothUuid::DescriptorType::ClientCharacteristicConfiguration) {
+ cccdWritten = true;
+ }
+ });
+ service->writeDescriptor(cccd, QLowEnergyCharacteristic::CCCDEnableNotification);
+ QTRY_VERIFY(cccdWritten);
+ // Track the notifications of value changes.
+ QList<QByteArray> receivedValues;
+ connect(service.get(), &QLowEnergyService::characteristicChanged, &dummy,
+ [&receivedValues](const QLowEnergyCharacteristic &characteristic,
+ const QByteArray &value)
+ {
+ if (characteristic.uuid() == QBluetoothUuid(repeatedWriteNotifyCharUuid)) {
+ receivedValues.push_back(value);
+ }
+ });
+ // Write characteristics multiple times. This shouldn't crash, and all
+ // values should be written. We use the notifications to track it.
+ receivedValues.clear();
+ QList<QByteArray> sentValues;
+ QLowEnergyCharacteristic writeChar =
+ service->characteristic(QBluetoothUuid(repeatedWriteTargetCharUuid));
+ static const int totalWrites = 50;
+ QByteArray value(8, 0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < totalWrites; ++i) {
+ value[0] += 1;
+ value[7] += 1;
+ service->writeCharacteristic(writeChar, value);
+ sentValues.push_back(value);
+ }
+ // We expect to get notifications about all writes.
+ // We set a large timeout to be on a safe side.
+ QTRY_COMPARE_WITH_TIMEOUT(receivedValues.size(), totalWrites, 60000);
+ QCOMPARE(receivedValues, sentValues);
#include "tst_qlowenergycontroller_device.moc"