path: root/chromium/ash/launcher/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/ash/launcher/')
1 files changed, 1147 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/ash/launcher/ b/chromium/ash/launcher/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..77316553cf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/ash/launcher/
@@ -0,0 +1,1147 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "ash/launcher/launcher_view.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
+#include "ash/ash_switches.h"
+#include "ash/launcher/launcher.h"
+#include "ash/launcher/launcher_button.h"
+#include "ash/launcher/launcher_icon_observer.h"
+#include "ash/launcher/launcher_model.h"
+#include "ash/launcher/launcher_tooltip_manager.h"
+#include "ash/launcher/launcher_types.h"
+#include "ash/root_window_controller.h"
+#include "ash/shelf/shelf_layout_manager.h"
+#include "ash/shelf/shelf_widget.h"
+#include "ash/shell.h"
+#include "ash/shell_window_ids.h"
+#include "ash/test/ash_test_base.h"
+#include "ash/test/launcher_view_test_api.h"
+#include "ash/test/shell_test_api.h"
+#include "ash/test/test_launcher_delegate.h"
+#include "base/basictypes.h"
+#include "base/command_line.h"
+#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "grit/ash_resources.h"
+#include "ui/aura/root_window.h"
+#include "ui/aura/test/aura_test_base.h"
+#include "ui/aura/test/event_generator.h"
+#include "ui/aura/window.h"
+#include "ui/base/events/event.h"
+#include "ui/base/events/event_constants.h"
+#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
+#include "ui/compositor/layer.h"
+#include "ui/views/view_model.h"
+#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
+#include "ui/views/widget/widget_delegate.h"
+namespace ash {
+namespace test {
+// LauncherIconObserver tests.
+class TestLauncherIconObserver : public LauncherIconObserver {
+ public:
+ explicit TestLauncherIconObserver(Launcher* launcher)
+ : launcher_(launcher),
+ change_notified_(false) {
+ if (launcher_)
+ launcher_->AddIconObserver(this);
+ }
+ virtual ~TestLauncherIconObserver() {
+ if (launcher_)
+ launcher_->RemoveIconObserver(this);
+ }
+ // LauncherIconObserver implementation.
+ virtual void OnLauncherIconPositionsChanged() OVERRIDE {
+ change_notified_ = true;
+ }
+ int change_notified() const { return change_notified_; }
+ void Reset() { change_notified_ = false; }
+ private:
+ Launcher* launcher_;
+ bool change_notified_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TestLauncherIconObserver);
+class LauncherViewIconObserverTest : public ash::test::AshTestBase {
+ public:
+ LauncherViewIconObserverTest() {}
+ virtual ~LauncherViewIconObserverTest() {}
+ virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
+ AshTestBase::SetUp();
+ Launcher* launcher = Launcher::ForPrimaryDisplay();
+ observer_.reset(new TestLauncherIconObserver(launcher));
+ launcher_view_test_.reset(new LauncherViewTestAPI(
+ launcher->GetLauncherViewForTest()));
+ launcher_view_test_->SetAnimationDuration(1);
+ }
+ virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE {
+ observer_.reset();
+ AshTestBase::TearDown();
+ }
+ TestLauncherIconObserver* observer() { return observer_.get(); }
+ LauncherViewTestAPI* launcher_view_test() {
+ return launcher_view_test_.get();
+ }
+ Launcher* LauncherForSecondaryDisplay() {
+ return Launcher::ForWindow(Shell::GetAllRootWindows()[1]);
+ }
+ private:
+ scoped_ptr<TestLauncherIconObserver> observer_;
+ scoped_ptr<LauncherViewTestAPI> launcher_view_test_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LauncherViewIconObserverTest);
+TEST_F(LauncherViewIconObserverTest, AddRemove) {
+ ash::test::TestLauncherDelegate* launcher_delegate =
+ ash::test::TestLauncherDelegate::instance();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(launcher_delegate);
+ views::Widget::InitParams params(views::Widget::InitParams::TYPE_WINDOW);
+ params.ownership = views::Widget::InitParams::WIDGET_OWNS_NATIVE_WIDGET;
+ params.bounds = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 200, 200);
+ params.context = CurrentContext();
+ scoped_ptr<views::Widget> widget(new views::Widget());
+ widget->Init(params);
+ launcher_delegate->AddLauncherItem(widget->GetNativeWindow());
+ launcher_view_test()->RunMessageLoopUntilAnimationsDone();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(observer()->change_notified());
+ observer()->Reset();
+ widget->Show();
+ widget->GetNativeWindow()->parent()->RemoveChild(widget->GetNativeWindow());
+ launcher_view_test()->RunMessageLoopUntilAnimationsDone();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(observer()->change_notified());
+ observer()->Reset();
+// Sometimes fails on trybots on win7_aura.
+#if defined(OS_WIN)
+#define MAYBE_AddRemoveWithMultipleDisplays \
+ DISABLED_AddRemoveWithMultipleDisplays
+#define MAYBE_AddRemoveWithMultipleDisplays \
+ AddRemoveWithMultipleDisplays
+// Make sure creating/deleting an window on one displays notifies a
+// launcher on external display as well as one on primary.
+TEST_F(LauncherViewIconObserverTest, MAYBE_AddRemoveWithMultipleDisplays) {
+ UpdateDisplay("400x400,400x400");
+ TestLauncherIconObserver second_observer(LauncherForSecondaryDisplay());
+ ash::test::TestLauncherDelegate* launcher_delegate =
+ ash::test::TestLauncherDelegate::instance();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(launcher_delegate);
+ views::Widget::InitParams params(views::Widget::InitParams::TYPE_WINDOW);
+ params.ownership = views::Widget::InitParams::WIDGET_OWNS_NATIVE_WIDGET;
+ params.bounds = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 200, 200);
+ params.context = CurrentContext();
+ scoped_ptr<views::Widget> widget(new views::Widget());
+ widget->Init(params);
+ launcher_delegate->AddLauncherItem(widget->GetNativeWindow());
+ launcher_view_test()->RunMessageLoopUntilAnimationsDone();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(observer()->change_notified());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(second_observer.change_notified());
+ observer()->Reset();
+ second_observer.Reset();
+ widget->GetNativeWindow()->parent()->RemoveChild(widget->GetNativeWindow());
+ launcher_view_test()->RunMessageLoopUntilAnimationsDone();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(observer()->change_notified());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(second_observer.change_notified());
+ observer()->Reset();
+ second_observer.Reset();
+TEST_F(LauncherViewIconObserverTest, BoundsChanged) {
+ ash::ShelfWidget* shelf = Shell::GetPrimaryRootWindowController()->shelf();
+ Launcher* launcher = Launcher::ForPrimaryDisplay();
+ gfx::Size shelf_size =
+ shelf->GetWindowBoundsInScreen().size();
+ shelf_size.set_width(shelf_size.width() / 2);
+ ASSERT_GT(shelf_size.width(), 0);
+ launcher->SetLauncherViewBounds(gfx::Rect(shelf_size));
+ // No animation happens for LauncherView bounds change.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(observer()->change_notified());
+ observer()->Reset();
+// LauncherView tests.
+class LauncherViewTest : public AshTestBase {
+ public:
+ LauncherViewTest() : model_(NULL), launcher_view_(NULL) {}
+ virtual ~LauncherViewTest() {}
+ virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
+ AshTestBase::SetUp();
+ test::ShellTestApi test_api(Shell::GetInstance());
+ model_ = test_api.launcher_model();
+ Launcher* launcher = Launcher::ForPrimaryDisplay();
+ launcher_view_ = launcher->GetLauncherViewForTest();
+ // The bounds should be big enough for 4 buttons + overflow chevron.
+ launcher_view_->SetBounds(0, 0, 500, 50);
+ test_api_.reset(new LauncherViewTestAPI(launcher_view_));
+ test_api_->SetAnimationDuration(1); // Speeds up animation for test.
+ // Add browser shortcut launcher item at index 0 for test.
+ AddBrowserShortcut();
+ }
+ virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE {
+ test_api_.reset();
+ AshTestBase::TearDown();
+ }
+ protected:
+ LauncherID AddBrowserShortcut() {
+ LauncherItem browser_shortcut;
+ browser_shortcut.type = TYPE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT;
+ browser_shortcut.is_incognito = false;
+ LauncherID id = model_->next_id();
+ model_->AddAt(0, browser_shortcut);
+ test_api_->RunMessageLoopUntilAnimationsDone();
+ return id;
+ }
+ LauncherID AddAppShortcut() {
+ LauncherItem item;
+ item.type = TYPE_APP_SHORTCUT;
+ item.status = STATUS_CLOSED;
+ LauncherID id = model_->next_id();
+ model_->Add(item);
+ test_api_->RunMessageLoopUntilAnimationsDone();
+ return id;
+ }
+ LauncherID AddTabbedBrowserNoWait() {
+ LauncherItem item;
+ item.type = TYPE_TABBED;
+ item.status = STATUS_RUNNING;
+ LauncherID id = model_->next_id();
+ model_->Add(item);
+ return id;
+ }
+ LauncherID AddTabbedBrowser() {
+ LauncherID id = AddTabbedBrowserNoWait();
+ test_api_->RunMessageLoopUntilAnimationsDone();
+ return id;
+ }
+ LauncherID AddPanel() {
+ LauncherID id = AddPanelNoWait();
+ test_api_->RunMessageLoopUntilAnimationsDone();
+ return id;
+ }
+ LauncherID AddPlatformAppNoWait() {
+ LauncherItem item;
+ item.type = TYPE_PLATFORM_APP;
+ item.status = STATUS_RUNNING;
+ LauncherID id = model_->next_id();
+ model_->Add(item);
+ return id;
+ }
+ LauncherID AddPanelNoWait() {
+ LauncherItem item;
+ item.type = TYPE_APP_PANEL;
+ item.status = STATUS_RUNNING;
+ LauncherID id = model_->next_id();
+ model_->Add(item);
+ return id;
+ }
+ LauncherID AddPlatformApp() {
+ LauncherID id = AddPlatformAppNoWait();
+ test_api_->RunMessageLoopUntilAnimationsDone();
+ return id;
+ }
+ void RemoveByID(LauncherID id) {
+ model_->RemoveItemAt(model_->ItemIndexByID(id));
+ test_api_->RunMessageLoopUntilAnimationsDone();
+ }
+ internal::LauncherButton* GetButtonByID(LauncherID id) {
+ int index = model_->ItemIndexByID(id);
+ return test_api_->GetButton(index);
+ }
+ LauncherItem GetItemByID(LauncherID id) {
+ LauncherItems::const_iterator items = model_->ItemByID(id);
+ return *items;
+ }
+ void CheckModelIDs(
+ const std::vector<std::pair<LauncherID, views::View*> >& id_map) {
+ size_t map_index = 0;
+ for (size_t model_index = 0;
+ model_index < model_->items().size();
+ ++model_index) {
+ ash::LauncherItem item = model_->items()[model_index];
+ ash::LauncherID id =;
+ EXPECT_EQ(id_map[map_index].first, id);
+ EXPECT_EQ(id_map[map_index].second, GetButtonByID(id));
+ ++map_index;
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(map_index, id_map.size());
+ }
+ void VerifyLauncherItemBoundsAreValid() {
+ for (int i=0;i <= test_api_->GetLastVisibleIndex(); ++i) {
+ if (test_api_->GetButton(i)) {
+ gfx::Rect launcher_view_bounds = launcher_view_->GetLocalBounds();
+ gfx::Rect item_bounds = test_api_->GetBoundsByIndex(i);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(item_bounds.x() >= 0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(item_bounds.y() >= 0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(item_bounds.right() <= launcher_view_bounds.width());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(item_bounds.bottom() <= launcher_view_bounds.height());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ views::View* SimulateButtonPressed(
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost::Pointer pointer,
+ int button_index) {
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost* button_host = launcher_view_;
+ views::View* button = test_api_->GetButton(button_index);
+ ui::MouseEvent click_event(ui::ET_MOUSE_PRESSED,
+ button->bounds().origin(),
+ button->bounds().origin(), 0);
+ button_host->PointerPressedOnButton(button, pointer, click_event);
+ return button;
+ }
+ views::View* SimulateClick(internal::LauncherButtonHost::Pointer pointer,
+ int button_index) {
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost* button_host = launcher_view_;
+ views::View* button = SimulateButtonPressed(pointer, button_index);
+ button_host->PointerReleasedOnButton(button,
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost::MOUSE,
+ false);
+ return button;
+ }
+ views::View* SimulateDrag(internal::LauncherButtonHost::Pointer pointer,
+ int button_index,
+ int destination_index) {
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost* button_host = launcher_view_;
+ views::View* button = SimulateButtonPressed(pointer, button_index);
+ // Drag.
+ views::View* destination = test_api_->GetButton(destination_index);
+ ui::MouseEvent drag_event(ui::ET_MOUSE_DRAGGED,
+ destination->bounds().origin(),
+ destination->bounds().origin(), 0);
+ button_host->PointerDraggedOnButton(button, pointer, drag_event);
+ return button;
+ }
+ void SetupForDragTest(
+ std::vector<std::pair<LauncherID, views::View*> >* id_map) {
+ // Initialize |id_map| with the automatically-created launcher buttons.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < model_->items().size(); ++i) {
+ internal::LauncherButton* button = test_api_->GetButton(i);
+ id_map->push_back(std::make_pair(model_->items()[i].id, button));
+ }
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CheckModelIDs(*id_map));
+ // Add 5 app launcher buttons for testing.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+ LauncherID id = AddAppShortcut();
+ // browser shortcut is located at index 0. So we should start to add app
+ // shortcut at index 1.
+ id_map->insert(id_map->begin() + (i + 1),
+ std::make_pair(id, GetButtonByID(id)));
+ }
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CheckModelIDs(*id_map));
+ }
+ views::View* GetTooltipAnchorView() {
+ return launcher_view_->tooltip_manager()->anchor_;
+ }
+ void ShowTooltip() {
+ launcher_view_->tooltip_manager()->ShowInternal();
+ }
+ LauncherModel* model_;
+ internal::LauncherView* launcher_view_;
+ scoped_ptr<LauncherViewTestAPI> test_api_;
+ private:
+class LauncherViewTextDirectionTest
+ : public LauncherViewTest,
+ public testing::WithParamInterface<bool> {
+ public:
+ LauncherViewTextDirectionTest() : is_rtl_(GetParam()) {}
+ virtual ~LauncherViewTextDirectionTest() {}
+ virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
+ LauncherViewTest::SetUp();
+ original_locale_ = l10n_util::GetApplicationLocale(std::string());
+ if (is_rtl_)
+ base::i18n::SetICUDefaultLocale("he");
+ ASSERT_EQ(is_rtl_, base::i18n::IsRTL());
+ }
+ virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE {
+ if (is_rtl_)
+ base::i18n::SetICUDefaultLocale(original_locale_);
+ LauncherViewTest::TearDown();
+ }
+ private:
+ bool is_rtl_;
+ std::string original_locale_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LauncherViewTextDirectionTest);
+// Checks that the ideal item icon bounds match the view's bounds in the screen
+// in both LTR and RTL.
+TEST_P(LauncherViewTextDirectionTest, IdealBoundsOfItemIcon) {
+ LauncherID id = AddTabbedBrowser();
+ internal::LauncherButton* button = GetButtonByID(id);
+ gfx::Rect item_bounds = button->GetBoundsInScreen();
+ gfx::Point icon_offset = button->GetIconBounds().origin();
+ item_bounds.Offset(icon_offset.OffsetFromOrigin());
+ gfx::Rect ideal_bounds = launcher_view_->GetIdealBoundsOfItemIcon(id);
+ gfx::Point screen_origin;
+ views::View::ConvertPointToScreen(launcher_view_, &screen_origin);
+ ideal_bounds.Offset(screen_origin.x(), screen_origin.y());
+ EXPECT_EQ(item_bounds.x(), ideal_bounds.x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(item_bounds.y(), ideal_bounds.y());
+// Checks that launcher view contents are considered in the correct drag group.
+TEST_F(LauncherViewTest, EnforceDragType) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(test_api_->SameDragType(TYPE_APP_SHORTCUT,
+// Adds browser button until overflow and verifies that the last added browser
+// button is hidden.
+TEST_F(LauncherViewTest, AddBrowserUntilOverflow) {
+ // All buttons should be visible.
+ ASSERT_EQ(test_api_->GetLastVisibleIndex() + 1,
+ test_api_->GetButtonCount());
+ // Add tabbed browser until overflow.
+ int items_added = 0;
+ LauncherID last_added = AddTabbedBrowser();
+ while (!test_api_->IsOverflowButtonVisible()) {
+ // Added button is visible after animation while in this loop.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetButtonByID(last_added)->visible());
+ last_added = AddTabbedBrowser();
+ ++items_added;
+ ASSERT_LT(items_added, 10000);
+ }
+ // The last added button should be invisible.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetButtonByID(last_added)->visible());
+// Adds one browser button then adds app shortcut until overflow. Verifies that
+// the browser button gets hidden on overflow and last added app shortcut is
+// still visible.
+TEST_F(LauncherViewTest, AddAppShortcutWithBrowserButtonUntilOverflow) {
+ // All buttons should be visible.
+ ASSERT_EQ(test_api_->GetLastVisibleIndex() + 1,
+ test_api_->GetButtonCount());
+ LauncherID browser_button_id = AddTabbedBrowser();
+ // Add app shortcut until overflow.
+ int items_added = 0;
+ LauncherID last_added = AddAppShortcut();
+ while (!test_api_->IsOverflowButtonVisible()) {
+ // Added button is visible after animation while in this loop.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetButtonByID(last_added)->visible());
+ last_added = AddAppShortcut();
+ ++items_added;
+ ASSERT_LT(items_added, 10000);
+ }
+ // The last added app short button should be visible.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetButtonByID(last_added)->visible());
+ // And the browser button is invisible.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetButtonByID(browser_button_id)->visible());
+TEST_F(LauncherViewTest, AddPanelHidesTabbedBrowser) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(test_api_->GetLastVisibleIndex() + 1,
+ test_api_->GetButtonCount());
+ // Add tabbed browser until overflow, remember last visible tabbed browser.
+ int items_added = 0;
+ LauncherID first_added = AddTabbedBrowser();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetButtonByID(first_added)->visible());
+ LauncherID last_visible = first_added;
+ while (true) {
+ LauncherID added = AddTabbedBrowser();
+ if (test_api_->IsOverflowButtonVisible()) {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetButtonByID(added)->visible());
+ break;
+ }
+ last_visible = added;
+ ++items_added;
+ ASSERT_LT(items_added, 10000);
+ }
+ LauncherID panel = AddPanel();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetButtonByID(panel)->visible());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetButtonByID(last_visible)->visible());
+ RemoveByID(panel);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetButtonByID(last_visible)->visible());
+// When there are more panels then browsers we should hide panels rather
+// than browsers.
+TEST_F(LauncherViewTest, BrowserHidesExcessPanels) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(test_api_->GetLastVisibleIndex() + 1,
+ test_api_->GetButtonCount());
+ // Add tabbed browser.
+ LauncherID browser = AddTabbedBrowser();
+ LauncherID first_panel = AddPanel();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetButtonByID(browser)->visible());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetButtonByID(first_panel)->visible());
+ // Add panels until there is an overflow.
+ LauncherID last_panel = first_panel;
+ int items_added = 0;
+ while (!test_api_->IsOverflowButtonVisible()) {
+ last_panel = AddPanel();
+ ++items_added;
+ ASSERT_LT(items_added, 10000);
+ }
+ // The first panel should now be hidden by the new browsers needing space.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetButtonByID(first_panel)->visible());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetButtonByID(last_panel)->visible());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetButtonByID(browser)->visible());
+ // Adding browsers should eventually begin to hide browsers. We will add
+ // browsers until either the last panel or browser is hidden.
+ items_added = 0;
+ while (GetButtonByID(browser)->visible() &&
+ GetButtonByID(last_panel)->visible()) {
+ browser = AddTabbedBrowser();
+ ++items_added;
+ ASSERT_LT(items_added, 10000);
+ }
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetButtonByID(last_panel)->visible());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetButtonByID(browser)->visible());
+// Adds button until overflow then removes first added one. Verifies that
+// the last added one changes from invisible to visible and overflow
+// chevron is gone.
+TEST_F(LauncherViewTest, RemoveButtonRevealsOverflowed) {
+ // All buttons should be visible.
+ ASSERT_EQ(test_api_->GetLastVisibleIndex() + 1,
+ test_api_->GetButtonCount());
+ // Add tabbed browser until overflow.
+ int items_added = 0;
+ LauncherID first_added = AddTabbedBrowser();
+ LauncherID last_added = first_added;
+ while (!test_api_->IsOverflowButtonVisible()) {
+ last_added = AddTabbedBrowser();
+ ++items_added;
+ ASSERT_LT(items_added, 10000);
+ }
+ // Expect add more than 1 button. First added is visible and last is not.
+ EXPECT_NE(first_added, last_added);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetButtonByID(first_added)->visible());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetButtonByID(last_added)->visible());
+ // Remove first added.
+ RemoveByID(first_added);
+ // Last added button becomes visible and overflow chevron is gone.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetButtonByID(last_added)->visible());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1.0f, GetButtonByID(last_added)->layer()->opacity());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(test_api_->IsOverflowButtonVisible());
+// Verifies that remove last overflowed button should hide overflow chevron.
+TEST_F(LauncherViewTest, RemoveLastOverflowed) {
+ // All buttons should be visible.
+ ASSERT_EQ(test_api_->GetLastVisibleIndex() + 1,
+ test_api_->GetButtonCount());
+ // Add tabbed browser until overflow.
+ int items_added = 0;
+ LauncherID last_added = AddTabbedBrowser();
+ while (!test_api_->IsOverflowButtonVisible()) {
+ last_added = AddTabbedBrowser();
+ ++items_added;
+ ASSERT_LT(items_added, 10000);
+ }
+ RemoveByID(last_added);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(test_api_->IsOverflowButtonVisible());
+// Adds browser button without waiting for animation to finish and verifies
+// that all added buttons are visible.
+TEST_F(LauncherViewTest, AddButtonQuickly) {
+ // All buttons should be visible.
+ ASSERT_EQ(test_api_->GetLastVisibleIndex() + 1,
+ test_api_->GetButtonCount());
+ // Add a few tabbed browser quickly without wait for animation.
+ int added_count = 0;
+ while (!test_api_->IsOverflowButtonVisible()) {
+ AddTabbedBrowserNoWait();
+ ++added_count;
+ ASSERT_LT(added_count, 10000);
+ }
+ // LauncherView should be big enough to hold at least 3 new buttons.
+ ASSERT_GE(added_count, 3);
+ // Wait for the last animation to finish.
+ test_api_->RunMessageLoopUntilAnimationsDone();
+ // Verifies non-overflow buttons are visible.
+ for (int i = 0; i <= test_api_->GetLastVisibleIndex(); ++i) {
+ internal::LauncherButton* button = test_api_->GetButton(i);
+ if (button) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(button->visible()) << "button index=" << i;
+ EXPECT_EQ(1.0f, button->layer()->opacity()) << "button index=" << i;
+ }
+ }
+// Check that model changes are handled correctly while a launcher icon is being
+// dragged.
+TEST_F(LauncherViewTest, ModelChangesWhileDragging) {
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost* button_host = launcher_view_;
+ std::vector<std::pair<LauncherID, views::View*> > id_map;
+ SetupForDragTest(&id_map);
+ // Dragging browser shortcut at index 0.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(model_->items()[0].type == TYPE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT);
+ views::View* dragged_button = SimulateDrag(
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost::MOUSE, 0, 2);
+ std::rotate(id_map.begin(),
+ id_map.begin() + 1,
+ id_map.begin() + 3);
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CheckModelIDs(id_map));
+ button_host->PointerReleasedOnButton(dragged_button,
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost::MOUSE,
+ false);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(model_->items()[2].type == TYPE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT);
+ // Dragging changes model order.
+ dragged_button = SimulateDrag(
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost::MOUSE, 0, 2);
+ std::rotate(id_map.begin(),
+ id_map.begin() + 1,
+ id_map.begin() + 3);
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CheckModelIDs(id_map));
+ // Cancelling the drag operation restores previous order.
+ button_host->PointerReleasedOnButton(dragged_button,
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost::MOUSE,
+ true);
+ std::rotate(id_map.begin(),
+ id_map.begin() + 2,
+ id_map.begin() + 3);
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CheckModelIDs(id_map));
+ // Deleting an item keeps the remaining intact.
+ dragged_button = SimulateDrag(internal::LauncherButtonHost::MOUSE, 0, 2);
+ model_->RemoveItemAt(1);
+ id_map.erase(id_map.begin() + 1);
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CheckModelIDs(id_map));
+ button_host->PointerReleasedOnButton(dragged_button,
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost::MOUSE,
+ false);
+ // Adding a launcher item cancels the drag and respects the order.
+ dragged_button = SimulateDrag(internal::LauncherButtonHost::MOUSE, 0, 2);
+ LauncherID new_id = AddAppShortcut();
+ id_map.insert(id_map.begin() + 5,
+ std::make_pair(new_id, GetButtonByID(new_id)));
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CheckModelIDs(id_map));
+ button_host->PointerReleasedOnButton(dragged_button,
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost::MOUSE,
+ false);
+ // Adding a launcher item at the end (i.e. a panel) canels drag and respects
+ // the order.
+ dragged_button = SimulateDrag(internal::LauncherButtonHost::MOUSE, 0, 2);
+ new_id = AddPanel();
+ id_map.insert(id_map.begin() + 7,
+ std::make_pair(new_id, GetButtonByID(new_id)));
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CheckModelIDs(id_map));
+ button_host->PointerReleasedOnButton(dragged_button,
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost::MOUSE,
+ false);
+// Check that 2nd drag from the other pointer would be ignored.
+TEST_F(LauncherViewTest, SimultaneousDrag) {
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost* button_host = launcher_view_;
+ std::vector<std::pair<LauncherID, views::View*> > id_map;
+ SetupForDragTest(&id_map);
+ // Start a mouse drag.
+ views::View* dragged_button_mouse = SimulateDrag(
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost::MOUSE, 0, 2);
+ std::rotate(id_map.begin(),
+ id_map.begin() + 1,
+ id_map.begin() + 3);
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CheckModelIDs(id_map));
+ // Attempt a touch drag before the mouse drag finishes.
+ views::View* dragged_button_touch = SimulateDrag(
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost::TOUCH, 3, 1);
+ // Nothing changes since 2nd drag is ignored.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CheckModelIDs(id_map));
+ // Finish the mouse drag.
+ button_host->PointerReleasedOnButton(dragged_button_mouse,
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost::MOUSE,
+ false);
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CheckModelIDs(id_map));
+ // Now start a touch drag.
+ dragged_button_touch = SimulateDrag(
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost::TOUCH, 3, 1);
+ std::rotate(id_map.begin() + 2,
+ id_map.begin() + 3,
+ id_map.begin() + 4);
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CheckModelIDs(id_map));
+ // And attempt a mouse drag before the touch drag finishes.
+ dragged_button_mouse = SimulateDrag(
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost::MOUSE, 0, 1);
+ // Nothing changes since 2nd drag is ignored.
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CheckModelIDs(id_map));
+ button_host->PointerReleasedOnButton(dragged_button_touch,
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost::TOUCH,
+ false);
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CheckModelIDs(id_map));
+// Check that clicking first on one item and then dragging another works as
+// expected.
+TEST_F(LauncherViewTest, ClickOneDragAnother) {
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost* button_host = launcher_view_;
+ std::vector<std::pair<LauncherID, views::View*> > id_map;
+ SetupForDragTest(&id_map);
+ // A click on item 1 is simulated.
+ SimulateClick(internal::LauncherButtonHost::MOUSE, 1);
+ // Dragging browser index at 0 should change the model order correctly.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(model_->items()[0].type == TYPE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT);
+ views::View* dragged_button = SimulateDrag(
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost::MOUSE, 0, 2);
+ std::rotate(id_map.begin(),
+ id_map.begin() + 1,
+ id_map.begin() + 3);
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CheckModelIDs(id_map));
+ button_host->PointerReleasedOnButton(dragged_button,
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost::MOUSE,
+ false);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(model_->items()[2].type == TYPE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT);
+// Confirm that item status changes are reflected in the buttons.
+TEST_F(LauncherViewTest, LauncherItemStatus) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(test_api_->GetLastVisibleIndex() + 1,
+ test_api_->GetButtonCount());
+ // Add tabbed browser.
+ LauncherID last_added = AddTabbedBrowser();
+ LauncherItem item = GetItemByID(last_added);
+ int index = model_->ItemIndexByID(last_added);
+ internal::LauncherButton* button = GetButtonByID(last_added);
+ ASSERT_EQ(internal::LauncherButton::STATE_RUNNING, button->state());
+ item.status = ash::STATUS_ACTIVE;
+ model_->Set(index, item);
+ ASSERT_EQ(internal::LauncherButton::STATE_ACTIVE, button->state());
+ item.status = ash::STATUS_ATTENTION;
+ model_->Set(index, item);
+ ASSERT_EQ(internal::LauncherButton::STATE_ATTENTION, button->state());
+TEST_F(LauncherViewTest, LauncherItemPositionReflectedOnStateChanged) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(test_api_->GetLastVisibleIndex() + 1,
+ test_api_->GetButtonCount());
+ // Add 2 items to the launcher.
+ LauncherID item1_id = AddTabbedBrowser();
+ LauncherID item2_id = AddPlatformAppNoWait();
+ internal::LauncherButton* item1_button = GetButtonByID(item1_id);
+ internal::LauncherButton* item2_button = GetButtonByID(item2_id);
+ internal::LauncherButton::State state_mask =
+ static_cast<internal::LauncherButton::State>
+ (internal::LauncherButton::STATE_NORMAL |
+ internal::LauncherButton::STATE_HOVERED |
+ internal::LauncherButton::STATE_RUNNING |
+ internal::LauncherButton::STATE_ACTIVE |
+ internal::LauncherButton::STATE_ATTENTION |
+ internal::LauncherButton::STATE_FOCUSED);
+ // Clear the button states.
+ item1_button->ClearState(state_mask);
+ item2_button->ClearState(state_mask);
+ // Since default alignment in tests is bottom, state is reflected in y-axis.
+ ASSERT_EQ(item1_button->GetIconBounds().y(),
+ item2_button->GetIconBounds().y());
+ item1_button->AddState(internal::LauncherButton::STATE_HOVERED);
+ ASSERT_NE(item1_button->GetIconBounds().y(),
+ item2_button->GetIconBounds().y());
+ item1_button->ClearState(internal::LauncherButton::STATE_HOVERED);
+ // Enable the alternate shelf layout.
+ CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->AppendSwitch(
+ ash::switches::kAshUseAlternateShelfLayout);
+ launcher_view_->Layout();
+ // Since default alignment in tests is bottom, state is reflected in y-axis.
+ // In alternate shelf layout there is no visible hovered state.
+ ASSERT_EQ(item1_button->GetIconBounds().y(),
+ item2_button->GetIconBounds().y());
+ item1_button->AddState(internal::LauncherButton::STATE_HOVERED);
+ ASSERT_EQ(item1_button->GetIconBounds().y(),
+ item2_button->GetIconBounds().y());
+// Confirm that item status changes are reflected in the buttons
+// for platform apps.
+TEST_F(LauncherViewTest, LauncherItemStatusPlatformApp) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(test_api_->GetLastVisibleIndex() + 1,
+ test_api_->GetButtonCount());
+ // Add tabbed browser.
+ LauncherID last_added = AddPlatformApp();
+ LauncherItem item = GetItemByID(last_added);
+ int index = model_->ItemIndexByID(last_added);
+ internal::LauncherButton* button = GetButtonByID(last_added);
+ ASSERT_EQ(internal::LauncherButton::STATE_RUNNING, button->state());
+ item.status = ash::STATUS_ACTIVE;
+ model_->Set(index, item);
+ ASSERT_EQ(internal::LauncherButton::STATE_ACTIVE, button->state());
+ item.status = ash::STATUS_ATTENTION;
+ model_->Set(index, item);
+ ASSERT_EQ(internal::LauncherButton::STATE_ATTENTION, button->state());
+// Confirm that launcher item bounds are correctly updated on shelf changes.
+TEST_F(LauncherViewTest, LauncherItemBoundsCheck) {
+ internal::ShelfLayoutManager* shelf_layout_manager =
+ Shell::GetPrimaryRootWindowController()->shelf()->shelf_layout_manager();
+ VerifyLauncherItemBoundsAreValid();
+ shelf_layout_manager->SetAutoHideBehavior(SHELF_AUTO_HIDE_BEHAVIOR_ALWAYS);
+ test_api_->RunMessageLoopUntilAnimationsDone();
+ VerifyLauncherItemBoundsAreValid();
+ shelf_layout_manager->SetAutoHideBehavior(SHELF_AUTO_HIDE_BEHAVIOR_NEVER);
+ test_api_->RunMessageLoopUntilAnimationsDone();
+ VerifyLauncherItemBoundsAreValid();
+TEST_F(LauncherViewTest, LauncherTooltipTest) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(test_api_->GetLastVisibleIndex() + 1,
+ test_api_->GetButtonCount());
+ // Prepare some items to the launcher.
+ LauncherID app_button_id = AddAppShortcut();
+ LauncherID tab_button_id = AddTabbedBrowser();
+ internal::LauncherButton* app_button = GetButtonByID(app_button_id);
+ internal::LauncherButton* tab_button = GetButtonByID(tab_button_id);
+ internal::LauncherButtonHost* button_host = launcher_view_;
+ internal::LauncherTooltipManager* tooltip_manager =
+ launcher_view_->tooltip_manager();
+ button_host->MouseEnteredButton(app_button);
+ // There's a delay to show the tooltip, so it's not visible yet.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(tooltip_manager->IsVisible());
+ EXPECT_EQ(app_button, GetTooltipAnchorView());
+ ShowTooltip();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tooltip_manager->IsVisible());
+ // Once it's visible, it keeps visibility and is pointing to the same
+ // item.
+ button_host->MouseExitedButton(app_button);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tooltip_manager->IsVisible());
+ EXPECT_EQ(app_button, GetTooltipAnchorView());
+ // When entered to another item, it switches to the new item. There is no
+ // delay for the visibility.
+ button_host->MouseEnteredButton(tab_button);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tooltip_manager->IsVisible());
+ EXPECT_EQ(tab_button, GetTooltipAnchorView());
+ button_host->MouseExitedButton(tab_button);
+ tooltip_manager->Close();
+ // Next time: enter app_button -> move immediately to tab_button.
+ button_host->MouseEnteredButton(app_button);
+ button_host->MouseExitedButton(app_button);
+ button_host->MouseEnteredButton(tab_button);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(tooltip_manager->IsVisible());
+ EXPECT_EQ(tab_button, GetTooltipAnchorView());
+TEST_F(LauncherViewTest, ShouldHideTooltipTest) {
+ LauncherID app_button_id = AddAppShortcut();
+ LauncherID tab_button_id = AddTabbedBrowser();
+ // The tooltip shouldn't hide if the mouse is on normal buttons.
+ for (int i = 0; i < test_api_->GetButtonCount(); i++) {
+ internal::LauncherButton* button = test_api_->GetButton(i);
+ if (!button)
+ continue;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(launcher_view_->ShouldHideTooltip(
+ button->GetMirroredBounds().CenterPoint()))
+ << "LauncherView tries to hide on button " << i;
+ }
+ // The tooltip should not hide on the app-list button.
+ views::View* app_list_button = launcher_view_->GetAppListButtonView();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(launcher_view_->ShouldHideTooltip(
+ app_list_button->GetMirroredBounds().CenterPoint()));
+ // The tooltip shouldn't hide if the mouse is in the gap between two buttons.
+ gfx::Rect app_button_rect = GetButtonByID(app_button_id)->GetMirroredBounds();
+ gfx::Rect tab_button_rect = GetButtonByID(tab_button_id)->GetMirroredBounds();
+ ASSERT_FALSE(app_button_rect.Intersects(tab_button_rect));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(launcher_view_->ShouldHideTooltip(
+ gfx::UnionRects(app_button_rect, tab_button_rect).CenterPoint()));
+ // The tooltip should hide if it's outside of all buttons.
+ gfx::Rect all_area;
+ for (int i = 0; i < test_api_->GetButtonCount(); i++) {
+ internal::LauncherButton* button = test_api_->GetButton(i);
+ if (!button)
+ continue;
+ all_area.Union(button->GetMirroredBounds());
+ }
+ all_area.Union(launcher_view_->GetAppListButtonView()->GetMirroredBounds());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(launcher_view_->ShouldHideTooltip(all_area.origin()));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(launcher_view_->ShouldHideTooltip(
+ gfx::Point(all_area.right() - 1, all_area.bottom() - 1)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(launcher_view_->ShouldHideTooltip(
+ gfx::Point(all_area.right(), all_area.y())));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(launcher_view_->ShouldHideTooltip(
+ gfx::Point(all_area.x() - 1, all_area.y())));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(launcher_view_->ShouldHideTooltip(
+ gfx::Point(all_area.x(), all_area.y() - 1)));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(launcher_view_->ShouldHideTooltip(
+ gfx::Point(all_area.x(), all_area.bottom())));
+TEST_F(LauncherViewTest, ShouldHideTooltipWithAppListWindowTest) {
+ Shell::GetInstance()->ToggleAppList(NULL);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(Shell::GetInstance()->GetAppListWindow());
+ // The tooltip shouldn't hide if the mouse is on normal buttons.
+ for (int i = 1; i < test_api_->GetButtonCount(); i++) {
+ internal::LauncherButton* button = test_api_->GetButton(i);
+ if (!button)
+ continue;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(launcher_view_->ShouldHideTooltip(
+ button->GetMirroredBounds().CenterPoint()))
+ << "LauncherView tries to hide on button " << i;
+ }
+ // The tooltip should hide on the app-list button.
+ views::View* app_list_button = launcher_view_->GetAppListButtonView();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(launcher_view_->ShouldHideTooltip(
+ app_list_button->GetMirroredBounds().CenterPoint()));
+// Test that by moving the mouse cursor off the button onto the bubble it closes
+// the bubble.
+TEST_F(LauncherViewTest, ShouldHideTooltipWhenHoveringOnTooltip) {
+ internal::LauncherTooltipManager* tooltip_manager =
+ launcher_view_->tooltip_manager();
+ tooltip_manager->CreateZeroDelayTimerForTest();
+ aura::test::EventGenerator generator(Shell::GetPrimaryRootWindow());
+ // Move the mouse off any item and check that no tooltip is shown.
+ generator.MoveMouseTo(gfx::Point(0, 0));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(tooltip_manager->IsVisible());
+ // Move the mouse over the button and check that it is visible.
+ views::View* app_list_button = launcher_view_->GetAppListButtonView();
+ gfx::Rect bounds = app_list_button->GetBoundsInScreen();
+ generator.MoveMouseTo(bounds.CenterPoint());
+ // Wait for the timer to go off.
+ RunAllPendingInMessageLoop();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tooltip_manager->IsVisible());
+ // Move the mouse cursor slightly to the right of the item. The tooltip should
+ // stay open.
+ generator.MoveMouseBy(-(bounds.width() / 2 + 5), 0);
+ // Make sure there is no delayed close.
+ RunAllPendingInMessageLoop();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tooltip_manager->IsVisible());
+ // Move back - it should still stay open.
+ generator.MoveMouseBy(bounds.width() / 2 + 5, 0);
+ // Make sure there is no delayed close.
+ RunAllPendingInMessageLoop();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(tooltip_manager->IsVisible());
+ // Now move the mouse cursor slightly above the item - so that it is over the
+ // tooltip bubble. Now it should disappear.
+ generator.MoveMouseBy(0, -(bounds.height() / 2 + 5));
+ // Wait until the delayed close kicked in.
+ RunAllPendingInMessageLoop();
+ EXPECT_FALSE(tooltip_manager->IsVisible());
+// Resizing launcher view while an add animation without fade-in is running,
+// which happens when overflow happens. App list button should end up in its
+// new ideal bounds.
+TEST_F(LauncherViewTest, ResizeDuringOverflowAddAnimation) {
+ // All buttons should be visible.
+ ASSERT_EQ(test_api_->GetLastVisibleIndex() + 1,
+ test_api_->GetButtonCount());
+ // Add buttons until overflow. Let the non-overflow add animations finish but
+ // leave the last running.
+ int items_added = 0;
+ AddTabbedBrowserNoWait();
+ while (!test_api_->IsOverflowButtonVisible()) {
+ test_api_->RunMessageLoopUntilAnimationsDone();
+ AddTabbedBrowserNoWait();
+ ++items_added;
+ ASSERT_LT(items_added, 10000);
+ }
+ // Resize launcher view with that animation running and stay overflown.
+ gfx::Rect bounds = launcher_view_->bounds();
+ bounds.set_width(bounds.width() - kLauncherPreferredSize);
+ launcher_view_->SetBoundsRect(bounds);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(test_api_->IsOverflowButtonVisible());
+ // Finish the animation.
+ test_api_->RunMessageLoopUntilAnimationsDone();
+ // App list button should ends up in its new ideal bounds.
+ const int app_list_button_index = test_api_->GetButtonCount() - 1;
+ const gfx::Rect& app_list_ideal_bounds =
+ test_api_->GetIdealBoundsByIndex(app_list_button_index);
+ const gfx::Rect& app_list_bounds =
+ test_api_->GetBoundsByIndex(app_list_button_index);
+ EXPECT_EQ(app_list_bounds, app_list_ideal_bounds);
+// Check that the first item in the list follows Fitt's law by including the
+// first pixel and being therefore bigger then the others.
+TEST_F(LauncherViewTest, CheckFittsLaw) {
+ // All buttons should be visible.
+ ASSERT_EQ(test_api_->GetLastVisibleIndex() + 1,
+ test_api_->GetButtonCount());
+ gfx::Rect ideal_bounds_0 = test_api_->GetIdealBoundsByIndex(0);
+ gfx::Rect ideal_bounds_1 = test_api_->GetIdealBoundsByIndex(1);
+ EXPECT_GT(ideal_bounds_0.width(), ideal_bounds_1.width());
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(LtrRtl, LauncherViewTextDirectionTest, testing::Bool());
+} // namespace test
+} // namespace ash