path: root/src/location/maps/qgeosearchmanager.cpp
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diff --git a/src/location/maps/qgeosearchmanager.cpp b/src/location/maps/qgeosearchmanager.cpp
index 3e48d4a4..7f84a476 100644
--- a/src/location/maps/qgeosearchmanager.cpp
+++ b/src/location/maps/qgeosearchmanager.cpp
@@ -70,95 +70,11 @@ QTM_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
QGeoAddress instances to QGeoCoordinate instances and vice-versa.
The search() function allows a user to perform a free text search
- for place information. If the string provided can be interpreted as
- an address it can be geocoded to coordinate information, and the string
- can also be used to search a landmarks database, depending on the level
- of support supplied by the service provider.
- The defaultLandmarkManager() function will return a QLandmarkManager
- instance if access to the service providers landmark database is
- available outside of the search() method.
- A user can supply other QLandmarkManager instances to be searched during
- the execution of search() with setAdditionalLandmarkManagers(). This
- means that a personal database store can be combined with a public source
- of database information with very little effort.
- \note At present the additional landmark managers only search for the
- search string in the name of the landmarks.
+ for location information. If the string provided can be interpreted as
+ an address it can be geocoded to coordinate information.
Instances of QGeoSearchManager can be accessed with
- A small example of the usage of QGeoSearchManager and the handling of
- QLandmark results follows:
- \code
-class MySearchHandler : public QObject
- MySearchHandler(QGeoSearchManager *searchManager, QString searchString)
- {
- QGeoSearchReply *reply = searchManager->search(searchString);
- if (reply->isFinished()) {
- if (reply->error() == QGeoSearchReply::NoError) {
- searchResults(reply);
- else
- searchError(reply, reply->error(), reply->errorString());
- return;
- }
- connect(searchManager,
- SIGNAL(finished(QGeoSearchReply*)),
- this,
- SLOT(searchResults(QGeoSearchReply*)));
- connect(searchManager,
- SIGNAL(error(QGeoSearchReply*,QGeoSearchReply::Error,QString)),
- this
- SLOT(searchError(QGeoSearchReply*,QGeoSearchReply::Error,QString)));
- }
-private slots:
- void searchResults(QGeoSearchReply *reply)
- {
- // The QLandmark results can be created from the simpler
- // QGeoPlace results if that is required.
- QList<QLandmark> landmarks;
- for (int i = 0; i < reply->places().size(); ++i) {
- if (reply->places().at(i).isLandmark())
- landmarks.append(QLandmark(reply->places().at(i)));
- }
- // ... now we have to make use of the places and landmarks ...
- reply->deleteLater();
- }
- void searchError(QGeoSearchReply *reply, QGeoSearchReply::Error error, const QString &errorString)
- {
- // ... inform the user that an error has occurred ...
- reply->deleteLater();
- }
- \endcode
-\enum QGeoSearchManager::SearchType
-Describes the type of search that should be performed by search().
-\value SearchNone
- Do not use the search string.
-\value SearchGeocode
- Use the search string as a textual address in a geocoding operation.
-\value SearchLandmarks
- Use the search string for free-text search against the available landmark
- information sources.
-\value SearchAll
- All available information sources should be used as part of the search.
@@ -242,8 +158,8 @@ int QGeoSearchManager::managerVersion() const
If supportsGeocoding() returns false an
QGeoSearchReply::UnsupportedOptionError will occur.
- Once the operation has completed, QGeoSearchReply::places() can be used to
- retrieve the results, which will consist of a list of QGeoPlace objects.
+ Once the operation has completed, QGeoSearchReply::locations() can be used to
+ retrieve the results, which will consist of a list of QGeoLocation objects.
These object represent a combination of coordinate and address data.
The address data returned in the results may be different from \a address.
@@ -282,8 +198,8 @@ QGeoSearchReply* QGeoSearchManager::geocode(const QGeoAddress &address, QGeoBoun
If supportsReverseGeocoding() returns false an
QGeoSearchReply::UnsupportedOptionError will occur.
- At that point QGeoSearchReply::places() can be used to retrieve the
- results, which will consist of a list of QGeoPlace objects. These object
+ At that point QGeoSearchReply::locations() can be used to retrieve the
+ results, which will consist of a list of QGeoLocation objects. These object
represent a combination of coordinate and address data.
The coordinate data returned in the results may be different from \a
@@ -314,7 +230,7 @@ QGeoSearchReply* QGeoSearchManager::reverseGeocode(const QGeoCoordinate &coordin
- Begins searching for a place matching \a searchString. The value of
+ Begins searching for a location matching \a searchString. The value of
\a searchTypes will determine whether the search is for addresses only,
for landmarks only or for both.
@@ -328,24 +244,10 @@ QGeoSearchReply* QGeoSearchManager::reverseGeocode(const QGeoCoordinate &coordin
QGeoSearchManager::SearchGeocode an
QGeoSearchReply::UnsupportedOptionError will occur.
- Once the operation has completed, QGeoSearchReply::places() can be used to
- retrieve the results, which will consist of a list of QGeoPlace objects.
+ Once the operation has completed, QGeoSearchReply::locations() can be used to
+ retrieve the results, which will consist of a list of QGeoLocation objects.
These object represent a combination of coordinate and address data.
- If any of the QGeoPlace instances in the results have landmark associated
- data, QGeoPlace::isLandmark() will return true and
- QLandmark::QLandmark(const QGeoPlace &place) can be used to convert the
- QGeoPlace instance into a QLandmark instance.
- If \a searchTypes is QGeoSearchManager::SearchLandmarks or
- QGeoSearchManager::SearchAll, a free text landmark search will be
- performed. The results will be a combination of the backend specific
- landmark search and the same free text search applied to each of the
- QLandmarkManager instances in additionalLandmarkManagers().
- \note At present the additional landmark managers only search for the
- search string in the name of the landmarks.
If \a limit is -1 the entire result set will be returned, otherwise at most
\a limit results will be returned.
@@ -354,11 +256,6 @@ QGeoSearchReply* QGeoSearchManager::reverseGeocode(const QGeoCoordinate &coordin
The \a limit and \a offset results are used together to implement paging.
- If additional landmark managers have been setup the number of results
- returned will be at most (1 + number of additional landmark managers) *
- \a limit. This happens because the results are requested from all sources, combined, and returned once
- all sources have responded.
If \a bounds is non-null and a valid QGeoBoundingArea it will be used to
limit the results to thos that are contained within \a bounds.