path: root/chromium/tools/
diff options
authorZeno Albisser <>2013-08-15 21:46:11 +0200
committerZeno Albisser <>2013-08-15 21:46:11 +0200
commit679147eead574d186ebf3069647b4c23e8ccace6 (patch)
treefc247a0ac8ff119f7c8550879ebb6d3dd8d1ff69 /chromium/tools/
Initial import.
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/tools/')
1 files changed, 2456 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/tools/ b/chromium/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..4947ece6571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,2456 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+"""Performance Test Bisect Tool
+This script bisects a series of changelists using binary search. It starts at
+a bad revision where a performance metric has regressed, and asks for a last
+known-good revision. It will then binary search across this revision range by
+syncing, building, and running a performance test. If the change is
+suspected to occur as a result of WebKit/V8 changes, the script will
+further bisect changes to those depots and attempt to narrow down the revision
+An example usage (using svn cl's):
+./tools/ -c\
+"out/Release/performance_ui_tests --gtest_filter=ShutdownTest.SimpleUserQuit"\
+-g 168222 -b 168232 -m shutdown/simple-user-quit
+Be aware that if you're using the git workflow and specify an svn revision,
+the script will attempt to find the git SHA1 where svn changes up to that
+revision were merged in.
+An example usage (using git hashes):
+./tools/ -c\
+"out/Release/performance_ui_tests --gtest_filter=ShutdownTest.SimpleUserQuit"\
+-g 1f6e67861535121c5c819c16a666f2436c207e7b\
+-b b732f23b4f81c382db0b23b9035f3dadc7d925bb\
+-m shutdown/simple-user-quit
+import errno
+import imp
+import math
+import optparse
+import os
+import re
+import shlex
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import threading
+import time
+import bisect_utils
+# The additional repositories that might need to be bisected.
+# If the repository has any dependant repositories (such as skia/src needs
+# skia/include and skia/gyp to be updated), specify them in the 'depends'
+# so that they're synced appropriately.
+# Format is:
+# src: path to the working directory.
+# recurse: True if this repositry will get bisected.
+# depends: A list of other repositories that are actually part of the same
+# repository in svn.
+# svn: Needed for git workflow to resolve hashes to svn revisions.
+# from: Parent depot that must be bisected before this is bisected.
+ 'chromium' : {
+ "src" : "src/",
+ "recurse" : True,
+ "depends" : None,
+ "from" : 'cros'
+ },
+ 'webkit' : {
+ "src" : "src/third_party/WebKit",
+ "recurse" : True,
+ "depends" : None,
+ "from" : 'chromium'
+ },
+ 'v8' : {
+ "src" : "src/v8",
+ "recurse" : True,
+ "depends" : None,
+ "build_with": 'v8_bleeding_edge',
+ "from" : 'chromium',
+ "custom_deps": bisect_utils.GCLIENT_CUSTOM_DEPS_V8
+ },
+ 'v8_bleeding_edge' : {
+ "src" : "src/v8_bleeding_edge",
+ "recurse" : False,
+ "depends" : None,
+ "svn": "",
+ "from" : 'chromium'
+ },
+ 'skia/src' : {
+ "src" : "src/third_party/skia/src",
+ "recurse" : True,
+ "svn" : "",
+ "depends" : ['skia/include', 'skia/gyp'],
+ "from" : 'chromium'
+ },
+ 'skia/include' : {
+ "src" : "src/third_party/skia/include",
+ "recurse" : False,
+ "svn" : "",
+ "depends" : None,
+ "from" : 'chromium'
+ },
+ 'skia/gyp' : {
+ "src" : "src/third_party/skia/gyp",
+ "recurse" : False,
+ "svn" : "",
+ "depends" : None,
+ "from" : 'chromium'
+ }
+CROS_SDK_PATH = os.path.join('..', 'cros', 'chromite', 'bin', 'cros_sdk')
+CROS_VERSION_PATTERN = 'new version number from %s'
+CROS_CHROMEOS_PATTERN = 'chromeos-base/chromeos-chrome'
+CROS_TEST_KEY_PATH = os.path.join('..', 'cros', 'chromite', 'ssh_keys',
+ 'testing_rsa')
+CROS_SCRIPT_KEY_PATH = os.path.join('..', 'cros', 'src', 'scripts',
+ 'mod_for_test_scripts', 'ssh_keys',
+ 'testing_rsa')
+def CalculateTruncatedMean(data_set, truncate_percent):
+ """Calculates the truncated mean of a set of values.
+ Args:
+ data_set: Set of values to use in calculation.
+ truncate_percent: The % from the upper/lower portions of the data set to
+ discard, expressed as a value in [0, 1].
+ Returns:
+ The truncated mean as a float.
+ """
+ if len(data_set) > 2:
+ data_set = sorted(data_set)
+ discard_num_float = len(data_set) * truncate_percent
+ discard_num_int = int(math.floor(discard_num_float))
+ kept_weight = len(data_set) - discard_num_float * 2
+ data_set = data_set[discard_num_int:len(data_set)-discard_num_int]
+ weight_left = 1.0 - (discard_num_float - discard_num_int)
+ if weight_left < 1:
+ # If the % to discard leaves a fractional portion, need to weight those
+ # values.
+ unweighted_vals = data_set[1:len(data_set)-1]
+ weighted_vals = [data_set[0], data_set[len(data_set)-1]]
+ weighted_vals = [w * weight_left for w in weighted_vals]
+ data_set = weighted_vals + unweighted_vals
+ else:
+ kept_weight = len(data_set)
+ truncated_mean = reduce(lambda x, y: float(x) + float(y),
+ data_set) / kept_weight
+ return truncated_mean
+def CalculateStandardDeviation(v):
+ if len(v) == 1:
+ return 0.0
+ mean = CalculateTruncatedMean(v, 0.0)
+ variances = [float(x) - mean for x in v]
+ variances = [x * x for x in variances]
+ variance = reduce(lambda x, y: float(x) + float(y), variances) / (len(v) - 1)
+ std_dev = math.sqrt(variance)
+ return std_dev
+def IsStringFloat(string_to_check):
+ """Checks whether or not the given string can be converted to a floating
+ point number.
+ Args:
+ string_to_check: Input string to check if it can be converted to a float.
+ Returns:
+ True if the string can be converted to a float.
+ """
+ try:
+ float(string_to_check)
+ return True
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+def IsStringInt(string_to_check):
+ """Checks whether or not the given string can be converted to a integer.
+ Args:
+ string_to_check: Input string to check if it can be converted to an int.
+ Returns:
+ True if the string can be converted to an int.
+ """
+ try:
+ int(string_to_check)
+ return True
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+def IsWindows():
+ """Checks whether or not the script is running on Windows.
+ Returns:
+ True if running on Windows.
+ """
+ return == 'nt'
+def RunProcess(command):
+ """Run an arbitrary command. If output from the call is needed, use
+ RunProcessAndRetrieveOutput instead.
+ Args:
+ command: A list containing the command and args to execute.
+ Returns:
+ The return code of the call.
+ """
+ # On Windows, use shell=True to get PATH interpretation.
+ shell = IsWindows()
+ return, shell=shell)
+def RunProcessAndRetrieveOutput(command):
+ """Run an arbitrary command, returning its output and return code. Since
+ output is collected via communicate(), there will be no output until the
+ call terminates. If you need output while the program runs (ie. so
+ that the buildbot doesn't terminate the script), consider RunProcess().
+ Args:
+ command: A list containing the command and args to execute.
+ print_output: Optional parameter to write output to stdout as it's
+ being collected.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple of the output and return code.
+ """
+ # On Windows, use shell=True to get PATH interpretation.
+ shell = IsWindows()
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(command,
+ shell=shell,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ (output, _) = proc.communicate()
+ return (output, proc.returncode)
+def RunGit(command):
+ """Run a git subcommand, returning its output and return code.
+ Args:
+ command: A list containing the args to git.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple of the output and return code.
+ """
+ command = ['git'] + command
+ return RunProcessAndRetrieveOutput(command)
+def CheckRunGit(command):
+ """Run a git subcommand, returning its output and return code. Asserts if
+ the return code of the call is non-zero.
+ Args:
+ command: A list containing the args to git.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple of the output and return code.
+ """
+ (output, return_code) = RunGit(command)
+ assert not return_code, 'An error occurred while running'\
+ ' "git %s"' % ' '.join(command)
+ return output
+def BuildWithMake(threads, targets):
+ cmd = ['make', 'BUILDTYPE=Release']
+ if threads:
+ cmd.append('-j%d' % threads)
+ cmd += targets
+ return_code = RunProcess(cmd)
+ return not return_code
+def BuildWithNinja(threads, targets):
+ cmd = ['ninja', '-C', os.path.join('out', 'Release')]
+ if threads:
+ cmd.append('-j%d' % threads)
+ cmd += targets
+ return_code = RunProcess(cmd)
+ return not return_code
+def BuildWithVisualStudio(targets):
+ path_to_devenv = os.path.abspath(
+ os.path.join(os.environ['VS100COMNTOOLS'], '..', 'IDE', ''))
+ path_to_sln = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'chrome', 'chrome.sln')
+ cmd = [path_to_devenv, '/build', 'Release', path_to_sln]
+ for t in targets:
+ cmd.extend(['/Project', t])
+ return_code = RunProcess(cmd)
+ return not return_code
+class Builder(object):
+ """Builder is used by the bisect script to build relevant targets and deploy.
+ """
+ def Build(self, depot, opts):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+class DesktopBuilder(Builder):
+ """DesktopBuilder is used to build Chromium on linux/mac/windows."""
+ def Build(self, depot, opts):
+ """Builds chrome and performance_ui_tests using options passed into
+ the script.
+ Args:
+ depot: Current depot being bisected.
+ opts: The options parsed from the command line.
+ Returns:
+ True if build was successful.
+ """
+ targets = ['chrome', 'performance_ui_tests']
+ threads = None
+ if opts.use_goma:
+ threads = 64
+ build_success = False
+ if opts.build_preference == 'make':
+ build_success = BuildWithMake(threads, targets)
+ elif opts.build_preference == 'ninja':
+ if IsWindows():
+ targets = [t + '.exe' for t in targets]
+ build_success = BuildWithNinja(threads, targets)
+ elif opts.build_preference == 'msvs':
+ assert IsWindows(), 'msvs is only supported on Windows.'
+ build_success = BuildWithVisualStudio(targets)
+ else:
+ assert False, 'No build system defined.'
+ return build_success
+class AndroidBuilder(Builder):
+ """AndroidBuilder is used to build on android."""
+ def InstallAPK(self, opts):
+ """Installs apk to device.
+ Args:
+ opts: The options parsed from the command line.
+ Returns:
+ True if successful.
+ """
+ path_to_tool = os.path.join('build', 'android', '')
+ cmd = [path_to_tool, '--apk', 'ChromiumTestShell.apk', '--apk_package',
+ '', '--release']
+ return_code = RunProcess(cmd)
+ return not return_code
+ def Build(self, depot, opts):
+ """Builds the android content shell and other necessary tools using options
+ passed into the script.
+ Args:
+ depot: Current depot being bisected.
+ opts: The options parsed from the command line.
+ Returns:
+ True if build was successful.
+ """
+ targets = ['chromium_testshell', 'forwarder2', 'md5sum']
+ threads = None
+ if opts.use_goma:
+ threads = 64
+ build_success = False
+ if opts.build_preference == 'ninja':
+ build_success = BuildWithNinja(threads, targets)
+ else:
+ assert False, 'No build system defined.'
+ if build_success:
+ build_success = self.InstallAPK(opts)
+ return build_success
+class CrosBuilder(Builder):
+ """CrosBuilder is used to build and image ChromeOS/Chromium when cros is the
+ target platform."""
+ def ImageToTarget(self, opts):
+ """Installs latest image to target specified by opts.cros_remote_ip.
+ Args:
+ opts: Program options containing cros_board and cros_remote_ip.
+ Returns:
+ True if successful.
+ """
+ try:
+ # Keys will most likely be set to 0640 after wiping the chroot.
+ os.chmod(CROS_SCRIPT_KEY_PATH, 0600)
+ os.chmod(CROS_TEST_KEY_PATH, 0600)
+ cmd = [CROS_SDK_PATH, '--', './bin/',
+ '--remote=%s' % opts.cros_remote_ip,
+ '--board=%s' % opts.cros_board, '--test', '--verbose']
+ return_code = RunProcess(cmd)
+ return not return_code
+ except OSError, e:
+ return False
+ def BuildPackages(self, opts, depot):
+ """Builds packages for cros.
+ Args:
+ opts: Program options containing cros_board.
+ depot: The depot being bisected.
+ Returns:
+ True if successful.
+ """
+ cmd = [CROS_SDK_PATH]
+ if depot != 'cros':
+ path_to_chrome = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..')
+ cmd += ['--chrome_root=%s' % path_to_chrome]
+ cmd += ['--']
+ if depot != 'cros':
+ cmd += ['BUILDTYPE=Release', './build_packages',
+ '--board=%s' % opts.cros_board]
+ return_code = RunProcess(cmd)
+ return not return_code
+ def BuildImage(self, opts, depot):
+ """Builds test image for cros.
+ Args:
+ opts: Program options containing cros_board.
+ depot: The depot being bisected.
+ Returns:
+ True if successful.
+ """
+ cmd = [CROS_SDK_PATH]
+ if depot != 'cros':
+ path_to_chrome = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..')
+ cmd += ['--chrome_root=%s' % path_to_chrome]
+ cmd += ['--']
+ if depot != 'cros':
+ cmd += ['BUILDTYPE=Release', '--', './build_image',
+ '--board=%s' % opts.cros_board, 'test']
+ return_code = RunProcess(cmd)
+ return not return_code
+ def Build(self, depot, opts):
+ """Builds targets using options passed into the script.
+ Args:
+ depot: Current depot being bisected.
+ opts: The options parsed from the command line.
+ Returns:
+ True if build was successful.
+ """
+ if self.BuildPackages(opts, depot):
+ if self.BuildImage(opts, depot):
+ return self.ImageToTarget(opts)
+ return False
+class SourceControl(object):
+ """SourceControl is an abstraction over the underlying source control
+ system used for chromium. For now only git is supported, but in the
+ future, the svn workflow could be added as well."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(SourceControl, self).__init__()
+ def SyncToRevisionWithGClient(self, revision):
+ """Uses gclient to sync to the specified revision.
+ ie. gclient sync --revision <revision>
+ Args:
+ revision: The git SHA1 or svn CL (depending on workflow).
+ Returns:
+ The return code of the call.
+ """
+ return bisect_utils.RunGClient(['sync', '--revision',
+ revision, '--verbose', '--nohooks', '--reset', '--force'])
+ def SyncToRevisionWithRepo(self, timestamp):
+ """Uses repo to sync all the underlying git depots to the specified
+ time.
+ Args:
+ timestamp: The unix timestamp to sync to.
+ Returns:
+ The return code of the call.
+ """
+ return bisect_utils.RunRepoSyncAtTimestamp(timestamp)
+class GitSourceControl(SourceControl):
+ """GitSourceControl is used to query the underlying source control. """
+ def __init__(self, opts):
+ super(GitSourceControl, self).__init__()
+ self.opts = opts
+ def IsGit(self):
+ return True
+ def GetRevisionList(self, revision_range_end, revision_range_start):
+ """Retrieves a list of revisions between |revision_range_start| and
+ |revision_range_end|.
+ Args:
+ revision_range_end: The SHA1 for the end of the range.
+ revision_range_start: The SHA1 for the beginning of the range.
+ Returns:
+ A list of the revisions between |revision_range_start| and
+ |revision_range_end| (inclusive).
+ """
+ revision_range = '%s..%s' % (revision_range_start, revision_range_end)
+ cmd = ['log', '--format=%H', '-10000', '--first-parent', revision_range]
+ log_output = CheckRunGit(cmd)
+ revision_hash_list = log_output.split()
+ revision_hash_list.append(revision_range_start)
+ return revision_hash_list
+ def SyncToRevision(self, revision, sync_client=None):
+ """Syncs to the specified revision.
+ Args:
+ revision: The revision to sync to.
+ use_gclient: Specifies whether or not we should sync using gclient or
+ just use source control directly.
+ Returns:
+ True if successful.
+ """
+ if not sync_client:
+ results = RunGit(['checkout', revision])[1]
+ elif sync_client == 'gclient':
+ results = self.SyncToRevisionWithGClient(revision)
+ elif sync_client == 'repo':
+ results = self.SyncToRevisionWithRepo(revision)
+ return not results
+ def ResolveToRevision(self, revision_to_check, depot, search):
+ """If an SVN revision is supplied, try to resolve it to a git SHA1.
+ Args:
+ revision_to_check: The user supplied revision string that may need to be
+ resolved to a git SHA1.
+ depot: The depot the revision_to_check is from.
+ search: The number of changelists to try if the first fails to resolve
+ to a git hash. If the value is negative, the function will search
+ backwards chronologically, otherwise it will search forward.
+ Returns:
+ A string containing a git SHA1 hash, otherwise None.
+ """
+ if depot != 'cros':
+ if not IsStringInt(revision_to_check):
+ return revision_to_check
+ depot_svn = 'svn://'
+ if depot != 'chromium':
+ depot_svn = DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[depot]['svn']
+ svn_revision = int(revision_to_check)
+ git_revision = None
+ if search > 0:
+ search_range = xrange(svn_revision, svn_revision + search, 1)
+ else:
+ search_range = xrange(svn_revision, svn_revision + search, -1)
+ for i in search_range:
+ svn_pattern = 'git-svn-id: %s@%d' % (depot_svn, i)
+ cmd = ['log', '--format=%H', '-1', '--grep', svn_pattern,
+ 'origin/master']
+ (log_output, return_code) = RunGit(cmd)
+ assert not return_code, 'An error occurred while running'\
+ ' "git %s"' % ' '.join(cmd)
+ if not return_code:
+ log_output = log_output.strip()
+ if log_output:
+ git_revision = log_output
+ break
+ return git_revision
+ else:
+ if IsStringInt(revision_to_check):
+ return int(revision_to_check)
+ else:
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'src', 'third_party',
+ 'chromiumos-overlay'))
+ pattern = CROS_VERSION_PATTERN % revision_to_check
+ cmd = ['log', '--format=%ct', '-1', '--grep', pattern]
+ git_revision = None
+ log_output = CheckRunGit(cmd)
+ if log_output:
+ git_revision = log_output
+ git_revision = int(log_output.strip())
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ return git_revision
+ def IsInProperBranch(self):
+ """Confirms they're in the master branch for performing the bisection.
+ This is needed or gclient will fail to sync properly.
+ Returns:
+ True if the current branch on src is 'master'
+ """
+ cmd = ['rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']
+ log_output = CheckRunGit(cmd)
+ log_output = log_output.strip()
+ return log_output == "master"
+ def SVNFindRev(self, revision):
+ """Maps directly to the 'git svn find-rev' command.
+ Args:
+ revision: The git SHA1 to use.
+ Returns:
+ An integer changelist #, otherwise None.
+ """
+ cmd = ['svn', 'find-rev', revision]
+ output = CheckRunGit(cmd)
+ svn_revision = output.strip()
+ if IsStringInt(svn_revision):
+ return int(svn_revision)
+ return None
+ def QueryRevisionInfo(self, revision):
+ """Gathers information on a particular revision, such as author's name,
+ email, subject, and date.
+ Args:
+ revision: Revision you want to gather information on.
+ Returns:
+ A dict in the following format:
+ {
+ 'author': %s,
+ 'email': %s,
+ 'date': %s,
+ 'subject': %s,
+ }
+ """
+ commit_info = {}
+ formats = ['%cN', '%cE', '%s', '%cD']
+ targets = ['author', 'email', 'subject', 'date']
+ for i in xrange(len(formats)):
+ cmd = ['log', '--format=%s' % formats[i], '-1', revision]
+ output = CheckRunGit(cmd)
+ commit_info[targets[i]] = output.rstrip()
+ return commit_info
+ def CheckoutFileAtRevision(self, file_name, revision):
+ """Performs a checkout on a file at the given revision.
+ Returns:
+ True if successful.
+ """
+ return not RunGit(['checkout', revision, file_name])[1]
+ def RevertFileToHead(self, file_name):
+ """Unstages a file and returns it to HEAD.
+ Returns:
+ True if successful.
+ """
+ # Reset doesn't seem to return 0 on success.
+ RunGit(['reset', 'HEAD', bisect_utils.FILE_DEPS_GIT])
+ return not RunGit(['checkout', bisect_utils.FILE_DEPS_GIT])[1]
+ def QueryFileRevisionHistory(self, filename, revision_start, revision_end):
+ """Returns a list of commits that modified this file.
+ Args:
+ filename: Name of file.
+ revision_start: Start of revision range.
+ revision_end: End of revision range.
+ Returns:
+ Returns a list of commits that touched this file.
+ """
+ cmd = ['log', '--format=%H', '%s~1..%s' % (revision_start, revision_end),
+ filename]
+ output = CheckRunGit(cmd)
+ return [o for o in output.split('\n') if o]
+class BisectPerformanceMetrics(object):
+ """BisectPerformanceMetrics performs a bisection against a list of range
+ of revisions to narrow down where performance regressions may have
+ occurred."""
+ def __init__(self, source_control, opts):
+ super(BisectPerformanceMetrics, self).__init__()
+ self.opts = opts
+ self.source_control = source_control
+ self.src_cwd = os.getcwd()
+ self.cros_cwd = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '..', 'cros')
+ self.depot_cwd = {}
+ self.cleanup_commands = []
+ self.warnings = []
+ self.builder = None
+ if opts.target_platform == 'cros':
+ self.builder = CrosBuilder()
+ elif opts.target_platform == 'android':
+ self.builder = AndroidBuilder()
+ else:
+ self.builder = DesktopBuilder()
+ # This always starts true since the script grabs latest first.
+ self.was_blink = True
+ for d in DEPOT_NAMES:
+ # The working directory of each depot is just the path to the depot, but
+ # since we're already in 'src', we can skip that part.
+ self.depot_cwd[d] = self.src_cwd + DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[d]['src'][3:]
+ def PerformCleanup(self):
+ """Performs cleanup when script is finished."""
+ os.chdir(self.src_cwd)
+ for c in self.cleanup_commands:
+ if c[0] == 'mv':
+ shutil.move(c[1], c[2])
+ else:
+ assert False, 'Invalid cleanup command.'
+ def GetRevisionList(self, depot, bad_revision, good_revision):
+ """Retrieves a list of all the commits between the bad revision and
+ last known good revision."""
+ revision_work_list = []
+ if depot == 'cros':
+ revision_range_start = good_revision
+ revision_range_end = bad_revision
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ self.ChangeToDepotWorkingDirectory('cros')
+ # Print the commit timestamps for every commit in the revision time
+ # range. We'll sort them and bisect by that. There is a remote chance that
+ # 2 (or more) commits will share the exact same timestamp, but it's
+ # probably safe to ignore that case.
+ cmd = ['repo', 'forall', '-c',
+ 'git log --format=%%ct --before=%d --after=%d' % (
+ revision_range_end, revision_range_start)]
+ (output, return_code) = RunProcessAndRetrieveOutput(cmd)
+ assert not return_code, 'An error occurred while running'\
+ ' "%s"' % ' '.join(cmd)
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ revision_work_list = list(set(
+ [int(o) for o in output.split('\n') if IsStringInt(o)]))
+ revision_work_list = sorted(revision_work_list, reverse=True)
+ else:
+ revision_work_list = self.source_control.GetRevisionList(bad_revision,
+ good_revision)
+ return revision_work_list
+ def Get3rdPartyRevisionsFromCurrentRevision(self, depot):
+ """Parses the DEPS file to determine WebKit/v8/etc... versions.
+ Returns:
+ A dict in the format {depot:revision} if successful, otherwise None.
+ """
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ self.ChangeToDepotWorkingDirectory(depot)
+ results = {}
+ if depot == 'chromium':
+ locals = {'Var': lambda _: locals["vars"][_],
+ 'From': lambda *args: None}
+ execfile(bisect_utils.FILE_DEPS_GIT, {}, locals)
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ rxp = re.compile(".git@(?P<revision>[a-fA-F0-9]+)")
+ for d in DEPOT_NAMES:
+ if DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[d]['recurse'] and\
+ DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[d]['from'] == depot:
+ if locals['deps'].has_key(DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[d]['src']):
+ re_results =['deps'][DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[d]['src']])
+ if re_results:
+ results[d] ='revision')
+ else:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return None
+ elif depot == 'cros':
+ cmd = [CROS_SDK_PATH, '--', 'portageq-%s' % self.opts.cros_board,
+ 'best_visible', '/build/%s' % self.opts.cros_board, 'ebuild',
+ (output, return_code) = RunProcessAndRetrieveOutput(cmd)
+ assert not return_code, 'An error occurred while running'\
+ ' "%s"' % ' '.join(cmd)
+ if len(output) > CROS_CHROMEOS_PATTERN:
+ output = output[len(CROS_CHROMEOS_PATTERN):]
+ if len(output) > 1:
+ output = output.split('_')[0]
+ if len(output) > 3:
+ contents = output.split('.')
+ version = contents[2]
+ if contents[3] != '0':
+ warningText = 'Chrome version: %s.%s but using %s.0 to bisect.' %\
+ (version, contents[3], version)
+ if not warningText in self.warnings:
+ self.warnings.append(warningText)
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ self.ChangeToDepotWorkingDirectory('chromium')
+ return_code = CheckRunGit(['log', '-1', '--format=%H',
+ '', '--grep=to %s' % version,
+ 'origin/master'])
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ results['chromium'] = output.strip()
+ return results
+ def BuildCurrentRevision(self, depot):
+ """Builds chrome and performance_ui_tests on the current revision.
+ Returns:
+ True if the build was successful.
+ """
+ if self.opts.debug_ignore_build:
+ return True
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(self.src_cwd)
+ build_success = self.builder.Build(depot, self.opts)
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ return build_success
+ def RunGClientHooks(self):
+ """Runs gclient with runhooks command.
+ Returns:
+ True if gclient reports no errors.
+ """
+ if self.opts.debug_ignore_build:
+ return True
+ return not bisect_utils.RunGClient(['runhooks'])
+ def TryParseHistogramValuesFromOutput(self, metric, text):
+ """Attempts to parse a metric in the format HISTOGRAM <graph: <trace>.
+ Args:
+ metric: The metric as a list of [<trace>, <value>] strings.
+ text: The text to parse the metric values from.
+ Returns:
+ A list of floating point numbers found.
+ """
+ metric_formatted = 'HISTOGRAM %s: %s= ' % (metric[0], metric[1])
+ text_lines = text.split('\n')
+ values_list = []
+ for current_line in text_lines:
+ if metric_formatted in current_line:
+ current_line = current_line[len(metric_formatted):]
+ try:
+ histogram_values = eval(current_line)
+ for b in histogram_values['buckets']:
+ average_for_bucket = float(b['high'] + b['low']) * 0.5
+ # Extends the list with N-elements with the average for that bucket.
+ values_list.extend([average_for_bucket] * b['count'])
+ except:
+ pass
+ return values_list
+ def TryParseResultValuesFromOutput(self, metric, text):
+ """Attempts to parse a metric in the format RESULT <graph: <trace>.
+ Args:
+ metric: The metric as a list of [<trace>, <value>] strings.
+ text: The text to parse the metric values from.
+ Returns:
+ A list of floating point numbers found.
+ """
+ # Format is: RESULT <graph>: <trace>= <value> <units>
+ metric_formatted = re.escape('RESULT %s: %s=' % (metric[0], metric[1]))
+ text_lines = text.split('\n')
+ values_list = []
+ for current_line in text_lines:
+ # Parse the output from the performance test for the metric we're
+ # interested in.
+ metric_re = metric_formatted +\
+ "(\s)*(?P<values>[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)"
+ metric_re = re.compile(metric_re)
+ regex_results =
+ if not regex_results is None:
+ values_list += ['values')]
+ else:
+ metric_re = metric_formatted +\
+ "(\s)*\[(\s)*(?P<values>[0-9,.]+)\]"
+ metric_re = re.compile(metric_re)
+ regex_results =
+ if not regex_results is None:
+ metric_values ='values')
+ values_list += metric_values.split(',')
+ values_list = [float(v) for v in values_list if IsStringFloat(v)]
+ # If the metric is times/t, we need to sum the timings in order to get
+ # similar regression results as the try-bots.
+ if metric == ['times', 't']:
+ if values_list:
+ values_list = [reduce(lambda x, y: float(x) + float(y), values_list)]
+ return values_list
+ def ParseMetricValuesFromOutput(self, metric, text):
+ """Parses output from performance_ui_tests and retrieves the results for
+ a given metric.
+ Args:
+ metric: The metric as a list of [<trace>, <value>] strings.
+ text: The text to parse the metric values from.
+ Returns:
+ A list of floating point numbers found.
+ """
+ metric_values = self.TryParseResultValuesFromOutput(metric, text)
+ if not metric_values:
+ metric_values = self.TryParseHistogramValuesFromOutput(metric, text)
+ return metric_values
+ def RunPerformanceTestAndParseResults(self, command_to_run, metric):
+ """Runs a performance test on the current revision by executing the
+ 'command_to_run' and parses the results.
+ Args:
+ command_to_run: The command to be run to execute the performance test.
+ metric: The metric to parse out from the results of the performance test.
+ Returns:
+ On success, it will return a tuple of the average value of the metric,
+ and a success code of 0.
+ """
+ if self.opts.debug_ignore_perf_test:
+ return ({'mean': 0.0, 'std_dev': 0.0}, 0)
+ if IsWindows():
+ command_to_run = command_to_run.replace('/', r'\\')
+ args = shlex.split(command_to_run)
+ # If running a telemetry test for cros, insert the remote ip, and
+ # identity parameters.
+ if self.opts.target_platform == 'cros':
+ if 'tools/perf/run_' in args[0]:
+ args.append('--remote=%s' % self.opts.cros_remote_ip)
+ args.append('--identity=%s' % CROS_TEST_KEY_PATH)
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(self.src_cwd)
+ start_time = time.time()
+ metric_values = []
+ for i in xrange(self.opts.repeat_test_count):
+ # Can ignore the return code since if the tests fail, it won't return 0.
+ try:
+ (output, return_code) = RunProcessAndRetrieveOutput(args)
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+ err_text = ("Something went wrong running the performance test. "
+ "Please review the command line:\n\n")
+ if 'src/' in ' '.join(args):
+ err_text += ("Check that you haven't accidentally specified a path "
+ "with src/ in the command.\n\n")
+ err_text += ' '.join(args)
+ err_text += '\n'
+ return (err_text, -1)
+ raise
+ if self.opts.output_buildbot_annotations:
+ print output
+ metric_values += self.ParseMetricValuesFromOutput(metric, output)
+ elapsed_minutes = (time.time() - start_time) / 60.0
+ if elapsed_minutes >= self.opts.repeat_test_max_time or not metric_values:
+ break
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ # Need to get the average value if there were multiple values.
+ if metric_values:
+ truncated_mean = CalculateTruncatedMean(metric_values,
+ self.opts.truncate_percent)
+ standard_dev = CalculateStandardDeviation(metric_values)
+ values = {
+ 'mean': truncated_mean,
+ 'std_dev': standard_dev,
+ }
+ print 'Results of performance test: %12f %12f' % (
+ truncated_mean, standard_dev)
+ print
+ return (values, 0)
+ else:
+ return ('Invalid metric specified, or no values returned from '
+ 'performance test.', -1)
+ def FindAllRevisionsToSync(self, revision, depot):
+ """Finds all dependant revisions and depots that need to be synced for a
+ given revision. This is only useful in the git workflow, as an svn depot
+ may be split into multiple mirrors.
+ ie. skia is broken up into 3 git mirrors over skia/src, skia/gyp, and
+ skia/include. To sync skia/src properly, one has to find the proper
+ revisions in skia/gyp and skia/include.
+ Args:
+ revision: The revision to sync to.
+ depot: The depot in use at the moment (probably skia).
+ Returns:
+ A list of [depot, revision] pairs that need to be synced.
+ """
+ revisions_to_sync = [[depot, revision]]
+ is_base = (depot == 'chromium') or (depot == 'cros')
+ # Some SVN depots were split into multiple git depots, so we need to
+ # figure out for each mirror which git revision to grab. There's no
+ # guarantee that the SVN revision will exist for each of the dependant
+ # depots, so we have to grep the git logs and grab the next earlier one.
+ if not is_base and\
+ DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[depot]['depends'] and\
+ self.source_control.IsGit():
+ svn_rev = self.source_control.SVNFindRev(revision)
+ for d in DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[depot]['depends']:
+ self.ChangeToDepotWorkingDirectory(d)
+ dependant_rev = self.source_control.ResolveToRevision(svn_rev, d, -1000)
+ if dependant_rev:
+ revisions_to_sync.append([d, dependant_rev])
+ num_resolved = len(revisions_to_sync)
+ num_needed = len(DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[depot]['depends'])
+ self.ChangeToDepotWorkingDirectory(depot)
+ if not ((num_resolved - 1) == num_needed):
+ return None
+ return revisions_to_sync
+ def PerformPreBuildCleanup(self):
+ """Performs necessary cleanup between runs."""
+ print 'Cleaning up between runs.'
+ print
+ # Having these pyc files around between runs can confuse the
+ # perf tests and cause them to crash.
+ for (path, dir, files) in os.walk(self.src_cwd):
+ for cur_file in files:
+ if cur_file.endswith('.pyc'):
+ path_to_file = os.path.join(path, cur_file)
+ os.remove(path_to_file)
+ def PerformWebkitDirectoryCleanup(self, revision):
+ """If the script is switching between Blink and WebKit during bisect,
+ its faster to just delete the directory rather than leave it up to git
+ to sync.
+ Returns:
+ True if successful.
+ """
+ if not self.source_control.CheckoutFileAtRevision(
+ bisect_utils.FILE_DEPS_GIT, revision):
+ return False
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(self.src_cwd)
+ is_blink = bisect_utils.IsDepsFileBlink()
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ if not self.source_control.RevertFileToHead(
+ bisect_utils.FILE_DEPS_GIT):
+ return False
+ if self.was_blink != is_blink:
+ self.was_blink = is_blink
+ return bisect_utils.RemoveThirdPartyWebkitDirectory()
+ return True
+ def PerformCrosChrootCleanup(self):
+ """Deletes the chroot.
+ Returns:
+ True if successful.
+ """
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ self.ChangeToDepotWorkingDirectory('cros')
+ cmd = [CROS_SDK_PATH, '--delete']
+ return_code = RunProcess(cmd)
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ return not return_code
+ def CreateCrosChroot(self):
+ """Creates a new chroot.
+ Returns:
+ True if successful.
+ """
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ self.ChangeToDepotWorkingDirectory('cros')
+ cmd = [CROS_SDK_PATH, '--create']
+ return_code = RunProcess(cmd)
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ return not return_code
+ def PerformPreSyncCleanup(self, revision, depot):
+ """Performs any necessary cleanup before syncing.
+ Returns:
+ True if successful.
+ """
+ if depot == 'chromium':
+ return self.PerformWebkitDirectoryCleanup(revision)
+ elif depot == 'cros':
+ return self.PerformCrosChrootCleanup()
+ return True
+ def RunPostSync(self, depot):
+ """Performs any work after syncing.
+ Returns:
+ True if successful.
+ """
+ if self.opts.target_platform == 'android':
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(os.path.join(self.src_cwd, '..'))
+ if not bisect_utils.SetupAndroidBuildEnvironment(self.opts):
+ return False
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ if depot == 'cros':
+ return self.CreateCrosChroot()
+ else:
+ return self.RunGClientHooks()
+ return True
+ def ShouldSkipRevision(self, depot, revision):
+ """Some commits can be safely skipped (such as a DEPS roll), since the tool
+ is git based those changes would have no effect.
+ Args:
+ depot: The depot being bisected.
+ revision: Current revision we're synced to.
+ Returns:
+ True if we should skip building/testing this revision.
+ """
+ if depot == 'chromium':
+ if self.source_control.IsGit():
+ cmd = ['diff-tree', '--no-commit-id', '--name-only', '-r', revision]
+ output = CheckRunGit(cmd)
+ files = output.splitlines()
+ if len(files) == 1 and files[0] == 'DEPS':
+ return True
+ return False
+ def SyncBuildAndRunRevision(self, revision, depot, command_to_run, metric,
+ skippable=False):
+ """Performs a full sync/build/run of the specified revision.
+ Args:
+ revision: The revision to sync to.
+ depot: The depot that's being used at the moment (src, webkit, etc.)
+ command_to_run: The command to execute the performance test.
+ metric: The performance metric being tested.
+ Returns:
+ On success, a tuple containing the results of the performance test.
+ Otherwise, a tuple with the error message.
+ """
+ sync_client = None
+ if depot == 'chromium':
+ sync_client = 'gclient'
+ elif depot == 'cros':
+ sync_client = 'repo'
+ revisions_to_sync = self.FindAllRevisionsToSync(revision, depot)
+ if not revisions_to_sync:
+ return ('Failed to resolve dependant depots.', BUILD_RESULT_FAIL)
+ if not self.PerformPreSyncCleanup(revision, depot):
+ return ('Failed to perform pre-sync cleanup.', BUILD_RESULT_FAIL)
+ success = True
+ if not self.opts.debug_ignore_sync:
+ for r in revisions_to_sync:
+ self.ChangeToDepotWorkingDirectory(r[0])
+ if sync_client:
+ self.PerformPreBuildCleanup()
+ if not self.source_control.SyncToRevision(r[1], sync_client):
+ success = False
+ break
+ if success:
+ success = self.RunPostSync(depot)
+ if success:
+ if skippable and self.ShouldSkipRevision(depot, revision):
+ return ('Skipped revision: [%s]' % str(revision),
+ if self.BuildCurrentRevision(depot):
+ results = self.RunPerformanceTestAndParseResults(command_to_run,
+ metric)
+ if results[1] == 0 and sync_client:
+ external_revisions = self.Get3rdPartyRevisionsFromCurrentRevision(
+ depot)
+ if external_revisions:
+ return (results[0], results[1], external_revisions)
+ else:
+ return ('Failed to parse DEPS file for external revisions.',
+ else:
+ return results
+ else:
+ return ('Failed to build revision: [%s]' % (str(revision, )),
+ else:
+ return ('Failed to run [gclient runhooks].', BUILD_RESULT_FAIL)
+ else:
+ return ('Failed to sync revision: [%s]' % (str(revision, )),
+ def CheckIfRunPassed(self, current_value, known_good_value, known_bad_value):
+ """Given known good and bad values, decide if the current_value passed
+ or failed.
+ Args:
+ current_value: The value of the metric being checked.
+ known_bad_value: The reference value for a "failed" run.
+ known_good_value: The reference value for a "passed" run.
+ Returns:
+ True if the current_value is closer to the known_good_value than the
+ known_bad_value.
+ """
+ dist_to_good_value = abs(current_value['mean'] - known_good_value['mean'])
+ dist_to_bad_value = abs(current_value['mean'] - known_bad_value['mean'])
+ return dist_to_good_value < dist_to_bad_value
+ def ChangeToDepotWorkingDirectory(self, depot_name):
+ """Given a depot, changes to the appropriate working directory.
+ Args:
+ depot_name: The name of the depot (see DEPOT_NAMES).
+ """
+ if depot_name == 'chromium':
+ os.chdir(self.src_cwd)
+ elif depot_name == 'cros':
+ os.chdir(self.cros_cwd)
+ elif depot_name in DEPOT_NAMES:
+ os.chdir(self.depot_cwd[depot_name])
+ else:
+ assert False, 'Unknown depot [ %s ] encountered. Possibly a new one'\
+ ' was added without proper support?' %\
+ (depot_name,)
+ def PrepareToBisectOnDepot(self,
+ current_depot,
+ end_revision,
+ start_revision,
+ previous_depot,
+ previous_revision):
+ """Changes to the appropriate directory and gathers a list of revisions
+ to bisect between |start_revision| and |end_revision|.
+ Args:
+ current_depot: The depot we want to bisect.
+ end_revision: End of the revision range.
+ start_revision: Start of the revision range.
+ previous_depot: The depot we were previously bisecting.
+ previous_revision: The last revision we synced to on |previous_depot|.
+ Returns:
+ A list containing the revisions between |start_revision| and
+ |end_revision| inclusive.
+ """
+ # Change into working directory of external library to run
+ # subsequent commands.
+ old_cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(self.depot_cwd[current_depot])
+ # V8 (and possibly others) is merged in periodically. Bisecting
+ # this directory directly won't give much good info.
+ if DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[current_depot].has_key('build_with'):
+ if (DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[current_depot].has_key('custom_deps') and
+ previous_depot == 'chromium'):
+ config_path = os.path.join(self.src_cwd, '..')
+ if bisect_utils.RunGClientAndCreateConfig(self.opts,
+ DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[current_depot]['custom_deps'], cwd=config_path):
+ return []
+ if bisect_utils.RunGClient(
+ ['sync', '--revision', previous_revision], cwd=self.src_cwd):
+ return []
+ new_depot = DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[current_depot]['build_with']
+ svn_start_revision = self.source_control.SVNFindRev(start_revision)
+ svn_end_revision = self.source_control.SVNFindRev(end_revision)
+ os.chdir(self.depot_cwd[new_depot])
+ start_revision = self.source_control.ResolveToRevision(
+ svn_start_revision, new_depot, -1000)
+ end_revision = self.source_control.ResolveToRevision(
+ svn_end_revision, new_depot, -1000)
+ old_name = DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[current_depot]['src'][4:]
+ new_name = DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[new_depot]['src'][4:]
+ os.chdir(self.src_cwd)
+ shutil.move(old_name, old_name + '.bak')
+ shutil.move(new_name, old_name)
+ os.chdir(self.depot_cwd[current_depot])
+ self.cleanup_commands.append(['mv', old_name, new_name])
+ self.cleanup_commands.append(['mv', old_name + '.bak', old_name])
+ os.chdir(self.depot_cwd[current_depot])
+ depot_revision_list = self.GetRevisionList(current_depot,
+ end_revision,
+ start_revision)
+ os.chdir(old_cwd)
+ return depot_revision_list
+ def GatherReferenceValues(self, good_rev, bad_rev, cmd, metric, target_depot):
+ """Gathers reference values by running the performance tests on the
+ known good and bad revisions.
+ Args:
+ good_rev: The last known good revision where the performance regression
+ has not occurred yet.
+ bad_rev: A revision where the performance regression has already occurred.
+ cmd: The command to execute the performance test.
+ metric: The metric being tested for regression.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple with the results of building and running each revision.
+ """
+ bad_run_results = self.SyncBuildAndRunRevision(bad_rev,
+ target_depot,
+ cmd,
+ metric)
+ good_run_results = None
+ if not bad_run_results[1]:
+ good_run_results = self.SyncBuildAndRunRevision(good_rev,
+ target_depot,
+ cmd,
+ metric)
+ return (bad_run_results, good_run_results)
+ def AddRevisionsIntoRevisionData(self, revisions, depot, sort, revision_data):
+ """Adds new revisions to the revision_data dict and initializes them.
+ Args:
+ revisions: List of revisions to add.
+ depot: Depot that's currently in use (src, webkit, etc...)
+ sort: Sorting key for displaying revisions.
+ revision_data: A dict to add the new revisions into. Existing revisions
+ will have their sort keys offset.
+ """
+ num_depot_revisions = len(revisions)
+ for k, v in revision_data.iteritems():
+ if v['sort'] > sort:
+ v['sort'] += num_depot_revisions
+ for i in xrange(num_depot_revisions):
+ r = revisions[i]
+ revision_data[r] = {'revision' : r,
+ 'depot' : depot,
+ 'value' : None,
+ 'passed' : '?',
+ 'sort' : i + sort + 1}
+ def PrintRevisionsToBisectMessage(self, revision_list, depot):
+ if self.opts.output_buildbot_annotations:
+ step_name = 'Bisection Range: [%s - %s]' % (
+ revision_list[len(revision_list)-1], revision_list[0])
+ bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepStart(step_name)
+ print
+ print 'Revisions to bisect on [%s]:' % depot
+ for revision_id in revision_list:
+ print ' -> %s' % (revision_id, )
+ print
+ if self.opts.output_buildbot_annotations:
+ bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepClosed()
+ def NudgeRevisionsIfDEPSChange(self, bad_revision, good_revision):
+ """Checks to see if changes to DEPS file occurred, and that the revision
+ range also includes the change to .DEPS.git. If it doesn't, attempts to
+ expand the revision range to include it.
+ Args:
+ bad_rev: First known bad revision.
+ good_revision: Last known good revision.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple with the new bad and good revisions.
+ """
+ if self.source_control.IsGit() and self.opts.target_platform == 'chromium':
+ changes_to_deps = self.source_control.QueryFileRevisionHistory(
+ 'DEPS', good_revision, bad_revision)
+ if changes_to_deps:
+ # DEPS file was changed, search from the oldest change to DEPS file to
+ # bad_revision to see if there are matching .DEPS.git changes.
+ oldest_deps_change = changes_to_deps[-1]
+ changes_to_gitdeps = self.source_control.QueryFileRevisionHistory(
+ bisect_utils.FILE_DEPS_GIT, oldest_deps_change, bad_revision)
+ if len(changes_to_deps) != len(changes_to_gitdeps):
+ # Grab the timestamp of the last DEPS change
+ cmd = ['log', '--format=%ct', '-1', changes_to_deps[0]]
+ output = CheckRunGit(cmd)
+ commit_time = int(output)
+ # Try looking for a commit that touches the .DEPS.git file in the
+ # next 15 minutes after the DEPS file change.
+ cmd = ['log', '--format=%H', '-1',
+ '--before=%d' % (commit_time + 900), '--after=%d' % commit_time,
+ 'origin/master', bisect_utils.FILE_DEPS_GIT]
+ output = CheckRunGit(cmd)
+ output = output.strip()
+ if output:
+ self.warnings.append('Detected change to DEPS and modified '
+ 'revision range to include change to .DEPS.git')
+ return (output, good_revision)
+ else:
+ self.warnings.append('Detected change to DEPS but couldn\'t find '
+ 'matching change to .DEPS.git')
+ return (bad_revision, good_revision)
+ def CheckIfRevisionsInProperOrder(self,
+ target_depot,
+ good_revision,
+ bad_revision):
+ """Checks that |good_revision| is an earlier revision than |bad_revision|.
+ Args:
+ good_revision: Number/tag of the known good revision.
+ bad_revision: Number/tag of the known bad revision.
+ Returns:
+ True if the revisions are in the proper order (good earlier than bad).
+ """
+ if self.source_control.IsGit() and target_depot != 'cros':
+ cmd = ['log', '--format=%ct', '-1', good_revision]
+ output = CheckRunGit(cmd)
+ good_commit_time = int(output)
+ cmd = ['log', '--format=%ct', '-1', bad_revision]
+ output = CheckRunGit(cmd)
+ bad_commit_time = int(output)
+ return good_commit_time <= bad_commit_time
+ else:
+ # Cros/svn use integers
+ return int(good_revision) <= int(bad_revision)
+ def Run(self, command_to_run, bad_revision_in, good_revision_in, metric):
+ """Given known good and bad revisions, run a binary search on all
+ intermediate revisions to determine the CL where the performance regression
+ occurred.
+ Args:
+ command_to_run: Specify the command to execute the performance test.
+ good_revision: Number/tag of the known good revision.
+ bad_revision: Number/tag of the known bad revision.
+ metric: The performance metric to monitor.
+ Returns:
+ A dict with 2 members, 'revision_data' and 'error'. On success,
+ 'revision_data' will contain a dict mapping revision ids to
+ data about that revision. Each piece of revision data consists of a
+ dict with the following keys:
+ 'passed': Represents whether the performance test was successful at
+ that revision. Possible values include: 1 (passed), 0 (failed),
+ '?' (skipped), 'F' (build failed).
+ 'depot': The depot that this revision is from (ie. WebKit)
+ 'external': If the revision is a 'src' revision, 'external' contains
+ the revisions of each of the external libraries.
+ 'sort': A sort value for sorting the dict in order of commits.
+ For example:
+ {
+ 'error':None,
+ 'revision_data':
+ {
+ 'CL #1':
+ {
+ 'passed':False,
+ 'depot':'chromium',
+ 'external':None,
+ 'sort':0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ If an error occurred, the 'error' field will contain the message and
+ 'revision_data' will be empty.
+ """
+ results = {'revision_data' : {},
+ 'error' : None}
+ # Choose depot to bisect first
+ target_depot = 'chromium'
+ if self.opts.target_platform == 'cros':
+ target_depot = 'cros'
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ self.ChangeToDepotWorkingDirectory(target_depot)
+ # If they passed SVN CL's, etc... we can try match them to git SHA1's.
+ bad_revision = self.source_control.ResolveToRevision(bad_revision_in,
+ target_depot, 100)
+ good_revision = self.source_control.ResolveToRevision(good_revision_in,
+ target_depot, -100)
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ if bad_revision is None:
+ results['error'] = 'Could\'t resolve [%s] to SHA1.' % (bad_revision_in,)
+ return results
+ if good_revision is None:
+ results['error'] = 'Could\'t resolve [%s] to SHA1.' % (good_revision_in,)
+ return results
+ # Check that they didn't accidentally swap good and bad revisions.
+ if not self.CheckIfRevisionsInProperOrder(
+ target_depot, good_revision, bad_revision):
+ results['error'] = 'bad_revision < good_revision, did you swap these '\
+ 'by mistake?'
+ return results
+ (bad_revision, good_revision) = self.NudgeRevisionsIfDEPSChange(
+ bad_revision, good_revision)
+ if self.opts.output_buildbot_annotations:
+ bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepStart('Gathering Revisions')
+ print 'Gathering revision range for bisection.'
+ # Retrieve a list of revisions to do bisection on.
+ src_revision_list = self.GetRevisionList(target_depot,
+ bad_revision,
+ good_revision)
+ if self.opts.output_buildbot_annotations:
+ bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepClosed()
+ if src_revision_list:
+ # revision_data will store information about a revision such as the
+ # depot it came from, the webkit/V8 revision at that time,
+ # performance timing, build state, etc...
+ revision_data = results['revision_data']
+ # revision_list is the list we're binary searching through at the moment.
+ revision_list = []
+ sort_key_ids = 0
+ for current_revision_id in src_revision_list:
+ sort_key_ids += 1
+ revision_data[current_revision_id] = {'value' : None,
+ 'passed' : '?',
+ 'depot' : target_depot,
+ 'external' : None,
+ 'sort' : sort_key_ids}
+ revision_list.append(current_revision_id)
+ min_revision = 0
+ max_revision = len(revision_list) - 1
+ self.PrintRevisionsToBisectMessage(revision_list, target_depot)
+ if self.opts.output_buildbot_annotations:
+ bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepStart('Gathering Reference Values')
+ print 'Gathering reference values for bisection.'
+ # Perform the performance tests on the good and bad revisions, to get
+ # reference values.
+ (bad_results, good_results) = self.GatherReferenceValues(good_revision,
+ bad_revision,
+ command_to_run,
+ metric,
+ target_depot)
+ if self.opts.output_buildbot_annotations:
+ bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepClosed()
+ if bad_results[1]:
+ results['error'] = bad_results[0]
+ return results
+ if good_results[1]:
+ results['error'] = good_results[0]
+ return results
+ # We need these reference values to determine if later runs should be
+ # classified as pass or fail.
+ known_bad_value = bad_results[0]
+ known_good_value = good_results[0]
+ # Can just mark the good and bad revisions explicitly here since we
+ # already know the results.
+ bad_revision_data = revision_data[revision_list[0]]
+ bad_revision_data['external'] = bad_results[2]
+ bad_revision_data['passed'] = 0
+ bad_revision_data['value'] = known_bad_value
+ good_revision_data = revision_data[revision_list[max_revision]]
+ good_revision_data['external'] = good_results[2]
+ good_revision_data['passed'] = 1
+ good_revision_data['value'] = known_good_value
+ next_revision_depot = target_depot
+ while True:
+ if not revision_list:
+ break
+ min_revision_data = revision_data[revision_list[min_revision]]
+ max_revision_data = revision_data[revision_list[max_revision]]
+ if max_revision - min_revision <= 1:
+ if min_revision_data['passed'] == '?':
+ next_revision_index = min_revision
+ elif max_revision_data['passed'] == '?':
+ next_revision_index = max_revision
+ elif min_revision_data['depot'] == 'chromium' or\
+ min_revision_data['depot'] == 'cros':
+ # If there were changes to any of the external libraries we track,
+ # should bisect the changes there as well.
+ external_depot = None
+ for current_depot in DEPOT_NAMES:
+ if DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[current_depot]["recurse"] and\
+ DEPOT_DEPS_NAME[current_depot]['from'] ==\
+ min_revision_data['depot']:
+ if min_revision_data['external'][current_depot] !=\
+ max_revision_data['external'][current_depot]:
+ external_depot = current_depot
+ break
+ # If there was no change in any of the external depots, the search
+ # is over.
+ if not external_depot:
+ break
+ previous_revision = revision_list[min_revision]
+ earliest_revision = max_revision_data['external'][external_depot]
+ latest_revision = min_revision_data['external'][external_depot]
+ new_revision_list = self.PrepareToBisectOnDepot(external_depot,
+ latest_revision,
+ earliest_revision,
+ next_revision_depot,
+ previous_revision)
+ if not new_revision_list:
+ results['error'] = 'An error occurred attempting to retrieve'\
+ ' revision range: [%s..%s]' %\
+ (depot_rev_range[1], depot_rev_range[0])
+ return results
+ self.AddRevisionsIntoRevisionData(new_revision_list,
+ external_depot,
+ min_revision_data['sort'],
+ revision_data)
+ # Reset the bisection and perform it on the newly inserted
+ # changelists.
+ revision_list = new_revision_list
+ min_revision = 0
+ max_revision = len(revision_list) - 1
+ sort_key_ids += len(revision_list)
+ print 'Regression in metric:%s appears to be the result of changes'\
+ ' in [%s].' % (metric, external_depot)
+ self.PrintRevisionsToBisectMessage(revision_list, external_depot)
+ continue
+ else:
+ break
+ else:
+ next_revision_index = int((max_revision - min_revision) / 2) +\
+ min_revision
+ next_revision_id = revision_list[next_revision_index]
+ next_revision_data = revision_data[next_revision_id]
+ next_revision_depot = next_revision_data['depot']
+ self.ChangeToDepotWorkingDirectory(next_revision_depot)
+ if self.opts.output_buildbot_annotations:
+ step_name = 'Working on [%s]' % next_revision_id
+ bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepStart(step_name)
+ print 'Working on revision: [%s]' % next_revision_id
+ run_results = self.SyncBuildAndRunRevision(next_revision_id,
+ next_revision_depot,
+ command_to_run,
+ metric, skippable=True)
+ # If the build is successful, check whether or not the metric
+ # had regressed.
+ if not run_results[1]:
+ if len(run_results) > 2:
+ next_revision_data['external'] = run_results[2]
+ passed_regression = self.CheckIfRunPassed(run_results[0],
+ known_good_value,
+ known_bad_value)
+ next_revision_data['passed'] = passed_regression
+ next_revision_data['value'] = run_results[0]
+ if passed_regression:
+ max_revision = next_revision_index
+ else:
+ min_revision = next_revision_index
+ else:
+ if run_results[1] == BUILD_RESULT_SKIPPED:
+ next_revision_data['passed'] = 'Skipped'
+ elif run_results[1] == BUILD_RESULT_FAIL:
+ next_revision_data['passed'] = 'Failed'
+ print run_results[0]
+ # If the build is broken, remove it and redo search.
+ revision_list.pop(next_revision_index)
+ max_revision -= 1
+ if self.opts.output_buildbot_annotations:
+ bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepClosed()
+ else:
+ # Weren't able to sync and retrieve the revision range.
+ results['error'] = 'An error occurred attempting to retrieve revision '\
+ 'range: [%s..%s]' % (good_revision, bad_revision)
+ return results
+ def FormatAndPrintResults(self, bisect_results):
+ """Prints the results from a bisection run in a readable format.
+ Args
+ bisect_results: The results from a bisection test run.
+ """
+ revision_data = bisect_results['revision_data']
+ revision_data_sorted = sorted(revision_data.iteritems(),
+ key = lambda x: x[1]['sort'])
+ if self.opts.output_buildbot_annotations:
+ bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepStart('Results')
+ print
+ print 'Full results of bisection:'
+ for current_id, current_data in revision_data_sorted:
+ build_status = current_data['passed']
+ if type(build_status) is bool:
+ build_status = int(build_status)
+ print ' %8s %40s %s' % (current_data['depot'],
+ current_id, build_status)
+ print
+ print
+ print 'Tested commits:'
+ for current_id, current_data in revision_data_sorted:
+ if current_data['value']:
+ print ' %8s %40s %12f %12f' % (
+ current_data['depot'], current_id,
+ current_data['value']['mean'], current_data['value']['std_dev'])
+ print
+ # Find range where it possibly broke.
+ first_working_revision = None
+ last_broken_revision = None
+ last_broken_revision_index = -1
+ for i in xrange(len(revision_data_sorted)):
+ k, v = revision_data_sorted[i]
+ if v['passed'] == 1:
+ if not first_working_revision:
+ first_working_revision = k
+ if not v['passed']:
+ last_broken_revision = k
+ last_broken_revision_index = i
+ if last_broken_revision != None and first_working_revision != None:
+ print 'Results: Regression may have occurred in range:'
+ print ' -> First Bad Revision: [%40s] [%s]' %\
+ (last_broken_revision,
+ revision_data[last_broken_revision]['depot'])
+ print ' -> Last Good Revision: [%40s] [%s]' %\
+ (first_working_revision,
+ revision_data[first_working_revision]['depot'])
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ self.ChangeToDepotWorkingDirectory(
+ revision_data[last_broken_revision]['depot'])
+ if revision_data[last_broken_revision]['depot'] == 'cros':
+ # Want to get a list of all the commits and what depots they belong
+ # to so that we can grab info about each.
+ cmd = ['repo', 'forall', '-c',
+ 'pwd ; git log --pretty=oneline --before=%d --after=%d' % (
+ last_broken_revision, first_working_revision + 1)]
+ (output, return_code) = RunProcessAndRetrieveOutput(cmd)
+ changes = []
+ assert not return_code, 'An error occurred while running'\
+ ' "%s"' % ' '.join(cmd)
+ last_depot = None
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ for l in output.split('\n'):
+ if l:
+ # Output will be in form:
+ # /path_to_depot
+ # /path_to_other_depot
+ # <SHA1>
+ # /path_again
+ # <SHA1>
+ # etc.
+ if l[0] == '/':
+ last_depot = l
+ else:
+ contents = l.split(' ')
+ if len(contents) > 1:
+ changes.append([last_depot, contents[0]])
+ print
+ for c in changes:
+ os.chdir(c[0])
+ info = self.source_control.QueryRevisionInfo(c[1])
+ print
+ print 'Commit : %s' % c[1]
+ print 'Author : %s' % info['author']
+ print 'Email : %s' % info['email']
+ print 'Date : %s' % info['date']
+ print 'Subject : %s' % info['subject']
+ print
+ else:
+ multiple_commits = 0
+ for i in xrange(last_broken_revision_index, len(revision_data_sorted)):
+ k, v = revision_data_sorted[i]
+ if k == first_working_revision:
+ break
+ self.ChangeToDepotWorkingDirectory(v['depot'])
+ info = self.source_control.QueryRevisionInfo(k)
+ print
+ print 'Commit : %s' % k
+ print 'Author : %s' % info['author']
+ print 'Email : %s' % info['email']
+ print 'Date : %s' % info['date']
+ print 'Subject : %s' % info['subject']
+ multiple_commits += 1
+ if multiple_commits > 1:
+ self.warnings.append('Due to build errors, regression range could'
+ ' not be narrowed down to a single commit.')
+ print
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ # Give a warning if the values were very close together
+ good_std_dev = revision_data[first_working_revision]['value']['std_dev']
+ good_mean = revision_data[first_working_revision]['value']['mean']
+ bad_mean = revision_data[last_broken_revision]['value']['mean']
+ # A standard deviation of 0 could indicate either insufficient runs
+ # or a test that consistently returns the same value.
+ if good_std_dev > 0:
+ deviations = math.fabs(bad_mean - good_mean) / good_std_dev
+ if deviations < 1.5:
+ self.warnings.append('Regression was less than 1.5 standard '
+ 'deviations from "good" value. Results may not be accurate.')
+ elif self.opts.repeat_test_count == 1:
+ self.warnings.append('Tests were only set to run once. This '
+ 'may be insufficient to get meaningful results.')
+ # Check for any other possible regression ranges
+ prev_revision_data = revision_data_sorted[0][1]
+ prev_revision_id = revision_data_sorted[0][0]
+ possible_regressions = []
+ for current_id, current_data in revision_data_sorted:
+ if current_data['value']:
+ prev_mean = prev_revision_data['value']['mean']
+ cur_mean = current_data['value']['mean']
+ if good_std_dev:
+ deviations = math.fabs(prev_mean - cur_mean) / good_std_dev
+ else:
+ deviations = None
+ if good_mean:
+ percent_change = (prev_mean - cur_mean) / good_mean
+ # If the "good" valuse are supposed to be higher than the "bad"
+ # values (ie. scores), flip the sign of the percent change so that
+ # a positive value always represents a regression.
+ if bad_mean < good_mean:
+ percent_change *= -1.0
+ else:
+ percent_change = None
+ if deviations >= 1.5 or percent_change > 0.01:
+ if current_id != first_working_revision:
+ possible_regressions.append(
+ [current_id, prev_revision_id, percent_change, deviations])
+ prev_revision_data = current_data
+ prev_revision_id = current_id
+ if possible_regressions:
+ print
+ print 'Other regressions may have occurred:'
+ print
+ for p in possible_regressions:
+ current_id = p[0]
+ percent_change = p[2]
+ deviations = p[3]
+ current_data = revision_data[current_id]
+ previous_id = p[1]
+ previous_data = revision_data[previous_id]
+ if deviations is None:
+ deviations = 'N/A'
+ else:
+ deviations = '%.2f' % deviations
+ if percent_change is None:
+ percent_change = 0
+ print ' %8s %s [%.2f%%, %s x]' % (
+ previous_data['depot'], previous_id, 100 * percent_change,
+ deviations)
+ print ' %8s %s' % (
+ current_data['depot'], current_id)
+ print
+ if self.warnings:
+ print
+ print 'The following warnings were generated:'
+ print
+ for w in self.warnings:
+ print ' - %s' % w
+ print
+ if self.opts.output_buildbot_annotations:
+ bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepClosed()
+def DetermineAndCreateSourceControl(opts):
+ """Attempts to determine the underlying source control workflow and returns
+ a SourceControl object.
+ Returns:
+ An instance of a SourceControl object, or None if the current workflow
+ is unsupported.
+ """
+ (output, return_code) = RunGit(['rev-parse', '--is-inside-work-tree'])
+ if output.strip() == 'true':
+ return GitSourceControl(opts)
+ return None
+def SetNinjaBuildSystemDefault():
+ """Makes ninja the default build system to be used by
+ the bisection script."""
+ gyp_var = os.getenv('GYP_GENERATORS')
+ if not gyp_var or not 'ninja' in gyp_var:
+ if gyp_var:
+ os.environ['GYP_GENERATORS'] = gyp_var + ',ninja'
+ else:
+ os.environ['GYP_GENERATORS'] = 'ninja'
+ if IsWindows():
+ os.environ['GYP_DEFINES'] = 'component=shared_library '\
+ 'incremental_chrome_dll=1 disable_nacl=1 fastbuild=1 '\
+ 'chromium_win_pch=0'
+def SetMakeBuildSystemDefault():
+ """Makes make the default build system to be used by
+ the bisection script."""
+ os.environ['GYP_GENERATORS'] = 'make'
+def CheckPlatformSupported(opts):
+ """Checks that this platform and build system are supported.
+ Args:
+ opts: The options parsed from the command line.
+ Returns:
+ True if the platform and build system are supported.
+ """
+ # Haven't tested the script out on any other platforms yet.
+ supported = ['posix', 'nt']
+ if not in supported:
+ print "Sorry, this platform isn't supported yet."
+ print
+ return False
+ if IsWindows():
+ if not opts.build_preference:
+ opts.build_preference = 'msvs'
+ if opts.build_preference == 'msvs':
+ if not os.getenv('VS100COMNTOOLS'):
+ print 'Error: Path to visual studio could not be determined.'
+ print
+ return False
+ elif opts.build_preference == 'ninja':
+ SetNinjaBuildSystemDefault()
+ else:
+ assert False, 'Error: %s build not supported' % opts.build_preference
+ else:
+ if not opts.build_preference:
+ if 'ninja' in os.getenv('GYP_GENERATORS'):
+ opts.build_preference = 'ninja'
+ else:
+ opts.build_preference = 'make'
+ if opts.build_preference == 'ninja':
+ SetNinjaBuildSystemDefault()
+ elif opts.build_preference == 'make':
+ SetMakeBuildSystemDefault()
+ elif opts.build_preference != 'make':
+ assert False, 'Error: %s build not supported' % opts.build_preference
+ bisect_utils.RunGClient(['runhooks'])
+ return True
+def RmTreeAndMkDir(path_to_dir):
+ """Removes the directory tree specified, and then creates an empty
+ directory in the same location.
+ Args:
+ path_to_dir: Path to the directory tree.
+ Returns:
+ True if successful, False if an error occurred.
+ """
+ try:
+ if os.path.exists(path_to_dir):
+ shutil.rmtree(path_to_dir)
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ return False
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(path_to_dir)
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+ return False
+ return True
+def RemoveBuildFiles():
+ """Removes build files from previous runs."""
+ if RmTreeAndMkDir(os.path.join('out', 'Release')):
+ if RmTreeAndMkDir(os.path.join('build', 'Release')):
+ return True
+ return False
+def main():
+ usage = ('%prog [options] [-- chromium-options]\n'
+ 'Perform binary search on revision history to find a minimal '
+ 'range of revisions where a peformance metric regressed.\n')
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
+ parser.add_option('-c', '--command',
+ type='str',
+ help='A command to execute your performance test at' +
+ ' each point in the bisection.')
+ parser.add_option('-b', '--bad_revision',
+ type='str',
+ help='A bad revision to start bisection. ' +
+ 'Must be later than good revision. May be either a git' +
+ ' or svn revision.')
+ parser.add_option('-g', '--good_revision',
+ type='str',
+ help='A revision to start bisection where performance' +
+ ' test is known to pass. Must be earlier than the ' +
+ 'bad revision. May be either a git or svn revision.')
+ parser.add_option('-m', '--metric',
+ type='str',
+ help='The desired metric to bisect on. For example ' +
+ '"vm_rss_final_b/vm_rss_f_b"')
+ parser.add_option('-w', '--working_directory',
+ type='str',
+ help='Path to the working directory where the script will '
+ 'do an initial checkout of the chromium depot. The '
+ 'files will be placed in a subdirectory "bisect" under '
+ 'working_directory and that will be used to perform the '
+ 'bisection. This parameter is optional, if it is not '
+ 'supplied, the script will work from the current depot.')
+ parser.add_option('-r', '--repeat_test_count',
+ type='int',
+ default=20,
+ help='The number of times to repeat the performance test. '
+ 'Values will be clamped to range [1, 100]. '
+ 'Default value is 20.')
+ parser.add_option('--repeat_test_max_time',
+ type='int',
+ default=20,
+ help='The maximum time (in minutes) to take running the '
+ 'performance tests. The script will run the performance '
+ 'tests according to --repeat_test_count, so long as it '
+ 'doesn\'t exceed --repeat_test_max_time. Values will be '
+ 'clamped to range [1, 60].'
+ 'Default value is 20.')
+ parser.add_option('-t', '--truncate_percent',
+ type='int',
+ default=25,
+ help='The highest/lowest % are discarded to form a '
+ 'truncated mean. Values will be clamped to range [0, 25]. '
+ 'Default value is 25 (highest/lowest 25% will be '
+ 'discarded).')
+ parser.add_option('--build_preference',
+ type='choice',
+ choices=['msvs', 'ninja', 'make'],
+ help='The preferred build system to use. On linux/mac '
+ 'the options are make/ninja. On Windows, the options '
+ 'are msvs/ninja.')
+ parser.add_option('--target_platform',
+ type='choice',
+ choices=['chromium', 'cros', 'android'],
+ default='chromium',
+ help='The target platform. Choices are "chromium" (current '
+ 'platform), "cros", or "android". If you specify something '
+ 'other than "chromium", you must be properly set up to '
+ 'build that platform.')
+ parser.add_option('--cros_board',
+ type='str',
+ help='The cros board type to build.')
+ parser.add_option('--cros_remote_ip',
+ type='str',
+ help='The remote machine to image to.')
+ parser.add_option('--use_goma',
+ action="store_true",
+ help='Add a bunch of extra threads for goma.')
+ parser.add_option('--output_buildbot_annotations',
+ action="store_true",
+ help='Add extra annotation output for buildbot.')
+ parser.add_option('--debug_ignore_build',
+ action="store_true",
+ help='DEBUG: Don\'t perform builds.')
+ parser.add_option('--debug_ignore_sync',
+ action="store_true",
+ help='DEBUG: Don\'t perform syncs.')
+ parser.add_option('--debug_ignore_perf_test',
+ action="store_true",
+ help='DEBUG: Don\'t perform performance tests.')
+ (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ if not opts.command:
+ print 'Error: missing required parameter: --command'
+ print
+ parser.print_help()
+ return 1
+ if not opts.good_revision:
+ print 'Error: missing required parameter: --good_revision'
+ print
+ parser.print_help()
+ return 1
+ if not opts.bad_revision:
+ print 'Error: missing required parameter: --bad_revision'
+ print
+ parser.print_help()
+ return 1
+ if not opts.metric:
+ print 'Error: missing required parameter: --metric'
+ print
+ parser.print_help()
+ return 1
+ if opts.target_platform == 'cros':
+ # Run sudo up front to make sure credentials are cached for later.
+ print 'Sudo is required to build cros:'
+ print
+ RunProcess(['sudo', 'true'])
+ if not opts.cros_board:
+ print 'Error: missing required parameter: --cros_board'
+ print
+ parser.print_help()
+ return 1
+ if not opts.cros_remote_ip:
+ print 'Error: missing required parameter: --cros_remote_ip'
+ print
+ parser.print_help()
+ return 1
+ if not opts.working_directory:
+ print 'Error: missing required parameter: --working_directory'
+ print
+ parser.print_help()
+ return 1
+ opts.repeat_test_count = min(max(opts.repeat_test_count, 1), 100)
+ opts.repeat_test_max_time = min(max(opts.repeat_test_max_time, 1), 60)
+ opts.truncate_percent = min(max(opts.truncate_percent, 0), 25)
+ opts.truncate_percent = opts.truncate_percent / 100.0
+ metric_values = opts.metric.split('/')
+ if len(metric_values) != 2:
+ print "Invalid metric specified: [%s]" % (opts.metric,)
+ print
+ return 1
+ if opts.working_directory:
+ if bisect_utils.CreateBisectDirectoryAndSetupDepot(opts):
+ return 1
+ if not bisect_utils.SetupPlatformBuildEnvironment(opts):
+ print 'Error: Failed to set platform environment.'
+ print
+ return 1
+ os.chdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'src'))
+ if not RemoveBuildFiles():
+ print "Something went wrong removing the build files."
+ print
+ return 1
+ if not CheckPlatformSupported(opts):
+ return 1
+ # Check what source control method they're using. Only support git workflow
+ # at the moment.
+ source_control = DetermineAndCreateSourceControl(opts)
+ if not source_control:
+ print "Sorry, only the git workflow is supported at the moment."
+ print
+ return 1
+ # gClient sync seems to fail if you're not in master branch.
+ if not source_control.IsInProperBranch() and not opts.debug_ignore_sync:
+ print "You must switch to master branch to run bisection."
+ print
+ return 1
+ bisect_test = BisectPerformanceMetrics(source_control, opts)
+ try:
+ bisect_results = bisect_test.Run(opts.command,
+ opts.bad_revision,
+ opts.good_revision,
+ metric_values)
+ if not(bisect_results['error']):
+ bisect_test.FormatAndPrintResults(bisect_results)
+ finally:
+ bisect_test.PerformCleanup()
+ if not(bisect_results['error']):
+ return 0
+ else:
+ print 'Error: ' + bisect_results['error']
+ print
+ return 1
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main())