path: root/chromium/printing/
diff options
authorZeno Albisser <>2013-08-15 21:46:11 +0200
committerZeno Albisser <>2013-08-15 21:46:11 +0200
commit679147eead574d186ebf3069647b4c23e8ccace6 (patch)
treefc247a0ac8ff119f7c8550879ebb6d3dd8d1ff69 /chromium/printing/
Initial import.
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/printing/')
1 files changed, 519 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/printing/ b/chromium/printing/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4d83c130718
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/printing/
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "printing/printing_context_mac.h"
+#import <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
+#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
+#import <iomanip>
+#import <numeric>
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h"
+#include "base/mac/scoped_nsautorelease_pool.h"
+#include "base/mac/scoped_nsexception_enabler.h"
+#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
+#include "base/values.h"
+#include "printing/print_settings_initializer_mac.h"
+namespace printing {
+namespace {
+// Return true if PPD name of paper is equal.
+bool IsPaperNameEqual(const PMPaper& paper1, const PMPaper& paper2) {
+ CFStringRef name1 = NULL;
+ CFStringRef name2 = NULL;
+ return (PMPaperGetPPDPaperName(paper1, &name1) == noErr) &&
+ (PMPaperGetPPDPaperName(paper2, &name2) == noErr) &&
+ (CFStringCompare(name1, name2,
+ kCFCompareCaseInsensitive) == kCFCompareEqualTo);
+} // namespace
+// static
+PrintingContext* PrintingContext::Create(const std::string& app_locale) {
+ return static_cast<PrintingContext*>(new PrintingContextMac(app_locale));
+PrintingContextMac::PrintingContextMac(const std::string& app_locale)
+ : PrintingContext(app_locale),
+ print_info_([[NSPrintInfo sharedPrintInfo] copy]),
+ context_(NULL) {
+PrintingContextMac::~PrintingContextMac() {
+ ReleaseContext();
+void PrintingContextMac::AskUserForSettings(
+ gfx::NativeView parent_view,
+ int max_pages,
+ bool has_selection,
+ const PrintSettingsCallback& callback) {
+ // Third-party print drivers seem to be an area prone to raising exceptions.
+ // This will allow exceptions to be raised, but does not handle them. The
+ // NSPrintPanel appears to have appropriate NSException handlers.
+ base::mac::ScopedNSExceptionEnabler enabler;
+ // Exceptions can also happen when the NSPrintPanel is being
+ // deallocated, so it must be autoreleased within this scope.
+ base::mac::ScopedNSAutoreleasePool pool;
+ DCHECK([NSThread isMainThread]);
+ // We deliberately don't feed max_pages into the dialog, because setting
+ // NSPrintLastPage makes the print dialog pre-select the option to only print
+ // a range.
+ // TODO(stuartmorgan): implement 'print selection only' (probably requires
+ // adding a new custom view to the panel on 10.5; 10.6 has
+ // NSPrintPanelShowsPrintSelection).
+ NSPrintPanel* panel = [NSPrintPanel printPanel];
+ NSPrintInfo* printInfo = print_info_.get();
+ NSPrintPanelOptions options = [panel options];
+ options |= NSPrintPanelShowsPaperSize;
+ options |= NSPrintPanelShowsOrientation;
+ options |= NSPrintPanelShowsScaling;
+ [panel setOptions:options];
+ // Set the print job title text.
+ if (parent_view) {
+ NSString* job_title = [[parent_view window] title];
+ if (job_title) {
+ PMPrintSettings printSettings =
+ (PMPrintSettings)[printInfo PMPrintSettings];
+ PMPrintSettingsSetJobName(printSettings, (CFStringRef)job_title);
+ [printInfo updateFromPMPrintSettings];
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO(stuartmorgan): We really want a tab sheet here, not a modal window.
+ // Will require restructuring the PrintingContext API to use a callback.
+ NSInteger selection = [panel runModalWithPrintInfo:printInfo];
+ if (selection == NSOKButton) {
+ print_info_.reset([[panel printInfo] retain]);
+ InitPrintSettingsFromPrintInfo(GetPageRangesFromPrintInfo());
+ callback.Run(OK);
+ } else {
+ callback.Run(CANCEL);
+ }
+PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextMac::UseDefaultSettings() {
+ DCHECK(!in_print_job_);
+ print_info_.reset([[NSPrintInfo sharedPrintInfo] copy]);
+ InitPrintSettingsFromPrintInfo(GetPageRangesFromPrintInfo());
+ return OK;
+PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextMac::UpdatePrinterSettings(
+ const DictionaryValue& job_settings, const PageRanges& ranges) {
+ DCHECK(!in_print_job_);
+ // NOTE: Reset |print_info_| with a copy of |sharedPrintInfo| so as to start
+ // with a clean slate.
+ print_info_.reset([[NSPrintInfo sharedPrintInfo] copy]);
+ bool collate;
+ int color;
+ bool landscape;
+ bool print_to_pdf;
+ bool is_cloud_dialog;
+ int copies;
+ int duplex_mode;
+ std::string device_name;
+ if (!job_settings.GetBoolean(kSettingLandscape, &landscape) ||
+ !job_settings.GetBoolean(kSettingCollate, &collate) ||
+ !job_settings.GetInteger(kSettingColor, &color) ||
+ !job_settings.GetBoolean(kSettingPrintToPDF, &print_to_pdf) ||
+ !job_settings.GetInteger(kSettingDuplexMode, &duplex_mode) ||
+ !job_settings.GetInteger(kSettingCopies, &copies) ||
+ !job_settings.GetString(kSettingDeviceName, &device_name) ||
+ !job_settings.GetBoolean(kSettingCloudPrintDialog, &is_cloud_dialog)) {
+ return OnError();
+ }
+ bool print_to_cloud = job_settings.HasKey(kSettingCloudPrintId);
+ bool open_pdf_in_preview = job_settings.HasKey(kSettingOpenPDFInPreview);
+ if (!print_to_pdf && !print_to_cloud && !is_cloud_dialog) {
+ if (!SetPrinter(device_name))
+ return OnError();
+ if (!SetCopiesInPrintSettings(copies))
+ return OnError();
+ if (!SetCollateInPrintSettings(collate))
+ return OnError();
+ if (!SetDuplexModeInPrintSettings(
+ static_cast<DuplexMode>(duplex_mode))) {
+ return OnError();
+ }
+ if (!SetOutputColor(color))
+ return OnError();
+ }
+ if (open_pdf_in_preview) {
+ if (!SetPrintPreviewJob())
+ return OnError();
+ }
+ if (!UpdatePageFormatWithPaperInfo())
+ return OnError();
+ if (!SetOrientationIsLandscape(landscape))
+ return OnError();
+ [print_info_.get() updateFromPMPrintSettings];
+ InitPrintSettingsFromPrintInfo(ranges);
+ return OK;
+bool PrintingContextMac::SetPrintPreviewJob() {
+ PMPrintSession print_session =
+ static_cast<PMPrintSession>([print_info_.get() PMPrintSession]);
+ PMPrintSettings print_settings =
+ static_cast<PMPrintSettings>([print_info_.get() PMPrintSettings]);
+ return PMSessionSetDestination(
+ print_session, print_settings, kPMDestinationPreview,
+ NULL, NULL) == noErr;
+void PrintingContextMac::InitPrintSettingsFromPrintInfo(
+ const PageRanges& ranges) {
+ PMPrintSession print_session =
+ static_cast<PMPrintSession>([print_info_.get() PMPrintSession]);
+ PMPageFormat page_format =
+ static_cast<PMPageFormat>([print_info_.get() PMPageFormat]);
+ PMPrinter printer;
+ PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter(print_session, &printer);
+ PrintSettingsInitializerMac::InitPrintSettings(
+ printer, page_format, ranges, false, &settings_);
+bool PrintingContextMac::SetPrinter(const std::string& device_name) {
+ DCHECK(print_info_.get());
+ PMPrintSession print_session =
+ static_cast<PMPrintSession>([print_info_.get() PMPrintSession]);
+ PMPrinter current_printer;
+ if (PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter(print_session, &current_printer) != noErr)
+ return false;
+ CFStringRef current_printer_id = PMPrinterGetID(current_printer);
+ if (!current_printer_id)
+ return false;
+ base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CFStringRef> new_printer_id(
+ base::SysUTF8ToCFStringRef(device_name));
+ if (!new_printer_id.get())
+ return false;
+ if (CFStringCompare(new_printer_id.get(), current_printer_id, 0) ==
+ kCFCompareEqualTo) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ PMPrinter new_printer = PMPrinterCreateFromPrinterID(new_printer_id.get());
+ if (new_printer == NULL)
+ return false;
+ OSStatus status = PMSessionSetCurrentPMPrinter(print_session, new_printer);
+ PMRelease(new_printer);
+ return status == noErr;
+bool PrintingContextMac::UpdatePageFormatWithPaperInfo() {
+ PMPrintSession print_session =
+ static_cast<PMPrintSession>([print_info_.get() PMPrintSession]);
+ PMPageFormat default_page_format =
+ static_cast<PMPageFormat>([print_info_.get() PMPageFormat]);
+ PMPaper default_paper;
+ if (PMGetPageFormatPaper(default_page_format, &default_paper) != noErr)
+ return false;
+ double default_page_width = 0.0;
+ double default_page_height = 0.0;
+ if (PMPaperGetWidth(default_paper, &default_page_width) != noErr)
+ return false;
+ if (PMPaperGetHeight(default_paper, &default_page_height) != noErr)
+ return false;
+ PMPrinter current_printer = NULL;
+ if (PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter(print_session, &current_printer) != noErr)
+ return false;
+ if (current_printer == nil)
+ return false;
+ CFArrayRef paper_list = NULL;
+ if (PMPrinterGetPaperList(current_printer, &paper_list) != noErr)
+ return false;
+ double best_match = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+ PMPaper best_matching_paper = kPMNoData;
+ int num_papers = CFArrayGetCount(paper_list);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_papers; ++i) {
+ PMPaper paper = (PMPaper)[(NSArray*)paper_list objectAtIndex: i];
+ double paper_width = 0.0;
+ double paper_height = 0.0;
+ PMPaperGetWidth(paper, &paper_width);
+ PMPaperGetHeight(paper, &paper_height);
+ double current_match = std::max(fabs(default_page_width - paper_width),
+ fabs(default_page_height - paper_height));
+ // Ignore paper sizes that are very different.
+ if (current_match > 2)
+ continue;
+ current_match += IsPaperNameEqual(paper, default_paper) ? 0 : 1;
+ if (current_match < best_match) {
+ best_matching_paper = paper;
+ best_match = current_match;
+ }
+ }
+ if (best_matching_paper == kPMNoData) {
+ PMPaper paper = kPMNoData;
+ // Create a custom paper for the specified default page size.
+ PMPaperMargins default_margins;
+ if (PMPaperGetMargins(default_paper, &default_margins) != noErr)
+ return false;
+ const PMPaperMargins margins =
+ {, default_margins.left, default_margins.bottom,
+ default_margins.right};
+ CFStringRef paper_id = CFSTR("Custom paper ID");
+ CFStringRef paper_name = CFSTR("Custom paper");
+ if (PMPaperCreateCustom(current_printer, paper_id, paper_name,
+ default_page_width, default_page_height, &margins, &paper) !=
+ noErr) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ [print_info_.get() updateFromPMPageFormat];
+ PMRelease(paper);
+ } else {
+ PMPageFormat chosen_page_format = NULL;
+ if (PMCreatePageFormat((PMPageFormat*) &chosen_page_format) != noErr)
+ return false;
+ // Create page format from that paper.
+ if (PMCreatePageFormatWithPMPaper(&chosen_page_format,
+ best_matching_paper) != noErr) {
+ PMRelease(chosen_page_format);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Copy over the original format with the new page format.
+ if (PMCopyPageFormat(chosen_page_format, default_page_format) != noErr) {
+ PMRelease(chosen_page_format);
+ return false;
+ }
+ [print_info_.get() updateFromPMPageFormat];
+ PMRelease(chosen_page_format);
+ }
+ return true;
+bool PrintingContextMac::SetCopiesInPrintSettings(int copies) {
+ if (copies < 1)
+ return false;
+ PMPrintSettings pmPrintSettings =
+ static_cast<PMPrintSettings>([print_info_.get() PMPrintSettings]);
+ return PMSetCopies(pmPrintSettings, copies, false) == noErr;
+bool PrintingContextMac::SetCollateInPrintSettings(bool collate) {
+ PMPrintSettings pmPrintSettings =
+ static_cast<PMPrintSettings>([print_info_.get() PMPrintSettings]);
+ return PMSetCollate(pmPrintSettings, collate) == noErr;
+bool PrintingContextMac::SetOrientationIsLandscape(bool landscape) {
+ PMPageFormat page_format =
+ static_cast<PMPageFormat>([print_info_.get() PMPageFormat]);
+ PMOrientation orientation = landscape ? kPMLandscape : kPMPortrait;
+ if (PMSetOrientation(page_format, orientation, false) != noErr)
+ return false;
+ PMPrintSession print_session =
+ static_cast<PMPrintSession>([print_info_.get() PMPrintSession]);
+ PMSessionValidatePageFormat(print_session, page_format, kPMDontWantBoolean);
+ [print_info_.get() updateFromPMPageFormat];
+ return true;
+bool PrintingContextMac::SetDuplexModeInPrintSettings(DuplexMode mode) {
+ PMDuplexMode duplexSetting;
+ switch (mode) {
+ case LONG_EDGE:
+ duplexSetting = kPMDuplexNoTumble;
+ break;
+ case SHORT_EDGE:
+ duplexSetting = kPMDuplexTumble;
+ break;
+ case SIMPLEX:
+ duplexSetting = kPMDuplexNone;
+ break;
+ return true;
+ }
+ PMPrintSettings pmPrintSettings =
+ static_cast<PMPrintSettings>([print_info_.get() PMPrintSettings]);
+ return PMSetDuplex(pmPrintSettings, duplexSetting) == noErr;
+bool PrintingContextMac::SetOutputColor(int color_mode) {
+ PMPrintSettings pmPrintSettings =
+ static_cast<PMPrintSettings>([print_info_.get() PMPrintSettings]);
+ std::string color_setting_name;
+ std::string color_value;
+ GetColorModelForMode(color_mode, &color_setting_name, &color_value);
+ base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CFStringRef> color_setting(
+ base::SysUTF8ToCFStringRef(color_setting_name));
+ base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CFStringRef> output_color(
+ base::SysUTF8ToCFStringRef(color_value));
+ return PMPrintSettingsSetValue(pmPrintSettings,
+ color_setting.get(),
+ output_color.get(),
+ false) == noErr;
+PageRanges PrintingContextMac::GetPageRangesFromPrintInfo() {
+ PageRanges page_ranges;
+ NSDictionary* print_info_dict = [print_info_.get() dictionary];
+ if (![[print_info_dict objectForKey:NSPrintAllPages] boolValue]) {
+ PageRange range;
+ range.from = [[print_info_dict objectForKey:NSPrintFirstPage] intValue] - 1;
+ = [[print_info_dict objectForKey:NSPrintLastPage] intValue] - 1;
+ page_ranges.push_back(range);
+ }
+ return page_ranges;
+PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextMac::InitWithSettings(
+ const PrintSettings& settings) {
+ DCHECK(!in_print_job_);
+ settings_ = settings;
+ return FAILED;
+PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextMac::NewDocument(
+ const string16& document_name) {
+ DCHECK(!in_print_job_);
+ in_print_job_ = true;
+ PMPrintSession print_session =
+ static_cast<PMPrintSession>([print_info_.get() PMPrintSession]);
+ PMPrintSettings print_settings =
+ static_cast<PMPrintSettings>([print_info_.get() PMPrintSettings]);
+ PMPageFormat page_format =
+ static_cast<PMPageFormat>([print_info_.get() PMPageFormat]);
+ base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CFStringRef> job_title(
+ base::SysUTF16ToCFStringRef(document_name));
+ PMPrintSettingsSetJobName(print_settings, job_title.get());
+ OSStatus status = PMSessionBeginCGDocumentNoDialog(print_session,
+ print_settings,
+ page_format);
+ if (status != noErr)
+ return OnError();
+ return OK;
+PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextMac::NewPage() {
+ if (abort_printing_)
+ return CANCEL;
+ DCHECK(in_print_job_);
+ DCHECK(!context_);
+ PMPrintSession print_session =
+ static_cast<PMPrintSession>([print_info_.get() PMPrintSession]);
+ PMPageFormat page_format =
+ static_cast<PMPageFormat>([print_info_.get() PMPageFormat]);
+ OSStatus status;
+ status = PMSessionBeginPageNoDialog(print_session, page_format, NULL);
+ if (status != noErr)
+ return OnError();
+ status = PMSessionGetCGGraphicsContext(print_session, &context_);
+ if (status != noErr)
+ return OnError();
+ return OK;
+PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextMac::PageDone() {
+ if (abort_printing_)
+ return CANCEL;
+ DCHECK(in_print_job_);
+ DCHECK(context_);
+ PMPrintSession print_session =
+ static_cast<PMPrintSession>([print_info_.get() PMPrintSession]);
+ OSStatus status = PMSessionEndPageNoDialog(print_session);
+ if (status != noErr)
+ OnError();
+ context_ = NULL;
+ return OK;
+PrintingContext::Result PrintingContextMac::DocumentDone() {
+ if (abort_printing_)
+ return CANCEL;
+ DCHECK(in_print_job_);
+ PMPrintSession print_session =
+ static_cast<PMPrintSession>([print_info_.get() PMPrintSession]);
+ OSStatus status = PMSessionEndDocumentNoDialog(print_session);
+ if (status != noErr)
+ OnError();
+ ResetSettings();
+ return OK;
+void PrintingContextMac::Cancel() {
+ abort_printing_ = true;
+ in_print_job_ = false;
+ context_ = NULL;
+ PMPrintSession print_session =
+ static_cast<PMPrintSession>([print_info_.get() PMPrintSession]);
+ PMSessionEndPageNoDialog(print_session);
+void PrintingContextMac::ReleaseContext() {
+ print_info_.reset();
+ context_ = NULL;
+gfx::NativeDrawingContext PrintingContextMac::context() const {
+ return context_;
+} // namespace printing