path: root/doc/edu/src/qt-edu-raspberry-pi.qdoc
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+// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only
+ \page qt-edu-raspberry-pi.html
+ \title Developing on Raspberry Pi
+ With \l {Qt Edu for Developers} package, you can also develop for embedded
+ devices with Raspberry Pi as target hardware. This is done by adding a
+ \e {Qt Board Support Package} (QBSP) to your existing Qt installation, and
+ flashing an SD card used by Raspberry Pi with a \e {Boot to Qt} system
+ image.
+ \note Windows and Linux are supported as development hosts, but \macos is
+ not supported.
+ First, complete the \l {Qt Edu for Developers} installation steps before
+ continuing.
+ \section1 1. Download QBSP
+ Log in to your \l {}{Qt Account}. Go to the
+ \uicontrol Downloads section and select \e {Qt for Device Creation QBSP
+ for the EDU license} from the drop-down menu in the \uicontrol {Product}
+ field.
+ \image qt-edu-qbsp.png
+ Download the correct version of the \e {.qbsp} file for your development
+ host (Windows or Linux).
+ \image qt-edu-qbsp-download.png
+ \section1 2. Run the maintenance tool
+ Go to Qt's installation folder, and run \uicontrol {MaintenanceTool}.
+ \image qt-edu-maintenancetool.png
+ Maintenance tool allows you to modify your existing Qt installation.
+ Navigate to \uicontrol {Custom installation} and select
+ \uicontrol {Next}.
+ \image qt-edu-custominstallation.png
+ Select \uicontrol {Browse QBSP files}. In the file dialog window, locate
+ and select the \c {.qbsp} file you downloaded from your Qt Account.
+ \image qt-edu-browse-qbsp.png
+ After this, the list of available components is updated. Under
+ \uicontrol {Boot to Qt Software Stack}, select \uicontrol {Raspberry Pi}
+ and then \uicontrol {Next}. This will install the Boot to Qt system image
+ and toolchain for Raspberry Pi.
+ \section1 3. Open Qt Creator
+ To complete the setup, the Boot to Qt system image needs to be flashed to
+ an SD card used as the boot drive for Raspberry Pi. In addition, Qt Creator
+ needs to be configured for connecting to the device running the Boot to Qt
+ software stack, using either a wired or wireless network connection.
+ These steps are performed in Qt Creator, see
+ \l {Qt Creator: Connecting Boot2Qt Devices} for details.