path: root/examples/sensors/sensorsshowcase/gyroscope.qml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/sensors/sensorsshowcase/gyroscope.qml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 174 deletions
diff --git a/examples/sensors/sensorsshowcase/gyroscope.qml b/examples/sensors/sensorsshowcase/gyroscope.qml
deleted file mode 100644
index 39252c0..0000000
--- a/examples/sensors/sensorsshowcase/gyroscope.qml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
-import QtQuick
-import QtQuick.Controls
-import QtQuick.Layouts
-import QtSensors
-Rectangle {
- id: root
- color: "dimgray"
- function resetRotations() {
- imageXRotation.angle = 0
- imageYRotation.angle = 0
- imageZRotation.angle = 0
- }
-//! [0]
- Gyroscope {
- id: gyroscope
- active: true
- dataRate: 25
- property variant lastTimeStamp: 0
- property real x: 0
- property real y: 0
- property real z: 0
- onReadingChanged: {
- x = reading.x
- y = reading.y
- z = reading.z
- var firstCall = false
- if (lastTimeStamp == 0) {
- firstCall = true
- }
- var timeSinceLast = reading.timestamp - lastTimeStamp
- lastTimeStamp = reading.timestamp
- //Skipping the initial time jump from 0
- if (firstCall === true) return
- var normalizedX = reading.x * (timeSinceLast/1000000)
- imageXRotation.angle += normalizedX
- var normalizedY = reading.y * (timeSinceLast/1000000)
- imageYRotation.angle -= normalizedY
- var normalizedZ = reading.z * (timeSinceLast/1000000)
- imageZRotation.angle += normalizedZ
- }
- }
-//! [0]
- ColumnLayout {
- anchors.fill: parent
- id: layout
- Text {
- Layout.topMargin: titleTopMargin
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter
- Layout.preferredHeight: textHeight
- color: "White"
- text: "Gyroscope"
- font.pixelSize: titleFontSize
- }
- Image {
- id: image
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter
- Layout.fillHeight: true
- Layout.preferredWidth: root.height/3
- Layout.preferredHeight: root.height/3
- source: "qrc:/images/qt_logo.png"
- fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
- transform: [
- Rotation {
- id: imageXRotation
- origin.x: layout.width/2
- origin.y: layout.height/3
- axis.x: 1
- axis.y: 0
- axis.z: 0
- angle: 0
- },
- Rotation {
- id: imageYRotation
- origin.x: layout.width/2
- origin.y: layout.height/3
- axis.x: 0
- axis.y: 1
- axis.z: 0
- angle: 0
- },
- Rotation {
- id: imageZRotation
- origin.x: layout.width/2
- origin.y: layout.height/3
- axis.x: 0
- axis.y: 0
- axis.z: 1
- angle: 0
- }
- ]
- }
- Text {
- Layout.preferredWidth: root.width
- Layout.preferredHeight: textHeight
- Layout.leftMargin: layout.spacing
- color: "White"
- text: "X: " + gyroscope.x.toFixed(2)
- font.pixelSize: textFontSize
- }
- ProgressBar {
- id: xbar
- value: 0.5 + (gyroscope.x / 1000)
- Layout.preferredWidth: root.width
- }
- Text {
- Layout.preferredWidth: root.width
- Layout.preferredHeight: textHeight
- Layout.leftMargin: layout.spacing
- color: "White"
- text: "Y: " + gyroscope.y.toFixed(2)
- font.pixelSize: textFontSize
- }
- ProgressBar {
- id: ybar
- value: 0.5 + (gyroscope.y / 1000)
- Layout.preferredWidth: root.width
- }
- Text {
- Layout.preferredWidth: root.width
- Layout.preferredHeight: textHeight
- Layout.leftMargin: layout.spacing
- color: "White"
- text: "Z: " + gyroscope.z.toFixed(2)
- font.pixelSize: textFontSize
- }
- ProgressBar {
- id: zbar
- value: 0.5 + (gyroscope.z / 1000)
- Layout.preferredWidth: root.width
- }
- Button {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom
- Layout.preferredWidth: root.width
- Layout.preferredHeight: buttonHeight
- text:"Reset rotation"
- font.pixelSize: buttonFontSize
- onClicked: {
- resetRotations()
- }
- }
- Button {
- Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignBottom
- Layout.preferredWidth: root.width
- Layout.preferredHeight: buttonHeight
- text:"Back"
- font.pixelSize: buttonFontSize
- onClicked:stack.pop()
- }
- }