path: root/chromium/chrome_frame
diff options
authorZeno Albisser <>2013-08-15 21:46:11 +0200
committerZeno Albisser <>2013-08-15 21:46:11 +0200
commit679147eead574d186ebf3069647b4c23e8ccace6 (patch)
treefc247a0ac8ff119f7c8550879ebb6d3dd8d1ff69 /chromium/chrome_frame
Initial import.
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/chrome_frame')
4 files changed, 1769 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/chrome_frame/chrome_frame.gyp b/chromium/chrome_frame/chrome_frame.gyp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b495cc0553b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/chrome_frame/chrome_frame.gyp
@@ -0,0 +1,1101 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+ 'variables': {
+ 'chromium_code': 1,
+ # Keep the archive builder happy.
+ 'chrome_personalization%': 1,
+ 'use_syncapi_stub%': 0,
+ 'conditions': [
+ ['OS=="win"', {
+ 'python': [
+ '<(DEPTH)\\third_party\\python_26\\setup_env.bat && python'
+ ],
+ }, { # OS != win
+ 'python': [
+ 'python'
+ ],
+ }],
+ ],
+ },
+ 'includes': [
+ '../build/win_precompile.gypi',
+ '../chrome/version.gypi',
+ ],
+ 'target_defaults': {
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../chrome/chrome_resources.gyp:chrome_resources',
+ '../chrome/chrome_resources.gyp:chrome_strings',
+ '../chrome/chrome_resources.gyp:packed_resources',
+ '../chrome/chrome_resources.gyp:theme_resources',
+ '../skia/skia.gyp:skia',
+ ],
+ 'defines': [ 'ISOLATION_AWARE_ENABLED=1' ],
+ 'include_dirs': [
+ # all our own includes are relative to src/
+ '..',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'targets': [
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'chrome_frame_version_resources',
+ 'type': 'none',
+ 'conditions': [
+ ['branding == "Chrome"', {
+ 'variables': {
+ 'branding_path': '../chrome/app/theme/google_chrome/BRANDING',
+ },
+ }, { # else branding!="Chrome"
+ 'variables': {
+ 'branding_path': '../chrome/app/theme/chromium/BRANDING',
+ },
+ }],
+ ],
+ 'variables': {
+ 'output_dir': 'chrome_frame',
+ 'template_input_path': 'npchrome_frame_version.rc.version',
+ 'extra_variable_files_arguments': [ '-f', 'BRANDING' ],
+ 'extra_variable_files': [ 'BRANDING' ], # NOTE: matches that above
+ },
+ 'direct_dependent_settings': {
+ 'include_dirs': [
+ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/<(output_dir)',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'sources': [
+ 'npchrome_frame_dll.ver',
+ ],
+ 'includes': [
+ '../chrome/version_resource_rules.gypi',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ # Builds the crash tests in crash_reporting.
+ 'target_name': 'chrome_frame_crash_tests',
+ 'type': 'none',
+ 'dependencies': [
+ 'crash_reporting/crash_reporting.gyp:minidump_test',
+ 'crash_reporting/crash_reporting.gyp:vectored_handler_tests',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ # Builds our IDL file to the shared intermediate directory.
+ 'target_name': 'chrome_tab_idl',
+ 'type': 'none',
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ 'VCMIDLTool': {
+ 'OutputDirectory': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_frame',
+ },
+ },
+ 'sources': [
+ 'chrome_tab.idl',
+ ],
+ # Add the output dir for those who depend on us.
+ 'direct_dependent_settings': {
+ 'include_dirs': ['<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)'],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'chrome_frame_unittests',
+ 'type': 'executable',
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../base/base.gyp:test_support_base',
+ '../chrome/app/policy/cloud_policy_codegen.gyp:policy',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:test_support_common',
+ '../net/net.gyp:net',
+ '../testing/gmock.gyp:gmock',
+ '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest',
+ 'chrome_frame_launcher.gyp:chrome_frame_helper_lib',
+ 'chrome_frame_ie',
+ 'chrome_frame_strings',
+ 'chrome_tab_idl',
+ 'locales/locales.gyp:*',
+ ],
+ 'sources': [
+ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_frame/chrome_tab.h',
+ '',
+ '',
+ 'chrome_launcher.h',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ 'test/chrome_tab_mocks.h',
+ 'test/chrome_frame_test_utils.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/simulate_input.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/urlmon_moniker_tests.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/win_event_receiver.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'unittest_precompile.h',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ],
+ 'include_dirs': [
+ '<(DEPTH)/breakpad/src',
+ ],
+ 'resource_include_dirs': [
+ ],
+ 'conditions': [
+ # We can't instrument code for coverage if it depends on 3rd party
+ # binaries that we don't have PDBs for. See here for more details:
+ #
+ ['coverage==0', {
+ 'conditions': [
+ ['OS=="win"', {
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../breakpad/breakpad.gyp:breakpad_handler',
+ # TODO(slightlyoff): Get automation targets working on OS X
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:automation',
+ ],
+ }],
+ ],
+ }],
+ ['OS=="win" and buildtype=="Official"', {
+ 'configurations': {
+ 'Release': {
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ 'VCCLCompilerTool': {
+ 'WholeProgramOptimization': 'false',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },],
+ ['OS=="win"', {
+ 'link_settings': {
+ 'libraries': [
+ '-lshdocvw.lib',
+ '-loleacc.lib',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ 'VCLinkerTool': {
+ 'DelayLoadDLLs': ['shdocvw.dll'],
+ },
+ },
+ 'dependencies': [
+ # TODO(slightlyoff): Get automation targets working on OS X
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:automation',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:installer_util',
+ '../google_update/google_update.gyp:google_update',
+ ],
+ 'configurations': {
+ 'Debug_Base': {
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ 'VCLinkerTool': {
+ 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_large_module_debug_link_mode)',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }],
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'chrome_frame_tests',
+ 'type': 'executable',
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../base/base.gyp:test_support_base',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:browser',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:common',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:debugger',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:renderer',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:test_support_common',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:utility',
+ '../chrome/installer/upgrade_test.gyp:alternate_version_generator_lib',
+ '../content/content.gyp:content_gpu',
+ '../net/net.gyp:net',
+ '../net/net.gyp:net_test_support',
+ '../testing/gmock.gyp:gmock',
+ '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest',
+ '../third_party/iaccessible2/iaccessible2.gyp:IAccessible2Proxy',
+ '../third_party/iaccessible2/iaccessible2.gyp:iaccessible2',
+ '../third_party/libxslt/libxslt.gyp:libxslt',
+ '../url/url.gyp:url_lib',
+ 'chrome_frame_ie',
+ 'chrome_frame_strings',
+ 'chrome_frame_utils',
+ 'chrome_tab_idl',
+ 'locales/locales.gyp:*',
+ 'npchrome_frame',
+ ],
+ 'sources': [
+ '../base/test/test_suite.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/automation_client_mock.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/chrome_frame_test_utils.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/chrome_frame_ui_test_utils.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/chrome_frame_automation_mock.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/ie_configurator.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/ie_event_sink.h',
+ 'test/mock_ie_event_sink_actions.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/mock_ie_event_sink_test.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/proxy_factory_mock.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/simulate_input.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/test_scrubber.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/test_server.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/test_with_web_server.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/urlmon_moniker_tests.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/win_event_receiver.h',
+ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_frame/chrome_launcher_exe_version.rc',
+ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_frame/chrome_tab.h',
+ '',
+ 'test_utils.h',
+ ],
+ 'include_dirs': [
+ '<(DEPTH)/third_party/wtl/include',
+ '<(DEPTH)/breakpad/src',
+ ],
+ 'resource_include_dirs': [
+ ],
+ 'conditions': [
+ ['OS=="win"', {
+ 'link_settings': {
+ 'libraries': [
+ '-loleacc.lib',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:crash_service',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:automation',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:installer_util',
+ '../google_update/google_update.gyp:google_update',
+ ],
+ 'configurations': {
+ 'Debug_Base': {
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ 'VCLinkerTool': {
+ 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_debug_link_nonincremental)',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ 'conditions': [
+ ['win_use_allocator_shim==1', {
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../base/allocator/allocator.gyp:allocator',
+ ],
+ }],
+ ],
+ }],
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'chrome_frame_perftests',
+ 'type': 'executable',
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../base/base.gyp:base',
+ '../base/base.gyp:base_i18n',
+ '../base/base.gyp:test_support_base',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:browser',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:common',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:debugger',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:image_pre_reader',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:test_support_common',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:test_support_ui',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:utility',
+ '../content/content.gyp:content_gpu',
+ '../testing/gmock.gyp:gmock',
+ '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest',
+ '../third_party/libxml/libxml.gyp:libxml',
+ '../third_party/libxslt/libxslt.gyp:libxslt',
+ '../url/url.gyp:url_lib',
+ 'chrome_frame_ie',
+ 'chrome_frame_strings',
+ 'chrome_frame_utils',
+ 'chrome_tab_idl',
+ 'locales/locales.gyp:*',
+ 'npchrome_frame',
+ ],
+ 'sources': [
+ '../base/test/perf_test_suite.h',
+ '../base/',
+ '../base/test/test_file_util.h',
+ '../chrome/test/base/',
+ '../chrome/test/base/chrome_process_util.h',
+ '../chrome/test/ui/',
+ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_frame/chrome_tab.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/chrome_frame_test_utils.h',
+ 'test/perf/',
+ 'test/perf/chrome_frame_perftest.h',
+ 'test/perf/',
+ 'test/perf/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/simulate_input.h',
+ '',
+ 'test_utils.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/win_event_receiver.h',
+ ],
+ 'include_dirs': [
+ '<(DEPTH)/third_party/wtl/include',
+ ],
+ 'conditions': [
+ ['OS=="win"', {
+ 'configurations': {
+ 'Debug_Base': {
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ 'VCLinkerTool': {
+ 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_debug_link_nonincremental)',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ 'link_settings': {
+ 'libraries': [
+ '-loleacc.lib',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../breakpad/breakpad.gyp:breakpad_handler',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:automation',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:crash_service',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:installer_util',
+ '../google_update/google_update.gyp:google_update',
+ ],
+ 'sources': [
+ '../base/test/',
+ ]
+ }],
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'chrome_frame_net_tests',
+ 'type': 'executable',
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../base/base.gyp:test_support_base',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:browser',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:debugger',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:renderer',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:test_support_common',
+ '../chrome/chrome_resources.gyp:chrome_resources',
+ '../content/content.gyp:content_app_browser',
+ '../content/content.gyp:content_gpu',
+ '../content/content.gyp:test_support_content',
+ '../net/net.gyp:net',
+ '../net/net.gyp:net_test_support',
+ '../skia/skia.gyp:skia',
+ '../sync/sync.gyp:sync',
+ '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest',
+ '../third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icui18n',
+ '../third_party/icu/icu.gyp:icuuc',
+ '../ui/ui.gyp:ui_resources',
+ 'chrome_frame_ie',
+ 'chrome_tab_idl',
+ 'npchrome_frame',
+ ],
+ 'include_dirs': [
+ '<(DEPTH)/breakpad/src',
+ ],
+ 'sources': [
+ '../net/url_request/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/chrome_frame_test_utils.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/ie_configurator.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/simulate_input.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/test_server.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/win_event_receiver.h',
+ 'test/net/',
+ 'test/net/fake_external_tab.h',
+ 'test/net/',
+ 'test/net/test_automation_provider.h',
+ 'test/net/',
+ 'test/net/test_automation_resource_message_filter.h',
+ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_frame/chrome_tab.h',
+ '',
+ 'test_utils.h',
+ ],
+ 'conditions': [
+ ['OS=="win"', {
+ 'link_settings': {
+ 'libraries': [
+ '-loleacc.lib',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ 'VCLinkerTool': {
+ 'DelayLoadDLLs': ['prntvpt.dll'],
+ },
+ },
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../breakpad/breakpad.gyp:breakpad_handler',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:automation',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:crash_service',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:chrome_version_resources',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:installer_util',
+ '../google_update/google_update.gyp:google_update',
+ ],
+ 'configurations': {
+ 'Debug_Base': {
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ 'VCLinkerTool': {
+ 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_large_module_debug_link_mode)',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }],
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'chrome_frame_reliability_tests',
+ 'type': 'executable',
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../base/base.gyp:base',
+ '../base/base.gyp:test_support_base',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:browser',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:debugger',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:renderer',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:test_support_common',
+ '../content/content.gyp:content_gpu',
+ '../testing/gmock.gyp:gmock',
+ '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest',
+ 'chrome_frame_ie',
+ 'chrome_frame_strings',
+ 'chrome_tab_idl',
+ 'locales/locales.gyp:*',
+ ],
+ 'sources': [
+ 'test/reliability/',
+ 'test/reliability/',
+ 'test/reliability/page_load_test.h',
+ 'test/reliability/reliability_test_suite.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/chrome_frame_test_utils.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/ie_event_sink.h',
+ '',
+ 'test_utils.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/simulate_input.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/win_event_receiver.h',
+ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_frame/chrome_tab.h',
+ '../base/test/',
+ '../chrome/test/automation/',
+ '../chrome/test/automation/proxy_launcher.h',
+ '../chrome/test/base/',
+ '../chrome/test/base/chrome_process_util.h',
+ '../chrome/test/ui/',
+ '../chrome/test/ui/ui_test.h',
+ '../chrome/test/ui/',
+ '../chrome/test/ui/ui_test_suite.h',
+ ],
+ 'resource_include_dirs': [
+ ],
+ 'conditions': [
+ ['OS=="win"', {
+ 'link_settings': {
+ 'libraries': [
+ '-loleacc.lib',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'dependencies': [
+ # TODO(slightlyoff): Get automation targets working on OS X
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:automation',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:installer_util',
+ '../google_update/google_update.gyp:google_update',
+ ],
+ 'configurations': {
+ 'Debug_Base': {
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ 'VCLinkerTool': {
+ 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_large_module_debug_link_mode)',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }],
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'chrome_frame_qa_tests',
+ 'type': 'executable',
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../base/base.gyp:test_support_base',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:test_support_common',
+ '../net/net.gyp:net',
+ '../net/net.gyp:net_test_support',
+ '../testing/gmock.gyp:gmock',
+ '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest',
+ '../third_party/iaccessible2/iaccessible2.gyp:iaccessible2',
+ '../third_party/protobuf/protobuf.gyp:protobuf_lite',
+ '../url/url.gyp:url_lib',
+ 'chrome_frame_ie',
+ 'chrome_frame_strings',
+ 'chrome_tab_idl',
+ 'locales/locales.gyp:*',
+ 'npchrome_frame',
+ ],
+ 'sources': [
+ '../base/test/test_suite.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/chrome_frame_test_utils.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/chrome_frame_ui_test_utils.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/ie_configurator.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/ie_event_sink.h',
+ 'test/mock_ie_event_sink_actions.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/mock_ie_event_sink_test.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/simulate_input.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/test_scrubber.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/test_server.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/test_with_web_server.h',
+ 'test/',
+ 'test/win_event_receiver.h',
+ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_frame/chrome_tab.h',
+ 'chrome_tab.idl',
+ '',
+ 'test_utils.h',
+ ],
+ 'include_dirs': [
+ '<(DEPTH)/third_party/wtl/include',
+ '<(DEPTH)/breakpad/src',
+ ],
+ 'resource_include_dirs': [
+ ],
+ 'conditions': [
+ ['OS=="win"', {
+ 'link_settings': {
+ 'libraries': [
+ '-loleacc.lib',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:crash_service',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:automation',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:installer_util',
+ '../google_update/google_update.gyp:google_update',
+ ]
+ }],
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'chrome_frame_strings',
+ 'type': 'none',
+ 'variables': {
+ 'grit_out_dir': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_frame',
+ },
+ 'actions': [
+ {
+ 'action_name': 'chrome_frame_resources',
+ 'variables': {
+ 'grit_grd_file': 'resources/chrome_frame_resources.grd',
+ },
+ 'includes': [ '../build/grit_action.gypi' ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'action_name': 'chrome_frame_dialogs',
+ 'variables': {
+ 'grit_grd_file': 'resources/chrome_frame_dialogs.grd',
+ },
+ 'includes': [ '../build/grit_action.gypi' ],
+ },
+ ],
+ 'includes': [ '../build/grit_target.gypi' ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'chrome_frame_utils',
+ # The intent is that shared util code can be built into a separate lib.
+ 'type': 'static_library',
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../base/base.gyp:base_i18n',
+ '../breakpad/breakpad.gyp:breakpad_handler',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:chrome_version_header',
+ ],
+ 'include_dirs': [
+ # To allow including "version.h"
+ # TODO(grt): remove this as per
+ ],
+ 'sources': [
+ '',
+ 'crash_server_init.h',
+ '',
+ 'simple_resource_loader.h',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'chrome_frame_ie',
+ 'type': 'static_library',
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../chrome/app/policy/cloud_policy_codegen.gyp:policy',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:common',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:utility',
+ '../content/content.gyp:content_common',
+ '../net/net.gyp:net',
+ '../third_party/libxml/libxml.gyp:libxml',
+ '../url/url.gyp:url_lib',
+ '../webkit/common/user_agent/webkit_user_agent.gyp:user_agent',
+ 'chrome_frame_common',
+ 'chrome_frame_strings',
+ 'chrome_frame_utils',
+ 'chrome_tab_idl',
+ 'locales/locales.gyp:*',
+ ],
+ 'sources': [
+ '',
+ 'bho.h',
+ 'bho.rgs',
+ '',
+ 'bind_context_info.h',
+ '',
+ 'bind_status_callback_impl.h',
+ '',
+ 'buggy_bho_handling.h',
+ '',
+ 'chrome_active_document.h',
+ 'chrome_active_document.rgs',
+ '',
+ 'chrome_frame_activex.h',
+ 'chrome_frame_activex.rgs',
+ 'chrome_frame_activex_base.h',
+ '',
+ 'chrome_protocol.h',
+ 'chrome_protocol.rgs',
+ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_frame/chrome_tab.h',
+ '',
+ 'com_message_event.h',
+ '',
+ 'com_type_info_holder.h',
+ '',
+ 'delete_chrome_history.h',
+ '',
+ 'dll_redirector.h',
+ '',
+ 'exception_barrier.h',
+ 'exception_barrier_lowlevel.asm',
+ 'extra_system_apis.h',
+ '',
+ 'find_dialog.h',
+ '',
+ 'function_stub.h',
+ 'html_utils.h',
+ '',
+ '',
+ 'http_negotiate.h',
+ '',
+ 'infobars/infobar_content.h',
+ 'infobars/internal/',
+ 'infobars/internal/displaced_window_manager.h',
+ 'infobars/internal/',
+ 'infobars/internal/host_window_manager.h',
+ 'infobars/internal/',
+ 'infobars/internal/infobar_window.h',
+ 'infobars/internal/subclassing_window_with_delegate.h',
+ 'infobars/infobar_manager.h',
+ 'infobars/',
+ '',
+ 'metrics_service.h',
+ '',
+ 'pin_module.h',
+ '',
+ 'policy_settings.h',
+ '',
+ 'protocol_sink_wrap.h',
+ 'ready_mode/internal/ready_mode_state.h',
+ 'ready_mode/internal/',
+ 'ready_mode/internal/ready_mode_web_browser_adapter.h',
+ 'ready_mode/internal/',
+ 'ready_mode/internal/ready_prompt_content.h',
+ 'ready_mode/internal/',
+ 'ready_mode/internal/ready_prompt_window.h',
+ 'ready_mode/internal/',
+ 'ready_mode/internal/registry_ready_mode_state.h',
+ 'ready_mode/internal/url_launcher.h',
+ 'ready_mode/',
+ 'ready_mode/ready_mode.h',
+ 'register_bho.rgs',
+ '',
+ 'registry_list_preferences_holder.h',
+ '',
+ 'stream_impl.h',
+ 'turndown_prompt/',
+ 'turndown_prompt/reshow_state.h',
+ 'turndown_prompt/',
+ 'turndown_prompt/turndown_prompt.h',
+ 'turndown_prompt/',
+ 'turndown_prompt/turndown_prompt_content.h',
+ 'turndown_prompt/',
+ 'turndown_prompt/turndown_prompt_window.h',
+ 'urlmon_bind_status_callback.h',
+ '',
+ 'urlmon_moniker.h',
+ '',
+ '',
+ 'urlmon_url_request.h',
+ 'urlmon_url_request_private.h',
+ '',
+ 'urlmon_upload_data_stream.h',
+ 'utils.h',
+ '',
+ '',
+ 'vtable_patch_manager.h',
+ '../third_party/active_doc/in_place_menu.h',
+ '../third_party/active_doc/ole_document_impl.h',
+ ],
+ 'include_dirs': [
+ '<(DEPTH)/third_party/wtl/include',
+ ],
+ 'conditions': [
+ ['OS=="win"', {
+ # NOTE(slightlyoff):
+ # this is a fix for the include dirs length limit on the resource
+ # compiler, tickled by the xul_include_dirs variable
+ 'resource_include_dirs': [
+ ],
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../breakpad/breakpad.gyp:breakpad_handler',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:automation',
+ # Installer
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:installer_util',
+ '../google_update/google_update.gyp:google_update',
+ # Make the archive build happy.
+ '../sync/sync.gyp:sync',
+ # Crash Reporting
+ 'crash_reporting/crash_reporting.gyp:crash_report',
+ ],
+ 'link_settings': {
+ 'libraries': ['-lurlmon.lib'],
+ },
+ },],
+ ],
+ 'rules': [
+ {
+ 'rule_name': 'Assemble',
+ 'extension': 'asm',
+ 'inputs': [],
+ 'outputs': [
+ ],
+ 'action': [
+ 'ml',
+ '/safeseh',
+ '/c', '<(RULE_INPUT_PATH)',
+ ],
+ 'process_outputs_as_sources': 1,
+ 'message':
+ 'Assembling <(RULE_INPUT_PATH) to ' \
+ },
+ ],
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ 'VCLinkerTool': {
+ 'AdditionalOptions': [
+ '/safeseh',
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'chrome_frame_common',
+ 'type': 'static_library',
+ 'sources': [
+ 'chrome_frame_automation.h',
+ '',
+ 'chrome_frame_delegate.h',
+ '',
+ '',
+ 'chrome_frame_plugin.h',
+ '',
+ 'chrome_launcher_utils.h',
+ '',
+ 'custom_sync_call_context.h',
+ 'navigation_constraints.h',
+ '',
+ 'plugin_url_request.h',
+ '',
+ 'sync_msg_reply_dispatcher.h',
+ '',
+ 'task_marshaller.h',
+ '',
+ ],
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../base/base.gyp:base',
+ '../net/net.gyp:net',
+ ],
+ 'export_dependent_settings': [
+ '../base/base.gyp:base',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'npchrome_frame',
+ 'type': 'shared_library',
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../base/base.gyp:base',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:chrome',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:chrome_dll',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:chrome_version_resources',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:common',
+ '../url/url.gyp:url_lib',
+ 'chrome_frame_ie',
+ 'chrome_frame_launcher.gyp:chrome_frame_helper',
+ 'chrome_frame_launcher.gyp:chrome_frame_helper_dll',
+ 'chrome_frame_launcher.gyp:chrome_launcher',
+ 'chrome_frame_strings',
+ 'chrome_frame_utils',
+ 'chrome_frame_version_resources',
+ 'chrome_tab_idl',
+ 'locales/locales.gyp:*',
+ ],
+ 'defines': [
+ '_WINDLL',
+ ],
+ 'sources': [
+ 'chrome_frame_elevation.rgs',
+ '',
+ 'chrome_frame_reporting.h',
+ '',
+ 'chrome_tab.def',
+ 'scoped_initialization_manager.h',
+ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_frame/chrome_tab.h',
+ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_frame/npchrome_frame_dll_version.rc',
+ # FIXME(slightlyoff): For chrome_tab.tlb. Giant hack until we can
+ # figure out something more gyp-ish.
+ 'resources/tlb_resource.rc',
+ 'chrome_tab.rgs',
+ 'resource.h',
+ ],
+ 'conditions': [
+ ['OS=="win"', {
+ # NOTE(slightlyoff):
+ # this is a fix for the include dirs length limit on the resource
+ # compiler, tickled by the xul_include_dirs variable
+ 'resource_include_dirs': [
+ ],
+ 'sources': [
+ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_frame/chrome_frame_resources.rc',
+ ],
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../breakpad/breakpad.gyp:breakpad_handler',
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:automation',
+ # Installer
+ '../chrome/chrome.gyp:installer_util',
+ '../google_update/google_update.gyp:google_update',
+ # Make the archive build happy.
+ '../sync/sync.gyp:sync',
+ # Crash Reporting
+ 'crash_reporting/crash_reporting.gyp:crash_report',
+ ],
+ 'link_settings': {
+ 'libraries': [
+ '-lshdocvw.lib',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ 'VCLinkerTool': {
+ 'DelayLoadDLLs': [],
+ 'BaseAddress': '0x33000000',
+ # Set /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS (for consistency).
+ 'SubSystem': '2',
+ },
+ 'VCManifestTool': {
+ 'AdditionalManifestFiles': [
+ '$(ProjectDir)\\resources\\npchrome_frame.dll.manifest',
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ }],
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ 'conditions': [
+ # To enable the coverage targets, do
+ # GYP_DEFINES='coverage=1' gclient sync
+ ['coverage!=0',
+ { 'targets': [
+ {
+ # Coverage BUILD AND RUN.
+ # Not named coverage_build_and_run for historical reasons.
+ 'target_name': 'gcf_coverage',
+ 'dependencies': [ 'gcf_coverage_build', 'gcf_coverage_run' ],
+ # do NOT place this in the 'all' list; most won't want it.
+ 'suppress_wildcard': 1,
+ 'type': 'none',
+ 'actions': [
+ {
+ 'message': 'Coverage is now complete.',
+ # MSVS must have an input file and an output file.
+ 'inputs': [ '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/' ],
+ 'outputs': [ '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/gcf_coverage-build-and-run.stamp' ],
+ 'action_name': 'gcf_coverage',
+ # Wish gyp had some basic builtin commands (e.g. 'touch').
+ 'action': [ 'python', '-c',
+ 'import os; ' \
+ 'open(' \
+ '\'<(PRODUCT_DIR)\' + os.path.sep + ' \
+ '\'gcf_coverage-build-and-run.stamp\'' \
+ ', \'w\').close()' ],
+ # Use outputs of this action as inputs for the main target build.
+ # Seems as a misnomer but makes this happy on Linux (scons).
+ 'process_outputs_as_sources': 1,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ # Coverage BUILD. Compile only; does not run the bundles.
+ # Intended as the build phase for our coverage bots.
+ #
+ # Builds unit test bundles needed for coverage.
+ # Outputs this list of bundles into
+ #
+ # If you want to both build and run coverage from your IDE,
+ # use the 'gcf_coverage' target.
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'gcf_coverage_build',
+ 'suppress_wildcard': 1,
+ 'type': 'none',
+ 'dependencies': [
+ # Some tests are disabled because they depend on browser.lib which
+ # has some trouble to link with instrumentation. Until this is
+ # fixed on the Chrome side we won't get complete coverage from
+ # our tests but we at least get the process rolling...
+ # TODO(mad): FIX THIS!
+ #'chrome_frame_net_tests',
+ #'chrome_frame_reliability_tests',
+ # Other tests depend on Chrome bins being available when they run.
+ # Those should be re-enabled as soon as we setup the build slave to
+ # also build (or download an archive of) Chrome, even it it isn't
+ # instrumented itself.
+ # TODO(mad): FIX THIS!
+ #'chrome_frame_perftests',
+ #'chrome_frame_tests',
+ 'chrome_frame_unittests',
+ ], # 'dependencies'
+ 'actions': [
+ {
+ # TODO(jrg):
+ # Technically I want inputs to be the list of
+ # executables created in <@(_dependencies) but use of
+ # that variable lists the dep by dep name, not their
+ # output executable name.
+ # Is there a better way to force this action to run, always?
+ #
+ # If a test bundle is added to this gcf_coverage_build target it
+ # necessarily means this file (chrome_frame.gyp) is changed,
+ # so the action is run ( is generated).
+ # Exceptions to that rule are theoretically possible
+ # (e.g. re-gyp with a GYP_DEFINES set).
+ # Else it's the same list of bundles as last time. They are
+ # built (since on the deps list) but the action may not run.
+ # For now, things work, but it's less than ideal.
+ 'inputs': [ 'chrome_frame.gyp' ],
+ 'outputs': [ '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/' ],
+ 'action_name': 'gcf_coverage_build',
+ 'action': [ 'python', '-c',
+ 'import os; '
+ 'f = open(' \
+ '\'<(PRODUCT_DIR)\' + os.path.sep + ' \
+ '\'\'' \
+ ', \'w\'); ' \
+ 'deplist = \'' \
+ '<@(_dependencies)' \
+ '\'.split(\' \'); ' \
+ 'f.write(str(deplist)); ' \
+ 'f.close()'],
+ # Use outputs of this action as inputs for the main target build.
+ # Seems as a misnomer but makes this happy on Linux (scons).
+ 'process_outputs_as_sources': 1,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ # Coverage RUN. Does not actually compile the bundles (though it
+ # depends on the gcf_coverage_build step which will do it).
+ # This target mirrors the run_coverage_bundles buildbot phase.
+ # If you update this command update the mirror in
+ # $BUILDBOT/scripts/master/factory/
+ # If you want both build and run, use the 'gcf_coverage' target which
+ # adds a bit more magic to identify if we need to run or not.
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'gcf_coverage_run',
+ 'dependencies': [ 'gcf_coverage_build' ],
+ 'suppress_wildcard': 1,
+ 'type': 'none',
+ 'actions': [
+ {
+ # MSVS must have an input file and an output file.
+ 'inputs': [ '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/' ],
+ 'outputs': [ '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/' ],
+ 'action_name': 'gcf_coverage_run',
+ 'action': [ 'python',
+ '../tools/code_coverage/',
+ '--directory',
+ '--src_root',
+ '.',
+ '--bundles',
+ '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/',
+ ],
+ # Use outputs of this action as inputs for the main target build.
+ # Seems as a misnomer but makes this happy on Linux (scons).
+ 'process_outputs_as_sources': 1,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ }, ], # 'coverage!=0'
+ ], # 'conditions'
diff --git a/chromium/chrome_frame/chrome_frame_launcher.gyp b/chromium/chrome_frame/chrome_frame_launcher.gyp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bd41148aec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/chrome_frame/chrome_frame_launcher.gyp
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+ 'variables': {
+ 'chromium_code': 1,
+ # Keep the archive builder happy.
+ 'chrome_personalization%': 1,
+ 'use_syncapi_stub%': 0,
+ 'variables': {
+ 'version_py_path': '../tools/build/',
+ 'version_path': 'VERSION',
+ },
+ 'version_py_path': '<(version_py_path) -f',
+ 'version_path': '<(version_path)',
+ 'conditions': [
+ ['OS=="win"', {
+ 'python': [
+ '<(DEPTH)\\third_party\\python_26\\setup_env.bat && python'
+ ],
+ }, { # OS != win
+ 'python': [
+ 'python'
+ ],
+ }],
+ ],
+ },
+ 'includes': [
+ '../chrome/version.gypi',
+ ],
+ 'target_defaults': {
+ 'include_dirs': [
+ # all our own includes are relative to src/
+ '..',
+ ],
+ 'configurations': {
+ 'Release_Base': {
+ # Set flags to unconditionally optimize chrome_frame_launcher.exe
+ # for release builds.
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ 'VCLinkerTool': {
+ 'LinkTimeCodeGeneration': '1',
+ },
+ 'VCCLCompilerTool': {
+ 'Optimization': '3',
+ 'InlineFunctionExpansion': '2',
+ 'EnableIntrinsicFunctions': 'true',
+ 'FavorSizeOrSpeed': '2',
+ 'OmitFramePointers': 'true',
+ 'EnableFiberSafeOptimizations': 'true',
+ 'WholeProgramOptimization': 'true',
+ },
+ 'VCLibrarianTool': {
+ 'AdditionalOptions': ['/ltcg', '/expectedoutputsize:120000000'],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ 'targets': [
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'chrome_frame_launcher_version_resources',
+ 'type': 'none',
+ 'conditions': [
+ ['branding == "Chrome"', {
+ 'variables': {
+ 'branding_path': '../chrome/app/theme/google_chrome/BRANDING',
+ },
+ }, { # else branding!="Chrome"
+ 'variables': {
+ 'branding_path': '../chrome/app/theme/chromium/BRANDING',
+ },
+ }],
+ ],
+ 'variables': {
+ 'output_dir': 'chrome_frame',
+ 'template_input_path': 'chrome_frame_version.rc.version',
+ 'extra_variable_files_arguments': [ '-f', 'BRANDING' ],
+ 'extra_variable_files': [ 'BRANDING' ], # NOTE: matches that above
+ },
+ 'direct_dependent_settings': {
+ 'include_dirs': [
+ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/<(output_dir)',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'sources': [
+ 'chrome_frame_helper_dll.ver',
+ 'chrome_frame_helper_exe.ver',
+ 'chrome_launcher_exe.ver',
+ ],
+ 'includes': [
+ '../chrome/version_resource_rules.gypi',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'chrome_launcher',
+ 'type': 'executable',
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../breakpad/breakpad.gyp:breakpad_handler',
+ '../chrome/app/policy/cloud_policy_codegen.gyp:policy',
+ '../google_update/google_update.gyp:google_update',
+ 'chrome_frame.gyp:chrome_frame_utils',
+ 'chrome_frame_launcher_version_resources',
+ ],
+ 'sources': [
+ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_frame/chrome_launcher_exe_version.rc',
+ '',
+ '',
+ 'chrome_launcher.h',
+ '',
+ 'update_launcher.h'
+ ],
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ 'VCLinkerTool': {
+ # Set /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS since this is not a command-line program.
+ 'SubSystem': '2',
+ 'AdditionalDependencies': [
+ 'shlwapi.lib',
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'chrome_frame_helper',
+ 'type': 'executable',
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../breakpad/breakpad.gyp:breakpad_handler',
+ 'chrome_frame.gyp:chrome_frame_utils',
+ 'chrome_frame_helper_dll',
+ 'chrome_frame_helper_lib',
+ 'chrome_frame_launcher_version_resources',
+ ],
+ 'sources': [
+ '',
+ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_frame/chrome_frame_helper_exe_version.rc',
+ ],
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ 'VCLinkerTool': {
+ 'OutputFile':
+ '$(OutDir)\\$(ProjectName).exe',
+ # Set /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS since this is not a command-line program.
+ 'SubSystem': '2',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'chrome_frame_helper_dll',
+ 'type': 'shared_library',
+ 'dependencies': [
+ 'chrome_frame.gyp:chrome_tab_idl',
+ 'chrome_frame_helper_lib',
+ 'chrome_frame_launcher_version_resources',
+ ],
+ 'sources': [
+ '',
+ 'bho_loader.h',
+ '',
+ 'chrome_frame_helper_dll.def',
+ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_frame/chrome_frame_helper_dll_version.rc',
+ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_frame/chrome_tab.h',
+ '',
+ 'event_hooker.h',
+ '',
+ ],
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ 'VCLinkerTool': {
+ 'OutputFile': '$(OutDir)\\chrome_frame_helper.dll',
+ # Set /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS since this is not a command-line program.
+ 'SubSystem': '2',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'chrome_frame_helper_lib',
+ 'type': 'static_library',
+ 'dependencies': [
+ 'chrome_frame.gyp:chrome_tab_idl',
+ ],
+ 'sources': [
+ '',
+ 'chrome_frame_helper_util.h',
+ '',
+ 'registry_watcher.h',
+ '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_frame/chrome_tab.h',
+ '',
+ ],
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ 'VCLinkerTool': {
+ 'AdditionalDependencies': [
+ 'shlwapi.lib',
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ],
diff --git a/chromium/chrome_frame/crash_reporting/crash_reporting.gyp b/chromium/chrome_frame/crash_reporting/crash_reporting.gyp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a557bdd41e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/chrome_frame/crash_reporting/crash_reporting.gyp
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+ 'target_defaults': {
+ 'include_dirs': [
+ # all our own includes are relative to src/
+ '../..',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'targets': [
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'crash_report',
+ 'type': 'static_library',
+ 'sources': [
+ '',
+ 'crash_metrics.h',
+ '',
+ 'crash_report.h',
+ '',
+ 'nt_loader.h',
+ 'vectored_handler-impl.h',
+ 'vectored_handler.h',
+ ],
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../../base/base.gyp:base',
+ ],
+ 'conditions': [
+ ['OS=="win"', {
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../../breakpad/breakpad.gyp:breakpad_handler',
+ ],
+ }],
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'crash_dll',
+ 'type': 'loadable_module',
+ 'sources': [
+ '',
+ 'crash_dll.h',
+ ],
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ # To work around a bug in some versions of the CRT, which cause
+ # crashes on program exit if a DLL crashes at process attach time,
+ # we cut out the CRT entirely, and set our DLL main routine as the
+ # entry point for the DLL.
+ 'VCLinkerTool': {
+ 'EntryPointSymbol': 'DllMain',
+ 'IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries': 'true',
+ },
+ # Turn off buffer security checks, since we don't have CRT
+ # support for them, given that we don't link the CRT.
+ 'VCCLCompilerTool': {
+ 'BufferSecurityCheck': 'false',
+ },
+ },
+ 'configurations': {
+ 'Debug': {
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ # Turn off basic CRT checks, since we don't have CRT support.
+ # We have to do this per configuration, as base.gypi specifies
+ # this per-config, which binds tighter than the defaults above.
+ 'VCCLCompilerTool': {
+ 'BasicRuntimeChecks': '0',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ 'Debug_x64': {
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ # Turn off basic CRT checks, since we don't have CRT support.
+ # We have to do this per configuration, as base.gypi specifies
+ # this per-config, which binds tighter than the defaults above.
+ 'VCCLCompilerTool': {
+ 'BasicRuntimeChecks': '0',
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'vectored_handler_tests',
+ 'type': 'executable',
+ 'sources': [
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ 'veh_test.h',
+ ],
+ 'dependencies': [
+ 'crash_dll',
+ 'crash_report',
+ '../../base/base.gyp:base',
+ '../../testing/gmock.gyp:gmock',
+ '../../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest',
+ '../../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest_main',
+ '../../breakpad/breakpad.gyp:breakpad_handler',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'minidump_test',
+ 'type': 'executable',
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../../base/base.gyp:base',
+ '../../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest',
+ ],
+ 'sources': [
+ '',
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
diff --git a/chromium/chrome_frame/locales/locales.gyp b/chromium/chrome_frame/locales/locales.gyp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c026b40686e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/chrome_frame/locales/locales.gyp
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+ 'variables': {
+ 'chromium_code': 1,
+ 'chrome_frame_grit_out_dir': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome_frame',
+ # TODO(sgk): eliminate this; see comment in build/common.gypi
+ 'msvs_debug_link_incremental': '1',
+ },
+ 'target_defaults': {
+ 'type': 'loadable_module',
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '../chrome_frame.gyp:chrome_frame_strings',
+ ],
+ 'msvs_settings': {
+ 'VCLinkerTool': {
+ 'BaseAddress': '0x3CF00000',
+ 'OutputFile': '$(OutDir)\\locales\\$(ProjectName).dll',
+ 'LinkIncremental': '1', # 1 == No
+ 'LinkTimeCodeGeneration': '0',
+ 'ResourceOnlyDLL': 'true',
+ },
+ },
+ 'defines': [
+ '_USRDLL',
+ ],
+ 'include_dirs': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)',
+ ],
+ },
+ 'conditions': [
+ ['OS=="win"', {
+ 'targets': [
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'am',
+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_am.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'ar',
+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_ar.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'bg',
+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_bg.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'bn',
+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_bn.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'ca',
+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_ca.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'cs',
+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_cs.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'da',
+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_da.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'de',
+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_de.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'el',
+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_el.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'en-GB',
+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_en-GB.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'en-US',
+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_en-US.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'es-419',
+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_es-419.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'es',
+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_es.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_et.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_fa.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_fi.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_fil.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_fr.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_gu.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_he.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_hi.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_hr.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_hu.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_id.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_it.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_ja.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_kn.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_ko.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_lt.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_lv.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_ml.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_mr.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_ms.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_nb.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_nl.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_pl.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_pt-BR.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
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+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
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+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_ru.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_sk.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_sl.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_sr.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_sv.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_sw.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_ta.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_te.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_th.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_tr.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_uk.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_vi.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_zh-CN.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ {
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+ 'sources': [
+ '<(chrome_frame_grit_out_dir)/chrome_frame_dialogs_zh-TW.rc',
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ }],
+ ],