path: root/src/tools/ivigenerator/templates/frontend/interface.cpp.tpl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/tools/ivigenerator/templates/frontend/interface.cpp.tpl')
1 files changed, 498 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/tools/ivigenerator/templates/frontend/interface.cpp.tpl b/src/tools/ivigenerator/templates/frontend/interface.cpp.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40a9b3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tools/ivigenerator/templates/frontend/interface.cpp.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2019 Luxoft Sweden AB
+# Copyright (C) 2018 Pelagicore AG.
+# Contact:
+# This file is part of the QtIvi module of the Qt Toolkit.
+# Commercial License Usage
+# Licensees holding valid commercial Qt Automotive Suite licenses may use
+# this file in accordance with the commercial license agreement provided
+# with the Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms
+# contained in a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For
+# licensing terms and conditions see
+# For further information use the contact form at
+# GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+# Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+# General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
+# packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
+# ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
+# will be met:
+# GNU General Public License Usage
+# Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+# General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
+# Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
+# Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
+# included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+# information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+# be met: and
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
+{% import 'common/qtivi_macros.j2' as ivi %}
+{% set class = '{0}'.format(interface) %}
+{% include 'common/generated_comment.cpp.tpl' %}
+#include "{{class|lower}}.h"
+#include "{{class|lower}}_p.h"
+#include "{{class|lower}}backendinterface.h"
+#include <QQmlEngine>
+#include <QIviServiceObject>
+#include <QIviProxyServiceObject>
+ \class {{interface}}
+ \inmodule {{module}}
+{{ ivi.format_comments(interface.comment) }}
+ \qmltype {{interface|qml_type}}
+ \instantiates {{interface}}
+ \inqmlmodule {{module|qml_type}}
+{% if interface.tags.config.zoned %}
+ \inherits AbstractZonedFeature
+{% else %}
+ \inherits AbstractFeature
+{% endif %}
+{{ ivi.format_comments(interface.comment) }}
+/*! \internal */
+{% if module.tags.config.disablePrivateIVI %}
+{{class}}Private::{{class}}Private({{class}} *q)
+ : QObject(q)
+{% else %}
+{% if interface.tags.config.zoned %}
+{{class}}Private::{{class}}Private(const QString &interface, const QString &zone, {{class}} *parent)
+ : QIviAbstractZonedFeaturePrivate(interface, zone, parent)
+{% else %}
+{{class}}Private::{{class}}Private(const QString &interface, {{class}} *parent)
+ : QIviAbstractFeaturePrivate(interface, parent)
+{% endif %}
+ , q_ptr(parent)
+{% endif %}
+{% for property in %}
+ , m_{{property}}({{property|default_type_value}})
+{% endfor %}
+{% if not module.tags.config.disablePrivateIVI %}
+ m_supportsPropertyOverriding = true;
+{% endif %}
+/*! \internal */
+{{class}}Private *{{class}}Private::get({{class}} *v)
+{% if module.tags.config.disablePrivateIVI %}
+ return v->m_helper;
+{% else %}
+ return reinterpret_cast<{{class}}Private *>(v->;
+{% endif %}
+/*! \internal */
+const {{class}}Private *{{class}}Private::get(const {{class}} *v)
+{% if module.tags.config.disablePrivateIVI %}
+ return v->m_helper;
+{% else %}
+ return reinterpret_cast<const {{class}}Private *>(v->;
+{% endif %}
+/*! \internal */
+{{class}} *{{class}}Private::getParent()
+{% if module.tags.config.disablePrivateIVI %}
+ return qobject_cast<{{class}} *>(parent());
+{% else %}
+ return q_ptr;
+{% endif %}
+/*! \internal */
+void {{class}}Private::clearToDefaults()
+{% for property in %}
+{% set function_parameters = property|default_type_value %}
+{% if interface.tags.config.zoned %}
+{% set function_parameters = function_parameters + ', QString()' %}
+{% endif%}
+ on{{property|upperfirst}}Changed({{function_parameters}});
+{% endfor %}
+{% for property in %}
+/*! \internal */
+{% if interface.tags.config.zoned %}
+{{ivi.on_prop_changed(property, class+"Private", interface.tags.config.zoned, true)}}
+ auto q = getParent();
+ auto f = qobject_cast<{{class}}*>(q->zoneAt(zone));
+ if (!f)
+ f = q;
+ if (f->zone() != zone)
+ return;
+{% if not module.tags.config.disablePrivateIVI and not property.type.is_model %}
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(m_propertyOverride)) {
+ const int pi = f->metaObject()->indexOfProperty("{{property}}");
+ if (m_propertyOverride->isOverridden(pi)) {
+ QVariant v = QVariant::fromValue<{{property|return_type}}>({{property}});
+ m_propertyOverride->setProperty(pi, v);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+{% endif %}
+{% if property.type.is_model %}
+ {{property|return_type}} old = {{class}}Private::get(f)->m_{{property}};
+ if ({{property}}) {
+ auto model = new QIviPagingModel();
+ model->setServiceObject(new QIviProxyServiceObject({ {QIviPagingModel_iid, {{property}} } }));;
+ {{class}}Private::get(f)->m_{{property}} = model;
+ Q_EMIT f->{{property}}Changed(model);
+ } else {
+ {{class}}Private::get(f)->m_{{property}} = nullptr;
+ Q_EMIT f->{{property}}Changed(nullptr);
+ }
+ if (old) {
+ delete old->serviceObject();
+ delete old;
+ }
+{% else %}
+ if ({{class}}Private::get(f)->m_{{property}} != {{property}}) {
+ {{class}}Private::get(f)->m_{{property}} = {{property}};
+ Q_EMIT f->{{property}}Changed({{property}});
+ }
+{% endif %}
+{% else %}
+{{ivi.on_prop_changed(property, class+"Private", interface.tags.config.zoned, true)}}
+{% if property.type.is_model %}
+ {{property|return_type}} old = m_{{property}};
+ if ({{property}}) {
+ auto model = new QIviPagingModel();
+ model->setServiceObject(new QIviProxyServiceObject({ {QIviPagingModel_iid, {{property}} } }));
+ m_{{property}} = model;
+ auto q = getParent();
+ Q_EMIT q->{{property}}Changed(model);
+ } else {
+ m_{{property}} = nullptr;
+ auto q = getParent();
+ Q_EMIT q->{{property}}Changed(nullptr);
+ }
+ if (old) {
+ delete old->serviceObject();
+ delete old;
+ }
+{% else %}
+ if (m_{{property}} != {{property}}) {
+ auto q = getParent();
+ m_{{property}} = {{property}};
+ Q_EMIT q->{{property}}Changed({{property}});
+ }
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% for signal in interface.signals %}
+/*! \internal */
+{% if interface.tags.config.zoned %}
+void {{class}}Private::on{{signal|upperfirst}}({{ivi.join_params(signal, true)}})
+ auto q = getParent();
+ auto f = qobject_cast<{{class}}*>(q->zoneAt(zone));
+ if (!f)
+ f = q;
+ if (f->zone() != zone)
+ return;
+ Q_EMIT f->{{signal}}({{signal.parameters|join(', ')}});
+{% else %}
+void {{class}}Private::on{{signal|upperfirst}}({{ivi.join_params(signal)}})
+ auto q = getParent();
+ Q_EMIT q->{{signal}}({{signal.parameters|join(', ')}});
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% if not module.tags.config.disablePrivateIVI %}
+bool {{class}}Private::notify(const QByteArray &propertyName, const QVariant &value)
+{% if %}
+ auto q = getParent();
+{% for property in %}
+ if (propertyName == QByteArray("{{property}}")) {
+ Q_EMIT q->{{property}}Changed(value.value<{{property|return_type}}>());
+ return true;
+ }
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if interface.tags.config.zoned %}
+ return QIviAbstractZonedFeaturePrivate::notify(propertyName, value);
+{% else %}
+ return QIviAbstractFeaturePrivate::notify(propertyName, value);
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if module.tags.config.disablePrivateIVI %}
+{% if interface.tags.config.zoned %}
+ Default constructs an instance of {{class}} to the given \a zone.
+ If \a zone is not provided the General zone will be created.
+ The \a parent argument is passed on to the \l QIviAbstractZonedFeature base class.
+{{class}}::{{class}}(const QString &zone, QObject *parent)
+ : QIviAbstractZonedFeature(QLatin1String({{module.module_name|upperfirst}}_{{interface}}_iid), zone, parent)
+{% else %}
+ Default constructs an instance of {{class}}.
+{{class}}::{{class}}(QObject *parent)
+ : QIviAbstractFeature({{module.module_name|upperfirst}}_{{interface}}_iid, parent)
+{% endif %}
+ , m_helper(new {{class}}Private(this))
+{% else %}
+{% if interface.tags.config.zoned %}
+ Default constructs an instance of {{class}} to the given \a zone.
+ If \a zone is not provided the General zone will be created.
+ The \a parent argument is passed on to the \l QIviAbstractZonedFeature base class.
+{{class}}::{{class}}(const QString &zone, QObject *parent)
+ : QIviAbstractZonedFeature(*new {{class}}Private(QLatin1String({{module.module_name|upperfirst}}_{{interface}}_iid), zone, this), parent)
+{% else %}
+ Default constructs an instance of {{class}}.
+{{class}}::{{class}}(QObject *parent)
+ : QIviAbstractFeature(*new {{class}}Private(QLatin1String({{module.module_name|upperfirst}}_{{interface}}_iid), this), parent)
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+/*! \internal */
+{% if module.tags.config.disablePrivateIVI %}
+ delete m_helper;
+{% endif %}
+/*! \internal */
+void {{class}}::registerQmlTypes(const QString& uri, int majorVersion, int minorVersion)
+{% if 'singleton' in interface.tags %}
+ qmlRegisterSingletonType<{{class}}>(uri.toLatin1(), majorVersion, minorVersion, "{{interface}}", {{class|lower}}_singletontype_provider);
+{% else %}
+ qmlRegisterType<{{class}}>(uri.toLatin1(), majorVersion, minorVersion, "{{interface|qml_type}}");
+{% endif %}
+{% for property in %}
+ \property {{class}}::{{property}}
+{{ ivi.format_comments(property.comment) }}
+{% if property.const %}
+ \note This property is constant and the value will not change once the plugin is initialized.
+{% endif %}
+ \qmlproperty {{property|return_type}} {{interface|qml_type}}::{{property}}
+{{ ivi.format_comments(property.comment) }}
+{% if property.type.is_enum or property.type.is_flag %}
+ Available values are:
+ \include {{interface.module|lower}}module_enum.qdocinc {{property.type}}
+{% endif %}
+{% if property.const %}
+ \note This property is constant and the value will not change once the plugin is initialized.
+{% endif %}
+{{ivi.prop_getter(property, class)}}
+ const auto d = {{class}}Private::get(this);
+{% if not module.tags.config.disablePrivateIVI %}
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(d->m_propertyOverride))
+ return d->m_propertyOverride->property(metaObject()->indexOfProperty("{{property}}")).value<{{property|return_type}}>();
+{% endif %}
+ return d->m_{{property}};
+{% if not property.readonly and not property.const and not property.type.is_model %}
+{{ivi.prop_setter(property, class)}}
+ auto d = {{class}}Private::get(this);
+ bool forceUpdate = false;
+{% if not module.tags.config.disablePrivateIVI %}
+ if (Q_UNLIKELY(d->m_propertyOverride)) {
+ const int pi = metaObject()->indexOfProperty("{{property}}");
+ if (d->m_propertyOverride->isOverridden(pi)) {
+ Q_EMIT {{property}}Changed(d->m_propertyOverride->property(pi).value<{{property|return_type}}>());
+ return;
+ }
+ forceUpdate = property("{{property}}DirtyOverride").isValid();
+ if (forceUpdate)
+ setProperty("{{property}}DirtyOverride", {});
+ QVariant v = QVariant::fromValue<{{property|return_type}}>({{property}});
+ d->m_propertyOverride->setProperty(pi, v);
+ }
+{% endif %}
+ if (!forceUpdate && d->m_{{property}} == {{property}})
+ return;
+ if ({{class}}BackendInterface *backend = {{interface|lower}}Backend())
+ backend->{{property|setter_name}}({{property}}{% if interface.tags.config.zoned %}, zone(){% endif %});
+ else
+ Q_EMIT {{property}}Changed(d->m_{{property}});
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{%- for operation in interface.operations %}
+ \qmlmethod {{interface|qml_type}}::{{operation}}({{ivi.join_params(operation)}})
+{{ ivi.format_comments(operation.comment) }}
+{% for param in operation.parameters %}
+{% if param.type.is_enum or param.type.is_flag %}
+ Available values for {{param}} are:
+ \include {{interface.module|lower}}module_enum.qdocinc {{param.type}}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% if operation.type.is_enum or operation.type.is_flag%}
+ Returns the following values:
+ \include {{interface.module|lower}}module_enum.qdocinc {{operation.type}}
+{% endif %}
+{{ ivi.format_comments(operation.comment) }}
+{{ivi.operation(operation, class)}}
+ if ({{class}}BackendInterface *backend = {{interface|lower}}Backend())
+{% if interface.tags.config.zoned %}
+{% if operation.parameters|length %}
+ return backend->{{operation}}({{operation.parameters|join(', ')}}, zone());
+{% else %}
+ return backend->{{operation}}(zone());
+{% endif %}
+{% else %}
+ return backend->{{operation}}({{operation.parameters|join(', ')}});
+{% endif %}
+ return QIviPendingReply<{{operation|return_type}}>::createFailedReply();
+{% endfor %}
+{% if interface.tags.config.zoned %}
+/*! \internal */
+QIviAbstractZonedFeature *{{class}}::createZoneFeature(const QString &zone)
+ return new {{class}}(zone, this);
+{% endif %}
+/*! \internal */
+void {{class}}::connectToServiceObject(QIviServiceObject *serviceObject)
+{% if or interface.signals %}
+ auto d = {{class}}Private::get(this);
+{% endif %}
+ auto *backend = {{interface|lower}}Backend();
+ if (!backend)
+ return;
+{% for property in %}
+{% if module.tags.config.disablePrivateIVI %}{% set Connect = 'QObject::connect' %}
+{% else %}{% set Connect = 'QObjectPrivate::connect' %}{% endif %}
+ {{Connect}}(backend, &{{class}}BackendInterface::{{property}}Changed,
+ d, &{{class}}Private::on{{property|upperfirst}}Changed);
+{% endfor %}
+{% for signal in interface.signals %}
+{% if module.tags.config.disablePrivateIVI %}{% set Connect = 'QObject::connect' %}
+{% else %}{% set Connect = 'QObjectPrivate::connect' %}{% endif %}
+ {{Connect}}(backend, &{{class}}BackendInterface::{{signal}},
+ d, &{{class}}Private::on{{signal|upperfirst}});
+{% endfor %}
+{% if interface.tags.config.zoned %}
+ QIviAbstractZonedFeature::connectToServiceObject(serviceObject);
+{% else %}
+ QIviAbstractFeature::connectToServiceObject(serviceObject);
+{% endif %}
+/*! \internal */
+void {{class}}::clearServiceObject()
+ auto d = {{class}}Private::get(this);
+ d->clearToDefaults();
+{% if interface.tags.config.zoned %}
+ QIviAbstractZonedFeature::clearServiceObject();
+{% endif %}
+{% if interface.tags.config.zoned %}
+/*! \internal */
+{{class}}BackendInterface *{{class}}::{{interface|lower}}Backend() const
+ return qivi_interface_cast<{{class}}BackendInterface*>(backend());
+{% else %}
+/*! \internal */
+{{class}}BackendInterface *{{class}}::{{interface|lower}}Backend() const
+ if (QIviServiceObject *so = serviceObject())
+ return so->interfaceInstance<{{class}}BackendInterface*>(interfaceName());
+ return nullptr;
+{% endif %}
+{% for signal in interface.signals %}
+ \qmlsignal {{interface|qml_type}}::{{signal}}({{ivi.join_params(signal)}})
+{{ ivi.format_comments(signal.comment) }}
+{% for param in signal.parameters %}
+{% if param.type.is_enum or param.type.is_flag %}
+ Available values for {{param}} are:
+ \include {{interface.module|lower}}module_enum.qdocinc {{param.type}}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+ \fn {{ivi.signal(signal, class)}}
+{{ ivi.format_comments(signal.comment) }}
+{% endfor %}
+#include "moc_{{class|lower}}.cpp"