path: root/tests/auto/client/seatv4/tst_seatv4.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/client/seatv4/tst_seatv4.cpp')
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/client/seatv4/tst_seatv4.cpp b/tests/auto/client/seatv4/tst_seatv4.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a95dbfcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/client/seatv4/tst_seatv4.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd.
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
+** Commercial License Usage
+** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
+** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
+** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
+** and conditions see For further
+** information use the contact form at
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
+** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
+** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
+** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
+** be met:
+#include "mockcompositor.h"
+#include <QtGui/QRasterWindow>
+#include <QtGui/QOpenGLWindow>
+using namespace MockCompositor;
+// wl_seat version 5 was introduced in wayland 1.10, and although that's pretty old,
+// there are still compositors that have yet to update their implementation to support
+// the new version (most importantly our own QtWaylandCompositor).
+// As long as that's the case, this test makes sure input events still works on version 4.
+class SeatV4Compositor : public DefaultCompositor {
+ explicit SeatV4Compositor()
+ {
+ exec([this] {
+ m_config.autoConfigure = true;
+ removeAll<Seat>();
+ uint capabilities = MockCompositor::Seat::capability_pointer;
+ int version = 4;
+ add<Seat>(capabilities, version);
+ });
+ }
+class tst_seatv4 : public QObject, private SeatV4Compositor
+private slots:
+ void cleanup();
+ void bindsToSeat();
+ void createsPointer();
+ void setsCursorOnEnter();
+ void usesEnterSerial();
+ void simpleAxis_data();
+ void simpleAxis();
+ void invalidPointerEvents();
+ void scaledCursor();
+void tst_seatv4::cleanup()
+ QTRY_VERIFY2(isClean(), qPrintable(dirtyMessage()));
+ QCOMPOSITOR_COMPARE(getAll<Output>().size(), 1); // No extra outputs left
+void tst_seatv4::bindsToSeat()
+ QCOMPOSITOR_COMPARE(get<Seat>()->resourceMap().size(), 1);
+ QCOMPOSITOR_COMPARE(get<Seat>()->resourceMap().first()->version(), 4);
+void tst_seatv4::createsPointer()
+ QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_COMPARE(pointer()->resourceMap().size(), 1);
+ QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_COMPARE(pointer()->resourceMap().first()->version(), 4);
+void tst_seatv4::setsCursorOnEnter()
+ QRasterWindow window;
+ window.resize(64, 64);
+ QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(xdgSurface() && xdgSurface()->m_committedConfigureSerial);
+ exec([=] { pointer()->sendEnter(xdgSurface()->m_surface, {32, 32}); });
+ QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(pointer()->cursorSurface());
+void tst_seatv4::usesEnterSerial()
+ QSignalSpy setCursorSpy(exec([=] { return pointer(); }), &Pointer::setCursor);
+ QRasterWindow window;
+ window.resize(64, 64);
+ QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(xdgSurface() && xdgSurface()->m_committedConfigureSerial);
+ uint enterSerial = exec([=] {
+ return pointer()->sendEnter(xdgSurface()->m_surface, {32, 32});
+ });
+ QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(pointer()->cursorSurface());
+ QTRY_COMPARE(setCursorSpy.count(), 1);
+ QCOMPARE(setCursorSpy.takeFirst().at(0).toUInt(), enterSerial);
+void tst_seatv4::simpleAxis_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<uint>("axis");
+ QTest::addColumn<qreal>("value");
+ QTest::addColumn<Qt::Orientation>("orientation");
+ QTest::addColumn<QPoint>("angleDelta");
+ // Directions in regular windows/linux terms (no "natural" scrolling)
+ QTest::newRow("down") << uint(Pointer::axis_vertical_scroll) << 1.0 << Qt::Vertical << QPoint{0, -12};
+ QTest::newRow("up") << uint(Pointer::axis_vertical_scroll) << -1.0 << Qt::Vertical << QPoint{0, 12};
+ QTest::newRow("left") << uint(Pointer::axis_horizontal_scroll) << 1.0 << Qt::Horizontal << QPoint{-12, 0};
+ QTest::newRow("right") << uint(Pointer::axis_horizontal_scroll) << -1.0 << Qt::Horizontal << QPoint{12, 0};
+ QTest::newRow("up big") << uint(Pointer::axis_vertical_scroll) << -10.0 << Qt::Vertical << QPoint{0, 120};
+void tst_seatv4::simpleAxis()
+ QFETCH(uint, axis);
+ QFETCH(qreal, value);
+ QFETCH(Qt::Orientation, orientation);
+ QFETCH(QPoint, angleDelta);
+ class WheelWindow : QRasterWindow {
+ public:
+ explicit WheelWindow()
+ {
+ resize(64, 64);
+ show();
+ }
+ void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) override
+ {
+ QRasterWindow::wheelEvent(event);
+ // Angle delta should always be provided (says docs)
+ QVERIFY(!event->angleDelta().isNull());
+ // There are now scroll phases on Wayland prior to v5
+ QCOMPARE(event->phase(), Qt::NoScrollPhase);
+ // Pixel delta should only be set if we know it's a high-res input device (which we don't)
+ QCOMPARE(event->pixelDelta(), QPoint(0, 0));
+ // The axis vector of the event is already in surface space, so there is now way to tell
+ // whether it is inverted or not.
+ QCOMPARE(event->inverted(), false);
+ // We didn't press any buttons
+ QCOMPARE(event->buttons(), Qt::NoButton);
+ if (event->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
+ QCOMPARE(event->delta(), event->angleDelta().x());
+ else
+ QCOMPARE(event->delta(), event->angleDelta().y());
+ // There has been no information about what created the event.
+ // Documentation says not synthesized is appropriate in such cases
+ QCOMPARE(event->source(), Qt::MouseEventNotSynthesized);
+ m_events.append(Event(event->pixelDelta(), event->angleDelta(), event->orientation()));
+ }
+ struct Event // Because I didn't find a convenient way to copy it entirely
+ {
+ // TODO: Constructors can be removed when we start supporting brace-initializers
+ Event() = default;
+ Event(const QPoint &pixelDelta, const QPoint &angleDelta, Qt::Orientation orientation)
+ : pixelDelta(pixelDelta), angleDelta(angleDelta), orientation(orientation)
+ {}
+ const QPoint pixelDelta;
+ const QPoint angleDelta; // eights of a degree, positive is upwards, left
+ const Qt::Orientation orientation{};
+ };
+ QVector<Event> m_events;
+ };
+ WheelWindow window;
+ QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(xdgSurface() && xdgSurface()->m_committedConfigureSerial);
+ exec([=] {
+ Surface *surface = xdgSurface()->m_surface;
+ pointer()->sendEnter(surface, {32, 32});
+ wl_client *client = surface->resource()->client();
+ // Length of vector in surface-local space. i.e. positive is downwards
+ pointer()->sendAxis(
+ client,
+ Pointer::axis(axis),
+ value // Length of vector in surface-local space. i.e. positive is downwards
+ );
+ });
+ QTRY_COMPARE(window.m_events.size(), 1);
+ auto event = window.m_events.takeFirst();
+ QCOMPARE(event.angleDelta, angleDelta);
+ QCOMPARE(event.orientation, orientation);
+void tst_seatv4::invalidPointerEvents()
+ QRasterWindow window;
+ window.resize(64, 64);
+ QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(xdgSurface() && xdgSurface()->m_committedConfigureSerial);
+ exec([=] {
+ auto *p = pointer();
+ auto *c = client();
+ // Purposefully send events without a wl_pointer.enter
+ p->sendMotion(c, {32, 32});
+ p->sendButton(c, BTN_LEFT, Pointer::button_state_pressed);
+ p->sendAxis(c, Pointer::axis_vertical_scroll, 1.0);
+ });
+ // Make sure we get here without crashing
+ xdgPingAndWaitForPong();
+void tst_seatv4::scaledCursor()
+ QSKIP("Currently broken and should be fixed");
+ // Add a highdpi output
+ exec([&] {
+ int scale = 2;
+ add<Output>(scale);
+ });
+ QRasterWindow window;
+ window.resize(64, 64);
+ QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(xdgSurface() && xdgSurface()->m_committedConfigureSerial);
+ exec([=] { pointer()->sendEnter(xdgSurface()->m_surface, {32, 32}); });
+ QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(pointer()->cursorSurface());
+ QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_VERIFY(pointer()->cursorSurface()->m_committed.buffer);
+ QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_COMPARE(pointer()->cursorSurface()->m_committed.bufferScale, 1);
+ QSize unscaledPixelSize = exec([=] {
+ return pointer()->cursorSurface()->m_committed.buffer->size();
+ });
+ exec([=] {
+ auto *surface = pointer()->cursorSurface();
+ surface->sendEnter(getAll<Output>()[1]);
+ surface->sendLeave(getAll<Output>()[0]);
+ });
+ QCOMPOSITOR_TRY_COMPARE(pointer()->cursorSurface()->m_committed.buffer->size(), unscaledPixelSize * 2);
+ // Remove the extra output to clean up for the next test
+ exec([&] { remove(getAll<Output>()[1]); });
+#include "tst_seatv4.moc"