path: root/src/qdoc/qdoc/location.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/qdoc/qdoc/location.cpp')
1 files changed, 423 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/qdoc/qdoc/location.cpp b/src/qdoc/qdoc/location.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..714e232d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/qdoc/qdoc/location.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#include "location.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
+#include <QtCore/qdir.h>
+#include <QtCore/qregularexpression.h>
+#include <climits>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+int Location::s_tabSize;
+int Location::s_warningCount = 0;
+int Location::s_warningLimit = -1;
+QString Location::s_programName;
+QString Location::s_project;
+QRegularExpression *Location::s_spuriousRegExp = nullptr;
+ \class Location
+ \brief The Location class provides a way to mark a location in a file.
+ It maintains a stack of file positions. A file position
+ consists of the file path, line number, and column number.
+ The location is used for printing error messages that are
+ tied to a location in a file.
+ */
+ Constructs an empty location.
+ */
+Location::Location() : m_stk(nullptr), m_stkTop(&m_stkBottom), m_stkDepth(0), m_etc(false)
+ // nothing.
+ Constructs a location with (fileName, 1, 1) on its file
+ position stack.
+ */
+Location::Location(const QString &fileName)
+ : m_stk(nullptr), m_stkTop(&m_stkBottom), m_stkDepth(0), m_etc(false)
+ push(fileName);
+ The copy constructor copies the contents of \a other into
+ this Location using the assignment operator.
+ */
+Location::Location(const Location &other)
+ : m_stk(nullptr), m_stkTop(&m_stkBottom), m_stkDepth(0), m_etc(false)
+ *this = other;
+ The assignment operator does a deep copy of the entire
+ state of \a other into this Location.
+ */
+Location &Location::operator=(const Location &other)
+ if (this == &other)
+ return *this;
+ QStack<StackEntry> *oldStk = m_stk;
+ m_stkBottom = other.m_stkBottom;
+ if (other.m_stk == nullptr) {
+ m_stk = nullptr;
+ m_stkTop = &m_stkBottom;
+ } else {
+ m_stk = new QStack<StackEntry>(*other.m_stk);
+ m_stkTop = &m_stk->top();
+ }
+ m_stkDepth = other.m_stkDepth;
+ m_etc = other.m_etc;
+ delete oldStk;
+ return *this;
+ If the file position on top of the stack has a line number
+ less than 1, set its line number to 1 and its column number
+ to 1. Otherwise, do nothing.
+ */
+void Location::start()
+ if (m_stkTop->m_lineNo < 1) {
+ m_stkTop->m_lineNo = 1;
+ m_stkTop->m_columnNo = 1;
+ }
+ Advance the current file position, using \a ch to decide how to do
+ that. If \a ch is a \c{'\\n'}, increment the current line number and
+ set the column number to 1. If \ch is a \c{'\\t'}, increment to the
+ next tab column. Otherwise, increment the column number by 1.
+ The current file position is the one on top of the position stack.
+ */
+void Location::advance(QChar ch)
+ if (ch == QLatin1Char('\n')) {
+ m_stkTop->m_lineNo++;
+ m_stkTop->m_columnNo = 1;
+ } else if (ch == QLatin1Char('\t')) {
+ m_stkTop->m_columnNo = 1 + s_tabSize * (m_stkTop->m_columnNo + s_tabSize - 1) / s_tabSize;
+ } else {
+ m_stkTop->m_columnNo++;
+ }
+ Pushes \a filePath onto the file position stack. The current
+ file position becomes (\a filePath, 1, 1).
+ \sa pop()
+void Location::push(const QString &filePath)
+ if (m_stkDepth++ >= 1) {
+ if (m_stk == nullptr)
+ m_stk = new QStack<StackEntry>;
+ m_stk->push(StackEntry());
+ m_stkTop = &m_stk->top();
+ }
+ m_stkTop->m_filePath = filePath;
+ m_stkTop->m_lineNo = INT_MIN;
+ m_stkTop->m_columnNo = 1;
+ Pops the top of the internal stack. The current file position
+ becomes the next one in the new top of stack.
+ \sa push()
+void Location::pop()
+ if (--m_stkDepth == 0) {
+ m_stkBottom = StackEntry();
+ } else {
+ if (!m_stk)
+ return;
+ m_stk->pop();
+ if (m_stk->isEmpty()) {
+ delete m_stk;
+ m_stk = nullptr;
+ m_stkTop = &m_stkBottom;
+ } else {
+ m_stkTop = &m_stk->top();
+ }
+ }
+/*! \fn bool Location::isEmpty() const
+ Returns \c true if there is no file name set yet; returns \c false
+ otherwise. The functions filePath(), lineNo() and columnNo()
+ must not be called on an empty Location object.
+ */
+/*! \fn const QString &Location::filePath() const
+ Returns the current path and file name. If the Location is
+ empty, the returned string is null.
+ \sa lineNo(), columnNo()
+ */
+ Returns the file name part of the file path, ie the current
+ file. Returns an empty string if the file path is empty.
+ */
+QString Location::fileName() const
+ QFileInfo fi(filePath());
+ return fi.fileName();
+ Returns the suffix of the file name. Returns an empty string
+ if the file path is empty.
+ */
+QString Location::fileSuffix() const
+ QString fp = filePath();
+ return (fp.isEmpty() ? fp : fp.mid(fp.lastIndexOf('.') + 1));
+/*! \fn int Location::lineNo() const
+ Returns the current line number.
+ Must not be called on an empty Location object.
+ \sa filePath(), columnNo()
+/*! \fn int Location::columnNo() const
+ Returns the current column number.
+ Must not be called on an empty Location object.
+ \sa filePath(), lineNo()
+ Writes \a message and \a details to stderr as a formatted
+ warning message. Does not write the message if qdoc is in
+ the Prepare phase.
+ */
+void Location::warning(const QString &message, const QString &details) const
+ const auto &config = Config::instance();
+ if (!config.preparing() || config.singleExec())
+ emitMessage(Warning, message, details);
+ Writes \a message and \a details to stderr as a formatted
+ error message. Does not write the message if qdoc is in
+ the Prepare phase.
+ */
+void Location::error(const QString &message, const QString &details) const
+ const auto &config = Config::instance();
+ if (!config.preparing() || config.singleExec())
+ emitMessage(Error, message, details);
+ Returns the error code QDoc should exit with; EXIT_SUCCESS
+ or the number of documentation warnings if they exceeded
+ the limit set by warninglimit configuration variable.
+ */
+int Location::exitCode()
+ if (s_warningLimit < 0 || s_warningCount <= s_warningLimit)
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ Location().emitMessage(
+ Error,
+ QStringLiteral("Documentation warnings (%1) exceeded the limit (%2) for '%3'.")
+ .arg(QString::number(s_warningCount), QString::number(s_warningLimit),
+ s_project),
+ QString());
+ return s_warningCount;
+ Writes \a message and \a details to stderr as a formatted
+ error message and then exits the program. qdoc prints fatal
+ errors in either phase (Prepare or Generate).
+ */
+void Location::fatal(const QString &message, const QString &details) const
+ emitMessage(Error, message, details);
+ information(message);
+ information(details);
+ information("Aborting");
+ Writes \a message and \a details to stderr as a formatted
+ report message.
+ */
+void Location::report(const QString &message, const QString &details) const
+ emitMessage(Report, message, details);
+ Gets several parameters from the config, including
+ tab size, program name, and a regular expression that
+ appears to be used for matching certain error messages
+ so that emitMessage() can avoid printing them.
+ */
+void Location::initialize()
+ Config &config = Config::instance();
+ s_tabSize = config.get(CONFIG_TABSIZE).asInt();
+ s_programName = config.programName();
+ s_project = config.get(CONFIG_PROJECT).asString();
+ if (!config.singleExec())
+ s_warningCount = 0;
+ if (qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("QDOC_ENABLE_WARNINGLIMIT")
+ || config.get(CONFIG_WARNINGLIMIT + Config::dot + "enabled").asBool())
+ s_warningLimit = config.get(CONFIG_WARNINGLIMIT).asInt();
+ QRegularExpression regExp = config.getRegExp(CONFIG_SPURIOUS);
+ if (regExp.isValid()) {
+ s_spuriousRegExp = new QRegularExpression(regExp);
+ } else {
+ config.get(CONFIG_SPURIOUS).location()
+ .warning(QStringLiteral("Invalid regular expression '%1'")
+ .arg(regExp.pattern()));
+ }
+ Apparently, all this does is delete the regular expression
+ used for intercepting certain error messages that should
+ not be emitted by emitMessage().
+ */
+void Location::terminate()
+ delete s_spuriousRegExp;
+ s_spuriousRegExp = nullptr;
+ Prints \a message to \c stdout followed by a \c{'\n'}.
+ */
+void Location::information(const QString &message)
+ printf("%s\n", message.toLatin1().data());
+ fflush(stdout);
+ Report a program bug, including the \a hint.
+ */
+void Location::internalError(const QString &hint)
+ Location().fatal(QStringLiteral("Internal error (%1)").arg(hint),
+ QStringLiteral("There is a bug in %1. Seek advice from your local"
+ " %2 guru.")
+ .arg(s_programName, s_programName));
+ Formats \a message and \a details into a single string
+ and outputs that string to \c stderr. \a type specifies
+ whether the \a message is an error or a warning.
+ */
+void Location::emitMessage(MessageType type, const QString &message, const QString &details) const
+ if (type == Warning && s_spuriousRegExp != nullptr) {
+ auto match = s_spuriousRegExp->match(message, 0, QRegularExpression::NormalMatch,
+ QRegularExpression::AnchorAtOffsetMatchOption);
+ if (match.hasMatch() && match.capturedLength() == message.size())
+ return;
+ }
+ QString result = message;
+ if (!details.isEmpty())
+ result += "\n[" + details + QLatin1Char(']');
+ result.replace("\n", "\n ");
+ if (isEmpty()) {
+ if (type == Error)
+ result.prepend(QStringLiteral(": error: "));
+ else if (type == Warning) {
+ result.prepend(QStringLiteral(": warning: "));
+ ++s_warningCount;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (type == Error)
+ result.prepend(QStringLiteral(": (qdoc) error: "));
+ else if (type == Warning) {
+ result.prepend(QStringLiteral(": (qdoc) warning: "));
+ ++s_warningCount;
+ }
+ }
+ if (type != Report)
+ result.prepend(toString());
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", result.toLatin1().data());
+ fflush(stderr);
+ Converts the location to a string to be prepended to error
+ messages.
+ */
+QString Location::toString() const
+ QString str;
+ if (isEmpty()) {
+ str = s_programName;
+ } else {
+ Location loc2 = *this;
+ loc2.setEtc(false);
+ loc2.pop();
+ if (!loc2.isEmpty()) {
+ QString blah = QStringLiteral("In file included from ");
+ for (;;) {
+ str += blah;
+ str +=;
+ loc2.pop();
+ if (loc2.isEmpty())
+ break;
+ str += QStringLiteral(",\n");
+ blah.fill(' ');
+ }
+ str += QStringLiteral(":\n");
+ }
+ str += top();
+ }
+ return str;
+QString Location::top() const
+ QDir path(filePath());
+ QString str = path.absolutePath();
+ if (lineNo() >= 1) {
+ str += QLatin1Char(':');
+ str += QString::number(lineNo());
+ }
+ if (etc())
+ str += QLatin1String(" (etc.)");
+ return str;